TTNH :: Volume #17

#1673: Blood river preheating night

Huang Family people eyes illumination, in heart askew. 黄家众人眼睛发光,心中一片歪歪。 The people, always have its illumination time, even if the playboy such as Huang Xialiu also such as is! 人啊,总有其发光的时候,即便纨绔如黄霞柳也如是! At nightfall. 入夜。 In Capital City was still the noise. 中都城中仍旧是喧嚣之极。 Everywhere completely chaotic, on the number likely is hundreds of billions housefly in together humming sound, although the volume of individual is small, but about in the same place, because the quantity is astonishing, is then initiated the qualitative change by the quantity, actually it can be said that rock the earth, making some strength in meditation not good people almost want to commit suicide. 到处尽都乱糟糟的,就号像是数千亿的苍蝇在一起嗡嗡,个体的音量虽然小,但合在一起,因为数量惊人,由量便引发质变,却可说是震天动地,让一些定力不好的人几乎欲要自杀。 Fight in city are getting more and more, the fight frequency to be also getting more and more intensive, murder case also relative are getting more and more \; Has the corpse to change to the yellow smoke that intermittent corpse powder braves unceasingly, curls to raise. 城里的战斗越来越多、战斗频率也越来越密集,凶杀案也相对的越来越多\;不断地有尸体化作一阵阵化尸粉冒出来的黄烟,袅袅升起。 But, in that night. 而,就在这一夜。 That side various Great Clans and Law Enforcer, just like has reached an agreement general at the same time take the action unexpectedly. 大家族执法者那边,居然犹如商量好了一般的同时展开行动。 Seemingly too fortunately, is this is the so-called not skillful non- book in circulation?! 貌似真的太凑巧了,这是不是就是所谓的无巧不成书呢?! Ye Family. 夜家 During a piece is tranquil, the sound that suddenly one makes noise intermittently leaps, from all directions \; Then the pitiful yell sound raises \; The sound of footsteps rustling sound looks like among is coming. 在一片平静之中,突然有一阵阵喧闹的声音腾起,从四面八方而来\;然后惨叫声升起\;脚步声悉悉索索像着中间而来。 The black clothes Ye Family person, detains criminals to come, ties hands. 一个又一个的黑衣夜家人,押着一个个的犯人前来,一个个五花大绑。 The body is wounded, clearly just captured to create. 身上都带着伤,分明是刚刚擒拿造成的。 Before Ye Family hall, brilliantly illuminated. Innumerable Ye Family masters, silent is standing, the full room is silent. 夜家大厅前,灯火通明。无数夜家高手,都沉默的站着,满室寂静。 Ye Chenchen looks at more than 300 people that was detained, but waved: Killed.” 夜沉沉看着被押出来的300多人,只是挥了挥手:“都杀了吧。” Why?!” And yelling of some people of grief and indignation: I in the Ye Family several hundred years, always toe the line. For Ye Family, not having the merit also to have the efforts, why catches me? Why kills me? Gives me a reason?” “为什么?!”其中有人悲愤的大叫:“我在夜家数百年,从来循规蹈矩。为夜家,没有功劳也有苦劳,为何抓我?为何杀我?给我一个理由?” Reason is very simple, because you are the Law Enforcer people.” Ye Chenchen explained that said apologetically: Now already confirmed that Sovereign of the Law is the Devil successor, wants to torment the common people, I and others am unable to co-exist with him \; You stay here, I did not feel relieved that is this reason......” “理由很简单,因为你们都是执法者的人。”夜沉沉解释了一句,歉然道:“现在已然确认,法尊乃是天魔传人,欲要荼毒苍生,我等与他势不两立\;你们留在这里,我不放心,就是这个理由……” He has not said. The following several hundred people have obloquied with one voice: Ye Chenchen, you are Devil! Among you defeats the degenerate! Your this mean disciple!” 他还没说完。下面数百人已经齐声大骂起来:“夜沉沉,你才是天魔!你这个人间败败类!你这卑鄙之徒!” Ye Chenchen, you so build word to slander Lord Sovereign of the Law, has what mind?” 夜沉沉,你如此砌词污蔑法尊大人,到底有何居心?” Ye Chenchen. Your ambition of wild wolves, slanders Lord Sovereign of the Law unexpectedly!” 夜沉沉。你狼子野心,竟然污蔑法尊大人!” Ye Chenchen, I and you spelled!” 夜沉沉,我与你拼了!” Ye Family, Law Enforcer will never let off you, your ends are not far, I wait to visit you under the Nine Springs and others the fate......” 夜家狗贼,执法者永远不会放过你们,你们的末日不远,我在九泉之下等着看你等的下场……” „Can Lord Sovereign of the Law be Devil? Puts your mother's fart! Your Ye Family is Devil, your whole family is!” 法尊大人会是天魔?放你娘的屁!你们夜家才是天魔,你们全家一个个的都是!” Ye Chenchen closes the eye, weak sighing, waves. 夜沉沉闭上眼睛,无力的叹口气,一挥手。 In a piece railed in the sound, the steel knife was bright as snow. 在一片谩骂声中,钢刀雪亮。 Divides to fall! 劈落! Blood columns leap. Ye Family courtyard. A piece of smell of blood soars to the heavens. 一道道血柱腾起。夜家大院。一片血腥味冲天。 Elaborate funeral!” Ye Chenchen calm face: Is the real men, what a pity......” “厚葬!”夜沉沉沉着脸:“都是好汉子,可惜……” The numerous Ye Family master also completely is the speechless sigh. 众位夜家高手也尽都是无语叹息。 Said like Ye Chenchen that these people, are really the real men. But was a pity that is Law Enforcer. Now opposes with oneself standpoint. 诚如夜沉沉所说,这些人,委实都是好汉子。但可惜,是执法者。现在与自己立场对立。 Is the real man, the harm is also bigger. 越是好汉子,危害也就越大。 Some people are several hundred years ago comes, some people are the relations of Law Enforcer fill, but also some are very clear is Law Enforcer places \; Naturally. What are most is the concealed wiring. 这其中有些人是数百年前过来,有些人是执法者的关系塞进来,还有些是很明白的就是执法者安插的\;当然。最多的还是暗线。 Even also several are to act bashful the uncertain status, at this moment actually also together removed. 甚至其中还有几个是拿捏不定身份的,此刻却也一道的除掉了。 Ning Shacuo, does not let off. Does not fear 10,000, actually fears if by any chance! 宁杀错,不放过。不怕10000,却怕万一 Before then, the old man had also tried, communicates with some people, looked that can change into oneself to use \; But is not willing to believe me, does not have a person of exception unexpectedly...... Hehe......” Ye Chenchen shakes the head the forced smile. “在此之前,老夫也曾经试过,与一些人沟通,看能不能化为己用\;但一个个的都不肯相信我,竟无一人例外……呵呵……”夜沉沉摇头苦笑。 These people completely bring about own destruction, the brain ossifies, does the ancestor why care?” Some people advise to say. “这些人尽都是自寻死路,脑筋僵化,老祖宗何必放在心上?”有人劝导道。 Had been a pity person who these are loyal and devoted to Law Enforcer.” Ye Chenchen sighed: Since old times to fall, Law Enforcer is the Nine Heavens first influence, is the correct path pillar of the state...... Now, actually......” “可惜了这些对执法者忠心耿耿的人。”夜沉沉叹息:“自古以降,执法者乃是九重天第一势力,更是正道栋梁啊……如今,却……” Everybody somewhat is speechless. 大家都有些无话可说。 Sovereign of the Law. 法尊 The key is, present Devil, can be Sovereign of the Law unexpectedly. 关键就是,如今的天魔,竟会是法尊 But Law Enforcer, already by this Lord Sovereign of the Law leader more than 10,000 years. Is this how long-time time? Benefits the people in Sovereign of the Law, leads the Law Enforcer Law Enforcement world 10,000 years later, you suddenly brave saying that Sovereign of the Law is Devil? 执法者,已经被这位法尊大人领导了10000多年。这是多么长久的时间?在法尊为民造福,领导执法者执法天下10000年之后,你突然冒出来说法尊天魔 Who believes? Believes that you are fishy! 谁会相信?相信你才有鬼! Let alone Law Enforcer, how many people even if the world person also has to be willing to believe? 别说执法者,纵然是天下人又有几个人肯相信? If the choice believes that Law Enforcer does believe Ye Family? Finally can be imagined, that does not need to choose! 如果是选择相信执法者还是相信夜家?结果可想而知,那根本就不用选择! Other did not say that Ye Chenchen are clear, only fears including own Ye Clan people, will have many people doubtful, even suspected own people with ulterior motives not in minority. 别的不说,夜沉沉自己心里最是清楚,只怕连自己的夜氏家族中人,也会有很多人半信半疑,甚至怀疑自己别有用心的人也不会在少数。 Because. 因为。 That is Sovereign of the Law! 那可是法尊啊! All over the world, the just range pole, possibly has not been existence of Devil. 普天之下,正义的标杆,最没有可能是天魔的存在。 Said: If, Ye Chenchen said at the same time Sovereign of the Law is Devil \; But Sovereign of the Law also said that Ye Chenchen is Devil. 就这么说:若是同一时间里,夜沉沉法尊天魔\;而法尊也说夜沉沉天魔 Then, these Ye Family people rather believe that Ye Chenchen is Devil, will not suspect Sovereign of the Law. Although they must fight with Ye Chenchen finally, but, this does not hinder, they believe anyone at first. 那么,这些夜家的人宁愿相信夜沉沉天魔,也不会去怀疑法尊。虽然他们最终还是要跟着夜沉沉去战斗,但,这并不妨碍,他们最初相信谁。 This is helpless, is the prestige that in Sovereign of the Law more than 10,000 years set up! Absolute nobody may and! 这就是无奈,也是法尊这10000多年里树立的威望!绝对的无人可及! Therefore, although Ye Chenchen to killing these people feels to be a pity, but, actually inevitably has no alternative but to kill at this time. Because of these people who do not know the truth, will only obey the order of Sovereign of the Law. 所以,夜沉沉虽然对杀死这些人感到可惜,但,此时却势必不能不杀。因为这些不明真相的人,只会服从法尊的命令。 If to genuine war time, the destruction and killing that these people can cause, will be hard to imagine. Because, they in Ye Family already many years, really extremely familiar Ye Family all. 若是到了真正大战的时候,这些人能够造成的破坏和杀伤,将是难以想象的。因为,他们在夜家已经很多年,实在太过熟悉夜家的一切。 „The present world, is a Heaven and Earth turn upside-down strange world!” Ye Chenchen face upwards the sigh: „A just side, must like be rebellion cautious and solemn, fortifies at every step, limping vanguard in gloom \; But, an ugly side, is actually adopting the open and aboveboard method, unscrupulous, by straightforward and upright that is used to...... Carries on that inhuman deal!” “现在的世界,是一个乾坤颠倒的诡异世界!”夜沉沉仰天叹息:“正义的一方,要像是造反一样的小心翼翼,步步为营,在阴暗中蹒跚前行\;但,丑恶的一方,却是在采取光明正大的手段,肆无忌惮,以一惯的光明磊落……来进行那灭绝人性的勾当!” Oh.” “唉。” ...... …… Such sigh, in tonight. In various Great Clans countless people were sighing, aggrieved, what a pity...... 这样的叹息,在今夜。各大家族之中无数人都在叹息,憋屈,可惜着…… Innumerable blood light, shoot up to the sky. 无数的血光,冲天而起。 In Law Enforcer. 执法者之中。 In person who regional Law Enforcer come, is carrying on purge. These people who in Nine Great Clans placed, or bright or dark, had been clutched. 各地执法者前来的人之中,也在进行清洗。原本九大家族之中安插进来的那些人,或者明或者暗,都被一个个的揪了出来。 Such person even compares by the person who various Great Clans execute are been more. 这样的人甚至比被各大家族处决的人更多。 The Law Enforcer aspect similarly is also relentless. Fact that Nine Great Clans betrayal, been settled \; What also keeps these Devil surviving members to make? 执法者方面也同样是毫不留情。九大家族背叛,已经板上钉钉的事实\;还留着这些个天魔余孽做什么? Therefore Saber and Sword twinkle...... 于是刀剑闪烁…… The blood light is filling the heavens. 血光弥天。 The person who in this evening, killed, has at least surpassed ten thousand people of numbers. 就只是在这一个晚上,被杀的人,至少超过了万人之数。 That night. The blood paves the way, head flies randomly. 这一夜。鲜血铺路,人头乱飞。 The later generation, will be that night called ‚the night of slaughter. Also some people said that night is blood river preheating night! 后世,将这一夜称为‘杀戮之夜’。又有人称这一夜乃是‘血河预热之夜’! In upper air, in curtain of night. 高空中,夜幕中。 One group of light black air/Qi look like the night mist. In fluttering rapidly, the soul energy that a series of naked eyes cannot see, is similar to all things tending one way, in gathering rapidly toward this group of black fog...... 一团淡淡的黑气就像是夜晚的雾气。在急速的飘动,一连串的肉眼看不到的灵魂能量,如同百川汇海,向着这团黑雾之中急速的汇聚而来…… Occasionally, inside also has fierce low smiling, brutal, but satisfied. 偶尔,里面还有狰狞的低低的笑,残酷而满足 Actually does not know that is demon twittering, the devil smiles craftily! 却不知道那是魔者呢喃,还是恶魔诡笑! Both sides that each other is doomed to oppose both have wielded the heartless butcher knife to the dark child who the opposite party bent down! 彼此注定对立的双方都对对方伏下的暗子挥动了无情的屠刀! That night is doomed to be cruel and brutal! 这一夜注定残忍、残酷! A night passes by, bloody everywhere. 一夜过去,血腥满地。 A Capital City surrounding area several thousand miles sky, the rich smell of blood almost lingers. Chu Yang and the others is having the breakfast time, even if already had the preparation. Also feels intermittent disgusting. 中都城方圆数千里的上空,浓郁的血腥味几乎是经久不散。连带着楚阳等人吃早餐的时候,纵然早已有了心理准备。也不禁感觉到一阵阵的恶心。 Simply has not had the breakfast. Ate must perhaps spit, did not spend that matter, did the big masters so, Mo Qingwu and Mo Lei'er two females could not withstand. 干脆就没有吃早饭。吃了没准还得吐,就不费那事了,一干大老爷们都如此了,莫轻舞墨泪儿两女更是不堪。 The Mo Qingwu elegant face is pallid, does not have scarlet. Mo Lei'er good, actually also to lose in the past calm bearing slightly, the reason did not have him, by two female present cultivation base. The great strength of Divine Sense, how the accident in city can hide the truth from her them, seems like this perhaps is the minority negative roles that cultivation base extremely brings. 莫轻舞俏脸煞白,毫无血色。墨泪儿稍微好点,却也失去了往昔的从容气度,原因无他,以两女如今的修为神念之强大,城中的变故又如何能瞒过她两人,貌似这或许是修为太过而带来的少数负面作用吧。 Actually to have killed how many people, can create was in this way dreary, the so terrifying atmosphere? 究竟是杀了多少人,才能造成了如斯惨淡、如此恐怖的气氛? At this moment the clear and boundless sky, the colorful Yanggao photo, a school of excellent scene, actually unexpectedly everywhere has filled obviously the gathering clouds and rolling mists common haze. 此刻明明晴空万里,艳阳高照,一派大好光景,却竟是到处都是充满了愁云惨雾一般的阴霾。 Vomits...... Could not eat up...... Could not eat up......” Huang Xialiu to retch is arriving in front of Chu Yang, shook the head while sighs: Yesterday evening died many people... Day so worries miserably!” “呕……吃不下了……吃不下了……”黄霞柳干呕着来到楚阳面前,一边摇头一边叹气:“昨晚上到底是死了多少人啊…这般的天愁地惨!” don't said that Chu Yang and other people of high skill, seemingly yellow Young Master this and the others, felt all around the strange change of environment continually unexpectedly! 莫说楚阳等高人,貌似连黄少爷等人,竟也感到了周遭环境的诡异变化! Chu Yang sighed however, said: „It is not infrequent definitely, only feared...... More than 20,000 people.” 楚阳喟然一声,道:“决计不在少数,只怕……不下20000人吧。” He went on an expedition also once to experience in the Lower Three Heavens army much, regarding this aspect some attainments, looked at the courage vigor to fill the air, can calculate basically almost. This is Tie Longcheng will be the experience of say/way, was actually truant by Chu Yang. 他在下三天大军征战也曾经历不少,对于这方面有些心得,一看血气弥漫,基本就能够盘算个差不多。这本是铁龙城为将之道的经验,却被楚阳偷学而来。 However here more than 20,000 people, not compared with the Lower Three Heavens more than 20,000 people. Is more than 20,000 people that here died, gets down Lower Three Heavens, subverts a lot of any dynasty sufficiently. 不过这里的20000多人,可不比下三天的20000多人。就是这里死掉的20000多人,下去下三天,也足以将任何王朝颠覆千百遍。 All is master Wow! 全是高手哇! „More than 20,000 people of dynasties play......” Huang Xialiu one to call out in alarm: My mother, these many, how can......” “有20000多人一朝玩完……”黄霞柳一声惊叫:“我的妈妈,这么多啊,怎么会……” The Mo Tianji calm face, sound of nine copper coin crash-bang in the sleeve, long time long time stop, raise one's head said: „The Feng and Yue two seniors must least five days of time be able to rush. If they do not have to start off ahead of time.” 莫天机沉着脸,九枚铜钱在袖子里哗啦啦的响动,良久良久才停下,抬头道:“风月两位前辈还要最少五天时间才能赶到。若是他们没有提前上路的话。” Chu Yang nods, said: Five days, need full speed to hurry along.” 楚阳点点头,道:“五天,是需要全速赶路。” Yesterday evening, through the Huang Family unique communication, has informed that side southeastern Chu Family. Now this and other times, Chu Family was unable to settle in a corner again. 昨天晚上,通过黄家的特有通讯,通知了东南楚家那边。现在这等时候,楚家已经不能再偏安于一隅了。 Must joining of spare no effort to the Jiang Hu situation, perform all ability to pull strongly against a crazy tide. 必须全力以赴的投身到江湖大势之中,尽一切能力力挽狂澜 In their judgments, Feng and Yue they in obtaining news immediately, full speed hurries along, actually also requires least five days, can rush to here. 在两人的判断中,风月两人在得到消息立即出发,全速赶路,却也还需要最少五天的时间,才能赶到这里。 This war, except for must face innumerable Law Enforcer and strength extraordinary Sovereign of the Law, has not known at present restored many Devil, Chu Yang really not must win the assurance. 这一战,除了要面对无数的执法者、实力超绝的法尊,还有不知道目前已经恢复多少的天魔,楚阳实在并无必胜把握。 Although brothers already grade nine Supreme, but, regarding the Devil Evil Spirit method, still does not have the confidence to win victories. 虽然兄弟们都已经九品至尊,但,对于天魔鬼蜮手段,依然是毫无必胜的信心。 At present has not known that Senior Wu can have time......” in the Mo Tianji eye to glitter the strange ray. “眼下还不知道舞前辈能不能赶得及……”莫天机眼睛中闪烁着奇异的光芒。 ...... ……
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