TTNH :: Volume #17

#1680: there is nothing to be done 【Makes up 12】

Ling Muyang must the fine beard all open, suddenly tears, hissing sound track: These...... These Law Enforcer, are Iron Bone clank the real man! They have paid lifetime passing of time for the world justly! Even if the brave soldier unavoidable tool bit dies, before general sooner or later, perishes \; Actually should not at the back of the shame reputation, the life illustrious name, the first heroic feelings, ruin in the Devil dense demon atmosphere!” 凌暮阳须髯皆张,突然间老泪纵横,嘶声道:“这些……这些执法者,都是铁骨铮铮的好汉子啊!他们已经为人间正义付出了一生的岁月啊!就算是壮士难免刀头死,将军迟早阵前亡\;却也不应该是背着耻辱的名头,将一生英名,一世豪情,都葬送在天魔氤氲魔氛里!” Ling Muyang face upwards to bellow: Sovereign of the Law! Sovereign of the Law! Did your this deserves death degenerate, how under go well? How do you do to obtain this grade of utterly heartless matter?!” 凌暮阳仰天大吼:“法尊法尊!你这个该死的败类,怎么就下得了手?你怎么就干得出这等丧尽天良的事情?!” All people low-spirited lower the head. 所有人都是黯然垂首。 In the bone-chilling cold cold wind, only heard the Ling Muyang sound hoarse, sorrowful to the extreme obloquied one crazily: Sovereign of the Law! Dongfang Badao! I damn!! I hold your ancestor!!!” 在凛冽的寒风中,就只听到凌暮阳声音嘶哑的、悲痛到了极点的疯狂大骂一声:“法尊东方霸道!我操你妈!!我操你祖宗!!!” All person heart heartfelt vibrations. 所有人心头一阵由衷的震动。 this moment, was listening uncouthly to this to shouting abuse of extreme, not only did not have the least bit to despise, really had an impulsion of shedding tears. 这一刻,听着这等粗鲁到了极点的破口大骂,非但没有半点鄙夷,竟然都有一种垂泪的冲动。 Ling Muyang this life upright and plainspoken, has a clear conscience, reprimanded the person time also few. Does not see pleasing to the eyes, killed directly...... How could so cursing at people of vulgar language? 凌暮阳这一生刚正不阿,问心无愧,就连斥责人的时候也很少。看到不顺眼的,直接就杀了……何曾如此污言秽语的骂过人? Do not say the shame and opposite party mother's this does not give a thought to the demeanor obloquied crazily. 更不要说辱及对方母亲的这样丝毫不顾风度的疯狂大骂。 Eruption that the old person but who now, Sovereign of the Law completely crazy and ridiculous, lets this hero first, really cannot bear thick mouth! 但现在,法尊丧心病狂,却让这位英雄一世的老人,实在忍不住的爆发出了粗口! Old Ling this time scolded the wrong person, Sovereign of the Law was not that Dongfang Badao, the ancestor 18 generations of East by the unexpected misfortune.” Chu Yang static tunnel. 凌老这次可是骂错人了,法尊不是那东方霸道,东方家的祖宗18代可是遭了无妄之灾。”楚阳静静地道。 Un?” Ling Muyang turns the head suddenly: Sword Master this saying what meaning?” “嗯?”凌暮阳霍然转头:“剑主这话什么意思?” In the past Dongfang Badao early died!” Chu Yang deeply inspired: Now is living with the Dongfang Badao appearance and name, is actually another person......” “往昔的东方霸道早已经死了!”楚阳深深吸了一口气:“现在以东方霸道面目和名字活着的,其实是另一个人……” The Chu Yang taunt has smiled one: Mentioned this...... But tens of thousands year ago, the universally acknowledged hero character is coming.” 楚阳嘲讽的笑了一声:“说来这一位……可是数万年前,举世公认的英雄人物来着。” Who?” Ling Muyang loudly shouted: hero character? Such bastard! Is what hero?! Who is he? How to match to undertake this hero two characters!?” “谁?”凌暮阳大喝一声:“英雄人物?这样的杂种!算什么英雄?!他到底是谁?如何配承担这‘英雄’两字!?” Diwu Chouchang!” Chu Yang points out frankly the profound and abstruse principles, immediately exudes one not to know that taunted sneering that or regretted, said: Once...... One of the Nine Tribulations, once subverted the world...... Nine Tribulations brain truster! Does not know that this person enough qualifications do undertake hero two characters?!” 第五惆怅!”楚阳道破玄机,随即又发出一声不知道是嘲讽还是惋惜的冷笑,道:“曾经的……九劫之一,也是曾经颠覆天下的……九劫智囊!不知道这个人够不够资格承担‘英雄’两字?!” ! 咔嚓! The chair under Ling Muyang body sat by him crushes! 凌暮阳身下的椅子被他坐得粉碎! The sudden shock, let Ling Muyang true not knowing what to do some at this moment \; Elementary force radically beyond control falling in torrents in within the body. Calamity and chair. 突如其来的震惊,让此刻的凌暮阳真正有些不知所措了\;体内的元力根本无法控制的倾泻而出。祸及座椅。 The Ling Muyang whole person sat on the ground, such as suddenly has not actually thought general, two gloomy absent-minded, muttered: Unexpectedly is he? Is this possible? Unexpectedly is he? This how possible......” 凌暮阳整个人一屁股坐在了地上,却如恍然未觉一般,两眼暗淡失神,喃喃道:“竟然是他?这怎么可能?竟然是他?这怎么可能……” At the same time, Ling Hanxue has covered the mouth, opened the eye. 一边,凌寒雪一把捂住了嘴,睁大了眼。 Outside seven Ling Family masters also completely stare dumbfounded, a face cannot believe. 外面的七位凌家高手也尽都是瞠目结舌,一脸的不敢相信。 Chu Yang knows that they in shocking anything, oneself the same day knows this secret time, on shocking degree also not necessarily good many. 楚阳知道他们在震惊什么,自己当日知道这层秘密的时候,震惊程度也未必好上多少。 In the Sovereign of the Law Dongfang Badao bone was actually once One of the Nine Tribulations, Nine Tribulations brain truster Diwu Chouchang! 法尊东方霸道骨子里其实是曾经的九劫之一,九劫智囊第五惆怅 This point is certainly shocking inexplicably \; But lets is actually other its matter that truly the Ling Family person so is shocked or cannot believe: Since Diwu Chouchang is also living. Then, Ling Family that Nine Tribulations senior......? 这一点当然令人震惊莫名\;但真正让凌家人这么震惊或者不敢相信的却是另有其事:既然第五惆怅还活着。那么,凌家的那位九劫前辈……是不是? Really...... 果然…… Ling Muyang suddenly tears, trembling asking: Such being the case...... Such being the case...... Then. My father he...... Whether...... Whether also......” 凌暮阳突然间老泪纵横,颤巍巍的问道:“既然如此……既然如此……那么。家父他老人家……是否……是否也……” Ling Muyang at this moment completely has thrown into the Sovereign of the Law matter now one side. 此刻的凌暮阳现在已经完全将法尊的事情抛到了一边。 All previous Nine Tribulations mystically is missing basically, this is not the secret. 历代九劫基本都是神秘失踪,这本不是什么秘密。 All Nine Tribulation Brothers, almost after a mainland series the disappearance world, will disappear without a trace \; Many years pass by, everybody also lost heart. Thinks that died...... 所有九劫兄弟,几乎都在大陆一统之后就会消失人间,不知去向\;多少年过去,大家也死了心。就认为是死了…… Except for Wu Juecheng this only exception. 除了舞绝城这唯一的例外。 Person who once also had Nine Great Clans looked to get up Wu Juecheng. Inquired him the matter related to oneself Nine Tribulations first ancestor, but, traded usually is slaughter, one was extremely bloody, extremely violent anger slaughter, as time passes, did not have any family influence and organization to inquire the topic of this taboo again. 曾经也不是没有九大家族的人找上过舞绝城。询问其有关自家九劫始祖的事情,可是,换来得通常都是一场杀戮,一场极其血腥、极其暴怒的杀戮,久而久之,再无任何家族势力、组织询问这个禁忌的话题。 However in the present. Also are unexpectedly many Nine Tribulations people Diwu Chouchang that another had not died. 然而今朝。竟又多了另一个未死的九劫中人第五惆怅 One two, not necessarily cannot have three to have four...... 有一有二,未必不能有三有四…… Suddenly, Ling Muyang all thought. Centralism here: Since Nine Tribulations some people still from survival! Then, my father...... 一时间,凌暮阳所有思想。都集中在这里:九劫既然有人仍自幸存!那么,我父亲…… The Chu Yang sinking sound said: Old Ling, your father...... Including your Nine Great Clans...... That several Nine Tribulations seniors, likely are also in good health now! Although they already not in this world, but...... Currently indeed also has big opportunity to be in good health. Actually is the fact of being settled! Does not need to suspect!” 楚阳沉声说道:“凌老,你的父亲……包括你们九大家族的……那几位九劫前辈,现在都很可能还健在!虽然他们都已经不在这个世界上,但……目前的确还有很大机会健在。却是板上钉钉的事实!不用怀疑!” Ling Muyang hears ‚likely is also in good health these characters, is in the head only feels bang one. Anything could not hear, anything that Chu Yang behind said that his character has not perceived, but the tears brush fell. 凌暮阳就只是听到‘都很可能还健在’这几个字,就是脑袋中只感觉‘轰’的一声。什么都听不到了,楚阳后面说的什么,他一个字也没有听进去,只是眼泪刷刷刷的落了下来。 Is the father, you also unexpectedly in good health?! 父亲,您竟还健在?! Ling Muyang sadly from the heart, until now, over more than 10,000 years had not seen father's child, continuously strong stubborn is living, turned into the first ancestor until oneself, but also the world enjoined the goal extremely master, Legend that the common people prostrate oneself. 凌暮阳悲从心来,时至今日,已经超过10000多年没有见过父亲的孩子,一直坚强倔强的活着,直到自己也变成了始祖,还成了天下嘱目的绝顶高手,世人膜拜的传说 But, once at this moment hears father's news, actually could not bear the heart surge \; In this flash, he is not ten thousand old ancestors, is only the child who a hope father loves, just like this. 但,此刻一旦听到父亲的消息,却仍是忍不住心头激荡\;在这一瞬间,他再不是什么万年老祖,就只是一个渴望父爱的孩子,如此而已。 Ling Muyang more wants to control own mood, the tears actually flows many, to afterward simply had not controlled, whatever this constrained over ten thousand years of sentiment to release heartily, white hair white beard, actually howled, tears tears crossflow. 凌暮阳越想控制自己的情绪,眼泪却流得越多,到后来干脆不加以控制了,任由这压抑了超过万年的感情尽情地释放出来,白发白须,却是嚎啕大哭,涕泪横流。 Was infected by his true feelings, Chu Yang cannot bear tip of the nose acid, has to turn the head, controls oneself mood. The true feelings of this unexpectedly finding a way out reveal...... Who can not change countenance? 被他真情感染,楚阳也忍不住鼻头一酸,只好转过头去,控制自己心情。这种绝处逢生的真情流露……谁能不动容? Ling Hanxue at the same time, has cried tears person. 一边的凌寒雪,更已经哭成了一个泪人儿。 ...... …… Sword Master Chu, my father he...... Now where?” Long time, Ling Muyang has stopped tears, nasal strong asking. 楚剑主,我父亲他老人家……现在哪里?”良久之后,凌暮阳止住了泪水,鼻音浓重的问道。 He...... Now in Outlands, fights a decisive battle with Devil, this was also I said reason that he was also possibly in good health, all previous Nine Tribulations there is nothing like was.” Chu Yang deeply said: „...... If own strength is insufficient, I advised politely you...... Do not look. One, cultivation base insufficiently to there, even if can in some special method reluctantly there, the share that also was slaughtered by Devil, could not see including the surface that to treat unjustly.” “他……现在在域外,与天魔决战,这也是我说他可能还健在的理由,历代九劫莫不如是。”楚阳深深道:“不过……若是自身实力不够,我奉劝你……千万不要去找。一来,修为不够到不了那里,就算能以某种特殊手段勉强到了那里,也只有被天魔宰杀的份,连面都是见不到,岂不是冤枉。” Now Outlands, fights a decisive battle with Devil!?” Ling Muyang muttered was reading, in eye divine light was getting more and more abundant, suddenly cried loud and long: Slaughter completely Devil! Father Sir military might!” “现在域外,与天魔决战吗!?”凌暮阳喃喃的念着,眼中神光越来越盛,突然长啸一声:“屠尽天魔!父亲大人威武!” Turns the head suddenly, looks at Chu Yang: I believe that Sir Sword Master related this matter will not deceive me!. Nine Heavens this war, our allow Sheng cannot defeat!” Chu Yang nods safely: Good, allow Sheng cannot defeat.” 霍然转头,看着楚阳:“我相信剑主大人有关此事绝不会骗我!如此说来。九重天这一战,我们许胜不许败!”楚阳安然点头:“不错,正是许胜不许败。” Such being the case. How we need to cooperate, asked Sir Sword Master to show.” Ling Muyang bone-chilling cold saying. “既然如此。我们需要如何合作,就请剑主大人示下吧。”凌暮阳凛冽的说道。 Chu Yang sighed, said: Things have gotten to this point, we now... Only then... Must so so......” 楚阳叹了口气,道:“事已至此,我们现在…惟有…要如此如此……” Chu Yang said that Ling Muyang while nods. 楚阳一边说,凌暮阳一边点头。 They spoke the sound to be very young. Ling Hanxue and the others harms their status, does not dare to listen secretly absolutely, only saw that said a nod, they coordinate without a gap, flawless...... 两人说话声音很小。凌寒雪等人有碍于两人身份,绝对不敢偷听,只见到一个说一个点头,两人配合无间,天衣无缝…… As for whether had the family to have two hearts......” the Ling Muyang stammering to say such one. It is not he thinks, rather. This situation definitely has! Certainly has! “至于是否有家族别有二心……”凌暮阳期期艾艾的说了这么一句。不是他多想,而是。这种情况绝对有!一定有! Without any suspicion. 没有任何的怀疑。 Chu Yang flipped the eyelid, 楚阳翻了翻眼皮, Corners of the mouth faint smile, gloomy killing intent. Actually suddenly rose. 嘴角似笑非笑,一股阴沉的杀意。却是陡然升了起来。 Ling Hanxue at the same time startles spirit hit to tremble. 一边的凌寒雪激灵灵的打了个哆嗦。 This Master of Nine Tribulations Sword releases killing intent time...... Compared with these ten thousand years of old killers also thick...... 这个九劫剑主释放杀意的时候……比那些万年的老杀手还要浓厚…… ...... …… Long time after long time, each other matters concerned have made a final decision, Ling Muyang proposed says goodbye, got to the entrance, suddenly lived in the footsteps of departure. Said: That...... Related Yu Family father and the others matter, I whether can......” 良久良久之后,彼此事宜均已敲定,凌暮阳提出告辞,走到门口,突然顿住了离去的脚步。道:“那么……有关于家等人的事情,我是否可以……” Chu Yang said: Can tell them. Before the war. We also need to promote own morale.” 楚阳道:“可以跟他们说。大战之前。我们也需要提升自身士气。” Ling Muyang facial features delighted nod, immediately hesitant saying: Since Sovereign of the Law were once Nine Tribulations brain truster Diwu Chouchang...... Then, present Diwu Clan......” 凌暮阳面容欢欣的点了点头,随即又犹豫的说道:“既然法尊就是曾经的九劫智囊第五惆怅……那么,现在的第五家族……” Chu Yang prudent say/way: According to me understanding Diwu Qingrou...... Diwu Qingrou in the face of this major issue of principle, should not make that type to violate the conscience, to present to shame ten thousand years of matter. However, everything, must add carefully, does not have the blunder carefully.” Ling Muyang nods: Such being the case, the old man said goodbye \; Immediately transfers, this good news, to explain things to understand with everybody.” 楚阳慎重的道:“据我对第五轻柔的了解……第五轻柔在这种大是大非面前,应该不会做出来那种违背本心、贻羞万年的事情。不过,凡事,还是要多加小心,小心无大错。”凌暮阳点点头:“既然如此,老夫就告辞了\;立即转回去,将这个好消息,跟大家分说明白。” Chu Yang said: Good!” 楚阳说道:“好!” Both sides cup one hand in the other across the chest to make farewell speech, when Ling Muyang goes out of beyond ten zhang (3.33 m), suddenly the suspension of movement turns around, sinking sound track: Sword Master Chu, the matter of today, many thanks!” 双方拱手作别,在凌暮阳走出十丈之外的时候,突然停步转身,沉声道:“楚剑主,今日之事,多谢了!” ...... …… Ling Muyang walked, but Chu Yang has a heavy heart, does not have any relieving. 凌暮阳已经走了,但楚阳的心情沉重,却没有任何纾解。 He thinks that now, is these life is upright and selfless, is Nine Heavens pays all Law Enforcer. Now, these people under does not guard, performed Sovereign of the Law to plot, became the Devil young demon. 他现在想的,正是那些一生正直无私,为九重天付出一切的执法者。如今,那些人在毫无防备之下,尽都中了法尊暗算,成为天魔雏魔。 Do these people, how deserve? 这些人,该当如何? Kills it? Does not endure. Does not kill, is infinite for the calamity. 杀之?不忍。不杀,为祸无穷。 Under Chu Yang is utterly confused, is hard to make a decision. 楚阳心乱如麻,难以下决断。 During the train of thought is absent-minded, Chu Yang has remembered initially Ten Thousand Medicines Grand Ceremony Medicine Valley suddenly, long sighed. 思绪恍惚之中,楚阳突然想起了当初万药大典药谷,不由长长叹息。 Say/Way that muttered: „ Life-long does not dismiss works with the heart painstakingly, first practices medicine to be the medicine god \; Rather this deep valley, Nine Heavens that trades next spring. 喃喃的道:“终生不辞劳心苦,一世悬壶做药神\;宁将此身幽谷度,换的九重天下春。 Several times Butian (heaven repairing) whose knowing difficult, meritorious service not once heard unparalleled \; You resign from now do not die content, henceforth who pities the world person? 数次补天谁知难,功勋盖世莫曾闻\;君今辞去不瞑目,从此谁怜天下人? If good person all misfortune, henceforth who dares to mediate!...... ” 若是好人皆厄运,从此谁敢做好人!……” Chu Yang raised the head, looks front void, muttered repeatedly said: If the good person not reported that henceforth who dares to mediate?...... These Law Enforcer...... The lifetime illustrious name, actually has become the young demon...... Has to kill it, not reported on the real good person?” 楚阳抬起头,看着面前虚空,喃喃重复道:“若是好人无好报,从此谁敢做好人?……这些执法者……一生英名,却成了雏魔……不得不杀之,难道就真的好人无好报么?” Can kill really? Hadn't had other means?” “难道真的非杀不可么?还有没有别的办法?” Chu Yang knits the brows to rack one's brains, long time, with a worried look. 楚阳皱眉苦思,良久,愁眉不展。 Became the young demon, already by demon \; What means has to relieve? 已经成为雏魔,就已经被魔化\;有什么办法解除? In Nine Tribulations Space, a Sword Spirit deep sigh: there is nothing to be done!” 九劫空间里,剑灵一声长叹:“没有办法!” Chu Yang is silent. 楚阳默然。 ...... …… ............ …………
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