TTNH :: Volume #17

#1674: Nine Tribulations leaves, the wind and clouds will dance! 【Makes up 10】

Chu Yang silent, light gives a conclusion, the sinking sound track: He will certainly come.” 楚阳沉默了一下,淡淡的给出一个结论,沉声道:“他一定会来的。” Mo Tianji nods, starts to speak but hesitates. 莫天机点点头,欲言又止。 Chu Yang raised the head, said in a soft voice: I think that Le'er will also come.” 楚阳抬起头,轻声道:“我想,乐儿也会来的。” Mo Tianji suddenly has turned the head, looks at outside, sighed: Today's aura, but is really the terror.” His eyeground deep place, quietly flashes through a flurry. 莫天机猛地转过头去,看着外面,叹息道:“今天的气息,可真是恐怖。”他的眼底深处,悄悄的闪过一丝慌乱。 The Mo Tianji wisdom is peerless, but this moment, he actually completely could not listen to Chu Yang this light a few words to contain anything \; Only thought own heart unexpectedly in that flash chaotic. 莫天机智慧绝伦,但这一刻,他却完全听不出楚阳这平淡的一句话之中包含了什么\;只觉得自己的心竟在那一瞬间乱了起来。 By Mo Tianji present cultivation base and by the Master of Calculation and Manipulation disposition, if not buckles the heartstrings truly, how can say so the excuse of non- wisdom, today's aura is without doubt terrorist, puts on the average person, scares to death the person is not extraordinary, how can actually vacillate the Mo Tianji will, can make one generation of wise man absent-minded so, actually only then relates to some special talented person to be able so. 莫天机如今的修为、以神盘鬼算的心性,若非真正扣动心弦,如何能说出如此不智的说词,今日的气息无疑恐怖,搁在普通人身上,把人吓死也不出奇,却如何能动摇莫天机的心志,能令得一代智者如此失神,却就只有关系到某个特殊之人才会如此。 Chu Yang decided gazed at the Mo Tianji moment, seemed to be that intent resembled changed the topic accidentally: Was a pity, Senior Ning in Lower Three Heavens...... Probably was happy does not know to return, if there is his helper to help in the fighting, or can relaxed 12.” 楚阳定定地注视了莫天机片刻,似有意似无意地岔开了话题:“可惜,宁前辈下三天……好像是乐不知返了,要是有他帮手助战,或者能轻松12。” Mo Tianji mood rapid is calm, said with a smile: This war, being doomed is our.” 莫天机心情迅速的沉稳下来,笑道:“这一战,注定是我们的。” Chu Yang nods: „Has your side prepared?” 楚阳点点头:“你那边已经准备好了?” Mo Tianji nods. 莫天机点头。 That...... Starts.” Chu Yang long exhalation one breath. “那……就开始吧。”楚阳长长的呼出一口气。 The Mo Tianji heavy nod, has patted clapping immediately. 莫天机沉沉点头,随即拍了拍手。 . 啪啪。 The Gu Duxing some people surround rapidly, everybody two illumination: Can start to begin?” 顾独行一干人迅速围拢过来,人人两眼发光:“要开始动手了吗?” Mo Tianji smiles lightly: Nine Tribulations Legend, long-standing, Nine Tribulations unites, unmatched in the world...... Gu Duxing and the others each one, Dong Wushang and Mo Lei'er. Your eight directions, scatter. All deferred to yesterday evening discussing conduct \; Everyone, can voluntarily its matter, the only attention, only then own security, takes own security as most important, must return safely.” 莫天机淡淡一笑:“九劫传说,由来已久,九劫合一,天下无敌……顾独行等人各自一路,董无伤墨泪儿一路。你们八个方向,撒出去。一切都按照昨晚上的计议行事\;每个人,都可以自行其事,唯一注意的,就只有自身安全,以自身安全为首要,一定要平安归来。” Good.” “好。” Knew!” “知道了!” Understood.” “明白了。” Assumes the center as for me and Boss, momentarily and other news.” In the eye of Mo Tianji polite scholarly flashes through together cold light, the sound actually more and more is indifferent: As long as there is an obstruction. Kills without the amnesty!” “至于我和老大则坐镇中央,随时等你们的消息。”莫天机温文儒雅的眼中闪过一道寒光,声音却越来越是淡然:“但凡有阻挠。杀无赦!” In everybody eyes murderous aura is suddenly imposing! 大家眼中突然杀气凛然! This flickers, totals present age murderous aura of many summit powerhouses in one, is Wei ice world, overbearing is seriously incomparable! 这一瞬,合共当世多名颠峰强者的杀气于一处,当真是威凌天下,霸道无匹! Mo Tianji turns the head to look at Mo Qingwu, the sound is gentle: Younger sister. You......” 莫天机转头看着莫轻舞,声音温柔下来:“小妹。你……” The Mo Qingwu delicate eyebrows raise, said with a smile lightly: Second Brother...... Relax. Younger sister entire lifetime is not a gentle dance, then from at this moment, with him shoulder to shoulder daytime dance!” 莫轻舞秀眉一扬,轻笑道:“二哥……放心。小妹平生不轻舞,便从此刻,与他并肩长天舞!” The Mo Tianji corners of the mouth twitched, said: Good! The Second Brother talks incessantly finally, all things are careful, reluctantly!” 莫天机嘴角抽搐了一下,道:“好!二哥最后唠叨一句,万事小心,不要勉强!” Chu Yang has not spoken. Deeply is actually looking at Mo Qingwu, is looking at that person. 楚阳没有说话。却是深深地望着莫轻舞,望着伊人。 The Mo Qingwu vision like the water, glances is staring at him gracefully, similarly did not say a word. 莫轻舞目光如水,眼波盈盈地凝望着他,同样也是一言不发。 These two have not spoken again. But in the pupil the expression has actually indicated all. 这两人都没有再说话。但眸子中表情却已经表明了一切。 Person in Jiang Hu, something is doomed unavoidable, something must do, you must take care.” “人在江湖,有些事注定无法避免,有些事更是一定要做,你要保重。” My meeting. You are also...... Must take care!” “我会的。你也是……要保重啊!” A chuckle is similar to the immortal sound curls, blows off melancholily. The red clothes dodges, in an instant, a red shade plunders suddenly like lightning, dodges already outside the hundred zhang (333 m), in the hundred zhang (333 m) space, performing is the brilliant red shadow, the beautiful fascinating'winsome is graceful, is similar to is the daytime female celestial, suddenly in the world world of this noise, has exposed her that shocking Cangqiong beautiful dancer's posture. 一声轻笑如同仙音袅袅,吹散此间忧郁。红衣一闪,刹那间,一道红影突然闪电般掠出,一闪之间已在百丈之外,百丈空间内,尽是红艳艳的影子,婀娜曼妙,就如同是长天仙女,突然在这喧嚣的人间世,展露了她那惊艳苍穹的绝美舞姿。 The red shade still glitters in the midair, however the Mo Qingwu slender physique actually already vanished in Northeast. 红影依然在半空中闪烁,然而莫轻舞的窈窕身姿却已然消失在东北方向。 From now on, I under your shielding with one's own body asylum, I can not use my strength again, fights with you shoulder to shoulder \; Ascending a height to get a broad view peak! 从现在起,我不要再在你的翼护庇护之下,我要用我的力量,与你并肩战斗\;登临巅峰! I know you need is not the flowers in greenhouse, or is only a vase. 我知道你需要的不是温室里的花朵,又或者只是一只花瓶。 Your this life will certainly experience the ice skates frost sword, rushes to the hiding everywhere bravely, innumerable bad risk partner body. I am then unprecedented, treads \; Even if foul wind and bloody rain, I am accompanying you, you look at me finally on the 1st, for you, waved for nine days! 你这一生必将经历冰刀霜剑,勇闯十面埋伏,无数凶险伴身。那我便一往无前,一路地踏过去\;哪怕是腥风血雨,我陪着你,终有一日,你看我,为你,一舞动九天! Mo Qingwu in Chu Yang and other in line is smallest one, before also never alone exited to carry out any task. Everybody takes care of her, is take pity on she, cherishes her, any dirty chaotic danger never makes her meddle. 莫轻舞楚阳等一行人中是最小的一个,以前也从未单独出去执行什么任务。大家都照顾她,怜惜她,爱护她,什么脏的乱的危险的更是从不让她插手。 But this time, in the present of this worldwide chaos, the hiding everywhere crisis heavily present, the first rush out shoulder shoulders a side, is actually Mo Qingwu. 但这一次,在这天下大乱的今朝,十面埋伏危机重重的现在,第一个冲出去肩扛一方的,却是莫轻舞 The hardships, I help you shoulder! 千难万险,我帮你扛! Good! Happy!” A Gu Duxing long and loud cry, gets away, brings to slide radiant incomparable sword light, is mixing with that this one certainly world proudly, has fired into due north direction like lightning. “好!痛快!”顾独行一声长啸,也告拔身而起,带着一溜璀璨无比剑光,夹杂着那份孤绝天下的傲然,闪电般冲向了正北方向。 Both of us.” Dong Wushang stands, laughs. He spoke, even if were the complete unconsciousness, was but spontaneously a heroic spirit and majestic imposing manner. “我们俩也去了。”董无伤站起来,哈哈一笑。他说话,纵然是完全的无意识,也是油然而起一种豪迈的气概与雄壮的气势。 Mo Lei'er stands up gracefully, these two all is a black clothes, stands shoulder to shoulder. Next moment, the Dong Wushang tall and strong form, every step steps on big strides on the ground, as if in this land must shiver. 墨泪儿盈盈站起,这两人俱都是一身黑衣,并肩而立。下一刻,董无伤魁梧的身影大踏步而出,每一步踩在地上,似乎这中都的土地都要为之颤抖一下。 A person exits, imposing manner is actually is similar to ten thousand Ma Qianjun together takes a mass pledge to go to battle! 只是一个人出去,气势却是如同万马千军一起誓师出征! Good breadth of spirit! Good son!” In the Huang Xialiu eye reveals extremely frantic envying. “好气魄!好男儿!”黄霞柳眼中露出极度狂热的羡慕。 The chance of person, the Will of Heaven not measured that unites in this Nine Tribulations, the day that collaborates to move for the first time, does the testimony for them, unexpectedly is the Huang Xialiu big playboy, if not Mo Lei'er this Nine Tribulations family, the Huang Xialiu super big playboy unexpectedly is the only testimony of Nine Tribulations Legend introduction! 人之机缘,天意莫测,在这个九劫合一,首次联手行动的日子,为他们做见证的,竟是黄霞柳大纨绔,如果不算墨泪儿这位九劫家眷,黄霞柳超级大纨绔竟是九劫传说开篇的唯一见证! the Will of Heaven makes the person, the good fortune makes person, but makes the person! 天意弄人,造化弄人,无奈弄人! If the military might brave soldier of Dong Wushang this grade of unparalleled in the world, lets expensive Young Master of Huang Xialiu this always playboy suddenly at present one bright, immediately understands: What is called the man? This is a man! Real son, real real man! 董无伤这等天下无双的威武壮士,让黄霞柳这位一向纨绔的贵公子突然眼前一亮,顿时明白:什么叫做男人?这才是男人!真男儿,真好汉! It seems like the ordinary day behavior, before such real man, pulls on shoes to others does not match! 貌似自己平日所为,在这样的好汉面前,给人家提鞋都不配的! Huang Xialiu this super playboy, playboy playboy wastrel of less than half lifetime, will never engage in introspection own dissolute character, at this moment actually lowered the head, first time starts to reconsider, then considered own life later path. 黄霞柳这位超级纨绔,纨绔了小半辈子的纨绔败家子,从来不会反省自身的浪荡人物,此刻却是低下了头,第一次开始反思,进而考虑自己人生以后的道路。 „East side Ao Xieyun, you go, west I go.” A Rui Butong long and loud cry, is similar to the phoenix cry nine days, the body lasing, bends in the airborne two legs. Two arm, two leg balls, are similar to a giant bird are suddenly common, opens the both wings glide to go. 傲邪云,你去东面,我去西面。”芮不通一声长啸,如同凤鸣九天,身子激射而出,在空中两腿屈起。两臂一张,两腿一弹,突然就如同一只巨大的鸟儿一般,张开双翅滑翔而去。 The posture is to the utmost beautiful. 姿势极尽优美。 Ao Xieyun laughs: This his effort wants to display the phoenix to go on a journey, hundred bird sovereign rule the world the demeanor, actually developing just like became a crow threw the corner, real his mother's losing bird, ok, making everybody open mind. Anything is the dragon good world, overbearing is incomparable.” 傲邪云哈哈大笑:“这丫的努力想要表现出凤凰出行,百鸟皇者君临天下的风仪,却活脱脱的演成了一只乌鸦扑棱,真他娘的丢鸟,算了,让大家开开眼界。什么是龙行天下,霸道无匹。” In the brothers laughter, a Ao Xieyun whole body skeleton parched beans common explosive, resonant dragon roar, the body such as an ancient times tyrannosaurus was seriously common. Fierce extreme to/clashes from the ground crazily. 众兄弟笑声中,傲邪云浑身骨骼一阵炒豆一般的爆响,一声嘹亮龙吟,身子当真如一头远古暴龙一般。凶猛万状地从地面狂冲而出。 One group of pasts, looked like sweep across the tornado of world, wreaked havoc, vanished in the east side. 一路过去,就像是一阵席卷天地的龙卷风,肆虐而过,消失在东面。 Xie Danqiong said with a smile: Reached an agreement according to yesterday, I toward south side.” Body natural and unrestrained incomparable fluttered, has one nearly is being the natural elegance, vanishes like Qingyun in the people vision generally. 谢丹琼笑道:“按照昨天说好的,我往南边。”身子潇洒无比的飘了出去,带着一股近乎是天然的飘逸,有如一朵轻云一般地消失在众人目光里。 His paternal grandmother drops. This walks such coquettishly, but also is very seemingly optional, real his mother, the means of showing off were used up by them. Your family Second Master Ji what to do? How do you ask me to leave?” Very much Ji Mo is not feeling well muttered curses angrily: This group of bastards, do not have a good thing. I toward the southeast, walked......” “他奶奶滴。这一个个都走得这么风骚,还貌似很随意的,真他娘的,出风头的办法都被他们用光了。你家纪二爷怎么办?你让我怎么走?”纪墨很不爽的喃喃怒骂:“这帮混蛋,没一个好东西。我往东南,走了走了……” Suddenly face upwards to yell: dog aunt...... dog aunt! Especially dog aunt!” Whiz disappear without trace. 突然仰天大叫:“狗大姨……狗大姨!特么了个狗大姨!”嗖的一声无影无踪 Awoo ~~~ a Luo Kedi discomfiture'confustion, disappeared without demur the trace. 嗷呜~~~”罗克敌一声狼吼,二话不说的消失了踪影。 In an instant. Nine people disappear from at present one by one. 转眼间。九个人就从眼前一一消失了。 In the sky, myriad winds and clouds gather suddenly suddenly. rising winds, scudding clouds, with lightning speed! Like this Jiang Hu tide, disturbance is treacherous, meets the day continually, whistling comes, whistling goes. 天空中,突然间万千风云猛然汇聚。风起云涌,风驰电掣!就像这江湖大潮,风波诡谲,接天连地,呼呼而来,呼呼而去。 Nine Tribulations leaves, the wind and clouds will dance! 九劫出,风云舞 Looks that the brothers exit, on the Chu Yang face only then smiles, is the same to Mo Tianji, on their faces is shining. 看着兄弟们一个个出去,楚阳脸上就只有微笑,与莫天机一样,两人的脸上都在发光。 Somewhat is proud, the pride of the bottom of the heart sending. 还有些骄傲,从心底而发的骄傲。 In the wind and cloud turbulent age, I and my brother, are this appearance, fears no hardship, bravely steps forward. Smiles near the rank wind, shows disdain for the blood rain \; Horizontal sword Jiang Hu, holds the blade world! 在风云动荡的年代,我和我的兄弟,就是这个样子,不畏艰辛,挺身而出。笑临腥风,傲视血雨\;横剑江湖,执刀天下! At this moment is only complete personnel sends out, do not say that is onlooking Huang Xialiu, feels heartfelt burning with anger including Chu Yang and Mo Tianji. 此刻就只是一个全员出动,不要说是旁观的黄霞柳,连楚阳莫天机也都感到一阵由衷的热血沸腾 A little, I always have not ravelled Ji Mo dog aunt...... Is any meaning. The oldest maternal aunt not dog of dog? Refers to the bitch?!” The Mo Tianji forced smile shakes the head, indicated oneself have to one day that the person sought for advice. “就有一点,我始终都没有弄明白纪墨的‘狗大姨’……到底是什么意思。狗的大姨不还是狗么?难道是指母狗?!”莫天机苦笑摇头,表示自己也有向人求教的一日。 I deeply think......” Chu Yang deep saying: He also not necessarily understands that what meaning that is, or he thinks that such said the comparison does have the imposing manner?!” “我深深地觉得……”楚阳深沉的说道:“他自己也未必明白那是什么意思,或者他认为那样说比较有气势吧?!” Ha, same feeling same feeling......” “哈哈哈,同感同感……” They also laugh. 两人同时大笑。 You......” Huang Xialiu dumbfounded visits them: Your goals of this sending out, want...... Confuses Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting?” “你们……”黄霞柳目瞪口呆的看着他们:“你们这次出动的目的,难道是要……搅乱天鼎盛会?” Confuses Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting?! Not!” Mo Tianji and Chu Yang visit him together strangely: You also think, now this, what Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting but also there is? Where also has any Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting! Since did not have, what confusing did say?” “搅乱天鼎盛会?!不是不是的!”莫天机楚阳一起奇怪地看着他:“难道你还以为,现在这样子,还有什么天鼎盛会?哪里还有什么天鼎盛会!既然没有了,何来搅乱之说?” Didn't have? How to have?” Huang Xialiu stares dumbfounded: If Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting did not have, what that does have?” “没有了?怎么就没有了呢?”黄霞柳瞠目结舌:“若天鼎盛会没有了,那有什么?” Battlefield! Only has the battlefield!” On the Chu Yang face reveals the sharp towering color, slowly said: Moreover before is one through the ages, has not had...... Super big battlefield! The brutality of this war, is unprecedented certainly now! Even if not necessarily never recurring, actually certainly is the unprecedented frigidity!” “战场!就只有战场而已!”楚阳脸上露出来锋锐的峥嵘之色,慢慢道:“而且还是一个古往今来前未有过的……超级大战场!这一场大战的残酷,将是旷古绝今!纵然未必绝后,却一定是空前的惨烈!” This war, this battlefield, then henceforth the bottom decides Upper Three Heavens and entire Nine Heavens!” Mo Tianji temperate smiling, in a soft voice song, cultured and refined, words that but said that was actually similar to nine days of gold/metal, the bang went against under: Actually is to ascend the peak world, worldwide celebration \; Collapses completely, bleached bone loyal...... After waiting for this to fight, all will then settle down.” “这一战,这一战场,便是从此底定上三天、整个九重天!”莫天机温和的笑着,轻声细语,温文尔雅,但说出来的话,却如同九天金雷,轰顶而下:“究竟是登峰天下,普天同庆\;还是一败涂地,枯骨忠魂……等这一战之后,一切便都将尘埃落定。” ............ ………… Later do not call me the wind ice, in a short time, can call the old buddhist monk for Grandmaster, or wind chimes Buddha...... >\; 以后别叫我风凌了,短时间内,可以称呼老衲为‘大师’,或者‘风铃佛祖’……>\;
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