TRSFPUS :: Volume #7

#657: Game dubbing in music

Chapter 657 game dubbing in music 第657章游戏配乐 Previous day, Katou Yusuke has not called so many people again, but brings Huilai to the recording room, continue choose the sound to be superior. 隔天,加藤悠介没有再叫那么多人,只是带着惠来到录音室这边,继续选声优。 Actually he planned that a person comes, but the benefit proposed that wants to accompany him together, therefore this. 其实他本打算一个人来,不过惠主动提出想陪他一起,于是就这样了。 If everyone first day is because wants to have a look at the sound to be superior, after yesterday, in the heart that new vigor had been done by the duplicated work vanishes. 如果说大家第一天来是因为想看看声优,那么在经过昨天以后,心中那点新鲜劲早就被重复性的工作搞得消失殆尽了。 In this regard, Katou Yusuke admires the temper that benefit type can sit still actually very much. 在这一点上,加藤悠介倒是很佩服惠这种能坐得住的性子。 Actually if for relaxed convenient, he can give " Cube " the remaining sound superior candidates greatly completely arrangement, what a pity he cannot pass that ridge at heart. 其实如果是为了轻松省事的话,他大可以完全把剩下的声优人选交给「Cube」安排,可惜他过不去心里的那道坎。 Some things are not done either, either does utmost. 有些事情要么不做,要么就竭尽全力。 Especially this work room also relates to the future of young girls, he is unable to tolerate itself to be loaf in this process, hopes that can give everyone to create the liberal life. 特别是这间工作室还关系到少女们的未来,他无法纵容自己在这一过程中偷懒,希望能给大家创造出优渥的生活。 Such idea perhaps not only one-sided and material, but money is the foundations of all romanticism. If his bread is unable to these important people, what qualifications also there is to discuss the love? 这样的想法或许既片面又物质,但金钱是一切浪漫主义的基础。假如他连面包都无法给到那些重要的人,又有什么资格来谈爱? Comes under the influence of oneself passing life experience, attitude of Katou Yusuke in this aspect is quite tenacious. 受到自己过往人生经历的影响,加藤悠介在这方面的态度相当固执。 He is how good, but some so many people give him oneself life now, he must shoulder the responsibility for this reason. 他自己一个人怎么都好,但现在有这么多人把自己的人生交给了他,他必须要为此肩负起责任。 Tries the sound methodically. 试音有条不紊地进行。 Okazaki nighttide( fantasy world), 冈崎汐(幻想世界), Robot( fantasy world), 机器人(幻想世界), ancient river couple, 古河夫妇, Spring Yuanyang draw, 春原阳平, Spring gemmulee clothes, 春原芽衣, Happy Misae, 相乐美佐枝, he/she blows the young master, 伊吹公子, Fragrant wild Yusuke, 芳野祐介, Okazaki straight good fortune, 冈崎直幸, Good fortune village Toshio, 幸村俊夫, zhong wins evenly. 柊胜平。 ...... …… Katou Yusuke is listening to dubbing earnestly, often superior set some requests to the sound, or explained the role simply. 加藤悠介认认真真听着配音,不时向声优们提出一些要求,或者简单说明一下角色性格。 Even today must dub is not the principal role, he does meticulously. This is not only being responsible for own work, to tries the sound superior respect of sound. 即使今天要配音的不是主要角色,他还是做得一丝不苟。这既是对自己作品的负责,也是对来试音的声优的尊重。 Arrived midday rest. 到了午休。 He and benefit downstairs looked for one in " Cube Corporation " and food shop dines. 他和惠在「Cube公司」楼下找了一家和食店用餐。 Saw that the benefit massages the neck gently the appearance, he tries to urge the opposite party to go back, but the young girl only shakes the head, smiles to him gently, said I accompany you. 见到惠轻轻按摩颈部的样子,他试图劝对方回去,不过少女仅是摇摇头,冲他温柔一笑,说了一句我陪你。 Therefore Katou Yusuke had not said again. 于是加藤悠介没再多说。 After two people finished eating the food, returns to " Cube Corporation " together. 两人吃完饭后一起回到「Cube公司」。 He bought two cans of coffee in the vending machine of corridor, on the road saw that many superior ate the bread the stand itself/Ben, as if the lunch coped. 他在走廊的自动贩卖机买了两罐咖啡,路上见到不少声优边啃面包边看台本,似乎午饭就那么对付了。 The sound superior this occupation is seemingly attractive, the living environment is quite actually abnormal. 声优这个职业看似光鲜,实则生存环境相当畸形。 Do not look that these well-known sounds often conduct the bamboo slip to sell to meet concert anything superiorly, not crosses with the idol different, but that is really only a case. 别看那些知名声优动不动就举办签售会演唱会什么的,过得和偶像无异,但那真的只是个例。 This industry is somewhat similar to the live broadcast. 这行业跟直播有些类似。 Truly is popular forever is that a handful person of head, most people only live hand to mouth to eat reluctantly, few people cannot eat the food. 真正吃香的永远都是头部的那一小撮人,大多数人仅是勉强混口饭吃,还有一部分人连饭都吃不上。 Especially these just entered group of rookies, often depends on hits several labor to pursue the dream. 特别是那些刚入行的新人,往往都是靠着打好几份工来追逐梦想的。 Without the outstanding work improves the popularity, over many its life is also hard finally, after when finally exhausts warmly , can only end low-spirited. 如果没有优秀的作品提高知名度,很多人终其一生也难以出头,最后等到热情耗尽后只能黯然收场。 „It is not easy......” “都不容易啊……” Katou Yusuke is sighing with emotion, while returns to the control room. 加藤悠介一边感慨着,一边回到控制室。 Hears the words that he spoke thoughtlessly raises, the benefit raised the head from the cell phone. 听到他随口一提的话,惠从手机上抬起头。 Well? What Yusuke are you saying?” “咦?悠介你在说什么?” „, It‘s nothing, thought that outside sound spells superiorly. Come, this is your coffee.” “哦,没什么,就是觉得外面的声优蛮拼的。来,这是你的咖啡。” Un ~ thanked. How Yusuke will you say suddenly?” “嗯~谢了。悠介你怎么会突然那么说?” This......” “这个么……” Katou Yusuke opens the suspension link of can, drank several coffee, roughly spoke a sound superior survival present situation. 加藤悠介拉开易拉罐的拉环,喝了几口咖啡,大致讲了一下声优的生存现状。 The benefit listens patiently, understands clearly the nod, originally is this......, such is very indeed laborious.” 惠耐心地听完,了然点头,“原来是这样啊……嗯,那样的确很辛苦呢。” Right? The way that actually now wants to make money has, for example the virtual anchor or YouTuber and so on, do not need to insist to go one way to the end.” “对吧?其实现在想赚钱的方式有很多,比如虚拟主播或者YouTuber之类的,没必要硬要在一棵树上吊死的。” At this time enters the sound of room to supervise happen to hears his words, answers to express the support with a smile. 此时进入房间的音监正好听到他的话,笑着搭腔表示赞同。 Katou little elder brother said right. My family daughter is making YouTuber, the above advertisement income is accidental/surprised also much. She recently bought the new guitar with that sum of money, is happy ~ “加藤小哥说得没错。我家女儿就在做YouTuber,上面的广告收益意外得还不少。她最近用那笔钱买了新的吉他,非常开心呢~” „„ Mr. Goto.” ““后藤先生。”” Katou Yusuke and benefit greet together, but the opposite party also greeted politely. 加藤悠介和惠一起打了个招呼,而对方也客气地招呼回来。 good work ~ you two come back very much early, has had the lunch?” “辛苦了~你们两个回来得很早呢,已经吃过午饭了吗?” Yes, we have eaten.” Hui Qingqing nods, asks: Mr. Goto you?” “是的,我们已经吃过了。”惠轻轻点头,问道:“后藤先生你呢?” Haha, thanks the care. I ate the wife the lunch that helps prepare.” The sound supervises happily said, sits in the exclusive table. “哈哈,谢谢关心。我吃了内人帮忙准备的便当。”音监一脸开心地说道,在自己专属的桌子坐下来。 That ~ ~ does Mr. Goto have the daughter? Beyond the good intention, you seem like very young appearance.” “那个~~后藤先生已经有女儿了吗?好意外,你看起来很年轻的样子。” Well ~ is this? Thanks Miss Katou's praise. Do not look at my, actually has two daughters' fathers?” “咦~是这样吗?谢谢加藤小姐的夸奖。别看我这样,其实已经是有两个女儿的父亲了哦?” Hey ~ ~ so that's how it is. On the other hand, does the daughter of Mr. Goto have is making YouTuber? Sounds fierce.” “嘿诶~~原来如此。话说回来,后藤先生的女儿有在做YouTuber吗?听起来好厉害。” Yes ~ my family eldest daughter is making the music class YouTuber, moreover in amusement team.” “是啊~我家大女儿在做音乐类的YouTuber,而且还在玩乐队。” Goto continuously the nod proudly, explained: 后藤骄傲地不住点头,解释道: Be that as it may, actually she is the interest in upload the turning ball work of guitar in the website at first. The population when behind watches were gradually many, we cleared the advertisement for her.” “话虽如此,其实她最初只是出于兴趣在网站上传吉他的翻弹作品。等到后面观看的人数渐渐多了,我们才为她开通了广告。” ~ worthily is the whole family, the daughter of Mr. Goto is also because your influence does meet the amusement team?” “哇~不愧是一家人,后藤先生的女儿也是因为你的影响才会玩乐队吗?” Aha did, look by you? Right right, my family eldest daughter indeed inherited my music talent. “啊哈哈,被你看出来了吗?没错没错,我家大女儿的确继承了我的音乐天赋。 The supplementary raises, when the guitar that she uses from the beginning was also I once the amusement team used? ” 附带一提,她一开始用的吉他也是我曾经玩乐队时使用的哦?” „...... Yes?” “……是喔?” Katou Yusuke and Hui Huxiang looked at each other one, simultaneously realized this sound supervises absolutely is the daughter slave. 加藤悠介和惠互相看了彼此一眼,同时意识到这位音监绝对是个女儿奴。 Then, like the Katou little elder brother spoke. Now the environment of sound superior industry truly is not very good, some inside also people change professions to make YouTuber or other occupations, but......” “然后,就像加藤小哥讲的一样。现在声优行业的环境确实不是很好,里面也有一些人转行去做YouTuber或者其他职业的,不过……” A Goto words revolution, opens the mouth to say with a smile: 后藤话语一转,笑着开口道: These want person who to vainly hope to keep actually also many, moreover every year also many rookies enter the line. The so-called sound is superior and music, is this type can bring the happy thing to people.” “那些愿意为了梦想留下来的人其实也不少,而且每年还有很多新人入行。所谓声优和音乐,就是这种能给人们带来幸福的东西呀。” ‚...... Is one is resigned for the dream, dies the romanticist in ideal stage.’ Katou Yusuke thought indifferently, without appraising anything. ‘……又是一位甘心为梦想,死于理想高台的浪漫主义者。’加藤悠介漠然心想,没有评价什么。 Three people chatted a while far apart, others also return to the job one after another , to continue to start to work. 三人天南地北地聊了一会儿,其他人也陆续回到工作岗位,继续开始工作。 After noon rest, everyone becomes full of energy. 经过中午的休息,大家又变得精神抖擞。 Spent for one hour, the sounds of all supporting roles decided superiorly completely, tried the sound link formally to come to an end. 花了一个多小时,所有配角的声优全部定了下来,试音环节正式宣告结束。 The sound that comes to interview superior successively leaves " Cube Corporation " , is goes back to wait for the notice. 前来面试的声优们陆续离开「Cube公司」,接下来就是回去等待通知。 The person who these have not elected naturally cannot raise. 那些没选上的人自然不需多提。 The sound that even if was chosen is superior, must wait for " Cube " here to determine after good necessary item, will inform the thing institute that they are, transmits the follow-up working arrangement. 就算是被选上的声优,也要等「Cube」这边确定好必要事项以后,才会通知他们所在的事物所,传达后续的工作安排。 The sound superior walked, but Katou Yusuke was unable to walk. 声优们走了,但加藤悠介还不能走。 His work was also far from the conclusion. 他的工作还远远没有结束。 Role dubbing is only part in game, in addition has the theme song, BGM and effect sound these things to need to confirm. 角色配音只是游戏中的一部分,另外还有主题曲、bgm、效果音这些东西需要确认。 Then must discuss is the matters concerned in this aspect. 接下来要探讨的就是这方面的事宜。 Everyone decided that rests for ten minutes to start to work again. 大家决定休息十分钟再开始工作。 During this period, the benefit inquired suddenly he chose the sound superior standard. 在此期间,惠忽然询问起了他挑选声优的标准。 Must say that some sound obviously strengths are superiorly good, the sound also has the recognition very much, however he refuses is not lenient, even is no exception superiorly facing these well-known sounds, is really curious. 要说有的声优明明实力不错,声音也很有辨识度,然而他拒绝起来却毫不手软,甚至面对那些知名声优也不例外,着实叫人好奇。 Katou Yusuke makes the ponder slightly, then gives the reply. 加藤悠介稍做思考,然后给出回答。 This also has nothing actually special, what I mainly regard as important is the sound can hold the role characteristics superiorly.” “这个说来其实也没什么特别的,我主要看重的是声优能不能抓住角色的特征。” Role characteristics......?” “角色的特征……?” For example, what impression do you have to the spring Yuanyang even this role?” “举例来说,你对春原阳平这个角色有什么印象?” The benefit is slightly excessive, some not too said definite: 惠略微偏过头,有些不太确定地说道: Un...... I remember that he is the lead best friend. When I to his impression usually am a little fool, the key very reliable feeling?” “嗯……我记得他是主角最好的朋友。我对他的印象是平时有点笨蛋,关键时又很靠得住的感觉吧?” Un, you said right. Therefore his sound must display that type not only fool and hot blooded, but also has the feeling of bodgie.” “嗯,你说的没错。所以他的声音要表现出那种既笨蛋又热血的,还带着点不良少年的感觉。” This......?” “这样……啊?” Similar example also has Mr. and Mrs. ancient river.” “同样的例子还有古河夫妇。” Katou Yusuke continued: 加藤悠介继续说: These two roles, although usually the bread that because the wife makes is unpalatable, various performance types pursue the wife farce dumbfounded, but will manifest mature steady side at the matter of family member.” “这两个角色虽然平时会因为太太做的面包难吃,上演各种叫人傻眼的追妻闹剧,但在家人的事情上又会体现出成熟稳重的一面。” Therefore, cannot consider only superiorly funny for the sounds of these two role dubbing, but must grasp contrast and balance. This is my judgement rule.” “因此,为这两个角色配音的声优就不能只顾着搞笑,而是要掌握好其中的反差与平衡。这就是我的判断标准。” Benefit „-” hesitation a while, then thinks is opening the mouth saying: 惠“嗯-”地沉吟一会儿,然后思索着开口道: Then...... like he/she blowing this role is also similar? On her not only has that childish side, and has for the elder sister goes all around to invite side that the person helps.” “这么说来……像伊吹风子这个角色是不是也差不多?她身上既有那种孩子气的一面,又有为了姐姐四处奔走请人帮忙的一面。” Un, right.” “嗯,没错。” This ~ that Yusuke you must arrange that yesterday " giggle " the tongue twister tries the sound, because of this reason?” “这样呀~那悠介你昨天之所以要安排那段「咯咯咯」的绕口令试音,也是因为这个理由吗?” This...... , although indeed also has that reason, but...... doesn't find it very interesting?” “这个啊……唔,虽然的确也有那种理由在,但是……不觉得很有趣吗?” „?” “诶?” Katou Yusuke smiles, I meant, you did not think the wind study chicken did call that to be very interesting? I find it very interesting.” 加藤悠介笑了笑,“我是说,你不觉得风子学鸡叫那段很有趣吗?我个人觉得很有意思。” „...... That.” “……那个。” The benefit was crooked the head was first puzzling a while, later returned to the angle, quite cast a sidelong glance reluctantly his eyes. 惠先是歪着脑袋困扰了一会儿,之后又回正角度,颇为无奈地睨他一眼。 „...... Simply speaking, Yusuke are you satisfying your wicked interest? Such approach, really very bad mind?” “……简单来说,悠介你就是在满足自己的恶趣味吧?这样的做法,真的很坏心眼哦?” Tittered ~ “噗嗤~” Nearby sound prison pats the thigh to laugh. 一旁的音监拍着大腿大笑。 Really is this? To be honest I had this feeling from yesterday. The Katou little elder brother you looks properly, in fact actually a little does one -man show. “果然是这样吗?老实说我从昨天就有这种感觉了。加藤小哥你这人看着正经,实际上却有点闷骚呢。 Just like these roles that you design, is this also a contrast to sprout/moe?. ” 和你设计的这些角色一样,这也属于一种反差萌吧?啊哈哈哈哈。” Katou Yusuke shrugs, does not make the argument. 加藤悠介耸耸肩,不做争论。 Goto smiled a while, slightly has admiringly to express: 后藤笑了一会儿,又略有钦佩地表示道: On the other hand, I see such special group portrait work for the first time. “不过话又说回来,我还是第一次见到这么特别的群像作品。 Each character has own highlight and depth, unlike these for the role overuse work completely. Fierce. ” 每个人物都有自己的亮点与深度,跟那些为了方便就把角色使用过度的作品完全不一样。厉害。” He was saying raises up a big thumb foot, Katou Yusuke nods gently expresses best wishes. 他说着竖起一只大拇趾,加藤悠介则是轻轻颔首致意。 Chatted to finish, starts to work. 闲聊结束,开始工作。 The sound prison unifies original that they are providing, let mix the sound master to demonstrate in some games the commonly used sound effect. 音监结合着他们提供的原画,让混音师展示了一些游戏中常用的音效。 For example the discussion and sound of footsteps, open the door the closing sound, as well as sparrow cry anything. 比如议论声、脚步声、开门关门声、以及麻雀叫声什么的。 This aspect nothing more to be said that basically mostly the same except for minor differences, if needed later makes the adjustment is also good again. 这方面没什么好说的,基本上都大同小异,有需要的话后期再做调整也行。 The difficult place lies on the theme song and interlude. 难的地方在于主题曲和插曲上面。 Mix the sound master completing 42 music little guy broadcast. 混音师把做好的42首音乐小样播放了一遍。 Katou Yusuke listens completely, put forward own view unemotionally. 加藤悠介完整地听完,面无表情地提出自己的看法。 „- Sorry, I feel these program not Taihang.” “-抱歉,我觉得这些曲目不太行。” „, Isn't completely good......?” “呃,全部都不行吗……?” Mixing sound master before the control bench feels the back of the head, shows the troublesome expression. 控制台前的混音师摸着后脑勺,露出伤脑筋的表情。 Puts on the female acoustic manufacture that OL installs to examine the material of case fast, lifted the hand to push the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, raised the question neither arrogant nor servile. 穿着OL装的女性音响制作快速查看一下案子的资料,抬手推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,不卑不亢地提出质疑。 Excuse me, we should have according to the material that you provide, earnestly the fitting work subject and role, and scene and other factors create. “不好意思,我们应该有按照贵方所提供的资料,切实地贴合作品主题、角色性格、以及场景等多方面因素进行创作。 You thought that is where is not good? 请问您觉得是哪里不行? Is the music emotion? Style? Rhythm? Melody? Where aren't other good? Also looks to be liberal to grant instruction. ” 是音乐情感?风格?节奏?旋律?还是其他什么地方不行?还望不吝赐教。” She asked anxious and quick, as if machine-gun, sent out a stickling flavor. 她问得又急又快,仿佛连珠炮似的,散发出一种坚持己见的味道。 Also does not blame her to have such response. 也不怪她会有这样的反应。 Must know just broadcast, but entire 42 songs! 要知道刚刚播放的可是整整42首曲子! Although is also only the music little guy that some have not completed, but the good and evil was also they took lots of time and pains achievement. 虽然都还只是一些未完成的音乐小样,但好歹也是他们花了大量时间与心血的成果。 Like this by one simple " is not good " denies, is not naturally able to accept. 就这样被一句简单的「不行」来否定,自然无法让人接受。 Felt that the atmosphere becomes somewhat tight, the sound supervises hurrying to stand to mediate. 感觉到气氛变得有些紧张,音监赶忙站出来打圆场。 „, First do not worry, has what issue we to discuss slowly.” “嘛嘛,先别这么着急,有什么问题我们可以慢慢谈。” He scratched with the finger the scratching with the finger cheeks, looks awkwardly to Katou Yusuke. 他搔了搔脸颊,为难地望向加藤悠介 In brief, the Katou little elder brother you can concretely explain where doesn't feel well? Such we can understand your demand well.” “总而言之,加藤小哥你能具体说明一下是哪里觉得不好吗?那样我们才能更好地理解你的需求。” „If the song needs to revise might also as well but actually, but if denied overall a little...... does not have the warrant we to have no way to above to confess that but also looked at you to understand.” “如果是曲子需要修改的话倒也无妨,可要是全盘否定的话就有点……没有正当理由我们是没法向上头交代的,还望你能理解。” The work that the constructor designs cannot meet partner's request, was a normal matter. 制作方设计出来的作品没能满足合作方的要求,乃是一件再正常不过的事情了。 This matter needed both sides to communicate repeatedly, constantly revises, finally cooperates to complete the work. 这种事情本来就是需要双方反复沟通,不断修改,最后通力合作完成工作的。 Actually the sound supervises them is not afraid revises, but is the fear meets the situation that layman issues arbitrary and confused orders. 其实音监他们并不害怕修改,而是害怕遇上那种外行瞎指挥的情况。 Just like the acoustic manufacture said that how if partner can have specific request that to say...... 正如音响制作所言,如果合作方能有具体要求那怎么都好说…… But often has that few people! 但往往就是有那么一部分人! You asked that he has what demand he unable to say first four earthly branches, but loses to your one directly- 你问他有什么需求他也说不出个子丑寅卯,只是直接丢给你一句- " I do not know where is not good, but is the feeling not, therefore is not good. " 「我也不知道哪里不好,但就是感觉不对所以不行。」 Does not have the method to do like this case purely! 像这种案子纯粹就没法子做! Did not say exaggeratingly, this type of partner is almost the nightmares of all creators, wishes one could to pat of face with the slipper. 豪不夸张的说,这种合作方几乎是所有创作者的噩梦,恨不得用拖鞋拍脸的那种。 Katou Yusuke looks at people's response tranquilly, the backhand holds on the benefit as a result of anxiously, but the somewhat stiff hand, hesitates. 加藤悠介平静看着众人的反应,反手拉住惠由于紧张而有些僵硬的手,沉吟起来。 Told the facts, " Cube " family/home well actually also made the music little guy. Although is not shockingly, but can also pass for the time being. 实话实说,「Cube」家做得音乐小样其实还不错。虽然算不上惊艳,但姑且也还过得去。 The song this/should cheerful considered with this/should sad place, can feel obtains has conscientiously is doing, rather than deals with the assignment. 曲子该欢快和该悲伤的地方都考虑到了,能感受得出是有在认真做,而非应付差事。 But- 可是- It missed that genuine. 它就是差了那份原汁原味。 Or these music lack the mood that Katou Yusuke pursued. 或者说,那些音乐缺少了加藤悠介所追求的情怀。 ...... ……
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