TTNH :: Volume #17

#1675: Great distance frozen, ten thousand miles snow flutters

But your my brother, does not have the regret, the son has no regret!” Chu Yang laughs, heroic feelings 100 thousand feet, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards shoulder, then such as god Sword out of its Sheath, tries the sword world from this moment, world can hero dare to work as?! “但你我兄弟,一无所悔,男儿无悔!”楚阳哈哈大笑,豪情万丈,剑眉挑起,便如神剑出鞘,自这一刻试剑天下,天下英雄可敢当?! Good! The success or failure all has no regret, victory and loss all hero!” The Mo Tianji big sleeve strokes, sprinkles however stands up, walks toward own room that sways, in mouth hehe chuckle: Brothers all have no regret! I am also regretless! If the life can have no regret, husband duplicate what Qiu? Haha......” “不错!成败俱无悔,输赢皆英雄!”莫天机大袖一拂,洒然站起,摇摇晃晃的向着自己房间走去,口中呵呵轻笑:“兄弟俱无悔!我亦无悔!一生若能无悔,夫复何求?哈哈……” Mo Tianji went back oneself room. 莫天机已经回去自己房间。 From this moment, Nine Tribulation Brothers began, the world wind and cloud moves inevitably. 这一刻开始,九劫兄弟已经率先动手,天下风云必然随之而动。 Contemporary Nine Tribulations Legend, in today's the present, at this moment, opens officially! 当代九劫传说,在今日今朝,此时此刻,正式拉开帷幕! Mo Tianji heavy responsibility in shoulder, from this moment, wind and cloud all in palm. 莫天机重任在肩,从这一刻,风云皆在掌中。 He must, maintain highly sober, during maps out strategic plans in an army tent, determines the final outcome within, momentarily the trend of adjustment any side. To...... This surviving in name only Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting thorough termination. 他必须,一直保持高度的清醒,运筹帷幄之中,决胜中都之内,随时调整任何一方的动向。一直到……这个名存实亡“天鼎盛会”彻底完结。 Or...... The war of Nine Tribulations of the Nine Heavens, draws to a close thoroughly. 或者说……九劫九重天之战,彻底落下帷幕。 Mo Tianji can rest, can rest. 莫天机才能休息,才可以休息。 Now for him, any little negligence, even if shuts the eye that short relaxation time, is precious, is uncome-at-able. 现在对他来说,任何一点点的疏忽,哪怕是闭一闭眼睛那么短暂的休息时间,都是弥足珍贵的,都是难以得到。 Chu Yang hehe smiles, suddenly heroic feelings sends greatly, pounds on the table, shouted to clear the way: With liquor!” 楚阳呵呵一笑,突然豪情大发,一拍桌子,喝道:“拿酒来!” Luckily side also yellow big Young Master, otherwise some King of Hell this heroic feelings truly white has displayed, because at this moment, besides Chu Yang, only remaining Huang Xialiu one people was also knows the sentiment to be tactful, as for other Huang Family masters...... Seemingly cannot lag behind the status. 幸亏身边还有一个黄大少爷,否则某阎王这番豪情就真正白表现了,因为此刻,除了楚阳,就只剩下黄霞柳一人还算是识情识趣了,至于其他黄家高手……貌似是拉不下身份的。 Yellow big Young Master one hear of nine First Master want the liquor, hurries good wine that delivered already to prepare. 黄大少爷一听九大爷要酒,赶紧送上早已备下的美酒。 Did Chu Yang look continually that a palm of the hand claps the balling up! 楚阳连看不看,一巴掌拍开泥封! However in this time, the sudden crazy rumor howls exactly resounds suddenly, in an instant. Several, whiz whiz...... The outside many shop inscribed horizontal tablets break suddenly inexplicably, immediately was swept by fierce wind, has blown disappear without trace. 然而恰在此时,突然一阵疯狂的风声呼啸猛然响起,刹那间。咔嚓嚓几声,嗖嗖……外面不少的店铺匾额突然莫名断裂,随即被狂风吹走,吹了个无影无踪 A series of calling out in alarm pitiful yells along with it resounding, do not come quickly, went to quickly, only the flash already stopped. 一连串的惊叫惨叫也随之响起,不过来得快,去得更快,只一瞬间已然停顿。 But this stop was really too quick a point, outside all voice as if all of a sudden completely vanished. In the world towering extremely fell into an unprecedented deathly stillness. 可是这个停顿委实是太快了一点,外面所有声音仿佛一下子全部消失了。天地之间突兀万分地陷入了一片空前死寂之中。 Calmly like Evil Spirit. 静如鬼蜮 Huang Xialiu stands firm frightened, has almost not sat the ground. That sudden fierce wind, almost also had blown a moment ago from the mouth his heart, palpitation that one intermittent was flustered inexplicably spontaneously, in an instant was scared. 黄霞柳惶然站定,差点没一屁股坐到地上。刚才那一阵突如其来的狂风,几乎将他的心脏也从口中吹了出来,一阵阵莫名心慌的悸动油然而起,刹那间就是恐慌之极。 Heroic spirit You Cun who if not beforehand witnesses the Nine Tribulations motion, bubble urinates in the pants also non- cherishes the matter. Counter- process yellow big Young Master has withstood, in those days, today has also witnessed the big day of Nine Tribulations legend introduction, cannot instigate! 若非之前见证九劫行动的豪气尤存,一泡尿尿在裤子里也非是稀罕事。反正黄大少爷是顶住了,往日也就算了,今天可是见证九劫传奇开篇的大日子,怎么也不能太怂的! A Chu Yang wine pot, wine cup, facing the accident, actually links the eyebrow not to shiver at present in this way. Drinks with flies, the manner sprinkles Yi with ease, as if anything has not felt. 楚阳一手酒壶,一手酒杯,面对眼前如斯变故,却连眉毛也没颤动一下。自斟自饮,神态轻松洒逸,似乎什么都没有感觉到。 What happened?” raise one's head that Huang Xialiu cannot calm down, the congealing eyebrow raises the sound to ask. “发生了什么事?”黄霞柳沉不住气的一抬头,凝眉提声问道。 Outside noise avenue has some accident. Why outside person did not know towering missing. Now has not known that exactly what happened. Should...... Has master extremely to get rid, emptied......” the Huang Family master who remained behind outside to walk this piece completely, frowns, in the eye was somewhat surprised uncertain. Replied in a low voice. “外面喧嚣大街发生某种变故。外面的人不知为何都突兀的失踪了。现在还不知道到底发生了什么事。应该……是有绝顶高手出手,将这一片完全清空了……”一名在外面留守的黄家高手走了进来,皱着眉头,眼中有些惊疑不定。低声回答道。 This person is talented, had the grade two Supreme degree. 这人实力不俗,已有二品至尊的程度。 This grade of cultivation base in Huang Family, even if not considered as that strongest several. Actually may also rank into first ten. But at this moment, is near along with that strange wind suddenly, the fear in heart actually gradually deepens, if discussed assuredly, seemingly might as well yellow big Young Master. 这等修为黄家即使不算是最强的几个。却也可排名入前十了。但此刻,随着那一阵怪风突临,心中的恐惧却是渐次加深,若论笃定,貌似还不如黄大少爷 Besides know-nothing party fearless, yellow big Young Master sincerely believes nine First Master, has this Venerable the god to assume personal command, what do oneself also need to be worried about? 除了无知者无畏之外,黄大少爷更是笃信九大爷,有这位尊神坐镇,自己还需要担心什么吗? Different from yellow big Young Master ignorant fearless, in that Huang Family master palm was already full is the cold sweat, only feels in keel Lianggou intermittent sending cold. 不同于黄大少爷的无知无畏,那位黄家高手此刻手心里早已满是冷汗,只感觉脊梁沟里一阵阵的发寒。 If a moment ago that gust sent out artificially, then, what situation cultivation base of this person should be in? It is estimated that kills oneself this, is the matter that raises hand to wield! 刚才那阵风若是人为发出的,那么,这个人的修为该到了什么地步?估计杀自己这样的,也就是举手一挥的事吧! Goes to have a look, exactly what happened.” Huang Xialiu a few words have not said that the sound lives suddenly. “出去看看,到底发生了什么事情。”黄霞柳一句话还没有说完,声音突然顿住。 It is not, should be freezes. 不是,应该是冻住。 Because in this moment, cold weather and frozen ground aura suddenly passes from the front, the place visited, the frost and snow is faded and fallen in an instant, the air temperature dropped dozens degrees suddenly! 因为就在这一刻,一股天寒地冻的气息猛地从前方传过来,所过之处,刹那间霜雪飘零,空气温度骤然间下降了几十度! The ground before inn, congealed rapidly at the naked eye obvious speed hoar frost, under the sunlight illumination, reflected the variegated radiant magnificent brilliance color. 客栈之前的地上,以肉眼可见的速度迅速地凝结出了一片白霜,在阳光照射下,反射出斑斓璀璨的瑰丽光辉色彩。 Huang Xialiu dumbfounded looks at the present mystical change, startles spirit hit to tremble: This...... This...... This this......” actually did not explain including the words. 黄霞柳目瞪口呆的看着眼前的神异变化,激灵灵的打了个寒颤:“这……这……这这这……”却是连话都说不明白了。 Now or the midsummer weather, is hot the person to wish one could stripped, but this aura one, is melting the extremely hot midsummer unexpectedly in an instant nine deep winter, in this way the change, seriously is unthinkable. 现在还是盛夏天气,热得人恨不得光膀子,但这股气息一来,居然在刹那间化酷热盛夏为数九隆冬,如斯变化,当真是匪夷所思。 Is patient and calm.” The Chu Yang eye hides does not lift, indifferently said: Not must forget, now with you in the same place, is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword!” “耐心、淡定。”楚阳眼皮子也不抬,淡淡道:“莫要忘了,现在跟你在一起的,乃是九劫剑主!” Cold air one, the one who comes is, in the Chu Yang heart had the conclusion. 寒气一至,来的是什么人,楚阳心中已经有了定论。 By Chu Yang current strength cultivation base, speaks the sentence not very arrogant words, so long as is not Sovereign of the Law, Devil, Wu Juecheng, Ning Tianya and other person of knowing how things stand, as for other people, he can definitely not need to place intraocular! 楚阳目前的实力修为,说句不算很自大的话,只要不是法尊天魔舞绝城宁天涯等寥寥几个有数的人,至于其他人,他完全可以不用放在眼内! Even, Chu Yang said like this is very modest view, even if front that several people, hits truly, Chu Yang not necessarily certainly will also lose, moreover really cannot hit, the escape has 10,000% assurances. 甚至,楚阳这样说还是很谦虚的说法,就算是前边那几人,真正打起来,楚阳也未必就一定会输,而且就算真打不过,逃命还是有10000的把握。 Let alone, Chu Yang, since makes a debut Jiang Hu, has fought many battles, but also is never true completely the card in a hand! Chu Yang has the endless self-confidence and assurance. 更何况,楚阳自从出道江湖,一路身经百战,还从未真正出尽底牌!楚阳可谓有着无尽的自信与把握。 But one hear of Chu Yang these words, Huang Family several master face turning the head suddenly with amazement, Big Brother don't scary be so good...... 但一听楚阳这句话,黄家几位高手一脸骇然的猛然转头,大哥您不要这么吓人好不好…… Although our indistinct has guessed correctly, but such straightforward saying...... 虽然咱们隐隐约约的猜到了,但您还是不要这么直白的说出来啊…… You do not know that now this name shines, what to the impact of person is? That is almost must overturn the heavens general shock! 您不知道,现在这名字一亮出来,给人的冲击是什么吗?那是几乎要翻了天一般的震撼啊! Also...... Although this name is truly imposing, is very flamboyant, but here...... But Ye Family domain...... 再说了……虽然这名字确实很威风,很牛逼,但这里……可是夜家的地盘啊…… You are goal that Nine Great Clans must eliminate, naturally, you have been able not to fear that we actually feared, you do not care about Nine Great Clans, wants destruction it, but we actually feared that was given the destruction by Nine Great Clans! 您可是九大家族必除的目标,当然了,您可以不怕,我们却是怕的,您不在乎九大家族,更要覆灭之,可是我们却怕被九大家族给覆灭了的! But Huang Xialiu actually proceeds from nod of moral nature, a depth of face to be so, unexpectedly negligent sitting down, said really: Good! What does father fear? The father did not fear that nine First Master in this, have anything to be fearful...... Feared that fears a bird...... Nine First Master, give me liquor, my leg a little shakes, is not feared, this ghost weather, freezes flusters......” 黄霞柳却发自心底的点点头,一脸的深以为然,居然真个大咧咧的坐下,道:“不错!老子怕什么?老子不怕,有九大爷在这,有什么可怕的……怕,怕个鸟……呃,九大爷,给我一口酒,我腿有点抖,真不是怕的,这鬼天气,冻得慌得得得……” The jaw junction strikes, has frightened soon has been scared out of one's wits, on the mouth is still talking big. 牙关交击,已经是快要吓得魂不附体了,嘴上还在说大话。 „!” “唰!” Sound neat resounding of clothes sleeve belt wind first even/including flees, just likes also resembles, then all people felt that at present a piece snow white glistens, ice-cold withers. 一连窜的衣袂带风的声音整齐的响起,恍如一声也似,然后所有人就感觉眼前一片雪白闪亮,冰冷肃杀。 At present suddenly presented nine people. 眼前蓦然就出现了九个人。 The white clothing, the white robe, white scabbard, galvanized iron Sword Hilt, white Sword Tassel, the white kerchief, even/including Xiezi, sock are also white. 白衣,白袍,白色剑鞘,白铁剑柄,白色剑穗,白色头巾,连鞋子、袜子也是白的。 Immediately, fills the headstrong ancient icefield the cold aura to head on. 顿时,一股充满莽古冰原的寒冷气息扑面而来。 When first, a white clothing Mr. white beard crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the stature is tall and straight, the vision like the sword, looks to inside. 当先,一名白衣白须老人负手而立,身材挺拔,目光如剑,向里面看过来。 Some people tread the previous step, the personal appearance is slender, the facial features are elegant, the vision is extremely indifferent, then hears a chilly sound saying: May I ask, contemporary Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Lord Chu avoids as taboo positive, can Chu Yang Sir Chu in this place? Ling Family Ling Hanxue, comes to visit.” 有人踏前一步,身形窈窕,面容秀美,目光却极之冷漠,然后就听到一个清冷的声音说道:“敢问,当代九劫剑主楚君讳阳,楚阳楚大人可在此地吗?凌家凌寒雪,前来拜访。” Ling Family Ling Hanxue. 凌家凌寒雪 Huang Xialiu this chapter of calf true becomes tender, has almost not sat but actually, is supports reluctantly. The mother, is all right is all right, has the matter is Nine Great Clans direct descendant directly walks. Nine First Master, your you...... You may be able to toss about, can calm down. I am nine First Master friends, this cannot lose face to him, withstands must withstand, is not Nine Great Clans, does not have anything greatly...... 黄霞柳这回腿肚子真正一阵发软,差点没坐倒,勉强算是撑住。妈的,没事儿就没事儿,一有事儿就是九大家族嫡系直接找上门来。九大爷,您您您……您可真能折腾,真沉得住气啊。我是九大爷的朋友,这会可不能给他丢人,顶住一定要顶住,不就是九大家族的么,没什么了不起…… Chu Yang does not set out, still before such as, big Markin dao sitting \; Still from taking the wine pot was pouring out thinks, indifferently said: Miss Ling, has been well since last meeting long time no see.” 楚阳并不起身,仍旧如前,大马金刀的坐着\;仍自拿着酒壶自斟自酌,淡淡道:“凌姑娘,好久不见了,别来无恙。” In Ling Hanxue reveals an exceptionally complex difficult word the look. 凌寒雪目中露出一丝异常复杂难言的神色。 On the same day beginning Chu Yang southeast, with Zi Xieqing Chu Le'er together, once travelled together with the Ling Family person. 当日楚阳初出东南,与紫邪情楚乐儿一道,曾经与凌家人一路同行。 At that time, Chu Yang is through nameless soldier. 那时候,楚阳还是一个彻头彻尾的无名小卒 However now, at this moment, less than one year, actually changed, turns has overawed the world, sword ice Jiang Hu Master of Nine Tribulations Sword! 但是现在,此刻,前后还不到一年时间,却已经摇身一变,变成了威震天下,剑凌江湖九劫剑主 He and his Nine Tribulation Brothers, has molded a new Legend Nine Tribulations legend in Jiang Hu. 他和他的九劫兄弟,已经在江湖中塑造了一个新的传说九劫传奇。 Now, the Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Chu Yang reputation resounds through the world, had about the Jiang Hu situation tyrannical strength! 现在,九劫剑主楚阳的名头响彻天下,已经具备了左右江湖大势的强横实力! Now and past compares, is similar to has a dream simply makes the person unable to believe generally. 今与昔比,简直就如同做梦一般的令人不敢相信。 In the Ling Hanxue heart sighed gently, in the eye revealed the sad color. At that time, Second Uncle Ling Hanwu...... Also in! 凌寒雪心中轻轻叹息一声,眼中露出悲戚之色。那时候,二叔凌寒舞……还在啊! Remembers Second Uncle Ling Hanwu, in the Ling Hanxue heart is a difficult word has braved bitter. 一想起二叔凌寒舞,凌寒雪心中就是一阵难言的酸涩冒了上来。 Second Uncle, entire life struggling life pain, life alone Ling Hanwu...... 二叔啊,一生挣扎一生苦,一生独自凌寒舞…… Chu Yang raise one's head, his vision also somewhat is slowly complex \; Person who now he thinks, there is Ling Hanwu, has Ye Chuchen, Meng Chaoran. 楚阳缓缓抬头,他的目光也有些复杂\;现在他想起来的人,既有凌寒舞,却还有夜初晨,孟超然 Initial Ye Chuchen Meng Chaoran was injured, Ling Hanwu died in battle heroically, all, but also was similar to comes clearly into view general. 当初的夜初晨孟超然受伤,凌寒舞壮烈战死,一切的一切,还都如同历历在目一般。 But this stretch of world was different, day badly other big different. 但这片天地已经不同,天差地别的大大不同。 Ling Hanwu unreasoning passion, insistence of Ye Chuchen, Meng Chaoran pain. 凌寒舞的痴情,夜初晨的坚持,孟超然的痛苦。 Remembers oneself Master, now every day in the evening, must drink with the Ling Hanwu memorial tablet, clear wine, the this one lamp like the bean, the dark night is waning, is drunk with Monarch, life and death not abandoned, is for the brothers...... 想起自己师父,现在每一天晚上,都要与凌寒舞的牌位喝酒,清酒一盏,孤灯如豆,暗夜阑珊,与君同醉,生死不弃,乃为兄弟…… Chu Yang low sighing sighed, in these unfathomable mystery liters mind the train of thought completely drove away the mind, the raise one's head smile: Good attractive thousand li (500 km) frozen, ten thousand miles snow flutters, this comes out, I know that today the Ling Family aspect came the great person...... Actually does not know that is which senior Ling Family must see my this young man younger generation?” 楚阳一声低低的喟叹,将脑海中这些莫名其妙升起来的思绪尽都驱赶出脑海,抬头微笑:“好漂亮的一手‘千里冰封,万里雪飘’,这一手出来,我就知道,今日凌家方面是来了大人物了……却不知道是凌家的哪位前辈要见我这个后生晚辈?”
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