TLLFCI :: Volume #5 全新征程

#669: Strikes to kill!

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Looking into the distance, this time Yang Yinghai looks pale, aura dispirited to the extreme. 放眼望去,此时的杨英海面色苍白,气息萎靡到了极点。 Obviously, when he uses fourth-order attacks rune/symbol Lv goes all out, Yang Yinghai as a side of making a move, similarly also withstood the huge impulse. 很显然,在他利用四阶攻击符菉拼命的时候,杨英海作为出手的一方,同样也承受了巨大的冲击力。 This impulse regarding both sides, is not existence that the general attack can compare. 这种冲击力对于双方来说,都不是一般攻击可以比拟的存在。 But Lin Tianming therefore is also injured, the defense magic weapon damage that has previously relied upon is serious, its intelligence compared with the previous time dropped much. 林天明也因此受伤,此前一直仰仗的防御法宝损毁严重,其灵性比起先前的时候下降了不少。 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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