TTNH :: Volume #17

#1676: Dissolute!

Ling Hanxue comes, had not said that who must see Chu Yang, this is respects the meaning of Chu Yang: Does not use a generation of differential pressure you. 凌寒雪一进来,并没有说谁要见楚阳,这是尊重楚阳的意思:不用辈分压你。 In the Chu Yang heart many somewhat touches, does not flush other, for this respect, after all the Chu Yang strength suddenly to increase matter at present is also top-secret, the strength of Chu Yang calculated on according to on the same day, how regardless of not to reach to the boundary of present age certainly summit, Ling Family can give this respect in this time, is a commendable manner. 楚阳心中多少有些触动,不冲别的,就为这份尊重,毕竟楚阳实力暴增的事情目前还属绝密,就以当日楚阳之实力推算,无论如何也不会臻至当世绝颠之境,凌家在此时能给出这份尊重,已是一份难能可贵的态度。 The Chu Yang voice just fell, outside that crosses the hands behind the back the vertical old man to smile, sound cold such as extremely north cold wind, said slowly: Ling Family, Ling Muyang \; Has seen contemporary Master of Nine Tribulations Sword!” 楚阳话音刚落,外面那负手而立的老者轻轻一笑,声音冷峭如极北寒风,缓缓道:“凌家,凌暮阳\;见过当代九劫剑主!” Huang Xialiu at the same time is actually similar to by with all Huang Family masters the overhead gold/metal thunder stroke, in an instant the dizziness vertigo, almost cannot believe own ear. 一边的黄霞柳与所有黄家高手却如同被当头金雷击中,刹那间头晕眼花,几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Ling Family, Ling Muyang! 凌家,凌暮阳 Was he comes unexpectedly personally?! 竟是他亲自来了?! What has this name represented?! Can to frighten simply to fly the heart, startled has broken to pieces the soul! 这个名字代表了什么?!简直可以让人吓飞了心,惊碎了魂! This name, is one of the Nine Great Clans founders. The name of Ling Family first ancestor! 这个名字,是九大家族创始人之一。凌家始祖的名字! Previous generation's the child of Nine Tribulations! 上一代的九劫之子! Ling Muyang, three years old of study sword, five years old kills people, seven years old held the sword to fight King Level Master not to drop the wind, hate the wicked as if they were personal enemies entire life, walk Jiang Hu, the slaughter world, entire Jiang Hu is panic at the news. 凌暮阳,三岁学剑,五岁杀人,七岁已经持剑战王座而不落下风,一生嫉恶如仇,行走江湖,杀戮天下,整个江湖闻风丧胆。 In nine big first ancestors, killing is heaviest, is this Ling Family Ling Muyang. 九大始祖之中,杀性最重的,正是这个凌家凌暮阳 But in entire Jiang Hu, is most command respect, actually also Ling Family Ling Muyang. 但在整个江湖中,最受人尊敬的,却也正是凌家凌暮阳 Ling Muyang never toward killing innocent. 凌暮阳从不往杀无辜 Shovel completely world injustice, killing off world may kill the person! 铲尽天下不平之事,杀光世间可杀之人! These words are always the Ling Muyang motto. Is his profession Jiang Hu behavior standard. 这句话从来就是凌暮阳的座右铭。更是他行道江湖的行为标准。 Chu Yang raised the head, concentrates the item to regard. 楚阳抬起头,凝目而视。 Outside, in the endless world of ice and snow, two sharp vision just like the essences, has shot, happen to on Chu Yang two vision. 外面,无尽的冰天雪地之中,两道锐利目光恍若实质,直直地射了进来,正好对上楚阳的两道目光。 Two people. Four vision, meet in the midair, contact. 两个人。四道目光,在半空相遇,接触。 Ling Hanxue that this moment, stands on one side continually also clearly feels that in this middle air, sword energy flees able to move unhindered! It looks like four handle peerless treasured swords, suddenly collides together. 这一刻,连站在一边的凌寒雪也清晰地感觉到,在这中间的空气里,剑气披靡纵横!就像是四柄绝世宝剑,猛地碰撞在一起。 Vision relative, but that indistinct sword energy neighed to collapse the class to scatter in all directions, unexpectedly cut all around the air piece by piece to disrupt. 只是目光相对,但那隐约的剑气嘶鸣崩流四散,居然切割得四周空气片片碎裂。 Takes the vision as the sword unexpectedly. The sword light crack is void, power and influence consistently in this way, seriously surprising fearsome! 竟是以目光为剑。剑光裂虚空,威势一致如斯,当真可惊可怖! The one old and one young two generations jolt the master certainly, has not had the exchange of spoken language, has quarrelled with the sword. Wage a war! 一老一少两代绝颠高手,尚未有言语的交流,已是以剑相向。大动干戈! Will the war get up?! 难道,大战将起?! All people suddenly felt that is heavy such as mountain pressure, suddenly raids the heart. 所有人突然感到一股重如山岳的压力,突然袭上心头。 Moment, suddenly, more spatial sword energy collapse San. All people felt that as if the piece of meteor crashes from the sky. Disappearance. 须臾,忽的一声,弥空剑气崩散。所有人都感觉到似乎有一片流星从天空坠落。消失。 Chu Yang takes back the vision, casts down one's eyes, nose view heart. Heavy motionless. Ling Muyang also at the same time takes back, gathers the item slightly, immediately opens once again, deep looks at Chu Yang. The sound is prudent and serious, said: Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, really name is not in vain. If Old Man two also not dim-sighted, Sword Master Chu is Supreme of Swords. Moreover, reaches to the boundary of grade nine at present! So achievement. Not is only astonishing, is unthinkable!” 楚阳收回目光,眼观鼻,鼻观心。沉沉不动。凌暮阳亦于同一时间收回,微微合目,随即再度张开,深深的看着楚阳。声音慎重而沉重,道:“九劫剑主,果然名不虚传。若是老朽两眼还没有昏花,楚剑主乃是剑中至尊。而且,已经目前臻至九品之境!如此成就。非但弥足惊人,更是匪夷所思!” In the Ling Muyang sound, has one type is similar to frightened the flavor/smell. Supreme of Swords is not extraordinary, grade nine Supreme does not matter, but issue in the Chu Yang age. 凌暮阳声音之中,有着一种类似于‘惊悚’的味道。剑中至尊不出奇,九品至尊也无所谓,但问题就在楚阳的年龄。 So young, so the achievement, Ling Muyang has not seen. Including wants not to think. Must know Ling Muyang this year over 10,000 years old , only compares 20 -year-old Chu Yang to be slightly high plans. 如此年轻,如此成就,凌暮阳从所未见。连想都没有想过。要知道凌暮阳今年10000多岁,也只比20来岁的楚阳稍高一筹而已。 No one knows that Ling Muyang a few words to huge shock that Ling Hanxue creates! 谁也不知道,凌暮阳一句话对凌寒雪造成的巨大震撼! Supreme of Swords? Moreover grade nine Supreme? 剑中至尊?而且还是九品至尊 !! !! Ling Hanxue this moment almost falls down. 凌寒雪这一刻几乎摔倒在地。 Dizziness vertigo turning the head of suddenly, a pair of beautiful pupil incredible looks at Chu Yang, was similar to looks at a prehistoric monster. 头晕眼花的猛然转头,一双美眸不可置信的看着楚阳,如同看着一头史前怪物。 Ling Hanxue is together with Chu Yang after a period of time, thinks that understands the Chu Yang strength very much, although in the process of distinction, Chu Yang will possibly have progressive, even if how striving, how can also, after all only then less than one year of scene! 凌寒雪可是与楚阳相处过一段时间,自以为“很了解”楚阳的实力,虽然在分别的过程中,楚阳可能会有进步,可是即便再如何的精进,又能如何,毕竟只有不到一年的光景吧! But, Ling Muyang gave Chu Yang to reach to the Supreme grade nine altitude, this Ling Hanxue is not only unable to question that cannot question! 可是,凌暮阳给出了楚阳已臻至至尊九品的高度,这点凌寒雪不但无法质疑,更不能质疑! But, what is this promotes the speed? Was this too also quick?! 可是,这到底是什么样晋升速度?这也太快了吧?! Last year before Ten Thousand Medicines Grand Ceremony, saw this fellow time, was he Emperor Level? Monarch Level? 去年万药大典之前见到这家伙的时候,他是皇级?还是君级 Naturally, discussed at the Chu Yang age, can have such Monarch Level strength is commendable, however just one year, he surmounted these many ranks unexpectedly, rose grade nine Supreme directly! 当然,以楚阳的年纪而论,能有那样君级的实力已经是难能可贵了,然而只不过一年的时间,他竟然跨越了这么多的级别,直接蹿升到了九品至尊 If Supreme of Swords! Dominates in same step all cultivating sufficiently super exists tyrannicalally! 而且还要是剑中至尊!足以凌驾于同阶一切修者的超级强横存在! This...... Evildoer/Monstrous talent! 这……妖孽啊! Ling Hanxue incredible is thinking: This, actually really or false? Should not question the judgment of old ancestor obviously, but she still couldn't help suspecting, because this was also too unthinkable! 凌寒雪不可置信的想着:这,究竟是真的还是假的?明明不该质疑老祖的判断,可她仍旧忍不住要怀疑,因为这也太匪夷所思了! She even anticipated that Chu Yang can give the negative view, rather is the old ancestor for a while makes a mistake, is actually not willing to believe in light of this that this young fellow has achieved other people unexpectedly, achievement that several lifetime cannot for a lifetime even achieve! 她甚至期待楚阳能给出否定的说法,宁愿是老祖一时失误,却也不肯就此相信,这个少年人竟达到了他人,一辈子甚至几辈子也达不到的成就! But the Chu Yang words, completely broke her hope, makes her completely dumbfounded. 但紧接着楚阳的话,彻底打破了她的希图,也让她完全的目瞪口呆。 „The Old Ling good eye, then has really understood clearly the this Chu current progress, the trivial achievement, is not worth mentioning.” Chu Yang calm raise one's head, shows a faint smile: Old Ling came from far away, whether to give Bo Mian, hobnobs one cup?” 凌老果然好眼力,一眼便洞悉了楚某目前的进度,区区成就,不足挂齿。”楚阳沉着的抬头,微微一笑:“凌老远道而来,可否给个薄面,共饮一杯?” He lowered the head a moment ago, with Ling Muyang gathers the item slightly, actually taking the opportunity eliminates the damage of opposite party invisible sword energy to own eye. This, they are well aware, their current strengths also are just about the same standard, perhaps Ling Muyang is higher, absolutely are not many. 他刚才低头,与凌暮阳的微微合目,其实都是借机消除对方无形剑气对自己眼睛的损伤。这一节,两人都是心知肚明,两人目前的实力也刚好处于伯仲之间的水准,或许凌暮阳高出一些,却绝对不多。 Therefore Ling Muyang said that the grade nine Supreme words came, because of that his present realm. 所以凌暮阳才说出,九品至尊的话来,因为那正是他如今的境界 Good!” But before Ling Muyang in big strides, does not hesitate. “好!”凌暮阳大踏步而前,毫无犹豫。 Huang Xialiu and Huang Family master is feels that a handle has filled the treasured sword of air/Qi of murdering to the sheath, is carrying endless sharp, changes to the human form to forward step by step. 黄霞柳黄家高手均是感觉到,一柄充满了杀伐之气的宝剑离鞘而出,携带着无尽锋锐,化作人形步步向前。 An indescribable misconception arises spontaneously, in the item the person of seeing, in own feeling, clearly is a sword, has endless point peerless Divine Sword! 一股难以言喻的错觉油然而生,目中所见之人,在自身的感觉中,分明就是一口剑,一口拥有无尽锋芒的绝世神剑 All people subconsciously feel oneself flesh intermittent painful. As if, had been separated by sword energy. 所有人都下意识地感觉到自己肌肤一阵阵的生疼。似乎,已经被剑气割裂。 Before Ling Muyang arrives at the gate gradually, the two Huang Family Supreme masters in both sides before the gate early fear for his imposing manner, cannot help but stretched across outward two steps, then feels also insufficiently, has drawn back two steps, still felt that sword energy coiled around in throat and other vital parts, simply brushed to draw back continually three steps. Has drawn back again five steps! 凌暮阳一步一步走到门前,在门前两侧的两位黄家至尊高手早为他气势所慑,不由自主的往外横跨了两步,然后感觉到还不够,又退了两步,仍旧感觉剑气还是在咽喉等要害处盘绕,干脆刷刷连退了三步。再退了五步! Bang. 砰。 Their backs simultaneously depended in the wall, or was hits on the wall more appropriate. 两人的背脊同时靠到了墙上,或者说是撞到墙上更合适一点。 Has drawn back 12 strides continually, unexpectedly had been compelled to fall back on the two sides fences in courtyard, this hits, unexpectedly hits fence one to sway, has not nearly poured. 连退了12大步,居然已经被逼得退到了院子里的两边围墙上,这一撞,居然撞得围墙一阵摇晃,险些没倒下来。 How can the trivial wall be able to block the drawing back potential of Supreme powerhouse? The reason does not have him, that two Supreme powerhouses early all aim at that not to have the trail all mental efforts, skills and physical strength, on sword energy that can actually induce clearly, that hits has the strength of average man, although brunts the illness to be anxious, finally cannot knock down the fence! 区区一堵墙如何能挡得住至尊强者的退势?原因无他,那两名至尊强者早把一切一切的心力、功力、体力全都针对那全无踪迹,却又能清晰感应到的剑气上,那一撞就只得常人之力,虽然冲势疾急,最终仍未能撞倒围墙! Their heart completely is with amazement. 两人心头尽是骇然。 The so-called layman watches the fun, the expert looks at way, although these two cannot understand that Ling Muyang realm, actually also understands, now this condition generally Ling Muyang intentionally has not aimed, otherwise is only the ordinary imposing manner, so long as he acts fully, grade two Supreme like oneself, will run over by his imposing manner absolutely while still alive? 所谓外行看热闹,内行看门道,这两人虽然并不能了解凌暮阳境界,却也还明白,现在这状况大抵还是凌暮阳并未存心针对,否则就算只是平常气势,只要他全力施为的话,像自己这样的二品至尊,绝对会被他的气势活活压死? If kills people intentionally, does not need to begin, looks own, or blows the tone, can handle with ease! 若是存心杀人,也不用动手,看自己一眼,或者是吹口气,都可以轻松搞定! Breathes as when warming the hands the sword, vision congealing front, although is the masterstroke in Legend, the present person actually certainly understands! 呵气成剑,目光凝锋,虽是传说中的神技,眼前之人却是一定懂得的! „Are these two people, your person?” Ling Muyang tranquil asking. “这两个人,是你的人?”凌暮阳平静的问。 „It is not.” Chu Yang smile. “不是。”楚阳微笑。 He understands that the opposite party is any meaning: These two were too weak. 他明白对方是什么意思:这两人实在太弱了。 Chu Yang ponders looks, knows fairly well: Ling Muyang was equal to that is displaying the demonstration of authority?...... 楚阳玩味的看着,心中有数:凌暮阳等于是在施展下马威?或者…… Draws back!” Ling Muyang does not turn around, but drinks one lightly. “退下!”凌暮阳并不转身,只是轻喝一声。 Several Huang Family masters only felt that heart was been fierce vibrates, nearly must spout the blood, there also dares to have the heart of defying, draws back accordingly fearfully, walks disappear without trace instantaneously. 数位黄家高手只感觉心胸被猛得震动,险些要喷出鲜血,那里还敢有违拗之心,应声惶惶而退,瞬间走得无影无踪 This boy was......” Ling Muyang looks at Huang Xialiu, brow suddenly wrinkled. “这个小子是……”凌暮阳看着黄霞柳,眉头猛地皱了起来。 This boy of undistinguished appearance, cultivation base is the trash, most also compared with average person limited, how side Master of Nine Tribulations Sword to have such friend, such person offers to volunteer for the class of retinue, dislikes disgraced, too not popular point! 这个小子其貌不扬,修为更是垃圾,最多也就比普通人强一点有限,九劫剑主身边怎会有这样的友人,这样人就算自荐为仆从之流,都嫌丢人,委实太不入流一点了! Younger generation is southeast the person of Huang Family, Huang Xialiu...... Has seen, has seen...... The Old Ling senior......” Huang Xialiu looked by the opposite party this very ordinary vision, suddenly felt oneself died has probably also resembled. “晚辈是东南黄家之人,黄霞柳……见过,见过……凌老前辈……”黄霞柳被对方这很平常的眼光一看,也不知怎地,突然感觉自己好象已经死了也似。 Just likes the end arrives and dies to close will be near the general absolutely terrified feeling to arise spontaneously, in an instant almost frightened scared shitless. 一阵恍如末日降临、死关将临一般的毛骨悚然感觉油然而生,刹那间吓得几乎屁滚尿流了。 Saw that Huang Xialiu so cannot withstand, the Ling Muyang eye stares, said: Waste does so material, have what qualifications to audit in this? Has not drawn back!” 见到黄霞柳如此不堪,凌暮阳眼睛一瞪,道:“如此废材,有何资格在此旁听?还不退下!” A Chu Yang brow wrinkle, pours has not gotten rid to prevent, is only indifferently said: Old Ling, your big power and prestige.” 楚阳眉头一皱,倒也没出手阻止,只是淡淡道:“凌老,您老好大的威风啊。” Ling Muyang stands firm before him, coldly said: Oh? 凌暮阳在他面前站定,冷冷道:“哦? I in the place, will never have my enemy.” Chu Yang coldly light say/way: Believes that you are also so. But now so, relies on own tyrannical strength, bullies? Bullies a Xiaoxiao young fellow, my does not know that does this whether to let Old Ling many several points of pleasant sensation?” “我在的地方,从来也不会有我的敌人。”楚阳冷冷淡淡的道:“相信您也是如此。但如今这般,依凭自身强横实力,仗势欺人么?欺负一个小小的少年人,我正不知道这样做是不是可以让凌老多几分快感?” Can be very crisp?” Chu Yang raise one's head, the vision such as arrow like the arrow, comes suddenly from out of the blue. “会不会很爽?”楚阳霍然抬头,目光如箭如矢,破空而来。 Dissolute!” Outside, other that seven Ling Family people drink with one voice, everybody are the complexion bad looks: What thing your boy is, dares such to speak to the ancestor?! Thinks really Master of Nine Tribulations Sword is great?” “放肆!”外面,另外的那七个凌家人齐声一喝,人人都是脸色不善的看过来:“你小子算什么东西,竟敢这么跟老祖宗说话?!真以为九劫剑主就了不起吗?” Dissolute!” Chu Yang shifts the vision slowly, has drunk. His vision is dense, ice-cold constant, is similar to the condor is staring at own prey to be ordinary: What thing your several are, dares such to speak to me?! Master of Nine Tribulations Sword is very certainly great! Whether your several do want to ask for advice?” “放肆!”楚阳缓缓移转目光,一口喝了回去。他目光森然,冰冷恒定,如同秃鹰在盯着自己的猎物一般:“你们几个算是什么东西,敢这么跟我说话?!九劫剑主当然很了不起!你们几个是否想领教领教?” In an instant, relatively tranquil atmosphere, suddenly changes at daggers drawn. 刹那间,本来相对平静的气氛,突然间变地剑拔弩张。 ...... ……
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