TTNH :: Volume #14

#1371: Collapse Sword Spirit 【Part 9!】

Chu Yang this sleep has rested 8 hours! 楚阳这一觉足足睡了四个时辰 Now, is away from him to enter the time in Purple Crystal hole, had two days. 现在,距离他进入紫晶洞之中的时间,已经有两天。 Already in the south passes and out the Upper, Middle, and Lower Three Heavens passing road junction to wait for opening Ning Tianya to heave a sigh. 已经在南方进出上中下三天的通道口等着开启的宁天涯唉声叹气。 What's the matter? 怎么回事儿? How to have opened? 怎么还不开启? Is this is anxious? 这是要急死人么? The old men here waited more than for day...... The middle also found a place to drink the liquor. 老夫都在这里等了一天多了……中间还找了个地方喝了顿酒。 This boy attains a section of sword, so to be how slow? 这小子就只是拿到一截剑而已,怎地这么慢? Supreme Master Ning is passing the road junction puzzled walks, walks, sighed, turns circle, sits down a meeting...... 宁至尊在通道口纠结的走过来,走过去,叹口气,转个圈,坐下一会…… Tosses about the person really...... 真折腾人啊…… ...... …… In the hole, Chu Yang spring sleeps understands unconsciously, finally wakes up, only thinks full of vigor, feeling of one share inflation contraction, transmits immediately, stunned: Hasn't absorbed?” 洞中,楚阳春眠不觉晓,终于醒来,只觉得精神饱满,一股子膨胀收缩的感觉,也立即传来,不由愕然:“还没吸收完毕?” Sword Spirit speechless say/way: Purple Crystal Heart soon absorbed...... ten feet......” 剑灵无语的道:“紫晶心快要吸收完了……还有不到一丈……” Chu Yang somewhat worries: So to be how slow?” 楚阳有些着急:“怎么这么慢?” Sword Spirit weak say/way: This was quick...... Compares the front several people, you are using ten times to absorb in their speeds......” 剑灵无力的道:“这已经很快了……相比起前面几个人,你已经是在用十倍于他们的速度吸收了……” In Chu Yang shows the whites of the eyes, launches regards. 楚阳翻翻白眼,展开内视。 Sees only in oneself dantian, ten Primordial Chaos Pure Thread, lived the splendor impressively dazzlingly. Moreover, during 11 th, is forming...... 只见自己丹田之中,赫然已经有十根鸿蒙真丝,耀眼生辉。而且,第11根,正在形成之中…… These many.” Chu Yang somewhat is pleased with oneself. Thinks oneself linked one not to have, this less than six months, unexpectedly had 11, really...... “这么多了。”楚阳有些沾沾自喜。想到自己原本连一根都没有,这才不到半年的时间,居然已经有了11根,真是…… Crisp! 爽啊! Sword Spirit, it seems like is also better the long time, what these days do we make?” Chu Yang said. 剑灵,看来还要好长的时间,这段时间里咱们做些什么呢?”楚阳说道。 Sword Spirit grinning: You can look on the bright side of thing, but I actually cannot look on the bright side of thing...... Why not to have the mood.” 剑灵咧了咧嘴:“您想得开,但是我却是想不开……干什么都没心情。” Chu Yang despises saying: You are really dull.” 楚阳鄙视道:“你真没趣。” Since Sword Spirit does not coordinate, Chu Yang simply runs up to Nine Tribulations Space to stroll on oneself randomly, unexpectedly also had the time to take a bath in Soul Tempering Spring. Then carries altar/jar liquor from Nine Tribulations Space, several appetizer, then began to make a cup, crash-bang on the liquor, raised glass toward Sword Spirit but actually unexpectedly respected: In the present has the liquor to do be drunk. Tomorrow who discusses is not? Raises eyes the mortal world horizontal sword, the pitching life I have no qualms! Sword Spirit, we are together, is not easy, I respect your one cup!” 剑灵既然不配合,楚阳干脆就自己跑到九劫空间里乱逛,居然还有时间在淬魂泉里面泡了个澡。然后就从九劫空间里拎出来一坛酒,几个小菜,然后自己动手做了个杯子,哗啦啦的倒上酒,居然举杯向着剑灵敬了一下:“今朝有酒须当醉。明日谁论是与非?举目红尘横剑去,俯仰人生我无愧!剑灵,咱们相处一场,也不容易,我敬你一杯!” ! 咣! One cup gets into the stomach. 一杯下肚。 Sword Spirit looks that Sir Sword Master dish liquor eats and drinks extravagantly jubilantly, in the heart feels intermittent being incapable. 剑灵看着剑主大人一口菜一口酒大吃大喝兴高采烈,心中直感觉一阵阵的无力。 Sir Sword Master who who and looks like this facing can look on the bright side of thing white, can take up and can put down, what can also say? 面对这样想得开、看的白、拿得起、放得下的剑主大人,还能说什么? In an instant, Chu Yang altar/jar liquor got into the stomach. Immediately carries a altar/jar. Patted the balling up. 转眼间,楚阳一坛酒下了肚。随即就又拎出一坛。拍开了泥封。 His present body is undergoing the crazy Feng Bao (storm) rain, cannot use cultivation base, in other words. He drinks in the alcohol capacity of according to average person now, altar/jar liquor got into the stomach, already some feeling of being drunk. 他现在身体正在经受狂风暴雨,根本不能动用修为,也就是说。他现在就是在以普通人的酒量喝酒,一坛酒下了肚,已经有些醉意。 But Chu Yang still keeps. 楚阳依然不停。 Continued to drink several cups. Said: Sword Spirit, I am thinking that now Xue Leihan lets the words that Ning Tianya rephrased in own words.” 继续喝了几杯。道:“剑灵,我现在在想雪泪寒宁天涯转述的话。” Sword Spirit said: Oh? how?” 剑灵道:“哦?怎么了?” Chu Yang said: Xue Leihan said that my sentimental road, is doomed actually. Because of my former life too just, therefore Wu Qianqian and I by supple \; former life is too straight, Tie Butian gives me by wisdom \; former life is heartless, Mo Qingwu makes up me by the sentiment.” 楚阳道:“雪泪寒说,我的感情路,其实都是注定的。因为我前世太刚,所以乌倩倩与我以柔\;前世太直,铁补天予我以智\;前世无情,莫轻舞补我以情。” Some Chu Yang feeling of being drunk well up, said: Initially listens, as if some truth. But now wants to come...... Xue Leihan this talks nonsense in the dog! However comforts me, unties an excuse that the heart ties for me.” 楚阳有些醉意涌上来,道:“初听,似乎有些道理。但现在想来……雪泪寒这就是在狗放屁!不过就是安慰我,为我解开心结的一个说辞而已。” Sword Spirit knits the brows: „Do yourself think?” 剑灵皱皱眉:“那你自己以为?” Chu Yang said: In the final analysis, is my matter. In other words, my sentiment to Qingwu, the world cannot change its color, this point, I determined.” 楚阳说道:“归根到底,是我自己的事情而已。换句话说,我对轻舞的感情,天地不能改其色,这一点,我确定。” Therefore Mo Qingwu. I am required!” “所以莫轻舞。我是非要不可!” receives Senior Apprentice Sister Wu. Senior Apprentice Sister Wu has felt emotion to me, I have known, has been avoiding. But, I am a man...... Sword Spirit, for a long time in the same place. You know obviously this outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman to your sentiment root deep type, what is that felt?” “接下来说乌师姐乌师姐一直对我有情,我一直知道,也一直在躲避。但,我是个男人……剑灵,长久地在一起。你明明知道这个绝色美女对你情根深种,那是什么感觉?” Then. I had misunderstood afterward her, misunderstood her really has become Iron Cloud Empress. To afterward misunderstood to untie, but she actually already to save me, wants gradually. If I abandoning do not attend, or, can rescue not to rescue, either revives, then said to her I do not accept you...... You thought that such doing words, am I also a person?” “然后。后来我又误会了她,误会了她真的成了铁云皇后。到后来误会解开,但她却已经为了救我,垂垂欲死。我若是弃之不顾,或者,能救而不救,或者救活过来,然后再对她说,我不接受你……你觉得那样做的话,我还是不是一个人?” Sword Spirit stares: This......” 剑灵瞠目:“这……” Then is Tie Butian. At that time my stupor, your strength used up the deep sleep, in me the toxin of Copulating Flood Dragon. Tie Butian does not give a thought to the noble status, sacrificed the daughter to be pure, saves my life . Moreover, in situation that in I do not know the circumstances of the matter, for my birth next one.” “然后是铁补天。当时我昏迷了,你力竭沉睡了,我中了媾蛟之毒。铁补天不顾自己高贵身份,牺牲女儿清白,救我性命,而且,在我不知情的情况下,为我诞下一子。” When I know the truth, if I do not want their mother and child, refused to acknowledge. Then, who am I?” “当我得知真相的时候,我若是不要她们母子,拒不承认。那么,我是什么人?” But all these, in insistence from the beginning with my heart, has violated.” “但这一切,与我心中一开始的坚持,有所违背。” Therefore, how I do am not right!” Chu Yang drinks the next glass of liquor: I give up, does not have conscience, I accept, is the conscience has the shame. Does is the animal behaviors. Is unfair to them.” “所以,我怎么做都不对!”楚阳喝下一杯酒:“我放弃,是没良心,我接受,也是良心有愧。怎么做都是禽兽行为。都对她们不公平。” Therefore I also finally want to understand now, fortunately Xue Leihan also worry looks for the person talk to solve my heart knot specially, actually this matter is a very simple matter!” “所以我现在也终于想明白了,亏得雪泪寒还担心的专门找人谈话来解我心结,其实这事就是很简单的一件事!” Sword Spirit asked: What's wrong? Simple?” 剑灵问道:“怎么?简单?” Chu Yang hehe is drunk to smile: Since gives up is also the pain, received is also the pain, simply received, there is anything at the worst...... A few words said proficiently, I violate inexpensively, oneself look for the crime to receive to oneself! Changes a man casually, guarantee not these many matters.” 楚阳呵呵醉笑:“既然放弃也是痛苦,收了也是痛苦,那么,干脆收了,又有什么大不了的……一句话说到家,我犯贱,自己给自己找罪受!随便换一个男人,保证没这么多事情。” Suddenly has roared: Where so many intertwining!” 突然吼了一声:“哪有那么多的纠结!” Chu Yang was drunk. 楚阳醉了。 Sword Spirit wrinkled the brow, the heart said: He said that actually these words did put down? Fell deeply?...... This also really said not the accurate matter. 剑灵皱紧了眉头,心道:他说这番话究竟是放下了呢?还是陷得更深了呢?……这还真是说不准的事情。 If a unfaithful man, so does not have these many matters. 若是一个花心的男人,如此也就没有这么多事情。 This man actually treats the sentimental so earnest man, moreover there is a former life memory to cause trouble...... 偏偏这个男人却又是对待感情如此认真的男人,而且还有前世的记忆作祟…… Sword Spirit sighed. 剑灵叹了口气。 Such matter, was everyone cannot help him. 这样的事情,真的是谁也帮不了他的。 Chu Yang awoke being drunk, was drunk awoke, ignorant did not know how much time. 楚阳醒了醉,醉了又醒,浑浑噩噩的也不知道过去了多少时间。 The dumbfoundedness of Sword Spirit early shocked. 剑灵早已经震惊的目瞪口呆。 Purple Crystal Heart has absorbed, at present, Purple Crystal Jade Essence, already soon. 紫晶心已经吸收完毕,目前,紫晶玉髓,也已经快要到底了。 But, the speed of that Nine Heavens divine art absorption, was instead getting more and more fast, does not have phenomenon occurrence that the least bit weakens! 但,那九重天神功吸收的速度,反而越来越快了,没有半点减弱的现象发生! To the present, has exceeded the first eight generations of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword sum total! 只是到了现在,就已经是超过了前八代九劫剑主的总和! The speed is still intensifying! 速度还在加剧! Moreover, the time has used in first eight generations of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword quickest 1/10 time! 而且,时间只是用了前八代九劫剑主之中最快的一个的1的时间! Regarding this grade of result, Sword Spirit, only then loudly shouted inconceivable: Anomaly to this grade of situation. Simply is not the common anomaly...... 对于这等结果,剑灵只有大呼不可思议:变态到这等地步。简直不是一般的变态啊…… Rustle the sound resounds, all Purple Crystal Jade Essence, turned into dust. 簌簌的声音响起,所有紫晶玉髓,变成了粉末 Then, finally arrived at innermost, is Soul of Purple Crystal is. 然后,终于到了最里面的这一段,全是紫晶之魂的所在。 spiritual energy gathered suddenly super Feng Bao (storm), in all directions wild flushed. By the Sword Spirit present strength, stands side Chu Yang, could not stand. Has to hurry to return to Nine Tribulations Space. Shocked speechless looks at outside spiritual energy Feng Bao (storm). 灵气突然聚成了超级风暴,四面八方狂暴的冲来。以剑灵现在的力量,站在楚阳身边,已经是站立不住。只好赶紧回到了九劫空间里。震惊到了无语的看着外面的灵气风暴 Sword Spirit was numb! 剑灵已经麻木了! Early knows that Chu Yang this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword is ninth generation of Sword Master, decides however with the first several differences, radically continually will actually have a dream has not thought differently to this grade of situation! 早知道楚阳这个九劫剑主乃是第九代剑主,定然与前几任不同,却也根本连做梦也没有想过会不同到了这等地步! ...... …… Also is five days later (Celestial Empress). 又是五天后 Was passing Ning Tianya of road junction to have the impulsion of curse! 在通道口的宁天涯已经有了骂娘的冲动! He waited for half a month here! 他在这里已经等了半个月了! Unexpectedly does not have the least bit news! 居然还是没有半点消息! This what's the matter? Won't this fellow have problems? Where has this grade of matter? With an interruption sword. Unexpectedly takes 17-18 days? 这到底是怎么回事儿?这家伙不会是出什么问题了吧?哪有这等事?只是拿一截断剑而已。居然要十七八天? ...... …… In hole. 洞中。 Chu Yang wakes up leisurely. 楚阳悠悠醒来。 Looks side oneself, immediately had a scare. 一看自己身边,顿时吓了一跳。 Unexpectedly is dark, that bright purple spiritual energy aura originally. Has been not much left. Remaining is less than three chi (0.33 m) Soul of Purple Crystal is still only glistening, but also is sending out spiritual energy...... 居然已经是黑暗了下来,原本的那亮紫色的灵气气息。已经所剩无几。只剩下不到三尺的紫晶之魂还在闪亮,还在发出灵气…… The Nine Heavens divine art running rate in own meridians, obvious compared with before quick 34 times! 自己经脉之中的九重天神功运行速度,明显的比起之前快了34倍! In Chu Yang launches hurriedly regards, under looks, cannot help but shocks: „ Sword Spirit, how these many...... „ 楚阳急忙展开内视,一看之下,不由得震惊至极:“剑灵,怎地这么多……“ In the dantian, had dense and numerous Primordial Chaos Pure Thread, the rapid calculation, should have 100-200! Purple glistening. Lives the splendor dazzlingly. 在丹田之中,已经有了密密麻麻的鸿蒙真丝,粗略计算,应该有一两百根!根根紫色莹然。耀眼生辉。 Remembers before the half a month, oneself have two...... This is one step ascends Heavens! simply! 想起在半月之前,自己还是只有两根……这简直就是一步登天啊 Chu Yang two illumination: Sword Spirit, had...... 170...... 195...... 198! 199 th is forming!......” 楚阳两眼发光:“剑灵,已经有……170……195……198根!第199根正在形成!……” He smiles grins with ear to ear: Formerly my two, are Supreme of Swords two, now I have 200...... My should cultivation base least also be the Ning Tianya rank?” 他笑得合不拢嘴:“先前我有两根,已经是剑中至尊两品,如今我有200根……我的修为应该最少也是宁天涯的级别了吧?” Sword Spirit curls the lip crazily: Beauty that you think! Primordial Chaos Pure Thread at this moment relates with your cultivation base anything does not have! Similar to, here absorbs many that I formerly said that can foresee your final achievement...... Is equal to testing. However. Also was equal to laying the Great Way foundation for you. That is all! Wants in Nine Heavens on use Primordial Chaos Pure Thread, not less than daydreaming!” 剑灵狂撇嘴:“你想的美!此刻的这鸿蒙真丝跟你的修为什么关系都没有!正如同我先前所说的,在这里吸收多少,能够预见到你的最终成就……等于是测试。不过。也等于是为你打下了大道根基。仅此而已!想要在九重天就动用鸿蒙真丝,不啻于白日做梦!” Chu Yang said stunned: Said that my cultivation base hasn't promoted?” 楚阳愕然道:“这么说,我的修为是没有提升的?” Sword Spirit helpless sighing: You have been promoting......” 剑灵无奈的叹气:“你已经在提升了……” The voice has not fallen, that final Soul of Purple Crystal has glistened, changed to last wisp of spiritual energy. Went by the Nine Heavens divine art turnover. Changes Primordial Chaos Pure Thread that in the Chu Yang dantian 200 th will soon have taken shape...... 话音未落,那最后的紫晶之魂闪亮了一下,化作了最后一缕灵气。被九重天神功吞吐进去。化作了楚阳丹田之中第200根即将成型的鸿蒙真丝…… Then, Nine Heavens divine art unexpectedly then turnover...... Gives up. Stopped the movement. 然后,九重天神功居然接着又吞吐了一下……才罢休。停止了动作。 The Sword Spirit direct eyeball fell: Have not given full expression! 剑灵直接眼珠子掉了出来:意犹未尽! What did this indicate? This indicated these many Purple Crystal, but also was insufficient, was unable to achieve the Chu Yang bottom line, cannot test the highest achievement that Chu Yang can achieve finally truly! 这说明什么?这说明这么多的紫晶,还不够,还不能达到楚阳的底线,也不能真正测试出楚阳最后所能够达到的最高成就! Sword Spirit was at a loss. 剑灵迷惘了。 His clear thinks, initially Xue Leihan when established this together Great Way examination, had said: If Master of Nine Tribulations Sword can absorb Soul of Purple Crystal half to be used to hit the foundation in this Nine Heavens, then, this person future achievement, on necessity above me!” 他清晰的想起来,当初雪泪寒在设置这一道大道测验的时候,曾经说过:“若是九劫剑主能够在这九重天就能吸取到紫晶之魂的一半用来打根基,那么,此人未来的成就,就必然在我之上!” After Xue Leihan initially said that but also once smiled: „...... Such person, thousands of years is also not necessarily able to leave one. Can with my flush, be able to send to use fully greatly...... If really compared with me, then sweeps Devil, but also real not to mention......” 雪泪寒当初说完之后,还曾经笑了笑:“不过……这样的人,千万年也未必能出一个。能够与我齐平者,已经能够足可以派上大用了……若是真的比我强,那么扫荡天魔,还真的不在话下……” Remembered these words, Sword Spirit collapses! 想起这句话,剑灵更崩溃了! ............ ………… I continue the symbol tenth! Tomorrow, is ten!! 我继续码字第十更!明天,还是十更!! If you thought that also well please collect the home station, with the aim of facilitating to read next time. 如果您觉得还不错就请收藏本站,以便下次方便看书。 If there is a chapter to contact with manager wrongly. This month recommends Tang Family Third Young Master latest work «Peerless Tang Men» for you 如有章节错误请与管理员联系。本月为您推荐唐家三少最新巨著《绝世唐门》 Looks at the quickest renewal, -- 看最快更新,就来-- List 列表
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