TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#422: Today's student association

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Chapter 422 today's student association 第422章今日的学生会 After Thursday being on vacation from school, the work of student association convenes as usual. 周四的放学后,学生会的工作如常召开。 Defaulters: Kasumigaoka Utaha( accountant) 缺席者:霞之丘诗羽(会计) For all that but gave the reason. 虽然如此,不过还是给出了理由。 " Sorry, something have not processed, I will solve as soon as possible. " 「抱歉,还有一些事情没有处理好,我会尽快解决。」 Unexpectedly asks for leave? Was said that woman what's the matter, everyone worked obviously here laboriously, was her rack too also big?” “居然又请假?是说那个女人到底是怎么回事嘛,明明大家都在这里辛苦工作,她的架子也太大了吧?” Thanks to you can is eating the immortal shell while said that yeah, Eriri.” “亏你可以一边吃着仙贝一边这么说哎,英梨梨。” Un? This is our student association's internal matter , your irrelevant personnel shut up.” “嗯?这是我们学生会内部的事情,伦也你这种无关人员就闭嘴啦。” „...... Utaha-senpai doesn't she really have the issue? Because when I last week the matter of audio-visual classroom went to the teacher office, happen to saw her and small good is the talk, Utaha-senpai she seemed like a face to be icy.” “嘛……不过诗羽学姐她真的没问题吗?我上周因为视听教室的事情去教师办公室时,正好见到她和小佳乃谈话,诗羽学姐她看起来一脸冷冰冰的。” Institute by said! Said does not want disregards others, while also spoke one's mind to say! Fools!- Why you can such natural eat our between-meal snack!” “所・以・说!都说了不要一边无视别人,一边又自说自话地讲下去啊!笨蛋!还有-你为什么可以这么自然地吃我们的零食啊!” Eriri stamps the ground with anger, secure Yilun also somewhat looks at her dumbfounded, and immortal white/shell Yan in mouth, then responded. 英梨梨气得直跺脚,安艺伦也则是有些傻眼地看着她,并将嘴巴里的仙贝咽了下去,然后才做出回应。 I said you, I just ate one, do you have no need to make a fuss over a trifling matter? Mean-spirited!” “我说伱啊,我只不过才吃了一块而已,你也用不着这么小题大做吧?小气!” „Not right is not right! Issue not here! Actually rather you idle about treat have what matter here!?” “不对不对不对!问题不在这里!倒不如说你这么游手好闲地待在这里究竟是有什么事!?” Went too far! I have the proper business to come! Therefore even also turned down one to work, you said that who idled about!” “太过分了!我可是有正事才来的!为此甚至还推掉了一份打工,你说谁游手好闲啊!” Hey? Then, you said actually looks? In your head besides the cartoon, animation and game is the dwelling male of blank, what matter will have to look for the student association?” “嘿诶?那么,你倒是说说看?你这个脑袋里面除了漫画、动画、游戏以外就是空白的宅男,会有什么事要找学生会呢?” What such has is not good? The dwelling culture of Japan is the pride of Japan! Is the world's most unique culture! Regardless has anything, I must with them forever in the same place! This is- my livelihood!!” “那样子有什么不好?日本的宅文化是日本的骄傲!是世界上最独一无二的文化!不论发生什么,我都要和他们永远在一起!这就是-我的生存之道!!” secure Yilun who suddenly sticks out suddenly is also powerful, the strength of dwelling male the body sends out pressed Eriri instantaneously. 突然暴起的安艺伦也气势如虹,身上所散发出来的宅男之力瞬间就将英梨梨压了下去。 Eriri is taken in his response for a while, on the face reveals timid, but he pushed the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose tranquilly, exhibited a faint face, deep concealed merit and name. 英梨梨一时摄于他的反应,脸上露出畏怯,而他则是平静地推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,摆出一张淡漠脸,深藏功与名。 When the room 1 unmanned speech, was done probably dumbfounded by that expression. 房间一时无人说话,像是被那一番言辞搞得哑口无言。 Under such situation, the gentle and charming voice broke together suddenly silent. 就在这样的情况之下,一道娇柔的嗓音忽然打破了沉默。 Sawamura-san, your black tea ~ I put here.” 泽村同学,你的红茶~我放这里了。” „......? And, Thank you, new strip schoolmate.” “……咦?啊、嗯,谢谢你,新条同学。” Does not use politely ~ put down the new strip fragrance of teacup to return to one with a smile, a face was friendly. “不用客气~”放下茶杯的新条香笑着回了一句,一脸友好。 Sees this. 见到这一幕。 secure skill also blinks, raises the hand to ask one: Well? That, doesn't have my share?” 安艺伦也不由眨了眨眼,举起手问了一句:“咦?那个,请问没有我的份吗?” Excuse me, what did you say?” “不好意思,你说了什么吗?” No, doesn't matter, words saying my tea......” “不,没关系,话说我的茶……” Very sorry ~ I have not prepared your share, secure Yilun also schoolmate.” “很抱歉~我没有准备你的份耶,安艺伦也同学。” „? Why! The words saying beforehand Schoolmate Katou she will help prepare??” “啊?为什么!话说以前加藤同学她都会帮忙准备的啊??” Hey, therefore ~?” The new strip fragrance smiles is asking. “嘿诶,所以呢~?”新条香微笑着反问道。 „...... That was, difficult to be inadequate I to aim at?” secure skill also some asked one indefinitely. “……那个,难不成我被针对了吗?”安艺伦也有些不确定地问了一句。 No, but why can I make tea to you?” The new strip fragrance is still smiling, but in the tone actually took the feeling of tidying up the person. “没有喔,只是为什么我必须要给你泡茶呢?”新条香依然在笑,只是语气中却带上了收拾人的感觉。 Generally speaking, wanting the tea the words to go but actually? Even if asked the person, will still add on front " please " and " trouble you " , rather than like you?” “一般来说,想要茶的话应该自己去倒吧?就算是拜托人,也应该在前面加上「请」和「麻烦你」,而不是像你这样子的吧?” As for the secure skill also schoolmate said that a moment ago I in view of you, I want to ask on the contrary, you usually with this feeling speech of provocative or order? Always thought that makes people very uncomfortable ~ “至于安艺伦也同学刚才说我针对你,我反倒想问,你平时都是用这种挑衅或者命令的感觉讲话吗?总觉得让人很不爽呢~” Harmed somebody without the person knowing or feeling anything a same feeling blade blade to puncture. 软刀子一样的感觉一刀一刀地刺了过来。 secure skill also looks at this new propaganda committee member dumbfoundedly, at once swallows saliva difficultly, shakes the head to express the denial again and again. 安艺伦也目瞪口呆地看着这个新任的宣传委员,旋即艰难地咽下一口口水,连连摇头表示否定。 „......, You did not misunderstand, I do not have that meaning! Sorry, is I am not right.” “……啊不,你误会了,我没有那种意思!抱歉,是我不对。” This what? I do not understand your meaning very much, is apologizing? If so, should probably sincerely is right?” “这什么?我不是很懂你的意思,是在道歉吗?如果是的话,应该要更诚恳一点才对吧?” „-!” “-!” secure skill could not speak instantly. 安艺伦也霎时说不出话来。 Must say in the beforehand student association, even character worst Utaha and Eriri, although often still because his individuality insults two, but the sincerity has not exposed the evil intention, noise that is similar to a companion many. 要说在之前的学生会里,就算是性格最恶劣的诗羽英梨梨,虽然时常也会因为他的个性辱骂两句,但也未曾真心展露过恶意,更多类似于一种同伴的吵闹。 But the new strip fragrance is actually different! 可新条香却是不同! Although she speaks tenderly pretty, on the face also has the smile, but the actions actually press on step by step, is clear is suppressing the person. 虽然她说起话来娇娇滴滴,脸上也带着微笑,不过所作所为却是步步紧逼,明明白白在打压着人。 This is provoking!?!? 这才是在挑衅吧!?!? secure skill cannot bear the unstated criticism in the heart, even the cold sweat must brave. 安艺伦也忍不住在心中腹诽,连冷汗都要冒出来了。 In comparison gets up, Eriri has not just been able to be magnanimous by he evaluated mean-spiritedly simply. 与之相比起来,刚刚还被他评为“小气”的英梨梨简直不能再大度了。 Regardless of how he cannot think through, wants one cup of tea to drink obviously, why will draw on so the unexpected calamity, Kato Megumi that after all formerly was responsible for making tea will help him make tea on own initiative. 他无论如何也想不通,明明只是想要一杯茶喝,为何会招来如此横祸,毕竟以前负责泡茶的加藤惠都会主动帮他泡茶的。 Now just changes a person, can have the so huge change unexpectedly. 现在只不过是换了一个人而已,竟能有如此巨大的变化。 Visits him to not can speak by the resentment appearance, Eriri that originally also stands is sympathetic, could not bear say one: 看着他被怼到说不出话来的样子,本来还作壁上观的英梨梨不由心生恻隐,忍不住说了一句: That...... new strip schoolmate? He is like this, you do not need to haggle over with him have not related......” “那个……新条同学?他这个人就是这样子的,你不用跟他计较也没关系的……” Saves the scene facing her help. 面对她的帮忙救场。 brave and Eriri......!” secure skill is also deeply moved, on the face shows was saved the expression. “英、英梨梨……!”安艺伦也不禁大为感动,脸上露出得救了的表情。 But the new strip fragrance looked at her one eyes strangely, in the eye looking pensive, but nods in the next second joyfully, complied with one. 而新条香则是奇怪地看了她一眼,眼中若有所思,但在下一秒又欣然地点了点头,应了一声。 Un ~, since Sawamura-san said that that this.” “嗯~既然泽村同学都这么说了,那就这样吧。” She easily accepted this excuse, is no longer aggressive. 她就这么轻易地接受了这番说辞,不再咄咄逼人。 Said that then carries another two cups to make the good tea, toward sitting busy the benefit and Yusuke after the respective desk walks. 说完便端起另外两杯泡好的茶,向着坐在各自办公桌后忙碌的惠与悠介走去。 secure skill also looks at her back vision dull, mumbled: What, why others saying accepted......” 安艺伦也目光呆滞地看着她的背影,嘟哝了一句:“什么嘛,为啥别人一说就接受了啊……” At once will look was sitting on the opposite sofa, carries Eriri that the teacup is drinking tea gracefully, unavoidably somewhat wanted to remain in limelight rubbed doing a lot of talking, said: 旋即又将目光投向了正坐在对面沙发上,优雅地端着茶杯喝茶的英梨梨,不免有些不甘寂寞地磨了磨牙,说道: I said that Eriri......?” “我说,英梨梨……?” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Is difficult to be inadequate that new strip schoolmate, is actually very repugnant I?” “难不成那个新条同学,其实很讨厌我吗?” Aiya ~ ~ you realized finally own very loathful fact?” “哎呀~~你总算意识到自己很招人厌的事实了吗?” No, no, no, no, now not in cracking a joke? Can't I later come the student association?” 不不不不,现在可不是在开玩笑的时候啊?难道我以后都不能来学生会了吗?” Also is not because yourself will not have the discretion...... Eriri to shoot a look at his one eyes like this, will then put down the teacup, will act with constraint coughs, will be calm and composed even in press of work said: “还不是因为你自己太没分寸才会这样……”英梨梨瞥了他一眼,接着又放下茶杯,矜持地咳嗽一声,好整以暇地说道: „... ~, if your agrees asked me, helping you apologize to the new strip schoolmate is not?” “…嘛~如果你肯求我的话,帮你向新条同学道歉也不是不可以哦?” Un? What did you say??” “嗯?你说啥??” Asked me.” “求我。” Why I must ask you is not possible......!” secure skill is also low voice bb to say. “为啥我非得求你不可啊……!”安艺伦也小声bb道。 Aiya ~ said do oneself also want the people of student association is not you? Like this really? Spoke to me with this tone.” “哎呀~说自己还想要来学生会的人不是你吗?这样子真的好吗?用这种语气跟我说话。” Eriri both hands hold the chest, turns upwards one leg on the other gracefully, bit by bit is swaying in the above right foot gently. 英梨梨双手抱胸,优雅地翘起二郎腿,架在上面的右脚一点一点地轻轻摆荡着。 „-!” “-!” secure skill also has a look at oneself this friends from childhood with clenched jaws. 安艺伦也咬牙切齿地看看自己这个青梅竹马。 Although the opposite party appearance is fine, the whole person seems like especially is also lovable, and has the thousand gold (daughter) young lady's status background, is that type most is close to the female students of two dimension leading ladies, may be a long story in character seriously. 虽然对方容貌精致,整个人看上去也尤为可爱,并且有着千金大小姐的身份背景,算是那种最接近于二次元女主角的女生,可在性格方面当真是一言难尽。 Like such that some few words saying, proud tender of two dimensions was an attribute that sprouted the deceased person, may...... many a little be loathful in three dimensions. 就像有一句话说的那样,二次元的傲娇是一种萌死人的属性,可在三次元里……多少就有点招人嫌了。 He thinks of here, read broken complains: Your...... is not right, was the individuality of your entire student association member is too bad?” 他想到这里,不禁碎碎念地吐起槽来:“你的……不对,是你们整个学生会成员的个性都太恶劣了吧?” Where was bad?” “哪里恶劣了?” Generally speaking, the student association serves for the student is right? Radically where let the person ask you to have makes a mistake!?” “一般来说,学生会是为学生服务的才对吧?让人求你根本是有哪里搞错了吧!?” Really is the paradox. That to the common student, Neet Clan that indulges in unbridled propaganda the dwelling culture not in inside? Furthermore others come to here to have the right reason, you?” “真是诡辩。那只是对一般学生而言,大肆宣扬宅文化的尼特族可不在里面喔?再者别人来这里都是有正当的理由,你呢?” „- Said is not such! I to agree the good matter to come with Katou today, proper business!” “-都说了不是那样!我今天是为了和加藤约定好的事情来的,正事!” „...... And does Yusuke make?” Eriri blinks, the doubt said: What willful request was also you set in any case?” “……和悠介约好的?”英梨梨眨了眨眼睛,狐疑道:“反正又是你提出了什么任性的要求吧?” Hey, you were too deep to my prejudice, was the matter of animation connoisseurship meeting, before Katou him, will comply to make me offer a sacrifice to the use audio-visual classroom in the culture, therefore I ask the situation.” “喂喂喂,你对我的偏见太深了啦,是动画鉴赏会的事情啦,加藤他之前答应过会让我在文化祭使用视听教室,所以我来问问情况。” Really, I know.” Eriri ill-humoredly white his eyes, later turns the head to look to behind, said. “果然,我就知道。”英梨梨没好气地白了他一眼,随后又转头看向身后,说了起来。 „, Yusuke. Did you comply to give this fellow taking advantage of the audio-visual classroom before?” “呐,悠介。你之前有答应过借视听教室给这个家伙吗?” Is checking extracurricular teaching flow Katou Yusuke to raise the head next week, looked at their one eyes respectively, then nods affirms. 正在核对下周校外教学流程的加藤悠介抬起头,分别望了他们一眼,然后颔首表示肯定。 Yes, you find time to write a request form to hand over, secure art/skill.” “是,你抽空写一张申请表交回来,安艺。” Good! I know that you keep one's word! Katou...... on the other hand, where does the request form lead?” “太好了!我就知道你是讲信用的!加藤……话说回来,申请表是在哪里领来着?” „, Un, that here, you waits a bit, secure art/skill.” “啊,嗯,那个是在我这里,你稍等一下,安艺。” Hears this saying the benefit to stop the work in hand, sets out to arrive by the cabinet of wall, discovers a form from inside some folder. 听到这话的惠停下手中的工作,起身走到靠墙的柜子,从里面的某个文件夹里找出一张表格。 When she prepares to transmit the form to secure Yilun also...... 就在她准备将表格转交给安艺伦也的时候…… I help you ~ Vice-chairman Katou.” Has walked in the new strip fragrance that the one side watched a person's every mood on own initiative. “我来帮你吧~加藤副会长。”一直在一旁察言观色的新条香主动走了上来。 Well? Un, then thank you, new strip schoolmate.” “咦?嗯,那么谢谢你,新条同学。” Does not need to care ~, if also has the place that other I can help, can tell me heartily.” “不用在意~如果还有其他我能帮上忙的地方,可以尽情告诉我呢。” Received the form the new strip fragrance to smile, then to leave to move toward close to the entrance sofa, transmitted it to secure Yilun. 接过表格的新条香粲然一笑,然后动身走向靠近门口的沙发,将其转交给安艺伦也。 Your form, Schoolmate secure art/skill.” “你的表格,安艺同学。” ! Non-, thanked.” secure skill also extends both hands respectfully, received the form carefully. “唔、嗯!非、非常感谢。”安艺伦也毕恭毕敬地伸出双手,小心谨慎地接过表格。 Saw that this Eriri shut out turns a supercilious look fully, the preparation taunted two soft foot shrimp. 看到这一幕的英梨梨嫌弃满满地翻了一个白眼,准备嘲讽两句软脚虾。 Was at this time- 正在这时- Eriri.” 英梨梨。” Katou Yusuke opens the mouth suddenly, proposed one by the mellow and tranquil voice: Your this time English grade was qualified, does well.” 加藤悠介蓦然开了口,以醇厚且平静的嗓音提了一句:“你这次的英文成绩合格了,做得不错。” Hears his words...... 听到他的话…… „-?” “-诶?” Eriri first stares, a clear bright eye winked again and again several, the vision nowhere imposition four wavered, but could not cover up bashfully, then do not arrive at one side, some put on a serious face shamefully and angrily, accused pretentiously. 英梨梨先是一愣,一双澄澈明亮的眼睛连连眨了好几下,目光无处安放地四下游移,但仍掩不住害臊,遂把头别到一边,有些恼羞成怒地板起脸,装腔作势地指责起来。 And You praised me even, still does not have any advantage......” “就、就算你这么夸我,也没有什么好处……” You can participate in the activity to be good smoothly, work that if there is a picture, I will help with every effort.” “你能顺利参加活动就好,如果有画不完的作品,我会尽力帮忙。” „...... That, that matter had no need for you saying, said again you were my person, thinks can one escaping work? Snort......” “……那、那种事又用不着你说,再说你本来就是我的人嘛,难道以为自己能逃掉工作吗?哼……” Katou Yusuke nods, had not replied again. 加藤悠介点了点头,没有再回答。 Eriri shy a while, with remembered an issue suddenly, said and other, and puzzled looked toward Yusuke. 英梨梨扭捏了一会儿,跟着又突然想起了一个问题,开口说了一句等一下,并一脸不解地朝悠介望了过去。 On the other hand, the score on the test do not send to the next week? Why will Yusuke know my result?” “话说回来,考试成绩不是要到下一周才会发下来吗?为什么悠介会知道我的成绩?” „......” “……” Movement that Katou Yusuke wields the pen, did not lift subsequently returned to one: It‘s nothing, but sees teacher there to hear from the lotus by chance.” 加藤悠介运笔的动作一顿,继而头也不抬地回了一句:“没什么,只是碰巧从莲见老师那里听到的。” This and this.” Eriri complied with one low voice, somewhat lowers the head embarrassedly, in the heart is shy is joyful. “这、这样哦。”英梨梨小声应了一句,有些难为情地低下头,心中又是羞怯又是欣喜。 After all fundamentally, the lotus sees good is child is the teacher in charge of their F class, but Katou Yusuke actually learned own English grade from opposite party there. 毕竟从根本上来说,莲见佳乃子是她们F班的班主任,而加藤悠介却偏偏从对方那里得知了自己的英文成绩。 This cannot only explain that he is because cares about itself, therefore asked the teacher to inquire especially? Otherwise will not care about the unrelated person with his character. 这不就只能说明他是因为在意自己,所以才特地去找老师询问了吗?否则以他的性格又根本不会关心不相干的人。 As for that Eriri does not believe by chance, only thought that he is beautification that because shy adds on specially. 至于那个“碰巧”,英梨梨是一点也不相信的,只觉得他是因为害羞才特意加上的修饰。 Read reaches to this, Eriri criticized a fool, at heart was actually sweet, then carried the black tea on table to drink happily. 念及于此,英梨梨不由暗骂一句笨蛋,心里却是甜甜的,遂开心地端起桌上的红茶喝了起来。 This a series of responses have not escaped the eyes of opposite person. 这一系列的反应并未逃过对面之人的眼睛。 secure skill also looks that she speaks insincerely there, was very obviously happy actually the appearance that pretends one not to care about, under droops the eye, a face despises the curling the lip corner/horn. 安艺伦也看着她在那里言不由衷,明明很高兴却又装作一副不在乎的样子,不由耷拉下眼睛,一脸鄙视地撇了撇嘴角。 He hesitant, bore own complaining desire eventually, decided that this friends from childhood saves face to oneself, therefore lowers the head to prepare to fill in the use request form of audio-visual classroom. 他犹豫了一下,终究还是忍住了自己的吐槽欲望,决定给自己这个青梅竹马留点面子,于是低下头准备填写视听教室的使用申请表。 However actually discovered that in the hand lacks a pen. 然而却又发现手中缺少一支笔。 Is hesitating in him must to who borrows the pen the time...... 正在他犹豫着要向谁借笔的时候…… Drinks to make tea, Schoolmate secure art/skill , I thinks probably this you use.” “喝点茶吧,安艺同学,还有,我想这个你大概用的到。” Was saying benefit put one cup of fast thawing barley tea before him, while handed over an automatic pencil. 这么说着的惠一边在他面前放了一杯速溶麦茶,一边将一支自动铅笔递了过来。 secure skill also raised the head dull, took the pen. 安艺伦也呆呆地抬起头来,接过笔。 At this moment, he as if heard the sound of sounds of nature, from this is grateful. 这一刻,他仿佛听到了天籁之音,由此不禁感激涕零。 „, Katou schoolmate...... your fellow! But is really a good person, no- simply is the angel! Or game leading lady!” “加、加藤同学……你这家伙!可真是个好人啊,不-简直就是天使!或者说游戏女主角!” ......? I made a minor matter, you do not need to care.” “唔……?我只是做了一点小事,你不必这么在意。” No! This is not the minor matter! Thank you barley tea! I absolute- can have the sense of gratitude to enjoy it well! Wū wū......” “不!这可不是小事!谢谢你的麦茶!我绝对-会带着感激之情好好享用它的!呜呜……” ~ well, then after finishing the form, must also come back.” Hui Fuyan said, has no intention to closely examine his unique analogy, but the cloud poor business conditions returned to own desk lightly. “啊~好好,那么写完表格之后要还回来喔。”惠敷衍道,无意追问他独特的比喻,只是云淡风轻地返回了自己的办公桌。 secure skill also takes off the eyeglasses, wipes the tears of corner of the eye with the sleeve, then puts on the eyeglasses, takes up front disposable paper glass cautiously, delivers to the mouth. 安艺伦也摘下眼镜,用袖子抹去眼角的泪水,然后又重新戴上眼镜,小心翼翼地拿起面前的一次性纸杯,送到嘴边。 ~ shouted ~ 呼~呼~ ci slides, rustle...... 跐溜,簌簌…… Ha...... tasty-! This was my this lifetime has drunk the tastiest barley tea!!” “哈啊……好喝-!这是我这辈子喝过最好喝的麦茶了!!” Was saying to be saying, is with flowing tears. 说着说着,便又潸然泪下。 Eriri thinks so him there, probably tastes the high-quality tea leaves the same as drink the fast thawing barley tea, cannot stand up somewhat to taunt dumbfounded. 英梨梨就这么看着他在那里,像是品尝高级茶叶一样地喝着速溶麦茶,经不住有些傻眼地挖苦起来。 „...... Really can mention that words to Hui thanks to you, I said that you are doing! Lost face simply, not ashamed heart! Was stupid.” “……真亏你能对惠讲出那种话,我说你到底在干什么呀!简直丢死人了,都没有一点羞耻心的嘛!蠢死了。” Wordy! You do not understand!” secure skill also be relentless rebutted with sarcasm: After being injured, suddenly runs into an angel same person, this will move and thanks you not to understand!” “啰嗦!你根本就不懂!”安艺伦也毫不留情地反唇相讥:“在受到伤害以后,突然遇到一个天使一样的人,这份感动和感激你是不会理解的!” What! Does not understand does not understand, I have no interest in go in any case, but looked that you lose face remind.” “什么嘛!不懂就不懂,反正我也没什么兴趣去懂,只是看你这么丢脸才提醒一下而已。” Eriri some said morosely, subsequently snort/hum has turned away, no longer manages him. 英梨梨有些不高兴地说道,继而哼地一声转过脸,不再理他。 But secure Yilun also spiteful as pays no attention to her, but gurgle gurgle drinks up own barley tea, then begins to start to fill in the form. 而安艺伦也也赌气似的不理她,只是咕嘟咕嘟地喝完自己的麦茶,然后才动手开始填写表格。 Stands the new strip fragrance before desk looks at this strange one silently, then turns the head to ask to the present young girl: 站在办公桌前的新条香默默看着这古怪的一幕,然后转头对着眼前的少女问道: „, Vice-chairman Katou ~ can I ask a question?” “呐,加藤副会长~请问我可以问一个问题吗?” Yes, what issue has? New strip schoolmate.” “是,有什么问题吗?新条同学。” About Sawamura-san and Schoolmate secure art/skill, their two relates very?” “关于泽村同学和安艺同学,他们两个难道关系很好吗?” Facing this inquiry, the benefit first looked at one toward the sofa that side, then hesitates was saying: 面对这一询问,惠先是朝沙发那边望了一眼,然后才沉吟着说道: This......, did not say about this me, but you asked that Eriri or Yusuke words, they should tell you.” “这个嘛……嗯,关于这个我也不太好说,不过你去问英梨梨或者悠介的话,他们应该会告诉你的。” This ~ I knew, thanks Vice-chairman Katou ~!” “这样呀~我知道了,谢谢加藤副会长~!” Un, you're welcome.” “嗯,不用客气。” Besides lacking one person, the student association as if restored in those days tranquil...... 除了缺少一人之外,学生会似乎又恢复了往日的平静…… ...... …… ( The previous chapter of plot made revision, increased a plot, having interest can turn to have a look.) (前一章的剧情做了修改,增加了一段剧情,有兴趣可以翻回去看看。) Thank Tired heart sauce Hegemon! 感谢【累心酱】的盟主! Thank Half one's life crazily absurdly, 【The fish of evening fishing Hitting enjoys. 感谢【半世痴妄】、【暮渔的鱼】的打赏。
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