Chapter 483MonkeyBoy
第483章MonkeyBoyWhensmalldisturbance in the past, the newstripfragrancealsoasked.
待小小的风波过去以后,新条香又问了起来。„On the other hand, Schoolmatesecureart/skill. Justinferencewas very interesting~what have youtaken the thinginhandare?”
“话说回来,安艺同学。刚刚的推理很有趣呢~不过你一直拿在手里的东西是什么?”„?...... This?”
“呃?哦……这个啊?”secureskillalsoliftsin the handto be coiled the paper of paper drum, grabscorner„”oneto shake offto the peoplehim, andknockedknockingwith the knuckle of anotherhand above.
安艺伦也抬起手中被卷成纸筒的纸张,将其抓着边角“唰”地一下对众人抖开,并用另一只手的指节在上面敲了敲。„Althoughtoprovide against contingencies.”
“虽然只是为了以防万一而已。”Hesaidinspired: „TopreventKatouhedid not acknowledge, me the interviewbulletins of variousmagazinestothatredbanvermilionsound, photocopiedcompletely!”
他振奋地说:“不过为了防止加藤他不承认,我这边把各家杂志对那个红坂朱音的采访简报,也全部复印下来了!”„Hey, worthilyisSchoolmatesecureart/skill, reallyyouare very fierce, unexpectedlycancollectso manymaterialsin less than one day, had a new looktoyou?”
“嘿诶,不愧是安艺同学,果然你很厉害呀,居然能在不到一天的时间里收集到这么多资料,对你改观了哦?”„Oh,......, is good.”
“噢、哦……嘛,也还行吧。”secureskillalsorubbed the nose, somewhatsaidembarrassedly: „ActuallyIcollectthem, those whoprovide the materialisinundates the researchsocietiesandYoshihikothesefellows.”
安艺伦也揉了揉鼻子,有些难为情地解释说:“其实我只是把它们收集起来而已,提供资料的是漫研社和喜彦那些家伙。”SawEriri that herespondedheld the both arms, sarcastic commentssatirizedone: „, Whatin that side is youembarrassed? Reallyuncomfortable.”
见到他反应的英梨梨不由抱起双臂,冷言冷语地讽刺一句:“啧,伱在那边难为情什么啊?真叫人不爽。”„Who, whowas embarrassed, moreoverwantedyouto manage!?”
“谁、谁难为情了啊,而且要你管!?”„Snort. Ibeing disinclinedmanage, butfeelsis an eyesorevery much, words saying that youcan'tdisappearquickly?”
“哼。我才懒得管,只是觉得很碍眼,话说你不能赶快消失吗?”„Howto sayagainthisalsowent too far!? Hereis the student association!”
“再怎么说这也太过分了吧!?这里是学生会吧!”„Aha~, thereforetherefore?” The newstripfragrancethoughtprobablytheyquarrelledsmiling of veryinterestingas, laterthenasked:
“啊哈哈~所以呢所以呢?”新条香像是觉得他们吵架很有趣似的笑着,随后接着问道:„Whatinterestingplaceinthatbulletinhas? Canshow that the association presidentisthatcartoonist?”
“那份简报上有什么有趣的地方吗?能证明会长就是那个漫画家吗?”„- Has!”
“-有的!”secureskillalsosaid with certainty: „Ihave labelled the importantcontent, insideis hiding the decisiveevidence! Mythisanalyzestoyoulistens!”
安艺伦也言之凿凿道:“我已经把重要的内容都标注出来了,里面就藏着决定性的证据!我这就分析给你们听!”As ifmakesspeech, hisvisionpassed over gently and swiftlyfrom the peoplefaceon the sceneone by one, coughsgravelytwo, clears throat, startsto tell.
" Q: Redbanyoung lady, canaskyouto tell that you do purchase " Power sawPerson » process? "
" A: Also, was roughly the lianasets up the teacherto findmenothing more to be saidon own initiative, wanted( besidescartoon) to sell tome the copyright of work, Ialsofeltgood, thereforebought. "
" Q: Whatinterestingmatterandhas? How do yourboth sidesreach the agreement? "
" A: The amusing thing that the interestingmatter, some are also worthwhiling away the timeactually, words saying that herecansmoke?( Horizontal linecrosses out) "
" Q: Youdo as you please, butwe may erasethese words( to smile) in the later period. "
" A: Thanks, Ifromstartedto be about to go crazya moment ago( horizontal linecrosses out). Then, wherecanmention? "
" Q: According toyourwishis good, wewill reorganizelater. "
" A: Iset up the teachermostto startwiththatlianato knowonsummerCM. Be that as it may, butIactuallybeforewas earlieronlinesawhiswork, noticedhimfromthat time. "
" Q: Originally does the lianaset up the teacheris not the rookiecartoonist? Did the conveniencedisclosehisbeforehandworkname? "
" A: Withoutthisnecessity, that timehe was also onlyspatialbrightfrog in a well, the earlyworkfloatedin the surfacecompletely, drew the meritandinthatspiritual energya littlemeaning. "
" Q: The goodsevereappraisal, pleasecontinue. "
" A: At first under Iwantto receivehim, developshispotentialwell, resultthatbastard( applyblack) teacherhas the individualityvery much, rejectedmyinvitation. "
" Q: So that's how it is, afterward? "
" A: Iam thinking the ignoreshisfreegrowthis also goodsome time, finallyhisafterwardideawas very interesting, the courageis runningto propose that unexpectedlygreatlymustworkwithme. "
" Q: Whatcooperationis? "
" A: Thismatterfizzled outtemporarily, thereforedid not needto raise, because afterwardhedeceivedmyreason, Igavehim a lesson. "
" Q: Does the lessonrefer to? "
" A: It‘s nothing, was conducted struggle of the intenseargumentto the issuesimply speaking, profoundlyexchanged, laterreached the agreement. "
" Q: Whatconsensusis? Did yousuccessfullygathertothatteacher? "
" A: No, Igive the source of income that hisseafished, ahahahahahaha! Istillremember that nowthat timefeeling, was too crisp, Jane/simpleshiversto the soulfrankly! "
" Q: Redbanyoung lady......? "
" A: After that hecreated«Power sawPerson». "
" Q: Unexpectedlyandunexpectedlyissuch-!? "
" A: Good, before thatperson, issuchsluggish, ifno onesqueezeshis, real thing, calledpeople the fireto be big! "
" Q:, Worthilyis notredbanyoung lady, hasyourstylevery much. In order tolet the lianasets up the teacherto create the outstandingwork, youalsoreached the limitwith every effort. "
" A: Limit? AlthoughIam truly gladto see«Power sawPerson»thisuniqueworkbirth, butdo not make a mistake a matter. "
" Q: Does making a mistake that yousaidrefer to? "
" A: Inmydictionarydoes not havelimitword, ifcannotbreakownlimitto advance tohigherone, might as welldies!
「A:我的字典里不存在极限这个词,如果不能打破自身的极限迈向更高一层,还不如去死!IfIone day unable to create the interestingthing, thenIwill find a peacefulplaceto expose the corpsestreetwithout hesitation. "
" Q: Will put to troubletopeople, pleasemustdo not dothatmatter! Iformywrongword usageapology, reallyamunusualsorry( bows)! "
" A: Sets up the teacheras forthatliana, the situation of thingalsoless thanlimitheshows.
「A:至于那位藤本树老师,他展现出来的东西也远不到极限的地步。Ifheis willingdiligent, thisindustry is not boring, thereforeIwill givehim the smallpower. "
" Q: The power that yousaid...... refers to the details of thistransaction, as well as are some information of thatteacherpublic? "
" A: Hehe, althoughthis is also somereasons, butpartiallyisbecause before him, relations that does not know good from bad. "
" Q: Thisis the lastissue. Ifwithspecializedvision, howyoudo appraise the lianato set up the teacher? "
" A: Onlyby«Power sawPerson»thiswork, heis a veryfreecreator.
「A:单以《电锯人》这一作品来说,他是一个非常自由的创作者。In my opinion, heisonecanrichlymonster, so long ashehas a mind, wantsto surpassme, is not difficult. "
The interviewconcludeshere, followingsecureYilunhas not readagain.
采访在这里收尾,后面的安艺伦也没再念下去。„...... Thus and such and such, basicallywasthis.”Heimplored the one breath, the facial expressionwas happy.
“……如此这般,基本就是这样了。”他吁出一口气,神情非常舒畅。Whendoes not knowfrom, in the roombecomesverypeaceful, everyone is listening to the interviewcontent on bulletinearnestly, hasobtainedrespectively.
The newstripfragranceis thinking deeply aboutasking: „Althoughyousaidso manythatredbanvermilionsoundthings, whatrelationsbut do thesealsohehavewith the association president?”
“当然有-!”secureskillalsoaffirmsto saycategorically,thenputs out the cell phone, sinceowntribestandard, a picturedemonstrated that gives the peopleon the scene.
„ That, thiswasKatouhad once drawnat first, andby " work that RomanTeacher " thisstatusmade a debut- «LoveMetronome»insandbygoodtwocreated the chart!
“那么,这是加藤最初曾画过的,并以「埃罗芒阿老师」这个身份出道的作品-《恋爱节拍器》里的沙由佳的二创图!Perhapsyoupossiblydo not remember that butthisworkinonlineactually was quite at that time serious!
也许你们可能不记得了,不过这部作品当时在网上其实相当不得了!As long asretrieves " LoveMetronome » resultin the network, ranked the firstpublishedthiswork " egoisticlily " official site.
但凡在网络上检索《恋爱节拍器》的结果,排在第一位的就是发表了这一作品的「egoisticlily」官网。Raiseswhile convenient, the promotedtribestandard that Iwriteranks the second , thirdis the official site of not deadSichuan. ”
顺带一提,我所写的推广部落格排在第二位,第三位才是不死川的官网。”„Was shorttooneselftooted one's own horn, continuedto explaina bit faster!”Saw that histopic the drift off, Eriri will then soon make noiseto remindoneimmodestly.
“少给自己脸上贴金了,快点继续说明!”眼瞅他话题即将跑偏,英梨梨便不客气地出声提醒一句。Shealso the first time isheardthismatter, andunderstandsunclearlythatisKatou YusukeandUtahahas the turning point of relationsurely, cannot beara littlecares.
她自己也是第一次听到这件事,并隐然明白了那必定是加藤悠介和诗羽产生联系的契机,忍不住有点在意。„Youmaynot be really impolite.”secureskillis also grumblinglow voice, butspoke the words.
„...... Redbanyoung ladyhad saidareknowsonsummerCMhis, butpays attention tohimbefore that.
“……红坂小姐说过自己是在夏CM上认识他的,但又是在那之前关注到他的。ButKatou'shisactivitytimejusttallieswiththesetwopoints, thereforehewas the possibility that lianaset up the teacher was also manyseveralpoints! ”
而加藤他的活动时间又刚好与这两点相符,因此他就是那个藤本树老师的可能性又多了几分!”„Naturally, ifthis was unable to convinceyou, I have a decisiveevidence!”
“当然,如果这样还不能说服你们的话,我还有一个决定性的证据!”Probablydoes not let offanytraces, headdedagain:
„ AlthoughUtaha-senpaipossiblydoes not know, butyoustillremember that extracurricularteachinglastday, oncedid appearin that redrace car of service area?
“虽然诗羽学姐可能不知道,不过你们还记得校外教学最后一天,曾经出现在服务区的那辆红色跑车吗?It is said the redbanyoung lady'sprivate car, is a Porsche of Shinakawalicense911! ”
据说红坂小姐的座驾,就是一辆品川牌照的保时捷911!”secureskillalsohappilyhehesmiledtwo, makesto announceawe-inspiring.
安艺伦也得意地嘿嘿笑了两声,正气凛然地做出宣告。„Facingso manyaccidental, was unable to describewith the coincidence. Thereforeacknowledged! Katou! Acknowledged that youarethatmysterioustalentcartoonist- lianasets up the teacher!”
“面对这么多的偶然,已经无法用巧合来形容了。所以承认吧!加藤!承认你就是那个神秘的天才漫画家-藤本树老师!”Loud and clearvoiceinindoorecho.
“……”Katou Yusukeis silent, the jet blackpupilpresentsshortabsent-minded, seemed towedis standinginthenscene.加藤悠介沉默不语,漆黑的瞳孔出现短暂的恍惚,仿佛又被牵引着站在当时的情景之中。Hebreathedshortseveral, has stucktightlyin the settling of chestdeep placeis ready to make troubleis wantingto upwell, actuallybyhispressedwith no trace.
他短促地呼吸了几下,一直紧黏在胸口深处的沉淀物蠢蠢欲动着想要上涌,却被他不着痕迹地压了下去。Fordoes not make one seeanything, hisslightlylowfacemakes the pondershape, startsto thinkto haveothermatter.
为了不让人看出什么,他略微低下脸做沉思状,开始思索起别的事情。Thereforethenthought ofredbanvermilionsound.
于是便想到了红坂朱音。Whyregardingmustdisclose that statusincident, hehas made the simpleexchangewhen the morningwith the opposite partythrough the mail.
The answer that the opposite partygiveis as follows:
【 How? Somecourage want a lion's sharetome, nowhasn't actually planted the acknowledgment?
【怎么?有胆子对我狮子大开口,现在却没种承认了?Littlehaddaydream, sinceold ladymoneyhas spent, mustproducecorrespondingattention and results.
少做白日梦了,既然老娘这钱已经花了,就要产生相应的关注度和效果。In brief, yourstandKamibutaiperformance, tries to pleasemewellheartily~ 】
总而言之,你就好好站上舞台表演,尽情地取悦我吧~】Whenheis thinkingtheseissues......
正当他想着这些问题时……„, Pleasehave tea.”
“给,请用茶。”Onebottle of Oolong teawere placedhisfront.
一瓶乌龙茶就被放在了他的面前。Katou Yusukewon't look upvoluntarily, happen to onbenefitline of sight.加藤悠介不自觉抬起头,正好对上惠的视线。
The look of young girlalsohas the inquisitiongentleunclearly, is taking a look athimsteadily, probablyis worryinganything.
少女的眼神平和又隐然带着探究,正目不转睛地打量着他,像是在顾虑着什么。Katou Yusukecannot help butstares, thenimmediatelyawakens.加藤悠介不由得为之一愣,接着立刻醒悟过来。
The opposite partyshouldthink ofconflictas well ashisthenunusualityof that day.
对方应该是想到了那天的冲突以及他当时的异常。Hemoves the lip, deliberatelyreturnsby a smileexpressedoneselfunobstructive, andsaidthanks, immediatelytakes up the Oolong teato prepareto drink.
他动了动唇,刻意回以一个微笑表示自己无碍,并道了一声谢谢,随即就拿起乌龙茶准备喝。Justtwist-off closure, evenhas not drunkonewith enough time......
A handextendedfromside, andhas the attitude of a littlerenouncing, seized the Oolong tea in hishand.
一只手就从旁边伸了出来,并带着那么一点决绝的态度,一把夺走了他手中的乌龙茶。Gurgleandgurgle, shouted......
咕嘟、咕嘟、呼……„......, Tasty. Ok, gives back toyou~”
“……嗯,好喝。好了,还给你~”Utahais cleaning the lipwith the knuckle, was printed with the Oolong tea of hickeyto hand over the bottle mouth.诗羽一面用指节擦拭着嘴唇,一面把瓶口印有唇印的乌龙茶递了回来。„Excuse me, Ijust was a little also thirsty, onlydrinks, should Yu-channot mind?”
“不好意思,我也刚好有点口渴了,只喝一点,悠酱应该不会介意吧?”Sheis sayingby the quitedelightfultone, the visionactuallydoes not visithim, butfellonanotherperson of body.
The Katou Yusukeeyelidjumpsslightly, un, were not in a low voice manyexpressed.加藤悠介眼皮微微一跳,低声嗯了一声,不多表示。Hecould not beartoward the deskopposite oflooks at the past, is staring at the PET in hishandonyour kind present, oris saying the bottle mouth, subsequentlyis tilting the headasks:
他忍不住朝办公桌对面看过去,就见惠正盯着他手里的宝特瓶,或着说瓶口,继而歪着头问道:„Wantsmeto giveyouto takeonebottleseriously?”
“要我给你重拿一瓶吗?”Shouldsay that is the characteris different? Was saying the benefitalsodoes not look atUtaha, butstares athimnot to putstraightly.
该说是性格不同吗?这么说着的惠同样不看诗羽,只是笔直地盯着他不放。Katou Yusukedoes not have the originto be somewhat anxious, is planningto sayanything, howeversomepeopleactuallyfirstplaceopened the mouth.加藤悠介没由来有些紧张,正打算说些什么,然而有人却先一步地开口了。„Don't youdrink?”
“你不喝吗?”Utahafocusesinhisface, in the wine redpupilsends outonetypenot the powerfulemotion that allowsto reject.
身边的诗羽将视线聚焦在他脸上,酒红色的眸子里散发出一种不容拒绝的强烈情感。„Oh, that......”
“噢,那……”Heholds up the PETslowly, deliversto the mouth.
紧接着-„Do youwantto drink?”
“…………”Probablyretaliatesto be the same, oppositebenefitalsofollowedto askone.
像是回敬一样的,对面的惠也跟着问了一句。Although the pitch-blackeyepupilis tranquil, buteasilyhas not as if let offhisplan.
乌黑的眼眸虽然宁静,但似乎也没有轻易放过他的打算。Katou Yusukeis felt a unease sitting or standingbytwo peopleare gazing , the PET in handtakes updoes not put downis not.
被两人注视着的加藤悠介感到一阵坐立难安,手中的宝特瓶拿起也不是放下也不是。Whichprobablyregardless ofelectsone side, will makeanother sideunhappy.
The atmospherebecomesdeeply worried.
气氛不由变得焦灼。At this moment-
The livelyapplauseresounds, not onlybroke the deadlock, attracted the past the attention of people.
轻快的掌声响起,不仅打破了现场的僵局,也将人们的注意力吸引了过去。„Really is very fierceinference~Schoolmatesecureart/skill.”
The newstripfragranceis applaudingagain and again, as if no to thinkto the surroundingchange.
新条香连连鼓着掌,仿佛对周围的变化一无所觉。„Congratulatingyouresponded~ the association presidenthewasthatcartoonauthor.”
“恭喜你答对了哦~会长他就是那个漫画作者。”„Good! Isaid that slow-!”
“好耶!我就说…………慢着-—!”Originallywill make a fistsecureYilun of congratulationsalsoto detectsuddenlyexceptionally, lookedtowardherfiercely.
本来正要握拳庆贺的安艺伦也突然察觉到异常,猛地朝她看了过去。„It is not rightis not right-!?”
“不对吧不对吧-!?”„Whereisn't right?”
“哪里不对吗?”„Shouldn't youbethisresponse?? Alsowhy the person of making knowntruthcanbeyou!?”
“你不该是这种反应吧??再说为什么揭晓谜底的人会是你啊!?”„It is not good, Iwas unable to continue watching, was simply stupid......!”
“不行了,我看不下去了,简直蠢死了……!”SawEriri that herespondedcould not bearcover the face, probablytrembling of gentlysomewhatdisgracedas.
„ Reallycanrealizethis pointto the presentthanks to youslowly.
“真亏你能迟钝到现在才意识到这一点。Basically, beforeyourcoming instudent association, Yusukehas discussedthismattertous, fool! ”
“-—诶?”secureskillalsostayson the spot, the visionlooksalternatelyto everyone on the scene.
安艺伦也呆愣在原地,目光交替地看向在场的每一个人。Puts downKatou Yusuke that the PETrelaxes, throw to comfort the looktohim the benefit, to seize the chanceto pokeUtaha-senpai of somebodycheeks, to look that secretlyhe like looking atEriri of monkey.
放下宝特瓶松了一口气的加藤悠介、对他投以安慰眼神的惠、趁机偷偷戳着某人脸颊的诗羽学姐、看他就像在看一只猴子的英梨梨。And...... happynewstripfragrancewith a smile.
以及……一脸开心笑着的新条香。At this moment, secureYilunalsosuddenlyfelt.
这一刻,安艺伦也突然觉得。Oneselfas ifreallyturned into a monkey......
( Owes the manuscriptprogress: 6 / 10)
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