TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#432: Before the people, manifests a presence

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Before Chapter 432 person, manifests a presence 第432章人前显圣 What's wrong? Your business planning value hundred million?” Red ban vermilion sound who hears his words sneers. “怎么?难道你那份企划值一个亿?”听到他话的红坂朱音冷笑不已。 Is " Power saw Person » copyright adds on that business planning again.” “是《电锯人》的版权再加上那个企划。” Katou Yusuke first corrected her view, then affirms saying: As for that business planning, the final market size will not at least be lower than 30 billion.” 加藤悠介先是纠正了她的说法,然后又肯定道:“至于那个企划,至少最后的市场规模不会低于300亿。” Had something to fall in the sound sound of place. 啪,有某物掉落在地的声音响了起来。 Two people look subconsciously, sees the middle-aged man after bar to smile embarrassed, the sushi that and will pick threw into the trash can, starts to wash the hands. 两个人下意识地看去,就见吧台后的中年男人正不好意思地笑着,并将捡起来的寿司丢进了垃圾桶,开始洗手。 I said the boy.” “我说小子。” A red ban vermilion sound face dislikes sighs troublesome: If fell ill or has a fever went to the hospital, here was not such place, moreover I will not take care of the person.” 红坂朱音一脸嫌麻烦地叹了一口气:“如果生病或者是发烧了就去医院,我这里可不是那样的场所,况且我也不会照顾人啊。” The language finishes, she turns around from the chair, whole person body to leans forward, is fixing the head of Yusuke with both hands, while pastes own forehead on his forehead. 语毕,她从椅子上转过来,整个人身体向前倾,一边用双手固定着悠介的脑袋,一边把自己的额头贴在他额头上面。 What...... does, doesn't this have to have a fever?” “……搞什么,这不是也没在发烧吗?” When she mumbled low voice is drawing back backward, light liquor air/Qi sifted in the Katou Yusuke nose, is also blending the fragrance of slight cosmetics. 当她小声嘟哝着向后退开时,一股淡淡的酒气就飘入了加藤悠介鼻中,其中还参杂着些微化妆品的香气。 Katou Yusuke observed her face, after the impatient facial features fills the air is drinking blushing, the flesh is smooth and translucent, the appearance seems like compared with must seem young. 加藤悠介观察了一下她的脸,不耐烦的面容上弥漫着喝酒后的红晕,肌肤光滑而透亮,模样看起来比原本要显得年轻。 I do not crack a joke.” “我不怎么开玩笑。” Red ban vermilion sound has not returned to the body, right elbow on the bar, curled upwards the both legs. 红坂朱音也没回正身体,就这么把右肘支在吧台上,将双腿翘了起来。 The gentle skirt suspends raises upwardly, reveals to bind the slender both legs of black silk, presses is dragging in the above right foot slightly, five tips of toe gather in the same place, under dim mourning band partly visible. 轻柔的裙摆向上掀起,露出裹着黑丝的修长双腿,压在上面的右脚微微摇曳着,五根足趾并拢在一起,在朦胧的黑纱下若隐若现。 Without is cracking a joke, is that giving me the pictures of cakes? The issue is even if lies must speak the basic logic?” “没有在开玩笑,那就是在给我画饼啰?问题是就算说谎也要讲基本逻辑吧?” Katou Yusuke picks the sea urchin sushi with the chopsticks, puts in it the mouth, slowly chews. 加藤悠介拿筷子夹起海胆寿司,将其放到嘴巴里,慢慢嘴嚼起来。 I have no need to deceive you at this matter, moreover a work of phenomenon level does not observe the logic to create. Can achieve that big scale and influence specifically, but must look at your future operation.” “我用不着在这种事情上骗你,况且一部现象级的作品也不是遵守逻辑就能创造出来的。具体能不能做到那么大的规模和影响力,还要看你今后的运营。” The fresh sea urchin as if beats in the mouth, does not have the little fishy smell. 新鲜的海胆仿佛在嘴巴里面跳动,没有一点点腥味。 Sees him always to insist that this view, red ban vermilion Yinxiang gives up the same dangling shoulder, helpless said: 见他始终坚持这一说法,红坂朱音像是放弃一样的垂下肩膀,无奈道: With its did not have the shadow business planning to say the matter with that I thought that you might as well talk about " Power saw Person » matter well, tried to convince me?” “与其拿那个没影的企划说事,我觉得伱不如还是好好讲讲《电锯人》的事情,试着说服我吧?” The words that must speak...... do you like this work not? Compared with money, can make this interesting work glow the new student/life in own, conforms to your esthetics as well as to the challenging pursue?” “要说的话……你喜欢这部作品不是吗?比起钱来说,能让这种有趣的作品在自己手里焕发新生,才更符合你的美学以及对挑战性的追求吧?” Roar ~ unexpectedly linked " the word that esthetics " put on airs to use, are you flattering me? Said is brainwashing to me?” “吼~居然连「美学」这么装模作样的词都用上了,你这是在奉承我?还是说在给我洗脑?” I told the facts...... other, if you can go to the picture to remember and not disturb in me, I can try to flatter your two.” “我只是实话实说而已……另外,如果你能够在我去画同人志并且不捣乱的话,我可以试着奉承你两句。” Oh-” “啊哈哈哈哈哈-” Red ban vermilion sound laughed, gave the denial without hesitation: „It is not good, that do not think.” 红坂朱音哈哈大笑了起来,不假思索地给予了否定:“不行,那个你就别想了。” She was saying drank liquor, probably thought that was interesting, then took a look at Katou Yusuke had not moved the cup, asked one: How don't you drink?” 她说着喝了一口酒,像是觉得有趣极了,接着又瞅了一眼加藤悠介未动过的杯子,问了一句:“你怎么不喝?” Katou Yusuke looked at one following her vision, responds calm: I and others finished talking the matter to drink again am not late.” 加藤悠介循着她的目光看了一眼,淡定地做出回应:“我等谈完事情再喝也不迟。” Ha? You in eight suo was tired, gave me to listen.” Red ban vermilion Yingou cancelled the finger, hints him close , an appearance that has the words to say. “哈?你啰里八嗦的烦死了,给我过来听好。”红坂朱音勾了勾手指,示意他靠近一点,一副有话要说的样子。 Katou Yusuke does not doubt him, after all the present person is one as deep as a well, and is unable by the person of common sense measuring, therefore is inclining slightly the face, puts one's mouth close to another's ear. 加藤悠介不疑有他,毕竟眼前之人本身就是一个难以捉摸,且无法以常理度量的人,于是便略微倾斜着脸,附耳上去。 The red ban vermilion sound corners of the mouth rise slightly, extend the right hand to fish his cup, fills in inside liquor the entrance, including in mouth. 红坂朱音嘴角微微上扬,伸出右手捞起他的杯子,一口将里面的酒灌入口中,含在嘴里。 Then her another head that grasped Yusuke, and before he responded, is pasted by the red lip that the liquor fluid soaked oneself directly on his mouth, crossed the liquor in mouth. 接着她又一把抱住了悠介的脑袋,并在他反应过来之前,直接把自己被酒液濡湿的红唇贴在他嘴上,将嘴巴里的酒渡了过去。 Squats, squats and squats. 咕啾、咕啾、咕啾。 The split vision swept to this middle-aged man eyelid jumped two, immediately immediately the low line of sight, the casting down one's eyes nose view heart, looks but not see all these, turns a deaf ear, but is processing the roasting sea eel on hand safely. 余光扫到这一幕的中年男人眼皮跳了两下,随即立刻低下视线,眼观鼻鼻观心,对这一切视而不见,充耳不闻,只是安心地处理着手上的烤海鳗。 Continued probably such three and four seconds. 大概持续了那么三、四秒钟。 .” Red ban vermilion sound loosens the lip slowly, the retreat, „...... should not be backward stupid, how talked with me can not drink?” “噗哈。”红坂朱音慢慢松开嘴唇,向后退去,“……别蠢了,跟我谈话怎么可以不喝酒呢?” The Katou Yusuke facial expression swept her one eyes sloppily, casual rubs on own lip with the thumb of right hand, cancels the above liquor water and lipstick. 加藤悠介神情散漫地扫了她一眼,用右手的大拇指随便在自己的嘴唇上一蹭,抹去上面的酒水和口红。 What's wrong, did the little aunt want?” “怎么,小阿姨想要了?” Such movement and tone bring the careless local ruffian air/Qi, is a little uninhibited and sexy, some check people. 这样的动作和语气带着一点漫不经心的痞气,也有一点不羁和性感,有些勾人。 Red ban vermilion sound narrows the pupil to look at him slightly, inside is flashing slightly the extraordinary splendor, subsequently also the pursing the lips lip, said lazy: Pays attention to your word usage, the boy.” 红坂朱音稍稍眯起眸子看他,里面微微闪动着异彩,继而也抿了抿嘴唇,慵懒道:“注意你的用词,小子。” Katou Yusuke has not managed her, the thigh of under vision on plentiful and skirt of her chest sweeps, the sloppy look has the aggression that is seeming to be does not have. 加藤悠介没理她,目光在她胸口的丰满和裙下的大腿上一扫而过,散漫的眼神带着似有似无的侵略。 Faints the yellow light according to the top of the head, illuminates his face flickers. The slightly prosperous eyebrow bone, the long eyelash, tall very/straight the bridge of the nose, the arc edges and corners of lower jaw have. 晕黄的灯光照在头顶,将他的脸庞照得忽明忽暗。微隆的眉骨,长长的睫毛,高挺的鼻梁,下颌的弧线棱角有型。 A black Off-White short sleeve puts in him, outlined the smooth healthy curve, served as contrast the perfect stature under clothing indistinctly. 一件黑色的Off-White短袖穿在他身上,勾勒出流畅健美的弧度,隐隐约约衬托出衣物下的完美身材。 The red ban vermilion sound innermost feelings, thinks suddenly his valiance, among the looks appears charming. 红坂朱音内心啧了一声,蓦然又想到了他的彪悍,神色间不由浮现出一丝妩媚。 liquor, tasty?” “刚才的酒,好喝吗?” Liquor is good, what a pity brings uncle taste.” “酒不错,可惜带着一股大叔味。” . 噗。 cough cough...... cough cough, excuse me, two roasting conger pikes were good.” 咳咳……咳咳,不好意思,两位的烤海鳗好了。” The middle-aged man after bar coughed two, the ingredients that will just make placed in front of them, then continues the busy next dish. 吧台后的中年男人咳嗽了两声,将刚刚做好的料理放在了他们面前,然后又继续忙碌下一道菜。 Eel that slivers the scrap by evenly code in tray, the ingredient has the sea salt, lemon, black mustard and plum sauce, and shaddock pepper, enriching makes people somewhat dazzling, to choosing difficulty does not result in a friendly way. 切成小块的鳗鱼被均匀地码在盘子里,配料有海盐、柠檬、芥末、梅子酱、以及柚子胡椒,丰富得让人有些眼花缭乱,对选择困难者非常得不友好。 Katou Yusuke takes up the chopsticks, clamped a scrap eel to stain the salt, then fed in the mouth, ka incited ka to incite to chew. 加藤悠介拿起筷子,夹了一小块鳗鱼沾上盐,然后送进嘴巴里面,“咔滋咔滋”地嘴嚼了起来。 After baking the sea eel external skin is very crisp, pulp very soft, leads burnt/anxious fragrant, but embellishes by the salty salt purely, already very delicious. 经过烤制的海鳗表皮很脆,肉质又很绵软,其中还带着一丝焦香,只是单纯地以咸盐点缀,就已十分好吃。 Red ban vermilion sound also clamped an eel to eat, what moistened was the sour and sweet mouth plum sauce, and after swallowed food said. 红坂朱音也夹了一块鳗鱼吃,沾的是酸甜口的梅子酱,并在将食物咽下以后开口说了起来。 That, returns to the proper topic. First does not raise your business planning, the reason that you give at present is unable to convince my, either reported a reasonable price to come out, either put out a more persuasive thing.” “那么,还是言归正传吧。先不提你那个企划,你目前所给出的理由是无法说服我的,要么就报一个合理的价格出来,要么就拿出更具说服力的东西来。” What do you want to look at?” “你想看什么?” „The person who now sells the copyright is you, therefore this is the issue that you need to consider......, although said that but the plot of most foundation moves toward you to need first to report to me, I will analyze that from this behind can present the collapse the situation.” “现在卖版权的人是你,所以这是你需要考虑的问题……虽然这么说,不过最基础的剧情走向你需要先汇报给我,我会由此判断后面会不会出现崩坏的情况。” Katou Yusuke pondered, decides to put out solid stuff, therefore the preparation opens the mouth to narrate, however red ban vermilion sound actually gave a stopping hand signal suddenly. 加藤悠介思考了一下,决定拿出一点干货,于是准备开口叙说,然而红坂朱音却是突然做了一个制止的手势。 Slow, won't you want to account orally?” “慢着,你不会想要就这么口述吧?” Otherwise?” “不然呢?” To our these cartoon authors, divides the mirror compared with a language more convincing thing? Therefore has the work you under and others the picture to come out.” “对我们这些漫画作者来说,分镜是比语言更有说服力的东西哦?所以有劳你等下画出来吧。” At least also has 80 loquacities from the present to the termination, the not possible picture to end.” “从现在到完结至少还有80多话,不可能画完。” Who asked you to draw? So long as you come out the key part picture, explained to me again on the line.” A naturalness of red ban vermilion sound face, the facial expression is arrogant and sluggish. “谁叫你画完了?你只要把关键部分画出来,再给我讲解一下就行了。”红坂朱音一脸的理所当然,神情高傲而懒散。 Katou Yusuke makes the thinking slightly, finally complied. 加藤悠介稍作思索,最终还是答应了下来。 After that two people enjoy the dinner with single-hearted devotion, has not said what astonishing remark again, making the middle-aged man after bar also comfortable much, the display of craftsmanship rubbed the rise. 那之后,两个人专心地享用起晚餐,没再说出什么惊人之语,令吧台后的中年男人也自在了不少,手艺的发挥蹭蹭上涨。 From scattering the dried fish flower bamboo shoots tempura, to using the miso ahead of time the souse over three days of roasting silver cods, as well as with the tuna sushi that the soy sauce souse crosses...... 从撒着木鱼花的竹笋天妇罗,到用味噌提前腌制过三天的烤银鳕鱼,以及用酱油腌制过的金枪鱼寿司…… One set " Omakase " cooking ingredients do unusual is delicious, in addition the food also is very fresh, satisfied the appetites of two people very well. 一套「Omakase」烹饪料理做的非常美味,再加上食材也十分新鲜,很好地满足了两个人的胃口。 After two people do not have must add the vegetable/dish again the meaning, the middle-aged man quickly tidies up oneself kitchenware, left the apartment directly, the hurried appearance seems like the worry to hear anything to explode the word again. 等到两人没有再要加菜的意思后,中年男人很快收拾好了自己的厨具,直接离开了公寓,匆匆忙忙的样子像是担心再听到什么爆言。 After eating to the heart's content . 酒足饭饱以后。 Red ban vermilion sound said comes with me, then brings Katou Yusuke to walk toward some room. 红坂朱音说了一句跟我来,然后便带着加藤悠介朝某个房间走去。 Two people pass through the brief wind together the spacious living room, came to a peaceful peaceful room, or work room. 两人一同穿过简约风的宽敞客厅,来到了一间安静的静室,或者说工作室。 The thing in room has it all. 房间里的物件一应俱全。 From the cartoonist dedicated desk, to all kinds of paint brushes and tools and for painting the manikin of reference, again to placing many cartoons and cabinet of comic magazine wait/etc...... has the feeling of cartoonist work room. 从漫画家专用的办公桌,到各种各样的画笔和工具、用于作画参考的人体模型,再到摆放着诸多漫画以及漫画杂志的柜子等等……非常具有漫画家工作室的感觉。 In comparison, the disposition in Katou Yusuke apartment was very crude. 相比之下,加藤悠介公寓里的配置就无比简陋了。 However can in having clear(ly) here house price over a hundred million sections, has a luxurious top apartment, is not the average person can achieve, like this contrasts is also not meaningful. 然而能在有明这边房价上亿的地段里,拥有一间奢华的顶层公寓,也本就不是一般人能够做到的,这样对比起来也根本没什么意义。 Ok, you first divided the mirror to come out according to some time sequence picture keys in brief, I rested a while, drew to call me.” Red ban vermilion sound said that and lay down in desk nearby sofa. “好了,总之你先按时间顺序画一些关键分镜出来吧,我休息一会儿,画好了叫我。”红坂朱音如是说,并在办公桌旁边的沙发躺了下去。 Katou Yusuke sits down on the armless office chair according to her instruction, vision cannot help but by nearby whole body mirror to attraction, therefore spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. 加藤悠介按照她的吩咐在无扶手的办公椅上坐下,目光不由自主地被一旁的全身镜给吸引,于是随口问了一句。 Why can put a mirror here?” “为什么要在这里放一面镜子?” Why can also have anything, naturally is used to make the movement reference.” “还能有什么为什么,当然是用来做动作参考的啰。” Movement reference?” “动作参考?” Good, after all sometimes with the movement insufficient nature that the manikin suspends, therefore needs to refer to the reality, although I do not use now on and that's the end.” “不错,毕竟有时候用人体模型摆出来的动作不够自然,所以需要参考现实,虽说我现在已经不怎么用的上就是了。” In other words are you are suspending the modeling to the mirror?” “也就是说你都是自己对着镜子摆造型的?” Un, what issue has?” “嗯,有什么问题?” It‘s nothing.” “没什么。” Red ban vermilion sound slightly was peaceful, then fishes back cushion conveniently, lost toward him. 红坂朱音稍微安静了一下,接着随手捞起身边的靠枕,朝他丢了过去。 „...... Gives me the picture to divide the mirror well, is short imagines there.” “……给我好好画分镜,少在那里想象。” The sound suddenly becomes somewhat low and deep, is doping the slight feeling of anger. 声音忽然变得有些低沉,其中掺杂着些微恼意。 After Katou Yusuke the following back cushion will place the waist, without talking too much, after adjusting a height of seat then began to work...... 加藤悠介将接下来的靠枕放在腰后,也没有多言,在调整了一下座椅的高低后便动手工作了起来…… Methodical rustle in wielding the pen sound, the time then passes safely. 有条不紊的“沙沙”运笔声中,时间便安然地流逝。 Red ban vermilion sound eyes ajar half whole, looks at him with pauses, the consciousness gradually becomes fuzzy. 红坂朱音眼睛半开半阖,有一搭没一搭地看着他,意识逐渐变得模糊。 Almost after crossing for more than 40 minutes, lay down is swung in red ban vermilion sound who on the sofa took a nap. 差不多过了四十多分钟以后,躺在沙发上小睡的红坂朱音被摇了起来。 Gaoban young lady.” “高坂小姐。” „...... , what matter?” “……唔,什么事?” Minute of mirror manuscript I drew, do you want to look now?” “分镜稿我画好了,你现在要看吗?” „............ Brings.” “……呼啊……那么就拿过来吧。” Katou Yusuke then gave her one stack of rough sketches in hand, the quantity has almost more than ten. 加藤悠介便将手中的一沓画稿递给了她,数量差不多有十几张。 Red ban vermilion sound who received the rough sketch also thought little, slowly sat from the sofa, had the yawn to ask: „......, How long did I rest?” 接过画稿的红坂朱音也不以为意,慢慢从沙发上坐了起来,打着哈欠问道:“……嗯,我睡了多久?” Is less than one hour.” “不到一小时。” This...... sits by me, explained to me.” “这样……过来坐我旁边,给我讲解。” Katou Yusuke has not rejected, then shifted on the sofa from the office chair. 加藤悠介也没拒绝,遂从办公椅转移到了沙发上。 „......” “呼啊……” Probably is very sleepy, red ban vermilion sound had a yawn, then in the rough sketch toward hand looks slowly, then well. 像是十分困倦的,红坂朱音又打了一个哈欠,然后才慢悠悠地朝手中的画稿看去,接着便咦了一声。 „......? What you draw is the original manuscript? Did not ask you to draw to divide the mirror manuscript?” “……嗯?你画的是原稿?不是叫你画分镜稿的吗?” This divides the mirror manuscript, above does not have the lines not to trace the line.” The Katou Yusuke light say/way, made red ban vermilion Yinwei more sober, started carefully to observe subsequently. “这就是分镜稿,上面没有台词也没有描线。”加藤悠介淡淡道,却让红坂朱音为之清醒了许多,继而开始仔细观察了起来。 Present minute/share of mirror manuscript composition is complete, the structure is neat, smooth of line is extremely high, obviously is the effect of forming a coherent whole. 眼前的“分镜稿”构图完整,结构工整,线条的流畅度极高,明显是一气呵成的效果。 Although the style of sketch is brief, is not crude, should have a detail point that is also many, the texture of mood or scenery of character, displayed clearly. 速写的画风虽然简约,却绝不简陋,该有的细节一点也不少,不论是人物的情绪还是景物的纹理,都清晰地表现了出来。 Besides lacking traces and composing fixed-style verses, is basically in no way different from the original manuscript of finished-products, the skill is quite scary. 除了缺少描线和填词以外,基本与完成品的原稿并无二致,功力颇为吓人。 On the first chart in adeptness, Madge Malaysia Station in picture on the flagging in shrine, the two sides is two rows are kneeling the prisoner, probably is holding some ceremony. 就拿手中的第一张图来说,画面中的玛奇玛站在神社的石板路上,两边是两排跪着的囚犯,像是在举行着某种仪式。 Even without lines, can still feel the serious atmosphere that in transmits. 即使没有一句台词,也能感受到里面传递出来的严肃气氛。 Then is the minute/share of mirror of resort to violence part. 接着是武斗部分的分镜。 Rides the electricity time of shark in the typhoon of wreaking havoc with the bomb devil to the war, the picture as if B level piece same has an incredible strange feeling , is very interesting. 骑着鲨鱼的电次在肆虐的台风中与炸弹恶魔对战,画面仿佛B级片一样有种荒诞离奇的感觉,却又很有意思。 The red ban vermilion sound look concentrates on , and interest is fearless, started to pick up the speed to look, until last page...... 红坂朱音眼神专注且兴趣昂然,开始加快速度看了下去,直到最后一页…… As if the world deep picture is opening at present. 仿佛是世界冥画在眼前打开。 In the boundless universe, the body high and low was cut two halves astronaut both hands to gather, and is putting upside down to the lower half body worship of ground. But the end of picture, the devil that goes out of the darkness. 在无边的宇宙之中,身体被上下切割成两半的宇航员双手并拢,并对着自己倒放在地上的下半截身体朝拜。而画面的尽头,是从黑暗中走出的恶魔。 The picture full of tension even has aura of belief, the pupil shrinks subconsciously. 富有张力的画面甚至带着一丝信仰的气息,令人下意识地瞳孔一缩。 Red ban vermilion Yintian licked the lip, the sleepiness that in the brain survives has vanished, the whole person falls into a stimulated condition, immediately looked up clock on the desk, somewhat opened the mouth to ask unthinkably: 红坂朱音舔了舔嘴唇,脑中残存的睡意早已消失殆尽,整个人陷入一种亢奋的状态,随即抬头看了一眼自己办公桌上的时钟,有些匪夷所思地开口问道: „Are these...... you draw completely in one hour??” “这些全部……都是你在一小时之内画出来的??” Un.” “嗯。” Katou Yusuke nodded un, the sound ten obtained tranquilly, however heard in red ban vermilion Yiner, was makes her be hard to get over an emotion for a very long time, at once asks one in a low voice. 加藤悠介点头嗯了一声,声音十分得平静,然而听到红坂朱音耳中,却是让她久久难以释怀,旋即低声问了一句。 Your picture merit, promoted......?” “你的画功,又提升了……?” Sound slightly some not peaceful static. 声音微微有些不太平静。 Facing this inquiry, Yusuke pondered a while slightly, the thoughts, in oneself have promoted to the Master Level drawing skill in the temporary stay, then responds. 面对这一询问,悠介稍微沉思了一会儿,心思在自己已经升级到大师级的绘画技能上短暂停留,而后才做出回应。 Almost.” “差不多吧。” ...... ……
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