TTNH :: Volume #17

#1681: This is Nine Tribulations! 【Makes up 13】

At this moment, in entire Capital City, a babel of voices, almost must explode general. 此刻,整个中都城里,已是人声鼎沸,几乎要爆炸一般。 Still had too many people to well up, still momentarily along with inscribing countless people was killed...... 仍旧有太多太多的人在涌进来,仍旧随时随刻有无数的人被杀…… Still had innumerable corpse powders to scatter...... 仍旧有无数的化尸粉撒出去…… The peripheral eight directions, have almost become the seething with excitement sea, even more intense, the central core is extruding gradually. That is Ji Mo Gu Duxing and the others is spreading Sovereign of the Law wantonly is the opinion of Devil, chaotic tide of people that stimulates. 周边的八个方向,几乎已经成了沸腾的大海,愈发的激烈,逐次地着中央核心这边挤压而来。那是纪墨顾独行等人在大肆散布法尊乃是天魔的言论,激发出的混乱人潮。 Do you believe is a matter, can believe also cannot do without believing, this gadget cannot force, so long as the opinion spreads, to certain opportunity, everybody will have discovered 你信不信是一回事,可以信也不可不信,这玩意强迫不得,但只要言论散布出去,到了一定的时机,大家就会发现 This or real! 这或者是真的! This perhaps real! 这也许是真的! This is real! 这是真的! This real! 这就是真的! Has sound intense resounding of fight unceasingly, was actually Nine Tribulation Brothers combat outwardly with Law Enforcer. 不断地有战斗的声音激烈的响起,却是九劫兄弟在与执法者的明面作战了。 How many does Capital City occupy a land area of?” Chu Yang calmly asked. 中都城占地多少?”楚阳静静地发问。 Altogether not big. The words that however the housing total quantity of population, holds surely, most also again add on 34 times, was filled.” Chu Yang self-examines answers: But present outcomer, already surpassing by far this digit.” “一共也没多大。不过千万人口的居住总量,容纳的话,最多也就是再加上34倍,就挤满了。”楚阳自问自答:“但现在的外来者,已经远远超过了这个数字。” Therefore in peripheral, should be similar picture.” “所以在周边,也应该是类似的景象。” That...... The person who if attracts this Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting counts completely, is almost close 100 million appearances!” “那么……若是将这一次天鼎盛会吸引到的人全部计数的话,差不多是接近100000000的样子!” Deduces by this, entire Nine Heavens, almost all masters, already strongly to here! Martial Artist that has not come, more than hundred not one, or is more than thousand not one!?” “以此推论,整个九重天,差不多所有的高手,都已经集中到了这里!没来的武者,百不余一,又或者是千不余一!?” Chu Yang deeply inspired, thought aloud: „...... Really is the Will of Heaven, or is the above person, must draw support from this opportunity, can come one to shuffle Nine Heavens greatly?” 楚阳深深地吸了一口气,自言自语:“难道……真的是天意,又或者是上面的人,要借助这个机会,要将九重天来一个大洗牌?” Thinks of here, Chu Yang is afraid suddenly. 想到这里,楚阳突然不寒而栗。 He has thought of a matter: In other plane, Martial Artist of Supreme level has been able to fly upwards to enter Old Nine Heavens. But in this Nine Heavens Continent. In situation that actually needs at least to reach the grade nine Supreme peak, but must under the chance coincidence, be able to go a step further again. 他想到了一件事:在其他的位面,至尊层次的武者就已经可以飞升进入九重天阙了。但在这个九重天大陆里。却需要至少达到九品至尊巅峰的情况下,还要在机缘巧合下,才能再进一步。 Exception! 例外! Why exceptional? 为什么例外? Can the exception be subsided? 例外会不会被平息? Shakes the head, Chu Yang forbids itself to get down again, now thinks these, is useless in the general situation at present, after useless matter, said again! 摇摇头,楚阳禁止自己再想下去,现在想这些,于眼前大局无益,无益之事等以后再说吧! In room. 房间里。 Mo Tianji sits cross-legged to sit, void Riggin of nine copper coin before him shining void float, revolves spontaneously slowly, is sending out the radiant ray. 莫天机盘膝而坐,九枚铜钱在他面前的虚空里金灿灿的虚空悬浮着,自发地缓缓旋转,散发着璀璨的光芒。 Along with revolving. Mysterious characters suddenly reappearing from void, then suddenly disappearance. 随着旋转。一个个玄奥的字符就从虚空里蓦然的浮现,然后又蓦然的消失。 In the Mo Tianji front, is putting nine small bottle. In each small bottle. Drop of blood, bright red dazzling, does not know that with any method, had not coagulated. 莫天机的面前,放着九只小瓶子。每一只小瓶子里面。都有一滴血,鲜红耀眼,不知用了什么方法,根本还没有凝固。 Ling Muyang came a moment ago, Mo Tianji felt certainly. Except that he believes that Chu Yang can deal with, therefore has not planned to make an appearance beside. Because also he is handling a more important matter. 刚才凌暮阳前来,莫天机当然有所感觉。除了他相信楚阳自己就能应付过去,所以根本就没有打算露面之外。还因为他在做一件更加重要的事情。 Grasps in world divine art, in contains to have exceptionally strange mental technique. 掌握天下神功之中,内中包含有一门异常奇异的心法 Is started by Cultivation, takes other person of essence and blood one drops. 修炼者发动,取其他人精血一滴。 Then takes Cultivation the blood of heart as to direct, in certain time limit, can achieve heart to heart interlinked. 然后以修炼者的心头之血为引,在一定的时限之内,可以做到心心相通。 Mo Tianji does not feel relieved brothers several safety throughout. Does not hesitate to consume cultivation base greatly, uses this different technique, needs to assure brothers' safety. 莫天机始终还是不放心兄弟几个的安危。不惜大耗修为,施展这门异术,务求保证兄弟们的安全。 Front copper coin is revolving. Although the velocity of whirl is very slow, but actually gradually draws empty shades. 面前的铜钱旋转着。虽然旋转速度很慢,但却渐次拉出来一道道虚影。 As the empty shade are getting more and more, deducts also more and more is real, that is dimness. Gradually, in golden light. Disclosed scarlet. 随着虚影越来越多,演绎得也越来越是真实,那是一片一片的朦胧。逐渐的,金光之中。透露出一丝血色。 Gradually, has together the sound of clear and weak heartbeat. Spreads from the empty shade. 逐渐的,有一道清晰而微弱的心跳的声音。从虚影之中传出。 Thump, thump, thump...... 咚,咚,咚…… Mo Tianji grunt, Nine Layered Pill puts in the import, then the left hand arms with knife, a blade has split own chest, in wound, a heart in thump powerful beat. 莫天机闷哼一声,一颗九重丹放进口中,然后左手持刀,一刀就将自己的胸口剖了开来,创口中,一颗心脏在咚咚有力的跳动。 On the face of Mo Tianji has the cold sweat to streaming, but his hand is actually stable, and does not have a hesitation. 莫天机的脸上有冷汗涔涔而出,但他的手却是稳定之极,且无一丝犹豫。 The knife point wields gently, punctured own heart external skin, a drop of perfectly round painstaking care reappeared instantaneously, the knife point selects, that drop of blood departed from the chest, in the meantime, Mo Tianji raises head, Nine Layered Pill in mouth falls into the throat, this cannot hesitate slightly, the ventricle was broken, the heart harms, frequently has the danger of life, Mo Tianji does not have complete version Nine Layered Pill mistakenly in the hand, not necessarily dares to try so the method of risk! 刀尖轻轻一挥之间,已经刺破自己的心脏表皮,一滴滚圆心血瞬间浮现了出来,刀尖一挑,那一滴血已从胸口中飞出,同时,莫天机仰头,口中的九重丹落入喉咙,这可不能稍有迟疑,心室被破,心脏有损,动辄有性命之危,莫天机错非有完整版九重丹在手,也未必敢尝试如此冒险的手段! Under the right hand wields, front that nine small bottle „” complete shatter. 右手一挥之下,面前的那九个小瓶子“啪”的一声全部破碎。 In nine drops of blood, whiz flies in airborne. 内中的九滴鲜血,“嗖”的一声飞在空中。 Regarding that drop of heart blood of Mo Tianji, forms just like a shape of heart. 围绕着莫天机的那一滴心头血,形成宛如一颗心脏的形状。 The golden light dodges greatly, radiant dazzling. 金光大闪,璀璨耀眼。 Mo Tianji spouts a blood again: „Becoming!” 莫天机再将一口鲜血喷出:“成!” Nine copper coin simultaneously unmoving in airborne, a heart of nothingness simultaneously announced the formation, immediately, totaled ten drops of blood to integrate slowly void. 九枚铜钱同时凝定在空中,一颗虚无的心脏同时宣告成型,随即,合共十滴鲜血缓缓地融入虚空。 Nine copper coin fall to return to the Mo Tianji hand in turn, on the Mo Tianji face shows a smiling face, the wound of chest already in cicatrization slowly. 九枚铜钱依次掉回到莫天机手中,莫天机脸上露出一丝笑容,胸口的创伤已经在缓缓的愈合。 Suddenly during, is void restores endless Pure Brightness. “忽”的一声,虚空之中恢复无尽清明。 But in this at the same time, Chu Yang that sits in downstairs, is fighting in four sides eight neat, is tied up Mo Qingwu Gu Duxing Dong Wushang and the others, simultaneously felt a strange feeling. 但就在这同一时间,在楼下坐着的楚阳,在四面八方正在战斗,正在忙得不可开交的莫轻舞顾独行董无伤等人,同时感到了一种奇异的感觉。 Meanwhile, the Mo Tianji sound resounds in the heart synchronously: Everybody do not need to be surprised, from now on, within 36 double-hour, so long as wants to speak with the brothers, only meditated one to be OK in the heart, everybody can certainly hear. If there is encountered the danger, do not show off power, momentarily requests reinforcements to distance near brothers! Yes? Cannot take risk, takes preserving oneself as the first premise!” 于此同时,莫天机的声音同步在心中响起:“大伙不必惊讶,从现在起,36个时辰之内,只要想要与兄弟们说话,只在心中默念一遍就可以了,大家一定能听到的。若是遇到了危险,千万不要逞强,随时向距离较近兄弟们求援!明白么?千万不可冒险,以保全自身为第一前提!” Chu Yang hears this information to be surprised. 楚阳听到这个信息不禁大吃一惊。 Mo Tianji used this to ban the technique eventually. 莫天机终究还是动用了这项禁术。 Such procedure, regarding Mo Tianji, the harm is greatest, he had also discussed with Chu Yang before, Chu Yang severely otherwise certainly, even is forbids him to start heated uses this method the thoughts \; Ends has not thought that now Mo Tianji silently does unexpectedly directly...... 这样做法,对于莫天机自己而言,损害莫大,他之前也曾经与楚阳商量过,楚阳严厉否绝,甚至更是措辞激烈地禁止他起动用这手段的心思\;完没想到现在莫天机居然无声无息直接就做了…… This makes in the Chu Yang heart raise to press to beat violently an impulsion Mo Tianji. 这让楚阳心中升起一股将莫天机摁住狠揍一顿的冲动。 This goods, too did not treasure themselves. 这货,实在是太不珍惜自己了。 Meanwhile moves, follows: Mo Tianji for own these brothers, stopped at nothing seriously...... 但同时又有一股浓浓的感动,也是随之而起:莫天机为了自己的这些兄弟,当真是无所不用其极了…… In this time, Chu Yang is stopping to heart in some people said: Real?” 正在这时,楚阳停到心中有人说道:“真的吗?” Mo Qingwu sound. 正是莫轻舞的声音。 Another person said: Originally real...... I heard Qingwu to speak.” 另一人说道:“原来是真的……我真的听到轻舞说话了。” Speech is actually Xie Danqiong. 说话的却是谢丹琼 Then, a sound of glib called out: Unexpectedly real? This matter, I also try...... Attends to Old Second attending to Old Second attending to Old Second haha......” 接着,一个油腔滑调的声音叫道:“竟然是真的吗?还有这种事啊,我也来试试……顾老二老二老二哇哈哈……” Almost air/Qi a blood to spurt in Gu Duxing of due north direction fight. Clenching jaws in heart middle course: Ji Mo, my inform you, your death, you were waiting for me......” 正在正北方向战斗的顾独行几乎气得一口血喷出来。咬牙切齿的在心中道:“纪墨,我告诉你,你丫的死定了,你等着我的……” Other people is a face smiling face, performs is overjoyed. 其他人都是一脸笑容,尽都是乐不可支。 This made their matches wonder to go bad: In this and other during intense fights, happiness that unexpectedly can be so from the heart? Don't these people have the mental illness? I am fighting with the nerve not normal person actually...... 这让他们的对手们一个个的纳闷坏了:在这等激烈的战斗之中,居然能够如此发自内心的开心?这几个人不是有神经病吧?难道我其实是在和神经不正常的人交手…… ............ ………… At this moment, entire Capital City, from eight directions, some people have spread the identical news: Sovereign of the Law, is Devil!” 此刻,整个中都城,从八个方向,都有人放出了雷同的消息:“法尊,就是天魔!” Everybody must pay attention. Sovereign of the Law is actually Devil, the Devil goal must enslave entire Nine Heavens Continent, turns into their supreme headquarters entire Nine Heavens Continent. Therefore Devil posted the winning bid on once mainland first person of Sovereign of the Law the first important items of demon, collective demon from top to bottom.” “大家要注意。法尊其实就是天魔,天魔的目的就是要奴役整个九重天大陆,将整个九重天大陆变成他们的大本营。所以天魔将魔化的首要目标落到了曾经的大陆第一人法尊身上,自上而下的集体魔化。” Everybody , if not resist, then completely will be changed with brutal means by Devil, becomes Devil Race vassal including oneself. Ten Thousand Tribulations can not be reincarnated.” “大家若是不抵抗,那么就会被天魔用一种惨无人道的办法彻底改变,连自身也成为魔族附庸,而且。万劫不得超生。” Now is the autumn of Nine Heavens Continent critical life or death, if the people do not want to degenerate into demon, rises spiritedly a war, with a Sovereign of the Law war! Fights to the death with Devil of demon being puzzled all living things!” “现在已经是九重天大陆危急存亡之秋,众人若是不想沦为魔物,那么,就奋起一战,与法尊一战!与魔惑众生的天魔决一死战!” Devil to eat lives artificially, evil \; Sovereign of the Law is Devil. In these years do not know that have eaten many people......” 天魔以吃人为生,邪恶至极\;法尊就是天魔。这些年里也不知道吃了多少人啦……” Brother Law Enforcer, Sovereign of the Law is really Devil, I and others am the person of Nine Heavens Continent. Should together, battles with Devil! We hope that you abandoned as soon as possible throw clear(ly) darkly, should not be confused by the Sovereign of the Law for this day demon puppet again......” 执法者兄弟们,法尊真的就是天魔,我等身为九重天大陆之人。理应携手并肩,与天魔作战!希望你们尽快的弃暗投明,不要再被法尊这一天魔傀儡所迷惑……” „......” “……” Various opinions, emerge one after another incessantly, it may be said that is like a raging fire. One pattern after another. 各种言论,层出不穷,可谓如火如荼。花样百出。 The crowd that does not understand the true situation completely is a face is at a loss. 不明真相的人群尽是一脸迷惘。 Real! Real?” “真的么!真的么?” If may too fearful......” “若是真的可太可怕了……” This news is really...... Said that Lord Sovereign of the Law is Devil, these people also really dare to say......” “这消息真是……说法尊大人天魔,这些人还真敢说……” Whether or not. Wants many in any case against, if by any chance real......” “不管是不是。反正要多少防着点,万一是真的呢……” „Is Lord Sovereign of the Law really Devil? Can't?!” “难道法尊大人真的是天魔?不会吧?!” ...... …… As for another part of people, is filled with righteous indignation: „Is Sovereign of the Law Devil? Your his mother eats the excrement! Your is Devil, your whole family is Devil!” 至于另一部分人,则是义愤填膺:“法尊天魔?你他妈去吃屎!你丫的才是天魔,你们全家都是天魔!” That someone dares to slander Lord Sovereign of the Law! You are courting death!” “那谁谁竟敢污蔑法尊大人!你是在找死!” Has killed these spreading rumors and misleading the people bastard! Devil puppet that they truly poison people's minds!” “杀了这几个妖言惑众的杂碎!他们才是真正蛊惑人心的天魔傀儡!” Devil is shouldering civil strife, has killed them!” 天魔在挑起内乱,杀了他们!” On! Do not make them continue to slander Lord Sovereign of the Law again, Lord Sovereign of the Law clear reputation, is they can destroy?” “上!不要让他们再继续诋毁法尊大人了,法尊大人的清誉,也是他们可以破坏的?” Therefore gets rid. 于是纷纷出手。 Mixes Law Enforcer in crowd, after hearing such opinion, without hesitation gets rid toward Gu Duxing and the others. 还有就是混在人群之中的执法者,在听到这样的言论之后,毫不犹豫的向着顾独行等人出手。 Said that Sovereign of the Law malicious remarks, is the enemy! 法尊的坏话,就是敌人! Such idea already thoroughly penetrated their bodies and minds! 这样的理念早就已经彻底深入他们的身心! Gu Duxing and the others receives the arrangement of Mo Tianji and Chu Yang, the matter did not fear that makes in a big way, instead makes the bigger the better, accepting a challenge without hesitation. By their present strengths, on the current environment, is absolutely unapproachable, even if opposite party population dozens times of ideas, hundred times of ideas, do not help matters, but looks unilaterally oppressively! 顾独行等人秉承莫天机楚阳的安排,事情不怕闹得大,反而闹得越大越好,毫不犹豫的应战。以他们现在的战力,就当前的环境,绝对无可匹敌,就算对方人数数十倍计,百倍计,也无济于事,只不过单方面找虐而已! Suddenly, eight directions are being heavily engaged that hits. 一时间,八个方向都是打的不可开交。 Gradually, there is a sound to pass on. 逐渐的,又有声音传出来。 This is Nine Tribulations!” An inspired sound passes on: Is Nine Tribulation Brothers of Sir Master of Nine Tribulations Sword!” “这是九劫!”一个振奋的声音传出来:“是九劫剑主大人的九劫兄弟!” This sound, then such as baseless had the startling thunderclap. 这个声音,便如凭空起了惊雷。 ............ …………
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