TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#429: Studies elder sister's early morning

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Chapter 429 studies elder sister's early morning 第429章学姐的清晨 Next day Saturday, in the morning 7 o'clock. 第二天的星期六,早上七点30。 Chirp chirp ~ chirp chirp ~ 叽叽~啾啾~ The sparrow of out of the window keeps doing noisily. 窗外的麻雀吵闹个不停。 xi xi su su...... 窸窸窣窣…… The fricative of clothing makes noise in the room gently. 衣物的摩擦声在房间里轻轻作响。 Katou Yusuke opens the eyes slowly. 加藤悠介徐徐睁开双眼。 Rushes pleasant, is the fair and healthy-looking thigh, is having the light black silk stockings to increase along the tender and delicate flesh. 闯入眼中的,是白里透红的大腿,正有薄薄的黑色丝袜沿着娇嫩的肌肤攀升。 Pair of element closely is raising the two sides of pantyhose, performs obviously charmingly, it from thigh drawing to the buttocks, vanishes under the dark blue sailor skirt slowly finally. 一双素手紧紧提着裤袜的两边,尽显妩媚,将其缓缓从大腿拉至臀部,最后消失在深蓝色的水手裙下。 ~ 啪~ The exquisite note biography hears, plays bugle that early morning got out of bed. 优美的音符传入耳中,奏响了清晨起床的号角。 Has the skirt of elegant feeling suspends the gauze general to all around raises slightly, has is covered by the black pure white is flashing past at present. 具飘逸感的裙摆纱一般的向四周微微掀起,有被黑色覆盖的纯白在眼前一闪而过。 The tight silk stockings calmly are wrapping the both legs, above does not have a fold, serves as contrast especially plentifully the gently beautiful curve of thigh, manifests the dim aesthetic sense. 紧绷的丝袜静静地包裹着双腿,上面没有一丝褶皱,将腿部的柔美曲线衬托得尤为丰满,体现出朦胧的美感。 When this scene irons the pleasant bottom, Katou Yusuke then sobered immediately, but closes the eye immediately, feigns the deep sleep. 当这一景象烙入眼底时,加藤悠介顿时便清醒了过来,但紧接着又立刻阖上了眼睛,佯装沉睡。 Puts on Utaha of pantyhose, if had a feeling turn head to look at one, the vision fell, in he is shutting on eyes, smiled gently, subsequently lifted the foot to arrive at the window, started to reorganize the thing on table. 穿好裤袜的诗羽若有所感地回头看了一眼,目光落在他闭着的双眼上,温柔一笑,继而抬脚走到窗边,开始整理起桌上的东西。 First loads into the suitcase own notebook, then helped somebody tidy up again signed in upon arrival at work the cartoon original manuscript of half yesterday. 先将自己的笔记本电脑装进行李箱,接着再帮某人收拾昨天画到半截的漫画原稿。 To load into the plastic bag of convenience store directly, when the vision falls when the drawing paper, she actually had several points of interest. 本想就这么直接装进便利店的塑料袋里,然而当目光落在画纸上时,她却不由生出了几分兴趣。 In the picture, is five slender finger that makes the fox hand signal. The thumb, middle finger and ring finger pinch a window, the index finger and pinky turn upwards upwardly. 画面上,是五根作出狐狸手势的修长手指。大拇指、中指、无名指捏成一个窗口,食指和小拇指向上翘起。 In windows that the finger composes, is opening the big mouth ugly devil. 在手指组成的窗口中间,是张着血盆大口的丑陋恶魔。 Under the unique minute/share of mirror design, this hand seems like that overhangs from the check, there is an extremely special tensity. 独特的分镜设计之下,这只手看上去就像是从格子外伸进来的一样,有一种极其特别的张力。 Looked suffered an optical illusion time still early of agreement set, and Katou Yusuke is still sleeping, Utaha then took up the original manuscript of cartoon simply, sat on the bed looked. 看了一眼离约定集合的时间尚早,且加藤悠介还在睡觉,诗羽便干脆拿起漫画的原稿,就这么坐在床上看了起来。 But more looked, she more feels the pleasant surprise. 而越看,她就越觉得惊喜。 The unexpected development is also good, is the technique unique minute/share of mirror is also good, or has the fine picture technique is also good at will. 无论是出人意料的发展也好,还是手法独特的分镜也好,又或是随意中带着精细的画技也好。 All makes her feel the appreciation, feels unable to put down, then cannot bear put out the cell phone several original manuscripts will pat. 所有的一切都让她感到欣赏,感到爱不释手,遂忍不住拿出手机将其中几张原稿拍了下来。 And. 咔嚓、咔嚓。 The sound of shutter makes noise in the room again and again. 快门的声音在房间里连连作响。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke is going through the body intentionally, makes appearance that just awoke, sat from the bed. 加藤悠介故意辗转着身体,做出一副刚睡醒的样子,从床上坐了起来。 Good morning, Yu-chan.” “早上好,悠酱。” Hears Utaha of sound to put down the original manuscript, turned around to look. 听到动静的诗羽放下原稿,转身看了过来。 „...... Early.” “……早。” Katou Yusuke responds slowly, looks to out of the window. 加藤悠介“迟钝地”做出回应,望向窗外。 What heaving in sight is fresh natural toward the sunlight, as well as blocks half the sun visor, with gathering numerous tall buildings of city. 映入眼帘的是清新自然的朝曦,以及将太阳遮挡住一半的,和合市的众多高楼大厦。 Then returns to positively the face. 接着又把脸回正。 In the beautiful ray, is keeps the black long hair and face glowing with health- Asura getting sick sweet and pretty young girl. 明媚的光线之中,是一名留着黑色长发且容光焕发的-修罗病娇美少女。 „Can you rest?” “你睡得好吗?” „...... “……嗯。” What, are you rest to the present blurry also not sober?” The Utaha tone teased one affectionate, traded Katou Yusuke shook the head to deny. “什么嘛,你是睡迷糊到现在还没清醒吗?”诗羽语气亲昵地调笑一句,换来加藤悠介的摇头否认。 „......, What aren't you making?” “……不,你在做什么?” I? Was looking that you cartoon ~ is to make the person unable to discover masterpiece that as before can denounce the place ~ “我吗?在看伱的漫画喔~依旧是让人找不出可以诟病之处的杰作呢~” Is only a cartoon, this described that was too much.” “只是一部漫画而已,这个形容有点过了。” Right ~? But I truly like, inside has enthusiasm that can have the creation to want, if said the concrete degree......” “是吗~?可我确实非常喜欢呢,里面有能让人产生出创作欲的热情呢,若说具体程度的话……” Utaha stretches out a finger suddenly gently, resembles strokes poked his solid chest lightly, exclaims: Almost gives my feeling to be the same with your stature, the delicacy must to taste well ~ 诗羽忽然轻轻伸出一根手指,似抚弄似的轻戳了一下他坚实的胸口,惊叹道:“差不多就跟你的身材给我的感觉一样吧,美味得让人想要好好品尝~” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke puts aside her hand at will, this discovered the bathrobe that own last night wore does not know where to run, but on him is only covering a quilt that slipped into the waist. 加藤悠介随意地移开她的手,这才发现自己昨晚穿着的浴袍不知跑去了哪里,而他身上只盖着一条滑到腰间的被子。 Considering that in the room only has a bed, naturally cannot prepare two bed quilts specially...... 考虑到房间里只有一张床,自然不会特意准备两床被子…… Read reaches to this, was startled impressively. 念及于此,不禁赫然一惊。 „......!” “……!” Detected that this point Katou Yusuke put out a hand to entrain entraining the quilt upward, although in the chest the undercurrent was turbulent, but actually surface like Pinghu, until feeling the flat angle trousers of lower part put on as before well on the body, relaxes secretly. 发觉这一点的加藤悠介伸手将被子往上拽了拽,虽然胸中暗潮汹涌但却面如平湖,直到感觉到下半身的平角裤依旧好好穿在身上,才暗暗松了一口气。 So, should be only he took off the bathrobe when sleeping unknowingly, other are not unusual...... 如此看来,应该只是他在睡觉时不知不觉把浴袍脱掉了,其他并无异常…… This discovery made him relax the nerve subconsciously. 这一发现令他下意识地放松了神经。 On the other hand ~ Utaha asked unknowingly: I change the clothes time did you awake?” “话说回来啊~”诗羽似不经意地问道:“我换衣服的时候你醒了吗?” No.” Katou Yusuke replied decisively. “没有。”加藤悠介果断地答道。 Utaha narrows the beautiful pupil slightly, smiles closely examines one leisurely: Flickers to answer?” 诗羽略微眯起美眸,笑悠悠地追问一句:“瞬答?” „......, Has what issue.” “……嗯,有什么问题。” It‘s nothing ~ is only you is very probably weary, but also immersed in last night fervor aftertaste?” “没什么~只是你好像很疲倦呢,还沉浸在昨晚激情的余韵中吗?” „...... Did you refer to were forced to interrupt the work afterward that matter?” Katou Yusuke sighed one lightly. “……你指的是后来被迫中断工作的那件事吗?”加藤悠介轻叹一声。 That matter is I am not right, therefore sorry, but sees you such energetic appearance, what issue should not have?” “那件事情是我不对,所以对不起,不过看到你这么精神的样子,应该不会有什么问题吧?” Utaha chuckle, vision unintentionally toward quilt casts a sidelong glance somewhere, in the brain appears to rise steeply the tall and straight mountain peak outline. 诗羽轻笑一声,目光有意无意地往被子的某处瞟了一眼,脑中浮现出峭立挺拔的山峰轮廓。 This type opens yellow compartment the undisguised words and deeds to have the person style very early in the morning very much, being true makes people be hard to enjoy. 这种一大早就开着黄腔的露骨言行很有个人风格,属实让人难以消受。 Katou Yusuke knits the brows slightly, has not answered, but deeply looked at her one eyes, then opens the mouth to ask: „...... Can give me the clothes?” 加藤悠介微微皱了皱眉,没有搭腔,只是深深看了她一眼,然后开口问道:“……能把衣服递给我么?” Un ~ do you want the breakfast?” “嗯~你要去吃早餐吗?” „It is not, I prepared to return to Tokyo.” “不是,我准备回东京了。” Is so early? Can too laborious a point.” “这么早?会不会太辛苦了一点。” Not early, the driving distance takes one -and-a-half hours after all, moreover doesn't Utaha-senpai have the matter to be busy?” “也不算早,毕竟车程要一个半小时,况且诗羽学姐不是也有事要忙吗?” After all I like this work, therefore has nothing, then, we are the enterprise ~ “毕竟我喜欢这份工作嘛,所以没什么,这么说来,我们都是事业型的呢~” Utaha was saying handed over his uniform/subdue, the smile on face was full of the energy, such her beautiful and rich intellectuality, is very impressive. 诗羽说着将他的制服递了过来,脸上的笑容充满了活力,这样的她美丽而富有知性,十分具有魅力。 Even if sometimes also the convention reveals frail side, will expose the demon god black heart natural disposition. 纵使有时也会展露出脆弱的一面,也会暴露出魔神般的黑心本性。 But by a writer, is actually very respectable, is one out-and-out, outstanding creator. 但以一名作家而言,却是非常令人尊敬的,是一名不折不扣的、优秀的创作者。 The Katou Yusuke vision moves, as if by her dazzling puncturing to same staggering line of sight. Wears the trousers in the quilt, while said slowly: 加藤悠介目光动了动,仿佛被她的耀眼给刺到一样的错开视线。一边在被子里穿着长裤,一边缓缓说道: „...... I am different from study the elder sister, I to repay a debt to act, without you are so lofty.” “……我跟学姐不同,我只是为了还债而行动,没有你那么崇高。” Although the magnetic voice is tranquil, but also has several points not the depression that is easy to perceive. 磁性的嗓音虽然平静,但也带着几分不易觉察的消沉。 Basic, if not also carries a big debt, depends on the system overall only and common works......, even if gives red ban vermilion sound to work, he thought that oneself also enough lived lightly. 根本来说,如果不是身上还背着一大笔欠款,单靠着系统积分和寻常的打工……哪怕是去给红坂朱音打工,他觉得自己也足够平平淡淡地生活下去了。 To money, he does not have the too big desire, beforehand careful planning also to repay a debt. 对钱,他没有太大的欲望,以前的精打细算也只是为了还债。 As for he himself, Katou Yusuke confessed that is a low desire person, the character is that type in the mountain backer, in water by the type of water. 至于他自己,加藤悠介自认是一个低欲望的人,性格属于那种在山靠山,在水靠水的类型。 Said of pleasant to hear, feels at ease whatever the circumstances, said coarse, is without lofty aspiration. 说好听点,是随遇而安,说难听点,是胸无大志。 If once effort striving for success to give a beloved person future, then present he had lost this reason and power. 如果说曾经的努力拼搏是为了给心爱之人一个未来,那么现在的他已经失去了这一理由与动力。 If not for had/left red ban vermilion sound that matter, depends on the picture book exactly rotten money only, enough he gained to not the poor income with ease, but that income even must surpass overwhelming majority throwing streets to serialize the cartoonist. 若不是出了红坂朱音的那件事,单靠着画本子恰烂钱,也足够他轻轻松松赚到不菲的收入了,而那份收入甚至要超过绝大部分的扑街连载漫画家。 Thinks, during he then fell into was silent. 想着想着,他便陷入了缄默之中。 Utaha detected keenly his difference, pressed forehead, then said low voice: Last night matter, I was very happy.” 诗羽敏锐地察觉到了他身上的异样,不由蹙了蹙眉心,然后小声说道:“昨晚的事,我很开心。” Katou Yusuke thinks that she is still teasing last night matter, sighed reluctantly: Therefore that stem already enough......” 加藤悠介以为她还在打趣昨晚的事,不禁无奈地叹息道:“所以说那个梗已经够了……” „- I am not saying that.” “-我不是在说那个。” „?” “?” Welcomes the vision that he is having doubts, Utaha moves the body to collect, is facing the surface with him, the vision is gentle and sincere. 迎着他疑惑的目光,诗羽挪动着身体凑了过来,与他面对着面,目光温柔而真挚。 What I want to say that creates with you is very joyful! Because on you have the ability and imagination that makes me earnest, I believed firmly this point again.” “我想说的是,和你一起创作果然很快乐!因为你身上有让我认真起来的才能和想象力,我再次确信到了这一点。” So long as there are you side me, my enthusiasm will never abate. I am willing this, forever only for your one person, but starts writing wholeheartedly.” “只要有你在我身边,我的热情就永远不会消退。我愿意就这样,永远只为了你一个人而呕心沥血地下笔。” In the tone took a faint trace to be charming of woman. 语气里带上了一丝丝属于女人的妩媚。 To let you holds in high esteem, I repeatedly deliberate again and again, was unyielding with the editor...... only in order to create to sell you to like, making you appreciate, lets your shocking work.” “为了让你刮目相看,我一而再、再而三地反复推敲,和编辑争执不下……只为了能创造出让你喜欢,让你欣赏,让你惊艳的作品。” Is holding such thought that I can not insist discouraged...... regardless, therefore you met anything, I also hope that you never drop down.” “就是抱着这样的念头,我才能够不气馁地一直坚持下去……所以不论你遇到了什么,我也希望你永远不要倒下。” The charming sound becomes gentle gentle, such as leans such as sues. 妩媚的声音变得温婉柔和,如倾如诉。 Female student who because before you, was once drawn in the despair by you.” “因为在你面前的,就有一个曾被你在绝望中拉出来的女生。” Katou Yusuke the head, the brow tip is selecting puzzled looks at her, in the jet black pupil were many one point of question. 加藤悠介不解地偏着头,眉梢微挑地看着她,漆黑的眸子里多了一分疑问。 But Utaha glances the watery to gaze at him, and extends a hand, caresses his edges and corners to have the handsome profile of gently, somewhat lost twittering: 诗羽只是眼波含水地注视着他,并伸出一只手,轻轻抚上他棱角有型的英俊侧脸,有些出神地呢喃着: Looked like the initial student association speech to be the same, I liked you being in high spirits, probably stood in the appearance of summit and stars dialogue......, therefore please assist me in any way you can, will also let our two same places from now on diligently?” “就像是当初的学生会演讲一样,我喜欢你神采飞扬,好像站在山巅与日月星辰对话的样子……所以今后也请多多关照了,让我们两个一起努力吧?” As the clear moving voice biography hears, warm feeling spills into the heart. 随着澄澈动人的嗓音传入耳中,一股暖意涌进心头。 In the look of young girl was full of the affections and tender feelings, the appearance that the star light sparkles has the stars to contain to be one of them probably. 少女的眼神里充满了爱意与柔情,星光闪闪的样子像是有星辰蕴藏在其中。 Katou Yusuke silent a while, the throat rolled slightly, then returned to one to know in a low voice. 加藤悠介沉默了一会儿,喉头微微滚动了一下,然后低声回了一句知道了。 Said that then sets out to go down the bed, goes to the washroom to wash...... 说完便起身走下床,前往洗手间洗漱…… ...... …… After one tidies up. 经过一番收拾以后。 Two people take the baggage to arrive at a building, returned room/house card and with the Machida park in the onstage child can with. 两人拿着行李来到一楼,在前台归还了房卡并与町田苑子会和。 Keeps the governing elder sister of agile short hair to be calm and composed, the body wears the neat black suit jumper. 留着利落短发的大龄御姐神色自若,身上穿着整齐的黑色西装套裙。 Even if has last night planning, can still greet with Katou Yusuke with ease freely, and invited him to have the breakfast together, no psychological burden. 即使是有着昨晚的算计,也能轻松自如地与加藤悠介打招呼,并邀请他一起吃早餐,毫无心理负担。 Facing invitation that its sends out, without giving Katou Yusuke makes the opportunity of rejection, Utaha very natural complied, and accompanies Machida park to walk outward. 面对其所发出的邀请,没有给加藤悠介做出拒绝的机会,身边的诗羽很自然地就答应了下来,并随同町田苑子向外走去。 In view of the fact that the suitcase still the reason in own hand, Katou Yusuke also has to with. 鉴于行李箱还在自己手中的缘故,加藤悠介也不得不跟了上去。 Three people leave the hotel together, goes to opposite of a station restaurant, namely appears in «Love Metronome» in that hamburger outlet. 三人一同离开酒店,来到车站对面的一家餐厅,亦即出现在《恋爱节拍器》里的那家汉堡店。 What is worth mentioning is. 值得一提的是。 Depends on " Love Metronome » recent enthusiastic reception, this hamburger outlet becomes the famous punch-in place, often will have the fans to run to come the sacred place tour, the business became compares before incessantly several times. 依托于《恋爱节拍器》近来的火爆程度,这家汉堡店成为了有名的打卡地点,经常会有粉丝跑来圣地巡礼,生意变得比以前强了不止数倍。 Even such early morning, the staff in latter kitchen still started ahead of time the preparation, to greet the peak that can arrive at later. 即使是在这样的一大早,后厨的员工也开始提前做起了准备,以迎接稍晚就会到来的高峰期。 Three people order the meal one after another, then arrives in two building positions by the window to sit down together. 三人相继点好餐,然后一同来到二楼靠窗的位置上坐下。 That ~ “那么~” Machida park harbors ulterior motives probably, repressed the temper to say. 町田苑子像是别有用心的,又按耐着性子地说了起来。 Really good, your expression was seemingly more refreshed the verset, was completely different from the yesterday's depressed feeling?” “真不错,你的表情看起来爽快多了呢小诗,和昨天郁闷的感觉完全不一样哦?” Has expected you to use this neta, therefore this undisguised instigation absolutely does not have the significance now......” Utaha not false word usage response said. “早就料到你会用这个neta了,所以现在这种露骨的煽动是完全没有意义的……”诗羽不假辞色地回应道。 Right? Was the male high-school student treated one with the handsome charming meat obviously whole evening, last night played very happily, rosy cloud poem child teacher! Looked that incurs to look to incur!” “是吗?明明跟英俊帅气的肉食系男高中生待了一整晚,昨夜玩得很开心吧,霞诗子老师!看招看招!” Please do not make this type to treat as the weak behavior of weapon the fries! I so prompted kindly, such undisguised provocation is useless, is really edition mulberry that turns a deaf ear to the words completely!” “请不要做出这种把薯条当作武器的幼稚行为!况且我都如此亲切地提示了,这样露骨的挑衅是没用的,真是个完全听不进去话的编辑桑!” Aiya, was very obviously easy to be excited, the verset could not bear the provocation.” “哎呀,明明很容易就激动起来了,小诗还是这么受不了挑衅呢。” Was saying Machida park will look at another side, asked grinningly: Then Brother Katou, did have yesterday sees the verset smoothly the other aspect?” 这么说着的町田苑子又将目光转向另一边,笑嘻嘻地问道:“那么加藤小弟呢,昨天有顺利见到小诗的另一面吗?” Katou Yusuke remains unmoved, what in the brain appears is young girl's shape in creation, then opens the mouth to reply: 加藤悠介对此不为所动,脑中浮现出来的是少女在创作中的形态,遂开口答道: Saw saw, but we yesterday in the respective work, therefore was not such that Machida young lady thought.” “见是见到了,不过我们昨天只是在各自工作,所以不是町田小姐想的那样。” Right.” “没错。” Utaha also supplemented in the one side: Moreover, did not ask that throws into the room the high-school student of a man and a woman, oneself actually depart swaggering, this approach also really very not like Sir.” 诗羽也在一旁补充了起来:“而且,一句不问就把一男一女的高中生扔进房间,自己却大摇大摆地离去,这种做法也实在很不像大人呢。” „Didn't ask? Well ~ ~ ~ said that here has a strange mail, perhaps should look at to Brother Katou is......” “一句不问是吧?咦~~~这么说起来我这里有一封奇怪的邮件呢,或许应该给加藤小弟看一下才是……” „...... Wait! Machida young lady! Before then, do you first say today's working arrangement with me?” “等……等等!町田小姐!在这之前,你是不是先跟我把今天的工作安排说一下?” This ~ ~ ~, although I also thought so, but the verset present expression also makes me feel very interesting, can be how good?” “这个嘛~~~虽然我也这么觉得,不过小诗现在的表情也让我觉得很有趣,到底要怎样才好呢?” „......, if you did not say, I under and others returned to Tokyo with Yusuke.” “……如果你不说,我等下就和悠介一起回东京了。” Unexpectedly outside move with plate! This matter you may not say yesterday completely. I also think that the verset will certainly hold the opportunity satisfied wish, originally is a paper tiger?” “居然用盘外招!这种事昨天你可完全没有说过啊。嘛,我还以为小诗一定会抓住机会满足心愿呢,原来是纸老虎吗?” Too annoying your pornographic edition!” A scowl of Utaha face. “太烦人了你这色情编辑!”诗羽一脸的怒容。 But Machida park is not anxious, is drinking the coffee leisurely, while looks at the appearance that she is reddening all over the face with a laugh, immense interest in eye. 可町田苑子对此一点也不紧张,一边悠哉悠哉地喝着咖啡,一边笑呵呵地望着她满脸通红的样子,眼中的兴趣盎然。 Without the means that who called me is private life curiosity exuberant edition to a writer, but verset such useless?” “没办法,谁叫我是个对作家的私生活好奇心旺盛的编辑,而小诗又是这么的不中用呢?” Afterward also a words revolution, said: „, Although I curious am curious, but must remind your one, even the love, must «Love Metronome» finally curls to write attractively, your clear?” 随后又话语一转,说道:“不过呢,虽然我好奇是好奇,但也要提醒你一句,就算是恋爱了,也要把《恋爱节拍器》的最终卷漂亮地写出来,你明白的吧?” „...... I do not haggle over about the front words, in brief will definitely not affect the work, therefore you feel at ease.” “……关于前面的话我就不计较了,总之肯定不会影响作品的,所以你安心吧。” Katou Yusuke has not gone to manage two people bickering, has not gone to the matter that haggled over two people to give a two-man comic show yesterday, sat in the one side peacefully. 加藤悠介没有去管两人的斗嘴,也未去计较二人昨天唱双簧的事情,安静地坐在一旁。 Puts out the cell phone, looked. 拿出手机,看了起来。 ...... ……
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