TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#425: Final-run cable car

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Chapter 425 final-run cable car 第425章末班电车 In seat superior roughly two and 30 minutes. 在坐席上等了约莫二、三十分钟。 The Machida park innertube Utaha is returning the cafe. 町田苑子带着诗羽重新回到咖啡馆。 Was sorry that makes you wait for a long time ~ Brother Katou.” “抱歉让你久等啦~加藤小弟。” Sorry, waited to be very long?” Utaha asked calmly, pretended anything not to sit down in his nearby vacancy same, sat as for Machida park in the opposite. “对不起,等很久了吗?”诗羽若无其事地问道,装作什么也没有一样的在他旁边的空位坐下,至于町田苑子则是坐在对面。 Cannot.” Katou Yusuke turns the head to look to the side, the black pupil shines upon the present scene. “不会。”加藤悠介转头看向身边,黑色的眸子映照出眼前的景象。 This time young girl changed a neckband to beset with by white side the strapless blue color one-piece dress, arranged the slender both legs that revealed from the fluffy skirt, wore the profound dim black pantyhose, the curve was exquisite makes one be uneasy or unsettled in mind. 此时的少女换了一条领口镶有白边的露肩蓝色连衣裙,从蓬松裙摆下露出来的修长双腿,穿着深邃朦胧的黑色裤袜,曲线优美得令人心荡神驰。 Such appearance has the style of opposite party very much, looks like the food of genuine delicacy only to need the salt to blend flavors. 这样的打扮很有对方的风格,就像是真正美味的食材仅需要盐巴调味。 Unnecessary dressing up, on the contrary is less evident on oneself that beautiful sexy charm. 没有多余的装扮,反倒更加突显出本人身上那种美丽性感的魅力。 „-, Many I was not many said that Brother Katou.” “-那么,多的我就不多说了,加藤小弟。” Sits raises the thread of conversation in opposite Machida park unexpectedly, attracts his attention, then the slight nod expressed best wishes, said heartfeltly: 坐在对面的町田苑子蓦地提起话头,将他的注意力吸引过去,然后微微点头致意,由衷地说道: Thank you helps retrieve the verset, even catches up tirelessly from Tokyo, was really helps busy!” “谢谢你帮忙找回小诗,甚至不辞辛苦地从东京赶来,真的是帮大忙了!” Does not need to care, I handled matter in one's power.” “不用在意,我只是做了力所能及的事情。” „, You certainly after not hanging power failure words rushes to the station immediately? Really pressed you in such wet weather, put to trouble to you, at least made me give you to reimburse toward the ticket of return trip.” “不不,你一定是从挂掉电话以后就立刻赶往车站了吧?在这样的下雨天真是难为伱了,给你添麻烦了,至少让我把往返程的车票给你报销一下吧。” „, Thanks, this is my behavior, therefore does not use.” The Katou Yusuke politeness but explicitly expressed declining. “不了,谢谢,这是我个人的行为,所以不用。”加藤悠介礼貌但明确地表示了谢绝。 But this is also the fact. 而这也是事实。 Basically, let alone the opposite party had also once helped him at the matter that the cartoon signed, was only the Utaha-senpai individual, he is unable in knowing the opposite party missing situation of stands by. 基本上,别说对方也曾在漫画签约的事情上帮助过他,单就是诗羽学姐个人,他也无法在知晓对方失踪的情况下袖手旁观。 Although the final development was separated from his original wishes, but Katou Yusuke thought that today's study elder sister is impulsive, after the impulsion abates, will want to leave, but at that time he will not stop. 虽然最后的发展脱离了他的本愿,不过加藤悠介觉得今天的学姐只是过于冲动,等到冲动消退之后就会想要离开了,而那时他也不会阻拦。 Taking this into consideration, he decides temporarily the cold treatment among two people the relations. 有鉴于此,他决定暂时冷处理两人之间的关系。 This was he in just now that time of waiting, conclusion obtained. 这是他在方才等待的那段时间里,所得出的结论。 Hears their dialogues, Utaha lifts a pupil, curled upwards the line careful both legs, clears throat, coughs. 听到他们的对话,诗羽不由抬起眼眸,将线条细致的双腿翘了起来,清了清喉咙,咳嗽一声。 ei, Yusuke.” “欸,悠介。” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” „Do you pursue me to come?” “你是追着我来的?” Un.” “嗯。” Therefore, you actually do care about me very much?” Was saying Utaha places on the elbow the table, holds the cheeks, the look to smile single-handed long. “所以,你其实很关心我咯?”这么说着的诗羽将手肘放在桌上,单手托着脸颊,眼神笑悠悠的。 Katou Yusuke nods, returned to one simply, because is the emergency situation. 加藤悠介点点头,简单回了一句因为是紧急事态。 The appearance of puzzled character and style makes Utaha some unhappy, then extends a hand to take bearing his cheeks, plays with poked gently two above. 不解风情的样子让诗羽有些不开心,遂伸出一只手探向他的脸颊,作弄似的在上面轻轻戳了两下。 „...... Such response was too boring, shows a point more interesting expression to come to me, perhaps in that case, I will act according to your reply to give no prize urges ~?” “……这样的反应太无聊了,给我露出一点更有趣的表情来,那样的话,也许我会根据你的回答给予特・别・奖・励・哦~?” „......” “……” The slender jade of shallot refers to pokes scratches with the finger is playing with the cheeks, making Katou Yusuke feel somewhat ill, then lifts a hand to plan him to fend off, was instead held by the young girl, takes away to the table. 青葱的纤纤玉指似戳似搔地玩弄着脸颊,让加藤悠介觉得有些不适,遂抬起一只手打算将其挡开,却反被少女一把抓住,向桌下带去。 The next second, the slightly cool sprout/slender white hand then opened his palm cleverly, inserts his referring to seam five fingers, then closely gets hold. 下一秒,微凉的柔荑便灵巧地打开了他的手掌,将五根手指插入他的指缝,然后紧紧握紧。 The soft tender touch raids from the hand, made Yusuke, subsequently turned the head to look. 软嫩的触感从手上袭来,令悠介顿了一下,继而转头看了过来。 However Utaha actually first place returns to the angle the face, does not look at each other with him, and said to opposite Machida park child opens the mouth. 然而诗羽却先一步地把脸回正角度,不与他对视,并向对面的町田苑子开口说了起来。 „...... The matter of reimbursement did not need to raise, Machida young lady, I will handle this matter. On the other hand we have not eaten the thing, can select some Jane/simple Canlai to eat?” “……报销的事情就不用提了,町田小姐,我自己会处理好这件事。话说回来我们还没有吃东西,可以点一些简餐来吃吗?” On the white and tender ear is exuding light rouge. 白嫩的耳朵上面泛着一层淡淡的红粉。 Since the verset said......-, that first ate a thing to say again.” Machida park waved the hand to the server, embarrassed ~ ~ ~ please help us select the list.” “既然小诗都这么说了……嗯-,那就先吃点东西再说吧。”町田苑子向服务生招起了手,“不好意思~~~请帮我们点单。” While this time. 趁此时机。 Katou Yusuke pulled out unknowingly started, has not actually withdrawn, the young girl grasped deadly, has trend that very much must grasp. 加藤悠介似不经意地抽了一下手,却没抽回,少女握得很死,大有要这么一直握下去的趋势。 He pondered silently. 他默默思考了一下。 At least today, he decides to let matters slide. 至少在今天,他决定听其自然。 Therefore no longer tries to resist, but has not let matters drift to make each other ten fingers buckle. 于是不再试图抵御,但也没有放任自流到让彼此十指相扣。 The server who was called by Machida park delivers the menu quickly, observes for three people. 被町田苑子唤来的服务生很快送上菜单,供三人察看。 What do several guests want?” “请问几位客人要点什么?” Un ~ ~ ~ my belly is actually not hungry, so long as comes one cup of blue mountains coffee to be good again, you want to eat anything to select on the line, the verset, Brother Katou.” “嗯~~~我倒是肚子不饿,只要再来一杯蓝山咖啡就好,你们想吃什么自己点就行,小诗,加藤小弟。” In this case, I take one cup of American coffee, French fries...... Yusuke you?” “这样的话,那我要一杯美式咖啡,还有炸薯条……悠介你呢?” One cup of ice American type, black pepper intent surface, thanks.” “一杯冰美式,黑椒意面,谢谢。” Good, I understood, then please three wait a minute the moment.” The servers bow to say slightly, then turns around to move toward the bar. “好的,我明白了,那么请三位稍候片刻。”服务生微微躬身说道,然后便转身走向吧台。 On the other hand, verset ~ “话说回来,小诗~” On the Machida park child face hangs up the ambiguous smile, moves raises said: You have said the name to Brother Katou ~ ~ ~?” 町田苑子脸上挂起暧昧的笑容,挪揄道:“你已经对加藤小弟直呼名字了吗~~~?” Words that must speak, he is not only I the later generation in school, is the plot adviser of my novel, what this has to make a fuss about nothing?” “非要说的话,他不仅是我在学校里的后辈,也是我小说的剧情顾问,这有什么值得大惊小怪的吗?” A Utaha face responds calm and composed, places the hand under table always to pull Katou Yusuke. 诗羽一脸神色自若地做出回应,放在桌下的手始终牵着加藤悠介 Although it is so ~ before you, hasn't been using " Schoolmate Katou " this name?” “话虽这么说~不过你之前不是一直在用「加藤同学」这个称呼吗?” „...... That before Machida young lady, said again, now also uses this hackneyed stuff the joke, will only make people think that fills old.” “……那只是在町田小姐面前而已,再说,现在还用这种老套的玩笑,也只会让人觉得充满古早味而已。” Machida park is not angry, only with a laugh placing the both arms on table intersects in the same place, the upper part slightly to the leans forward, then intent has referred said: 町田苑子对此也不生气,仅是笑呵呵地将放在桌上的双臂交叉在一起,上半身微微向前倾,然后意有所指地说道: Un, why blushes about you, as well as why I did not only complain with left hand matter, then continued to discuss the matter of work.” “嗯,关于你为什么脸红,以及为什么只用左手这件事我就不吐槽了,接下来还是继续谈工作的事情吧。” The body of Utaha first is one stiff, then relaxed slowly, nods to agree ambiguously. 诗羽的身体先是一僵,接着又慢慢放松了下来,含糊其辞地点头表示认同。 The server also sent the coffee in this time just in time. 正巧服务生也在此时送来了咖啡。 Has displayed very silent Katou Yusuke to take advantage of opportunity the hand under table to pull out, but Utaha this time has not continued to resist stubbornly tenaciously. 一直表现得十分沉默的加藤悠介顺势将桌下的手抽了回来,而诗羽这次也没有继续固执顽抗。 Because Yusuke sits in side position by the window, by server, when puts the coffee only to arrive at area his left hand. 因为悠介坐在里侧的靠窗位置,是以服务生在放咖啡的时候只能够到他左手一带。 Katou Yusuke does not care, usually took up front ice American type with the left hand very much, delivers to the mouth, the preparation tastes. 加藤悠介对此也不在意,很平常地用左手拿起了面前的冰美式,送到嘴边,准备品尝。 A fresh nice-smelling deodar cedar flavor floated the nasal cavity...... 一股清新好闻的雪松味道就飘进了鼻腔…… It seems like the hand lotion flavor. 似乎是护手霜的味道。 Katou Yusuke looked at side one subconsciously, sees Utaha same also with his is carrying own coffee, and is taking a look at him secretly. 加藤悠介下意识地看了一眼身旁,就见诗羽也与他一样的端着自己的咖啡,并偷偷打量着他。 That moment of vision looking at each other, the look of young girl glittered two, at once under hangs down artificially the pupil, on the snow white cheeks exudes light blushing. 目光对视的那一刻,少女的眼神不由闪烁了两下,旋即不自然地低垂下眸子,雪白的脸颊上泛起淡淡的红晕。 Rare side makes one have one type, wants with the cell phone the idea that it photographs. 罕见的一面让人不禁产生一种,想要用手机将其拍摄下来的想法。 Such thought flashes to pass in the Katou Yusuke heart, has not actually aroused what ripples. 这样的念头在加藤悠介心中一闪而逝,却没有激起什么涟漪。 Before Machida park and Utaha discussion work, he left a washroom, and on the road goes shopping outside convenience store while convenient. 在町田苑子与诗羽谈论工作之前,他动身去了一趟洗手间,并在回来的路上顺带在外面的便利店里买了点东西。 Mainly is dips the pen and syringe pen, the cartoon ink and painting itself/Ben and so on thing. 主要是蘸水笔、针管笔、漫画墨水和画图本之类的东西。 Because did not determine how long relations two people will chat, therefore Yusuke planned that continues the picture «Power saw Person» cartoon kills the time. 因为不确定两人会聊多久的关系,所以悠介打算继续画《电锯人》的漫画来消磨时光。 When he returns to the cafe, before Jane/simple Can was also delivered. 而当他回到咖啡馆的时候,之前点的简餐也被送了上来。 Sees in his hand is carrying the plastic bag, Utaha asked one curiously: What thing did you buy? Yusuke.” 看到他手里拎着的塑料袋,诗羽不由好奇地问了一句:“你买了什么东西吗?悠介。” Is the picture material.” The Katou Yusuke response said, and demonstrated to her inside thing. “是画材。”加藤悠介回应道,并把里面的东西向她展示了一下。 After that. 那之后。 The Machida park child and Utaha continues to chat " Love Metronome » matter, but he after was finishing eating the intent surface agily, began to draw the original manuscript. 町田苑子和诗羽继续聊着《恋爱节拍器》的事情,而他则是在利索吃完意面以后,动手画起了原稿。 Three people are bustling about respectively. 三人各自忙碌着。 After he establishes the relations, the young girl obviously becomes mounts the person, once for a while will always have turned the head to come to see him, however in having the third party situation on the scene somewhat cannot unshackle. 在与他确立关系以后,少女明显变得黏人了一些,总是会时不时地转过头来看他,然而在有第三者在场的情况下又有些放不开手脚。 Therefore then presents a fear hand to fear the foot, the appearance of being at a loss. 于是便呈现出一副畏手畏脚,无所适从的模样。 Katou Yusuke felt her vision, but has not actually responded, but is drawing own original manuscript dedicated. 加藤悠介感受到了她的目光,不过却没有做出回应,只是专注地画着自己的原稿。 Similarly, the Machida park child naturally also noticed the difference of oneself treasure author, the pondering smile on face from starting from not to stop finally. 同样的,町田苑子自然也注意到了自家宝贝作者的异样,脸上的玩味笑容从始自终就没停下来过。 Stirs up Utaha vision from the beginning to dodge, to following shakes the leg agitated anxiously, making the table also follow to sway gently, the entire process is all changing in secret. 惹得诗羽从一开始的目光闪躲,到后面烦躁不安地抖起腿来,令桌子也跟着轻轻摇晃,整个过程皆在暗中变化着。 Such condition has continued to go to that moment of washroom to the Machida park child excuse, just now stops. 这样的状况一直持续到町田苑子借口要去洗手间的那一刻,方才停止。 But Katou Yusuke also exchanged the white ink with the syringe pen, a moment ago because of the function of external force, but draws some crooked lines, starts writing to cover, calmly waits for the ink to air dry. 加藤悠介也用针管笔换上了白色墨水,把刚才因为外力的作用而画歪的一些线条,下笔覆盖掉,静静等待墨水晾干。 Witnessed that this Utaha look is somewhat guilty, then pinches French fries with two fingers, then delivers to his mouth slowly. 目睹这一幕的诗羽眼神有些愧疚,遂用两根手指捏起一根炸薯条,然后慢慢送到他嘴边。 Excuse me, eats fries, Yusuke.” “不好意思,来吃一根薯条吧,悠介。” The delicate fragrance of deodar cedar greets the nostrils, is also mixing with the fries weak fat fragrance. 雪松的清香扑鼻,其中还夹杂着薯条微弱的油脂香味。 Katou Yusuke stopped for one second, subsequently opens the mouth, by not touch the distance that the opposite party points at to bite a fries end, is wriggling the lip, prepares to eat it. 加藤悠介停了一秒钟,继而张开嘴巴,以不会触碰到对方手指的距离咬住了薯条的一端,接着才蠕动着嘴唇,准备将其吃进去。 But in next second- 可就在下一秒- Young girl actually moved the body to push suddenly, and collected the face quickly to him, opened the lip slightly, ~ bit all of a sudden had not entered his mouth completely, another end of fries. 身旁的少女却忽然挪动着身子挤了过来,并倏地把脸凑向他,微微张开嘴唇,“啊~”地一下子咬住了还未完全进入他嘴巴的,薯条的另一端。 The distances of two face are near, can see each other inverted image in opposite party eyes clearly. 两张脸庞的距离近到,可以清晰地看到彼此在对方眼中的倒影。 Katou Yusuke figure cannot help but for it one stiff. 加藤悠介身形不由得为之一僵。 The flesh of young girl wins the snow, above cannot see the slight pore, just like peeling the egg of shell was equally perfect. 少女的肌肤胜雪,上面看不到丝毫的毛孔,宛如剥了壳的鸡蛋一样完美无瑕。 In the ruddy lip opens exquisitely, reveals like the cow's milk white tooth, is breathing as when warming the hands gently. 红润的嘴唇优美地张开,露出里面如牛乳般的洁白牙齿,轻轻呵着气。 The faint spitting breath floats the Yusuke nasal cavity weakly, making him breathe stagnates slightly, the instinct slowed down the breath. 幽微的吐息微弱地飘进悠介的鼻腔,令他呼吸微微一滞,本能地放缓了呼吸。 Un......” “嗯……” The Utaha tooth makes an effort slightly, bites the larger part in the distance of limit the fries, then draws back slowly backward, ate calmly. 诗羽牙齿稍微用力,将薯条在极限的距离咬下一大半,然后慢慢向后退开,若无其事地吃了起来。 Sorry ~ I also suddenly want to eat the fries, Yu-chan should you not mind?” “对不起~我也突然想吃薯条了,悠酱你应该不会介意吧?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke is silent is swallowing the mouth remaining section of fries. 加藤悠介沉默着将剩下的一截薯条吃进嘴巴。 First looked on a table also to remain many fries, then looked that to young girl who face teased, finally meaning nods unclearly, returned to one: 先是看了一眼桌上还剩许多的薯条,接着又看向身旁一脸戏谑的少女,最后意味不明地点了点头,回了一句: „...... It‘s nothing, studies the elder sister not to care on the line.” “……没什么,学姐不在意就行。” That, must come one again ~? Can this time I kiss...... feed you?” A Utaha face is eager to try. “那,要再来一根吗~?这次我可以亲……喂你喔?”诗羽一脸跃跃欲试。 „.” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, then asked: Time is very late, does Utaha-senpai also return to Tokyo today?” “不了。”加藤悠介摇了摇头,然后问道:“时间已经很晚了,诗羽学姐今天还回东京吗?” This, Yusuke will you have the matter tomorrow?” “这个嘛,悠介你明天有事吗?” Un, made to go to not dead Sichuan with editor-in-chief Tamura to hand in a writing.” “嗯,跟木村主编约好了要去不死川交稿。” Utaha nods looking pensive, oh: You and other, I contact with Machida young lady.” 诗羽若有所思地点了点头,喔了一声:“那你等一下,我和町田小姐联系一下。” Said that then puts out the cell phone, initiated the mail with Machida park. 说完便拿出手机,与町田苑子发起了邮件。 Also after waiting for about dozen minutes . 又等了大约十几分钟以后。 Uses up the Machida park in washroom child to return slowly. 用完洗手间的町田苑子姗姗归来。 Big young two black hair beautiful women, the matter of work were also discussing a while. 一大一小的两名黑发美女,就着工作的事情又谈了一会儿。 Perhaps obtained the reminder of Utaha, Machida park significantly picked up the speed. 或许是得到了诗羽的提醒,町田苑子明显加快了速度。 Even so, after they finish talking the work, the time also arrived 11 : 00 pm, from returning to the last bus of Tokyo also has three. 即便如此,等她们谈完工作以后,时间也来到了晚上11点,距离返回东京的末班车还有三趟。 Then this, after the concrete matter return to Tokyo, today discussed. Moreover, helping the verset go to the building to take the work of baggage to trouble you? Brother Katou.” “那么今天就这样吧,具体的事情等回到东京以后再谈吧。另外,帮小诗去楼上拿行李的工作可以麻烦你吗?加藤小弟。” Where does baggage place?” “行李放在哪里?” On 13 of hotel, makes the verset lead you to come up, I pay up.” “在酒店的13层,就让小诗带你上去吧,我去结账。” Good.” The Katou Yusuke nod complies, feels nothing to have what unusuality. “好。”加藤悠介点头答应下来,浑然不觉有什么异常。 both sides fan out in two groups. 双方兵分两路。 Machida park takes the bill to pay up, but he moves toward the hotel lobby under the leadership of Utaha, and travels by the elevator to arrive at 13. 町田苑子拿着账单去结账,而他则是在诗羽的带领下走向酒店大堂,并搭乘着电梯来到十三层。 Drop ~ has swiped door key. “滴~”地一声刷过门卡。 Two people enter together 1325 rooms. 两人一同进入「1325」号房间。 On the clean neat bed puts the uniform/subdue that the young girl was previously changing, the ground also has an opening small-scale suitcase. 干净整洁的床铺上放着少女先前换下来的制服,地上还有一个打开的小型行李箱。 Baggage, only then these? Utaha-senpai.” “行李只有这些吗?诗羽学姐。” „......” “……” Has not responded, only then the door closed sound is resounding slowly behind. 没有回应,只有房门缓缓闭合的声音在身后响起。 Katou Yusuke looks back to look to behind. 加藤悠介回首看向身后。 Reflects pleasant, is lowers the head, appears the exceptionally peaceful young girl. 映入眼中的,是低着头的,显得异常安静的少女。 Utaha-senpai?” 诗羽学姐?” Un......” “嗯……” Baggage?” “行李?” Un, is these.” Utaha tranquilly and responds low voice: Can trouble you to help me tidy up? I want to take a bath.” “嗯,就是这些。”诗羽平静且小声地做出回应:“可以麻烦你帮我收拾一下吗?我想去洗个澡。” „...... Takes a bath?” The Katou Yusuke tonality rises slightly: You changed the clothes before time hasn't washed?” “……洗澡?”加藤悠介的音调微微上扬:“你之前换衣服的时候没有洗吗?” „...... Because at that time the worry made you wait for a long time, therefore has not washed.” “……当时因为担心让你久等,所以没有洗。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke put out the cell phone to look at time, reminded: But to the time of last class of cable car only then 40 minutes, moreover Machida young lady is still waiting in downstairs.” 加藤悠介拿出手机看了一眼时间,提醒道:“但是离最后一班电车的时间只有40分钟了,而且町田小姐还在楼下等着。” Is unimportant, so long as I flushed to be good, quick......” Utaha said weakly, in look rare region several points of careful. “不要紧的,我只要冲一下就好了,很快的……”诗羽弱弱地说道,眼神中罕见地带着几分小心。 Katou Yusuke stared at her to look at a while, then rubbed the forehead, returned said: „...... Knew, then please, study the elder sister as far as possible quickly.” 加藤悠介盯着她看了一会儿,然后揉了揉眉心,回道:“……知道了,那么请尽量快一点吧,学姐。” Un, thanks, that troubles you and others my......” Utaha to respond, at once turns around to enter near the gate washroom. “嗯、谢谢,那麻烦你等我一下……”诗羽如此回应道,旋即转身走进了门边的洗手间。 With ka a glottis sound, the room is shortly peaceful, then resounded crash-bang the sound of water. 随着“咔哒”一声门响,房间短暂地安静下来,接着又响起了哗啦啦的水声。 Katou Yusuke sighed reluctantly, started to begin to pack the baggage. 加藤悠介无奈地叹息一声,开始动手收拾行李。 ...... ……
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