TTNH :: Volume #17

#1672: Enters

Well, what your look at me to make? What has to attempt to this Young Master? Hurries to come to kneel down to apologize!” “咦,你丫的看我做什么?是不是对本少爷有什么企图?赶紧过来过来跪下赔礼道歉!” What? Doesn't come? Also dares to scold me? Fuck! kills him! Unexpectedly dares to scold this Young Master, this is Young Master also you can scold?!” “什么?不过来?还敢骂我?草!干掉他!居然敢骂本少爷,本少爷也是你能骂的?!” Brushes, bang bang, passes, incites, whish...... 刷刷,砰砰,啊,噗通,滋滋滋,哗…… ...... …… Hello, that old codger, did you snatch the thing to snatch satisfy a craving? So-called seeing has the share, comes the minute my half......” “喂,那个老不死的,你抢东西抢得过瘾了吧?所谓见者有份,过来分我一半……” What? Isn't obedient? The mother, butchers him! Does not give half, this Young Master all wanted simply, did not abandon the wealth to assign on the shed!” “什么?不听话?妈的,宰他!不给一半,本少爷索性全要了,不舍财就舍命好了!” Brushes, bang bang............ 刷刷,砰砰……啊…… „, It is not good...... Nine First Master nine First Master...... Small not being able to withstand...... Nine First Master feed me to cherish one's relatives nine First Master you to hurry to save a life......” “哦嘛嘛,不好啦……九大爷大爷……小的顶不住了……九大爷喂哦我的亲亲九大爷您赶紧救命啊……” This has bumped into the hard stubble. 这是碰上了硬茬子。 The master who Young Master Huang brings are without doubt many, including master also several of Supreme level, generally can let the hard stubble that Young Master Huang boasts like this pitifully, least also above grade three Supreme. 黄公子带来的高手无疑不少,连至尊层次的高手也有几位,一般能让黄公子这样凄惨咋呼的硬茬子,最少也得三品至尊以上。 Whenever at this time, Ji Mo and Luo Kedi these two goods on getting rid of anxiousing to stir up trouble. 每当这时候,纪墨罗克敌这俩货就唯恐天下不乱的出手。 As for other people, definitely will not get rid, does not spare a glance including strength lowest Mo Lei'er, we may be the true top-level peak powerhouses, but must begin to these preliminary Martial Artist, seriously is the victory not the military, to smile extremely, 至于其他人,肯定是不会出手的,连实力最低的墨泪儿都不屑一顾,咱们可都是真正的高层次顶峰强者了,还要对这些低级武者动手,当真是胜之不武,不胜为笑, This situation, does not have the consciousness of Supreme grade nine powerhouse on Ji Mo and Luo Kedi these two goods, the powerful gets rid, their current strengths, seriously were blow the tone to extinguish kill at present Martial Artist, therefore 这场合,也就纪墨罗克敌这俩货全无至尊九品强者的觉悟,强势出手,就他们俩目前的实力,当真是吹口气就能灭杀眼前武者了,所以 Bang bang. passes, incites, whish...... 砰砰,啊。噗通,滋滋滋,哗…… ...... …… Where do we stop over?” “咱们在哪儿落脚?” Hey...... Nine First Master please feel relieved that me have the industry in in, but also is opening the inn...... Before then has exhorted, the inn does not receive a guest in the day Dingda durations outward, specially is remaining for us......” “嘿嘿……九大爷请放心,咱家在中也有产业,还开着客栈呢……在此之前已经嘱咐了,客栈在天鼎大会期间不对外接客,就专为我们留着呢……” Volume, so that's how it is, actually had a mind.” “额,原来如此,倒是有心了。” Hey...... you flatter me.” “嘿嘿……哪里哪里。” Well, I have not praised you. You in that modest what vigor?” “咦,我没夸奖你啊。你在那谦虚个什么劲?” „...... I am not self-intoxicated good......” “呃……我自我陶醉还不行吗……” ...... …… In secret, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji line, walks while discussed that naturally. They use are the techniques of passes message, after all the sounds of people are noisy, general sense to discussing is not convenient. 暗中,楚阳莫天机一路行来,边走边谈,当然。他们两人使用得乃是传音之术,毕竟人声嘈杂,一般意义的对谈并不方便。 Can have the discovery?” “可有发现?” No.” “没有。” Strange, is so chaotic, should not, even if the Law Enforcer aspect has Sovereign of the Law to attempt to pervert, to ignore Martial Artist is hostile, the Ye Family aspect should not have the movement.” “奇怪,这般混乱,本不应该啊,就算执法者方面有法尊做手脚,放任武者敌对,夜家方面也不该全无动作吧。” Has such situation, or can only say that is intends to indulge, incessantly Law Enforcer aspect. Ye Family or is various Great Clans aspects such as is.” “出现这样的情况,或者也只能说是有意放纵,不止执法者方面。夜家又或者说是各大家族方面都如是。” Indulges?” “放纵?” Yes. Actually so long as Spirit Sense surveys to know. These have died the person later place, after once in a while, these soul strengths suddenly will always vanish, was swept away......” “是的。其实只要神识探测一下就会知道。那些死过人之后的地方,总在隔一段时间之后,那些灵魂力量就会突然地消失,被一扫而空……” You meant...... Devil now actually in city? Even is continuing in the movement?” “你的意思是说……天魔如今其实就在城里?甚至正在持续动作之中?” Should be this right.” “应该是这样没错。” ...... …… „But why doesn't the Nine Great Clans person have the movement? Especially the Ye Family person does not appear, should early have the suspicion as them of local bully to this congress? Will not realize less than clues completely. Now actually so the to ignore, why is this?” “可是九大家族的人为何全无动作?尤其是夜家的人也不出现,作为地头蛇的他们应该早对此次大会生出疑窦了吧?不会完全察觉不到一点蛛丝马迹的。如今却如此放任,这又是为何?” I think that Ye Family likely could not take care of oneself now, simply no longer energy expenditure in these minor matters, other Nine Heavens cherishing. But Martial Artist is actually not the rarest matter \; Other Great Clans should also be the same.” “我想夜家现在很可能已是自顾不暇,索性不再将精力花费在这些小事上了,九重天别的稀罕。但武者却是最不稀罕的物事\;其他各大家族应该也是一样。” This said some truth, but, slightly somewhat draws conclusions from a part.” “此说有些道理,不过,略有些以偏概全。” If must say entire...... Hehe, present Ye Family and other families should detect the harm of existence as well as Devil of Devil \; But Devil the stealth hidden place, does not have them of goal to have no way to get rid now throughout. Therefore can only wait for Devil to appear, gathers in great numbers to strike again, attempted that strikes the hit. Capital City now randomly becomes this, might as well copes with the Devil good idea.” “若是要说全的……呵呵,现在的夜家等家族应该已经发觉了天魔的存在以及天魔的危害\;但天魔如今始终隐身暗处,全无目标的他们根本没法出手。所以只能等天魔出现,再聚众一击,希图一击命中。中都城现在乱成这样子,未尝不是对付天魔的妙招。” Un, good, only the Conghua corpse powder presented these many suddenly, explained that Ye Family early is prepared, is left room for maneuver to such chaotic situation......” “嗯,不错,单是从化尸粉突然间出现了这么多,就说明夜家是早有准备的,对这样的乱局也是留了后手……” Yes, this also explained that Nine Great Clans has treated as the number one enemy Devil now. Your this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, they thoroughly have not removed their line of sight you now, at least is not the number one enemy.” “是的,这也就说明了,九大家族现在已经将天魔当做了头号敌人。你这个九劫剑主,现在他们就算没有把你彻底排除出他们的视线,至少已不是头号敌人了。” Haha, the humans affair fluctuates, perhaps at this moment they coped with me to wait without enough time...... Perhaps Tianji (Heavenly Secret), this time, may cooperate with Nine Great Clans.” “哈哈,世事变幻,恐怕此刻他们是来不及对付我等了……天机,这一次,或许还有可能跟九大家族合作一把呢。” Only feared that non- was possibly, according to present this trend, the cooperation was almost imperative. But, if must cooperate, most should pay attention should not be pushed to work as the cannon fodder...... Becoming do not maintain with Chengdu secret and independence, cannot hit, remoteness thousand li (500 km)......” “只怕非是可能了,按照现在这个趋势,合作几乎已经是势在必行了。但,若是要合作的话,最应该注意的就是不要被推上去当炮灰……成与不成都要保持隐秘与独立性,一击不中,远扬千里……” What said that I thought.” “说的是,我本来就是这么想的。” We watch changes quietly temporarily. Now the chaotic situation has produced, dies of exhaustion us unable to stop.” “咱们暂时静观其变吧。如今乱局已经产生,累死咱们也是制止不了的。” ...... …… After one climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly, finally had found the Huang Family respective inn, at this moment is having the innumerable Jiang Hu people to gather at the inn all around, is clamoring, obloquying. 经过一番艰苦跋涉,终于找到了黄家所属的客栈,此刻正有无数的江湖人聚集在客栈周遭,纷纷叫嚣着,大骂着。 Since opens a shop to do business, why doesn't make the person live? Isn't father's money money?” “既然开店做生意,为何不让人住?难道老子的钱不是钱吗?” What truth rather empties the house to live in this is?” “宁可空着房子也不让人住这是什么道理?” „Can staying at an inn of our really gold/metal silver, how also reject?” “我们真金白银的住店,怎么还要拒绝?” Already scheduled? The scheduled person returns the future, what tight do we live for several days also to hit first?” “早已预定?预定的人还未来,我们先住几天又有打什么紧?” Everybody to/clashes, has house to live is proper......” “大家冲进去,有房子住才是正经……” ...... …… The aspect was at a crucial moment. 局面已经千钧一发。 Must say that the Capital City inn is very many, but, cannot support all of a sudden the world wind and cloud gathering absolutely. The inn facing the current tide of people, said that now is the futile attempt is not overrated certainly. 要说中都城的客栈本来很是不少,但,也绝对架不住一下子天下风云汇聚。客栈现在面对目前的人潮,就说是杯水车薪也绝不为过。 Scatters!” Young Master Huang issues an order, the Huang Family guardian master gets rid immediately. “驱散!”黄公子一声令下,黄家护卫高手顿时出手。 Oh...... Pain.” “哎呀……痛。” Who pushes me......” “谁推我……” Who is?” “是谁?” This imposing manner is so formidable......”, “这气势如此强大……”、 Moment, before the people arrived at the inn gate. Huang Xialiu wore on one side the hat to stand on the carriage, complacent speech: This inn, is Young Master first scheduled \; Now must live, if who refuses to accept, comes to drive out the fathers...... So long as you have this skill, father confessed bad luck. If you do not have this skill, dies here...... That also recognizes bad luck, cannot complain that as for regretting anything, leaves the later generation!” 前后不过片刻光景,众人已经到了客栈门前。黄霞柳歪戴着帽子站在了马车上,洋洋得意的讲话:“这家客栈,就是本少爷先预定的了\;现在要住进去了,谁若是不服,就来把老子们赶出去……只要你有这本事,老子自认倒霉。你若是没有这本事,死在这里……那也自己认倒霉,不可埋怨,至于后悔什么的,留给后世吧!” Along with Young Master Huang exceptionally rampant words exit|to speak. Immediately a piece makes noise. 随着黄公子异常嚣张的话语出口。顿时一片喧闹。 Fuck! was too flamboyant!” 草!太牛逼了!” Got a swelled head!” “太烧包了!” On!” “上!” Everybody withers him! A person told the spit to be drown to death he!” “大家干死他!一人吐口吐沫淹死他!” ...... …… However the crowd throws, immediately but actually a piece. 然而呼啦啦人群扑上来,顿时就倒了一片。 A moment later, some people will have been drawing back in the future, because of front these people. Directly is similar to the devil, particularly that two youth of forefront, return the devil compared with the devil simply, the strength is fierce to not having the human nature, simply is not the person. 片刻之后,已经有人在往后退,因为面前这些人。直接如同恶魔,尤其是最前面的那两个少年,简直比恶魔还恶魔,实力更是厉害到没人性,简直就不是人。 ...... …… Chu Yang and the others naturally lived in the best 11 rooms, happen to completely occupies a yet higher goal. 楚阳等人自然是住了最好的11个房间,正好将一层楼完全占住。 Huang Xialiu wants to live in this is emptying the 12 th room, was actually kicked to go upstairs by a Chu Yang foot. 黄霞柳本想住到这层空着的第12个房间,却被楚阳一脚踢上楼去。 The reason is, here has the female family members, your bystander here what's the matter? 理由是,我们这里有女眷,你丫的一外人在这里算怎么回事? Young Master Huang has to return to the room with tears, hugs the wife to sleep. 黄公子只好含泪回房,搂着老婆睡觉去。 Young Master, who are these people?” 公子,这几个人到底是什么人啊?” Line. The Huang Family master almost not with the opportunity that Huang Xialiu spoke \; Now finally holds the opportunity question. Asked in the heart biggest puzzled. 一路行来。黄家的高手几乎都没有与黄霞柳说话的机会\;现在才终于抓住机会问话。问出心中最大的不解。 Snort...... They may be the deities!” Huang Xialiu raises head, very smelly fart say/way. “哼……他们可都是神仙!”黄霞柳一仰头,很臭屁的道。 Deity......!” Huang Family master whispered: Any person can let our so courteous reception......” “神仙……切!”一位黄家高手低声道:“什么人能让咱们如此礼遇……” The Huang Xialiu eye stares, gets down moment to sigh: Good good, my truth inform you \; Otherwise, your this group of fellow if by any chance offended others. I cry not to have the place to cry, but I completely all magic weapons greatly can assemble the same place these...... Since I had the son, my father did not feel relieved my this son...... Snort, but I cannot make him also cry not to have the place to cry......” 黄霞柳眼睛一瞪,下一刻却叹了口气:“好吧好吧,我实话告诉你们\;否则的话,你们这帮家伙万一得罪了人家。我哭都没处哭,我可是出尽一切法宝才把这些个大能凑合到一起的……自从我有了儿子,我爹也就不将我这个儿子放心上了……哼,可我也不能让他也哭都没处哭啊……” The people do not know whether to laugh or cry. 众人哭笑不得。 Patriarch really all placed on the energy two little grandsons these days. Does not pay attention to you greatly is also the matter in reason, this goods also had the complaint unexpectedly...... 家主这段时间里委实是将精力全放在两个小孙子身上了。对你不大理睬也是情理之中的事情,这货居然还有怨言了…… Also, has paid attention to you to do? Your is a playboy of stopping at no evil, useful? The beforehand only use also makes the person, now this function does not affect greatly...... 再说了,理睬你干嘛?你就一个无恶不作的纨绔,有什么用处吗?之前的唯一用处也不过是造人而已,现在连这作用也不大作用了…… „Can you still remember my sickness?” Huang Xialiu is selecting the eyebrow. “你们可还记得我的病?”黄霞柳挑着眉。 Un.” “嗯。” „Does that still remember that is I who who cures?” “那还记不记得是谁治好的我?” Was Chu Family Young Master, Divine Doctor Chu......” the Huang Family person has enforced: Afterward heard...... Which Young Master Chu, is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword in hearsay, another view said that he is the Outlands Devil incarnation, does not know that real.” “是楚家公子,楚神医啊……”黄家人一个个都严肃了起来:“后来听说……哪位楚公子,就是传闻中的九劫剑主,另一个说法则说他是域外天魔化身,不知道那个是真的。” Bah, any Outlands Devil, Chu Yang First Master only then Master of Nine Tribulations Sword this single layer status, was clear to me!” The Huang Xialiu nostril faces upwards: That of speech, initially cured my person, is...... As for his side that ten come individual...... You think that who that is.” “呸,什么域外天魔,楚阳大爷就只有九劫剑主这一重身份,给我记清楚了!”黄霞柳鼻孔朝天:“说话的那个,就是当初治好我的人,也就是……至于他身边的那十来个人……你们自己想想那是什么人吧。” Oh, originally......” “天哪,原来……” The plump, a Huang Family Supreme master was shocked directly sits crookedly the chair, distressed multifarious falling on the ground, was actually only then surprised, has not felt the pain completely. 扑通一声,一位黄家至尊高手震惊得直接坐歪了椅子,狼狈万端的摔在地上,却是只有惊讶,完全没感到疼痛。 Oh, Oh......” all people the shocking sigh, in the eye was sending out excitedly to the extreme ray. “天哪,天呀……”所有人都在震惊的叹息,眼中发出兴奋到了极点的光芒。 Everyone at heart is the same ideas. Fierce beat! 每个人的心里都是相同的想法。剧烈跳动! Master of Nine Tribulations Sword! 九劫剑主 Master of Nine Tribulations Sword also has his does Nine Tribulation Brothers! 九劫剑主还有他的一干九劫兄弟 Oh, we unexpectedly with the Master of Nine Tribulations Sword colleague, moreover now also stays together, we were equal to the same battleline...... 天哪,我们居然与九劫剑主同行一路,而且现在还住在一起,我们等于是同一阵线了吧…… Volume...... My First Master, my own First Master...... 额……我的大爷,我的亲大爷啊…… The people understood in an instant the meaning of those words Huang Xialiu asked: Volume, I heard that are you nine First Master?” 众人刹那间明白了黄霞柳问的那句话的意思:“额,听说,您就是九大爷?” Finally understood. 终于明白了。 Nine First Master are such nine First Master...... 大爷原来是这么一个九大爷…… Recognizes that artificial nine First Master, was really too the value. 认那人为九大爷,实在是太值了。 Since is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, do not say that is nine First Master, the Ninth Master masters and nine grandfathers are also good, even if nine ancestors can also discuss...... 既然是九劫剑主,不要说是九大爷,九爷爷、九太爷也行啊,哪怕是九祖宗也是可以商量的…… ...... …… Saw that many people were saying I ask for leave many, hehe, engages in introspection, the vacation that four -and-a-half years of I took were many, but double made up...... If this also calculates to ask for leave, I invited. 看到很多人在说我请假多,呵呵,扪心自问,四年半我请的假不少,但都双倍补更了……若是这个也算请假,我请了。 But the issue is...... Does this calculate? 但问题是……这算么? If counted makes up...... The time that I rest in the four years if not include the gap between book and book, should less than one week? Can be considered as from the date of three book each chapters? 若是算上补更……我这四年休息的时间若是不包括书与书之间的间隔,应该不到一星期吧?从三本书每个章节的日期都能算得过来吧? Makes up behind has Makes up Character. 补更后面都有个【补】字啊。 Four -and-a-half years, one week...... How? From where mentioned me to ask for leave daily? 四年半,一星期……多么?从何说起我天天请假啊? I really am...... Was scolded collapsed. You did not look that the genuine is unimportant, may such do not curse at people. 我真是……被骂崩溃了,真的。你们不看正版不要紧,可也不要这么骂人啊。 Curses at people looks at pirating...... I am very speechless. 偏偏骂人的都是看盗版的……我很无语,真的。 I who now curses at people do not want to scold, only said one: The gentlemen cannot break ties the malicious talk. Does not look well, can not look. Does not need to stay here to be abused. 现在骂人的我都不想骂了,只说一句:君子绝交不出恶言。看着不好,可以不看。没必要留在这里受虐,真的。 Do not curse me cancer!!! Mother's this is can curse casually??? 更不要诅咒我得癌症啊!!!妈的这是能随便诅咒的吗??? Reads my book free, looks at pirating, does he train such problem? Asked for leave double to make up to be used to this you each time? My these spend to look reader who genuine had not said that you why???!! 免费看我的书,看盗版,就他么培养出这样的毛病?每次请假双倍补更就把你们惯成这样子了啊?我那些花钱看正版的读者还都没说呢,你们凭什么啊???!! …… ……
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