TTNH :: Volume #14

#1370: So rarely seen 【Part 8!】

Purple Crystal hole inside spiritual energy an unending stream, to almost can melt the situation that the water flows densely, such never-ending toward the body of Chu Yang crazy instills into. 紫晶洞里面的灵气源源不断,稠密到了几乎能够化水流淌的地步,就这么永无休止的向着楚阳的身体疯狂的灌输过来。 But Chu Yang Nine Heavens divine art is at a moderate pace, looks like extremely precise, observes the regular machine extremely, only then critical point time, suddenly operates, attracts...... 楚阳九重天神功却是不紧不慢,就像是一个极其精密,极其遵守规则的机器,只有到了临界点的时候,才猛地运行,一吸…… Thereupon Chu Yang fell into during such circulation: First moment, the body is completely empty, gets down the moment body to be supported to must to explode, the meridians start to rouse outward, even continually muscle also in ballooning...... 于是乎楚阳就陷入了这样的循环之中:前一刻,身体空空如也,下一刻身体就被撑得要爆炸,经脉都开始往外鼓,甚至连肌肉也在鼓胀…… Under moment, restored again completely empty...... 再下一刻,就又恢复了空空如也…… this moment, Nine Heavens divine art thorough turned into a bottomless pit! 这一刻,九重天神功彻底的变成了一个无底洞! At a moderate pace greedily, is actually swallowing spiritual energy in Purple Crystal hole. 在不紧不慢的却贪婪地、吞噬着紫晶洞内的灵气 Chu Yang to afterward simply let loose: Good, since does not have anything to threaten to my life, then could not have used me...... I rested, how you loved how. 楚阳到后来索性放开了:好吧,既然对我性命也没啥威胁,然后还用不上我……我就休息好了,你爱咋地咋地。 Chu Yang launched simply in regarded, is examining in the dantian the change of Primordial Chaos Pure Thread. 楚阳索性展开了内视,查看着丹田之中鸿蒙真丝的变化。 After about one double-hour, Chu Yang discovered finally that the Primordial Chaos Pure Thread color stayed in extremely bright bright eye degree, no longer changed. 在大约一个时辰之后,楚阳终于发现,鸿蒙真丝的颜色停留在了极其鲜艳亮眼的程度,不再发生变化。 Then, spiritual energy accumulation that slowly as the next wave wells up, slowly, presented one thin such as to send the silk Primordial Chaos Pure Thread...... 然后,随着下一波涌进来的灵气慢慢的积累,慢慢的,就又出现了一条细如发丝的鸿蒙真丝…… Then Chu Yang very interestinging looks that emergying the Primordial Chaos Pure Thread is using an extremely slow speed, Shu slowly launches, lengthening slowly, thickening slowly, swells( I scratch, how I thought that these such do not suit)...... 然后楚阳很是饶有兴趣的看着新出现的这一条鸿蒙真丝在用一种极其缓慢的速度,慢慢的舒展开,慢慢的变长,慢慢的变粗,胀大(我擦,我咋觉得这几句这么不对劲儿呢)…… Slowly then stays in the normal thickness, starts the tourmaline, from gloomy purple, start slowly toward color of transformation bright eye in the past...... 然后慢慢地停留在正常的粗细,开始颜色变化,从灰暗的紫色,慢慢的开始向着亮眼之色转变过去…… Chu Yang understood a matter finally: Sword Spirit, I understood.” 楚阳终于明白了一件事:“剑灵,我明白了。” Sword Spirit is startled: What did you understand?” 剑灵一怔:“你明白了什么?” I understood Nine Heavens divine art so is why slow in this world, moreover reason that does not have the effect.” Chu Yang said seriously: Originally is spiritual energy of this world, cannot supply the normal operation of Nine Heavens divine art.” “我明白了九重天神功为何在这个世界这么缓慢,而且全无效果的原因了。”楚阳严肃地说道:“原来是这个世界的灵气,根本并不能供应九重天神功的正常运行啊。” Sword Spirit touches the nose, is very saying of doubts: I remember...... Before this reason me, has told you......” 剑灵摸了摸鼻子,很是疑惑的说道:“我记得……这个原因我以前跟你说过……” Chu Yang is stunned: „Have you said?” 楚阳愕然:“你说过吗?” Sword Spirit is stunned: „Haven't I said?” 剑灵愕然:“我没说过么?” Chu Yang: „Have you said?” 楚阳:“你说过么?” In Chu Yang clear, under the look gaze of question, Sword Spirit thought finally own ideological chaos, were defeated: Good. Calculates that I have not said.” 楚阳澄澈的、疑问的眼神注视之下,剑灵终于觉得自己的思想一阵混沌,败下阵来:“好吧。算我没说过。” Chu Yang stares saying: You had not said! What is called to calculate that you haven't said?” 楚阳瞪眼道:“你本来就没说过!什么叫做算你没说过?” Sword Spirit has the feeling that one type must spit blood. 剑灵有一种要吐血的感觉。 Then Chu Yang said: Your previous time introduced Primordial Chaos Pure Thread......” suddenly thinks, actually previous Sword Spirit said that although was inferior comprehensive that oneself know, but indeed was also has said that just said was quite ambiguous. 然后楚阳说道:“你上一次只是介绍了鸿蒙真丝……”突然想起来,其实上一次剑灵说的虽然不如自己认识的全面,但的确也算是说过了,只不过说的比较含糊。 Has the strong say/way: Has not said! Has not said!” 只好强硬的道:“没说过!就是没说过!” Sword Spirit shuts up does not say. 剑灵闭嘴不言。 This goods were impervious, moreover own host, struggles a bird with him! 这货已经不可理喻,而且还是自己的宿主,跟他争个鸟! Long time, Chu Yang hears probably outside has news of activity. Immediately is rustle the sound. As if dust whereabouts, was the sand scattered a place that sound likely. 良久之后,楚阳好像听到外面有动静,啪的一声。随即就是簌簌的声音。似乎是尘土下落,又像是沙子散落了一地那种声音。 What sound?” Some Chu Yang doubts. “什么声音?”楚阳有些疑惑。 Sword Spirit flipped the supercilious look: Outside Purple Crystal hole had been attracted completely the energy, turned into one pile of dust. Falls from the stone......” 剑灵翻了翻白眼:“外面的紫晶洞已经被吸尽了能量,变成了一堆粉末。从石头上掉下来啦……” Chu Yang terror say/way: You said...... Outside entire hole Purple Crystal, already...... Was attracted? Then attracted did not arrive at 8 hours?” 楚阳恐怖的道:“你是说……外面的整整一洞的紫晶,已经……被吸完了?这才吸了不到四个时辰吧?” Sword Spirit speechless say/way: This is not you are attracting, is Nine Heavens divine art independent is attracting...... Such speed. Adds the absorption compared with Ning Tianya and Bu Liuqing Feng and Yue Wu Juecheng quick......” 剑灵无语的道:“这不是你在吸,是九重天神功自主的在吸……这样的速度。比宁天涯布留情风月舞绝城加起来吸收的都快……” These that absorbs, if converts general Purple Crystal, how many blocks?” Asking that Chu Yang is interested in very much. “吸收掉的这些,若是换算成一般的紫晶,有多少块?”楚阳很感兴趣的问道。 Are not many.” Sword Spirit calculates that said: Also is 90 million......” “不多。”剑灵算了算,道:“也就是90000000块吧……” Chu Yang has sucked in an cold air/Qi immediately, stares dumbfounded: Was too terrorist!” 楚阳顿时倒抽了一口冷气,瞠目结舌:“太恐怖了!” Looked down own abdomen, muttered: These many spiritual energy entered my dantian...... Converted the weight also to have several hundred jin (0.5 kg)? How I have not felt...... If after Nine Heavens divine art digested, has left behind the sediment...... Am I must solve one time greatly?” 低下头看着自己的小肚子,喃喃道:“这么多灵气都进入了我的丹田……换算成斤两也有几百斤了吧?我怎么没感觉的……若是九重天神功消化完了之后,留下了渣滓……我是不是还要大解一次?” A Sword Spirit face does not endure to visit him who died to see, then the corners of the mouth twitch are raising the face slowly, looks at the day. 剑灵一脸的不忍卒睹的看着他,然后嘴角抽搐着缓缓扬起脸,看天。 During speeches. Outside and rustle rustle sound gradual continually a piece. 说话间。外面啪啪、簌簌簌簌的声音逐渐的连成了一片。 But, raging waves stormy sea that world spiritual energy increases steadily wells up generally . Moreover the quantity and speed that this increases are also not the general terrors! 但,天地灵气还是有增无减的狂涛骇浪一般涌来,而且这增加的数量和速度还不是一般的恐怖! Now starts to absorb the Purple Crystal Heart energy!” Saying of Sword Spirit a common occurrence. “现在开始吸取紫晶心的能量!”剑灵司空见惯的说道。 Chu Yang remembers suddenly: Good, you had experienced many such matters, told me? Whether each Master of Nine Tribulations Sword does have the difference?” 楚阳突然想起:“不错,你曾经经历过不少这样的事情,跟我说说?是否每一位九劫剑主都有不同?” Sword Spirit said: Naturally, the root bone of everyone is different, the bitter experience is also different. Therefore the final achievement is different. Here absorbs the Purple Crystal quantity. Naturally is also different!” 剑灵道:“当然,每个人的根骨都不一样,遭遇也都不同。所以最终成就也不一样。在这里吸取紫晶的数量。当然也是不同的!” In the final analysis, here Purple Crystal, tests your Great Way foundation, actually to look at your potential in a big way.” “说到底,这里的紫晶,就是测试你的大道根基,究竟看你的潜力有多大。” Chu Yang said: Oh? 楚阳道:“哦? Sword Spirit said: First Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Lei Jian, when obtains Nine Tribulations sixth. Purple Crystal has only absorbed 80%, has not absorbed Purple Crystal Heart. Stopped. Therefore, he arrived finally, cultivation base halted to Supreme grade three.” 剑灵道:“第一位九劫剑主雷剑,在获得九劫第六的时候。紫晶只吸取了八成,没有吸收到紫晶心。就停止了。所以,他到了最后,修为只是到了至尊三品就止步了。” Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, the heart said: I compared with him! 楚阳舒了一口气,心道:我比他强! Second Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Feng Bao (storm), the complete absorption all Purple Crystal, just arrived at Purple Crystal Heart, cannot continue. Therefore his final cultivation base, halts in Supreme grade four!” “第二位九劫剑主风暴,完整的吸收完了所有紫晶,刚到紫晶心,就无以为继。所以他的最终修为,止步在至尊四品!” Chu Yang silently: I am also stronger than him! 楚阳默默:我比他也强! Third Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Meng Cang, is similar to second Feng Bao (storm). Fourth Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Duan Tian, after absorbing Purple Crystal, has absorbed 50% Purple Crystal Heart, his cultivation base, to Supreme grade eight!” “第三位九劫剑主孟苍,跟第二位的风暴差不多。第四位九劫剑主段天,吸收完紫晶之后,又吸收了一半的紫晶心,他的修为,到了至尊八品!” Fifth Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Yun Dong, with Duan Tian, sixth Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Qin Fang, is a rare rare talent, he absorbed complete Purple Crystal Heart unexpectedly, halted. cultivation base, arrived at the Shatter The Void degree, only misses half step, can break to go. Un, compared with Shatter The Void beforehand Bu Liuqing, the situation of slightly high planning.” “第五位九劫剑主云东,同段天,第六位九劫剑主秦方,乃是一位罕见的奇才,他竟然吸收完了全部的紫晶心,才止步。修为,到达了破碎虚空的程度,只差半步,就能破碎而去。嗯,比破碎虚空之前的布留情,稍高一筹的地步。” This person of fierce!” Chu Yang has pulled out an cold air/Qi. “这人厉害!”楚阳抽了一口冷气。 Seventh Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Lin Zun, backed up, only achieves Supreme grade eight. Eighth Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Jun Lie, to the Supreme grade nine peak, only lowered one compared with Qin Fang.” “第七位九劫剑主林尊,又倒退了回去,只达到至尊八品。第八位九劫剑主君烈,到了至尊九品巅峰,比秦方只低一线。” Chu Yang looking pensive, said: Also in other words, first eight Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, in the different environment, obtained Sixth Fragment Nine Tribulations Sword, then, is the achievement various? Always not in this Pagoda Mountain?” 楚阳若有所思,道:“也就是说,前八位九劫剑主,都是在不同的环境里,得到了第六节九劫剑,然后,成就各不相同?总不会都是在这宝塔山吧?” „It is not! They not in Pagoda Mountain.” Sword Spirit affirmative saying. “不是!他们不是在宝塔山。”剑灵肯定的说道。 Chu Yang muttered: in other words they are also highest, but absorbed Purple Crystal Heart......” 楚阳喃喃道:“也就是说他们最高的,只是吸收完了紫晶心……” Chu Yang remembers itself to start to absorb Purple Crystal Heart, somewhat small disturbed: Does not know what situation can oneself be in? 楚阳想起自己正在开始吸收紫晶心,不由的有些小忐忑:不知道自己能到什么地步? Sword Spirit laughs in spite of trying not to: You definitely compared with them and that's the end. Definitely can absorb the Purple Crystal Jade Essence situation \; However, Purple Crystal Jade Essence can absorb many, that looked at your good fortune.” 剑灵失笑:“你肯定比他们强就是了。肯定能够吸收到紫晶玉髓的地步\;不过,紫晶玉髓能够吸收多少,那就看你的造化了。” Chu Yang smiles: That is good, so long as is not weaker than them, my satisfied!” 楚阳嘿嘿一笑:“那就好,只要不比他们弱,我就满足了!” Sword Spirit flipped the supercilious look, the heart said: Are you possibly weaker than them? Depending on you now...... Already compared with several bad were many...... 剑灵翻了翻白眼,心道:你怎么可能比他们还弱?就凭你现在……已经比起其中几个差的强很多了…… During their waiting, Purple Crystal Heart slowly also started to start to turn into dust from the outermost, rustle fell...... 在两人的等待之中,紫晶心慢慢的也开始从最外面开始变成了粉末,簌簌的落下来…… But, must absorb several hundreds of feet Purple Crystal Heart, that is wants for sometime. 但,要吸收完数十丈紫晶心,那还是要有一段时间的。 Chu Yang has been naked ** is standing, although does not have the bystander, felt that supports comfortably, simply also does not take black robe from the puzzled space, sits cross-legged to sit down, covered black robe in oneself lower part, said: I rest the meeting first, when absorbed, you called me......” 楚阳一直赤身**的站着,虽然并没有外人,也感觉挺不舒服,干脆从纠结空间里又拿出来一件黑袍,盘膝坐下,将黑袍盖在了自己下体,道:“我先睡会,等吸收完了,你叫我吧……” Sword Spirit is astonished by it: Do you rest the meeting? In this and other critical moments, first how many Master of Nine Tribulations Sword which not concentrating on looks to wait? Now is one's turn you, you must rest the meeting unexpectedly...... Shit, my he time was sees best quality...... Can you fall asleep you? 剑灵为之愕然:你睡会?在这等紧要关头,前几位九劫剑主哪一个不是全神贯注的看着等着?如今轮到你,你居然要睡会……我靠,我他么的这一次算是见到极品了……你睡得着么你? Also, first several Master of Nine Tribulations Sword at this time had wished one could also to set upright the foot, enabling the sole board also to absorb spiritual energy to be good, two people of your Chu Yang actually alternatives, and other times can also think unexpectedly embarrassed in this, covers clothes to oneself under...... Do you know that your this lid can cover the channel how many spiritual energy enter? 再说了,前几任九劫剑主这时候恨不得将脚丫子也竖起来,让脚底板也能吸收灵气才好,二人你楚阳倒是另类,居然在这等时候还能想起来不好意思,给自己下面盖上一件衣服……你知不知道你这一盖能盖住多少灵气进入的渠道? Sword Spirit was direct...... 剑灵直接无语了…… Really, the Chu Yang words have not said that sees one that shouted, black robe that Chu masculine just covered was ripped by wild spiritual energy crushes, turns into a piece by piece butterfly to fall on the ground. 果然,楚阳话还没说完,就见呼的一声,楚阳刚刚盖上的黑袍就被狂暴的灵气撕得粉碎,变成一片片蝴蝶落在地上。 Chu Yang is astonished by it: I faint, hasn't let wear the clothes? Does not manage, light the buttocks are sleeping have to rest...... Also you not female, if you female I received you......” 楚阳为之愕然:“我晕,还不让穿衣服的?咳,不管了,光着屁股睡觉也不是没睡过……再说你也不是女的,你要是女的我就收了你……” Saying, depends toward the behind the body Soul of Purple Crystal hole wall on, has closed the eye. 说着,往身后紫晶之魂洞壁上一靠,就闭上了眼睛。 Sword Spirit looks that Chu Yang blows up unceasingly, the body skin surface that also drops unceasingly, somewhat takes pleasure in others'misfortunes: Like this you, if can rest...... I take you really!” 剑灵看着楚阳不断鼓起,又不断落下的身体皮肤表面,有些幸灾乐祸:“这样你要是能睡的着……我真服你!” Long time , the spiritual energy tidal current is still wave after wave, outside Purple Crystal Heart started falls off...... 良久之后,灵气潮流依然是一波接一波,外面的紫晶心已经开始大片大片的脱落…… During Sword Spirit is dumbfounded, after Minister Chu closes the eye, again has not opened, then...... The breath is careful, even long...... Immediately, gently had the snoring...... 而在剑灵目瞪口呆之中,楚御座闭上眼睛之后就没有再睁开,然后……鼻息细细,均匀悠长……随即,轻轻的打起了呼噜…… Unexpectedly really fell asleep...... 居然真是睡着了…… Sword Spirit two eyeballs almost jumped in an instant, looks that Chu Yang unceasingly is still blowing up the flesh that unceasingly disappears, a collapse of face: Blood brother...... You fell asleep really...... Your too rarely seen...... 剑灵刹那间两只眼珠子几乎蹦了出来,看着楚阳依然在不断鼓起又不断消下去的肌肤,一脸的崩溃:亲哥……您真的睡着了……您太奇葩了…… If Sword Spirit has the essence hair and beard, perhaps now have clutched the hair to grasp crazily...... 若是剑灵有实质的头发和胡子,恐怕现在已经自己揪着头发抓狂了…… Has not seen this grade of matter...... 从来没有见过这等事…… Could you also very look on the bright side of thing? 您也忒想得开了吧? What does Chu Yang have unable to look on the bright side of thing? Also does not have my anything matter in any case, I only waited for the final inspection achievement to be good, I look, was these, I do not look, was these...... I will not always open eye to look that can absorb? 楚阳有啥想不开的?反正又没我什么事,我就只等着最后验收成果就行了,我看着,也是这些,我不看着,还是那些……总不会我睁着眼睛看着就能多吸收吧? Since this, I do not rest...... Do I look oppressively? 既然这样,我不睡……我自己找虐啊? If you thought that also well please collect the home station, with the aim of facilitating to read next time. 如果您觉得还不错就请收藏本站,以便下次方便看书。 If there is a chapter to contact with manager wrongly. 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