TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#433: Ultraman and small monster

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Chapter 433 Ultraman and small monster 第433章奥特曼与小怪兽 After that. 那之后。 Katou Yusuke is unifying the picture good minute/share of mirror manuscript, starts to summarize " Power saw Person » approximate plot. 加藤悠介结合着画好的分镜稿,开始简述起《电锯人》的大致剧情。 Besides hidden went to the final control devil event, he basically all gave red ban vermilion sound to speak the overall vein of work, but the opposite party also heard very dedicated. 除了隐去了最后的支配恶魔事件之外,他基本将作品的整体脉络全都给红坂朱音讲了一下,而对方也听得十分专注。 According to the order of time. 按照时间的顺序。 From to demon special class gun fire, to bomb devil event, again to dark devil event, devil of event that spear/gun even has not drawn, he also raised a mouth simply. 从对魔特异课的枪击事件,到炸弹恶魔事件,再到暗之恶魔事件,甚至连没有画出来的枪之恶魔事件,他也简单地提了一嘴。 Until after speaking that part of devil of spear/gun, Katou Yusuke stopped. 直到讲完枪之恶魔的那部分以后,加藤悠介才停了下来。 „...... In brief is about this, does such plot also suit your appetite?” “……总之大致就是这样,这样的剧情还合你胃口吗?” „......” “……” Red ban vermilion sound is silent, subsequently closes the eyes to start to recall, places the hand on thigh to rap the knee by the index finger slowly, binds the both feet of black silk to be backward curved, presents appearance that a beautiful woman lies slantingly. 红坂朱音沉默着,继而阖上双眼开始回想,放在大腿上的手以食指缓缓敲击着膝盖,裹着黑丝的双脚向后弯,呈现出一副美人斜卧的样子。 The posture that such side sits can highlight the female body curve, appearing the feminine qualities is full. 这样侧坐的姿势很能突显出女性的身体曲线,显得女人味十足。 Long time later, she opened the eye slowly, in the brain already " Power saw Person » plot defers to oneself mentality to simulate. 良久之后,她才徐徐睁开了眼睛,脑中已将《电锯人》的剧情按照自己的思路模拟了一遍。 From Madge Ma, Paoua , arrive in Himeno, all female characters are emitting its unique charm. 从玛奇玛、帕瓦、蕾塞,到姬野等,所有的女性角色都散发着其独一无二的魅力。 Their images vivid, are not mechanical, but also brings a point to depart from the classics and betray principle, but does not make people think repugnant, instead very bright interesting. 她们的形象生动、不刻板,还带着一点离经叛道,但却并不让人觉得讨厌,反而十分的鲜明有趣。 What has to acknowledge, compared with a moment ago, her interest indeed was also many many, and a hope saw interest of these roles performance in animation. 不得不承认的是,比起刚才,她的兴趣的确是又多了不少,并有一种希望看到这些角色在动画里的表现的兴致。 Be that as it may, but in the surface does not reveal actually, but the facial expression nods desolately, returned to one: „...... After the meal dessert, actually also good.” 虽说如此,不过面上倒是不显,只是神情冷淡地点了点头,回了一句:“……以餐后甜点来说,倒是还不错。” Then the matter of work copyright?” Katou Yusuke makes noise the inquiry to say. “那么作品版权的事情?”加藤悠介出声询问道。 Red ban vermilion sound smiles, builds the both feet unrestrained/no trace of politeness on his leg, pulls up the major tone lazily: This, first pinched the foot to say to me again.” 红坂朱音笑了笑,毫不客气地把双脚搭在他腿上,懒洋洋地拉起长音:“这个嘛,先给我捏捏脚再说。” Katou Yusuke swept her one eyes, without movement. 加藤悠介扫了她一眼,没有动作。 Does? Pinches quickly, perhaps my mood good words ~ will consider.” “干什么?快捏,说不定我心情好的话~就会考虑了。” Places the both feet on leg to rub gently, as if urged same tread his two. 放在腿上的双脚轻轻蹭动着,仿佛催促一样的蹬了他两下。 Rustle ~ 沙沙~ The fricative of cotton material sifts the ear ambiguous. 布料的摩擦声暧昧地飘入耳朵。 Katou Yusuke looks at her lightly, the vision in she is full in the facial features that the provocation and ponders to stay for several seconds, then extends a hand to hold her arm, starts to make an effort to oneself. 加藤悠介淡淡地看着她,目光在她充满挑衅与玩味的面容上停留几秒,然后伸出一只手抓住她的胳膊,开始向自己这边用力。 „!” “啊!” In red ban vermilion Yinkou sends out to call out in alarm, the whole person by him drawing from the sofa, and after 2-3 next turned into cross knelt in his posture. 红坂朱音口中发出惊呼,整个人被他从沙发上拉了起来,并在2-3下以后就变成了跨跪在他身上的姿势。 You do-” “你干-” The fiery mouth kissed, had not stopped up she words completely completely, cannot make a sound. 火热的嘴唇吻了上来,将她未尽的话完全堵了回去,发不出一点声音。 The sudden attack made the red ban vermilion sound instinct stretch straight the body, but after that a while, she also the backhand grasped his head, started to invade to return to kiss fully, arrogantly seemed like must suppress him. 突然的来袭令红坂朱音本能地绷直了身体,但过了那么一会儿,她又反手抱住了他的脑袋,开始侵略十足地回吻起来,高傲地像是要把他压制下去。 The sounds and breath of two lip entanglements interwine, gradually fills the air. 两唇纠缠的声音与呼吸交织在一起,逐渐弥漫开来。 The atmosphere in room starts to warm up rapidly. 房间里的气氛开始急速升温。 After a little while, two heads separate slowly. 少顷,两颗脑袋慢慢分开。 Red ban vermilion Yinqing the one breath, was gazing at him from the above, is cold the face to question: Who allowed you to do that?” 红坂朱音轻呵了一口气,就这么从上方注视着他,冷着脸诘问:“谁准许你这么做了?” The moist lip becomes clear bright and beautiful, seems hanging the rose leaf of mist. 湿润的唇瓣变得晶莹亮丽,仿佛挂着水雾的玫瑰花瓣。 Katou Yusuke holds her waist, ten fingers bind tightly following the waist line of one-piece dress. Not strenuous, the middle finger and thumb of both hands to one. 加藤悠介扶着她的腰,十指顺着连衣裙的腰线箍紧。没怎么费力的,双手的中指和大拇指就对在了一起。 Isn't you is provoking anger? Little aunt.” “不是伱自己在拱火吗?小阿姨。” Red ban vermilion sound who hears this name strikes an attitude to pinch his neck, the voice is cold: Called again, you rolled out, the matter of copyright do not think!” 听到这个称呼的红坂朱音作势欲掐他的脖子,嗓音冷冽:“再这么叫,你就滚出去,版权的事情也别想了!” „The person who you cannot get emotional, this point we are well aware, therefore this threat, chatted the proper business even.” “你不是会感情用事的人,这一点我们都心知肚明,所以这种威胁就算了吧,谈谈正事。” „To discuss, first changed the name.” “想谈可以,先把称呼改了。” Katou Yusuke stared at her to look at a while, then crossed the face, to her ear one breath, Gaoban young lady?” 加藤悠介盯着她看了一会儿,然后偏过脸,对着她的耳朵呵了一口气,“高坂小姐?” The strength on neck loosens slowly...... 脖子上的力道慢慢松开…… Or...... alizarin red?” “或者……茜?” The low and deep voice sneaks in the ear slightly, many are somewhat careless. 微微低沉的嗓音钻进耳中,多少有些漫不经心。 Red ban vermilion sound stares quickly, the eye winked two, only thought that by the ear breath was very scorching, but also somewhat itchy. 红坂朱音倏地一愣,眼睛眨动了两下,只觉得耳朵旁的呼吸很是灼人,还有些痒痒的。 How to describe this feelings? 怎么形容这种心情呢? A little goads probably, the feeling of also being suspended in midair. 大概有一点悬梁刺股,又不上不下的感觉吧。 Be that as it may, she has not changed the position, but the tone said stiffly: 虽说如此,她也没有转移阵地,只是语气生硬地说: „...... Was good, discussed the proper business, in brief your price was not good, most gave you 20 million, according to the writer association terms, this is over a time price.” “……好了,谈正事,总之你的价格不行,最多给你两千万,按照文艺家协会规约,这已经是一倍以上的价格了。” Katou Yusuke sneers: Do not play the word game, that you said is the work rights for adaptations, now what we discuss is the IP copyright.” 加藤悠介冷笑一声:“别玩文字游戏,你说的那是作品改编权,我们现在谈的是IP版权。” Red ban vermilion sound who was punctured the thoughts is not angry, but persists in saying: But you now a better choice, this price is not low, otherwise after you can waited for the cartoon to serialize to finish, look for me.” 被戳穿心思的红坂朱音也不气恼,只是坚持道:“但你现在没有更好的选择,这个价格已经不低了,不然你可以等漫画连载结束以后再来找我。” By that time was not this price, moreover does not need to look for you.” “等到那个时候就不是这个价格了,而且也不需要找你了。” „...... You think that a person does invest? Carefully complete wipe-out.” “……你想一个人投资?小心血本无归。” That in the situation of uncertain prospect.” “那只是在不确定前景的情况下。” Short silence. 短暂的沉默。 Red ban vermilion sound slightly is pressed the eyebrow, the vision patrols back and forth on his face inch by inch, might inquire into his self-confident origin, then asked: 红坂朱音微微蹙起眉,目光在他脸上一寸一寸地梭巡,像是要探究他自信的来源,然后问道: If distributes the pamphlet, how many your estimate sales volume to the cartoon has......?” “如果发行单行本的话,你对漫画的预计销量有多少……?” Katou Yusuke pondered a while, returns said: „The shared revenue will not at least compare is low to your offer today.” 加藤悠介沉思了一会儿,回道:“至少分成收入不会比今天给你的报价低。” Also is ten million book?” “也就是千万册?” Perhaps.” “或许。” How does your boy always put on airs?” “你小子怎么总是装腔作势?” You also said that is only the estimate.” “你也说了,只是预计而已。” But you seemingly...... red ban vermilion sound spoke thoughtlessly to mumble sporty, then glanced right and left, the vision fell on the sofa platform finally. “但你看上去底气十足……”红坂朱音随口嘟哝着,然后左顾右盼起来,目光最后落在了沙发旁的台子上。 Goes to bring my smoke.” “去把我的烟拿过来。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looks following her line of sight, is not amenable, instead lifted handles gently pats patted her waist hip, hinted her own to go. 加藤悠介循着她的视线望去,却不顺从,反而抬手轻轻拍了拍她的腰胯,示意她自己去。 Red ban vermilion sound selected the eyebrow, the both arms build lazily on his shoulder, is bossy saying: I do not want to move now, hugs me.” 红坂朱音对此挑了挑眉,双臂懒洋洋地搭在他肩上,颐指气使道:“我现在不想动,把我抱过去。” Heard this saying Yusuke to hesitate the moment, this time has not rejected, then held her to arrive at the sofa to sit down close to the nearby of platform. 听到这话的悠介沉吟了片刻,这次倒并未拒绝,便这么托着她来到沙发靠近台子的边上坐下。 Cannot suffice, hands over to me.” “够不到,给我递过来。” Oneself take, otherwise throws down you.” Katou Yusuke said that and warning pinched her buttocks gently. “自己拿,不然把你丢下去。”加藤悠介如是说,并警告似的轻轻掐了一下她的臀部。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The slightly sore feeling from under raises, red ban vermilion sound stared his one eyes annoyedly, is inclining the body own cigarette and cigarette lighter, and ash-tray, brings completely. 些微酸疼感自下方升起,红坂朱音恼火地瞪了他一眼,然后倾斜着身体将自己的香烟、打火机、以及烟灰缸,全部拿了过来。 Places on the ash-tray the sofa arm rest, then extracts a Big Dipper cigarette from the cigarette case, will filter the mouth to feed between two lips. 将烟灰缸放在沙发扶手上面,然后从烟盒里抽出一支七星香烟,将滤嘴送进两片嘴唇之间。 Ding- 叮- And. 咔嚓、咔嚓。 The dragged flame since the power-driven device raises, lit the cigarette smoothly. 摇曳的火苗自打火机上升起,也顺利点燃了香烟。 Red ban vermilion sound „” closes the cigarette lighter, smoked a cigarette, then puts out the smog leisurely. 红坂朱音“啪”地一声合上打火机,浅浅地吸了一口香烟,接着又悠悠地吐出烟雾。 Another business planning that...... then, you said what's the matter?” “……然后呢,你说的另一个企划又是怎么回事?” The smoke and perfume mix in one, fused a unique flavor, fills the air. 烟味与香水味混合在了一起,融合成一股独特的味道,弥漫开来。 Katou Yusuke tastes: Is one focusing on complaining and selling to sprout/moe also has orchestra story that drinks afternoon tea kind of plot.” 加藤悠介张口道:“算是一个以吐槽、卖萌还有喝下午茶这类剧情为主的乐队故事吧。” Music theme?” “音乐题材的?” Daily theme, the principal role is the girls of five high schools.” “日常题材,主要角色是五名高中的女孩子。” Sounds ordinary, makes no difference from the general charm dwelling, this theme can some you say so sells?” Red ban vermilion sound is half believing and half doubting. “听起来普普通通,和一般的魅宅作没什么区别,这种题材能有你说的那么好卖吗?”红坂朱音将信将疑。 At least imagines compared with you must be much better.” “至少比你想象得要好很多。” Says specifically?” “具体讲讲?” Katou Yusuke nods, starts to tell " Unstressed tone Young girl » business planning. 加藤悠介点点头,开始讲述起《轻音少女》的企划。 ...... …… Compared with «Power saw Person», «Unstressed tone Young girl» is the pure daily theme work, but does not represent has not fluctuated. 比起《电锯人》来说,《轻音少女》就是纯粹的日常题材作品,但也不代表没有起伏。 In process of Yusuke explanation. 悠介讲解的过程中。 Red ban vermilion Yingang started to listen also somewhat thought little, a face to be bored, but was quick, she found clearly from inside. 红坂朱音刚开始听的时候还有些不以为意、一脸无聊,不过很快的,她就从里面找到了亮点。 Probably bright role, excellent character interaction, as well as each orchestra performance. 像是鲜明的角色性格,出色的人物互动,以及每一次的乐队演出。 Many factors put together. 诸多因素加在一起。 Although cannot call the ultra popular work standard in her mind, but also no longer was having nothing worthwhile the work of charm dwelling. 虽说仍称不上她心目中的超热门作品标准,可也不再是乏善可陈的魅宅之作了。 Therefore she considered saying: „...... As if also a little does the meaning, have the concrete character to stand draws?” 于是她思量了一下说:“……似乎也有点意思,有具体的人物立绘吗?” Katou Yusuke did not reply, but asked: This must look at you to have the interest of transaction.” 加藤悠介却不回答,而是问道:“这要看你有没有交易的兴趣。” Red ban vermilion sound closed one's eyes to consider a while, after crossing for several seconds, duplicate/restores opened, said: 50 million, these two works I wanted.” 红坂朱音闭着眼睛考虑了一会儿,过了几秒之后复又睁开,说道:“五千万,这两个作品我要了。” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, originally, now is not good. You have a bad custom, coming the interest the time body temperature to rise, will therefore not be good.” 加藤悠介摇了摇头,“原来可以,现在不行。你这个人有个坏习惯,来兴趣的时候体温会升高一些,所以不行。” hears word. 闻言。 Red ban vermilion Yinxian is startled, then immediately wants to set out from him, actually by unable to move that he presses, cannot help but the short of breath scolded: 红坂朱音先是为之一怔,接着立刻就想要从他身上起身,却被他按的动弹不得,不由得气急骂道: You think that who can detect this point? Young bastard.” “你以为谁都能察觉这一点吗?小混蛋。” The soft tender body is struggling in the bosom, Katou Yusuke is pressing her, while remained unmoved said: 柔软的娇躯在怀里挣扎着,加藤悠介一边按着她,一边不为所动地说: In brief my offer is such. Naturally, the thrown in that business planning actually also has no difficulty, you can also trample me to do.” “总之我的报价就是那样。当然,附赠的那个企划其实也没什么难点,你也可以踹开我自己做。” „......? If I do, you won't hate me?” “……哦?如果我那么做,你不会恨我?” It‘s nothing hates, is only the business dealing, I nothing but wait again for a year and that's the end.” “没什么恨不恨的,只是商业行为而已,我无非再等一年就是了。” „......” “……” Red ban vermilion sound narrows the eye slightly, touched the cigarette case to light cigarette. The grayish white smog to rising, blocked from she Yin clear uncertain facial features. 红坂朱音微微眯起眼睛,摸过烟盒又点了一支烟。灰白的烟雾向上升,遮住了她阴晴不定的面容。 The room is silent. 房间为之沉默。 Katou Yusuke did not urge, but she made the decision peacefully. 加藤悠介对此也不催促,只是安静地等她做出决定。 Has not known after how long, red ban vermilion sound puts out smoke slowly, the cigarette that will burn through pinches out in the ash-tray, then returns said: 不知过了多久以后,红坂朱音才徐徐吐出一口烟,将燃尽的香烟在烟灰缸里掐灭,然后回道: „...... This matter I also need to consider, later told you.” “……这件事我还需要考虑,之后再告诉你。” The language finishes, she restored the usual arrogance and sloppiness. 语毕,她又重新恢复了平时的高傲与散漫。 The Katou Yusuke nod said a good character, puts out a hand to take out the cell phone from the pocket, while patted her leg to make her get down. 加藤悠介点头说了一个好字,一边伸手从口袋里取出手机,一边拍了拍她的腿让她下去。 After turning on the cell phone, on Line unsurprisingly received the message of young girl. 打开手机以后,Line上不出意外地收到了少女的消息。 Utaha-senpai: Me finished, tomorrow will return to Tokyo, what Yu-chan is making?】 诗羽学姐:我这边忙完了,明天就回东京,悠酱在做什么?】 Katou Yusuke: Discussed the work.】 加藤悠介:谈工作。】 Utaha-senpai: Right? I take a bath, am late the relation.】 诗羽学姐:是吗?那我去洗澡,晚点联系。】 Katou Yusuke: Un.】 加藤悠介:嗯。】 Just replied the news...... 才刚刚回复完消息…… „?” “哦?” Red ban vermilion sound then overtakes the cell phone dexterously. 红坂朱音便轻巧地把手机抢了过去。 „The bosom is also hugging a beautiful woman obviously, has not forgotten to flirt with one another with rosy cloud poem, do you have to become the plan of cowherd boy?” “明明怀里还抱着一个美女,还不忘跟霞诗子打情骂俏,你已经有成为牛郎的打算了吗?” Katou Yusuke maintains total silence, lifts the hand to reach the cell phone, attempts its recaption, was actually flashed through by her cleverly. 加藤悠介不发一语,抬手伸向手机,试图将其取回,却被她灵巧地闪过。 Such made him slightly angry, therefore opened the mouth to ask: „Do you do?” 这样的一幕令他有些微恼,于是开口问道:“你干什么?” On the red ban vermilion sound face appears the smile provocatively, regarding this thinks otherwise, and lifts a foot to step on his legs, while presses the center of gravity of body forward, a face said put on a high and mighty act: 红坂朱音脸上浮现出挑衅般的笑容,对此不以为然,并一边抬起一只脚踩在他腿间,一边将身体的重心向前压,一脸趾高气昂地说: It‘s nothing, but thought that was a little hot, gives me to take off the sock.” “没什么,只是觉得有点热了,给我把袜子脱下来吧。” Your such deficient taking care of oneself ability?” “你这么缺乏自理能力?” Do not play the fool, while me just a little interest, takes care of me now well, cell phone also you.” “别装傻了,趁我现在刚好有点兴致,好好服侍我,就把手机还你。” Binds the foot of black silk to open the short sleeve skirt-width sharp badly, stepped in the belly of Yusuke, and ground gently two. 裹着黑丝的足尖恶劣地挑开短袖下摆,踩在了悠介的肚子上,并轻轻碾了两下。 The warm touch silk slides, the perspiration full bottom reduced the friction force slightly, steps on very not comfortably, on the belly bores wood to produce fire probably same starts to give off heat. 温热的触感丝滑,微微出汗的足底减小了摩擦力,将人踩得十分不舒服,肚子上像是钻火一样开始发热。 Katou Yusuke knits the brows, puts out a hand to hold down her foot, while the vision looks at her deeply. 加藤悠介皱了皱眉,一边伸手按住她的脚,一边目光深沉地看着她。 Red ban vermilion sound giggle is smiling, did not speak, but by pondering the vision is urging him. 红坂朱音咯咯笑着,也不说话,只是以玩味的目光催促着他。 Katou Yusuke somewhat narrows the eye uncomfortable, will open the mouth to dispute, the split vision is actually sweeping the rear whole body mirror accidentally, the intention moves unexpectedly, the mentality becomes calm. 加藤悠介有些不爽地眯起眼睛,正要开口辩驳,余光却在无意中扫到了后方的全身镜,蓦地心念一动,心态变得沉稳下来。 Immediately puts out a hand slowly, the finger buckles the sock edge, to not touch the way of opposite party skin as far as possible, takes off pair of silk stockings downward. 随即缓缓伸出手,手指扣进袜子边缘,以尽量不触碰对方皮肤的方式,将一双丝袜往下脱。 The beautiful incomparable rose tattoo blooms on the right side thigh, was covered by the black long skirt in a flash. 妖艳无比的玫瑰纹身在右侧的大腿上绽放,又转瞬被黑色长裙盖住。 The size moderate both legs are flexible, the line of thigh is smooth, the skin color is very fair. 肥瘦适中的双腿具有弹性,腿部的线条流畅,肤色十分白皙。 Lifts the foot.” The Katou Yusuke reminder said. “抬脚。”加藤悠介提醒道。 Red ban vermilion Yinyi said complies, and lifted another foot after taking off on own initiative, facilitated him to serve itself. 红坂朱音依言照做,并在脱下一边后又主动抬起了另一只脚,方便他伺候自己。 Finally, a pair of proportion exquisite both feet exposed in the air, the nail on foot pruned just well, above is putting on the red cuticle cream of mature wind. 最后,一双比例优美的双脚就暴露在了空气中,脚上的指甲修剪得刚刚好,上面涂着成熟风的红色指甲油。 The sock took off completely. 袜子被完全脱了下来。 The glossy black silk is exuding the light white light under shining of light, is somewhat glaring. 油亮款黑丝在灯光的照耀下泛着淡淡的白光,有些晃眼。 Ok.” Katou Yusuke said that the hand also brought the pantyhose of residual heat to give her. “好了。”加藤悠介如是说,将手中还带着余温的裤袜递给她。 Red ban vermilion sound had a yawn with a smile, teased: Does well, this delivered you, was the reward.” 红坂朱音笑着打了一个哈欠,戏谑道:“做得不错,这个就送你了,算是奖励。” Said that then however turns around to move toward the rear whole body mirror leisurely, is reorganizing the correct manners discipline to the mirror, the appearance of being all smiles seems like about his serving is very satisfactory. 说完便施施然地转身走向后方的全身镜,对着镜子整理起了仪容,笑容满面的样子像是对他的伺候十分满意。 Said, you did draw well in " Power saw Person » in character movement, referred to the manikin?” “说起来,你在《电锯人》里的人物动作画得不错,是参考了人体模型吗?” „It is not this.” “也不是这样。” Un? How do you draw??” “嗯?那你是怎么画的??” Katou Yusuke looks at she profound nimble and resourceful strapless one-piece dress, as well as arranges the exquisite both legs that extends from the skirt, then sets out to arrive on the office chair to sit down. 加藤悠介看着她深邃灵动的露背连衣裙,以及从裙摆下伸出来的优美双腿,然后起身走到办公椅上坐下。 Mentioning is quite complex, with picture explained.” “说来比较复杂,还是用画的来解释吧。” Oh ~? Are you willing to demonstrate?” Red ban vermilion sound is somewhat astonished said, is wanting to transfer the body, was actually grabbed both hands to arrive with hands tied behind the back behind. “喔~?你愿意展示了吗?”红坂朱音有些讶异地说道,正想要转过身体,却被抓着双手反剪到身后。 With the sound of xi xi su su, the warm cotton material restrained two slender white arms. 伴随着窸窸窣窣的声响,温热的布料就将两只纤细的皓腕约束了起来。 The voice of youngster resounds in the next second: Like this, even thing returning to rightful owner.” 少年的声音在下一秒响起:“这样,就算物归原主了。” „-!” “-!” Red ban vermilion sound is stunned, the double back of the hand after behind, has then transferred the body immediately. 红坂朱音不禁为之错愕,双手背在身后,而后立即转过身体。 Sees only Katou Yusuke to bend over one's desk before the table, is wielding the pen to the drawing paper such as flies. 只见加藤悠介正伏案在桌前,对着画纸运笔如飞。 The smooth line flies up at angle vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, writes with a free pen. 流畅的线条纵横斜飞,挥洒自如。 But is few, the character of writing then presented an outline. 只不过是寥寥几笔,笔下的人物便出现了一个轮廓。 On the drawing paper, a both hands locked small monster, according to was being rubbed on the ground by Ultraman. 画纸上,一只双手被锁的小怪兽,正被奥特曼按在地上摩擦。 ...... …… After is in chaotic situation and profound . 一阵鸡飞狗跳、入木三分之后。 The noise in room stopped, falls into the silent aftertaste. 房间里的吵闹停了下来,陷入沉默的余韵。 Probably to break this silent, red ban vermilion sound voice hoarse said: Young bastard, goes to bring my smoke.” 像是为了打破这一沉默,红坂朱音声音嘶哑地说了起来:“小混蛋,去把我的烟拿过来。” Responded her, was together the tranquil calm voice. 回应她的,是一道平静沉稳的嗓音。 How to smoke.” “怎么又抽烟。” You displayed to be worth my cigarette a moment ago.” “你刚才的表现值得我事后一根烟。” ...... ……
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