TTNH :: Volume #17

#1679: The situation is stern, in a dilemma

Yes. Actually the old man once mentioned 12 a moment ago, but Sword Master Chu not necessarily pays attention!” Ling Muyang long inspired, said: Old man common people walk Jiang Hu, although body after the tens of thousands war, murder incalculably, but, no matter anything, the old men are...... Has a clear conscience!” “是的。其实刚才老夫曾提及12,只不过楚剑主未必留意罢了!”凌暮阳长长吸了一口气,道:“老夫这世人行走江湖,虽然身经数万战,杀人无算,但,不管是任何事情,老夫都是……问心无愧!” Is only this mood, is not the old man boasted proudly that takes a broad view at entire Nine Heavens, unusual person, even if Ning Tianya and Bu Liuqing, Feng and Yue they in this, not necessarily and on old man.” Ling Muyang is smiling, the sinking sound said. “只是这一节心境,不是老夫自傲自夸,放眼整个九重天,少有人及,就算是宁天涯布留情,风月两人在这一节上,也未必及得上老夫。”凌暮阳微笑着,沉声说道。 so that's how it is, Old Ling mind like sea, magnanimity refined character.” Chu Yang long breathing a sigh of relief, serious say/way: Heartfelt thank, admire!” 原来如此,凌老胸襟如海,雅量高致。”楚阳长长的舒了一口气,郑重的道:“由衷感谢,佩服!” Did not thank.” Chu Yang said seriously, the reply of Ling Muyang is also very serious. “不谢。”楚阳说得郑重,凌暮阳的回答也很郑重。 Because he knows that Chu Yang has understood anything, or from own these words, perceived through meditation anything. 因为他知道,楚阳已经了解了什么,或者说,从自己这一句话之中,参悟到了什么。 „Should goal of Old Ling this coming, for Devil?” Chu Yang has hesitated, point that comes straight to the point simply directly subject. 凌老此次前来的目的,应该是为了天魔吧?”楚阳沉吟了一下,索性直接开门见山的点出了主题。 This Ling Muyang comes, naturally to seek cooperation. 这一次凌暮阳过来,当然是为了寻求合作。 But, these words each other are not good to open the mouth, first opens the mouth, in the imposing manner must drop the wind unavoidably slightly, loses actively. Moreover this topic was also too serious, who said first, did not feel appropriately. 但,这句话彼此却都不好开口,首先开口的,气势上不免要稍落下风,失去主动。而且这个话题也太沉重了一些,谁先说出来,都感觉不合适。 Sees the awkwardness of Ling Muyang, Chu Yang simply bringing to light. Sooner or later must say that late said might as well early say, might as well move passively. 看到凌暮阳的为难,楚阳干脆就将之挑明。迟早都是要说的,迟说不如早说,被动不如行动。 Really, these words said that the body of Ling Muyang has decided suddenly. 果然,这句话才一说出来,凌暮阳的身体猛然的定了一下。 Ling Hanxue at the same time, with seven Ling Family masters, the breath was also suddenly heavy. 一边的凌寒雪,和七位凌家高手,呼吸也都是陡然间沉重了起来。 Devil......” Ling Muyang circle friendly complexion becomes exceptionally the serious, long sigh. 天魔……”凌暮阳原本圆融的脸色变得异常的沉重,长长叹息。 Suddenly as if also completely has stagnated including the air. 一时间似乎连空气也尽都凝滞了起来。 This stretch of world...... Changed.” After Ling Muyang long time, deeply sighed: Could not distinguish clearly anything is right, anything has made a mistake......” “这片天地……已经变了。”凌暮阳良久之后才深深叹息一声:“已经分不清什么是对,什么是错了……” Chu Yang said: „The word of Oh? Old Ling is big younger generation to anticipate that asking the senior to illustrate 12.” 楚阳道:“哦?凌老之言大出晚辈意料,请前辈解说12。” Yeah. Yesterday the Old Ye husband set out north to walk randomly along, meets on the way two Law Enforcer masters......” Ling Muyang heavy saying: These two, were acquainted with the old man, moreover each other friendship is quite good, belongs to Law Enforcer the Hall of Law Enforcement person......” “哎。昨夜老夫起身沿着中都之北游走,路遇两位执法者高手……”凌暮阳沉沉说着:“这两人,原本与老夫相识,而且彼此交情还相当不错,属于执法者之中执法堂的人……” Chu Yang has not spoken, in the heart was guessing: Meets on the way? Perhaps looks specially? Otherwise, that has the possibility to be so skillful runs into two Law Enforcer masters old friend, moreover is on very good terms...... 楚阳并没有说话,心中却是在猜测:路遇?恐怕是专门去找的吧?否则,那有可能那么巧就遇到两个执法者高手而且还是交情不错的老相识…… „After everybody chatted several, the two urged me straightforwardly, departed from Nine Great Clans. With Law Enforcer together, the rein world, they are willing for me, and even entire Ling Family make the guarantee.” Ling Muyang is smiling bitterly, shakes the head: Old man only spoke a few words: Sovereign of the Law. Devil?” “大伙闲聊几句之后,那两人直截了当的劝我,背离九大家族。与执法者一起,统御天下,他们愿意为我,乃至整个凌家作担保。”凌暮阳苦笑着,摇摇头:“老夫只说了一句话:法尊。是不是天魔?” Ling Muyang spoke of here, the intonation became very strange, seemed very sorrowful, was very helpless, very...... Disconsolate. 凌暮阳说到这里,声调变得很奇怪,似乎很悲哀,很无奈,也很……惆怅。 Chu Yang deeply inspired, said: How did they say?” 楚阳深吸了一口气,道:“他们怎么说?” Ling Muyang, forced smile: Said? How rather to do. The two get angry immediately excitedly, only said one, your Nine Great Clans is Devil! Gets rid in light of this outrageously...... To probably the old man stay behind there......” 凌暮阳顿了顿,苦笑:“怎么说?不如说是怎么做的。那两人即时勃然发怒,只说一句,你们九大家族才是天魔!就此悍然出手……欲要将老夫留下在那里……” Mentioned the strength of two to differ still the distance compared with me, when one struggled hard. They sent out fully, still how the old man, the old man originally because still they were just puzzled by the Sovereign of the Law drum, by no means the generation of true act as accomplice to the tiger. Then the plan withdraws to go, walks away. Actually does not think that the two transform technique suddenly, body steaming braves the black air/Qi, is an evil strength, the old man can conclude unexpectedly that is...... Day demonic energy! Although that aura non- is very strong, actually with the same day clear idle operation black, as well as in the Devil sick and wounded essence that on Shi Paoxiao leaves behind not different.” “说来那两人之实力比我相差尚有一段距离,一番苦战之余。他们已经出动了全力,兀自奈何不得老夫,老夫原本尚因为他们只不过是被法尊鼓惑,并非真正为虎作伥之辈。便打算脱身而去,一走了之。却不想那两人突然转换手法,身上腾腾的冒起来黑气,竟是一股邪恶至极的力量,老夫可以断定,那就是……天魔气!那股气息虽然非是很强,却与当日晴空转黑、以及在石咆哮身上遗留的天魔伤患本质无异。” Ling Muyang spoke these words, breathed heavily again and again several thick air/Qi. Obviously shock in his heart. 凌暮阳说完这段话,连连的喘了好几口粗气。可见他心中的震撼。 „Do I think Old Ling shock very?...... Originally only then Sovereign of the Law and Devil they, but now, including the person of ordinary Nine Heavens, there are many already demon?” Chu Yang concentrates an item of thinking, sinking sound said. “我想凌老十分的震撼吧?……原本只有法尊天魔两人,但现在,连普通的九重天之人,也有许多已经魔化?”楚阳凝目思索,沉声说道。 Good! Moreover, the speed and range of demon are relative quick!” Ling Muyang is heavyhearted: Sends out to convene to cause the present from Sovereign of the Law, altogether how many day of skill? cultivation base of two is just grade six Supreme...... The demon melted including them, then now by demon Law Enforcer , some how many?” “不错!而且,魔化的速度与范围还是相当之快的!”凌暮阳忧心忡忡:“自法尊发出召集令到如今,一共才几天功夫?那两人的修为就只不过是六品至尊而已……连他们都已经魔化了,那么如今被魔化的执法者,又该有多少呢?” How that does fight?” Chu Yang said. “那一战如何?”楚阳道。 Old man be forced, killing!” Ling Muyang mood is very obviously low and deep. Was compelled to kill own best friend good friend, this taste does not feel better. “老夫迫于无奈,将之击毙!”凌暮阳情绪明显很低沉。被逼杀死自己的至交好友,这种滋味可不好受。 But, the two became young demons, does not kill good...... 但,那两人已经成为雏魔,不杀不行…… Chu Yang deeply sighed: „Hasn't Nine Great Clans, attempted Sovereign of the Law is the Devil news passes on?” 楚阳深深叹了口气:“九大家族,没有尝试将法尊天魔的消息传出去么?” Ling Muyang forced smile: „Did you say? Dares?” 凌暮阳苦笑:“你说呢?敢么?” Chu Yang said: You are the fears, once said that is world all Law Enforcer for the enemy?” 楚阳道:“你们是害怕,一旦说出去,就是与天下所有执法者为敌?” Indeed!” Ling Muyang said: Law Enforcer follows Sovereign of the Law to undergo for more than ten thousand years, they choose to believe Sovereign of the Law, does the choice believe us? The result of this choice, anybody also wants to obtain!” “诚然!”凌暮阳说道:“执法者跟随法尊已历万多年,他们选择相信法尊,还是选择相信我们?这个选择的结果,任何人也想得到!” Chu Yang sneers: But you did not say...... Is the result same must with world all Law Enforcer for the enemy?” 楚阳冷笑:“但你们不说……结果是不是一样要与天下所有的执法者为敌呢?” Ling Muyang hearing this is shocked. 凌暮阳闻言愣住。 You said that Sovereign of the Law taking the opportunity will nothing more than attack Nine Great Clans \; Said that you collude with Devil, degenerated into Devil puppet anything's this is certain. But you did not say that Sovereign of the Law won't use this reason to indulge in unbridled propaganda? Your does not act, whether can understand, you are very afraid, did you tacitly approve?!” “你们说了,法尊不外会借机打击九大家族\;说你们勾结天魔,已沦为天魔傀儡什么的这是一定的。但你们不说,难道法尊就不会利用这个理由来大肆宣扬么?你们的不动作,是否可以理解成,你们很心虚,你们默认了呢?!” The Chu Yang words, let Ling Muyang thorough being shocked. 楚阳的话,让凌暮阳彻底的愣住了。 Yes, no matter they do with do not do, how also or to do, Sovereign of the Law fully will promote this matter. At this matter, various have Great Clans, gone astray unexpectedly first? 是啊,不管他们做与不做,又或者是如何做,法尊都会全力的推动这件事啊。在这件事上,各大家族,竟然已经走错了第一步吗? Has gawked a meeting, the Old Ling master child bitter and astringent saying: Old man and the others thinks...... Becoming Devil, after all is the difficult matter...... Does Sovereign of the Law want to cover up? So long as he first does not expand the situation, we instead can take such opportunity...... The relations that after all this matter involves were too big......” 愣了一会,凌老爷子才苦涩的说道:“老夫等人以为……成为天魔,毕竟是难以启齿的事情……法尊怎么也要有所遮掩吧?只要他不首先将事态扩大,我们反而可以利用这样的机会……毕竟此事牵扯的关系太大了……” Absurd view......” Chu Yang speechless: Sovereign of the Law now already Devil successor, will fear the situation expansion? Did not say other, this is to become King defeats the invader last war, since he has chosen fascinated, is doomed not to accommodate with the world, what also will have scruples?” “荒谬的论调……”楚阳无语至极:“法尊现在已经的天魔传人,又怎么会怕事态扩大?不说别的,这已经是成王败寇最后一战,他既然已经选择入魔,注定与世不容,还会顾忌什么?” Ling Muyang complexion like iron: That should not know what to do now?” 凌暮阳脸色如铁:“那现在又该如何是好呢?” Chu Yang shakes the head: Wait/Etc. looked...... My brothers have handled this matter. Must to know completely that Sovereign of the Law is Devil. Perhaps then, possibly makes some Law Enforcer enhance vigilance, was not misled demon by it, becomes our here strengths...... If according to you thinks that all keep secret, then, Sovereign of the Law can calm all Law Enforcer, turns into the Devil young demon, even no longer limits to Law Enforcer finally, can be world all Martial Artist, or is world all people!” 楚阳摇摇头:“等等看吧……我的兄弟们已经去处理这件事情。务必要让所有的人全部都知道,法尊就是天魔。如此一来,或许还可能让一些执法者提高警惕,不被其蛊惑魔化,成为我们这边的力量……若是按照你们想的,一切都秘而不宣,那么,法尊就可以从容的将所有执法者,都变成天魔雏魔,甚至最终不再局限于执法者,可以是天下所有武者,又或者是天下所有人!” That truly was finished.” “那才是真正的完蛋了。” Your Nine Tribulations started to take action? That fortunately............” Ling Muyang big drop cold sweat drops from the forehead fortunately, turns the head to have a look at the surroundings, indeed is did not have the feeling of high-level Supreme, in the heart slightly relieved. “你们九劫这边已经开始行动了么?那还好……还好……”凌暮阳一大滴冷汗从额头上滴落,转头看看周围,的确是已经没有高层至尊的感觉,心中稍稍安心。 Like all Nine Heavens people, although Nine Great Clans with Master of Nine Tribulations Sword for the enemy, has been wishing one could to kill immediately does Nine Tribulation Brothers to be then quick, but, because if certain matters and Nine Tribulations stand in the same camp, then, to the Nine Tribulations confidence, that is full not doubting. 与所有九重天人一样,九大家族虽然一直都在与九劫剑主为敌,恨不得马上干掉一干九劫兄弟而后快,但,若是因为某些事情与九劫站在同一阵营的话,那么,对九劫的信心,那是满满的毫不怀疑。 Because Nine Tribulations itself has been symbolizing invincibly, is symbolizing the Will of Heaven, is symbolizing invincibly! 因为九劫本身已经象征着无敌,象征着天意,象征着不可战胜! Even if this Nine Tribulations wants to be younger than too much them are being too more , is also same. 纵然这九劫年龄比他们要小着太多太多,也是一样。 Do not be over-optimistic. Even if makes the recovery now...... But, before you information that said that I estimated that the high-level strength in Law Enforcer aspect, should fall to the enemy now thoroughly. How will Sovereign of the Law let off their this group of strongest helpers?” Chu Yang heavy sigh: „After this war, Nine Heavens existing high rank Supreme, perhaps...... Hundred do not save one!” “千万不要过分乐观。纵然现在作出补救……但,根据你之前所说的情报,我估计,执法者方面的高层力量,现在应该已经彻底沦陷了。法尊又怎么会放过他们这批最强的帮手呢?”楚阳沉沉叹息一声:“这次大战之后,九重天现有的高阶至尊,恐怕……百不存一!” Entire Nine Heavens Yuan Qi, will forfeit inevitably completely!” “整个九重天元气,势必将全部丧失殆尽!” You said...... Is this war, a huge collision of entire world Martial Artist and Law Enforcer?” Ling Muyang harbors the hope of if by any chance saying: This...... Also is insufficient...... Although in Law Enforcer also has the degenerate, even is not infrequent, as a whole but justice is in the majority......” “你是说……这次一战,将是整个天下武者执法者的一次巨大碰撞?”凌暮阳怀着万一的希望说道:“这……还不至于吧……执法者之中虽然也有败类,甚至不在少数,但总体上却还是正义者居多的……” By the person of demon, but can also talk about the justice......” Chu Yang to snort contemptuously. “被魔化之人,还能谈到正义吗……”楚阳嗤之以鼻。 Ling Muyang silent for a long time, on the face expression more and more is sad, said sadly: Has been a pity these real men...... In them had many people are Nine Heavens has contributed the life, the life was just, honest and incorruptible, the benefitting world, sheltered the common people...... Their final results, must have the shame unexpectedly, hangs the reputation of Devil puppet and running dog to be buried? That was too pitiful!” 凌暮阳沉默好久,脸上表情越来越是难过,怆然道:“只是可惜了那些个好汉子……他们之中有许多人为九重天贡献了一生,一生正义,铁面无私,造福人间,庇护苍生……难道他们最终的结局,竟然是要带着耻辱,挂着天魔傀儡、走狗的名头入土么?那太可悲了!” Chu Yang silent long time long time, sinking sound track: Old Ling said does not have the mistake, in fact, I now biggest scruples also officially here...... We do not fear the murder, but...... If kills these people, in the heart really does not feel better, one such as Old Ling said how has a guilty conscience can display own strongest strength.” 楚阳沉默良久良久,沉声道:“凌老说的没有错,事实上,我现在最大的顾忌也正式在这里……我们不怕杀人,但……若是杀这些人,心中委实不好受,一如凌老所说,问心有愧如何能发挥自身的最强实力。” After all these people, were in the traditional sense say...... Good people!” “这些人,毕竟是传统意义上所说的……好人!” „But if does not kill, they degenerated into the demon to plant now, this day will do Heaven and Earth turning upside down under inevitably, causes endless trouble...... Even, we do not kill them, will actually die in their hands. This matter, seriously is in a dilemma.” “但若是不杀,他们现在已经沦为魔种,势必会将这天下搞得天翻地覆,贻害无穷……甚至,我们不杀他们,却会死在他们手里。这件事,当真是左右为难。” The Ling Muyang low-spirited deep sigh, lowered the head, suddenly works on wine cup, tosses down, then fills to the brim, drinks completely, fills to the brim again...... 凌暮阳黯然长叹,低下头去,突然抓起酒杯,一饮而尽,接着又倒满,又饮尽,再倒满…… Head that he hangs down, the white hair of that silvery bright also as if in instantaneous dim, as if in this moment, old several hundred years old. 他低垂的头上,那银亮的白发也似乎在瞬间黯淡了下来,似乎在这一刻,又生生地老了几百岁。 Bang!” “砰!” A Ling Muyang palm pats on the table, whole piece liquor table crash-bang, thorough smashing. 凌暮阳一掌拍在桌上,整张酒桌“哗啦”一声,彻底粉碎。 ............ …………
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