Chapter 423missingyoung girl
第423章失踪的少女Next afternoon, is a rainy day.
翌日下午,是个阴雨天。Continues the depressedrainfall intensitystarting from the morning, formedseveralto just like the trapcommonwater puddleon the street.
从早上开始就持续下着的沉闷雨势,在街道上形成了好几个犹如陷阱一般的水洼。Finished the student associationworktwoassociation presidentdoubledoubles the umbrella, the walkwas arriving at the platform of abundantZakistation, travelled by the cable carto go hometogether.
当然-Hererefers toreturns tovariousthatrespectively.
这里指的是各回各家的那种。Althoughtwo peopleusually have are exchangingnormally, before the redbanvermilionsoundriddleexercise keyopens, the young girlas ifdecidesno longereasilygoes tosomebody'sapartment.
在这样的状况之下。Even ifKatou Yusukecanchoosewaits for the nextbus serviceagain, toavoid the embarrassing situation that possiblycanmeet, butsuchon the contraryappearsdesirably, thereforehealsoboarded the cable carwith the benefittranquillytogether.
如此一来。Beforearriving in the station near hisapartment, two peoplehaveonebrieflyseizes the momentup.
在抵达他公寓附近的车站之前,两人将有着一段简短的共乘时光。Inthiscontinuously rainingweather, in the cable caralsohasoneto seepcoolly, seems informingapproaching of winter.
After entering the compartment, the young girlfirstthenobserved the surroundingenvironment, toseekwhethervacancy that mightbe have.
进入车厢以后,少女第一时间便观察起了周围的环境,以寻找是否有可能会出现的空位。It is a pity that because of the dualfactors of timeandweather, theycannotfind the vacancyin the compartment, therefore can only chooseto standinvehicle doornearbyarm restposition.
The benefitis approaching and even/includingarranges the included angleplace of seat, Katou Yusukestandsbyher, isolated the surroundingcrowdwith the body, createsalsoto calculate the peaceful and comfortablespacetogether.
The umbrella that receiveswas put asidebefore the foot, raindroplikedewfallsfollowing the smoothumbrella cover, lightlydripsin the ground, gathers a flaketransparentwatermarkby the blacksmallleather shoes.
The young girlsmove the footstepsgently, steps onunknowingly above, the water surfacelike the bigleaf hydrangeatoall arounddispersesin the situation that no oneknows, has the tinywater splash.
The rayreflectsis jumping the loosewater dropeverywhere, shines upon, to be rich in the feelingdark bluesailorskirt, to tie up the redribbonbeforechestby the slendercalf that the blackstockingsoutlinedin the fall......
光线反射着四处迸散的水珠,映照出被黑色长袜勾勒出的纤细小腿、富有秋季感的深蓝色水手裙、绑在胸口前的红色丝带……Andthatdon'tin the leadblack colorshort hairabovepink colorcard issuing.
以及那枚别在铅墨色短发上面的粉色发卡。Crecent mooneyebrow, clear springshowpupil, oriental cherrylip.
新月似的眉毛,清泉似的秀眸,樱花般的嘴唇。Allhappyfragmentscombinetogether, are describing the young girlclearlysuch as the poemvolumedelicateappearance.
所有美好的碎片组合在一起,清清浅浅地描绘出少女如诗卷般的清秀容貌。Does not struggle the flowerto be eye-catching, is only safelyquiet and refined.
并不争花夺目,仅是安然娴静。Just likes a stealthinunmannedknowingplace, hangingcherry that bloomsquietly.
犹如一株隐身在无人知晓处,悄然绽放的垂樱。„, Yusuke?”
“呐,悠介?”HuiQingqingturns on the cherry lips, askedcareless: „Canlisten to the musictogether?”
A slenderfairhandpicks up a unilateralearphone, calmlyassumes at present, was clearandsent out the invitationexplicitly.
一只纤细白皙的手托起一只单边耳机,静静地呈于眼前,清楚且明确地发出了邀请。Katou Yusukelooked at another whiteearphone that hasinherleft ear, said a goodcharacter, thenputs out a handto take up the earphone on herhand, forced inownright ear.加藤悠介看了一眼戴在她左耳的另一只白色耳机,说了一个好字,然后伸手拿起她手上的耳机,塞进了自己的右耳。
A slenderwhitedigitalcoilhas a bridge, linkedtwo people.
一根纤细的白色数码线架起一座桥梁,将两人连结了起来。„What do youhavespecially the song that likeslistening to?”
“都可以。”Hearsthissaying the benefitto look uphisoneeyes, subsequentlylooks down the mp3screen. Beginsto choose the program, whileopens the mouth saying: „Thisreplymostpuzzled over......”
The pinkcard issuingsendsto rockin the temple of frontal eminencewith the rhythm of cable cargently, was emphasizingin the field of visionownexistence, making one unable to bearwantto put out a handfixedlyits.
The line of sight of Katou Yusukefollowedto swaya while, changed a statementto ask: „Thenthere is a Riefusong.”加藤悠介的视线跟着摇晃了一会儿,改口问道:“那么有Riefu的歌曲吗。”„Whichsongconcreteis?”
“《LifeIsLikeABoat》。”„Un, thiswordshave, youwait a bit.”
The young girlswith the thumbsliding controlbutton of right hand, quickfound the song of correspondencegently.
少女用右手的大拇指轻轻滑动控制按钮,很快就找到了对应的曲子。„Found, is very oldsong, do Istartto broadcast?”
The finger of shallotmakes an effortto hold backslightly, „honk”onepresses down the centralbroadcastkey.
" Nobodyknowswhoireallyam...... "
The femalesingersomewhatuniquevoicemade a soundin the ear.
The rhythm of musicis affableandlazy, has the tranquilloneliness, making one relax.
音乐的节奏舒缓而慵懒,又带着一点平静的孤独感,让人不由放松了下来。Whenworks as~
The cable cargoes throughin the curtain of rain.
The sky of overcast skyis seemingly dusky a piece, in the coordination the slightlymovedlyrics, alwaysthought that even the timealsobecomesfuzzy.
阴云密布的天空看上去灰蒙蒙一片,配合上略微伤感的歌词,总觉得连时间也变得模糊。Probablytired was the same, the benefitfirst halfwill carryto depend on the metalwall of compartment, closes the eyesto listen attentivelycarefully.
像是累了一样的,惠将上半身背靠着车厢的金属墙壁,闭上双眼仔细倾听。Herboth handsnaturallyhangplaceon the thigh, both legsstraightensoneslightlycurvingly, the curvingthatfootis arriving at the wallwith the heel of shoes.
The whole personexhibits a naturalrelaxationcondition, the bodysends out the freshandquietatmosphere.
整个人呈现出一种自然的放松状态,身上散发出清新且静谧的气氛。Two peopleimmersein the samesong.
两人沉浸在同一首歌曲之中。Katou Yusukeis gazing ather, the visionfallsonthatlong, on the thickpitch-blackeyelash, the eyegrounddelimitshas wipedfrustratedly.加藤悠介注视着她,目光落在那长长的,浓密的乌黑睫毛上面,眼底划过一抹惘然。Returned the benefit of student associationto turn intothatassistance, receivedray, oneselfhiddeninhimbehind, will givesilentlyis accompanyingandhelping......
重新回到学生会的惠又变成了那个辅佐,收起了身上的光芒,将自己隐在他身后,默默给予着陪伴与帮助……„Said, Yusuke.”
The young girlsraise the longeyelashsuddenly, opens eyeslooks liketowardhim, a pair of eyeballsoaks the blackgrapeinmistprobably.
少女忽地扬起长长的睫毛,睁眼朝他看来,一双眼珠像是浸在水雾里的黑葡萄。Katou Yusuke in ponderavoids, late a racketturns awayto stagger the line of sight, responds: „......, What's wrong?”
沉思中的加藤悠介躲避不及,迟一拍地转脸错开视线,做出回应:“……嗯,怎么了?”„...... It‘s nothing, perhapsbut my timescore on the testwill slide, wantsto tellyouthis.”HuiQingshengis saying, the indifferentvoicejust like the gracefulsound of water.
“……没什么,只是我这次的考试成绩也许会下滑,就是想告诉你这个。”惠轻声说着,淡然的嗓音犹如优雅的水声。„Whichbranchhas the issue?”
“哪一科有问题?”„This...... Iwantperhapsa little, excuse me, troubledyouto take the troubleobviouslybeforetomemakes the instruction.”
“这个嘛……我想或许都有一点吧,不好意思,明明之前还麻烦伱费心给我做指导。”„, Iwill not haveto troubleyourplace.”Katou Yusukereturns to the face, considered saying: „NeededwordsIcancontinueto help.”
“……”HuiDinghewas looking ata while, the looksituated inhas godandsoulless, thenlifts the handto pullto send the silkbeforeonewisp that the faceflutters, asked: „Thisis, invitingmeto go tofamily'smeaning?”
惠盯着他看了一会儿,眼神介于有神与无神之间,然后抬手挽起在脸庞前飘荡的一缕发丝,问道:“这算是,邀请我去家里的意思吗?”„Irefer to the schoolandoutside.”
, Yusukesupplementedone: „Ifyouthink,goes tomythere.”
顿了顿,悠介又补充了一句:“如果你想,去我那里也可以。”„That~ ~ ~, butYusukeseems like the appearance that puzzlesvery much, ishopes that Ido gonot to hope? To be honestIwas a little worried do oneselfhaveis putting to troubletoyou.”
“那个~~~但是悠介看上去很困扰的样子,到底是希望我去还是不希望呢?老实说我有点担心自己有没有在给你添麻烦。”„Ido not haveto think.”Katou Yusukesipped the lip, saidin a low voice: „OtherwiseIwill take carry back the false key.”
“我没那么想。”加藤悠介抿了下嘴唇,低声说:“不然我会把备用钥匙拿回来。”Whenworks as, the sound of cable carreverberatesin the ear.
哐当哐当,电车的声音在耳边回荡。Was separatedseveralrackets.
间隔了几拍。„...... ~ ~ ~Iconsiderat the appointed time.”Was saying the benefitstandingbody, movesseveralcuns (2.5 cm)forward, is facing the surfacewithhim, is away fromsoonbumps intoeach other distance of tip of the toe.
“……嗯~~~那我到时考虑一下。”这么说着的惠站直身体,向前挪动几寸,与他面对着面,隔着快要碰到彼此脚尖的距离。Thendiscretely, slowly, head by hischest.
然后谨慎地、慢慢地,把脑袋靠在了他的胸口。„...... It was good, Icare about myselfto turn into a troublevery much, thank yousaid.” The young girlsmuttered, timbre that playedjust likeswaying, butspring breeze.
The litheweightrelies on the chest front, on the fluffyhairtransmitsshampoosurviving the fragrance, floatsin the nose of Katou Yusukeweakly.
轻盈的重量倚在胸前,蓬松的头发上传来洗发水残存的香气,微弱地飘进加藤悠介的鼻子里。Hefeelsa littleitchy, is a little anxious, thereforeshifts to the one side the face, feignsappearance that anythingdoes not know.
他觉得有点痒,也有点焦躁,于是把脸转向一旁,佯装成什么也不知道的样子。„ei, Isaid...... Yusuke.”
“……?”„Whydoes not comestudent associationmatterabout the Kasumigaoka Utahastudyelder sister, what do youknow?”
“……”Katou Yusukesilent, thennods, had not said.加藤悠介沉默了一下,然后点点头,却并未多说。
The benefitwaited fora while, throughoutnot, whenreplied,raised the headfromhischest front, looks athim saying: „You...... anythingdid not tellme, Yusuke.”
The Katou Yusukevisionmovesslightly, the opening mouthlip, considersis preparingto respond.加藤悠介目光微微动了动,张了张嘴唇,思量着准备做出回应。Was at this time......
吱嘎嘎。As the cable carstopson the track, the vehicle dooralso„”opens.
随着电车在轨道上停下,车门也“哧呀”一声开启。Muststartto walkin the crowd that thisstandgets outoutward.
“……”Katou Yusukelifts the handto take down the earphone of right ear, histhing returning to rightful owner, „earphonethank you, Ifirstwalked.”加藤悠介抬手将右耳的耳机取了下来,将其物归原主,“谢谢你的耳机,那我先走了。”HuiQingqingnods, draws backbackwardonestep, un: „Thenwill seenext week, Yusuke.”
惠轻轻点点头,向后退开一步,嗯了一声:“那么下周见,悠介。”„Next weeksees.”
“下周见。”Has said goodbyelaterKatou Yusuketo lift the footto go down the cable car, the benefit without arrived is continuesto keepon the vehicle.
The vehicle doorafteropening the momentwas closedagain.
车门在开启了片刻以后再次关闭。Is away from a door, the youngsteryoung girlis looking at each other other.
隔着一扇门,少年少女对视着彼此。Inmovement that in the benefitwavesgently, the cable carstartsto driveslowly, before longvanishedin the field of visionend.
在惠轻轻挥手的动作中,电车开始缓缓驶动,不一会儿就消失在了视野的尽头。Katou Yusukethenturns aroundto walktoward the station......加藤悠介这才转身向车站外面走去……
……Opens an umbrellato return to the home, has not changed the shoeswith enough time, the cell phone in pocketthen„buzz-” a sound shaking.
After the telephoneputs through, the sound of Machidaparkanxious seatimpatientlyreachedin the ear.
将电话接通以后,町田苑子焦急不安的声音就迫不及待地传进了耳中。„- Hey?? IsBrotherKatou? The verset does shehavewith you have related?? Weparticipated in the activity outside, finallyIonedo not pay attention toherto disappearto disappear, whereregardless ofcould not find the person!”
“-喂喂??是加藤小弟吗?小诗她有没有跟你联系过??我们本来在外面参加活动,结果我一不注意她就消失不见了,无论在哪里都找不到人!”In the telephoneis mixing with the loud noise of heavy trafficsimultaneously, as well aslightlynoise of the rain.
电话里同时夹杂着车水马龙的喧闹声,以及淅淅沥沥的雨声。Katou Yusukegawked, the movement that is goingto take off shoesstopped, respondscalmly.加藤悠介不禁愣了一下,原本将要脱鞋的动作停了下来,沉着冷静地做出回应。„Sorry, hasn't Machidayoung lady, Utaha-senpaicontacted withme, whereyounow?”
“抱歉,町田小姐,诗羽学姐没有联系过我,你们现在在哪里?”„WithgatheringplacardWentang Bookstore in city!”
“和合市的帖文堂书店!”„When does Utaha-senpaivanishdoes not see? Hasto tryto makeherphone call?”
“诗羽学姐是什么时候消失不见的?有试着打她的电话吗?”„Beforeonehour, I have been tryingto contact withherprobably, is the telephonebe at the close-downcondition!”
“大概在一小时之前,我一直在试着联系她,可是电话处于关机状态!”„Hasn't reported to the police?”
“没有报警吗?”„Has tried, because the timewas too short, that side the police authoritiesdoes not accepttemporarily. Sorry, the versetrecentmoodnot has been right, Ishouldpay attention to a point!”
“试过了,但是因为时间太短了,警局那边暂不受理。对不起,小诗最近的情绪一直不太对,我应该更注意一点的!”In the sound of Machidaparkhas the rapidrespite, seems likeruns aroundon the avenue.
町田苑子的声音里带着急促的喘息,似乎是在大街上四处奔波。„In briefIwill continueto lookto lookagain, during this , if the versethasto contact withyou, pleasemusttellmeimmediately! BrotherKatou.”
The opposite party, then the deep breath the one breath, continuedto sayat this point: „......, ifcould not findfinally, family member who mustrelate the verset.”
对方说到这里顿了顿,然后又深呼吸了一口气,继续道:“……如果最后还是找不到的话,就必须要联系小诗的家人了。”„...... Knew, ifthere is any newsIto be able the earliest possible timeto contactyou, Machidayoung lady.”
“……知道了,如果有什么消息我会第一时间联络你,町田小姐。”„Un! Thatthis.”
嘟-Ended the telephone conversation.
结束了通话。„With...... Katou Yusukemutteredabout the city”seriously, will carry the book bagonshoulderto place the corridoron the floor, subsequentlymeditatedin the heart.
“和合市么……”加藤悠介面色凝重地喃喃道,将背在肩上的书包放在走廊的地板上,继而在心中默念。‚Exchanges the tracker.’
‘兑换追踪器。’【The successexchangetracker, deducts the overall1000points.】
An exquisiteblackinstrumentappearsin the hand.
一件小巧的黑色仪器就出现在手中。【Tracker: Butaccuratelylocates the exact location of someobject, the erroris smaller than15meters, availablenumber of times3.】
【追踪器:可准确定位某一对象的具体位置,误差小于15米,可用次数三。】„Tracing, Kasumigaoka Utaha.”Katou Yusukeis reading aloudto the handininstrumentreadsmakes noise.
下一秒。Withrocking of wave, a whitearrowappearson the screen.
伴随着一阵水波的晃动,一枚白色的箭头就在荧幕上浮现而出。Katou Yusuketakes up the umbrella, turns aroundto push the door.加藤悠介重新拿起雨伞,转身推门而出。
……Spent for one -and-a-half hours.
花了一个半小时。Whenhearriveswithabout the city, the timeisin the evening, the weathergets darkcompletely.
当他来到和合市的时候,时间已经是傍晚,天色完全黑了下来。Withis also rainingabout the city, lightly the rainfall intensity is not too big , compared to rain, poursis more likein the mist.
和合市也在下雨,淅淅沥沥的雨势不算太大,相比起下雨来说,倒更像是在下雾。Katou Yusukeis holding the umbrella, arriveswithabout a citytopographyhighesthillock, stepped into the buildobservation posthere.加藤悠介打着雨伞,一路来到和合市地势最高的一处小丘,踏入了搭建在这里的瞭望台。
The skyas ifmustcrashgloomy.
The presentworldwas blockeddenselyinsuch as the fine rain of beadnet.
眼前的世界被封锁在密如珠网的雨丝中。Lookstoward the distant place, the street, buildingandpedestrian, onlyhad a somewhatfuzzyoutline.
The railingplacesituated inobservation postedge, the young girl who tallselectsis standingthere, is looking at the city in curtain of rainlost, does not know that is thinkinganything.
位于瞭望台边缘的围栏处,一名个子高挑的少女正站在那里,就这么出神地望着雨幕中的城市,不知在想些什么。Katou Yusukelifts the footto walkto go forward, puts out a hand the umbrellato supportin the opposite partytop of the head, makinghimplace oneselfunder the umbrella, calledlightlymakes noise: „Utaha-senpai.”加藤悠介抬脚走上前,伸出手中的雨伞撑在对方头顶,令其置身在伞下,轻唤出声:“诗羽学姐。”„......”
面对他的出现。Utahaseems likedoes not appear the accident/surprise, orsimilarmoodwill hide, buthas turned awayslowly, was sayingtohimwith an toneas deep as a well:诗羽像是一点也不显得意外,或者说将类似的情绪藏了起来,只是缓缓地转过脸,用一种难以捉摸的语气对着他说道:„......, althoughIhave fantasizedsimilarbridgesection, buthas not thought that youwill really appearinmeunexpectedlylike thisat present, good evening, Yu-chan.”
“……”Katou Yusukedoes not pay attention, butis taking a look atthisblacklongstraightbeautiful young girl.加藤悠介不予理会,只是上上下下地打量着这位黑长直美少女。On the presentyoung girlalsoputs onschoolthatwrap/setsin the fall the uniform/subdue, seems likeleavesafter the schoolarrives atandgathers the city.
眼前的少女身上还穿着学校那套秋季制服,似乎是打从学校离开以后就来到和合市了。Moreover, does not know how longtreatedhere.
另外,也不知是在这里待了多久。Onhershould the dryneatuniform/subduebe been soaked throughby the rainwater, serves as contrast the abundantslenderfigure.
她身上原本应该干燥整洁的制服已被雨水淋透,衬托出丰盈窈窕的身段。Attracted the skirtswayed of moisture contentto stick to the thighcompletely, bound the tip of the toe of blacksilk stockingsto soakcontinually, created the tender and beautifuldesiredropin the vision the effect.
吸满了水分的裙摆紧贴着大腿,连裹着黑丝袜的脚尖都湿透了,在视觉上创造出娇艳欲滴的效果。„...... Machidayoung ladyhas been looking foryou, studies the elder sister.”
“……町田小姐一直在找你,学姐。”Katou Yusukebeginsto take offownstand up collarcoat, throws overiton the opposite party, boundthatsay/waynot to know where tenderbodyshouldlook.加藤悠介动手脱下自己的立领外套,将其披在对方身上,裹住了那道让人不知道该看向哪里的娇躯。„Iknow.”
“我知道。”Utahadisplaysexceptionallyamenable, whateversuchhehas the coaton the body, actuallydoes not explaininthisissue, butcloselyis gazing athim.诗羽表现得异常顺从,就这么任由他将外套披在身上,却不在这个问题上多做解释,只是紧紧地注视着他。„Studieselder sister'scell phone?”
“关机了。”„At leastgreetedahead of time.”
“至少还是提前打个招呼吧。”„Ido not go out must carry the elementary student of alarm apparatus, saidinagainmyelementary school and countrypassedhere, is familiartohereliketreatinginownroom, will youlinkin the room must informothers?”
The carelessparadoxhas the intenseindividual style.
漫不经心的诡辩带有强烈的个人风格。„Yousaid how how...... in brief, IfirstcontactMachidayoung lady, laterdeliversyouto go back.”
“你说怎样就怎样吧……总之,我先联络町田小姐,之后送你回去。”Katou Yusukeputs out the cell phone, startsto giveMachida the parkchilddialtelephone, was actually blocked the phone screenin the nextsecondby an icy coldsmall hand.加藤悠介拿出手机,开始给町田苑子拨打电话,却在下一秒被一只冰凉的小手挡住了手机屏幕。„- Before that.”
“-在那之前。”Utahaspoke softlysaid: „Aftercontinuingoneweek of cold war, did youhave nootherwordstomesay?”诗羽轻声细语地说道:“在持续了一周的冷战以后,你就没有什么其他话要对我说吗?”
The elusivevoice and noise of the rainfuseintogether, reverberatein the earquietly.
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