TTNH :: Volume #17

#1678: Ling Muyang true strength

Huang Xialiu tarries all of a sudden! 黄霞柳一下子呆住! Heavens!, what did I hear a moment ago? To I apologize? Also, gives that I apologize is who? Is the Ling Family ancestor! 天啊,我刚才听到什么?给我道歉?还有,给我道歉的那是谁啊?是凌家老祖宗啊! This is stands in the entire world peak character. 这可是站在整个天下巅峰的人物。 Actually personally to I apologize. 竟然亲口向我道歉。 Huang Xialiu only felt that tip of the nose, somewhat flurried sobbing, said unexpectedly: „It is not in the way, is not in the way...... You said to......” 黄霞柳只感觉鼻头一堵,居然有些慌乱的哽咽,道:“不碍事,不碍事……您老人家说的对……” Ling Muyang nods with a smile, face on at this moment does not have the least bit to be awkward unexpectedly, said in a soft voice: Old man walks his entire life Jiang Hu, never bullies, today so, the primary intention is to probe the disposition manner of Sir Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, but, has used others throughout, is the old man should not. You do not need to care, Sir Sword Master said right, can kill people, but do not look down upon the person, do not insult the person!” 凌暮阳笑着点点头,此刻的脸上竟没有半点尴尬,轻声道:“老夫一生行走江湖,从未仗势欺人,今日如此,主旨是欲试探九劫剑主大人的心性为人,不过,始终利用了别人,就是老夫的不该。你们也不需要放在心上,剑主大人说得对,可以杀人,但不要看不起人,更不要侮辱人!” This is always the Jiang Hu big death anniversary! Deep hatred that many should not have, is but therefore......” “这从来都是江湖大忌!许许多多不该发生的血仇,都是因此而起……” That seven Supreme bodies one entire, complies. 那七位至尊身子一整,同时答应。 Apology words I have said that but I must scold you several, this is as a consolation of old person!” Ling Muyang knits the brows to look at Huang Xialiu: Your Xiaoxiao age, is shiftless, only knows to one's heart's content the demeanor, takes a look at your this body, now turned into any ghost appearance! Lack prospects! This has good aptitude, how so to know diligently enterprisingly? At this moment, is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword side you, regards you for the friend, he when can protect you, but if does not have him here, you how? He regards you for the friend, how however his friend can such as you so, thinking well!” “道歉的话我说过了,不过我还是要骂你几句,这是作为一个老人家的劝慰!”凌暮阳皱着眉看着黄霞柳:“你小小年纪,不思进取,只知纵情声色,瞧瞧你这身体,如今已经变成了什么鬼样子!没出息!本有不俗资质,怎地如此不知道努力进取?此刻,乃是九劫剑主在你身边,视你为友,他在的时候可以护着你,但若是没有他在这里,你将如何?他视你为友,然而他的朋友怎能如你这般,好好的想想吧!” Ling Muyang reprimanded: Now get lost! Thinks to the old man well how later should do?!”, 凌暮阳斥道:“现在滚下去!给老夫好好想想,以后该如何做?!”、 Huang Xialiu deeply inspires, respectful saying extremely: Yes!” Turned around to draw back respectfully. 黄霞柳深吸一口气,恭敬万分的说道:“是!”转身恭恭敬敬的退了出去。 Ling Muyang these words were still full of the impolite atmosphere, but Chu Yang has not actually gotten angry. 凌暮阳这番话仍旧充满不客气的氛围,但楚阳却没有发火。 Because of this time, Ling Muyang is as seasoned person elder in reproving, warning and consoling the later generation, in the spoken language completely is the good intentions. 因为这一次,凌暮阳乃是以一个过来人的长辈身份在训斥、告诫、劝慰后辈,言语中尽是善意。 After this matter, believes that Huang Xialiu will also understand anything. 经过此事之后,相信黄霞柳也会明白一些什么的。 If can such. Chu Yang will be very gratified , will be very happy. 若是能那样子。楚阳会很欣慰,也会很高兴。 Out of the door. 门外。 Huang Xialiu is gripping tightly the fist, in the vision has the water glare to be graceful, has the infinite determination. 黄霞柳紧紧握着拳头,目光中有水光盈盈,更有无穷决心。 Understood. 明白了。 The respect, wants to try hard to gain. 尊重,是要自己努力获取的。 The respect, is actually one scarce resources. 尊重,其实是一种稀缺的资源。 The respect, depends on the strength. 尊重,取决于实力。 Just like Ling Muyang said that if Chu Yang here, oneself aren't nothing today? 正如凌暮阳所说,若是今日楚阳不在这里,那么,自己算个屁? These people or looked own will think disgusting. 那些人或者看自己一眼都会觉得恶心。 Because do not make every effort to succeed! Really does not make every effort to succeed! 因为自己不争气!实在不争气! Without the strength. Absolutely does not have a strength! 没有实力。完全没有一点实力! Closes right up against the family to work as a playboy, most bullies the common people. But in the genuine powerhouse eyes, is actually inferior including the fart. And. Also must shoulder an infamy and lifetime infamy. 靠着家族当个纨绔,最多不过是欺压一下平民百姓。但在真正强者眼中,却是连屁都不如的。而且。还要背负一身骂名、一生污名。 Or, I must choose the future path.” Saying that Huang Xialiu muttered: Sword Master Chu such powerhouse, Dong Wushang such hero, or I could not achieve. But I can also make one to have Huang Xialiu of strength a little aspiration! The Master of Nine Tribulations Sword friend, should not such as I so. At least should not such as I first half of life so!” “或者,我要重新选择一下自己今后的道路了。”黄霞柳喃喃的说道:“楚剑主这样的强者,董无伤那样的英雄,或者我已经做不到。但我还能做一个有实力有点抱负的黄霞柳九劫剑主的朋友,不该如我这般。至少不该如我前半生这般!” He has turned the head, some whole body shivering walked. 他转过头,浑身有些颤抖的走了出去。 But his heart, actually from unprecedented so fiery. Such as the present general was never bright and spirited, has filled the heart of progress. 但他的心,却从所未有的如此火热。从未如现在一般敞亮、昂扬,充满了上进之心。 Today's matter, he will not have any complaint, will rejoice very much. 今日的事,他再不会有任何的抱怨,甚至会很庆幸。 The matter of today. In the life, a biggest turning point! 今日之事。将是自己一生之中,最大的一个转折点! Some day, I. Also must be respected! From the respect of moral nature! 有朝一日,我。也要受人尊重!发自心底的尊敬! Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, has really shown disdain for entire world, tyrant certainly Cangqiong.” Ling Muyang however sits leisurely in the Chu Yang opposite. 九劫剑主,果然了得,傲视寰宇,霸绝苍穹。”凌暮阳施施然在楚阳对面坐下来。 Chu Yang carries the wine pot, gives him to pour on one glass of liquor. Said with a smile: Senior was too polite, senior bearing swift and fierce bold and powerful. Also lets younger generation gasp in amazement.” 楚阳端起酒壶,给他倒上一杯酒。微笑道:“前辈太客气了,前辈气度凌厉威猛。也是让晚辈叹为观止呀。” Haha! Said, please!” Ling Muyang carries wine cup, to the Chu Yang remote respect, tosses down immediately. Chu Yang does not neglect, is also tossing down, then, they simultaneously make one to shine the cup bottom the movement. “哈哈!好说,请!”凌暮阳端起酒杯,向楚阳遥敬,随即一饮而尽。楚阳也不怠慢,在同时一饮而尽,然后,两人同时做出来一个亮了亮杯底的动作。 Laughs with one voice. 齐声哈哈大笑。 The bright cup bottom, is the etiquette on liquor table, indicates to the respect of opposite party. 亮杯底,乃是酒桌上的礼仪,表明对对方的敬意。 Each other also has the meaning of collaboration, now each other ritual respect, the both sides atmosphere sees gentle, is actually successful, gets quick results. 彼此也有联手之意,如今彼此礼敬,双方氛围即见平和,却是水到渠成,立竿见影。 Potential at daggers drawn and being ready to be set off, early vanished into thin air at this moment. 刚才的剑拔弩张、一触即发之势,此刻早已经不翼而飞。 As if has not had any not happy matter to be ordinary. 似乎从来就没有发生过什么不愉快的事情一般。 Such rapid transformation, lets stand only in Ling Hanxue at the same time also feels at a total loss \; As for in that another seven high rank Supreme of entrance, is uninformed at sea, therefore. 这样迅速的转变,让唯一侍立在一边的凌寒雪也感到丈二和尚摸不到头脑\;至于在门口的那另外七位高阶至尊,更加是茫然不知所以。 Was compelled the apology a moment ago, the solemn Ling Family grandfather Ling Muyang honor may say that had been brushed a cleanness by this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, at this moment, the Ling Family some people were still air/Qi subtle during that saw stars obviously, actually unexpectedly have the concerned that two people unexpectedly become bystander? talk cheerfully and wittily, raises glass to express best wishes! 刚才被逼道歉,堂堂凌家家祖凌暮阳的脸面可说已经被这位九劫剑主刷了一个干干净净,此刻,凌家一干人明明还在气得眼冒金星的微妙当口,却不料当事的那两个人居然已经成了没事人儿?谈笑风生,举杯致意! What situation is this? What's the matter?! 这是啥情况?怎么回事?! Sword Master please forgive, just now the action of old man is only the probe.” The Ling Muyang blade truncates on the face shows a smile, explained: „Whose since Sword Master Chu were present has probed, no matter any method, or were other, the original intention has achieved. Since has achieved the original intention, moreover was the old man was indeed more excessive, why can't apologize?” 剑主请包涵,适才老夫的举动只为试探。”凌暮阳刀削般的脸上露出一个微笑,解释道:“既然楚剑主是什么人如今已经试探出来了,不管什么手段,或者是别的,初衷都已经达到了。既然达到了初衷,而且的确是老夫过分了一些,为何不能道歉?” Therefore your spirit, too many narrow and small a point, but also needs to increase.” Ling Muyang said slowly: Spirit, contains in the Martial Study atmosphere, involves the mood Spirit Sense precision, cannot do without the foot. Insufficient again enters hopelessly, is difficult the accomplishment.” “所以说你们的气量,太多狭小了一点,还需要增加。”凌暮阳缓缓道:“气量,也包含在武学氛围之内,更牵扯到心境神识的精度,不可不足。不足则再进无望,难有大成。” Ling Muyang these words goal outwardly was certainly explaining to own family that several people, moreover was warning that almost places outwardly on warning all, was explaining to Chu Yang as for another concealed meaning. 凌暮阳这番话明面的目的当然是在向自己家族那几个人解释,而且也是在告诫,几乎是把一切都放在明面上的告诫,至于另一层隐含的含义却是在向楚阳说明。 Outside seven people simultaneously bow to listen to reason, can have the opportunity of ancestor direction too to be personally rare! 外面的七个人同时躬身受教,能得到老祖宗亲口指点的机会实在太稀罕了! Ling Muyang looks at the Chu Yang vision, reveals the meaning of appreciation has not been concealing. 凌暮阳看着楚阳的目光,流露着不曾掩饰的赞赏之意。 Regarding the result of probe, Ling Muyang on own initiative was very a moment ago satisfied. 对于刚才试探的结果,凌暮阳自觉很满意。 Chu Yang prefers death to humiliation, would rather die than surrender, does not hesitate all also to protect the imposing manner of friend, has been indicating insistence of Chu Yang. 楚阳宁折不弯,宁死不屈,不惜一切也要保护身边朋友的气势,也正表明了楚阳的坚持。 Since some insisted that all said. 既然有坚持,那就一切好说。 May the possibility of cooperation. 就有可能合作的可能。 Huang Xialiu yellow big Young Master in the nonchalance, turned into the turning point that Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and Nine Great Clans cooperated unexpectedly faintly, the humans affair unreliably can be inferred wonderfully! 黄霞流黄大少爷居然在不经意之间,隐隐变成了九劫剑主九大家族合作的契机,世事之玄奇可见一斑! Hideaway of Old Ling, but suffices the depth.” Chu Yang said with a smile 凌老的隐藏,可是够深的。”楚阳微笑道 „The Oh? old man handled affairs usually straightforward and upright, but asked to have a clear conscience, never the line of wang liang tricks, that had anything to hide!” The rebuttal of Old Ling master child no trace of politeness said that the meaning of more hidden somewhat scolding. 哦?老夫行事素来光明磊落,但求问心无愧,从来不行魍魉伎俩,那有什么隐藏!”凌老爷子毫不客气的反驳道,更隐有几分呵斥之意。 Old Ling has misunderstood, the hideaway that I said refers to Old Ling cultivation base actually!” 凌老误会了,我所说的隐藏其实是指凌老修为而言!” Chu Yang all did not mind that the Old Ling expression, said immediately: In well-known Nine Great Aristocratic Families, is strongest by nights and Xiao two strengths, Ye Chenchen and Xiao Chenyu they or other first or this first, early has the recognition, as for Ling Family at best is only in Nine Great Clans the strength before the family, but, who can want to obtain, is the Old Ling real strength, in Nine Great Clans steady first?...... This said to Old Ling...... Is the spirit related?” 楚阳似是全不介意凌老的语气,随即又道:“世人皆知九大世家之中,以夜、萧两家实力最强,夜沉沉萧晨雨两人或者彼第一或者此第一,早有公认,至于凌家充其量只是九大家族之中实力靠前的家族而已,但,谁能想得到,凌老的真实实力,才是九大家族之中稳稳的第一位吧?或者……这就跟凌老所说的……气量相关?” In Ling Muyang the none remaining dodges, said: „, Sword Master Chu this word was rather more arbitrary, knows according to the old man, although your excellency has had to do with Xiao Chenyu, has not actually met with Ye Chenchen, how can under the old man above assertion, the old man probably ask one especially, makes one think so?” 凌暮阳目中精光一闪,道:“哦,楚剑主此言未免武断了一些,据老夫所知,阁下虽与萧晨雨打过交道,却根本未与夜沉沉见过面,如何能下老夫尤在其上的断言,老夫要反问一句,何以见得?” Chu Yang smiled lightly: Younger generation can make this judgment, had the reason of younger generation, Old Ling had pointed out a moment ago my current cultivation base and achievement, now the younger generation is then dissoluter, conjectured Old Ling cultivation base.” 楚阳淡淡的笑了:“晚辈能作出这个判断,自有晚辈的理由,凌老刚才指出了我目前的修为、成就,那么,现在晚辈就放肆一些,猜度一下凌老修为。” Good.” Showing a faint smile that Ling Muyang is interested. “好。”凌暮阳感兴趣的微微一笑。 If I have not misread, Old Ling is also Supreme of Swords.” Chu Yang said: Moreover, at present cultivation base reached the boundary of grade nine peak, although just entered the grade nine summit that level, but marches into the grade nine summit level throughout, met Xiao Chenyu speaking of the according to Younger generation other day, had a disparity with Old Ling, believes that Ye Chenchen generally is also this level, the person of same realm, how can fight with Supreme of Swords......” “若是我没看错,凌老也是剑中至尊吧。”楚阳道:“而且,目前修为已臻九品巅峰之境,虽然只是刚刚进入九品颠峰的那个层次,但始终已经是步入到了九品颠峰层次,就以晚辈日前所会过的萧晨雨而论,已与凌老有一段差距了,相信夜沉沉大抵也就是这个层次而已,相同境界之人,如何能与剑中至尊争锋……” By senior such strength, even if facing Feng and Yue any person, can with a it war, although finally or is defeated unavoidably, but requests a whole body not to retreat any issue.” “以前辈这样的实力,纵然是面对风月其中任何一人,也能与之一战,虽然最终或者不免落败,但要求个全身而退却没有任何问题的。” Chu Yang these words, let Ling Hanxue and Ling Family seven Supreme completely are the great happiness. 楚阳的这番话,让凌寒雪凌家的七位至尊尽都是大喜。 Since Nine Great Clans has placed, Ling Muyang always placed Ye Chenchen and Xiao Chenyu behind the body, at most is also third. Moreover also his cultivation base degree, is halts in the grade nine Supreme intermediate appearance that the people know. Have ancestor these years made actually the new breakthrough? 一直以来,九大家族排名,凌暮阳向来是排在夜沉沉萧晨雨身后,至多也不过位列第三。而且他的修为程度,为众人所知的也不过就止步于九品至尊中级的样子。难道说,老祖宗这些年其实又做出了新的突破? Supreme of Swords this, wrong non- is Chu Yang says, view that nearly Arabia talked in the night absolutely, but if, the ancestor hid too were also deep a point. 还有剑中至尊这层,错非是楚阳说出,绝对是近乎天方夜谈的论调,但若是真的,老祖宗隐藏得也太深了一点吧。 Sword Master good eye.” 剑主好眼力。” The acknowledgment of Ling Muyang, lets the Ling Family eight people completely is happy. 凌暮阳的承认,让凌家的八个人尽都是喜形于色。 Old Man cultivation base, approximately before 3000, but must fall behind them, as soon as plans. However now, actually believes firmly that dominates above them, even, their so-called bottlenecks not in old man eyes!” Ling Muyang indifferently said: But, the old man does not want to wrangle over anything in this above, therefore is also determined by the market.” 老朽修为,大约在3000年前,还要落后于他们一筹。但是如今,却已经确信凌驾于他们之上,甚至,他们的所谓瓶颈也不在老夫眼中!”凌暮阳淡淡道:“不过,老夫不想在这上面争竞什么,所以也就随行就市罢了。” Nod that Chu Yang understands, said: „The Nine Great Families ancestor, the age is similar, the practice year is similar, cultivation base also approximately about the same, although has the high under division finally, actually nobody can reach to Supreme grade nine summit Nine Heavens limit, believes that Old Ling only can therefore reach this realm, should to the spirit of a moment ago saying ‚’, has the greatest connection?” 楚阳了解的点点头,道:“九大家祖,年纪相若,修行年头相若,修为也大致在伯仲之间,虽终有高下之分,却始终无人可以臻至至尊九品颠峰这一九重天极限,相信凌老只所以能够达此境界,应该跟刚才所说的‘气量’,有莫大关联吧?” Ling Muyang raised the head, deep looks at Chu Yang, finally unfolds the face to smile: Good fierce Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, good, really has the relations to spirit that the old man said ‚’. However, has other reason and that's the end.” 凌暮阳抬起头,深深的看着楚阳,终于展颜一笑:“好厉害的九劫剑主,不错,确实是跟老夫所说的‘气量’有关系。不过,也还有别的原因就是了。” Other reason?” Chu Yang congealing eyebrow. “还有别的原因?”楚阳凝眉。 ............ …………
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