In the changewithYangYinghaistate of mind, itsimposing mannerhad reduced, withwarat the beginning ofcomparesto have the significantdifference.
随着杨英海心境上的变化,其气势已经降低了许多,和大战之初比起来有着明显的差别。Butopposite ofhim, Lin Tianmingthis timelookis usual, not, because the star lightbead of thatterrifying many were affecteda moment agogreatly.
而在他对面,林天明此时的神色如常,并没有因为刚才那恐怖的星光珠受到多大影响。Howeverinhis heart, killedintentto be thickerregardingYangYinghai.
不过在他内心,对于杨英海杀意更浓了一些。EspeciallyYangYinghaioffers a sacrifice to the spirittechniqueone after another, afterstar lightbeadsuchconsumptionclasstreasure, the killingheart of Lin Tianmingis more abundant.
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