TRSFPUS :: Volume #7

#656: Selection meeting

Chapter 656 selection meeting 第656章选拔会 Speaking of the game and animation, cannot leave the music and dubbing. 说到游戏和动画,就离不开音乐与配音。 The sound is superior and music can enrich the soul of work, this saying to be not exaggerating. 声优和音乐能够丰富作品的灵魂,这话一点都不夸张。 The work how regardless to overflow to make again roughly, wants to attract the fans to pay, must some initial capital under this aspect. 无论再怎么粗糙滥造的作品,想要吸引到粉丝买单,就必须要在这方面下些血本。 Decided that a game work dubbing price the factor has. 决定一部游戏作品配音价格的因素有很多。 For example complexity that the quantity and sound superior popularity of scale and music of game, and later period design wait/etc, to mention just a few. 例如游戏的规模、音乐的数量、声优的知名度、以及后期设计的复杂程度等等,不一而足。 The operation target who Katou Yusuke designates is " the ( Cube ) joint-stock company " . 加藤悠介选定的合作对象是「(Cube)株式会社」。 This is established company in a family property, is engaged in dubbing, music, postproduction and other businesses mainly, has a huge sound superior lineup. 这是一家业内的老牌公司,主要从事配音、音乐、后期制作等业务,旗下拥有一支庞大的声优阵容。 After discussed several times, the dubbing price that both sides set finally is 60,000 yuan one hour. 经过数次商谈,双方最后定下来的配音价格是6万円一小时。 The offer that actually Cube gives at first is 70,000 yuan one hour, because some little aunt greets, finally gives this price. 其实Cube家最初给出的报价是7万円一小时,但因为某个小阿姨打了招呼,最终才给到这个价格。 This is in the time abundant situation. 这还是在时间充裕的情况下。 If meets that manufacture cycle to be very tight, must complete the case of massive dubbing work in a short time, the price correspondingly will be higher. 如果要是遇到那种制作周期很紧,要在短时间内完成大量配音工作的案子,价格还会相应地更高。 Returning to the proper topic. 言归正传。 Tuesday on this day, " TYPE-MOON " the leading member in work room arrived at Shinjukuku together, attended the forthcoming sound superior selection meeting. 周二这天,「TYPE-MOON」工作室的主要成员一起来到了新宿区,出席了即将举行的声优选拔会。 In the recording control room, " Cube " here sound director and acoustic manufacture, mixes the sound master, as well as constructor producers already to. 在录音控制室里,「Cube」这边的音响监督、音响制作、混音师,以及制作方制片人已经全到了。 After exchanged greetings, Katou Yusuke with the benefit, Utaha and Eriri same place, in the chair and tea table of corner sat. 经过一阵寒暄后,加藤悠介跟惠、诗羽英梨梨一起,在墙角的椅子和茶几坐了下来。 The lotus sees good is child undertakes the external work on own initiative, talked the specific matter with the disc constructor that side. 莲见佳乃子则是主动承担起对外工作,与光碟制作方那边交谈起具体事宜。 The layout of control room is relatively compact, the bright light illuminates various types of specialized audio equipment and buttons sparkles to shine, to guarantee that the staff can see clearly the detail on screen. 控制室的布局相对紧凑,明亮的灯光将各种专业的音频设备和按钮照得闪闪发亮,以确保工作人员能够看清屏幕上的细节。 Is away from giant glass, opposite recording room seems relatively gloomy. 隔着一块巨大的玻璃,对面的录音室显得相对暗淡。 There equipment various types of microphones. 那里配备着各种类型的麦克风。 The wall surface, ground and the ceiling room, use the sound-proof material that the tone sank secretly to lay down, by reduces the disturbance of noise to the full. 房间的墙面、地面和天花板,都使用了色调暗沉的隔音材料铺设,以最大限度地降低外界噪音的干扰。 Two spaces usually are in the unidirectional communication. 两个空间平时处于单向沟通。 When presses down the specific control button, the voice of control room will pass to recording room there. 只有按下特定的控制按钮时,控制室的声音才会传到录音室那里。 Katou Yusuke they come to compared with the agreement time early, attended the sound of trial sound superior all not to arrive, must therefore wait for the period of time. 加藤悠介他们来得比约定时间要早,参加试音的声优们还没全部到场,因此要等一阵子。 Hui take is reorganizing the good material to run to supervise the conversation with the sound, the discussion under must coordinate original that tries the sound to demonstrate, makes the arrangement. 惠拿着整理好的素材跑去与音监交谈,讨论起等下要配合试音展示的原画,做出安排。 Eriri puts out the sketch this and pencil, was trying to find out draws the original schematic diagram. 英梨梨拿出素描本与铅笔,摸索着画起原画的草图。 Utaha had a yawn gently, fished out a Meiji Period candy cane from the pocket, threw into the mouth conveniently. 诗羽轻轻打了个哈欠,从口袋里面摸出一支明治棒棒糖,随手丢进嘴巴。 Well?” “咦?” Katou Yusuke cannot bear a little unusually, verset do you like eating this? Before how to have seen you to eat?” 加藤悠介忍不住有点稀奇,“小诗你喜欢吃这个吗?怎么以前从没见你吃过?” Also said no that on likes, is only not repugnant ~ “也说不上喜欢吧,只是不讨厌而已~” Candy cane when you buy?” “你什么时候买的棒棒糖?” Others give.” “别人给的。” „...... What?” “……什么?” Utaha is full of the profound meaning to pull the corners of the mouth, said lightly: 诗羽饶有深意地牵起嘴角,淡淡道: It‘s nothing. This is brings from pest there, I have forgotten it in the pocket of coat, did not eat the waste.” “没什么。这是从一个讨厌鬼那里拿来的,我一直把它忘在外套的口袋里面,不吃浪费了。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Sees the appearance that her does not want to say much, Katou Yusuke had not asked, takes the sound superior material that " Cube " family/home is providing to glance through. 见她一副不想多说的样子,加藤悠介也没多问,拿着「Cube」家提供的声优资料翻阅起来。 The so-called sound superior selection, is selects the appropriate sound to be superior as the name suggests. 所谓的声优选拔,顾名思义就是甄选合适的声优。 How as for must elect specifically, inside difference is actually very big. 至于具体要怎么选,里头的差别其实还挺大的。 For example these participate to manufacture the supervisions of many work. 比如那些参与制作过很多作品的监督。 Because has usually contacted many superior in the work, often in the instance that the role anchor point decides, will think of some right sound superior candidate. 由于平时在工作中接触过许多声优,往往在角色锚点敲定的瞬间,就会想到某个合适的声优人选。 Similar situation also has the sound directors of these scenes. 类似的情况还有这些现场的音响监督。 They superior are together with the sound all year round, similarly understood that which kind of role a sound suits superiorly. 他们一年到头都在和声优们相处,同样非常了解一位声优适合哪一类角色。 What a pity Katou Yusuke makes a debut, the above two types of personal connections he does not have, therefore can only use other methods. 可惜加藤悠介初出茅庐,以上两种人脉他都没有,所以只能采用其他方法。 But this inside situation is divided into two types. 而这里面的情形又分为两种。 First, on the official sites of various family or clan reputation superior offices, listens to the sound superiorly to record the good sound sample ahead of time, and draws up a Zhong Yi's candidate list, decides again with the office the time of interviewing. 其一,就是在各家声优事务所的官网上面,听取声优们提前录制好的声音样本,并从中拟定出一份钟意的候选人名单,再与事务所商定好来面试的时间。 Without too budget, this chooses the sound superior common practice. 在没有太多预算的情况下,这是挑选声优的普遍做法。 Second, are can show the role characteristics some directly the lines, in the supplementary the role setting material one gives the office concurrently, making them be responsible for drawing up the list of candidates, arranges the person to come to the recording room to interview again one by one. 其二,是直接把某段能彰显角色特点的台词,附带上角色性格设定资料一并发送给事务所,让他们负责拟定候选名单,再安排人来录音室逐一进行面试。 Naturally, the second method compared with first expensive/noble. 理所当然的,第二个方法要比第一个贵。 However additional somebody budgets sufficiently, therefore chose the second type. 不过加某人预算充足,所以选了第二种。 After ten minutes, the gate of opposite room was shoved open, a reputation superior enters the recording room under the instruction of staff, others wait outside. 十分钟以后,对面房间的门被人推开,一名声优在工作人员的指示下进入录音室,其他人则是在外面等候。 In trying sound link, a role often is several candidates concentrates tries together, this can save the time to the full, can listen to make noise well the superior between contrast. 在试音环节,一个角色往往是好几名候选人集中一起试的,这样能最大限度地节约时间,也能更好地听出声优之间的对比。 First what must elect is male lord " Okazaki friend also " the sound is superior. 首先要选的是男主「冈崎朋也」的声优。 The first masculine sound stands before the microphone superiorly, they bows toward glass following Katou Yusuke. 第一个男性声优站在麦克风前,朝玻璃后面的加藤悠介他们鞠了一躬。 I am the Sigma7 thing Yuichi Nakamura, please advise.” “我是Sigma7事物所的中村悠一,请多指教。” Confirmed after everyone prepares, mixed the sound master to press down the record key, can start.” 确认所有人都准备好以后,混音师按下了录制键,“可以开始了。” Nakamura ferments a while, starts to read the stage on lines. 中村酝酿一会儿,开始念台本上的台词。 I dislike this small town, because here is completely the memory that some I want to put behind.” “我讨厌这座小镇,因为这里尽是些我想忘却的记忆。” With an opens the mouth, his sound becomes different. 随着一开口,他的声音就变得不同。 Becoming was sick indifferently, ice-cold brutal. 变得冷漠厌烦,冰冷无情。 When to next, a sound superior sound suddenly revolution. 到了下一句时,声优的声音又骤然一转。 We start to climb, climb that long street.” “我们就此开始攀登,攀登那漫长的街道。” It looks like the cold ice of melting, the sound is gentle and warm, is soft. 就像是融化的寒冰,声音温柔而温暖,柔情似水。 Your this bastard! You are the bud clothes younger sister's Elder Brother!? Many are the bud clothes younger sister thinks-!” “你这混蛋!你是芽衣妹妹的哥哥吧!?多为芽衣妹妹想想啊-!” The third lines are full of the anger, as well as to friend disappointed with getting angry it does not struggle. 第三句台词充满怒火,以及对朋友的失望与怒其不争。 „-” “-” „-” “-—” Later Nakamura also read two lines, the emotion in the sound containing was changing, the tensity was full. 之后中村又念了两句台词,声音里蕴含的情感一直在变,张力十足。 The sound superiorly is the monster. 声优都是怪物。 These words may really not be the chaotic biography. 这句话可真不是乱传的。 Unlike the control room situation, in the recording room does not have the screen demonstration to be original. 跟控制室这边的情况不同,录音室里是没有屏幕展示原画的。 The work that in addition «Clannad» this world does not have, is unable to refer to the original works like these reorganization works. 再加上《Clannad》还是这个世界所没有的作品,无法像那些改编作品一样去参考原著。 The sound superior can only estimate through the role related information that Katou Yusuke gives, in order to gets the feeling of role, this tests the sound-surround ambiance and performing skill extremely. 声优们只能通过加藤悠介这边给出的角色相关资料去自行揣摩,以求抓住角色的感觉,这极其考验临场感与演技。 Originally, should end the first reputation superior trial sound to here, but Katou Yusuke asked the sound prison to shout the suspension, and increased a link. 本来,第一名声优的试音到这里就该结束了,不过加藤悠介请音监喊了暂停,并增加了一个环节。 The sound monitors his words, the expression becomes somewhat a long story, but pressed down the talking key, transmitted his arrangement to the recording room. 音监听完他的话,表情变得有些一言难尽,但还是按下了通话键,向录音室那边传达了他的安排。 That, please imagine is a childhood loses one's mother, youth to be widowed, the mature mourning female person. Fell ill facing the daughter nighttide at present, cannot obtain any help, makes one to perform extemporaneously.” “那个,请你想象一下自己是一名幼年丧母、青年丧妻、壮年丧女的人。面对女儿汐病倒在眼前,又得不到任何帮助时,做一段即兴表演。” The voice falls, people then „” turn head to look all of a sudden to Katou Yusuke. 话音一落,人们便“唰”地一下子扭头看向加藤悠介 The benefit, Utaha and Eriri, small good are, four people will be a little accidental/surprised he will take the extra part. 惠、诗羽英梨梨、小佳乃,四人是有点意外他会把额外的部分拿出来。 Others are the whole face are strange, start to speak but hesitate. 其他人则是满脸古怪,欲言又止。 Katou Yusuke is indifferent, the sound in pair of eyes looking straight ahead recording room is superior. 加藤悠介对此漠不关心,双眼直视录音室内的声优。 As scheduled, must try the content of sound today actually and excluding the game continuation, but he thought that this reputation superior performance is good, therefore wants to further observe the level of opposite party. 按照原定计划来说,今天要试音的内容其实并不包括游戏续篇,但他觉得这名声优的表现还不错,所以想要进一步观察一下对方的水准。 Yuichi Nakamura in recording room hears this request, cannot help but gawked the period of time, the heart said this anything human tragedy, was hard to imagine this plot to appear in focusing on flattering in dwelling Galgame. 录音室里的中村悠一听到这个要求,不由得愣了一阵子,心道一句这什么人间悲剧,难以想像这种剧情会出现在以媚宅为主的Galgame里面。 But immediately, he recovers. 但马上,他就回过神来。 After all works works, should not dope the personal sentiment. 毕竟工作就是工作,不该掺杂私人感情。 Let alone the reward of this case is good, he wants this role very much. 何况这个案子的酬劳还不错,他很想要这个角色。 Therefore Yuichi Nakamura complexion one austere, makes an effort to get hold of the fist to close the eyes, according to the request imagines has that picture. 于是中村悠一面色一肃,用力握紧拳头闭上双眼,按照要求想象起那个画面。 Viscous, the jet black and heavy thing gradually welled up. 一股粘稠的、漆黑又沉重的事物逐渐涌了上来。 Slightly after fermentation, he opens the eye fiercely, eye of zi wants the crack to erupt deafening shouting. 稍微酝酿过后,他猛地睁开眼睛,目眦欲裂地爆发出令人震耳欲聋的嘶吼。 Nighttide-!” “汐-—!” Disregards in Renmen by the response of having a scare, sound superior is covered the chest, another hand shivers is stretching out forward, the expression is rending. 无视于人们被吓了一跳的反应,声优一手捂着胸口,另一只手颤抖着向前伸出,表情撕心裂肺。 I do not want...... me like this......” “我不要……我不要这样……” His facial features are twisting, eyes flood red, the look passes is being extremely no use and despairing, as if had lost all hopes and strengths. 他的面容扭曲着,双眼泛红,眼神透着极度的无助与绝望,仿佛已经失去了所有的希望与力量。 Small piece of land surrounded by water...... rescues...... the nighttide, ha............ small piece of land surrounded by water......” “渚……救救……汐吧,哈啊……呜……渚……” He is summoning the deceased wife's name unproductive, the emotion mighty current controlled the body, making him send out the sob of inadequate sound. 他徒劳呼唤着已故妻子的名字,情感的洪流支配了身体,让他发出不成声的哭泣。 Who cough cough, does not cough...... to come...... who can come...... to rescue the nighttide!” 咳咳、唔咳……谁来……谁能来……来救救汐吧!” The hoarse sound reverberates in the recording room, transmits that sorrowful and depressing powerful emotion intuitively, making one raise up goosebumps. 嘶哑的声音在录音室内回荡,直观传递出那份悲痛与压抑的强烈情感,令人不禁竖起一层鸡皮疙瘩。 At this moment, the sound superior facial expression as if became role playing extending of emotion, an indescribable heaviness. 这一刻,声优的面部表情仿佛成了所扮演角色的情感的延伸,给人一种难以言喻的沉重。 Reiterated, the sound superior is a role soul. 再次重申,声优是一个角色的灵魂。 Especially regarding Japanese-style Galgame, the sound can give the role emotion superiorly the sound, can fill the handpainted original natural defect perfectly. 特别是对于日式Galgame来说,声优所能赋予角色情感的声音,能够完美地填补手绘原画的天然缺陷。 Comes under the influence of superior performing skill blasting open, the girls somewhat change countenance, on the face appears some sentimental mournful expressions. 受到声优演技炸裂的影响,女孩子们都有些动容,脸上浮现出些许多愁善感的哀容。 Be that as it may, but the eruption on site this type of lacking upholstery also unavoidably somewhat is actually towering and awkward. 话虽如此,但这种缺乏铺垫的临场爆发其实也免不了有些突兀与尴尬。 However so long as the emotion and expressive force achieved well. 不过只要情感和表现力达到了就好。 The Katou Yusuke hear the sound superior trial sound, nodded satisfied, remembered the name of opposite party, hinted the sound prison to finish. 加藤悠介听完声优的试音,满意地点头,记住了对方的名字,示意音监可以结束了。 Saw the sound of magnificent scene to supervise presses down the talking key calm, that side the sound to recording room said superiorly was laborious. 见惯了大场面的音监淡定地按下通话键,对录音室那边的声优说了一句辛苦了。 Has not returned to normal completely the mood sound superior deep breath one breath, bows toward the control room, the voice expressed gratitude hoarsely, however retroceded. 还未完全平复下来情绪的声优深呼吸一口气,朝控制室鞠了一躬,嗓音沙哑地表示感谢,然后退了出去。 Katou Yusuke drank bringing Oolong tea, when the hand puts down, the little finger of right hand suddenly is held. 加藤悠介喝了一口带来的乌龙茶,把手放下时,右手的小指忽然被人抓住。 Looks askance to look. 侧目看去。 Eriri is lowering the head to wipe tears, places the left hand under table to hold his hand secretly, like seeking the dependence. 英梨梨正低头抹着眼泪,放在桌下的左手则是偷偷拉着他的手,像在寻求依靠。 Katou Yusuke hesitant, tacitly consented to this behavior. 加藤悠介犹豫一下,默许了这一行为。 Finally after to the sound of male lord dubbing superiorly tries the sound to finish, the opposite party has not let loose him. 结果直到所有给男主配音的声优都试音完毕后,对方也没有放开他。 The position that because Eriri sits is innermost, in addition also has the blocking of tea table, pours also no one to notice her petty action. 由于英梨梨所坐的位置是最里侧,再加上又有茶几的遮挡,倒也无人注意到她的小动作。 Then, the link arrives at the female Lord dubbing part. 就这样,环节来到女主的配音部分。 As passing through the role of entire chapter story line, " ancient Hezhu " placed not responsibly first. 作为贯穿整篇故事线的角色,「古河渚」当仁不让地排在第一。 Bright eye performance because of male voice superior that side, Katou Yusuke to some female voice superior here also anticipations. 因为男声优那边的亮眼表现,加藤悠介对女声优这里也有些期待。 What a pity, the sound of first dubbing asked him to be greatly disappointed superiorly. 可惜,第一个配音的声优却叫他大失所望。 The opposite party seem like rigid in making a profound impression, when tries the sound has to plant to make an effort the fierce feeling, completely lost small piece of land surrounded by water's moe the feeling naturally. 对方似乎是执着于给人留下深刻的印象,试音时有种用力过猛的感觉,完全失去了渚本身的天然萌感。 Incessantly is she, the following two people are also the same situations, as if did not consider from the start over the proportionality of sound and role, wants constantly. 不止是她,接下来的两人也是相同的情况,似乎压根就不考虑声音与角色的相称性,就是一味想要出头。 Considering the abnormal competition of sound superior this industry, psychology of this wish gambling but actually also indisputable. 考虑到声优这个行业的畸形竞争,这种想要博弈的心理倒也无可厚非。 Katou Yusuke does not plan to do to butt, but will not accept. 加藤悠介不打算多做置喙,可也不会接受。 Then is next. 接着是下一位。 Compares the front three people, she does not have that finishing in a hast psychology actually, the sound also has own characteristics, but did not meet the requirement of Katou Yusuke. 相比起前面三人,她倒是没有那种急于求成的心理,声音也有自己的特色,但是仍不符合加藤悠介的要求。 He listens unemotionally, feels somewhat agitated. 他面无表情地听完,不由感到有些烦躁。 Perhaps is " ancient Hezhu " this role character is quite ordinary, making the sound superior be somewhat hard to display the role the highlight...... 也许是「古河渚」这个角色的性格比较普通,使得声优们有些难以表现出角色的亮点…… However- 但是- Katou Yusuke arrived here today is for satisfied, naturally cannot easily choose on, especially on this first female Lord body on. 加藤悠介今天来到这里是为了称心如意的,自然不会轻易选择将就,尤其还是在这个第一女主的身上将就。 Therefore the fourth sound superior performance is even if still permissible, he was hitting a fork at heart. 所以哪怕第四个声优的表现尚可,他还是在心里打了个叉。 Perhaps is feels his irritation, Eriri forces in his palm the entire only hand, getting hold of gently comfort. 或许是感受到他的烦躁,英梨梨把整只手都塞进他手心,安慰似的轻轻握紧。 That slightly cool soft touch was very comfortable, making the brow that Katou Yusuke tightened stretch a point slightly. 那微凉柔软的触感十分舒服,让加藤悠介紧锁的眉头稍稍舒展了一点。 Then is in such a case, another reputation entered the recording room superiorly. 便是在这样的情况下,又一名声优进入了录音室。 I am Enterprise Mai Nakahara, please advise.” “我是Enterprise的中原麻衣,请多指教。” After introduced oneself, the master immediately started to read the lines. 自我介绍过后,主人马上开始念台词。 „...... Red bean bread!” “……红豆面包!” Brings a weak air/Qi and anxious twittering the song, passed from the loudspeaker. 带着点弱气与不安的呢喃细语,从扩音器中传了过来。 Katou Yusuke eye suddenly one bright, sits the body slightly. 加藤悠介眼睛突然一亮,稍稍坐正身体。 The so-called expert acts, knows. 所谓行家一出手,就知有没有。 Only is the simple lines, ancient Hezhu that type comes out for the mood that oneself inflated disturbedly. 仅是简单一个台词,古河渚那种忐忑为自己打气的情绪就出来了。 Then is next. 接着是下一句。 I am also very useless, but...... the two person together words, can be strong.” “我也很没用,但是……两个人一起的话,就能坚强起来。” This light thin voice that is warm cures, contains, if has loving dearly and sad that resembles not to have, sends out the feeling of Yamato nadeshiko. 这次是温馨又治愈的轻细嗓音,其中还蕴含着若有似无的心疼与难过,散发出大和抚子的感觉。 The Katou Yusuke look is getting more and more bright, looks that the sound makes the fermentation superiorly slightly, read the next lines. 加藤悠介的眼神越来越亮,看着声优稍作酝酿,念出下一句台词。 Regardless of will come across anything from now on, please do not regret that met with me.” “无论今后遇到什么事情,请不要后悔与我相遇。” The sound superior voice becomes temperate, marvelously is not light. A wife facing husband's gentle urging and pray, and is doping slightly feebly. 声优的嗓音变得温和,却奇妙地不平淡。有一种妻子面对丈夫的温柔叮嘱与祈盼,并掺杂着些微病弱。 This foundation of basic skills is very deep. 这份功底真的很深厚。 The Katou Yusuke direct decision makes the decision, was OK, ancient Hezhu the sound superiorly was she.” 加藤悠介直接拍板做出决定,“可以了,古河渚的声优就是她了。” The sound supervised nods with a smile, asking the person to arrange. 音监笑着点点头,叫人去安排了。 After that tries the sound to continue. 那之后,试音继续。 Fujihata sisters, 藤林姐妹, Sakaue wisdom generation, 坂上智代, he/she blowing, 伊吹风子, Miyazawa has Ji Ning, 宫泽有纪宁, Ichinose zither | Jean beautiful, 一之濑琴美, ...... …… Finally, basically all principal roles found the right candidate. 最后,基本上所有的主要角色都找到了合适的人选。 Although in this period also some twists and turns, but the sound superior overall performance are good. 虽然期间也有一些波折,但声优们总体表现还是不错的。 Pronunciation accurate is also good, can be also good according to the instruction rapid change voice, or the playing skill and emotional expression are also good, manifested the good specialization. 不论是发音的精准度也好,还是能按照指示迅速改变声线也好,又或是表演技巧和情感表达也好,都体现出了不俗的专业性。 Katou Yusuke is very satisfied. 加藤悠介还是挺满意的。 The «Clannad» trial sound starting from 10 : 00 am, has continued 8 : 00 pm. 《Clannad》的试音会从上午10点开始,一直持续到晚上8点。 Does not calculate regardless two hours of midday rest, including the entire eight hours to work. 抛开午休的两小时不算,其中有整整八个小时都在工作。 Even so, the candidate who they also just decide the principal role, the trial sounds of these supporting roles has to postpone tomorrow. 即便这样,他们也才将将敲定好主要角色的人选,那些配角的试音则不得不延后到明天。 After trying the sound to end, Katou Yusuke they here staff have greeted with " Cube " , then left the recording room. 试音结束后,加藤悠介他们跟「Cube」这边的工作人员打过招呼,便离开了录音室。 Such a day does, everyone somewhat is exhausted. 这么一天搞下来,大家都有些疲惫。 At the selection meeting the laborious person is the sound is incessantly superior, the listened person is not also relaxed. 选拔会上辛苦的人不止是声优,听的人同样也不轻松。 Must believe hundred people to repeat lines in one day, in this period must make the judgment and selection, is really a consumption mental effort matter. 要在一天之内听上百人重复一句台词,期间还得做出判断与甄选,着实是一件耗费心力的事情。 Only can say that both sides have various difficulties respectively. 只能说双方各有各的难处。 Returns to the subject. 回到正题。 Katou Yusuke blocks the next several taxis in the roadside, making everyone sit respectively. 加藤悠介在路边拦下几辆计程车,让大家分别坐了上去。 Finally when is one's turn Eriri, the young girl sudden fall in the blues spoke such a few words. 最后轮到英梨梨时,少女突然情绪低落地说了这样一句话。 Yusuke, we in doing...... unexpectedly is such good game......?” 悠介,我们在做的……竟然是这么棒的游戏吗……?” „...... Do you find it very hard to believe?” “……你觉得很不可思议吗?” „......, A little. The sound superior performances are good to go all out, felt that the role must live probably.” “……嗯,有一点。声优们的表演都好卖力,感觉角色好像要活过来了。” Katou Yusuke nods, „. When behind adds on the music and BGM, our games will also become well.” 加藤悠介点点头,“是啊。等到后面再加上音乐和bgm,我们的游戏还会变得更好的。” Eriri silent a while, somewhat rebukes oneself to be on the rise probably, expressed: „...... In brief, I will also try hard not to give everyone to hold back.” 英梨梨沉默一会儿,像是有些自责地抬起头,表示道:“……总之,我也会努力不给大家拖后腿的。” A words saying ended, she put out a hand to block the next taxi, the son drilled speedily. 话一说完,她就伸手拦下一辆计程车,一溜烟儿钻了上去。 Katou Yusuke stares. 加藤悠介不禁一愣。 However the opposite party as if not want to wait for him to respond, said after him hastily bye-bye then leaves directly. 然而对方似乎并不想等他回应,匆匆对他说了一句拜拜后便直接离开。 ...... ……
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