TTNH :: Volume #17

#1677: That how? 【Makes up 11】

Chu Yang sneers wear a look, is looking at present Ling Family that several people, Nine Tribulations Sword was vivid. 楚阳面带冷笑,望着眼前凌家的那几个人,九劫剑已经呼之欲出。 So long as these people dare to have rash action slightly again, Chu Yang dares to begin to kill people! 这几个人只要敢再有稍稍妄动,楚阳就敢动手杀人! Even if the Ling Family person, even if Ling Muyang on the scene how! 即便是凌家人,即便凌暮阳在场又如何! The goal that these people come today nothing more than is discussed that the alliance copes with Sovereign of the Law and Devil, will otherwise not be only then the person of Ling Family will come, but was Nine Great Clans sends out on a large scale. 这些人今日前来的目的不外是来商量联盟对付法尊天魔的,否则不会是只有凌家之人前来,而是九大家族大举出动了。 But, if uses such pressure way alliance, Chu Yang is the least bit is not rare, must be inferior that does not want! I acknowledged that I regard as important on this day, but, under has not made me regard as important to be able on this day to give up the situation of principle! 但,若使用这样的威压方式联盟,楚阳却是半点也不稀罕,要不如不要!我承认我看重这天下,但,这天下却还没有让我看重到了能够放弃原则的地步! The Ling Muyang vision is cold and gloomy, indifferently said: What's wrong...... Does Sword Master Chu want to begin? As old man, teaches a playboy...... Also isn't good?” 凌暮阳目光森冷,淡淡道:“怎么……楚剑主想要动手么?难道,以老夫的身份,教训一个纨绔……也不行吗?” Chu Yang coldly say/way: He except for is a playboy, my companion, before me, does not bully my companion fortunately, even if the absolute monarch is not good. Do not say is you, even if Sovereign of the Law, even if Devil must begin, needs to give me first a view!” 楚阳冷冷的道:“他除了是个纨绔,不凑巧还是我的同伴,在我面前,欺压我的同伴,就算是天王老子也不行。不要说是你,就算是法尊,就算是天魔要动手,也需要先给我一个说法!” Ling Family seven Supreme get angry immediately in abundance snort/hum makes noise, the imposing manner is exceptionally intense, has the potential of being ready to be set off greatly. 凌家七位至尊顿时纷纷怒哼出声,气势异常激烈,大有一触即发之势。 On the Ling Hanxue elegant face completely is the anxious color, she has not thought that Chu Yang so dissolute, is so unscrupulous. 凌寒雪俏脸上尽是焦急之色,她怎么也没想到,楚阳会如此的放肆,如此肆无忌惮。 Ling Muyang this time, had spoken a few words beforehand: First has a look at this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, is what person. 凌暮阳这一次来,事先曾经说过一句话:先看看这位九劫剑主,是一个什么样的人。 Moreover he indeed is also looking in his method. 而且他也的确是以他自己的方法在看。 But the procedure of this occupying a commanding position, was makes Chu Yang dislike without doubt, moreover was the extreme repugnance. 但这个居高临下的作法,却无疑是让楚阳反感了,而且是极度的反感。 Huang Xialiu in a terrified way extremely left has a look. Right has a look, finally trembling sound track: Big Brother Chu, I am unimportant, or I drew back first. cough cough, you are the great people, don't, for my this playboy injured friendly, was not worthwhile......” 黄霞柳惶恐万分的左看看。右看看,终于颤声道:“楚大哥,我不要紧的,要不我先退下了。咳咳,你们都是大人物,别为了我这个纨绔伤了和气,不值当的……” You sit to me!” Saying of Chu Yang overbearing: Should let you leave, my naturally meeting please leave. Moreover is polite. But, received bullying time, is actually not the avoidance can solve the problem! When the problem of this bullying the weak and fearing the strong can be good. Can't when you, how not terrorize men and take their women the power and prestige to suspend unyieldingly you?” “你给我坐着!”楚阳霸道的说道:“该让你离开的时候,我自然会‘请’你离开。而且是客客气气的。但,受了欺负的时候,却不是躲避就能解决问题的!你丫这点欺软怕硬的毛病什么时候能好。你就不能更硬气一点,怎地不把你欺男霸女时的威风摆出来呢?” Person in Jiang Hu, what asked was what? In the final analysis nothing more than is an honor. You initially accepted that with me in together, me naturally must preserve your honor now! Nobody can bully my companion before me!” “人在江湖,求的是什么?说到底不外就是一个脸面。你当初应承跟我在一道,我如今自然要保全你的脸面!没有人可以在我面前欺负我的同伴!” Chu Yang unquestionable saying: Before this matter has not ended. You cannot walk.” 楚阳不容置疑的说道:“在这件事没完之前。你不能走。” Ling Hanxue in one side, somewhat anxious say/way: Sir Sword Master Chu, at present just when being faced with an archenemy...... Everybody can not the struggle of spirit mump for some again?” 凌寒雪在一边,有些焦急的道:“楚剑主大人,眼下正值大敌当前……大家就不要再为些须意气之争斗气了吧?” Chu Yang curls the lip, said indifferently: „The struggle of spirit? Battle Qi? Did not do to say is faced with an archenemy, even if under moment must fall the head, this moment, very much must satisfy a craving this tone breathed heavily to say again! I want to fight over this one breath, no?” 楚阳撇撇嘴,漠然道:“意气之争?斗气?休要说大敌当前,就算下一刻就要掉脑袋,这一刻,也要将这口气很过瘾的喘完了再说!我就是要争这一口气,不行吗?” In the Ling Muyang eye projects the none remaining, indifferently said: Today, your excellency, if must insist so. Then. Fights unavoidably.” 凌暮阳眼中射出精光,淡淡道:“今日,阁下若是非要坚持如此。那么。一战难免。” Chu Yang sneers: Oh??” 楚阳冷笑:“哦?是么?” Ling Muyang concentrates the item heavy saying: Your I, if fights opening today, whoever wins whom to defeat, will inevitably inspire war between Nine Tribulations and Ling Family \; The final outcome or you suffer a defeat and flee, or my Ling Family destruction, or is both sides suffer. A that result, will cause humanity to resist the Devil time strength not to fight has damaged. The war must defeat without doubt. World common people, all therefore a war, but performs the falling evil clutches! At that time demon main common people, all living things perished! Sword Master Chu. Did you still determine your insistence?” 凌暮阳凝目沉沉说道:“你我若是今日一战开启,无论谁胜谁败,都势必引动九劫凌家之间的大战\;最终结果或你败亡、或我凌家覆灭,又或者是两败俱伤。无论是那一种结局,都会令到人类对抗天魔的时候实力未战已损。战局必败无疑。天下苍生,皆会因此一战,而尽陷魔掌!彼时魔主苍生,众生沉沦!楚剑主。你仍确定你的坚持么?” The Chu Yang lip angle reveals one as ice-cold as the extreme happy expression: This that such as you said that but, how?” 楚阳唇角露出一个冰冷到极点的笑意:“就算如你所说的这样,但,那又如何?” The Ling Muyang heart cannot bear unexpectedly somewhat stunned. 凌暮阳心头竟也忍不住有些愕然。 Really has not thought that this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, unexpectedly so strong! In facing oneself, when facing world common people such major issue of principle choice, the tiny step does not draw back unexpectedly throughout! 实在是没有想到,这一位九劫剑主,居然是如此的强硬!在面对自己,在面对天下苍生这样大是大非选择的时候,居然始终寸步不退! His manner is very obvious. 他的态度很明显。 You must fight! Then on war! 你要战!那就战! A hoodlum point view is: The deserves death bird faces upwards, who feared who? 光棍一点的说法就是:该死鸟朝天,谁怕谁? At present runs into a such crafty hooligan, this crafty hooligan will have about the next general situation huge energy, the bonus will be a Ling Muyang ten thousand years of training, is actually out of control to think that greatly will be the headache. 眼下遇到这样的一个滚刀肉,偏偏这块滚刀肉却拥有左右今后大局的巨大能量,饶是凌暮阳万年修养,却也禁不住觉得大为头痛。 He is came to probe the Chu Yang temperament, Huang Xialiu is only a stage prop of happening to present, but has not actually thought that because in his heart stage prop, actually as if must outsmart oneself. 他本是前来试探楚阳的脾气,黄霞柳只是适逢其会的一个道具而已,但却没有想到,因为他心中的一个‘道具’,却似乎要弄巧成拙了。 Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, are you what kind of?!” The Ling Muyang sinking sound asked. 九劫剑主,你到底想怎样?!”凌暮阳沉声问道。 Is very simple, so long as you must apologize to him!” Chu Yang coldly said: Made mistakes, must withstand consequence. Some matters, are not willing to compromise, has not resulted in discussed!” “很简单,只要你要对他道歉!”楚阳冷冷道:“犯了错,就要承受后果。有些事,不肯妥协,就没得商量!” This flickers, all people suspected oneself presented the phonism 这一瞬,所有人都怀疑自己是不是出现了幻听 Chu Yang makes the solemn Ling Family first ancestor apologize to a playboy boy unexpectedly! 楚阳居然让堂堂凌家始祖给一个纨绔小子道歉! Ling Muyang was nearly mad by the request of Chu Yang faints. 凌暮阳险些被楚阳的要求气得背过气去。 Unexpectedly wants to give Huang Xialiu to apologize? 居然要自己给黄霞流道歉? „Did bastard, apologize to him? What thing is he?! Does he match? Can he receive?” Nearby Ling Family master unable to restrain one's anger, cannot bear open the mouth to make noise finally to scold. 混账,向他道歉?他算个什么东西?!他配么?他受得起吗?”旁边的一位凌家高手怒不可遏,终于忍不住开口出声骂道。 The Chu Yang complexion sank immediately, was sitting well the personal appearance moves suddenly, remnant shades have drawn suddenly, a Ling Muyang brow wrinkle, does not begin to stop, but is paying attention to the Chu Yang movement with rapt attention. 楚阳的脸色即时沉了下来,原本端坐着的身形突然一动,一道道残影骤然拉了出来,凌暮阳眉头一皱,并不动手制止,只是凝神关注着楚阳的动作。 One Ray of Cold Light Piercing Ten Thousands Fathoms!” Chu Yang drinks lowly, actually makes the sword by the hand, ten thousand point cold stars sway, other six Ling Family Supreme were blocked the standard to outside immediately. 一点寒光万丈芒!”楚阳一声低喝,却是以手作剑,万点寒星挥洒而出,其他的六位凌家至尊顿时被阻格到了外面。 When they sharply clash, Chu Yang already low and deep shouting to clear the way: Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not!” 等他们急冲冲回来的时候,楚阳已经低沉的喝道:“屠尽天下又何妨!” The movement once again anchorage of all people. 所有人的动作再度定住。 Before the Ling Family grade seven Supreme body of that speech moved cannot move, looks at front Chu Yang slender finger with amazement, cold sweat streaminged under. 之前那个说话的凌家七品至尊身子一动也不能动,骇然地看着面前楚阳修长的手指,一头冷汗涔涔而下。 Under the throat, has an icy coldness. 咽喉下,只得一片冰凉。 In the Chu Yang food two fingers, have pinched gently on his Adam's apple, the strength gathers not to send. 楚阳食中两根手指,已经轻轻地捏在了他的喉结上,劲力蓄而未发。 Believes so long as at this time anybody had any little change, Chu Yang can within, crumb his Adam's apple, next one flicker immediately, the tyrannical strength can clash thoroughly is rotten his brain! 相信这个时候只要任何人有任何一点点异动,楚阳就可以在第一时间之内,捏碎他的喉结,下一瞬,强横劲气就能彻底冲烂他的大脑! This during, anybody also without enough time rescues, any method, any trick no matter also uses. 这个当口,任何人也来不及救援,任何手段,任何伎俩也不管用。 Sword Master Chu!” The Ling Muyang sinking sound said. 楚剑主!”凌暮阳沉声说道。 Chu Yang ignores completely, if the hand still the rock stabilized generally, the cold and gloomy look was staring at that Ling Family Supreme, slowly said: Before me, you thinks that what thing oneself is? Also dares so to shout and wrangle to me?” 楚阳对此完全置之不理,手仍若磐石一般稳定,森冷的眼神盯着那位凌家至尊,慢慢的道:“在我面前,你以为自己算是个什么东西?也敢对我这般大呼小叫?” This Ling Family Supreme looks at the Chu Yang look, already ashamed and resentful, if dies, but he assigns to hang the hand of Chu Yang at this moment, frequently has the life risk, does not dare to move seriously slightly. 这位凌家至尊看着楚阳的眼神,已经羞愤若死,可是此刻他命悬楚阳之手,动辄有性命之虞,当真不敢稍动。 He just scolded Huang Xialiu is any thing. Now, the retribution in this life unexpectedly is so quick, was pinched the strategic point to interrogate by others that oneself is any thing. 他刚刚骂了黄霞柳‘算什么东西’。如今,现世报居然是如此快,被别人捏着要害质问,自己算是个什么东西。 Moreover the situation also wants humiliation ten times compared with Huang Xialiu. 而且处境比黄霞柳还要屈辱十倍。 Huang Xialiu at least is free, oneself present has been under the control of others. 黄霞柳起码还是自由的,自己现在已经是受制于人。 He was almost shames results in angry does not want to live \; But actually does not dare to commit suicide in light of this. Because at this moment he, if sacrifices the life, death ends all troubles, he dies , then dies, but the consequence is to actually cause Ling Family and Master of Nine Tribulations Sword breaks off immediately at the scene! 他几乎是羞恼得不想活了\;但却又不敢就此轻生。因为此刻他若是豁出性命,一了百了,他死则死矣,但后果却是导致凌家九劫剑主即时当场决裂! But the present situation already bright Master of Nine Tribulations Sword did not care to break off. But their Ling Family actually has no alternative but to care. 而眼前的局势早已明朗九劫剑主不在乎决裂。但他们凌家却不能不在乎。 Is related to the world common people. 事关天下苍生。 Ling Family does not shoulder this responsibility. 凌家负不起这个责任。 Sword Master Chu, are you what kind of?” Ling Muyang deeply inspired to ask. 楚剑主,你到底想怎么样?”凌暮阳深吸了一口气问道。 Chu Yang does not turn head, the finger is still immobilizing the Adam's apple of this Ling Family master, indifferently said: Old Ling, a moment ago that move, was Nine Tribulations Sword sword art, this move of name, was called, Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not?!’ 楚阳并不回头,手指依然钳制着这位凌家高手的喉结,淡淡地道:“凌老,刚才那一招,乃是九劫剑剑法,这一招的名字,叫做,‘屠尽天下又何妨?!’” Chu Yang strange smiles, a character character said: „Should this move, believing Old Ling hear?” 楚阳怪异的一笑,一字字道:“这一招,相信凌老应该听说过吧?” The chest oppression of Ling Muyang only sleep, Chu Yang said the true meaning of these words is not the explanation so-called Nine Tribulations Sword move, but must reiterate him formerly those words: World common people? That how? 凌暮阳只觉的胸口一阵憋闷,楚阳说出这番话的真意并不是解释所谓的九劫剑招,而是要重申他先前那句话:天下苍生?那又如何? Do I grasp Nine Tribulations Sword, Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not?! 我手持九劫剑,屠尽天下又何妨?! Indeed is good sword art! Swift and fierce bold and powerful, overbearing is incomparable, virtually impossible to guard against!” Ling Muyang sinking sound track. “的确是好剑法!凌厉威猛,霸道无匹,令人防不胜防!”凌暮阳沉声道。 Hehe......” Chu Yang loosens the hand slowly, however turns around leisurely, sits returns to oneself seat, takes up wine pot, crash-bang but actually liquor, saying slowly: Actually, in this secular world, you can kill people, so long as you have this ability \; But, do not look down upon the person at will. Some matters, are undoable \; Some consequences, are very serious.” “呵呵……”楚阳缓缓松开手,施施然地转身回去,坐回到自己座位上,拿起酒坛子,哗啦啦倒酒,慢慢的说道:“其实,在这个人世间,你可以杀人,只要你有这个能力\;但,不要随意地看不起人。有些事,不能做\;有些后果,很严重。” He ends the liquor but actually, raise one's head, looks at that Ling Family Supreme master gently, indifferently said: „Did you understand?” 他倒完酒,轻轻抬头,看着那位凌家至尊高手,淡淡道:“你明白了吗?” This Ling Family Supreme reddens all over the face, gets angry: You!” 这位凌家至尊满脸通红,怒道:“你!” Chu Yang coldly said: Isn't clear? I was speaking with your ancestors...... Ling Family, should be insufficient not to have the family education to be right.” He flips the eyelid, saying of casually: I was a little really disappointed, Ling Family in hearsay unexpectedly is also solid.” 楚阳冷冷道:“还不明白吗?我在与你们老祖宗说话……凌家,应该不至于没有家教才对。”他翻翻眼皮,轻描淡写的说道:“我真的有点失望了,传闻中的凌家竟也是名过于实的。” Ling Muyang deeply inspired, turns the head to shout to clear the way: You draw back first.” 凌暮阳深深吸了一口气,转头喝道:“你们先退下吧。” Slow.” Chu Yang does not yield an inch: matter has not terminated, before you worked as these many people to insult the friend of mine, must work as these many people to apologize! Comes out to mix, what this is also must early well!” “慢。”楚阳寸步不让:“刚才的事还没完结,之前你当着这么多人侮辱了我的朋友,现在就要当着这么多人道歉!出来混,该还的还是及早还得好!” On the Ling Muyang face twitched. 凌暮阳脸上抽搐了一下。 Probe. 试探。 Good, now this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword temperament was the thorough probe \; But who once thinks that this boy young is actually such powerful? So strong? Ling Muyang this truly could not get out...... 好吧,现在这位九劫剑主的脾气是彻底的试探出来了\;但谁曾想到这小子年纪轻轻却是如此的强势?如此的强硬?凌暮阳这回可是真正下不来台了…… The Ling Family seven masters completely are the tooth bite giggle to make noise. Stares to look at Ling Muyang, this during, so long as the ancestor issues an order, these seven big masters can rush to go all out, manage your anything Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and grade nine Supreme and Supreme of Swords, killed said again! 凌家七位高手尽都是牙咬得咯咯作响。瞪着眼看着凌暮阳,这当口,只要老祖宗一声令下,这七大高手就能冲上去拼命,管你什么九劫剑主九品至尊剑中至尊,杀了再说! Ling Muyang has hesitated, deeply inspires, a facial color end, said to Huang Xialiu and sound: Was the old man was not right a moment ago, should not restrain by force you with Spirit Sense. Please should not be offended.” 凌暮阳沉吟了一下,深吸一口气,面色一端,对黄霞柳和声说道:“刚才是老夫不对,不该用神识强压你。请你别见怪。” Such remarks, Ling Family several person eyes were red, almost must cry. 此言一出,凌家几个人眼睛都红了,几乎都要哭出来。 Huang Xialiu is similar to by thunder stroke general being shocked. 黄霞柳如同被雷击一般的愣住。 In the whole person wind was disorderly. 整个人都风中凌乱了。
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