TLLFCI :: Volume #5 全新征程

#667: Going for wool and coming back shorn

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Under normal conditions, Yang Yinghai solely depends upon this method, can deal with most opponents. 通常情况下,杨英海仅仅依靠这一手段,就能应付绝大多数的对手。 Now to deal with Lin Tianming, he is also the unretentive use presses the bottom method, is thinking opens up the perspective as soon as possible. 如今为了应对林天明,他也是毫无保留的利用压箱底手段,就想着尽快打开局面。 However, looks at Lin Tianming such, as without the spent many big strength got rid his pressed the bottom method. 然而,看林天明那样子,似乎没有费多大力气就摆脱了他这一压箱底手段。 Such result, being true makes Yang Yinghai again greatly amazed. 这样的结果,属实让杨英海再一次大受震撼。 Moreover, actually to have many regarding the Lin Tianming strength 而且,对于林天明的实力究竟有多 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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