TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#484: Settling down

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„- Slow!” “-慢着!” Probably is unable to accept this fact to be the same, secure Yilun also interrogated exasperatedly toward the new strip fragrance: 像是无法接受这一事实一样,安艺伦也忍无可忍地朝着新条香质问道: Since you had long known obviously, why must ask my these specially, is playing tricks on me intentionally??” “既然你明明早就知道了,为什么还要特意问我这些,难道是在故意戏弄我吗??” Well, the words did not say like this?” “咦,话不是这样说的吧?” That why not......” “那为什么不……” His words told only half, the new strip fragrance broke him with a smile. 他的话说到一半,新条香就笑着打断了他。 You want to say that why I don't prevent you?” “你是想说我为什么不阻止你吗?” gu......” “唔咕……” secure skill also scratches with the finger to grab the hair, because was pillaged to feel somewhat ill, but nod affirmed. 安艺伦也搔抓着头发,因为被抢白而感到有些不适,不过还是点点头表示肯定。 Words that must speak ~ this matter is I asks after all your. Schoolmate secure art/skill investigated so many obviously diligently, if audience's response is peaceful, definitely disappointed?” “要说的话~这件事情毕竟是我拜托你的嘛。明明安艺同学都努力调查了那么多,如果观众的反应太平澹,肯定会失望的吧?” „Is that...... such matter?” “那是……这么一回事吗?” Right ~ at least I thought that I have the duty to be responsible for coordinating.” “对呀~至少我觉得自己有义务负责配合。” The new strip fragrance makes a fist to be in harmony with the chest front both hands, continued: 新条香将双手握拳合于胸前,继续说: Moreover I thought sincerely this is a splendid inference, Schoolmate secure art/skill has reliable side accidentally/surprisingly. If not the association president tells us ahead of time, I can surpass ~ ~ ~ surprised.” “而且我真心觉得这是一场精彩的推理喔,安艺同学意外的有可靠的一面。如果不是会长提前告诉我们,我一定会超~~~惊讶的。” Nearby Eriri hears here, could not bear speak thoughtlessly to insert one: 一旁的英梨梨听到这里,忍不住随口插了一句: You also left too look at him high, but this time issue was just the aspect that he excelled. Besides the matter of governing dwelling domain, that is only one useless waste...... empty shell?” “你也别太高看他了,只是这次的问题刚好是他擅长的方面。除了御宅领域的事情以外,那只是一个没有用的废……空壳哦?” Is this?” “是这样吗?” How I will deceive you, therefore do not trust him, will otherwise only fall to finally keeping the disappointed situation.” “我怎么会骗你嘛,所以不要信任他,否则最后只会落到不停失望的地步。” I acknowledged that I am an otaku, but do not say have no immediate concern to oneself! Aren't yourself an otaku? Eriri!” “我承认我是一名御宅族,但你也别讲得那么事不关己!你自己不也是一个御宅族吗?英梨梨!” secure skill is also out of control to rebut with sarcasm, actually trades a Eriri despising look. 安艺伦也禁不住反唇相讥,却换来英梨梨一个鄙视的眼神。 You felt the production configuration governing dwelling with the expense governing dwelling is the same?” “那你觉得生产型御宅和消费型御宅是一样的咯?” „......!” “……!” Just liked is irrigated basin cold water, secure Yilun was also silent immediately. 犹如被浇了一盆冷水似的,安艺伦也顿时闭口不言。 The words that really must haggle over, in the otaku, between both still have the difference even. 真要计较的话,就算是在御宅族里面,两者之间也是有差别的。 Compared to have the production configuration governing dwelling of commercial value, the expense governing dwelling can only be takes its work as the sprouting/moe suckling pig of spiritual food. 相比起具备商业价值的生产型御宅来说,消费型御宅只能算是以其作品为精神食粮的萌豚。 It looks like cypress wood brave principle type of reputation book outside to touch not to mention greatly, between both sides completely not in a magnitude. 更别提像柏木英理这种声名在外的本子大触,双方之间全然不在一个量级。 The opposite party by the creator who the hobby can attract the innumerable fans, but he is the sprouting/moe suckling pig that can only spend, in addition then no other strong point. 对方是凭借爱好就能吸引无数拥趸的创作者,而他不过是一个只会消费的萌豚,除此之外便别无长处。 Although both sides in childhood once were the partners, even the opposite party was one follows all day long in his buttocks following personal servant, had nothing greatly. 虽然双方小时候曾经是伙伴,甚至对方还是一个成天跟在他屁股后面的跟班,根本没什么了不起的。 But now, the opposite party has flung him by far after behind. 但现在,对方早就远远把他甩在身后了。 So many years later, only then he also stays in alone same place, as if besides body on again no growth. 这么多年下来,只有他还独自停留在原地,似乎除了身体以外就再没什么成长了。 Is really unfair. 真不公平。 secure skill also thinks that here calms down quickly, no longer pesters with Eriri, but focused on by her the new strip fragrance. 安艺伦也想到这里倏地冷静下来,也不再跟英梨梨纠缠,而是把焦点转向了她旁边的新条香。 On the other hand, even if you said so many, didn't deceive me essentially?” “话说回来,就算你说那么多,本质上不还是骗了我吗?” „, Doesn't have? I thought that this is white lie ~ “唔,有吗?我觉得这个算是善意的谎言耶~” Moreover this fact was too strange. Thinks carefully, you display very much from the morning have the energy, should you not guess correctly Katou's status??”... “而且这件事实在太奇怪了。仔细想想,你从早上就表现得很有底气,你该不会早就猜到加藤的身份了吧??”… This, should say that I thought at that time a little this possibility, determined truly is a half hour ago matter.” “这个嘛,该说我当时只是觉得有一点这种可能吧,真正确定下来还是半小时前的事情啦。” I said.” secure skill also some not too asked definite: „Are you using me?” “我说。”安艺伦也有些不太确定地问道:“你是在利用我吗?” Well, uses Schoolmate secure art/skill?” The new strip fragrance blinks ignorant, is crooked the head to ask back. “咦,利用安艺同学吗?”新条香懵懂地眨了眨眼睛,歪着脑袋反问。 Why, such does to me has what advantage?” “为什么,那样做对我有什么好处吗?” This, this...... I, do not know......” “这、这个嘛……我也,不知道……” In brief without that matter, Schoolmate secure art/skill was overly suspicious and fearful. Raises while convenient, the association president just also gave me the work of discipline committee member, later please advise ~?” “总之没有那种事哦,安艺同学太疑神疑鬼了。顺带一提,会长刚刚把风纪委员的工作也交给我了,以后请多指教咯~?” secure skill also hears in the word cannot help but eye one bright, even if were still wary, feels stimulated for this reason. 安艺伦也闻言不由得眼中一亮,即使仍然心存疑虑,却还是为此感到一阵亢奋。 According to two people agreements, so long as he can investigate the result, the opposite party in the later personal belongings inspection, will turn a blind eye to him. 按照两人的约定,只要他能调查出结果来,对方就会在以后的个人物品检查中,对他睁一只眼闭一只眼。 Regarding often leads the person who the holding comes to the school like him, this attraction is true big. 对于像他这样常常带藏品来学校的人,这一诱惑力属实不小。 The convenience of this damn right, was really wonderful! 这该死的权利的便利,真是太美妙了! At this time, Eriri opened the mouth suddenly. 这时,英梨梨突然开口了。 Said why the new strip schoolmate must accept the work of discipline committee member, is this work very easy to offend the person?” “说起来,为什么新条同学要接受风纪委员的工作,这种工作很容易得罪人吧?” ~ do I feel but actually fortunately? After all the school spirit of our school is free, does not have too many firm decisions and so on.” “唔~我倒觉得还好吧?毕竟我们学校的校风还算自由,也没有太多硬性规定之类的。” Although is such right, if the school really complete request according to the school regulation, the discipline committee member does need to be responsible for supervising the student?” “虽然是那样没错,不过如果学校真的完全要求按照校规来,风纪委员就要负责监督学生了吧?” Un, I know that the discipline committee member will stand in the students opposite at that time.” “嗯,我知道哦,那时风纪委员就会站在学生们地对立面吧。” After new strip fragrant body, face upwards leans on the sofa, is looking up to the ceiling, said: 新条香身体后仰靠在沙发上,仰望着天花板,如是说: If the school regulation really changed severe, bore the brunt probably received affect is our female students? Including me, really cannot accept the skirt returns to original length.” “如果校规真的变严厉了,大概首当其冲受到影响的就是我们女生了吧?包括我自己在内,实在不能接受把裙子放回到原本的长度耶。” Since the new strip schoolmate knows, why that can also accept?” Eriri some too did not understand that asked. “既然新条同学知道的话,那为什么还要接受?”英梨梨有些不太理解地问道。 Because some people will not give you to do this work. 因为有人不会把这种工作交给你们来做啊。 Therefore ~ ~ can only pray that do not have that matter, or and other were the rookies joining the student association? Right ~ Association president ~ ~?” “所以~~只能祈祷不要发生那种事情,或着等新人加入学生会了吧?对吧~会长~~?” „The words that you do not want can not do.” “你不愿意的话可以不做。” When a Katou Yusuke such saying, some people could not bear anxiously. 加藤悠介这么一说,有人就忍不住急了起来。 „, That not good......!” “啊啊,那可不行……!” With such remarks, everyone looked. 随着此话一出,所有人都是看了过来。 In secure Yilun also heart that autonomous made an indiscreet remark cannot help but one nervous, rushed to recover said: 自治失言的安艺伦也心中不由得一慌,赶忙补救道: cough cough, my meaning is...... the behavior of lazy politics is not good . Moreover the new strip schoolmate also seems very suitable to be the discipline committee member.” 咳咳,我的意思是……懒政的行为是不好的,而且新条同学看起来也很适合当风纪委员。” You there nonsense what?” Eriri asked pertinently: Said what again you understand, this matter only depends on looked can look?” “你在那里胡言乱语什么啊?”英梨梨一针见血地问道:“再说你又懂什么,这种事情是仅凭看就能看出来的吗?” Is ?” “是、是吗?” secure skill line of sight is also wavering, aha the Ha hollow laugh, tries to feign stiffly. 安艺伦也的视线游移着,僵硬地啊哈哈干笑,试图装傻充愣。 Before causing suspects, the new strip fragrance opened the mouth finally. 在引起更多怀疑之前,新条香终于开口了。 Has not related, Sawamura-san, I have the discretion, will not have anything.” “没关系的,泽村同学,我自己有分寸,不会有什么事的。” Sees her to insist, Eriri also no longer said anything. 见她坚持,英梨梨也不再多说什么。 The new strip fragrance looks to secure skill, sees the opposite party relaxes the dangling shoulder slightly, and shows the grateful smile to her.... 新条香看向安艺伦也,就见对方正松了一口气似的微微垂下肩膀,并对她露出感激的笑容。… Such makes her not have the origin to feel funnily, actually has not somewhat displayed on the face. 这样的一幕让她没由来感到有些好笑,却没在脸上表现出来。 To be honest, both sides will not have happening together. 老实说,双方本不会有交集。 This male student from inside to outside is not the type that she is interested , the only interesting place is also " Sawamura Eriri friends from childhood " this status. 这个男生从里到外都不是她感兴趣的类型,唯一有意思的地方也就是「泽村英梨梨的青梅竹马」这一身份。 Other did not have an attraction again. 其他就再没一点吸引力了。 However because of a matter, making the new strip fragrance change the mind. 不过因为一件事,让新条香改变了主意。 That is Katou Yusuke gives her request- subsides the Kasumigaoka study elder sister and Kato Megumi rumor. 那便是加藤悠介交给她的委托-平息霞之丘学姐和加藤惠身上的谣言。 This matter said that was difficult, said simple was not simple. 这件事说难不难,说简单也不简单。 The core issue falls the heat degree of this rumor, making one the matter in excessively this aspect. 核心问题是把这一传言的热度降下去,让人不要过度这方面的事情。 Has the incident that the media covered on this time, led away from this aspect the attention of students temporarily. 恰逢此时发生了媒体采访的一事,将学生们的注意力暂时从这方面上引开了。 The new strip fragrance then took advantage of opportunity the atmospheric conditions just before a rain chaotic a point, therefore had also placed plan under the spotlight secure skill. 新条香便顺势把水搅得混乱了一点,于是才有了把安艺伦也放在聚光灯下的策划。 At present, the effect may be called excellent. 从目前看来,效果堪称极好。 However this is also only temporary, after all a heat degree association/will of matter in the past. 不过这也只是暂时的,毕竟一件事情的热度总会过去。 When people almost feel chatty, some people will mention the triangle love of student association surely. 而当人们差不多对此感到腻歪的时候,就必定会有人重新提起学生会的三角恋。 How must do regarding later......, because the situation has changed, therefore she needs first to determine the meaning of Katou Yusuke. 对于之后要怎么做……因为情况有所变化,所以她需要先确定一下加藤悠介的意思。 According to her original plan, actually constantly creates the new topic, achieves to keep changing people focus the goal. 按照她本来的规划,其实是不断创造出新的话题,来达到不停转移人们焦点的目的。 The especially those gossip to pass on the most ominous person to the student association, she has been collecting the information of these people with no trace. 尤其是那些对学生会八卦传得最凶的人,她已经在不着痕迹地收集那些人的情报了。 Matter that later must handle but actually also simple. 之后要做的事情倒也简单。 That is causes one type to make them have no time to care about other situations. 那便是造成一种让他们无暇去顾及其他的情况。 Probably who dislikes anyone, who felt who has been very disgusting. 像是谁讨厌谁,谁又觉得谁一直很恶心。 Everyone will have only pours out to the small number of people, hides in ashamed, anxious and not good known side. 每个人都会有只对少数人倾诉的,藏在的羞耻、不安与不好被人知晓的一面。 The part that and can use are really many, so long as joins a guidance slightly, then exposed, the influence that it brings enough makes these people unable to take care of oneself. 其中能够利用的部分实在很多,只要稍微加入一点引导,然后将其曝露出来,所带来的影响就足够让那些人自顾不暇了。 Unceasingly through action so forth, scattered people in student association's above attention, and covers with other things. 不断通过诸如此类的行动,分散人们在学生会上面的注意力,并用其他的事情掩盖。 Gradually, so long as after student association here, no longer initiated any new disturbance, matter basically also to return to normal slowly. 久而久之的,只要学生会这边以后不再引发什么新的风波,事情基本也就慢慢平复下来了。 To the new strip fragrance, the Katou Yusuke first arrangement duty gives her, she has the working zeal very much, has been making the plan and plan secretly. 对新条香而言,加藤悠介第一次安排任务给她,她还是很有干劲的,一直都在暗暗做着计划和打算。 According to two people interdependence relations, continually deepens own importance, becomes to the Katou Yusuke helpful person, she confessed that is very necessary matter. 按照两人的依存关系来说,不断加深自身的重要性,成为对加藤悠介有帮助的人,她自认是十分必要的事情。 How is out by the person who she plans as for these, whether pitiful or pitiful, she does not care about these. 至于那些被她算计的人下场如何,是否可怜或者悲惨,她才不在意那些。 How to make Katou Yusuke need her, is her core driving influence. 如何让加藤悠介更需要她,才是她的核心驱动力。 While the new strip fragrance was pondering over secretly these, secure Yilun also had the new movement. 就在新条香暗暗思忖着这些的同时,安艺伦也亦有了新的动作。 „...... On the other hand, does that liana set up the teacher is really you? Katou.” He asked that like conducting the final confirmation. “……可是话说回来,那个藤本树老师真的是你吗?加藤。”他如此问道,像在进行最后的确认。 You have not investigated clearly.” Katou Yusuke said while looks to him, the facial expression is very tranquil. “你不是都已经调查清楚了么。”加藤悠介边说边回望向他,神情十分平静。 „- Unexpectedly is really you!?” secure skill also raises the voice courageous, then quickly pursues asks:... “-竟然真的是你啊!?”安艺伦也勐地拉高嗓门,接着又急忙追问道:… That, that you really like in the news said that gained 100 million Yuan......?” “那、那么,你真的像新闻上说的一样,赚了一亿元吗……?” The inexplicable intense feeling wells up, making him gu swallow saliva unrestrainedly. 莫名的紧张感涌上来,让他情不自禁地“咕都”咽了一口口水。 Perhaps comes under his influence, others also cannot help but stopped the movement on hand, that form after toward desk looked. 也许是受到他的影响,其他人也是不由自主地停下了手上的动作,朝办公桌后的那道身影望了过去。 " Heisei age highest copyright transaction. " 「平成年代最高的版权交易。」 Associates to news media's appraisal to this matter, hangs up the equal sign with the companion of being constantly together it again...... 联想到新闻媒体对这件事情的评价,再将其与朝夕相处的同伴挂上等号…… Always thought that...... originally familiar that person, probably suddenly became as deep as a well. 总觉得……原本熟悉的那个人,好像突然就变得高深莫测了起来。 Room 1 time-variable completely silently, as if the trim space is raising up the ear to listen respectfully, for fear that omission following every single word or phrase. 房间一时变得鸦雀无声,彷佛整片空间都在竖起耳朵聆听,生怕遗漏接下来的一字一句。 Those present are silent, together waiting. 在场的人静默无言,一同等待着。 Although thought that the news will not have the false probably, but is unable to guarantee can have the ingredient that exaggerates, is returns to oneself confirmed is more real. 虽然觉得新闻大概不会有假,但也无法保证其中会不会存在夸大其词的成分,是以还是向本人确认一下更为真实。 Then under such atmosphere, Katou Yusuke opens the mouth. 便是在这样的氛围下,加藤悠介开口了。 „...... Does not have so many, that is only joke of media report.” “……倒也没有那么多,那只是媒体报道的噱头而已。” Hears this saying, secure Yilun is also tying tight a body cannot help but loosen, in the heart does not know why relaxes. 听闻这话,安艺伦也紧绷着的身体不由得一松,心中不知为何松了一口气。 What, is disappeared false......” “什么嘛、原来是假消……” „After fact deducts the business tax, in addition even if the minor preferential benefit, I receive still only has 75 million.” “实际上扣除商业税以后,即使加上未成年人优惠等,我收到的也只有7500万而已。” „-! “-—! Plop plop plop! 扑通扑通扑通! secure skill heart also jumps crazily, the words that told only half choke in the throat, was swallowed by him actually. 安艺伦也的心脏一阵狂跳,原本说到一半的话噎在喉咙里,又硬是被他咽了下去。 The next second, he sent out from the call of soul. 下一秒,他发出了发自灵魂的呐喊。 „- Do not talk about this scary matter that with ease! “-别把这种吓死人的事情讲得那么轻松啦! What listens to this bastard to say? 听听这混蛋都说了什么? Also only then? 75 million?? 也只有?7500万?而已? This is the words that the person spoke!?!? 这是人说的话吗!?!? Oh , the opposite party also paid 25 million taxes while convenient. 喔,顺带的,对方还交了2500万的税。 But he hits the innumerable labor even, income of one year of getting down does not have the odd change that the opposite party pays taxes to be many. 而他即使打无数份工,一年下来的收入都没有对方交税的零头多。 The new strip fragrance is blinking fast, child Kongli is glittering the exciting ray, later restrains the dangling view, both hands overlap in the chest. 新条香飞快眨着眼睛,童孔里闪烁着兴奋的光芒,随后又克制地垂下眼帘,双手交迭在胸口。 The innermost feelings of thump thump jumping as if are also telling stimulated. 怦怦直跳的内心彷佛也在诉说着亢奋。 It is not good, this mood was too obvious. 不行,这种心情实在太明显了。 Youngest billionaire ~ 最年轻的亿万富翁耶~ This is the potential stock that she settles on. 这就是她看中的潜力股。 Concludes the contract to them obviously only in one month time...... 明明离他们缔结契约仅才过了一个月的时间而已…… To be honest, she indeed has thought the opposite party will have very good prospect in the future, but that thinks by the conventional aspect. 老实说,她的确有想过对方未来会有很好的前景,不过那都是以常规方面去想的。 At least in her tentative plan, these should be able to realize to the university period again, finally now, that person gives her such big one to shock. 至少在她的设想中,这些再怎么也应该是到大学时期才能实现的,结果现在,那个人就给了她这么大一个震撼。 Such association president, really ultra attractive ~! 这样的会长,实在超有魅力的~! The new strip fragrant body is shivering gently, the corners of the mouth cannot stop turn upwards, only thought that each cell in within the body is very active. 新条香的身体轻轻颤抖着,嘴角止不住地翘起,只觉得体内的每一个细胞都无比活跃。 She is looking around aimless, tries to alleviate Xu, actually happen to and a pair of wine red eye pupil to line of sight. 她漫无目的地四下张望着,试图缓解绪,却正好与一双酒红色的眼眸对上视线。 Is Utaha flickering is staring at her, although what words had not said that but has to plant as if understands clearly all sharp feelings. 诗羽正一瞬不瞬地盯着她,虽然什么话也没说,但却有种彷佛洞悉一切的锐利感。 Has good that a while, in the office of student association unmanned speech. 有好那么一会儿,学生会的办公室内都无人讲话。 The people digest this matter in the heart silently, in the heart have been thinking to think respectively, said for the bystander insufficient. 众人都在心中默默消化着这一事情,心中各有所思所想,不足为外人道也。 Silent, Katou Yusuke said. 沉默之中,加藤悠介说了起来。 In brief , many luck ingredients. Moreover, can you achieve do not propagandize this matter everywhere? secure skill.” “总之,其中也有不少运气的成分。另外,你能做到不到处宣传这件事吗?安艺。” During was selected to secure Yilun of name also falls into the Celestial to battle, then asked puzzled: 被点到名字的安艺伦也不由陷入了天人交战之中,然后不解地问: „...... Why? Should this not be the misdemeanor to Katou? Even if I did not say that...... according to the present situation, felt how long couldn't hide the truth from?” “……为什么?这对加藤来说应该不是什么坏事吧?况且就算我不说……按照现在的情况,感觉也瞒不了多久吧?” Actually such.” “倒不是那样。” Katou Yusuke shakes the head slowly, said: 加藤悠介缓缓摇摇头,解释说: Since has turned into now this appearance, I thought might as well wait till the good time, perhaps can also make it play a role.” “既然已经变成现在这个样子了,我只是觉得不如等到合适的时机,也许还能让它发挥一点作用。” Appropriate...... time?” “合适的……时机?” Un, this is also the matter that I previously prepared to say, because your visit was broken.” “嗯,这也是我先前准备要说的事情,只是因为你的到访被打断了。” Katou Yusuke looks all around one around, the vision has swept from several faces on the scene, latter asked by the tranquil voice: 加藤悠介环顾一圈四周,目光从在场的几人脸上扫过,后以平静的嗓音这么问道: „The matter about former that game business planning, you still remembered?” “关于以前那个游戏企划的事情,你们还记得吗?” „-!” “-!” secure skill body also shakes fiercely! 安艺伦也的身躯剧烈一震! ...... ……
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