TTNH :: Volume #14

#1367: miserable Ye Chenchen 【Part 5!】

Ning Tianya fills with depressed long and loud cry one, moved sideways to fly. 宁天涯满怀郁闷的长啸一声,闪身飞了出去。 Only hears the long howl more and more is depressed, more and more is resounding, the hurricane descends the mountain! 只听见一路长啸声越来越是郁闷,越来越是高亢,一路狂飙下山! He was moment does not want to stay side Chu Yang again. 他是一刻也不想再呆在楚阳身边了。 Saw that this goods the countenance wants to trample a fist. 看到这货的嘴脸就想踹一拳。 ...... …… Ye Zui whole face murderous aura, walked back and forth to continue in front of the team waited for 56 days, Chu Yang has not gotten down from above. Ye Zui gets angry at heart more and more. 夜醉满脸杀气,在队伍前面走来走去‖续守候了56天了,楚阳还没有从上面下来。夜醉心里越来越怒。 What has to discover?” Ye Zui was asking loudly catches up with a Ye Family master who from another direction diving posture. “有没有什么发现?”夜醉大声问着从另一个方向正飞身赶来的一位夜家高手。 No!” “没有!” I have inquired the east, south, west, and north completely, in these six days, absolutely does not have any such person to pass through! I can guarantee!” “我已经将东南西北全部打探了一遍,在这六天里面,绝对没有任何一个那样子的人经过!我可以保证!” He certainly also on this mountain!” “他一定还在这山上!” Ye Zui coldly snorted: Also on this mountain good...... This time, I in any event, must kill him!” 夜醉哼了一声:“还在这山上就好……这一次,我无论如何,也要杀了他!” Remembers itself returns to the family to pursue Zhuge Hun the time, actually discovered that Zhuge Hun skices unexpectedly, soon left being inferior to of Ye Family territory ». 想起自己回到家族追击诸葛魂的时候,却发现诸葛魂居然一路疾行,已经快要出了夜家领地》之不及。 Ye Zui is a depression. 夜醉就是一阵郁闷。 Cannot think that Zhuge Hun so takes the bull by the horns, scoops up puts below, cannot hit, immediately is the whole body draws back, spreads far and wide ten thousand miles. 想不到诸葛魂如此当机立断,舀得起放的下,一击不中,立即就是全身而退,远扬万里。 The Zhuge Family person cannot catch, the Lan Family person naturally cannot pursue. 诸葛家的人抓不到,兰家的人自然也追不到。 Can make him leave this tone only, only remaining Chu Yang. 唯一能让他出这口气的,就只剩下了楚阳 Therefore in the past few days, Ye Zui one after another strength that can mobilize completely centralized here, does not hesitate at all costs, must kill Chu Yang! 所以这几天里,夜醉陆续的将自己能够调动的力量全部集中在了这里,不惜一切代价,也要杀死楚阳 If not for rushes to the northwest person to walk too, he even wants these masters. Also temporarily stopped to participate in these encircling! 若不是赶赴西北的人已经走得太远,他甚至想要将那些高手。也截留了下来参与这一场围剿! For kills Chu Yang! Now, importance of Chu Yang in his heart, lists as first to kill! Distant above Master of Nine Tribulations Sword! 为的就是杀死楚阳!现在,楚阳在他心中的重要性,列为第一必杀!远远的在九劫剑主之上! At present, strongly the Ye Family master quantity under Pagoda Mountain went to the terror situation. Ye Zui clenches teeth, in the heart has one group of fires likely in the fever.. 目前,集中在宝塔山下的夜家高手↓量已经达到了恐怖的地步。夜醉咬着牙,心中像是有一团火在烧。。 Does not kill Chu Yang, resting is difficult to sleep well, the food deglutition! 不杀楚阳,睡难安寝,食不下咽! Had revealed accidentally biggest secret, is the nightmare that Ye Zui can hardly be removed, in any event, must kill Chu Yang to feel relieved. 无意中吐露了最大秘密,已经是夜醉挥之不去的梦魇,无论如何,也要杀死楚阳才能放心。 He feared that feared some day sleep woke up however some people to point at saying: He, is Outlands Devil! 他怕,怕某日一觉醒来然间有人指着自己说:他,就是域外天魔 He, is true Outlands Devil! 他,才是真正的域外天魔 Why can he such quickly arrive at Supreme of Swords grade four? Is Devil **! The merit of Outlands Devil! 他为什么能这么快就到了剑中至尊四品?乃是天魔**!域外天魔之功! Does not believe that fights looks apparent...... 不信,一战一看便知…… If so. Truly is the Ye Zui nightmare. 若如此。才真正是夜醉的噩梦。 Even, in the past few days, he sleeps will dream of itself to be chased down by the entire world! Crashes precipice, actually will never be, terror feeling of that crash. Let the Ye Zui whole body tremble, then awakens from the dream, whole body cold sweat. 甚至,在这几天里,他睡觉都会梦见自己被整个天下追杀!坠落悬崖,却是永远都不到底,那种坠落的恐怖感觉。让夜醉浑身发抖,接着就从梦中惊醒,浑身冷汗。 Gives me to stare fully! Even if a mosquito, does not permit to depart Pagoda Mountain!” Ye Zui bellows fiercely: In any event. Also must the Outlands Devil Chu Yang elimination here! Tears to shreds!” “给我全力盯着!哪怕就算是一只蚊子,也不准飞出宝塔山!”夜醉狰狞大吼:“无论如何。也要将域外天魔楚阳消灭在这里!碎尸万段!” Made careless mistake from anybody there, oneself electrical connector apologized! whole family eliminates cuts. Three clans completely execute!” “从任何人那里出了纰漏,自己提头谢罪!全家除斩。三族尽诛!” Now, all people stare to me the eye!” “现在,所有人都把眼睛给我瞪起来!” ...... …… Ye Zui in calling unknowingly, has covered entirely the black air/Qi \; But, the present Ye Clan people are lowering the head, does not dare raise one's head. 夜醉在叫着中不知不觉中,已经布满了黑气\;但,眼前的夜家族人都是在低着头,不敢抬头 Is feeling on Eldest Young Master imposing murderous aura, as well as that wild to almost must destroy all spunks, who dares raise one's head to refute anything. 感受着大公子身上的凛然杀气,以及那狂暴到了几乎要毁灭一切的怒意,谁敢抬头反驳什么。 Then at this time, a long and loud cry, suddenly resounded from Pagoda Mountain! 便在这时,一声长啸,突然从宝塔山上响起! He got down!” The Ye Zui great happiness, shouts wildly one. “他下来了!”夜醉大喜,狂叫一声。 All person neat raise one's head, murderous aura fills the air! Is this boy, making our these many people here get a bawling out. You have gotten down finally, Elder Brother several are not oppressive you, but also does not do right by the past few days really laborious and feels suffocated! 所有人整齐抬头,杀气弥漫!就是这小子,让我们这么多人都在这里挨训。你总算下来了,哥几个不虐死你,还真对不住这几天的辛苦和憋气! But under the moment people turned astonished, immediately turned panic-strickenly! 但下一刻众人就变成了惊愕,随即就变成了惊骇! When the long howl just got up, should in the summit. 长啸声刚起时,应该在山顶。 But this moment, arrived at mountainside, the howl more and more is majestic, as if in this moment, in entire world all lives completely neat face upwards loudly shouts! 这一刻,已经到了山腰,啸声越来越是雄壮,似乎在这一刻之间,整个天地之间所有生灵全部整齐的仰天大呼! Bang changed to nine days of crazy thunder, the gold/metal thunder clap shakes chops crazily under! 轰隆隆的化作了九天狂雷,金雷震震的狂劈而下! Bang...... 轰隆隆…… The howl is still continuing, but among all around hills Wan He, is the dust flies upwards, shoots up to the sky! 啸声还在继续,但四周群山万壑之间,已经是尘土飞扬,冲天而起! Prestige of the eating delicacies, ten thousand miles shake! 一啸之威,万里震荡! During the earth trembles, the people cannot stand in abundance, has leans this way and that several cultivation base are low, already shaken sitting falls to the ground. Actually also along with trembling of earth, but balls. 大地震颤之中,众人纷纷站立不住,有得东倒西歪,有几个修为低的,已经被震的坐倒在地。却还在随着大地的震颤而一次次的弹起。 In the Ye Zui eye shows the extreme frightened look, said repeatedly: Who is this person? Who is this person?” 夜醉眼中露出极端恐惧的神色,连声说道:“这人是谁?这人是谁?” The Ye Clan people are dizziness brain bulge, where at this moment has free time to answer his issue. 夜家族人都是头晕脑胀,此刻哪里有空回答他的问题。 Several initially participated in Ye Family courtyard has besieged Wu Juecheng, at this moment, the feeling of instinct was not wonderful: „...... This Young Master Ye Zui, kicked a sheet iron? What's wrong...... This time sheet iron looks at this momentum, wants compared with the previous time sheet iron seriously......” 有几个当初曾经在夜家大院参与过围攻舞绝城,此刻,本能的感觉到了不妙:“难道……这一次夜醉公子,又踢到了一次铁板?怎么……这次的铁板看这声势,比上一次的铁板还要严重……” The howl arrived at the top of the head, all around surrounding area thousand li (500 km), the dust, gathered giant mushroom cloud filling the heavens, was seething billowingly toward the blue sky on. 啸声已经到了头顶,四周方圆千里,尘土弥天而起,汇聚成了一朵巨大的蘑菇云,翻腾着向着青天滚滚而上。 In the howl, the pu pu pu sound resounds suddenly continuously. 啸声中,突然间噗噗噗的声音连续响起。 During Ye Zui in standing is not steady, saw with amazement oneself arrange in Pagoda Mountain each crossroad masters under stuffed dumplings falls in front of oneself generally unceasingly! 夜醉在站立不稳之中,骇然看到自己布置在宝塔山各个路口的高手们一个个下饺子一般不断地落在自己面前! Pile slowly one pile. 慢慢的堆成了一堆。 The howl falls, a grey clothes man shoulders both hands, falls slowly. Falls before several people, is having some spunks, asked lightly: Is you, disturbed the old man to cultivate clear? Deserves what crime?” 啸声落,一个灰衣人背负双手,缓缓落下。落在十几个人面前,带着些怒意,淡淡问道:“就是你们,打搅了老夫清修?该当何罪?” Ye Zui was startled, explained hurriedly: Senior calm down, we are......” 夜醉吃了一惊,急忙解释:“前辈息怒,我们乃是……” Shut up!” Grey clothes man overbearing drinks: Ye Family person?” Actually does not listen to any explanation of Ye Zui. “闭嘴!”灰衣人霸道的一喝:“夜家的人?”竟然不听夜醉的任何解释。 Ye Zui nods again and again, in the heart fear to extreme, has been hoping this person can look in is also in the face of family, works too certainly! 夜醉连连点头,心中恐惧到了极点,盼望着这人能够看在也是家族的面子上,做事不要太绝! Snort! I said that who has that big courage, unexpectedly is Ye Family!” Grey clothes man coldly snorted, two flash again and again, several people who all around only remains were caught the chicken same to grasp by him, threw on the crowd latter palm of the handPulls out on the Ye Zui face, Ye Zui immediately a pulled out foot takeoffs, a foot tip of the toe tread, the top revolved 70-80 former Venus to brave generally fiercely randomly...... “哼!我说谁有那么大的胆子,居然是夜家的!”灰衣人哼了一声,两手连连闪动,四周仅剩的十几个人被他抓小鸡一样抓了起来,扔在了人堆上☆后一巴掌【的一声抽在夜醉脸上,夜醉顿时被抽的一脚离地,一脚脚尖支着地面,陀螺一般猛的旋转了七八十圈前金星乱冒…… Small demon bastard!” Grey clothes man coldly snorted. Scolded in a low voice. “小魔崽子!”灰衣人哼了一声。低声骂道。 Ye Zui the whole body is icy cold immediately, in brains chaos: He knew, he also knew my secret! Was, I related on the mountain...... By this person of cultivation base, how can unable to hear? 夜醉顿时浑身冰凉,头脑中一片混沌:他知道了,他也知道了我的秘密!是了,我在山上诉说……以这人的修为,怎么能听不到? The Ye Family more than 100 Saint Level above masters, were such piled up in together, each is spits the blood, lost the strength. 夜家100多位圣级以上高手,被这么堆放在一起,每一个都是口吐鲜血,失去了战力。 Everyone buzzes to the present ear. In some people ears even started to flow out the blood outward. 每个人都是到现在耳朵里还是嗡嗡作响。有些人耳朵里甚至已经开始往外流出鲜血。 Ye Zui is in reverential awe, lowered the head to go to flash through a limit the virulence. 夜醉诚惶诚恐,低下头去中闪过一丝极限的恶毒。 Snort, when my Devil ** succeeds in obtaining the accomplishment, my hand pinches you...... 哼,等我天魔**到手大成,我就一只手捏死你…… The grey clothes man coldly snorted however speaker shouted to clear the way: Ye Chenchen! Comes to Pagoda Mountain!” 灰衣人哼了一声然扬声喝道:“夜沉沉!到宝塔山来!” Sound long passed on, neither too fast nor too slow, the non- worried thoughts are not hot. 声音悠悠的传了出去,不疾不徐,不愠不火。 Several hundred inside and outside Ye Family courtyard, make a sound thunderclap general big to drink suddenly: Ye Chenchen! Comes to Pagoda Mountain!” 数百里外的夜家大院,突然间响起来一声霹雳一般的大喝:“夜沉沉!到宝塔山来!” pu pu pu...... Ye Family several fences, in previous time were shaken scattered about one time by Wu Juecheng, collapses directly loudly. 噗噗噗……夜家的几道围墙,本就在上一次被舞绝城震得七零八落♀一次,直接轰然倒塌。 Ye Chenchen that is repairing in the peaceful room clear awakens terrified: What happened?” 正在静室清修的夜沉沉悚然惊醒:“发生了什么事?” Does not know.” “不知。” Who is asks me to go to Pagoda Mountain?” “是谁叫我去宝塔山?” This......” “这……” Ye Chenchen takes the bull by the horns, diving posture \; He feels clearly that the person of bellowing for above oneself. Since called itself to go to Pagoda Mountain like this, must be reasonable. 夜沉沉当机立断,飞身而出\;他清晰地感觉到,大吼的这个人∞为远在自己之上。既然这样叫自己去宝塔山,必有道理。 The person's shadow dodges. Ye Chenchen appears in the roof, gets down moment to dodge. Vanished in the dawn. 人影一闪。夜沉沉出现在房顶,下一刻又是一闪。已经消失在晨光之中。 ...... …… Before Pagoda Mountain, Ning Tianya crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the back is Ye Zui that the whole body trembles, with was piled becomes one group of Ye Family masters, Ye Zui is sealed up by within the body demonic energy total that a Ning Tianya palm of the hand hits, at this moment, lacks the strength to truss up a chicken truly. 宝塔山前,宁天涯负手而立,背后是浑身哆嗦的夜醉,与被堆成一堆的夜家高手,夜醉宁天涯一巴掌打的体内魔气全数被封住,此刻,真正地手无缚鸡之力。 Soon. 不久。 The distant place soughing sound resounds, looked like hurricane passed over gently and swiftly the wooded mountain same sound, making people very difficult to believe that this unexpectedly was a person the sound that grazed to make. 远方飒然声音响起,就像是飓风掠过了山林一样的声音,让人很难相信,这居然是一个人在飞掠发出来的声音。 Together the form is similar to the horizon meteor, releases to fall suddenly, body sways gently, eliminated the terrifying inertia that walked fast, stood in the area, one arrived shortly the situation, the complexion changed. 一道身影如同天际流星,猛然泄落,身子轻轻一个摇晃,已经消除了那快速行走的恐怖惯性,站在了当地,一眼看到场中情形,不由脸色一变。 Old Ning, is you in this.” How could doesn't Ye Chenchen know Number One Under The Heaven master Ning Tianya? Sees unexpectedly is he, in heart beats a drum immediately steaming. 宁老,原来是您老人家在此。”夜沉沉岂能不认识天下第一高手宁天涯?一见到居然是他,心中顿时腾腾打鼓。 The previous time has provoked Wu Juecheng, these has time provoked Ning Tianya? 上次乃是招惹了舞绝城,难道这一次又招惹了宁天涯 Thinks, Ye Chenchen immediately on some toothaches. 这么一想,夜沉沉顿时就有些牙疼。 Looks at present this situation, but can also be this really? 看眼前这情况,还真有可能是这样子? „...... I said little Ye, what's the matter?” Ning Tianya made first move and got control, coming an evil person to complain first, first occupied the reason: „Can you like this? I in Pagoda Mountain practice a while...... You incite your generation after generation to come to disturb unexpectedly! Are you what mind?” “咳……我说小夜,你怎么回事?”宁天涯先发制人,来了个恶人先告状,先占住理儿:“你怎么能这样呢?我在宝塔山修练一会儿……你居然指使你的子子孙孙前来捣乱!你是何居心?” The Ye Chenchen complexion was immediately black: This group of bastards come out to cause trouble, unexpectedly is also flaunting my banner? 夜沉沉的脸色顿时就黑了:这帮混蛋出来闹事,居然还打着我的旗号? What's the matter?!” Ning Tianya gets angry: Looked that I quite do bully inadequately?” “你怎么回事?!”宁天涯怒道:“看我好欺负不成?” Ye Chenchen forced smile, you , if good to bully, person , the entire world could not have been bullied really...... 夜沉沉苦笑,你要是好欺负,那么,整个天下还真没有不好欺负的人了…… But said: Old Ning calm down, this matter waits me to look up! And has the misunderstanding.” 无奈说道:“宁老息怒,这件事待我查一查!其中定有误会。” Ning Tianya anger snort/hum: What misunderstands? The fact is, I Cultivation on mountain, your descendants actually obloquied under the mountain, bellows...... This is makes me incredible simply, Ye Chenchen, when your does Ye Family become such does not have the family education?” 宁天涯怒哼一声:“什么误会?事实就是,我在山上修炼,你的子孙却在山下又是大骂,又是大吼……这简直是让我不可置信,夜沉沉,你们夜家什么时候变得这么没有家教?” The Ye Chenchen whole face is ashamed. 夜沉沉满脸羞愧。 Also is the air/Qi, is bashful. 也是气的,也是臊的。 Am I easy I? My 10000-year-old person, was a person of virtue and prestige. Now, within one month, was to teach the son has taught two by the photograph generally. 我容易嘛我?我都10000多岁的人了,也算是德高望重了。如今,在一个月之内,被人像是训儿子一般训了两顿。 First said fortunately that was Wu Juecheng is provoked in the family/home. Not know not to strangely \; But after that oneself has issued the strict order, does not allow to cause trouble again! 第一顿还好说,那是舞绝城被招惹进了家里。不知者不为怪\;但在那之后,自己可是下了严令的,不允许再惹是生非! Now, for half a month has not arrived, had been clutched by Ning Tianya, one reproved maliciously...... 如今,半个月还没到,就又被宁天涯揪了过来,狠狠一顿训斥…… Whom I incur to annoy who I? 我招谁惹谁了我? Ye Chenchen had been wild with rage by oneself these descendants simply, the whole body trembles, the hands and feet is icy cold! 夜沉沉简直是被自己这些子孙气疯了,浑身哆嗦,手脚冰凉! ............ ………… ( To be continued.,(.) Casts recommendation ticket and monthly ticket. (未完待续。,(.)投推荐票、月票,,。
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