TLLFCI :: Volume #5 全新征程

#601: The couple meets head-on

Remembers all sorts of rumors about Yuan lion beast, has a look at present this monster beast again, Lin Tianming shocks at the same time, shows the stern-faced look. lan 想起关于元狮兽的种种传言,再看看眼前这只妖兽,林天明震撼的同时,露出一脸凝重的神色。阑 But at this moment, when the Lin Tianming two people size up the Yuan lion beast, the Yuan lion beast is also staring at their couples. 而此时此刻,也就在林天明二人打量元狮兽的时候,元狮兽也在盯着他们夫妻。 Meanwhile, the Yuan lion beast looks fierce is roaring lowly, but has not launched the attack immediately, obviously feels the aura that Mr. and Mrs. Lin Tianming two people lend, therefore also dreads their strengths very much. 与此同时,元狮兽龇牙咧嘴的低吼着,但并没有立刻发动攻击,显然是感受到林天明夫妻二人身上散发出来的气息,因此也很忌惮他们的实力。 However this uneventful aspect, a hoarseness roar that as the canyon deep place hears, becoming immediately to be anxious. 不过这种风平浪静的局面,随着峡谷深处传来的一声嘶吼声,变得立刻紧张了起来。 Feeling this shouts the sound to be getting more and more near, Lin Tianming detects immediately anything, cannot help but called out in alarm immediately. 感受到这嘶吼声越来越近,林天明立刻察觉到了什么,随即不由得惊呼起来。 Un?” “嗯?” Unexpectedly a Yuan lion beast?” “竟然还有一只元狮兽?” Finishes speaking, the sound that the canyon deep place transmits is getting more and more near, finally build bigger Yuan lion beast, quiet appearance in the side of first Yuan lion beast. lan 话音刚落,峡谷深处传来的声响越来越近,最终有一头体型更大的元狮兽,悄无声息的出现在第一只元狮兽的身旁。阑 With the appearance of this only Yuan lion beast, the Yuan lion beast that first presents starts becomes manic. 随着这只元狮兽的出现,第一只出现的元狮兽开始变得狂躁起来。 Obviously, this first Yuan lion beast saw the support of companion, even the personality changed, thinks that extinguished kills Lin Tianming these two human that visited their territory, was not a how difficult matter. 很显然,这第一只元狮兽见有了同伴的支援,连性情都发生了变化,认为灭杀林天明这两个踏足它们领地的人类,并不是一件多么困难的事情。 Therefore, this only Yuan lion beast becomes manic, when its eye of reveal ominous light, has an eager stance. 于是,这只元狮兽变得狂躁,在它目露凶光的时候,带着一副跃跃欲试的架势。 But this time Lin Tianming sees this situation, is higher, the face color that on dreading the brow wrinkles immediately was especially obvious. 而此时的林天明见此情形,眉头顿时皱的更高,脸上的忌惮之色尤为明显了。 The reason for this is that is also this only Yuan lion beast that because caught up with afterward, unexpectedly is third-order late powerful existence. 之所以如此,也是因为后来赶来的这只元狮兽,竟然是一只三阶后期的强大存在。 Originally, he also thinks here, only then a Yuan lion beast, is that only third-order intermediate existence that first presents. 原本,他还以为这里只有一只元狮兽,就是第一只出现的那只三阶中期的存在。 But now looks like, these two Yuan lion beasts one male one female, should be the occupant here territory, is a pair of companion monster beast. lan 可现在看来,这两只元狮兽一雄一雌,应该就是此处领地的占据者,也是一对伴侣妖兽。阑 However he thinks carefully, pouring also thought is not so strange. 不过他仔细想想,倒也觉得不那么奇怪。 After all, the monster beast and person clan Cultivator is somewhat similar in many places, is Yuan lion beast talent different reported let alone, bloodlines very unique monster beast. 毕竟,妖兽和人族修士在很多地方有些相似,更何况是元狮兽这种天赋异禀,血脉又十分独特的妖兽。 Understands this, Lin Tianming somewhat was also in a dilemma at this time. 明白这点,林天明此时也有些进退两难了。 However, in him hesitant after twinkling, immediately sets firm resolve. 然而,在他犹豫了瞬息过后,立刻就下定了决心。 The reason for this is that is also because he god knew a moment ago sweeps, but also really in a canyon covert corner, discovered a trail of sky overhead grass seedling. 之所以如此,也是因为他刚才神识一扫,还真的在峡谷内部的一个隐蔽角落里,发现了一株天心草幼苗的踪迹。 Saw sky overhead grass that he tracks down with hardship, even if a seedling, can explain that mature sky overhead grass in strict Mingshan hand, is derives in this canyon. 见到他苦苦追寻的天心草,哪怕是一株幼苗,也能够说明严鸣山手中的那株成熟的天心草,就是得自这个峡谷里。 Why only obtains one as for strict Mingshan, is because this place is the den of Yuan lion beast, and is two Yuan lion beasts is guarding, third-order late existence. lan 至于严鸣山为何只得到一株,想必也是因为这地方是元狮兽的老巢,并且还是两只元狮兽在看守,其中还有一只三阶后期的存在。阑 Facing this third-order later period, as well as a powerful monster beast guarding of third-order intermediate stage, is the talent unique attack incomparably strange Yuan lion beast, even if south the willow tree the day three people collaborates, cannot grab any bargain absolutely. 面对这一只三阶后期,以及一只三阶中期的强大妖兽看守,又是天赋独特攻击又无比诡异的元狮兽,哪怕是柳南天三人联手,也绝对讨不到任何便宜。 Such it seems like, it is estimated that strict Mingshan several people had also once come this place initially, finally after seized the chance a sky overhead grass, bumped into the Yuan lion beast to appear. 这么看来,估计当初严鸣山几人也曾来过此地,最后只是趁机得到了一株天心草后,就碰到了元狮兽出现。 Therefore, shortly is not the opponents of two Yuan lion beasts, therefore can only retreat hurriedly, when the strength will make the plan in the future again. 于是,眼看着不是两只元狮兽的对手,所以只能匆忙退走,等到将来实力更强一些再做打算。 Thinks of these, Lin Tianming can understand that on strict Mingshan, why only had a mature sky overhead grass. 想到这些,林天明就能明白严鸣山身上,为什么只有一株成熟的天心草了。 But strict Mingshan several people of the abacuses of hitting eventually have not realized, but also died in Mr. and Mrs. Lin Tianming in two people of hands, finally came to seek for the sky overhead grass, changed into the Lin Tianming couple. 而严鸣山几人打的算盘最终不曾实现,还死在了林天明夫妻二人手中,最后前来寻找天心草,也换成了林天明夫妻二人了。 But at present, although Qin Xi the bottleneck has broken through, seeks for the plan of sky overhead grass is not important. 而眼下,虽然秦曦的瓶颈已经突破,寻找天心草的计划也没那么重要。 But the function of this Crossing Misfortune Pill is big, the value is also very high, even if the Lin Tianming couple cannot use now, but the Lin Family clansman is numerous, the Golden Core Stage clansman is still not infrequent. lan 但这度厄丹的作用不小,价值也很高,即便现在林天明夫妻二人用不上,但林家族人众多,金丹期族人也不在少数。阑 What can foresee, the talents of family these Golden Core Stage clansmen are not very good, meets the probability of bottleneck to be enormous in Golden Core Stage. 可以预见的是,家族那些金丹期族人的天赋并不算很好,在金丹期遇上瓶颈的概率极大无比。 As the matter stands, the function of sky overhead grass is especially obvious. 这样一来,天心草的作用尤为明显。 Let alone, Lin Tianming is the third-order refine the pill of immortality master, so long as obtains several sky overhead grass, can refine momentarily it. 更何况,林天明本身就是三阶炼丹师,只要多得到几株天心草,随时都可以将其炼制出来。 By that time, even if the Golden Core Stage clansmen in family meet the bottleneck, was insufficient not to have in the current boundary by the card progressive. 到那时候,哪怕家族里的金丹期族人遇上瓶颈,也不至于被卡在当前境界毫无进步了。 Fully realizes this, Lin Tianming will set firm resolve, in any event must obtain the sky overhead grass. 深知这点,林天明才会下定决心,无论如何要将天心草得到。 But must achieve these, at present these two Yuan lion beasts, must extinguish kill, or attempts to surrender it. 而要做到这些,眼前这两只元狮兽,是必须要灭杀,或者尝试将其降服。 If can surrender one, by the special talent bloodlines of Yuan lion beast, as well as that strange incomparable magical powers, can definitely provide many help for Lin Tianming in the future. lan 倘若能够降服一只,以元狮兽的特殊天赋血脉,以及那诡异无比的神通,将来肯定能够为林天明提供不少帮助。阑 The spirit wisdom of Yuan lion beast is not low, is not these ordinary monster beasts, or the grown monster beast may not compare. 只是元狮兽的灵智不低,远不是那些普通妖兽,或者不曾成年的妖兽可比的。 Is just like the Lin Tianming spirit to favor the silver eye spirit fox, if the third-order step, wants to vanquish it is too difficult. 就好比林天明的灵宠银眼灵狐,如若是三阶的品阶,想要将其降伏实在太难。 But Lin Tianming succeeded initially, because of silver eye spirit fox the step is quite low, the spirit wisdom has not reached the peak, can therefore succeed. 林天明当初之所以成功,也是因为银眼灵狐的品阶比较低,灵智还未达到顶峰,所以才能成功。 The Yuan lion beast of contrast present stage, the probability that wants successfully to vanquish is very so small. 如此对比现阶段的元狮兽来看,想要成功降伏的概率很小。 But no matter how, Lin Tianming is still willing to attempt. 但不管如何,林天明仍然愿意尝试一番。 Really incorrect words , can only extinguish it kills. 实在不行的话,也只能将其灭杀了。 Thinks of these, Lin Tianming decides immediately. lan 想到这些,林天明立刻打定主意。阑 Lin Tianming also no longer delays, immediately sent greetings in private to Qin Xi, explained own plan. 紧接着,林天明也不再耽搁,随即私下传音给秦曦,说明自己的计划。 Quick, the couple reached the unified opinion. 很快,夫妻二人达成了统一意见。 Therefore, after tranquil moment, Lin Tianming pats the sleeve robe, the part of great bear sword appears in the hand immediately. 于是,在平静了片刻过后,林天明一拍袖袍,天罡剑顿时出现在手里。 Meanwhile, another side Qin Xi was also unwilling to fall behind, similarly offered a sacrifice to own magic weapon long sword, prepared making a move at any time. 与此同时,另一边的秦曦也不甘落后,同样祭出了自己的法宝长剑,随时做好了出手的准备。 In a twinkling, Lin Tianming looked at that only third-order late Yuan lion beast, first wields a sword, erupts the terrifying sword air/Qi to go toward the goal lasing together. 说时迟那时快,林天明看了看那只三阶后期的元狮兽,第一时间挥出一剑,爆发出一道恐怖的剑气朝着目标激射而去。 Lin Tianming jumps to leap, the flexible incomparable body directly soared that only third-order late Yuan lion beast to kill. 紧接着,林天明纵身一跃,灵活无比的身躯直奔那只三阶后期的元狮兽杀了过去。 Saw this situation, Qin Xi also refuses to admit being inferior, similarly erupted massive attacks, fell in torrents toward the Yuan lion beast of that only third-order intermediate stage under. lan 见此情形,秦曦也不甘示弱,同样爆发了大量攻击,朝着那只三阶中期的元狮兽倾泻而下。阑 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” This flash, tranquil for a long time sky immediately sword air/Qi four evils, the powerful fluctuation sweeps away to come continuously, that terrifying imposing manner is ordinary like the steel mighty current, wells up toward the canyon. 这一瞬间,平静了许久的天空顿时剑气肆孽,强大的波动接连不断横扫而来,那种恐怖气势如同钢铁洪流一般,朝着峡谷内部涌去。 But at this time, the opposite two Yuan lion beasts saw that Lin Tianming sticks out suddenly acts, immediately is also becomes the violent anger. 而这时候,对面两只元狮兽见到林天明暴起出手,顿时也是变得暴怒不已。 Roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼……” As two Yuan lion beasts angry roar, immediately the body turns, stretch/open Yawu grasps at the same time killed toward the Lin Tianming two people. 随着两只元狮兽怒吼一声,随即身躯一扭,张牙舞抓的同时朝着林天明二人杀了过来。 In a flash, two people two beasts fight one group, the respective powerful frontage in attack shakes hardly in the same place. 一瞬之间,两人两兽战成一团,各自强大的攻击正面硬撼在一起。 Rumble......” lan “轰隆隆……”阑 Suddenly, sees only in the sky the flame to scatter, an intermittent explosive sound resounds through the world one after another. 一时间,只见天空中火光四溅,一阵阵爆响声接连响彻天地。 When the flame gradually diverges, Lin Tianming and that only third-order late Yuan lion beast, respectively shaking drew back dozens zhang (3.33 m) away by the strength of huge counter- shaking. 待火光逐渐散去,林天明和那只三阶后期的元狮兽,各自被巨大的反震之力给震退了数十丈远。 Stands firm after body, Lin Tianming is serious, within the body vitality turns is welling up, his palm fingers/tiger mouth transmits the intermittent feeling paralysis. 稳住身型过后,林天明面色凝重,体内气血翻涌着,其手掌虎口传来阵阵麻痹的感觉。 But opposite of him, is roaring lowly, seems like the somewhat painful appearance that the Yuan lion beast also looks fierce at this time. 而在他对面,元狮兽此时也龇牙咧嘴的低吼着,看起来有些痛苦的样子。 One strikes after this, Lin Tianming also feels somewhat thornily. 经此一击,林天明也不禁感觉有些棘手。 In his eyes, later period of this third-level Yuan lion beast, the strength is really intrepid. 在他眼里,这只三级后期的元狮兽,实力果然非常强悍。 He since has entered Golden Core Stage, once repeatedly with Golden Core Stage Cultivator, and even some third-order monster beasts has fought. lan 要知道,他自从进入金丹期以来,也曾多次和金丹期修士,乃至一些三阶妖兽交过手。阑 And , many gold/metal pill's late powerhouse exists. 其中,也不乏金丹后期的强者存在。 But at that time, Lin Tianming cultivates for the strength did not have now is so strong, and never felt this pressure. 可那时候,林天明修为实力还没现在这么强,并且从未感受到这种压力。 But now, after a round of exploratory attack, Lin Tianming by the strength of huge counter- shaking shocking. 而现在,经过一轮试探性的攻击,林天明就被巨大的反震之力给震惊到了。 Also because of this, can manifest the strength of this third-order late Yuan lion beast, to be actually intrepid. 也正因为如此,也能体现出这只三阶后期的元狮兽的实力,究竟有多么强悍。 However even so, Lin Tianming has not lost confidence. 然而即便如此,林天明并未丧失信心。 Him, this is also only the first round of probe, but he himself has not tried to act, most direct-viewing is own magical powers, as well as some big might spirit techniques have not used. 在他来看,这还只是第一轮的试探而已,而他自己也并未尽全力出手,最直观的就是自己的神通,以及一些大威力灵术都不曾使用。 Fully realizes this, Lin Tianming maintains the mentality, regroups after a defeat to plan to launch the new round attack. lan 深知这点,林天明保持好心态,重整旗鼓打算进行新一轮的攻击。阑 Saw that opposite Yuan lion beast looks fierce, reveals an eager appearance, the Lin Tianming quick method pinches definitely, miraculous glow bombardments on part of great bear sword sword blade. 眼看着对面的元狮兽龇牙咧嘴,露出一副跃跃欲试的模样,林天明很快法决一掐,一道道灵光轰击在天罡剑剑身上。 , Lin Tianming offers a sacrifice to the part of great bear nine sword magical powers suddenly, takes the lead to launch the new round offensive. 瞬息间不到,林天明祭出天罡九剑这门神通,率先发动新一轮的攻势。 In an instant, sees only on the part of great bear sword the ray to flash, resounds along with a sword whining noise, later the part of great bear sword the direct impact clouds, change to a long line to rush to the Yuan lion beast to rush over immediately finally. 刹那间,只见天罡剑上光芒一闪,伴随着一阵剑鸣声响起,随后天罡剑顿时直冲云霄,最后化作一条长龙奔着元狮兽冲了过去。 At this time, felt the midair with raiding the aura on long line big sword, the Yuan lion beast was also angrily roars one. 这时候,感受到半空用袭来的长龙大剑上的气息,元狮兽也是怒吼一声。 A Yuan lion beast claw lays out, sees only together the red light immediately the lasing, directly soars the part of great bear sword to raid. 紧接着,元狮兽一爪拍出,只见一道红光顿时激射而出,直奔着天罡剑袭来。 The speed of this red light wonderful quick incomparable, that moment of presenting, in the peripheral air emerges a faint trace space crack continually. 这红光的速度奇快无比,一出现的那一刻,连周边的空气中都涌现出一丝丝空间裂缝。 Obviously, this Yuan lion beast really talent different reported, rumbles casually a claw, can rip open a faint trace space crack. lan 很显然,这元狮兽果然天赋异禀,随便轰出一爪,就能撕开一丝丝空间裂缝。阑 But Lin Tianming sees this, the whole person hits 12 spirit, the dignified color on face is richer. 林天明见到这一幕,整个人打起十二分精神,脸上的凝重之色更加浓郁起来。 Under his gaze, sees only the part of great bear sword to bump into with the red light that comes directly. 在他的注视下,只见天罡剑与那迎面而来的红光正面相撞。 Shortly, a loud sound transmits, later saw the part of great bear sword was shot to fly. 顷刻间,一声巨响传来,随后就见到天罡剑被弹飞出去。 But the red light also ruptured loudly at this time, finally changed into the red light spot, fell from the upper air directly. 而红光也在这时候轰然爆裂开,最后化为点点红光斑点,从高空直接落下。 Quick, first contacts the red light of ground to blast out, easily rumbles in the ground a gulf. 很快,最先接触地面的红光炸开,轻易就在地面上轰出一个深坑。 Sees this, Lin Tianming immediately one startled, will feel sky over the top of the head red light soon to fall, the figure will dodge hastily, will pass through with great difficulty writes the rain of red light. 见到这一幕,林天明顿时一惊,感受到头顶上空的红光即将落下,连忙身形一闪,好不容易才穿过写红光之雨。 When he stands firm body, later sees in the land tattered and torn, a gulf of lake seemingly is alarmed. lan 待他稳住身型,随后就见到大地上千疮百孔,一片较湖的深坑看上去触目惊心。阑 But this, was true to Lin Tianming very big shock. 而这一幕,属实给了林天明很大的震撼。 At this moment, the powerful strength of this Yuan lion beast broke the Lin Tianming cognition again. 事到如今,这元狮兽的强大实力再一次打破了林天明的认知。 May more so, stimulated the Lin Tianming war intent. 可越是如此,更加激发了林天明的战意。 So in the situation, Lin Tianming not fears intent, instead jumps to leap, rumbles conveniently several sword air/Qi, from goes toward the Yuan lion beast suppression in all directions. 这般情况下,林天明毫无惧意,反而纵身一跃,随手轰出几道剑气,从四面八方朝着元狮兽镇压而去。 Meanwhile, he erupts the part of great bear nine sword magical powers again, is directly soaring the strategic point bombardment of Yuan lion beast in the past. 与此同时,他再度爆发出天罡九剑这门神通,直奔着元狮兽的要害轰击过去。 The speed that Lin Tianming acts is quick, is decisive. 林天明出手的速度很快,也非常果断。 in the blink of an eye, in the entire sky the sword air/Qi wreaks havoc, the astral wind that the powerful attack curls up heads on. lan 眨眼工夫不到,整个天空中剑气肆虐,强大的攻击卷起的罡风扑面而来。阑 The moment of also in Lin Tianming making a move, look that the Yuan lion beast also dreaded very much, became becomes angrier. 也就在林天明出手的一刻,元狮兽原本还很忌惮的眼神,也变得变得更加愤怒了。 Quick, the Yuan lion beast moved! 很快,元狮兽动了! At that moment, sees only the Yuan lion beast to open mouth to angrily roar, giant shouting sound penetrating entire canyon. 那一刻,只见元狮兽张嘴怒吼一声,巨大的嘶吼声响彻整个峡谷。 Meanwhile, the sound wave from infancy to maturity, forms a water ripple to appear before the Yuan lion beast body together. 与此同时,一道音波从小到大,形成一个水波纹出现在元狮兽身前。 Saw that the Yuan lion beast jumps to clash in the water penetration ripple, then vanishes to disappear quickly. 紧接着,就见到元狮兽纵身冲进水波纹中,很快便消失不见了。 But after this happened, Lin Tianming detected immediately invisible aura, appears from his front. 而这一幕发生过后,林天明顿时察觉到一股无形的气息,从他的前方显现出来。 Although this aura is weak, but cannot escape the Lin Tianming powerful god knowledge. lan 这气息虽然微弱,但逃不过林天明强大的神识。阑 Except for this, Lin Tianming eye of opening of five-colors, its sharp vision is taking a fast look around the present all, is unable to escape his investigation including any slightest sign of trouble. 除此以外,林天明的五彩之眼开启,其锐利的目光扫视着眼前的一切,连任何风吹草动都无法逃过他的探查。 In such a case, Lin Tianming can still detect this not too common fluctuation accurately. 在这样的情况下,林天明仍然能够准确察觉到这股不太寻常的波动。 Therefore, Lin Tianming first exploded drew back dozens zhang (3.33 m) away. 于是,林天明第一时间爆退了数十丈远。 When he stands firm after body, then the discovery Yuan lion beast uses that wave trace general space crack unexpectedly, easily passes through massive attacks that Lin Tianming urged to send, almost effortlessly appears before the body of Lin Tianming. 待他稳住身型过后,便发现元狮兽竟然利用那水波纹路一般的空间裂缝,轻易穿过了林天明催发的大量攻击,几乎毫不费力的就出现在林天明的身前。 Moreover, position that the Yuan lion beast stays at this time, was Lin Tianming a moment ago the place of standing. 而且,元狮兽此时停留的位置,正是林天明刚才站立之地。 Sees this situation, Lin Tianming is at heart clear, the strength of this Yuan lion beast is indeed intrepid, the method is strange incomparable. 见此情形,林天明心里清楚,这元狮兽的实力的确强悍,手段更是诡异无比。 On this breath time, the Yuan lion beast easily crosses his attack layer upon layer unexpectedly, but also accurate incomparable appearance in position that in he was at a moment ago. lan 就这一息时间而已,元狮兽竟然轻易越过他的层层攻击,还精准无比的出现在他刚才所在的位置上。阑 If not for he detects ahead of time, and first explodes to draw back. 若不是他提前察觉到,并且第一时间爆退开来。 This sudden strikes, trades to make any other gold/metal pill's intermediate Cultivator, or gold/metal pill's late powerhouse, only feared that has been seriously battered. 就这突如其来的一击,换做其他任何一位金丹中期的修士,或者金丹后期的强者,只怕已经遭受重创。 Even, falls from the sky directly under the claw of Yuan lion beast, is not a not possible matter. 甚至,直接陨落在元狮兽的爪下,也不是一件不可能的事。 After all, this Yuan lion beast is powerful, even if strikes at will, has the tremendous incomparable strength. 毕竟,这元狮兽的实力强大,哪怕是随意一击,都带着巨大无比的力量。 Said Yuan lion beast that claw, so long as shells on ordinary gold/metal pill Cultivator, will crush his body inevitably directly, a corpse is unable to preserve. 就说元狮兽那一爪,只要轰击在一位普通的金丹修士身上,势必会直接将其躯体击碎,连个尸体都无法保全。 But this point, can see powerful of this only Yuan lion beast. 而这一点,就能看出这只元狮兽的强悍。 More understands this, Lin Tianming more is rejoiced oneself separates carefully decisively. lan 越是明白这点,林天明越是庆幸自己刚才的细心隔果断。阑 Nowadays, the Yuan lion beast saw that strikes cannot go well, is becomes the violent anger to get up. 现如今,元狮兽见到一击没能得手,也是变得更加暴怒起来。 However Yuan lion beast is talented, the spirit wisdom is not low. 不过元狮兽的实力不俗,灵智更是不低。 Saw that it and Lin Tianming distance are not far, the Yuan lion beast had not planned that makes Lin Tianming have too much reaction times. 眼看着它和林天明的距离不远,元狮兽也没打算让林天明有太多的反应时间。 Therefore, the Yuan lion beast adjusts turning around immediately, gets angry in a hurry pats a claw, is directly soaring the head of Lin Tianming. 于是,元狮兽立刻调转身型,匆忙之间怒拍一爪,直奔着林天明的脑袋而来。 The speed of this sharp claws is quick, the time of patting forms a powerful imposing manner, whips directly in the Lin Tianming face. 这利爪的速度很快,拍下来的时候形成一股强大的气势,直接拍打在林天明的脸庞。 Sees this claw, the Lin Tianming complexion changes, thought this, if pounds on the head, only feared that will be split up instantaneously. 见到这一爪,林天明面色微变,心想这要是砸在脑袋上,只怕瞬间就会四分五裂。 However the strength of his mortal body is powerful, its strength is not weak in any third-order monster beast. lan 不过他的肉身之力强大,其力量也不弱于任何一只三阶妖兽。阑 Even, even if the third-order late monster beast, he also has the strength of meeting the tough head-on with toughness. 甚至,哪怕是三阶后期的妖兽,他也不是没有硬碰硬的实力。 ...... ……
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