TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#424: I must exercise the condition

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Chapter 424 I must exercise the condition 第424章我要行使条件 The autumn rain is continuous. 秋雨绵绵不绝。 The rainwater whips the sound of leaf, falls on the sound of ground, hits the sound on umbrella, made a sound in abundance, interwove a tranquil song. 雨水拍打叶子的声音,落在地上的声音,打在雨伞上的声音,纷纷响了起来,交织成了一首恬静的小曲。 Bleak, blows Utaha such as the black Bao like glossy black long hair, from the sky dances in the air disorderly. 秋风萧瑟,吹起诗羽如黑瀑似的乌亮长发,凌乱地在空中飞舞。 But she actually remains unmoved, but decides is staring at the present youngster, in the wine red pupil reflects the form of opposite party, in the heart is surging myriad trains of thought. 可她却不为所动,只是这么定定地凝望着眼前的少年,酒红色的瞳孔中倒映着对方的身影,心中涌起万千思绪。 The time starts to back up rapidly, picture round trip, returned to that incarnadine by the setting sun, in quiet library. 时光开始迅速倒退,画面一帧一帧往回拉,又回到了那个被夕阳所染红的,静谧的图书馆之中。 The boy of strange sound and admire, as well as that crawls from his table- her never looks straight at has regarded the girl. 奇怪的声音、爱慕的男孩、以及那个从他桌下爬出来的-她从未正眼看待过的女孩。 Frightened and is flooding the brain anxiously. 恐惧与不安充斥着大脑。 On that day, she had the named timid mood for the first time. 那一天,她第一次有了名为怯懦的情绪。 Even if truth in connecting in the clue in opened at present, may in the corner of innermost feelings, she rather not go to take off that fig leaf. 纵使谜底在串联起来的线索中于眼前揭开,可在内心的一隅中,她宁愿自己没去揭下那块遮羞布。 Then sense still also survived in the body. 当时的感官依然还残存在身体里。 From the new strip fragrance skilled movement, two people's relations should maintain not the short time. 从新条香熟练的动作来看,两个人的关系应该已经维持了不短的时间。 Such cognition ice-cold and brutal, making her unable to bear enclasp the both arms, the angry five fingers are pinching the arm stubbornly. 这样的认知冰冷且残酷,让她忍不住抱紧了双臂,愤怒的五指死死地掐着胳膊。 Actually Katou Yusuke how thinks that why must pester in the new strip fragrance together, as well as his goal is anything. 加藤悠介究竟是怎么想的,又为什么要和新条香纠缠在一起,以及他的目的是什么。 Even if dashed the person of own admire with own eyes offtracking, Kasumigaoka Utaha is forcing itself to ponder the cause and effect as before calmly. 哪怕是亲眼撞破了自己的爱慕之人“出轨”,霞之丘诗羽依旧在强迫自己冷静地思考前因后果。 Since two people return after Hokkaidou, the Katou Yusuke condition has been very strange. 自从两人从北海道归来之后,加藤悠介的状态就一直很奇怪。 The opposite party looked like in their surroundings raised up the high fence, alone and people isolated. 对方就像是在自身的周围竖起了高高的围墙,孤寂地将自己与众人隔离开来。 Such feeling is not only she has, is also like Sawamura Eriri including that Kato Megumi. 这样的感觉不仅是她有,包括那个加藤惠泽村英梨梨也是一样的。 Actually about to have anything in Hokkaidou, as well as why he must go to that place, how also to spend that two weeks of time. 关于在北海道究竟发生了什么,以及他为什么要去那个地方,又是如何度过那两周的时光的。 Katou Yusuke never proposes a character. 加藤悠介始终不提一字。 Therefore also no one knows. 因此也无人知晓。 Such situation made Utaha innermost feelings heat of the moment. 这样的情况令诗羽内心悲愤交加。 And has to pester in the together anger to him with the new strip fragrance, there are by him is blocked the sadness beside tall wall. 其中既有对他与新条香纠缠在一起的愤怒,也有被他一直阻绝在高墙之外的悲伤。 The train of thought forms a standing net disorderly, the net is tighter, goes directly to the heart, after pains, just now gives up. 思绪凌乱地结成一张网,越网越紧,直达心脏,一阵隐隐作痛之后,方才罢休。 Facing at present this youngster. 面对眼前这个少年。 All that she until now makes, wants to become his only, his specialness, his is not substitutable, but the repel of opposite party is also very resolute. 她一直以来所做的一切,就是想成为他的唯一,他的特别,他的不可代替,可对方的排斥也十分果决。 Without seeing new strip fragrant that she perhaps can also endure patiently, before having full assurance, but can also hold the lukewarm water to boil the mentality of frog to rub slowly. 若是没有看见新条香的那一幕,她或许还能忍耐,直到有十足把握之前,还可以抱着温水煮青蛙的心态慢慢磨。 May after witnessing that such idea vanished completely. 可在亲眼目睹了那一幕以后,这样的想法就完全消失殆尽了。 Often remembered then picture, Utaha may not the automatic control silver tooth bite tightly, wishes one could to tear into shreds two people. 每每想起当时的画面,诗羽就不可自控地银牙紧咬,恨不得将两个人撕碎。 If trades to do is others, she had done that absolutely, and be relentless will expose own ice-cold tongue, conducts one to give scolding, then puts salt toward the wound in rubs the chili oil while convenient, finally turns around to depart chic and smooth. 如果换做是别人,她绝对早就这么做了,并会毫不留情地展露自己的冰冷舌锋,进行一顿痛骂,然后往伤口上撒盐顺便抹辣椒油,最后再潇洒自如地转身离去。 But Katou Yusuke is actually different. 加藤悠介却是不同。 Only only then he, to himself is completely different. 唯独只有他,对自己来说是完全不同的。 To Utaha, Katou Yusuke is together the light, is the fresh flower is the good wine is the sweet dew, was she over the past several years was of bad the redemption life. 诗羽来说,加藤悠介是一道光,是鲜花是美酒是甘露,是她过去几年糟糕人生的救赎。 Since from listens secretly him also to talk with secure skill for the first time, from that painting of Roman flatter teacher, she is so believing. 自打从第一次偷听他与安艺伦也的对话起,从埃罗芒阿老师的那一幅画作起,她就如此坚信着。 Then is the conception and games that the later plot guide and speech and game of student association manufacture wins the championship...... 然后是之后的剧情指导、学生会的演讲、游戏制作的构想、运动会的夺冠…… If she thought from the beginning this later generation is much longer, likes his face value. 如果说她一开始只是觉得这个后辈长得不错,喜欢他的颜值的话。 In experiencing so many things, understood after he is more various, were more is shocking in his talent, and therefore adored him thoroughly. 那么在经历了这么多的事情,了解到他的更多方面以后,就更多是惊艳于他的才华了,并也因此彻底地倾心于他。 Therefore Utaha is willing to pave the way for him, even does not hesitate own reputation and feather, only in order to stands side him, lengthens forever this happy time. 所以诗羽才甘愿为他铺路,甚至不惜自己的名声与羽毛,只为了能够站在他身边,将这愉快的时光永远地延长下去。 All puts together, making her not be willing to absent his life. 所有的一切加在一起,让她不愿缺席他的人生。 The youngster who she likes hits the space, he has no intention to throw off the candlelight, lights twilight that her double pupil is filled with...... 她喜欢的少年打天上来,他无意掀翻烛火,点燃她双眸盛满的暮色…… Long ago the be continuous concern was affecting the train of thought that provoked is seeming like safely the tranquil heart lake. 久远绵延的心事牵动着思绪,撩拨着看似安然平静的心湖。 Until oncoming of that day...... 直到那一天的来临…… Thinks that here Utaha eye filled up complex, is repressing in the nose bitter said slowly: 想到这里的诗羽眼中不禁填满了复杂,按耐着鼻子里的酸涩缓缓说道: Until now, you had been concerned with me for successive nine days, how long does behind also plan to continue?” “到现在为止,你已经连续九天都对我不闻不问了,后面还打算持续多久呢?” Near ear noise of the rain tick-tock. 耳边的雨声滴滴答答。 Katou Yusuke is looking her, the look does not have the wave lightly, said simply: I do not have specially in no school inspector elder sister, but studies the elder sister you to ask for leave.” 加藤悠介回望着她,眼神清淡无波,简单道:“我没有特意在无视学姐,只是学姐你一直在请假。” Un, but does not have to disregard specially, but will not relate on own initiative, right......?” “嗯,只是没有特意在无视而已,但也不会主动联系,对吧……?” „...... I first deliver you to go back, Machida young lady almost was also in the degree of soon reporting to the police anxiously.” “……我先送你回去吧,町田小姐差不多也焦急到快要报警的程度了。” I have not disappeared am so long, the police have not been worthwhile for this situation drag in lots of people.” “我没有消失那么久,警察还犯不上为这种情况兴师动众。” „...... Knows clearly must like this, study elder sister's personality too to be rather stubbornly disobedient.” The Katou Yusuke tone took reluctantly. “……明确知道还要这样,学姐的性格未免太顽劣了。”加藤悠介的语气带上了一点无奈。 „It is not this.” Utaha raises the corners of the mouth suddenly weak slightly, the smile said: My meeting little darling under the condition of limit goes back.” “也不是这样。”诗羽忽然无力地微微扬起嘴角,微笑道:“在极限的状况下我会乖乖回去的。” What is the condition of limit? 什么是极限的状况呢? Katou Yusuke is speculating aimless at will. 加藤悠介漫无目的地随意推测着。 For example does he after not receiving the call catch up and gathers the city? Also or because without tracker, but isn't able to find her trail......? 比如他没有在接到电话后赶来和合市?又或是因为没有追踪器,而始终无法找到她的踪迹……? The young girls continued in the next quarter: No matter how said, you can appear here, does not score points lowly.” 少女在下一刻继续说了起来:“不管怎么说,伱能出现在这里,得分不低。” „......, since this, then can go back.” “……既然这样,那么可以回去了么。” „It is not good.” “还不行。” „......” “……” Naturally, you can also throw me here, then report my whereabouts to Machida young lady, that is also route, but actually the result is TE or BE, does not know.” “当然,你也可以把我丢在这里,然后向町田小姐汇报我的行踪,那也是一条route,只是结局究竟是TE还是BE,就不知道了。” If with the game analogy, here should have the option that carries off forcefully.” “如果拿游戏比喻,这里应该还有强行带走的选项。” Hehe ~ you said right, if you are willing to do, I will pour will not revolt.” “呵呵~你说的没错,如果你愿意那么做,我倒也不会反抗。” Was saying Utaha crosses the head slightly, the red lips opens lightly: I will not coordinate on own initiative, therefore you can only in hugging me and make the choice among me, how then Yu-chan you do want to do?” 这么说着的诗羽略微偏过脑袋,朱唇轻启:“不过我是不会主动配合的,所以你只能在抱着我和背着我之间做选择,那么悠酱你要怎么做呢?” Was separated several rackets. 间隔了几拍。 How can Utaha-senpai be able to go back?” 诗羽学姐要怎么样才能回去?” I want you to tell me to happen at the matter of Hokkaidou, including reason that your hair color changes, the wound on left hand, as well as you there bitter experience all.” “我要你告诉我发生在北海道的事情,包括你发色改变的原因,左手上的伤,以及你在那里遭遇的所有。” In the Katou Yusuke slender pupil jumped to project a feeling of anger, the complexion sank slightly, the silent did not answer. 加藤悠介狭眸中迸射出一丝恼意,脸色微微沉了下来,闭口不答。 Utaha sees this is not air/Qi is not angry, backs off raises up two fingers, words that...... does not want even, here also has the second plan, can listen?” 诗羽见此既不气也不恼,退而求其次地竖起两根手指,“……不愿意的话就算了,我这里还有第二个方案,要听吗?” What.” “什么。” I want you and I associate, am my boyfriend.” “我要你和我交往,做我的男朋友。” Silent, fills the air among two people. 寂静,在两人之间弥漫开来。 If the object is you......” Utaha is holding the both arms , to continue to say by the calm tone: My anything matter is a willing worker, moreover has the self-confidence, certainly will do compared with the new strip fragrance well.” “如果对象是你的话……”诗羽抱着双臂,以沉着冷静的口吻继续说道:“我什么事情都肯做喔,而且也有自信,一定会比新条香做得更好。” Katou Yusuke is looking at her speechless, the pupil light becomes deep and implicit, then returns in a low voice said: „...... Should say that I had said before, studies the elder sister.” 加藤悠介无言地望着她,眸光变得深沉而含蓄,而后低声回道:“……该说的,我之前已经说过了,学姐。” You have said that moreover more than once......, this difference.” Utaha said: I must exercise my right.” “你是说过了,而且不止一次……不过啊,这次不同。”诗羽如此说道:“我要行使自己的权利。” This is, what do you mean?” “这是,什么意思?” You hold are installing the muddled appearance I also to like clearly, what a pity I have received enough the waiting, to reject or be perfunctory, this time, I hope only you can talk clearly.” “你揣着明白装糊涂的样子我也喜欢,可惜我已经受够了等待、拒绝或是敷衍,唯独这一次,我希望你能说清楚。” „......?” “……?” Katou Yusuke frowns slightly, such as hits the riddle same dialogue to feel the doubts to this, is observing her expression while ponders. 加藤悠介微微皱起眉头,对这如打哑谜一样的对话感到疑惑,遂一边观察着她的表情一边沉思起来。 The present young girl narrows the eyes to focus, wet dá dá the head posts on the cheeks and neck, the fair flesh is ruddy. 眼前的少女微眯着眼,湿哒哒的头发贴在脸颊与脖子上,白皙的肌肤红润。 Her stature abundantly and selects high, however the both arms are very slender, when therefore she is holding the chest, is unable to block from because of the rainwater completely, but slightly under transparent shirt, then just like early morning morning glory careful lace. 她的身材丰盈而高挑,然而双臂却很纤细,因此当她抱着自己胸口的时候,是无法完全遮住因雨水而微微透明的衬衫下,那宛如清晨牵牛花般细致的蕾丝的。 But saw him quite a while unable to obtain 123, child ugly third branch, the Utaha eventually driving opens the mouth. 而见他半天得不出个一二三、子丑寅,诗羽终究还是主动开口了。 „...... Was good, before my meaning must exercise you, accepted my condition, the content saying that a moment ago, I wanted you and I associate.” “……好了,我的意思是要行使你之前答应过我的那个条件,内容就是刚才说的,我要你和我交往。” The pupil of young girl is profound, just like two mysterious morning stars, however has several points of cavity. 少女的眸子深邃透明,宛如两颗神秘的晨星,然而其中却带着几分空洞。 „......” “……” In the Katou Yusuke eye no mood, said lightly: „...... Was sorry, this I cannot achieve, you can trade one, Utaha-senpai.” 加藤悠介眼中没什么情绪,淡淡道:“……抱歉,这个我做不到,你可以换一个,诗羽学姐。” I do not trade, I want this.” Utaha is shaking the head slowly, in the beautiful facial features appears the aloof from worldly affairs tenacity. “我不换,我就要这个。”诗羽缓缓摇着头,美丽的面容上浮现出清高般的坚韧。 Therefore must fulfill the commitment, associates with me, invites to make the decision now, Schoolmate Katou Yusuke.” “所以到底要不要履行承诺,和我交往,请现在做决定吧,加藤悠介同学。” She asked imposingly, the sound spring the night blowing vertical bamboo flute, the dark clouds obstructed the eye likely, might rain. 她凛然问道,声音像春夜吹的洞箫,阴云遮了眼睛,像是要落雨了。 A blank arrives among two people. 一阵空白降临在两人之间。 Has some little time, they have not started talking. 足足有好一会儿,他们都没有开口说话。 The Katou Yusuke facial features flashed, has the mood that slight others cannot understand to surge. 加藤悠介眉眼闪动了一下,有些微别人看不懂的情绪涌起。 I will not associate.” “我不会和人交往。” He said by the desolate voice: I am unable to become study elder sister's boyfriend, studying the elder sister is not my girlfriend.” 他以冷淡的嗓音说道:“我无法成为学姐的男朋友,学姐也不会是我的女朋友。” Utaha complexion one white, the absent-minded eyes have being at a loss of flash slightly. 诗羽不由面色一白,微微失神的双眼有一瞬间的迷惘。 Her lip trembled several, like choked to fill by intense cold wind, quite a while could not say a few words. 她的嘴唇颤了几下,像被一股强烈的寒风呛灌了似的,半天说不出一句话。 Even so, studies the elder sister also to insist that must use that condition, and is willing to meet......” “即使是这样,学姐也坚持要用那个条件,并且愿意接……” „- I want!” Utaha interrupted his words fiercely, on the face the strong brace strong will be torn to pieces shortly, sobs was saying one: I am to do!” “-我愿意!”诗羽猛地截断了他的话语,脸上强撑的坚强在顷刻间支离破碎,哽咽着说了一句:“我就是要做!” The empty look as if suddenly had the light. 空洞的眼神仿佛忽然有了光。 Facing this firm incomparable , seems burning with anger blazing vindicating, the Katou Yusuke heart flashes through one to touch, is silent. 面对这段坚定无比,又仿佛怒火中烧般的炽热表白,加藤悠介心头闪过一丝触动,不禁为之默然。 „...... This is a very stupid choice.” His sinking sound said, the sound somewhat is mutely dark. “……这是个很蠢的选择。”他沉声说道,声音有些暗哑。 I am voluntary do that therefore you have no need to be worried.” “我是自愿这么做的,所以你用不着担心。” Now regrets also with enough time.” “现在后悔还来得及。” You cannot be scared me, is unable to drive back me by this, how I can look specifically......, regardless has anything, I will not regret.” “你吓不着我,也无法靠这样就逼退我,具体怎么样我会自己去看……无论发生什么,我都不会后悔。” The Utaha deep breath the one breath, the pale facial features squeezed a smile hardly. 诗羽深呼吸了一口气,苍白的面容硬挤出了一丝微笑。 Then now, if you asked that I only want to know, I can hug you open and aboveboard? Yu-chan......” “那么现在,如果你问完的话,我只想知道,我可以堂堂正正地抱你了吗?悠酱……” Katou Yusuke has not responded with enough time, the young girl then grasps him from the upfront. 加藤悠介还没来得及回应,少女便已经从正面一把抱住了他。 Both arms tight link of shivering his neck, beautiful small head by chests in two shoulders. 颤抖的双臂紧紧环着他的脖子,美丽的螓首靠在两肩之间的胸膛。 Such hug is Sir's romantic hug, on the contrary compared with looking like a little girl plunges that naive hug of father. 这样的拥抱与其说是大人浪漫的拥抱,反倒比较像一个小女孩扑向父亲的那种天真的拥抱。 The sweet greasy perfume greets the nostrils, is smoother much the sending silk to scratch with the finger the chin, above has the rainwater flavor. 甜腻的香水味扑鼻,柔滑得不可思议的发丝搔着下巴,上面带着雨水的味道。 In the Katou Yusuke eye is gloomily difficult to be bright, is being silent asking: „...... Does that is worth.” 加藤悠介眼中晦暗难明,沉默着问道:“……这么做,值得吗。” „......” “……” Utaha raised the head slowly, grasped his cheeks with the icy cold sprout/slender white hand, lets him and looks at each other. 诗羽缓缓抬起头,用冰凉的柔荑抱住了他的脸颊,让他与自己对视。 You thought that I write exhaustively, enhances itself diligently, for whom?” “你觉得我这么绞尽脑汁地写作,努力提高自己,到底是为了谁啊?” The aura that puts out slowly is charming makes one have the goosebumps. 缓慢吐出的气息娇媚得让人起鸡皮疙瘩。 She was saying smiles, so long as if one lax will cry to be the same. 她说着噗哧一笑,仿佛只要一松懈就会哭出来一样。 „, Yu-chan.” “呐,悠酱。” Smiled Utaha of a while to call in a soft voice said: Kisses.” 笑了一会儿的诗羽轻声唤道:“来接吻吧。” Did not hesitate again, all lose the control. 再没有迟疑,一切都失去控制。 Utaha is caressing his face lightly, stands on tiptoes slightly the tip of the toe, does not have the methodicalness to smell him. 诗羽轻抚着他的脸,微微踮起脚尖,毫无章法地嗅着他。 The tip of the nose passed over gently and swiftly his tip of the nose, the lip is pasting his cheeks tremblingly, finally falls the lip, stopped one second of blank, 鼻尖掠过他的鼻尖,嘴唇颤巍巍地贴着他的脸颊,最后落到嘴唇,停了一秒的空白, The next second, she kissed. 下一秒,她吻了下去。 That instantaneous, the surrounding sound vanishes slowly, fall all noises. 那瞬间,周围的声音慢慢消失,连带着秋日所有的喧嚣。 Un......” “嗯……” The soft and plentiful lip pushed, and pries open his jaw boldly, tastes recklessly. 柔软且丰满的嘴唇就挤了过来,并大胆地撬开他的牙关,肆意品尝。 The surrounding rain changes is imperceptibly small. 周围的雨在不知不觉中变小。 Has the weak wind to blow gently, makes the trees itch to sway the leaf, covered the eye shy. 有微弱的风轻轻吹过,令树木发痒似的摇晃着叶子,害羞地捂上了眼睛。 Katou Yusuke is withstanding the deep kiss of young girl passively, hangs the hand near leg to lift and put down, does not have enough consciousness, can shove open the body that bosom that shivers gently...... 加藤悠介被动地承受着少女的深吻,垂在腿边的手抬起又放下,始终没有足够的觉悟,可以推开怀里那具轻轻颤抖的身体…… Has not known how long, Utaha drew back the head finally backward. 不知过了多久,诗羽终于向后退开了脑袋。 Looks seems staring speech Yusuke, she licked oneself lip, said: I had gone out 99 steps, the remaining that steps, will make you make up for me one day on, Yu-chan.” 看着仿佛愣着说不出话的悠介,她不由舔了舔自己的嘴唇,说道:“我已经走出了九十九步,剩下的那一步,总有一天会让你为我弥补上的,悠酱。” The language finishes, her probe head kissed again. 语毕,她又再一次地探头吻了上去。 The street light of observation post corner one shines, illuminated two people face weakly...... 瞭望台角落的路灯唰地一下亮起,微弱地照亮了两人的脸庞…… After that two people went down the hillock. 那之后,两人走下了小丘。 Is thinking first goes to placard Wentang Bookstore to seek for Machida park, after the telephone, the opposite party the place assigns directly before stood nearby building- with gathering Jefferson Hotel. 本想着先去帖文堂书店寻找町田苑子,不过在通过电话以后,对方直接将地点指定在了站前大楼附近的-和合杰佛逊酒店。 Walked about a half hour distance, arrives at local highest-level lodging dining facility. 步行了半小时左右的路程,来到当地这家最高级的住宿餐饮设施。 cafe here of building hall, Katou Yusuke saw just now passes Machida park of telephone. 在一楼大厅的咖啡馆这里,加藤悠介见到了方才通过电话的町田苑子。 To sits in some seat by the window uprightly, saw that two people enter the hotel from the main entrance, then stands immediately. 对方正坐在某个靠窗的坐席上,见到两人从正门进入酒店,便立刻站了起来。 Verset ~ ~ ~! Brother Katou!” “小诗~~~!加藤小弟!” She to not cause the volume of puzzle to shout to other guests as far as possible, and tread tread tread runs over, grasped dripping wet Utaha. 她以尽量不会给其他客人造成困扰的音量喊着,并蹬蹬蹬地跑了过来,一把抱住了湿淋淋的诗羽 You put on like this is not good, the clean clothes have prepared, changes the clothes with me a bit faster.” “你穿成这样子不行,干净的衣服已经准备好了,快点跟我去换衣服。” Utaha is appeared a face resistance by she is holding, the tone is actually gently, „, I knew, Machida young lady, therefore please loosen.” 被她抱着的诗羽显得一脸抗拒,语气却是轻轻的,“嗯,我知道了,町田小姐,所以请你松开一点。” Therefore Machida park will look at Katou Yusuke here, somewhat said grateful: 于是町田苑子又将目光转向加藤悠介这里,有些感激地说道: Sorry, Brother Katou, troubles you first to sit a while here, wants to have what drink the words casually, I process the matter of this issue child.” “抱歉,加藤小弟,麻烦你先在这里坐一会儿,想喝什么东西的话随便点,我去处理一下这个问题儿童的事情。” Said that then the region Utaha was leaving here rashly. 说完便不由分说地带着诗羽离开了这里。 Katou Yusuke does not care, but the following server arrives at seat there that she previously sat, sat above. 加藤悠介对此也不在意,只是跟着服务生来到她先前所坐的坐席那里,在上面坐了下来。 Static waiting. 静静等待。 ............ ………… Particularly acknowledged: In the hegemons are blind the harvester( sauce) the character analysis, the psychological portrayal of Utaha stems from the big shot writing. 特别鸣谢:盟主盲内收割机(哈酱)的人物分析,诗羽的心理描写出自大佬笔下。
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