Chapter 426staying overnightpet nameas well asguide
The dim light of night of out of the windowis dim.
窗外的夜色朦胧。Standstakes a broad viewto lookbefore the window, is gathers the trimnight scene of city.
站在窗前放眼望去,是和合市的整片夜景。Fromandwalksbeyondthreeminutes of distanceaboutJeffersonHotel, is gathers the station in city.
距离和合杰佛逊酒店步行三分钟的距离外,是和合市的车站。With the largereduction of cable carschool grade order, the pedestrian who goes out of the stationalsobecomesscarce, almostdo not enter the person in station.
It seems like crawlingto be the same like the fragmentaryantby far.
远远看上去就如同零星的蚂蚁在爬一样。Katou Yusukearrives and gathers the city the timeis8 : 00 pm.加藤悠介抵达和合市的时候是晚上 8 点。
The middlefoundUtahaandwith the Machidaparkchildcanwith, approximatelyspent for about an hour.
After theyfinish talking the work, is11 : 00 pm.
等她们谈完工作以后,是晚上11点。Butnow...... alreadytoevening11:20.
而现在……已到了晚上十一点20。Fromleading to the last bus of Tokyo, is only left over the onlyschool grade order.
距离通往东京的末班车,仅剩下唯一一个班次。Before the standin the building the highest building, looksfromout of the window, the scenerytakes in everything at a glance.
作为站前大楼中最高的一栋建筑,从窗外看去,风景一览无余。Inthisincommutinghouseregion that leaves the town centerslightlydistance, the lightis startingto reducefrom the stationslowly.
Compared with brilliantly illuminatedTokyo, suchandhas a quietcharacter and styleabout the cityon the contrary.
The hotelsound-insulatedfacilityis perfect, calmlyoutsideanysoundtobeing able to hear.
酒店内部的隔音设施完善,静到听不见外面的任何声音。Communicatedin the vehicles of intersection, stillstoreinbusiness, walkedin the streetabovepedestrian.
不论是来往于十字路口的车辆,仍在营业中的商店,还是走在街道上面的行人。Even ifcan see the trace, theirsoundsare unable to transmithere, seemed isolatedinanotherworld.
啪唰~啪唰~Girl'staking a bathsoundis reverberatingclearly.
女孩子的洗澡声清晰地回响着。Indoorcold air/Qistartsvery muchfull.
在这样的环境下。Oncestoodmotionlesslyfor a long time, on the exposedskinoutside the instinctwill exudegoosebumps.
一旦一动不动地站久了,裸露在外的皮肤上就会本能地泛起一层鸡皮疙瘩。In various corners of roomis embellishing the weakandgentlelight, luminousinsufficient, onlymaintained the field of visionillumination of minimumdegree, buildsto suit the atmosphere of sleep.
房间的各处角落里点缀着微弱且柔和的灯光,光亮不足,只保持了最低程度的视野照明,营造出适合睡眠的氛围。Katou Yusukearrives at the roomcenterfrom the window, satin the spacioussoftbededge.加藤悠介从窗边来到房间中央,在宽敞松软的大床边缘坐了下来。Put out the cell phoneto look atone, aboveis demonstrating the Tokyotimeat this momentclearly.
-11 : 35
……But the taking a bathsound in bathroomis actually making a soundas beforeleisurely.
而浴室里的洗澡声却依旧在悠哉悠哉地响着。Thereforetakes back the pocket the cell phone.
他无奈地叹了一声。By the present, heno longerplaced hopes to be abletonightto return toTokyo.
A finalclass of cable carwill start outat11:40on time.
最后的一班电车将在11点40分准时发车。According to the presentsituation, even if the young girlcomes outfrom the bathroomnowimmediately, andchanges the clothes.
根据眼下的情况来看,即使是少女现在立刻从浴室里出来,并且换上衣服出发。Even ifonlytakesthreeminutesfromhotelhereto the station, cannot catch upin any event.
哪怕从酒店这里到车站仅需三分钟,也是无论如何都赶不上的。Because of this, hewill give upthisthought.
正因为如此,他才会放弃这一念头。Mustsay that alsohaswhat other issue that is worththinking deeply about, actuallythatisdownstairsMachidaparkchildwhyhas not then come up......
要说还有什么其他值得思索的问题,那便是楼下的町田苑子究竟为什么还不上来了……Placed the suitcase of under footto tidy upappropriately.
放在脚下的行李箱早已收拾妥当。Includingpreviouslythatwrap/setsby the uniform/subdue that the raindripped wet, was been good the cloth sack that by the repeattook in the hotelto provide.
包括先前那套被雨淋湿的制服,也被迭好收进了酒店提供的布袋。What a pitynowgenerallywas the discipledoesis not studious.
可惜现在大抵是徒做无用功了。Katou Yusukethenstartsto ponder,currentlyit seems likeremainswithhas been a foregone conclusiontonightabout the city, but the counter measureshavetwo.加藤悠介转而开始思考,目前看来今晚留在和合市已成定局,而应对措施则有两条。First, goes tonet, andwatched the movieto passonewith the picturecartoonwhole evening, tired the wordsslept.
一、去网咖,用画漫画和看电影度过一整晚,累了的话就睡觉。Second, opens a roomin the hotelagain, whenwill leavetomorrow morning.
二、在酒店里再开一个房间,等到明早离开。Comparesinbefore an option, Yusukeoneselffavor the secondoption.
相较于前一个选项来说,悠介本人更倾向于第二个选项。After all must go tonet to go out, butoutsideis flutteringas before the xixisusulight rain, andis not every nethas the shower room, howthereforeto take a bathbecame an issue.
毕竟要去网咖就必须要出门,而外面依旧在飘着窸窸窣窣的小雨,并且也不是每个网咖都带有淋浴间,因此如何洗澡就成了一个问题。As forcoexistsoneroomwithUtaha-senpai, spends together a latesituation, hedoes not wantto developsuch.
至于与诗羽学姐共处一室,共度一晚的情况,他并不想发展成那样。Katou Yusukethinks that herestopped, thenchanged the bedheadfrom the tail block, on the planeusingnightstand, startedto givesince the receptionistdial the telephone.加藤悠介想到这里停了下来,然后从床尾换到了床头,利用床头柜上的座机,开始给酒店前台拨打起电话。Honk~, honk~, honk......
嘟~,嘟~,嘟……Perhapsisbecause the timeis late, after the telephonerangtwoandthree, just nowbyperson„pū”answering.
或许是因为时间已晚,电话响了两、三声以后方才被人“噗”地一声接听。„...... Hello, hereis an onstage, whatmatterhasto helpyou?”
After Yusukewantsto openoneselfagain a demand of room said that toconvenientby the tone that was extremely sorrymade the response.
„......, Iswantsto registerto move in? Reallyis unfair tothisguest.
“……啊,是想要登记入住吗?实在是非常对不起这位客人。Becauseneighborhas the bookstoreto movetoday, relations that in additionrains, wecurrentlydo not have the vacant room, hasotherthingsto helpyou? ”
停顿了一下。„......, Did not have.”
“……不,没有了。”„Yes, excuse me, thenbye.”
嘟-Hangs upKatou Yusuke of telephoneto send out a sigh, has toraise the netoption that put asideagain, subsequentlystartsto searchnearbynetwith the cell phone.
The showeringsound of bathroomstopsimperceptibly.
The timearrived11:40, justin the departure time of last bus, has20minutesfromearly morning.
The sound that the dooropensresoundsquickly, the slightsound of footstepstransmitsfromentrancethere.
The voice of girllazysex appealin the nextsecondreachedin the ear.
女孩子慵懒性感的嗓音在下一秒传进了耳中。„...... Madeyouwait for a long time.”
“……让你久等了。”Katou Yusukeraised the headto cast a sidelong glance, „immediately”danglingeyelidafterthreeseconds, turns away.加藤悠介抬头瞟了一眼,又在三秒钟以后“立刻”垂下眼睑,移开视线。
The moisthair, the watersleek/moisteyepupil, the ruddycheeks, are dragginggently the vision, as well aspackages the gracefulbodyunderwhiteshortversionbathrobe......
湿润的头发,水润的眼眸,红润的脸颊,轻轻摇曳着的目光,以及包裹在白色短版浴袍下的曼妙身躯……Dádá, the girlwalkedat a moderate pace.
啪哒啪哒,女孩子不紧不慢地走了过来。„During the daytimesorry, bustles aboutflowedmanyperspiration, heavy rain, makingmeveryuncomfortable, the time of thereforespendinglong a point.”
“对不起喔,白天东奔西走的流了不少汗,又淋了雨,让我很不舒服,所以花的时间久了一点。”Pūsqueak squeak...... the bedsent out the moan of wanting to remain in limelight.
The moistairapproachesrapidly.
湿润的空气飞速靠近。Whatwordsdid not say,Utahabyhim, saton the bednaturally, andtaking off the clothesplaced the one side.
什么话也不说,诗羽就这么自然而然地挨着他,在床上坐了下来,并把脱下的衣服放在了一旁。Even ifKatou Yusukeis hanging down the line of sight, someviewsalsoenteredhisview.
纵使加藤悠介低垂着视线,有些景致也自行进入了他的视野。Pair of a beautifulleg that stretches outfrom the whitebathrobeis smoothandslender, making one cannot help butwantto fix the eyes onis not putting.
The gracefulline of thighandcalfreveals the sex appeal the charm, treads the tiptoeonrugalsoto makepeoplebe hardlightlyto resist.
大腿与小腿的优美线条流露出性感的魅力,轻踏在地毯上的趾尖亦让人难以抗拒。Perhapsisreason that becausehas not worn the pantyhose.
也许是因为没有穿裤袜的原因。When the Utahalight the legis appearing at present, makespeoplethinkto be differenton the contrary, brings the intensecontrastfeelingin the vision, was impressive......
当诗羽光着腿出现在眼前的时候,反倒更让人觉得有所不同,在视觉上带来强烈的反差感,令人印象深刻……„ei, Yu-chan.”
“欸,悠酱。”Utahabinds the longblack haircleaningmoisture contentwith the towel, whileaskedcareless: „...... Do youwantalsoto take a bath?”诗羽一边用毛巾裹住长长的黑发擦拭水分,一边漫不经心地问道:“……你要不要也洗个澡?”Expressionsparselyusuallylike, inaskingyouwantsto eat anything, maylistenin the litigantear, has the entirely differenteffectandmeaning.
“……”Katou Yusukeraised the headslowly, side the observationsets out the young girl.加藤悠介缓缓抬起头,观察起身旁的少女。
After seeingUtahaslightly, raises the head, on the facehas the smile of relaxation, is scratching the hairwhilelooks askanceto regardtohim.
The neckband that opens wideslightlyreveals the fair and healthy-lookingflesh, the semicircleEcovercupcurvemade the personpalpitationexquisitely, was tender and delicatelikecreamwhite jade.
微微敞开的领口露出白里透红的肌肤,半圆型的E罩杯曲线优美地令人心悸,娇嫩得有如凝脂白玉。Seeshimnot to speak, Utaha is movesraisesasks: „What's wrong? Was charmedby the sexygirlfriend?”
见他不说话,诗羽便是挪揄地问道:“怎么了?被性感的女朋友迷住了吗?”Was sayingdepended on a pointtowardhim, the distances of twoworldsare less than a fistreluctantly.
The herbis the delicate fragrance of shampoo, after taking a bath the fragrance of milkgel, as well ashas been ableto delay the chill in the airunder the fullcold air/Qislightly the fleshbody temperature......
草本系洗发水的清香,洗完澡后的牛奶沐浴露的香味,以及在过足的冷气下能稍稍延缓寒意的肌肤体温……Allfilled the airto wrapgently.
全都轻轻弥漫包裹了过来。Katou Yusukemoves the noseslightly, did not answerasked back: „Therefore, thisstudies the elder sisterto/clasheswell, washesquickly?”加藤悠介微微动了动鼻子,不答反问:“所以,这就是学姐的冲一下就好,洗得很快么?”„...... Itake a bathdoes not havetooto pay attention to the time, said,nowseveral : 00?”
“十一点四十五分。”„Un? Bus service......”Utahashape, ifaskedonewith amazement.
“嗯?那末班车岂不是……”诗羽状若惊讶地问了一句。„Whenyoucomes out, the lastclass of cable carshouldjustwalk.”Katou Yusukecontinuesto saytranquilly: „WhyMachidayoung ladydoes not know, had not come up.”
“在伱出来的时候,最后一班电车应该刚走。”加藤悠介平静地继续说道:“町田小姐也不知道为什么,一直没有上来。”„Therefore, yourlast busdid miss?”
“所以,你连末班车都错过了?”„That is true.”
“……?”„Youcanurgemeto come outobviouslyearlier? Ialsothink that youhad not saidfinally, harmingmethinks the time is very sufficient.”Utahais blinkingto say.
“你明明可以早点催我出来的啊?我也是这么以为的,结果你一直没说,害我以为时间还很充足。”诗羽眨着眼睛说道。HearsthissayingYusuketo be first startledat first, thenfrownsimmediately, althoughthissayinghad the suspicion of putting the blame on victim, butheindeedhas not knocked on a doorto urge.
听到这话的悠介起初先是一怔,接着又立刻皱起眉头,这话虽然有倒打一耙的嫌疑,但他也的确没有敲门催促过。Todaymatter are too many.
今天发生的事情太多。Adds on the specialoccasionwith the young girlspecialrelations, makinghisinstinctcenter of the earthtake into consideration.
与少女特殊的关系加上特殊的场合,让他本能地心有顾及。By, whenUtahatakes a bath, was heardtoomanysoundsforavoidancebyoneself, hetreatsas far as possiblenear the roomwindowtherepacks the baggage.
是以在诗羽洗澡的时候,为了避免让自己听到太多的声音,他都是尽量待在房间最里侧的窗边那里收拾行李的。In the time of laterunceasinglypassinglooks onhands tied, until the thoroughdelaycable car, missedmanyopportunitiesbaseless.
之后就是在不断流逝的时间中束手坐视,直到彻底延误电车,凭空错过了许多机会。Katou Yusukethinks that herepurses the lips, somewhatchokes with rageaboutoneselfslightly.加藤悠介想到这里不禁抿了抿嘴,对自己微微有些窝火。But the young girliscontinuesto ask: „That, sincethings have gotten to this point, youdo wantto livesimply......?”
而少女则是继续问道:“那,既然事已至此,你要不要干脆住下来……?”„, Ipreparednetto pass an evening, studied the elder sisterto restwell.”Katou Yusukewas sayingsets outon the preparation, actuallyheld on the sleevebyUtaha.
“不了,我准备去网咖过一晚,学姐好好休息吧。”加藤悠介说着就准备起身,却被诗羽拉住了袖子。„Why? Youdid not promiseme, at this time, can'tremainto accompanyme?”
“为什么?你不是答应我了吗,这种时候,不能留下来陪我吗?”Katou Yusukeis visitingher, the soundslightlylowlandsaid: „Ihave thoughtopens a roomagain, butthishoteldoes not have the room, moreoverIhave not registeredto move, normalisforbidsto enter the room.”加藤悠介偏着头看她,声音略低地说:“我有想过再开一间房,不过这个酒店已经没房了,而且我也没有登记入住,正常来说是禁止进入房间的。”Utahasmiledsuddenlyhappily: „Aboutthis, you are the guest of lodging, Yu-chan.”诗羽忽然开心地笑了:“关于这个,你已经是住宿的客人啰,悠酱。”„...... Whatmeaning?”
“……什么意思?”„ActuallyMachidayoung ladywent to the washrooma moment agotime, has handledto move in the procedurein the counterforyou. Thisis the news brief that shesends, the words that youdo not believecanlook~”
The languagefinishes, shethentook uponeselfcell phonefromplacenearbyclothes, anddemonstrated the mail of Machidapark.
【 Machidayoung lady: The procedure that BrotherKatoumoves inIhave handled, 8 : 00 am inonstageset, regardless ofin this period of timeyouarewhatmenot to knowtotally.
【町田小姐:加藤小弟入住的手续我已经办好了,明天早上八点在前台集合,在这段时间里无论你做什么我都一概不知。Good night~
晚安~o ( * / / / / / / / / * ) q
“……”Looked that the mailKatou Yusukeraised the head, looks at the young girl, understoodinstantaneouslyherenergywhatto come, whyas well assheaccomplishes a task with ease, unflustered.
看完邮件的加藤悠介抬起头,将视线转向少女,瞬间就理解了她的底气何来,以及她为什么这么游刃有余,从容不迫。Goes to the washroomto startfromMachidapark, as well asUtahaduring the mail that sends, twopeoplehave designedthismatterprobably, the followingallare basically giving a two-man comic show.
自町田苑子去洗手间开始,以及诗羽在那期间所发的邮件,两个人大概就已经设计好这件事了,后面的一切基本都是在唱双簧。Picks up the baggageincludingthatlatergoing upstairs, Utahaintaking a bath that knowing perfectly well the timeintensesituationproposed, did not go upstairscompletelyexaminationMachidapark......
The goal is very clear.
For makeshimmiss the lastclass of cable car, letshis«Fatestaynight».
为的,就是让他错过最后一班电车,让他《Fatestaynight》。Aboutreason that two peopledo that.
关于两人之所以这么做的理由。Katou Yusukeknowsitsone to pushitstwo, subsequently the intonationsaidstiffly.加藤悠介知其一便可推其二,继而语调生硬地说了起来。„Thismatter, ifwere knownbystudyelder sister'sfamily member, will cause the confidence crisis.”
“这种事情,如果被学姐的家人知道的话,是会引发信任危机的。”In the Utahawine redpupilis hiding the happy expression, returned to a look of acme of beauty and deportmenttohim, spoke with confidence.诗羽酒红色的眸子里藏着笑意,给他回了一个千娇百媚的眼神,侃侃而谈。„Iam the trustworthyperson, is the school yearfirst, has never stirred up trouble, has never revolted against the parents, thereforetheydo not think.”
“我是值得信赖的人,一直是学年第一,从未惹过事,从未反抗过父母,所以他们不会这么想。”„Thenis missing the matter that andlodges away from home?”
“那么失踪和外宿的事情呢?”„The matter that vanishesintentionallyIwill certainly not makethemworry, as forlodging, whenIcome tothiscity, seeks lodging for the nighthere, theyalsoknowthis pointand that's the end.”
“也包括现在这种情况?”„Yes, Ithinkthem, ifsaw that perhapssituationat this momentwill faint~”
“是啊,我想他们要是看到此刻的情形说不定会晕倒呢~”Utaha the voicesaidbyrecitedlightly,andnaturallydepended ongentlyonhisshoulder, the weight of whole bodyaccording to him.诗羽以轻吟般的嗓音笑着说,并自然地把头轻轻靠在他肩膀上,将全身的重量依在他身上。„...... Utaha-senpai.”Katou Yusukehesitatedwas callingone, was pondering the followingwords, closelywere actually pressed firmly between the fingers the lipbyher.
“……诗羽学姐。”加藤悠介沉吟着唤了一句,思考着后面的话语,却被她紧紧捏住了嘴唇。„Thisopened mouthspeakssomeunlovablewordsonly.”
The slenderfingertipsends out the freshelegantly simpledeodar cedarflavor, andmade an effortto pull his lipslightly.
纤细的指尖散发出清新淡雅的雪松味道,并略微用力地扯了一下他的嘴唇。„Basically, althoughIdo not dislikeyouto callme " studyelder sister " , butalsochanges the tasteoccasionally? Even if onlyin secret, later generationMr .”
“基本上,虽然我并不讨厌你叫我「学姐」,但是偶尔也换一下口味吧?哪怕只是私下里呢,后辈君。”Was saying the Utahatonerarelyseems like acting like a spoiled brat, bringsnotsadandsuffering that is easyto perceive.
The Katou Yusukewordsstopin the throat, thenlifts the handto open outherhand, „studies the elder sister to listen toanything.”加藤悠介的话语停在喉咙里,接着抬手拨开她的手,“那么学姐想听什么。”„The meaning of this saying to be, Isaid that whatyouare willingto call?”
“这话的意思是,我说什么你都愿意叫吗?”„At leastdoes not shock everybody, Iwill consider.”
“至少不太惊世骇俗的,我会考虑。”„Isthis? That, sweetheart, dear, deargirlfriend, wifeandwife......”
“是这样吗?那,甜心、亲爱的、亲爱的女友、妻子、老婆……”„Saidcannotshock everybody, had more said that was more excessive.”
“说了不可以太惊世骇俗,已经越说越过头了。”„Yusukeyou, without the sincerity......”Utahaare mutteringlow voice.
“悠介你,没诚意……”诗羽小声咕哝着。„Wasstudies the elder sister is too stubborn, beforeyouenjoyed oneself to the full, Iwill coordinateyouto arrivebased on thisas far as possiblefinally.” The Katou Yusuketonemoderately, intenthas referred.
“……”Utahacannot help butsilent, „......, ifabovetheseyoufeeltooexcessive, cancallmynamedirectly, cancallme the versetlikeMachidayoung lady.”诗羽不由得沉默了一下,“……如果上面的那些你觉得太过分,可以直接叫我的名字,也可以像町田小姐那样叫我小诗。”„Knew, thenUtaha.”
“诗羽。”„Ialsowantto listen, thistimemusthave a sentiment, did not wantthislightroleprobably dead the samefeeling.”
“我还想听,这次要带点感情,不要这种平淡的像是角色死掉了一样的感觉。”„How does sentiment...... needto dois good?”
“感情……要怎么做才好?”„...... Really is a fool, Iteachyou.”
“……真是个笨蛋,我教你。”Utaharaised the headslowly, collects the mouthtohisear, mutteredwas blowing the one breathtoinside: „...... Iloveyou, Yusuke.”诗羽慢慢抬起头,把嘴巴凑向他耳朵,喃喃着向里面吹了一口气:“……我爱你,悠介。”
The voicebiographyhearsthat moment.
The listenersare absent-minded, the timeas ifsolidifiessuddenly......
听者恍惚,时间仿佛忽然凝固……Silent, fills the airin the rooms.
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