TTNH :: Volume #14

#1368: Nine Tribulations Sword, Sword Hilt 【Part 6!】

It seems like Ye Family, to vigorously has reorganized the time really!” In Ye Chenchen heart secret deciding. “看来夜家,是真的到了大力整顿一下的时候了!”夜沉沉心中暗暗的下了决心。 Makes them get the hell out entirely! I said that little Ye, if my Cultivation time hears so the sound again...... Do not blame me not to save face to you.” Ning Tianya self-important say/way. “统统让他们滚蛋!我说,小夜,若是我修炼的时候再听到这般声音……可不要怪我不给你留面子了。”宁天涯老气横秋的道。 Yes!” Ye Chenchen aggrieved saying, turns the head maliciously, is constraining shouting angrily: Had not rolled to me! After going home, does accounts with you again!” “是!”夜沉沉憋屈的说道,狠狠转头,压抑着怒喝:“还不给我滚了回去!回家后再跟你们算账!” Has done accounts incessantly, Ye Chenchen this moment swallowed the hearts of these people to have exactly! 不止是算账了,夜沉沉这一刻活吞了这几个人的心都有了! In heart infinite aggrieved: My such big age! Can you! Can...... Do not make me such lose face...... 心中无限憋屈:我都这么大岁数了!你们能不能!能不能……不要让我这么丢脸啊啊啊…… Goes forward, a heavily person has patted a palm, making these fellows restore some abilities to act, immediately Ye Chenchen kicked on a foot on the Ye Zui buttocks: Go away! Dares to arrive under Pagoda Mountain again, I have abandoned you!” 上前,重重的一人拍了一掌,让这些家伙恢复了些行动能力,随即夜沉沉就一脚踢在了夜醉屁股上:“滚!再敢来到宝塔山下,我就废了你!” Ye Zui is leading the person, runs away distressedly. 夜醉带着人,狼狈而逃。 Old Ning, many thanks shows mercy, if no other matter, I went home.” The Ye Chenchen arch cups one hand in the other across the chest. In the heart under has decided idea. 宁老,多谢手下留情,若是没有别的事情,我就回家了。”夜沉沉拱拱手。心中已经下定了主意。 Almost before 9000, oneself no longer meddle the housework \; Now, it seems like had necessity to clean up. 几乎是从9000年以前,自己就不再插手家务事\;如今,看来真的有必要清理清理了。 This Ye Family, the family of this appearance, was felt by oneself strangely...... 这个夜家,这个样子的家族,已经让自己都感觉到陌生了…… Slow, I must remind your matter.” Ning Tianya heavy visits him, vision cloudy and cold: little Ye, your this heavily grandson...... This Ye Clan first successor...... You had not felt that is very unusual?” “慢点,我还要提醒你一件事。”宁天涯沉沉的看着他,目光阴冷:“小夜,你这个重重孙子……这位夜氏家族的第一继承人……你没有感觉到很异常?” Ye Chenchen at a total loss: Exceptionally?” 夜沉沉丈二和尚摸不到头脑:“异常?” Ning Tianya heavy say/way: He practices, is devil art!” 宁天涯沉沉道:“他练得,是魔功!” devil art? Any demon......” some Ye Chenchen being at a loss muttered one. Suddenly complexion big change: Old Ning, you were say......” 魔功?什么魔……”夜沉沉有些迷惘的喃喃一句。突然脸色大变:“宁老,你是说……” Ning Tianya light nod: Is that you guess! You go back to confirm are...... Looks in your father's share, I raise select your this time.” 宁天涯淡淡点头:“就是你猜的那个!你自己回去验证就是……看在你父亲的份上,我提点你这一次。” The Ye Chenchen whole body completely was soaked by the cold sweat in an instant, bows with hands clasped. Sincerely, but also is bringing saying of some fear: many thanks Old Ning!” 夜沉沉浑身刹那间就被冷汗完全浸湿,一揖到底。诚心诚意的,还带着些后怕的说道:“多谢宁老!” Must thank. 不能不谢。 If Ning Tianya not this matter inform he, but is inform others...... Ye Chenchen can affirm that within one month, Ye Family will thoroughly remove from the mainland! 若是宁天涯不是将这件事告诉他而是告诉别人……夜沉沉可以肯定,一个月之内,夜家就将从大陆上彻底除名! devil art! 魔功 This was much bigger than the threat of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword. 这可是比九劫剑主的威胁大得多了。 The average people do not know devil art, but to Supreme seven grade eight above, how could entitle participated in the secret person not knowing? In Law Enforcer...... Sovereign of the Law can and the others not know? 一般人不知道魔功,但到了至尊八品之上,已经有资格参与机密的人岂能不知道?执法者之中……法尊等人能不知道? A Ye Chenchen face is heavy, the diving posture goes. 夜沉沉一脸沉重,飞身而去。 Ning Tianya also relaxed. 宁天涯也松了一口气。 The Ye Family person does not dare to arrive at Pagoda Mountain to come absolutely again, Ye Chenchen will also look at Ye Zui stubbornly. Chu Yang, should not any issue. Then, then, oneself prepare Lower Three Heavens...... 夜家人绝对不敢再到宝塔山来,夜沉沉也会将夜醉看的死死的。楚阳这边,应该没什么问题了。那么,接下来,自己就准备去下三天吧…… Turned head to look at one. Ning Tianya muttered: Nine Tribulations sixth...... Was quick...... Chu Yang, you not must treat unjustly my apprentice......” 回头看了一眼。宁天涯喃喃道:“九劫第六……已经快了啊……楚阳,你莫要亏待了我的徒弟……” The body in a flash, vanishes suddenly disappear without trace. 身子一晃,突然间就消失得无影无踪 ...... …… Chu Yang entered in the hole. 楚阳已经进入了洞中。 This cave entrance, looks at shallowly, as if one from outside can see the end very much. 这个洞口,从外面看很浅,似乎一眼就能看到尽头。 But after walking. Will actually discover that this hole is unexpected long. Forever cannot come to the end to be ordinary as if unexpectedly. 但走进去之后。却会发现这个洞乃是出乎预料的漫长。竟然似乎是永远走不到尽头一般。 Enters several feet, Chu Yang stares, sees a corner, the turning point. Has jade pendant together, is pressing a paper. 进入十几丈,楚阳一愣,见到有一个拐弯,拐弯处。有一块玉佩,压着一张纸。 Xx years xx moon/month xx day. Astrays this hole. Dejected, only has to flee the world. The love suffers distress. Oneself body is punished unjustly, has a mind to kill thief, powerless! sad husband!, Then in this hole, this remaining years.’ ‘xx年xx月xx日。误入此洞。心灰意冷之下,唯有遁世而已。爱人受难。己身蒙冤,有心杀贼,无力回天!悲夫!罢罢罢,便在这洞中,了此残生吧。’ Although Chu Yang does not know this handwriting, but sees these words, understood: This, thinks is Lang Yilang first enters this cave the time stays behind. 楚阳虽然不认识这笔迹,但看到这些话,也明白了过来:这,想必就是浪一郎初次进入这个山洞的时候留下的。 Does not know why has not taken away unexpectedly, but continuously stays here. 不知为何竟没有拿走,而是一直的留在这里。 Chu Yang changes mind thinks: If are Lang Yilang, perhaps will not take away. Stays here, considers a testimony, reminded own effort direction...... 楚阳转念一想:若是自己是浪一郎的话,恐怕也不会拿走的。留在这里,就当是一个见证,提醒自己的努力方向…… Sighed, Chu Yang made an effort, the jade pendant simultaneously changed into the smashing with this paper: Your love and hate, then, eliminated this obsession......” 叹息一声,楚阳一用力,玉佩与这张纸同时化为粉碎:“你的恩仇都已了了,那么,就消除了这份执念吧……” Continues to walk toward , the Purple Crystal aura is getting more and more thick. Enough after one double-hour,...... 继续往里走,紫晶的气息越来越浓。足足一个时辰之后…… Turned around last curved, Chu Yang shocks suddenly! 拐过最后一个弯,楚阳突然震惊了! The Purple Crystal color of suddenly glistening, making his eye almost injured \; Strikes the eye the institute, complete, is a Purple Crystal world. 突然闪亮的紫晶颜色,让他的眼睛几乎受伤\;触目所及,完完全全,就是一个紫晶的世界。 In this entire giant cave, completely is comprised of bulk complete Purple Crystal! 这里面整整的一个巨大的山洞,全部是由一大块完整的紫晶所组成! In full Dong the purple light lives splendor dazzlingly. 满洞中紫光耀眼生辉。 This, but also is only Purple Crystal hole cave entrance! 这,还只是紫晶洞的洞口 In cave entrance toward in 20 feet allow, can clear seeing have a trace, as if some people year after year acting of here, ground Purple Crystal, somewhat became smooth. 洞口往里两丈许,可以清晰的看到有一个痕迹,似乎是有人长年累月的在这里动作,地上的紫晶,已经有些变得光滑。 Thinks, Lang Yilang Cultivation Purple Crystal Hand, here. 想必,浪一郎修炼紫晶手,就在这里。 Nine Tribulations Sword in shivering, was urging Chu Yang walks toward. 九劫剑在颤动着,催促着楚阳往里走。 Chu Yang takes a step toward , after approaching several hundreds of feet, feels that the front as if anything barrier, preventing the person to go. One group of purple brilliance, the dense twinkle, congealed the essence, has sealed up cave entrance from here. 楚阳举步往里,走近数十丈之后,就感觉到,前面似乎有一道什么屏障,阻止人进去。一团紫色的光华,氤氲闪烁,凝成了实质,从这里封住了洞口 Chu Yang walks up, puts out a hand to push, thought that own hand as if fell into viscous. Strength suddenly wells up outward, Chu Yang transports the whole body strength, still by this viscous strength fierce pushing out. 楚阳走上前去,伸手一推,却觉得自己的手似乎是陷入了一片粘稠。一股力量猛地往外涌来,楚阳运起全身力量,依然被这粘稠的力量猛的推了出去。 Draws back ten zhang (3.33 m)! 一退十丈! Here, is really not the average person can go. 这里,果然不是普通人能够进去的。 Was compelled to draw back, Chu Yang is actually not startled counter- happy. Raises hand, a handle Xiaoxiao sword takes shape in his palm slowly, a clear sword recited suddenly sends out. 被逼退,楚阳却是不惊反喜。一扬手,一柄小小的剑在他的手心缓缓成型,一声清亮的剑吟蓦然发出。 Nine Tribulations Sword, already in hand! 九劫剑,已经在手! Nine Tribulations Sword of real shape. 真实形态的九劫剑 Chu Yang goes forward gradually, Nine Tribulations Sword Sword Point pricked this viscous slowly, the entire sword blade, has glistened suddenly. 楚阳缓步上前,九劫剑剑尖缓缓刺入了这一片粘稠,整个剑身,突然间闪亮了起来。 As if the faint trace inexplicable thing continuously entered the sword blade, but from Nine Tribulations Sword, there is a faint trace thing continuously to well up, entered this dense fog. 似乎有一丝丝缕缕的莫名的东西进入了剑身,而从九劫剑上,也有丝丝缕缕的东西涌出来,进入了这片迷雾。 Two old friends who probably for a long time does not see met, greeted in kind mutually. 就好像是好久不见的两个老朋友见了面,在亲切的互相打招呼。 „Did you eat?” “你吃了么?” I have eaten, did you eat?” “我吃了,你吃了么?” I also ate.” “我也吃了。” That was good. We have eaten......” “那太好了。咱们都吃了……” At least, present Chu Yang has such one strange feeling. 至少,现在的楚阳就有这样的一种怪异的感觉。 Then, after is such firing off greeting,...... That group translucent inexplicable purple fog, vanished suddenly. It looks like gate that shut tightly. After experiencing two incomparably talked nonsense incomparably does not have the smalltalk of nutrition, suddenly opens: Come in! 然后,就是这样子的打完招呼之后……那团半透明的莫名紫雾,突然消失了。就像是原本紧闭的门。在经历了两句无比扯淡无比没有营养的客套之后,突然打开:请进! Chu Yang felt an intense absurdness. 楚阳都感到了一股强烈的荒谬。 Nine Tribulations Sword was going toward the forward flight \; Chu Yang tight following on the heels. 九劫剑已经在往前飞去\;楚阳紧紧的跟在后面。 Since later, Chu Yang suddenly discovered that the hole wall here, turned into the heart of Purple Crystal. Hearts of the Purple Crystal dense and numerous, is mounting abreast in row in together, becomes a whole, constitutes a cave...... 进入之后,楚阳蓦然发现,在这里的洞壁,变成了紫晶之心。一颗一颗紫晶之心密密麻麻的并排着,镶嵌在一起,成为一个整体,构成一个山洞…… Chu Yang exclaims. Proceeds step by step, after walking several hundreds of feet, turned into trim Purple Crystal Jade Essence! 楚阳惊叹不已。一步步往前走,走出去数十丈之后,就变成了一整片紫晶玉髓 Purple Crystal Jade Essence has a whole of several hundreds of feet, extended inside. 紫晶玉髓足足有数十丈的一个整体,延伸进去了里面。 Proceeds again. It is not as expected is really Soul of Purple Crystal. 再往前走。不出预料的果然是紫晶之魂 Sword Spirit still in front in high spirits guiding. 剑灵依然在前面兴高采烈的带路。 In the Chu Yang heart has an absurd feeling: Here, will have Sacred Crystal and Divine Crystal? 楚阳心中有一种荒谬的感觉:难道这里,也会有圣晶神晶 But, Nine Tribulations Sword stopped in the root of Soul of Purple Crystal. 但,九劫剑就在紫晶之魂的根部停了下来。 Chu Yang walks gradually, sees only the deep place in the hole, there is unusual flowers. Completely is a flower comprised of the air/Qi of Purple Crystal. But on the stamen and pistil, is actually static is holding a thing. 楚阳缓步走过去,只见在洞内深处,有一朵奇特的花朵。完全是由紫晶之气组成的一朵花。但在花蕊上,却是静静的托着一件东西。 Section of Sword Hilt! 一截剑柄 This section of Sword Hilt static lying down in stamen and pistil, motionless, but grasps all imposing manners. Actually is ease sending out. 这一截剑柄静静的躺在花蕊中,一动不动,但一股掌握一切的气势。却是悠然散发。 Very calm, very calm sending out. 很沉着,很镇定的散发出去。 Before Nine Tribulations Sword, Fifth Fragment shivers together excitedly. Sword Essence leaves the sword body, in airborne puts on excitedly. 九劫剑五节一起兴奋地颤动起来。剑罡脱出剑体,在空中兴奋地穿来穿去。 Consciousness in the space. 意识空间之中。 Saying of some Sword Spirit surprise: Originally this time. Nine Tribulations Sword Sixth Fragment, is Sword Hilt!” 剑灵有些诧异的说道:“原来这一次。九劫剑第六节,乃是剑柄!” Chu Yang sinking sound track: It seems like, yes.” 楚阳沉声道:“看来,是的。” In heart actually in remembering the words on Nine Tribulations Sword general outline. 心中却在想起了九劫剑总纲上的话。 Nine Tribulations Sword, Sword Hilt. Puts in order grasps the part the swordsman \; Is the control puts in order sword all the origins of attack. 九劫剑,剑柄。整把剑手握部分\;乃是操控整把剑所有攻击的来源。 Nine Tribulations Sword Sword Hilt, divides Yin-Yang both sides, universe bipolar! 九劫剑剑柄,分阴阳两面,乾坤双性! Chu Yang looks that sees only this Sword Hilt looks like, although is the same color, but at the same time somewhat shining, other aspect, actually some round of darkness. 楚阳看去,只见这节剑柄看起来虽然是同一个颜色,但一面有些发亮,另一面,却有些发暗。 Naturally, if grasps in the hand, that anything could not look. 当然,若是掌握在手中,那就什么都看不出来了。 The first five sections of swords simultaneously create a clamor, Sword Hilt from the flowers of that atomization rose slowly, the movement is leisure, actually gives people one type incomparably calmly and is very the confident that feeling. 前五截剑同时鼓噪起来,剑柄缓缓从那朵雾化的花朵上面升了起来,动作慢悠悠的,却给人一种无比的沉着、很是胸有成竹的那种感觉。 Next moment, Sword Point, Sword Spine, Sword Edge, Sword Crossguard, Sword Guard simultaneously threw! 一刻,剑尖,剑刃,剑锋,剑格,剑舌同时扑了上去! Ka ka ka ka ka! 咔咔咔咔咔! Turns over to its respectively! 各归其位! After glistening of being dazzled, in Chu Yang at present, presented a handle nearly in the complete sword! It looks like in Chu Yang, this handle sword, is complete. 一阵眼花缭乱的闪亮之后,在楚阳的眼前,出现了一柄近乎于完整的剑!在楚阳看来,这柄剑,已经是完整。 If not must say lacks anything, that is, but also lacks Sword Pommel. 若非要说缺什么,那就是,还缺一个剑墩 Also is the Sword Hilt head, called Sword Tassel. 也就是剑柄头,又称剑首 In addition, basic was perfect. Chu Yang cannot bear in the heart have doubts: Nine Tribulations Sword, should have nine, then, what two are? 除此之外,基本已经完美无缺。楚阳忍不住心中疑惑:九劫剑,应该有九节,那么,还有两节是什么呢? A handle nearly complete sword, flashes in front of Chu Yang. 一柄近乎完整的剑,在楚阳面前重新闪现。 Sends out the meaning of being intimate with. 发出亲近之意。 Chu Yang shows a faint smile, puts out a hand. Sword Hilt as if hesitated, then discrete falling in his palm. 楚阳微微一笑,伸出手去。剑柄似乎犹豫了一下,然后才谨慎的落在了他的手掌心。 Sword Essence comes, above winding. 剑罡呼啸而来,缠绕其上。 Sword Hilt is having some probes, some discrete, shivered in the Chu Yang palm. 剑柄带着些许试探,些许谨慎,在楚阳的手心里颤动了一下。 Chu Yang shows a warm smile, opened wide own mind, the Nine Tribulations Sword first five sections has been encouraging, or was waiting, anticipating...... 楚阳露出一个温暖的微笑,敞开了自己的心灵,九劫剑前五截在鼓励着,或者等待着,期待着…… Next moment, Sword Hilt sends out a very slight sound shaking. 一刻,剑柄发出很细微的一声震动。 Then Nine Tribulations Sword sends out clang among slight fissure that a sound, has with another complete vanishes does not see! 然后九劫剑发出‘锵’的一声响,原本存在着的一节与另一节之间的细微裂痕全部的消失不见! Puts in order the sword clear like the water, calm like mountain. The sword blade glistens, seemed to be that the wind and cloud moves. 整把剑清亮如水,沉稳如山。剑身闪亮,似有风云动。 Chu Yang at heart, suddenly suddenly thought steadfastly. Yes, is steadfast. Has the dependence very much, has that feeling of security sense very much. 楚阳的心里,蓦然间突然觉得踏实了一些。是的,就是踏实。很有依靠,很有安全感的那种感觉。 Meanwhile, in his mind a fuzziness, trembles, in the unconsciousness, entered Nine Tribulations Space. 于此同时,他的脑海中一阵模糊,一阵颤栗,无意识之中,就进入了九劫空间 Actually sees present Nine Tribulations Space, compared with a moment ago, far more than big ten times of hundred times! Everywhere purple energy fills the air, an open place, Sword Spirit holds the sword to dance, delimits mysterious traces. 却见现在的九劫空间,比起刚才,何止大了十倍百倍!处处紫气弥漫,一片空阔处,剑灵持剑而舞,划出一道道玄奥的痕迹。 Belongs to Nine Tribulations Sword Sixth Fragment sword move! 正是属于九劫剑第六节剑招 Life And Death, The Great Power In My Palm, Five Fingers Shut The Heaven To Fall Down \; Nine Tribulations, Nine Scattered Winds, And Cloud Gathering, Beyond Nine Heavens Blood Such As Black Ink!” 生杀大权我掌握,五指合拢天欲堕\;九劫九散风云聚,九重天外血如墨!” ............ ………… I continue the symbol. In the afternoon also has the renewal. Today ten chapters, four chapters. >\;! ~! 我继续去码字。下午还有更新。今天十章,还有四章。>\;!~!
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