TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#430: Plan in heart

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Plan in Chapter 430 heart 第430章心中的打算 Humming sound ~ humming sound ~ 嗡嗡~嗡嗡~ The cell phone wants to remain in limelight to vibrate, made the sound of hauling in the peaceful conference room. 手机不甘寂寞地震动起来,在安静的会议室里发出了拖拖拉拉的声响。 Katou Yusuke puts down the dipping pen in hand, making it not change the dry/does cartoon paper far away from the ink, takes out the examination from the trousers pocket the cell phone. 加藤悠介放下手中的蘸水笔,让其远离墨水还未变干的漫画纸,将手机从长裤口袋里取出察看。 On locking the screen contact surface clicks on latest report, the picture is cut in the next second to the Line software interface. 在锁屏界面上点击一下最新的通知消息,画面在下一秒被切换至Line的软件界面。 On the head picture of some contact person is having one " 1 " digital chaetosema. 某个联络人的头像上正带着一个「一」的数字角标。 Utaha-senpai: Hi, did you go home?】 诗羽学姐:嗨,你回家了吗?】 Katou Yusuke takes up one bottle of Oolong tea from front table, drank two, is backing on behind seat back, while replies: 加藤悠介从面前的桌上拿起一瓶乌龙茶,喝了两口,一边背靠着身后的座椅靠背,一边回复起来: Returned, now not dead Sichuan cartoon section here.】 【回了一趟,现在在不死川漫画部这里。】 Utaha-senpai: This time...... haven't you rested?】 诗羽学姐:这个时间……你没有休息一下吗?】 Katou Yusuke:( Thumb)】 加藤悠介:(大拇指)】 Utaha-senpai: What do you mean?】 诗羽学姐:什么意思?】 Katou Yusuke: Because must hand over the original manuscript.】 加藤悠介:因为要交原稿。】 Utaha-senpai: I am not asking this, but is Yu-chan on you only returns to an expression, was I disturbs you? Also or is impatient to me?】 诗羽学姐:我不是在问这个,而是悠酱你上面只回一个表情,是我打扰到伱了吗?又或是对我不耐烦?】 The Katou Yusuke brow is pressed, spent for two seconds to take a fresh look at this news, how was at a loss should respond. 加藤悠介眉头蹙起,花了两秒钟重新看了一下这条消息,迷惘着该如何回应。 Utaha-senpai: Why couldn't have read? Was said by me? Which therefore concrete is one side? Disturbs is not impatient?( Sobs)】 诗羽学姐:为什么已读不回?是被我说中了吗?所以具体是哪一边?打扰还是不耐烦?(泣)】 " Reading comprehension Grandmaster " Katou Yusuke is thinking aimless, immediately began to reply the past. 「阅读理解大师」-加藤悠介漫无目的地想着,随即动手回复过去。 What matter study does the elder sister have?】 【学姐有什么事?】 The sent out news was read by the second. 发出的消息被秒读。 Was separated for three seconds, the opposite party sends in a picture, or said a group photo. 间隔了三秒钟,对方发来一张照片,抑或者说一张合照。 The pupil of Katou Yusuke contracted, the jet black pupil reflects the picture on screen. 加藤悠介的瞳孔收缩了一下,漆黑的眸子倒映出荧幕上的画面。 The leading character in picture is he and Utaha. 照片里的主人公是他与诗羽 Two people body top heads the same bed thin quilt, under both sides the piece wisp until the quilt of chest position, the positive phase is supporting to sleep. 两人的身上盖着同一床薄被,及至胸口位置的被子下双方不着片缕,正相拥而眠。 " 2 people of mornings ~ " - the writing on picture pasted the chart to cover the essential region, but can see the perfect curve and snow white flesh of semicircle E cover cup. 「二人的早上~」-照片上的文字贴图遮挡住了关键地带,但还是能看到半圆型E罩杯的完美曲线以及雪白肌肤。 If concrete described, the content lover in picture should have the appearance that. 若要具体来形容,照片里的内容正是情侣该有的样子。 The male students hug the female student, the female student are resting the head on the arm of male student, is sharing the same bedding intimately. 男生抱着女生,女生枕着男生的胳膊,亲密地分享着同一个被窝。 The picture is seemingly romantic, but the fluttering flags, making the person recollections fly fast continually. 画面看上去香艳而旖旎,令人浮想连翩。 Utaha-senpai: Yesterday's souvenir picture, what kind of, liked ~?】 诗羽学姐:昨天的纪念照,怎么样,喜欢吗~?】 The Katou Yusuke forehead screwed tight three points, closes one's eyes was recalling carefully last night matter, confirmed over and over several, finally draws a Christmas Eve conclusion. 加藤悠介眉心拧紧了三分,闭着眼睛仔细回想着昨夜的事情,再三确认了几遍,最终得出一个平安夜的结论。 The brow then relaxed a point, the temples pit-a-pat beat. 眉头这才放松了一点,紧接着太阳穴又突突跳动了起来。 His some headache replies in the past: From various perspectives, studying the elder sisters was too fierce.】 他有些头痛地回复过去:【从各方面来说,学姐都太猛了。】 Then no longer replies. 而后便不再回复。 Just now puts down the cell phone, then humming sound ~ vibrated. 才刚放下手机,便又“嗡嗡~”地震动了起来。 Therefore duplicate/restores takes up it, prepares to transfer to the mute. 于是复又将其拿起,准备调至静音。 But the recent chat news also shot from Line. 而新的聊天消息也从Line上弹了出来。 New strip fragrance: Association president, must go to the card together OK, our two ~ 【新条香:会长,要一起去卡啦OK吗,就我们两个~】 Similarly supplemented named " lesson " picture. 同样附带了一张名为「日课」的照片。 The litigant in picture is binding a bath towel wet, the hair dá dá, on the tender and delicate flesh brings ruddily, appearance that obviously just took a bath, a juicy feeling. 照片里的当事人裹着一条浴巾,头发湿哒哒的,娇嫩的肌肤上带着红润,明显是刚洗完澡的样子,给人一种水灵灵的感觉。 Why does not know, the new strip fragrance recently became docile, was warmer, will frequently make some attractive pictures to come, sent out the invitation to him. 不知道为什么,新条香最近变得温顺了许多,也热情了许多,常常会拍一些好看的照片过来,对他发出邀请。 Katou Yusuke looked at the news, without reply. 加藤悠介看了消息,没有回复。 In two people relations, this on behalf of the rejection, the new strip fragrance no longer will also be asking tactful. 在两人的关系中,这代表着拒绝,新条香也会识趣地不再多问。 Next second- 下一秒- Humming sound ~ 嗡嗡~ One after another , the recent news were transmitted. 接二连三的,又有一条新消息被传送了过来。 Benefit: Good morning, Yoshiko makes me to buy the extracurricular teaching the thing, probably Schoolmate Yamaguchi and Schoolmate Takei also go, can Yusuke come together?】 【惠:上午好,佳子约我去买校外教学的东西,好像山口同学和竹井同学也去,悠介要一起来吗?】 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke was considering to the screen, the extracurricular teaching was starting from the end of the month ago that week, still one week of time, therefore began to reply the past. 加藤悠介对着荧幕思量了一下,校外教学是月底前的那一周开始,尚还有一周的时间,于是动手回复过去。 I have nothing needs to buy .】 【我没有什么需要买的,就不去了。】 Benefit: Un......, although knows that you will say, but the total nest is not quite at home good, must remember that goes out for a walk?】 【惠:嗯……虽然就知道你会这么说,不过总窝在家里也不太好,要记得出去走走哦?】 Katou Yusuke:( Thumb)】 加藤悠介:(大拇指)】 Was separated for two and three seconds. 间隔了两、三秒钟。 Katou Yusuke: Knew.】 加藤悠介:知道了。】 After putting down the cell phone . 放下手机以后。 Katou Yusuke starts to continue the picture original manuscript, in the brain appears this morning's that talk, started writing to become earnest a point. 加藤悠介开始继续画原稿,脑中不由浮现出今早的那番谈话,下笔变得认真了一点。 After Utaha talked, he has been pondering the matter in this aspect, the opinion of opposite party made him have feelings in some aspect earnestly. 诗羽谈话以后,他一直在思考这方面的事情,对方的一番言论切实让他在某方面有所感触。 At least after the discharge, he thought that oneself should consider a point other matter, therefore that temporarily the put aside work room and game business planning, then appears in the heart...... 至少在清偿债务之后,他觉得自己应该考虑一点别的事情,于是那个被暂时搁置的工作室以及游戏企划,便是浮现于心头…… Is thinking deeply about the related matter, while takes up the pen continually. 一边思索着相关的事情,一边持续地动笔。 This. 就这样。 Katou Yusuke treated noon from the morning, treated afternoon from noon. 加藤悠介从上午待到了中午,又从中午待到了下午。 In this period except for going to downstairs curry shop solved the lunch, other time have been basically drawing the original manuscript. 期间除了去楼下的咖喱店解决午餐,其余时间基本一直在画原稿。 With such effort, the progress of cartoon original manuscript was also smoothly advanced the 13 th words. 在这样的努力之下,漫画原稿的进度也被顺利推进到了第十三话。 Since has handed in a writing previous time, in this nearly two weeks of time he altogether drew ten words. 而自上一次交稿以来,这近两周的时间内他一共画了十话。 After the picture ends the 13 th words original manuscript, Katou Yusuke found Subeditor Tamura. 等到画完第十三话的原稿以后,加藤悠介找到了木村副主编。 Two people will preserve the original manuscript in USB to print together, then also brings these original manuscripts to return to the conference room, glances for him. 两个人一起将保存在U盘里的原稿打印出来,接着又带着这些原稿回到会议室,供他过目。 At first sees that pile on table thick „when minute/share of mirror manuscript, although Tamura is surprised, but still also in acceptable range. 最初看到桌上的那一摞厚厚的“分镜稿”时,木村虽然惊讶,但尚还在可以接受的范围内。 When he discovered when these minute/share of mirror manuscript unexpectedly is completely the original manuscript...... 然而当他发现这些“分镜稿”居然全部都是原稿时…… The whole person then instantaneous delay on the seat, did not have slow the god obstinately good long while. 整个人便瞬间呆滞在了座椅上,愣是好半天没有缓过神。 Until Katou Yusuke called two his names, he complied with one, the question in heart to blurt out as if awakening from a dream without hesitation. 直到加藤悠介叫了两句他的名字,他才如梦初醒地答应了一声,心中的疑问不假思索地脱口而出。 „- You just continuously drawing isn't the rough draft????” “-您刚刚一直在画的难道不是草稿吗????” Katou Yusuke shakes the head to deny: No, is the original manuscript, here altogether is the contents of 10 words, from 4 th to the 13 th words, editor-in-chief Tamura can look to have what issue.” 加藤悠介摇头予以否定:“不,是原稿,这里一共是十话的内容,从第四到第13话,木村主编可以看下有没有什么问题。” This and this this this......” “这、这这这这这这……” Tamura with astonishment is staring the eyes, mouth stretch/open Zhanghe whole, at once swallows saliva difficultly, asked: Before that can arrange for an interview permits I to ask a question? The liana sets up the teacher......” 木村惊愕地瞪着双眼,嘴巴张张阖阖,旋即艰难地吞了一口口水,问道:“在那之前,可以先容许我问一个问题吗?藤本树老师……” Naturally, has what you to speak frankly.” “当然,有什么您可以直说。” That- shouted...... please ask that you just this period of time here, altogether drew several words?” “那-呼……请问您刚刚在这里的这段时间,一共画了几话?” Two words.” “两话。” In such short time! You have had the rough draft ahead of time!?” “这么短的时间里!难道您是提前打过草稿了吗!?” Katou Yusuke looked at his one eyes, without the speech, was only deals with the place under. 加藤悠介看了他一眼,没说话,仅是应付地点了下头。 Tamura noticed that in his response heart felt better a point, the expression on face also relaxed slowly, showed the consoling oneself -type smile. 木村看到他的反应心中好受了一点,脸上的表情也慢慢放松下来,露出自我安慰式的笑容。 People only like to believe oneself want to believe that with can understand. 人们只愿意相信自己想要相信的,和能够理解的。 But in any event, he is unable to imagine Katou Yusuke to be able without rough draft, ends the complete two words cartoon contents in several hours of inside-bottle painting, only if he in summer the Ji eight pictures. 而无论如何,他都无法想象加藤悠介能在没有草稿的情况下,在数小时内画完完整的两话漫画内容,除非他在夏姬八画。 Thinks of here, Tamura rushed to lower the head to inspect. 想到这里,木村赶忙低头检查了起来。 Katou Yusuke did not urge, but sits in the one side calm , whatever he inspects, while drew the next words original manuscript at a moderate pace. 加藤悠介对此也不催促,只是淡定地坐在一旁,一边任由他检查,一边又不紧不慢地画起了下一话的原稿。 And, 唰唰、唰唰, Rustle and rustle. 沙沙、沙沙。 Paper turns page of sounds and wielding the pen sounds is making a sound peacefully. 纸张的翻页声与运笔声安静地响着。 Tamura inspected quickly, approximately only uses for a half hour to look sketchily, was mainly the inspection paints the collapse place, as for dividing the mirror and plot, he planned, looked slowly. 木村检查得很快,大约只用了半小时就粗略地看了一遍,主要是检查有没有作画崩坏的地方,至于分镜和剧情,他打算之后再慢慢看。 Also does not know that is this/should happy or disappointed, he suspects the situation of painting collapse possibly can have not happened, and painting level every pages and previously not different. 也不知道是该高兴还是失望的,他猜想的可能会出现的作画崩坏的情况并没有发生,且每一页的作画水准都与先前无异。 On this basis, if plot does not have the issue, basically only needs to cultivate/repair the chart to take away slightly printing, absolutely is the qualified cartoon original manuscript. 在此基础上,若是剧情方面也没有问题的话,基本只需要稍微修一下图就能拿去刊载,绝对是合格的漫画原稿。 After realizing this point, Tamura's innermost feelings were to shock are the obscure, present condition are true are startled to him. 当认识到这一点后,木村的内心又是震撼又是费解,眼下的状况属实是惊到他了。 After all one week ago, he was still discussing with the Suzuki senior editors-in-chief, to a matter of Katou Yusuke gasser urger. 毕竟就在一周以前,他还在跟铃木老主编讨论,给加藤悠介加塞一个督促者的事情。 But now, the opposite party actually gives him suddenly not making a sound such big pleasant surprise! 可现在,对方却突然不声不响地给了他这么大一个惊喜! Ten words! This is the entire ten words! 十话啊!这可是整整十话啊! Other cartoon author the quantity that takes the entire ten weeks to hand over, puts his here, actually as if a blink gave changes. 别的漫画作者需要整整十周才能交上来的量,放到他这里,却仿佛一眨眼就给变出来了。 So long as these original manuscripts have no mistake or the logical mechanical damage. 只要这些原稿没什么差错或者逻辑硬伤。 Even this liana sets up the teacher anything not to do from now on, immediately has one month of false to oneself, these original manuscripts also enough supported ten issues of magazines to serialize. 即便是这位藤本树老师从现在起什么也不做,立刻给自己放一个月的假,这些原稿也足够支撑十期的杂志连载了。 When this reality visionally puts at present, how can also not make one be at a loss? 当这样梦幻般的现实摆在眼前时,又怎能不令人为之迷惘呢? „- Editor-in-chief Tamura.” Katou Yusuke sees him also to have the trend of falling into the absent-minded condition, opened the mouth to remind one: “-木村主编。”加藤悠介见他又有陷入失神状态的趋势,不由开口提醒了一句: If you do not plan to continue to review a draft now, my something want to discuss.” “如果你现在不打算继续审稿的话,我有些事想要商量一下。” „, Is!” Tamura spirit inspires, please ask that what issue has?” “啊、是!”木村精神一振,“请问是有什么问题吗?” Un, about the matter that «Power saw Person» serializes, I have two issues to ask.” “嗯,是关于《电锯人》连载的事情,我有两个问题想问一下。” Teacher you please say!” “老师您请说!” Then first is first, is counted here original manuscript, " Power saw Person » current plot enough has haunched the pamphlet, you had considered plan that manufactures the pamphlet?” “那么首先是第一个,算上这里的原稿在内,《电锯人》目前的剧情已经足够撑起单行本了,贵方有考虑过制作单行本的计划吗?” „, Is this matter, naturally! With teacher your present work popularity, the release of pamphlet in the established item, this point you can not be worried inevitably.” “啊,原来是这件事情,当然!以老师您现在的作品人气来说,单行本的发行必然是在既定事项之内的,这一点您毋需担心。” This I know.” Katou Yusuke nods slightly, what I want to know is the matter about pamphlet manufacture, can be ahead of time?” “这个我知道。”加藤悠介微微颔首,“我想知道的是关于单行本制作的这件事,可以提前吗?” Ahead of time??” Tamura impressively one startled, at once somewhat pushes the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose helplessly, asked: “提前??”木村赫然一惊,旋即有些不知所措地推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,问道: „...... The teacher you felt the speed that the magazine serializes is excessively slow, therefore wants to distribute the pamphlet directly......?” “难道说……老师您是觉得杂志连载的速度过慢,所以想要直接发行单行本吗……?” Un, after all the selling price of pamphlet is high, to you also has the profit.” “嗯,毕竟单行本的售价较高,对贵方来说也有益处。” Perhaps...... this......” Tamura scratches the sweating on a forehead not having, for: “呃……这个恐怕……”木村擦了一把额头上不存在的虚汗,为难道: Is sorry me unable to your concrete answer, if the teacher you insists, I can edit to convey your wish to Suzuki......” “抱歉我无法给您具体的答复,如果老师您坚持的话,我可以向铃木主编转达您的意愿……” Katou Yusuke saw his speaking insincerely, has not forced excessively, then also raised another matter. 加藤悠介看出了他的言不由衷,也没有过分逼迫,转而又提起了另一件事。 That, if the matter of pamphlet is hard to decide, can «Power saw Person» each number of pages and length enhancement that the time serializes?” “那么,如果单行本的事情难以决定的话,可以将《电锯人》每期连载的页数和篇幅提高吗?” Enhances?? How many do you want to enhance??” “提高??您想提高多少??” Probably issue of five words and so on.” “像是一期五话之类的。” „- Five and five words!” Tamura stood from the seat fiercely, startled sound said: According to teacher your usual length, that was not about 100 original manuscripts!?” “-五、五话!”木村猛地从座椅上站了起来,惊声道:“按照老师您平时的篇幅来看,那不就是近一百张原稿了吗!?” If are too many, can reduce.” “如果太多的话,也可以减少。” First did not say this, the issue is this is the weekly! Coming out that the teacher you can draw!?” “先不说这个,问题是这可是周刊!老师您能画的出来吗!?” Katou Yusuke is calm, responded: If you agree, I will find the way to complete.” 加藤悠介对此一脸平静,回应道:“如果贵方同意的话,我会想办法完成。” Although the word usage of speech is tactful, but in the tone actually filled assuredly, wants to believe subconsciously. 说话的用词虽然委婉,但语气中却充满了笃定,令人下意识地想要信服。 In the conference room suddenly becomes peaceful. 会议室里突然变得安静。 Tamura sat slowly, the expression was under the enormous impact probably, for a very long time is speechless. 木村缓缓坐了下来,表情像是受到了极大的冲击,久久无言。 Do not look at the competition of cartoon industry, although is intense, but in fact is a quite slow hot industry. 别看漫画行业的竞争虽然激烈,但实质上是一个相当慢热的行业。 Limited to many factors, serializing of cartoon is a long process. 受限于诸多因素,漫画的连载是一个漫长的过程。 A popular medium lengthy work without cut in two at the waist, from starting to serialize until the termination, usually can spend on for about two years. 一部热门的中长篇作品在不被腰斩的情况下,从开始连载直到完结,通常会花上两年左右。 In order to build the popular cartoon work comes, although edition on pressure on author, but will actually not request to yield the result immediately. 为了打造出热门的漫画作品来,编辑虽然会给到作者身上压力,但却不会要求立刻取得成果。 At the matter that in giving the author time grows, the editorial department or the company will render tolerant and assistance. 在给作者时间成长的这件事情上,不论是编辑部还是公司都会给予宽容和帮助。 But Tamura has also been used to such pattern, happened until today's matter...... 而木村也早就习惯了这样的模式,直到今天的事情发生…… After all in this trade, editing urges manuscript that to the cartoon author is the normal state, but this situation in turn actually seriously is unthinkable, incomparable fresh. 毕竟在这一行当里,编辑对漫画作者催稿那是常态,可这反过来的情况却当真是令人匪夷所思,无比的新鲜。 Tamura thinks that here is flabbergasted again and again, looks to the Yusuke look is also strange. 木村想到这里不禁连连咂舌,望向悠介的眼神也是古怪不已。 Having to think asked one " your saying to be earnest? " , However before opposite party said that was this time tranquil expression, the meaning of as if not having cracked a joke. 有心想问一句「您这话是认真的吗?」,然而不论是对方之前的所言,还是此时的平静表情,似乎都没有开玩笑的意思。 After pondered over some little time, he could not stand up to smile bitterly to say. 就这么琢磨了好一会儿以后,他才经不住苦笑着说了起来。 Extremely was really sorry, about increasing the matter of length is not I can arbitrarily decide.” “实在是非常抱歉,关于增加篇幅的这件事也不是我能擅自决定的。” What unfortunately was Suzuki edits attended the industry seminar today, otherwise after he came back, will I the teacher your meaning of convey to him again can?” “不巧的是铃木主编今天去参加行业研讨会了,不然等他回来以后,我再将老师您的意思转达给他可以吗?” Katou Yusuke has no opinion, has not thought to be able time one on solution this matter, therefore understood very much complied. 加藤悠介对此没什么意见,也没想着能够一次就解决这件事情,于是很理解地答应了下来。 Good, was troublesome you.” “好,那么就麻烦您了。” No, no, no, no, please do not say, the teacher you were really polite.” The Tamura beckoning with the hand polite say/way, can make this decision also some admirations to him again and again coolly. 不不不不,请别这么说,老师您实在是太客气了。”木村连连摆着手客气道,对他能够面不改色地做出这种决定也有些敬佩。 The pressure that after all the weekly serializes serialized to be bigger than the monthly publication, this teacher seems like dissatisfied, must to oneself burden/shoulder pole, be true rarely. 毕竟周刊连载的压力本就比月刊连载要大很多,偏偏这位老师还像是不满足的,生生要给自己加加担子,属实罕见。 Finally can only sigh with emotion one worthily is the person who that rosy cloud poem child regards as important, two cannot consider by the common sense. 最终只能感慨一句不愧是那位霞诗子所看重的人,二位都不能以常理去考量。 Similar idea is not only he has, many people also think. 类似的想法不仅是他有,还有许许多多的人也是这么想的。 Finished talking the proper business, Tamura also started to exchange greetings the sentiment with this pillar. 谈完了正事,木村也开始与这位台柱子寒暄起了感情。 „The liana sets up the teacher, the work about rosy cloud poem child teacher is going the animation news, you to hear?” “说起来藤本树老师,关于霞诗子老师的作品将要动画化的消息,您听说了吗?” Un, this I have listened.” “嗯,这个我听过了。” Ha, this ~ makes a debut to do can by animation, must say that is really a extraordinary result. However by teacher your words, later is also absolutely possible to achieve this point.” “哈哈哈,这样啊~出道作就能被动画化,要说那真是一个了不起的成绩。不过以老师您的话,之后也完全有可能做到这一点的。” You were polite.” “您客气了。” No, I am......, moreover thanks to your the sincerity thinks, our cartoon section also a little energy opens thanks to send this year right, although is the light novel section conducts together, but also asked you to attend at the appointed time!” “不,我是真心这么认为的……而且托您的福,我们漫画部今年也有点底气开感谢派对了,虽然是与轻小说部一起举办,不过到时还请您务必出席!” Katou Yusuke had not asked, equates with the company annual meeting it directly. 加藤悠介对此也没多问,直接将其与公司年会画上了等号。 In view of the fact that today's matter has gotten through, he also has no intention to continue to stop over again, then after Tamura has said goodbye left not dead Sichuan quickly. 鉴于今天的事情都已办完,他也无意再继续逗留,与木村道过别之后便很快离开了不死川。 ...... ……
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