TTNH :: Volume #14

#1369: Sword Hilt Return 【Part 7!】

Life And Death, The Great Power In My Palm, Five Fingers Shut The Heaven To Fall Down \; Nine Tribulations, Nine Scattered Winds, And Cloud Gathering, Beyond Nine Heavens Blood Such As Black Ink!” 生杀大权我掌握,五指合拢天欲堕\;九劫九散风云聚,九重天外血如墨!” Nine Tribulations Sword, Sixth Fragment! 九劫剑,第六节 Looks sword move that Sword Spirit dances, Chu Yang actually intensely has one type wind and cloud in the hand, the world in heart feeling! 看着剑灵舞出的剑招,楚阳却强烈的有一种‘风云在手,天下在心’的感觉! This is having confidence of not being able saying that the arrogance of not being able to say was imposing! 这是一种说不出的有把握,说不出的傲气凛然! Life And Death, The Great Power In My Palm! 生杀大权我掌握 This is the Sixth Fragment sword first move, this move really proud haughtily arrives at the extreme, moreover there is an imposing military might. As if to the entire world, was announcing with a manner of ruling: Living of this world kills the power, is grasped by me! 这是第六节剑第一招,这一招实在是骄傲狂傲到极点,而且有一种凛然的威武。似乎在向整个天下,用一种君临的态度宣告:这世间的生杀大权,由我来掌握! This strikes killing move that the offense and defense has both! 这是一击攻守兼备的杀招 Moreover, takes the potential. 而且,取势。 When actual combat move, facing this move of person, broad cannot resist the irreversible imposing manner facing this type, from will have at heart a feeling of submitting to: Not enemy! Only can surrender! 在实战这一招的时候,面对这一招的人,面对这种恢弘不可抵抗不可逆转的气势,从心里就会有一种臣服的感觉:不可敌!只能投降! Under this move, I want you to live, you live, I want you dead, you die! 在这一招之下,我想要你生,你就生,我想要你死,你就死! The life and death all in instant, looks at my mood! 生死全在一念之间,看我心情! The second move, Five Fingers Shut The Heaven To Fall Down! 第二招,五指合拢天欲堕 Actually is further exaggerated peak this imposing manner. 却是再进一步的将这种气势渲染到了极致 First move of coping is also only the person, heaven that but the second move is to actually cope! 第一招对付的还只是人,但第二招却是对付的苍天! When my five fingers close up grips this sword, the heaven must crash! Do not say that with me for the person of enemy, can only change into fine powder under this sword! 当我五指合拢握住这把剑的时候,苍天也要坠落下来!更不要说跟我为敌的人,只能在这一剑之下化为齑粉 Every with me for enemy, does not have the survival generally! 凡与我为敌者,概无幸存! Third Sword, Nine Tribulations, Nine Scattered Winds, And Cloud Gathering, is actually thoroughly the wild attack! 第三剑,九劫九散风云聚,却是彻底狂暴的进攻! As if nine days of wind and cloud gathering, eruptions, the might is one by one bigger! 似乎将九天风云一次次的聚拢,一次次的爆发,一次比一次威力更大! Is after the first two moves of poly potentials, completely erupts in this move \; Then such as the wave of Yangtze River, sea is rising tide! To the ninth eruption, completely explosion loudly, has destroyed all! 乃是在前两招的聚势之后,在这一招全然爆发\;便如长江之浪,大海涨潮!到了第九次爆发,全然的轰然爆炸,毁灭一切! Beyond Nine Heavens Blood Such As Black Ink! 九重天外血如墨 This is the last move. 这是最后一招。 But this move, is most bloodthirsty, after the slaughter spreads the world. Kills Nine Heavens, is Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the rivers of blood, the blood such as black ink is still ordinary, contamination world! 但这一招,也是最嗜血的,屠遍人间之后。杀上九重天,依然是天翻地覆,血流成河,鲜血如墨一般,沾染天地! This grasps world four moves, these four moves of sword art, in each move, clear disclosed a aura: Control! 这是掌握天下的四招,这四招剑法,每一招里面,都清晰的透露出一种气息:控制! In heart of Chu Yang. First several sections of Nine Tribulations Sword sword art is similar to the transparent rill winds through generally slowly. 楚阳的心中。前几截九劫剑剑法如同透明的小溪一般缓缓流过。 Then, class to the present, to Sword Hilt these moves of times, Chu Yang discovered suddenly that as if had the change! 然后,流到现在,到了剑柄的这几招的时候,楚阳突然间发现,似乎有了改变! Archery target change! 质的改变! „Did you feel?” Sword Divine Spirit picks Yi Yi's asking. “你感觉到了么?”剑灵神采奕奕的问道。 Nine Tribulations Sword Sixth Fragment succeeds in obtaining, Sword Spirit all weak. Suddenly miracle general disappearance does not have trace, regained the complete state of mind instantaneously. Moreover, has promoted a stride! 九劫剑第六节到手,剑灵所有的虚弱。突然奇迹一般的消失无踪,瞬间就恢复了完全的精神状态。而且,更加提升了一大步! Felt!” Chu Yang heavy saying: As if...... These four moves, regarding beforehand 20 moves of sword art, have the function of amplification might!” “感觉到了!”楚阳沉沉的说道:“似乎……这四招,对于之前的20招剑法,都有增幅威力的作用!” Yes! Had Sword Hilt, a handle sword had the powerful support! Also there is a captain, operation.” Sword Spirit said: „Similar to an invincible crack force, this is an association. Which picks up casually, is the unmatcheds in the world.” “是的!有了剑柄,一柄剑才有了有力的支撑!也有了指挥者,运筹者。”剑灵说道:“就如同一个无敌的劲旅,这乃是一个团体。随便挑出哪一个,都是天下无敌。” But such team. In the cooperation, is easy to operate independently. Therefore such association when the bitter experience large-scale fight, is instead unwinnable, because, the personal ability is strong, is in a state of disunity!” “但这样的队伍。在合作的时候,却容易各自为战。所以这样的团体在遭遇大规模战斗的时候,反而不能取胜,因为,个人能力再强,也是一盘散沙!” At this time, needed resourceful to join, does a hand, command control these masters. From one group of loose sands. Condenses a fist! Displays the maximum strength, even is. Over ten times strengths! Strives for the victory, destroys enemy!” “这个时候,就需要有一个智谋者加入,来做一只手,指挥控制着这些高手们。从一团散沙。凝聚成一个拳头!去发挥最大战力,甚至是。十倍以上的战力!去夺取胜利,去摧毁敌人!” However this resourceful, must melt first, thoroughly understands, and acts according to its strong and weak point to make the strongest strategy! Therefore he must pass through the entire sword. Therefore, Sword Hilt, is the root, is the captain.” “而这位智谋者,要先将自己融进去,通晓、并且根据其强弱点制造出最强战略!所以他要贯穿整把剑。所以,剑柄,乃是根,乃是指挥者。” Sword Spirit said gently. 剑灵轻轻地说道。 Chu Yang is pondering, said: I understood. For example my brothers, when we have the achievement greatly time, no matter Duxing (solitary), is Xieyun, or Ji Mo, Little Wolf, Wushang (woundless), Butong (blocked)...... Waits, each lets out alone, sufficiently Wei Town. But, has the respective temperament respectively, has the respective characteristics respectively, therefore, once matching is not good, encounters the association war, instead is not necessarily able to display the strongest strength!” 楚阳沉思着,说道:“我明白了。比如我的兄弟们,等到我们都是大有成就的时候,不管是独行,还是邪云,或者纪墨,小狼,无伤,不通……等,每一个单独放出去,都足以威镇一方。但,各自有各自的脾气,各自有各自的特点,所以,一旦搭配不好,遭遇团体战的时候,反而未必会发挥出最强战力!” For example Duxing (solitary), if with Wushang (woundless) matching, the strength has wasted. But if Ji Mo with Kedi matching, strength has been insufficient...... Butong (blocked) and Exquisite Flower matching, flexible has, steady insufficiency. Therefore at this time, must according to the different enemies, match the different strengths, but this and other times, are Sword Hilt needs to compromise them, for example, joining of Tianji (Heavenly Secret)!” “比如独行若是与无伤搭配,战力就有所浪费。而纪墨若是与克敌搭配,战力就有所不足……不通琼花搭配,却又灵活有余,稳重不足。所以这种时候,要根据不同的敌人,搭配不同的战力,而这等时候,就是剑柄需要调和他们,比如,天机的加入!” Sword Spirit smile: Good, is this!” 剑灵微笑:“不错,就是这样子!” Chu Yang is pondering, said: Also in other words in the brothers, Tianji (Heavenly Secret) is the inspirational figure, is the captain, with grasping?” 楚阳沉思着,道:“也就是说在兄弟们之中,天机乃是灵魂人物,乃是指挥者,和掌握者?” Wrong!” Sword Spirit said: Mo Tianji is not the inspirational figure, does not grasp, but is actually the captain.” “错!”剑灵道:“莫天机不是灵魂人物,也不是掌握者,但却是指挥者。” Oh? Chu Yang said. 哦?楚阳道。 This is similar to a country, the army goes to battle outside \; In the army, there is Great General, has the assistant general, has Deputy General, has the marshal! Great General assistant general Deputy General, performs its own functions, has its energy respectively. Coordinated, then did not have toward is disadvantageous. But this coordination, in marshal hand. The Mo Tianji present position, is a Yuan position!” “这就如同一个国家,军队出征在外\;军队之中,有大将,有偏将,有副将,有元帅!大将偏将副将,各司其职,各有其能。配合好了,便是无往而不利。而这个配合,在元帅手里。莫天机现在的位置,就是元帅位!” Is the Sword Hilt position!” “就是剑柄的位置!” However your Chu Yang, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, is grasps! You left beyond the war, is actually controlling the war. You is a policy-maker, points out the direction, then they go together diligently! Your role, if in country, is monarch. Because only has monarch, can direct the marshal!” “而你楚阳自己,九劫剑主,才是掌握者!你脱出了战局之外,却操控着战局。你是决策者,指出方向,然后他们一起去努力!你的角色,若是在国家之中,就是帝王。因为唯有帝王,才能指挥元帅!” Sword Spirit heavy saying: This is among you localization!” 剑灵沉沉的说道:“这就是你们之间的定位!” Chu Yang nodded, immediately felt is not right: This is not right! If said according to you...... Then, Tianji (Heavenly Secret) Duxing (solitary) Wushang (woundless) have they, how could it not be become my subordinate?” 楚阳点了点头,随即就感觉到不对:“这不对!若是按照你这么说的话……那么,天机独行无伤他们,岂不就成了我的下属?” Sword Spirit has hesitated, said: Said a moment ago, is only analogy. However, you said that is also reasonable. Because of this relations, if desirably develops in the upper and lower layer direction, then, they naturally will become your subordinate! But definitely will not have any contradiction.” 剑灵沉吟了一下,说道:“刚才说的,只是比喻。不过,你说的,也有道理。因为这种关系,若是刻意的向着上下级的方向发展,那么,他们就会自然而然的成为你的属下!而绝对不会有任何抵触。” This is the most harmonious relationship between superior and subordinate.” “这是最融洽的上下级关系。” „But if you do not want to develop like this. But, among brothers, needs the differentiation of high and low size \; Otherwise, is in a state of disunity!” “但若是你不想这样发展,也可以。但,兄弟之间,也需要尊卑大小的分化的\;要不然,还是一盘散沙!” How therefore you must locate, in yourself.” “所以你要怎么定位,在你自己。” Sword Spirit reminded: Moreover, the time of now finally not having located!” 剑灵提醒道:“而且,现在还不是最终定位的时刻!” Chu Yang un, actually this matter, firmly at heart. 楚阳嗯了一声,却将这件事,牢牢的记在了心里。 If develops the relations of subordinate, does not need to wait till the present. If really such...... Then, how could it not be were oneself separated from this association? Has become the loner? 若是发展成从属的关系,不用等到现在。若是真的那样子……那么,自己岂不就脱离出了这个团体?成了孤家寡人? Such relations, Chu Yang rather does not want! 那样的关系,楚阳宁可不要! But this point, he has not said. 但这一点,他没有说出来。 When thinks of this point, he even had several points of vigilance to Sword Spirit, does not make him know own real regard. 在想到这一点的时候,他甚至对剑灵都起了几分戒心,不让他知道自己的真实心意。 What I want is the brothers, what wants is the brothers in the together that happiness. But is not the hegemony...... It is not being obedient, can for the subordinate who I go. 我要的是兄弟,更加要的是兄弟在一起的那份欢乐。而不是什么霸业……更加不是什么听话的、可以为我赴死的下属。 The brothers can for each other go, that is because of the sentiment \; The subordinates can go to for the higher authority, actually because of rank and mission. 兄弟可以为彼此赴死,那是因为感情\;下属可以为了上级赴死,却是因为等级和使命。 Between both, although is goes to similarly, but actually different, entirely different! 两者之间,虽然同样是赴死,但却天差地远,截然不同! Then at this time, Chu Yang suddenly felt in the dantian a change, Sword Point, Sword Edge, Sword Spine, Sword Crossguard, Sword Guard, Sword Hilt simultaneously acts! 便在这时,楚阳突然感觉到丹田之中一阵翻动,剑尖,剑锋,剑刃,剑格,剑舌,剑柄同时动作起来! Under the direction of Sword Hilt, each section of sword blade slowly appears together purple energy, finally gathered one clank the shining purple line, entered the Chu Yang dantian. 剑柄的指挥下,每一截剑身都是慢慢的浮现出来一道紫气,最终汇聚成了一道铮铮发亮的紫色线条,进驻楚阳的丹田。 Since later, is divided into three, has been divided into three Primordial Chaos Pure Thread, originally occupies with two Primordial Chaos Pure Thread in the same place, becomes a purple small group, peaceful. 进入之后,一分为三,分成了三道鸿蒙真丝,与原本的两道鸿蒙真丝盘踞在一起,成为紫色的一个小团,才安静了下来。 Chu Yang has used that big effort, obtained two Primordial Chaos Pure Thread, but under the summons of Sword Spirit, in these strengths that on them divides, unexpectedly increased three all of a sudden! 楚阳费了那么大的劲,才得到了两根鸿蒙真丝,但在剑灵的号召下,在它们身上分出来的这些力量,居然一下子增加了三根! Depending on somersault one -and-a-half times! Was equal to that strength suddenly turned one time! 凭空翻了一倍半!等于是实力猛地翻了一倍! Immediately, when these three Primordial Chaos Pure Thread settle down, a formidable strength, suddenly from the Chu Yang dantian erupts! 随即,在这三根鸿蒙真丝尘埃落定的时候,一股强大的力量,突然从楚阳的丹田爆发出来! This strength so fierce! 这股力量是如此的猛! Such overbearing, such suddenly! 如此的霸道,如此的突如其来! Suddenly to including situation of Chu Yang without enough time response! 突然到了连楚阳自己都来不及反应的地步! Bang, the black clothes of Chu Yang whole body explodes crushes. 砰地一声,楚阳浑身的黑衣炸得粉碎。 In this Purple Crystal hole, unexpectedly all of a sudden becomes naked **. Next moment, these strengths run out of his body surface, flies to shoot in all directions! 在这紫晶洞里,竟然一下子变得赤身**。下一刻,那些力量冲出他的体表,四面八方飞射! Immediately, that shouted, in the entire Purple Crystal hole, has started a purple energy tide suddenly! 随即,呼的一声,整个紫晶洞里面,突然间掀起了一阵紫气浪潮! World spiritual energy that the innumerable Purple Crystal strengths, Purple Crystal inside contains, suddenly not awfully comes in swarms toward Chu Yang! 无数的紫晶力量,紫晶里面蕴含的天地灵气,突然间不要命的向着楚阳蜂拥而来! Changes to bunch of tiny gas, seeps from each pore of Chu Yang whole body, wormed one's way into. 化作一团团细小的气体,从楚阳全身的每一个毛孔之中渗透进去,钻了进去。 Chu Yang is dumbfounded! 楚阳目瞪口呆! Maintains a funny modeling is looking at itself, the mouth looks askance crookedly: This...... What's all this about?” 保持着一个滑稽的造型看着自己,嘴歪眼斜:“这……这是怎么回事?” Sword Spirit said: „After this is Nine Tribulations Sword Sixth Fragment obtains, welfare that you should obtain!” 剑灵道:“这便是九劫剑第六节得到之后,你所应该得到的福利!” Chu Yang was unable to reply his words, because in his mouth, crazily is also spilling into spiritual energy, Chu Yang feels that perhaps according to such speed, under moment, oneself can be perished by the exploding bodies of these wild energy impacts! 楚阳已经不能回答他的话了,因为他的嘴里面,也在疯狂地涌进灵气,楚阳感觉到,按照这样的速度,恐怕下一刻,自己就能够被这些狂暴的能量冲击的爆体而亡! His meridians, were expanded the limit, wisp of wisp of purple spiritual energy, bringing in this cave as if made by Heaven Earth Qi, mountain cry out sea howl to howl in his meridians quite the same as generally the advance. 他的经脉,已经被扩张到了极限,一缕一缕的紫色灵气,带着这山洞之内浑然天成地气,山呼海啸一般在他的经脉之中呼啸前进。 Why Chu Yang very strange Sword Spirit does not take in such strength Nine Tribulations Space, but Sword Spirit has been looking in fact with a smile...... 楚阳很奇怪剑灵为何不将这样的力量收进九劫空间里面去,但事实上剑灵一直在含笑看着…… When Chu Yang cannot withstand finally, Primordial Chaos Pure Thread in dantian sends out suddenly, Nine Heavens divine art operates in this moment slowly, is only a turnover, all enters world spiritual energy of Chu Yang body to vanish without the trace suddenly. 就在楚阳终于承受不住的时候,丹田里的鸿蒙真丝突然出动,九重天神功这一刻缓缓运行,只是一个吞吐,所有进入楚阳身体的天地灵气突然间消失无踪。 However outside spiritual energy continually is still welling up, wells up...... 然而外面的灵气还在不断涌进来,涌进来…… Therefore, whenever that type will soon arrive at the explosion of critical point to feel the coming time, Nine Heavens divine art is an operation...... Buys in thoroughly, dantian the color in Primordial Chaos Pure Thread, bright several points...... 于是,每当那种即将到达临界点的爆炸感觉即将来临的时候,九重天神功就是一个运行……彻底吸纳,丹田之中的鸿蒙真丝的颜色,也就更加的鲜亮了几分…… So repeat in cycles, one after another...... 如此循环往复,一波又一波…… If you thought that also well please collect the home station, with the aim of facilitating to read next time. 如果您觉得还不错就请收藏本站,以便下次方便看书。 If there is a chapter to contact with manager wrongly. This month recommends Tang Family Third Young Master latest work «Peerless Tang Men» for you 如有章节错误请与管理员联系。本月为您推荐唐家三少最新巨著《绝世唐门》 Looks at the quickest renewal, -- 看最快更新,就来-- List 列表
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