TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#431: Discussed the copyright

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Chapter 431 discussion copyright 第431章商谈版权 Never after dead Sichuan leaves . 从不死川离开以后。 Katou Yusuke strolls the street in Jinbouchou, North Korea Station direction walks slowly. 加藤悠介漫步在神保町的街头,慢悠悠地朝车站方向走去。 The fragrance of coffee and curry from the sky scatters. 咖啡与咖喱的香味在空中飘散。 Unknowingly, the time has arrived has brought forth the demon time. 不经意间,时间已来到了逢魔时刻。 The red-orange setting sun sprinkles on close Shudian Street, or deeply or is shining the bustling crowd shallowly, always draws the shadow of under foot is long. 橘红色的夕阳洒在鳞次栉比的书店街上,或深或浅地照射着熙熙攘攘的人群,将脚下的影子拉得老长。 Mingles among Katou Yusuke in crowd to follow the stream of people vanguard, in the brain is thinking to keep. 混迹在人群中的加藤悠介跟随着人流前行,脑中思索不停。 Debt, cartoon and work room. 债务、漫画、工作室。 A three wool clew seems to be common, twines in the mind mutually together. 三者仿佛一个毛线团一般,在脑海中相互缠绕在一起。 The debt is the core, the cartoon is the resolution format, the work room is the future plans. 债务是核心,漫画是解决方式,工作室是今后计划。 But the first solution, the plan of work room is not only in the water in the moon/month mirror spends as soon as possible, just like the castle in the air, illusory indistinct. 而不尽早把第一条解决,工作室的计划也只是水中月镜中花,犹如空中楼阁,虚幻飘渺。 If can distribute the pamphlet as soon as possible, or continued the picture book well on Katou Yusuke is thinking secretly. 要是能尽早发行单行本,或是继续画本子就好了-加藤悠介暗自心想着。 Regarding a cartoon author, the original payment for published piece of work eventually is only change, the big end lies in the sale of pamphlet is divided, and incomes of other peripheral products are divided. 对于一个漫画作者而言,作品的原稿费终究只是“小钱”,大头还是在于单行本的销售分成,以及其他周边产品的收益分成。 With his submitting original manuscript, is not in the situation of head and tail page, the content altogether 191 pages, convert the payment for published piece the words, is 2.29 million over. 就拿他这次提交的原稿来说,不算首尾页的情况下,正篇内容一共有191页,换算成稿费的话,则是229万出头。 After all the cartoon serializes to be different from the pamphlet, how regardless of the magazine sells again well, finally falls into the author hand also only has an original manuscript payment for published piece income. 毕竟漫画连载不同于单行本,无论杂志卖得再怎么好,最终落入作者手中的也仅有原稿稿费一项收入而已。 Not like pamphlet, according to sales volume to author 10 is divided into ( 8 ~ 10 ), is the same like Utaha novel that side situation. 不像单行本那样,会按照销量给作者十的分成,就如同诗羽小说那边的情况一样。 Does not know that not dead Kawanabe can such as he hope, promoted " Power saw Person » pamphlet as soon as possible...... 就是不知道不死川那边会不会如他所愿,尽早推出《电锯人》的单行本了…… Is pondering such matter, while the walk arrives at the station in Jinbouchou. 一边思考着这样的事情,一边步行来到神保町的车站。 Follows the stream of people to step onto the waiting platform, makes contact with leave for the apartment direction the cable car. 跟随人流走上候车月台,搭上开往公寓方向的电车。 After found luck a vacancy sits down, the cell phone in pocket suddenly vibrated. 幸运地找到一个空位坐下以后,口袋里的手机忽然震动了起来。 to seal/confer Youjian was delivered in his mailbox. 一封邮件被投递到了他的信箱内。 " Letter person: Gaoban alizarin red " 「来信人:高坂茜」 Gaoban alizarin red: Your present person where?】 【高坂茜:你现在人在哪里?】 Katou Yusuke began to reply the past: On cable car, is about to go home.】 加藤悠介动手回复过去:【电车上面,准备回家。】 Gaoban alizarin red: In other words are you very idle?】 【高坂茜:也就是说你很闲吧?】 Katou Yusuke: With Gaoban young lady compared with the words should idle.】 加藤悠介:跟高坂小姐比的话应该会闲一点。】 Gaoban alizarin red: Is this is satirizing? Pays attention to your view, since brief you has the time to shake outside idly, comes my one.】 【高坂茜:这是在讽刺吧?注意你的说法,总之既然伱有时间在外面闲晃,就来我这里一趟吧。】 Katou Yusuke: Has the matter?】 加藤悠介:有事?】 Gaoban alizarin red: No ~ is only a person is bored, happen to asked a chef to come home prepares food, object who looked for a solution casting pattern while convenient.】 【高坂茜:不~只是一个人无聊,正好叫了一个厨师来家里做饭,顺便找一个解闷子的对象。】 Katou Yusuke: To find relief raises only the pet.】 加藤悠介:想解闷就养只宠物。】 Gaoban alizarin red: Oh? Therefore are you willing to make my electricity time? I can feed you to eat black Dongmian ~ 【高坂茜:喔?所以你愿意做我的电次吗?我可以喂你吃乌冬面哦~】 Katou Yusuke raises up the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards slightly, in the pupil jumps projects a feeling of anger, returns said: 【Do you like the ginger grilled meat very much?】 加藤悠介微微竖起剑眉,眸子里迸射出一丝恼意,回道:【你很喜欢生姜烧肉?】 Gaoban alizarin red: Un? What irrelevant dialogue is this?】 【高坂茜:嗯?这是什么牛头不对马嘴的对话?】 Katou Yusuke: It‘s nothing.】 加藤悠介:没什么。】 Gaoban alizarin red: Ok, cheap did not show off cleverness fine, quickly rolls, the boy, the address was previous time you have come has clear(ly) here apartment.】 【高坂茜:行了,不要得了便宜还卖乖了,赶快滚过来,小子,地址就是上次你来过的有明这里的公寓。】 After sending this mail, no longer replies to the convenience. 发完这封邮件以后,对方便不再回复。 Red ban vermilion sound who Katou Yusuke puts down the cell phone, before the brain appears, delivers to get drunk to go home, that luxurious high-class apartment, then thought to receive the cell phone. 加藤悠介放下手机,脑中浮现出之前送喝醉的红坂朱音回家的,那间奢华的高级公寓,然后思索着将手机收了起来。 ...... …… After one hour . 一小时后。 Nearby the Tokyo Big Sight, some stands tall and erect in the tall and straight apartment. 东京国际展示场附近,某栋高耸挺拔的公寓内。 Top level of rides the elevator to arrive. 乘坐电梯来到顶层。 Presses down the only household of doorbell. 按下唯一一户的门铃。 Waited slightly for several seconds, the door was opened by ka one. 稍微等候了几秒钟,房门被“咔哒”一声开启。 Katou Yusuke saw had contacted a moment ago apartment master- red ban vermilion sound. 加藤悠介见到了刚才联络过的公寓主人-红坂朱音。 The opposite party wear a black tight-fitting strapless one-piece dress, reveals the tender and delicate beautiful back, big show perfect stature. 对方身着一件黑色紧身露背连衣裙,露出娇嫩美背,大秀完美身材。 The valiant elegantly beautiful makeup accommodates the look that matches to attract, shows the unique ripe female makings. 飒爽冷艳的妆容搭配魅惑的眼神,彰显出独特的熟女气质。 Came finally, spent such long time, are you senior citizen of moving about with difficulty?” Red ban vermilion sound is leaning against the gate, a face is careless. “总算来了,花了这么久的时间,你是行动不便的老年人吗?”红坂朱音斜倚着门,一脸漫不经心。 „The present is the commuting peak, is quick.” “现在是通勤高峰期,已经很快了。” How to buy a car(riage)?” “怎么不买辆车?” Does not have money, does not have the driver's license.” “没钱,也没驾照。” ~ then is also, after all you have not gotten exactly the rotten money now, is a poor wretch.” Red ban vermilion Yinmi a pair of phoenix pupil, the ridicule is looking at him. “嘛~这么说来也是,毕竟你现在没得恰烂钱了,是个穷光蛋呢。”红坂朱音眯着一双凤眸,讥笑地望着他。 Un, at this matter was lucky the attendance of Gaoban young lady.” Katou Yusuke responds lightly, and takes a step to step into the room. “嗯,这件事情上多亏高坂小姐的照顾了。”加藤悠介平淡地做出回应,并迈步踏入房间。 I like this view ~, therefore does not need to be polite.” Red ban vermilion sound smiled happily, probably to compels these step to be pleased him. “我喜欢这个说法~所以不必客气。”红坂朱音开心地笑了起来,像是对将他逼到这一步感到十分满意。 „...... You have drunk.” “……你是不是已经喝多了。” Just slightly thought several cups, because your movement was too slow, I have first opened ate, oneself came.” “只不过是小酌了几杯,因为你的动作太慢,我已经先开吃了,自己进来吧。” Two people in tandem walk toward the room, arrives at restaurant here quickly. 两人一前一后地向房间里走去,很快来到餐厅这里。 After rich sense of reality marble bar, wears a middle-aged male pierced that the heavy blue chef takes kerchief, inside kitchen is busy. 富有质感的大理石吧台后,身穿藏青色厨师服的中年男性头上扎着头巾,正在里面的厨房忙碌。 Sees Katou Yusuke to walk, to convenient said a hello on own initiative: Good evening, little elder brother, met.” 见到加藤悠介走来,对方便是主动打了一个招呼:“晚上好,小哥,又见面了。” Katou Yusuke carefully looked at one, sees only the opposite party had once gone to the boss in that sushi restaurant, therefore also the nod expressed best wishes: Hello, Boss.” 加藤悠介仔细看了一眼,只见对方正是先前曾去过的那家寿司店的老板,于是也点头致意道:“您好,老板。” The middle-aged man shows a smile, lowers the head busily. 中年男人露出一个微笑,又低下头去忙碌。 The deep black marble bar surface has the irregular white trace, happen to blocked half the body of middle-aged man highly. 深黑色的大理石吧台表面带着不规则的白色纹路,高度正好将中年男人的身体挡住了一半。 Bright but flare of not the dazzling yellow light from ceiling hit, seems has the atmosphere feeling. 明亮但不刺眼的黄色灯光从天花板上的照明灯打了下来,显得十分有氛围感。 Red ban vermilion sound at will before suspending bar of one tableware was sitting, told: Troubles you casually this boy selects to eat, Boss.” 红坂朱音随意地在摆着一套餐具的吧台前坐了下来,吩咐道:“麻烦你随便给这小子来点吃的吧,老板。” I understood.” The middle-aged man nods earnestly, places one new tableware in red ban vermilion sound nearby position, asked: Food of what dietary restriction does Katou little elder brother have?” “我明白了。”中年男人认真地点点头,将一套新的餐具摆放在红坂朱音旁边的位置,问道:“加藤小哥有什么忌口的食物吗?” No.” Katou Yusuke shakes the head to indicate to deny, subsequently sat left side of red ban vermilion sound. “没有。”加藤悠介摇头表示否认,继而在红坂朱音左侧坐了下来。 What then the liquor water does want to drink?” “那么酒水想喝些什么?” Can the words please give me the Oolong tea.” “可以的话请给我乌龙茶。” Nearby red ban vermilion sound exudes one to laugh: What does? Did you also really regard the restaurant here? Here may not have that type of weak thing. Boss, gives on him the liquor.” 一旁的红坂朱音发出一声嗤笑:“搞什么?你还真把这里当成餐厅了吗?我这里可没有那种幼稚的东西。老板,给他上酒。” Two people who hear this saying responded various. 听到这话的两人反应各不相同。 Katou Yusuke frowns slightly. 加藤悠介是微微皱了一下眉头。 The middle-aged man after bar is a face forced smile, and reminded one intimately: Actually Gaoban young lady here also has the mineral water......” 吧台后的中年男人则是一脸苦笑,并贴心地提醒了一句:“其实高坂小姐这里也有矿泉水的……” Red ban vermilion sound shoulders the unilateral eyebrow slightly, beckons with the hand saying: That thing young wizard will drink, Boss, here not that custom.” 红坂朱音微微挑起单边眉毛,摆了摆手说:“那种东西只有小鬼才会喝啦,老板,在我这里没有那种规矩。” Is the little rascal!’ The middle-aged man cried out in the heart, has a mind to reject, but thinks today the remuneration for services rendered of this ingredients...... then becomes calm. ‘就是小鬼啊!’中年男人在心中呐喊,有心想要拒绝,不过一想到今天这场料理的酬金……便又变得心平气和下来。 Thereupon, one cup of limpid transparent liquids were placed in front of Katou Yusuke. 于是乎,一杯清澈透明的液体就被放在了加藤悠介面前。 „...... Please use, Katou little elder brother.” “……那么请用,加藤小哥。” Thanks, had the work.” “谢谢,有劳了。” The Katou Yusuke nod said thanked, has not taken to drink, but will look at right red ban vermilion sound, asked: What matter therefore today asks me to come to have? ” 加藤悠介点头道了一声谢,却没有拿起来喝,而是将目光转向右边的红坂朱音,问道:所以今天叫我来是有什么事?” Ha? Don't I mean? Looks object who can find relief bored.” “哈?我不是说了吗?找个能无聊解闷的对象。” Other your side not people?” “你身边没其他人了?” „Has, but you quite pleasing to the eyes.” The opposite party dialed the hair, tone optional. “有是有,不过你比较顺眼一点。”对方拨了拨头发,语气十分的随意。 The lofty perfume fluttered indistinctly. 高雅的香水味隐约飘了过来。 Katou Yusuke smelled slightly, said this, accepted this excuse. 加藤悠介微微嗅了一下,道了一声这样,算是接受了这一说辞。 „- ~ red ban vermilion Yinsi taste sipped clear wine in cup, said: Although finds relief finds relief, but to people like us, can chat also only had the work?” “-不过呢~”红坂朱音似品尝般地抿了一口杯中的清酒,又道:“虽然解闷是解闷,但对我们这种人来说,能聊的也就只有作品了吧?” People like us?” “我们这种人?” What's wrong? Aren't you this? Said you actually do hold other ideas to come to here?” “怎么?难道你不是这样?还是说你其实是抱着其他的想法才来这里的?” The tone of speech becomes , if there is profound meaning. 说话的语气变得若有深意。 Katou Yusuke makes the thinking slightly, subsequently nods to acknowledge, but actually indeed has other ideas.” 加藤悠介稍作思索,继而点头承认下来,“倒的确是有一些其他的想法。” Un......?” “嗯……?” Red ban vermilion Yinna the hand of cup slightly cannot observe shook, then asked funnily: „...... Your courage seemed much big, wasn't worried about your little girlfriend?” 红坂朱音拿着杯子的手微不可察地抖了一下,然后好笑地问道:“……你的胆子似乎大了不少,不担心你那位小女友了吗?” That female student who you said that we do not have to associate.” “你说的那个女生,我们没有在交往。” Snort ~ ~ ~ right? Is delivers to the meat of mouth actually not to eat obviously, but the acquisitive instinct of that female student is actually big, after the words that does not pay attention to are careful, will suffer the hardship? Boys.” “哼嗯~~~是吗?明明是送到嘴边的肉却不吃么,不过那个女生的占有欲倒是不小,不注意的话小心以后会吃到苦头喔?小子。” This not Miss Lao Gaoban takes the trouble.” “这个不劳高坂小姐费心。” In the process of chat, the middle-aged man after bar also pinched two sushi, admitted in two people front trays respectively. 聊天的过程中,吧台后的中年男人也捏好了两个寿司,分别放进了两人面前的盘子里。 This is the tuna bilge, please with.” “这是金枪鱼中腹,请用。” The fresh-faced tuna meat surface inscribes several monowing tool marks, below is wrapping the component just right onigiri, from above looked that basically can only see the fish meat, but cannot see below rice. 粉嫩的金枪鱼肉表面刻有几条一字型的刀花,下面包裹着份量正好的饭团,从上面看基本只能看到鱼肉,而看不到下方的米饭。 Katou Yusuke begins to take up the chopsticks, had not actually found the soy sauce and black mustard on the table, for a while stopped. 加藤悠介动手拿起筷子,却并未在桌上找到酱油和芥末,一时又停了下来。 Probably saw through his idea, nearby red ban vermilion sound is speaks thoughtlessly raises: Boss has rubbed the soy sauce ahead of time, eats on the line directly.” 像是看穿了他的想法,一旁的红坂朱音便是随口一提:“老板已经提前抹过酱油了,直接吃就行。” But the middle-aged man also smiles the affirmation saying: I wiped the most suitable quantity, like this eats matching should just to be, if the Katou little elder brother likes himself moistening, my gives you to prepare.” 而中年男人也是微笑着肯定道:“我抹了最适合的量,这样吃起来搭配应该是刚好的,如果加藤小哥喜欢自己沾的话,我这就给你准备。” Therefore Katou Yusuke also no longer talks too much, picks the sushi in plate with the chopsticks, fed in the mouth directly. 于是加藤悠介也不再多言,用筷子夹起盘中的寿司,直接送进了嘴巴里面。 As the tooth makes an effort to chew slightly, the pulp gently beautiful fish meat wrapped the tooth. 随着牙齿稍微用力地嘴嚼,肉质柔美的鱼肉就包裹住了牙齿。 The taste of fish meat is tasty, and brings the slight fat, in addition the faint trace sour odor of right amount of soy sauce and rice, the entire flavor unified whole, just right matches. 鱼肉的口感鲜美,并带着些微的油脂,再加上适量酱油与米饭的一丝丝酸味,整个味道浑然一体,搭配得恰到好处。 Katou Yusuke chews carefully eats the sushi, gives the appraisal honestly: „Very delicious, Boss.” 加藤悠介细嚼慢咽地将寿司吃了下去,诚实地给予评价:“很好吃,老板。” Thanks the praise.” The middle-aged man smiles, will pinch the good sea urchin sushi to admit in two people plate newly. “谢谢夸奖。”中年男人笑了笑,又将新捏好的海胆寿司放进了两人盘中。 Red ban vermilion sound opens the mouth to ask: Then, boy, your work now how?” 红坂朱音开口问道:“然后呢,小子,你的作品现在怎么样了?” Un, about this, I just something wants to chat with you.” “嗯,关于这个,我刚好有事想跟你谈谈。” „? This is actually rare, then you mentioned listen.” “哦?这倒是难得,那么你就说来听听吧。” Katou Yusuke puts down the chopsticks, asked: What I want to know, you to " Power saw Person » copyright interested? Gaoban young lady.” 加藤悠介放下筷子,问道:“我想知道的是,你对《电锯人》的版权有兴趣吗?高坂小姐。” Scene quickly one static. 场面倏地一静。 Some red ban vermilion sound accidents/surprises looked at his one eyes, subsequently sways You Cai cup in hand gently, shows neither approval nor disapproval saying: What's wrong, not dead Kawanabe isn't good to your treatment?” 红坂朱音有些意外地看了他一眼,继而轻轻摇晃起手中的釉彩杯,不置可否道:“怎么,不死川那边给你的待遇不行?” No, I refer to the copyright excluding cartoon, you interested?” “不,我指的是除漫画以外的版权,你有兴趣吗?” Also is really direct, will say that also represents you to intend to sell? To come drawing investment purely?” “还真是直接,会这么说也就代表你有意出售?还是纯粹想来拉投资?” Is the former.” “是前者。” Reason?” “理由呢?” I plan to raise the adequate fund as soon as possible, that side handle work room matter.” “我打算尽早筹集到足够的资金,去处理工作室那边的事情。” „The matter of handle work room...... that your cartoon?” “去处理工作室的事情……那你漫画这边呢?” Will naturally end the itself/Ben normally, will not affect anything.” “自然会正常完本,不会影响什么。” Interesting, you did not fade a while ago the da brain? Was this awakens suddenly?” “有意思,你前段时间不是还蔫头耷脑的吗?这是突然醒悟了?” Katou Yusuke talks, in the brain appears and dialogue of Utaha, returns said: „...... The matter is this, the words that you intend we can chat.” 加藤悠介动了动嘴,脑中浮现出和诗羽的对话,回道:“……事情就是这样,你有意的话我们可以谈谈。” Red ban vermilion sound smiles, does not have to closely examine again thoroughly, thought to say. 红坂朱音笑了笑,也没再深入追问,思索着说了起来。 Words that yes, must speak my indeed also a little interest, but discusses this now also too early? Don't you so far hand over the 3rd words original manuscript?” “是呢,要说的话我的确也有点兴趣,不过现在谈这个还太早了吧?你到目前为止不是才交到第三话的原稿吗?” This news is obsolete, before here, I already «Power saw Person» submitted to the 13 th words beforehand original manuscript completely.” “这个消息已经过时了,在来这里之前,我已经将《电锯人》到第13话之前的原稿全部提交了。” Un? Did you look for the assistant??” “嗯?你找助手了??” „After this point can, discussed, first said the proper business.” “这一点可以之后再讨论,先说正事吧。” „...... Such is also insufficient, even to reorganize the animation the work, a season at least still needs 60 words about contents, can say your work current situation simply not possibly realization.” “……那样也不够,就算是想将作品改编成动画,一季至少也需要60话左右的内容,可以说你作品目前的情况根本没可能变现。” Red ban vermilion sound at this point stuffy liquor , a words revolution, asked suddenly: 红坂朱音说到这里闷了一口酒,忽而又话语一转,问道: Therefore, in such disadvantageous situation, you should give me a reasonable price? Said, how much money do you want to sell?” “所以呢,在这么不利的情况下,你应该会给我一个合理的价格吧?说说吧,你想卖多少钱?” Said over and over again, the topic circled. 说来说去,话题又绕了回来。 Katou Yusuke has not gone to the words technique that manages her to rise after staying low, after hesitating one next, responds: 100 million yuan.” 加藤悠介没有去管她先抑后扬的话术,沉吟了一下以后做出回应:“一亿円。” With such remarks...... 伴随着此言一出…… „-!” “-!” The middle-aged male manpower after bar cannot help but shakes, the sushi almost lets go to fly from the hand. 吧台后的中年男人手不由得一抖,寿司差点从手中脱手而飞。 But red ban vermilion sound is also dumb as a wooden chicken of face, immediately said angrily: This joke is not funny, do not tell me you to be earnest.” 而红坂朱音也是一脸的呆若木鸡,随即怒气冲冲地说:“这玩笑一点也不好笑,别告诉我你是认真的。” Katou Yusuke shakes the head gently, the complexion is usual, Gaoban young lady feels cannot appropriately the counter-offer.” 加藤悠介轻轻摇了摇头,面色如常,“高坂小姐觉得不合适可以还价。” You want a lion's share simply, according to manufacturing a cost of volume of ordinary animation 12 million calculates, 100 million Yuan have been able to make a quarter reluctantly the animation, don't you know?” “你简直是狮子大开口,按照制作一集普通动画的成本1200万来计算,一亿元已经勉强能做一个季度的动画了,你不知道吗?” What I said is all copyrights excluding cartoon, not only animation reorganization.” “我说的是除漫画之外的所有版权,不只是动画改编。” Then? You can boast shamelessly call me with so much money, buys one not to know that finally moves toward, work copyright that even a season animation does not sufficiently collect?? Was you were insane, did you regard the fool me?” “然后呢?你就可以大言不惭地叫我拿这么多钱,去买一个不知道最后走向的,甚至连一季动画都凑不够的作品版权??到底是你疯了,还是你把我当成傻子?” Red ban vermilion sound air/Qi at this point instead smiles extremely, be relentless scolded: Even if I am not short of money, but is not the allowing to be oppressed role, is difficult to be inadequate you to think that got up the old lady to be cocky one time?” 红坂朱音说到这里不禁气极反笑,毫不留情地骂道:“就算是我不缺钱,可也不是任人宰割的角色,难不成你以为上过老娘一次就能翘尾巴了?” ‚, This issue cannot be big!?’ The middle-aged male manpower after bar shakes, but actually lowers the head the putting on a serious face hole, suppresses has not been saying the idea of innermost feelings, but the cheeks are actually often twitching. ‘不不不,这问题可大了吧!?’吧台后的中年男人手又是一抖,不过却低头板着脸孔,强忍着没有将内心的想法说出来,只是脸颊却不时抽动着。 Facing red ban vermilion sound brave words, Katou Yusuke somewhat is also speechless, but reorganized a train of thought that slowly said: 面对红坂朱音的“豪言壮语”,加藤悠介同样有些无语,不过还是整理了一下思绪,慢慢说道: If you are unsatisfied, I can seperately throw in an equivalent business planning again.” “如果你不满意的话,我可以另外再附赠一个等值的企划。” ...... ……
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