Chapter 421cleanshirt
第421章清洗衬衫Soon, outsidetick-tockis raining.
The lotussawgoodischildlooked atonetowardout of the window, read aloudto readin a low voice.
莲见佳乃子朝窗外望了一眼,低声诵念起来。„Indistinctthunderous, hazesky, buthopes the wind and rain, cankeepyouinthis.”
The voice that recitedin a soft voiceproliferatedin the room, the ambiguousatmospherealsofollowedto fill the aircontinually.
轻声吟咏的嗓音在屋内扩散开来,连暧昧的气氛也跟着弥漫。Katou Yusukelooked attime, washesroughlyalsoto have about a halfhourfrom the clothes.加藤悠介看了一眼时间,距离衣服洗好约莫还有半小时左右。Heputs down the painting in handfor the time beingthis and pen, took up the coffee on platformto drinkone, the richmilkfragrance and sweet tasteentered the mouth, the tastesilkslidelike the tea with milk.
The city of out of the windowwas coveredby the dark clouds, the rainwateris whipping the glass, the rhythmbyslowmost urgent, in proper orderhoweverenters.
窗外的城市被阴云所笼罩,雨水啪嗒啪嗒地拍打着玻璃,节奏由缓至急,循循而进。On the single-seat sofa, the lotusseesgoodis the childnest there, is looking into the scenery of out of the windowlost.
单人沙发上,莲见佳乃子正窝在那里,出神地眺望着窗外的景色。Was sentby the whitebeautiful hairis letting fallsoft, hasseveralpoints of lazysatisfiedidleness that fluffily the circlerestrains.
The one-piece dress of practicing moral culture/slim fitfundsrevealed that the gently beautifulcurve, a pair of slendercalfstretches outfrom the skirtconservatively, gatherscurvinglyin the same place.
修身款的连衣裙显露出柔美的曲线,一双纤纤小腿保守地从裙下伸出,弯曲并拢在一起。Fair and clearmay the jade of personstick to the sofa and thighfully, reveals a smallpartunknowingly, as ifinsilentis enchanting.
白净可人的玉足紧贴着沙发与大腿,不经意地露出一小部分,仿佛在无声地妖娆着。Katou Yusuketakes back the vision, puts down the cup, was guessingtime that outsiderainstops.加藤悠介收回目光,放下杯子,推想着外面雨停的时间。„- That night of Saitama prefecture.”
The lotusseesgoodischildspeakssuddenly: „The Mui Neelder sisterswhen that the dinnerraised, you and otherfriends from childhood?”
莲见佳乃子忽然讲起话来:“美奈姐在晚饭时提起的那句,你在等你的青梅竹马,是真的吗?”„...... Friends from childhood?”
The lotussawgoodischildun, turned the headlooks like, „wasthatgirlnamedsmallsilver.”
The Katou Yusukepupillightbecomesdeep, askedin a low voice: „you...... think.”加藤悠介眸光不由变得深沉,低声问道:“伱们……是这么想的么。”„Ido not know how others think, afterSchoolmateJiChuan asked that the Mui Neelder sistersmentionedthese wordswith a tone of joke.”
短暂的沉默。„Thisis only the falsething.”
“咦?”„The degree that...... Ihave not attended the meetingto speak the agreement that care the childweakly.”
“……我没有幼稚到会把小孩子讲的约定放在心上的程度。”„That, younot and other girl of smallsilver, orotherwhatpeople?”
“那,你不是在等那个小银的女孩子,或者其他的什么人吗?”Alsois the goodsilence.
又是好一番沉默。Katou Yusukestaresis placing the paintingitself/Ben on leg, in the eyeis obscurely difficultto be bright, thenslowlylownan: „Person who I...... cannotwait.”加藤悠介凝视着放在腿上的画图本,眼中晦涩难明,然后缓缓地低喃了一句:“我已经没有……可以等待的人了。”
The lotusseesgoodis the childheartclutchessuddenly, withoutfeel of originsomewhatloves dearly, somewhatcannot feel the mind.
莲见佳乃子心忽地一揪,没由来的感到有些心疼,同时也有些摸不着头脑。Hissoundhas rubbed the desktoplike the sandpaperhoarse, deserted that andonetypeis hardto state clearly.
他的声音像砂纸磨过桌面一样沙哑,并有一种难以言明的空寂。Shesipped a lipslightly, placeson the mug in hand the platform, thensets outto arrive athisbody before unrestrainedly, holds the bosomhishead.
她微微抿了一下嘴唇,将手中的马克杯放在台子上,然后情不自禁地起身走到他身前,将他的脑袋抱进怀里。„Were you? Cansaywithme?”
“……”Has not responded, butwantsto shove openherhandto stop.
没有回应,只是想推开她的手停了下来。„Is very sadmatter?” The lotusseesgoodischildtoucheshisfurryheadgently, warmsoundis asking.
“是很难过的事情吗?”莲见佳乃子温柔地抚摸着他毛茸茸的脑袋,温声问道。„...... Thisis not, matter that youshouldknow.”Katou Yusukewhispered, the tonewas still stiff.
“……这不是,你该知道的事情。”加藤悠介低语了一句,语气仍旧生硬。„......? Idid not ask that the words that youthinkcanact like a spoiled brattome.”
“……是吗?那我就不问了,你想的话可以对我撒娇。”„Does not need, to let looseme.”
“不必了,放开我。”„Ido not want, at leastwait a whileagain.”
“我不要,至少再等一会儿。”„...... The markchest, pressedme.”
“……纹胸,硌到我了。”Hearsthissaying, the lotusseesgoodisin the childhand the movementstagnatesslightly, thenchanged a posture, andsmileswas saying: „Nowwas good?”
The strongly fragrantorchidfragrantfloats the Yusukenasal cavity, is also doping the body temperature of opposite party.
“你……”„- Ihad saidyoucanslightlycallmegoodto be.”
“-我说过你可以叫我小佳乃的。”„...... Youmadeso manysuggestions, wantsto makeanything.”
“……你做了这么多暗示,是想做什么。”„...... Whatsuggested?”
“……!”„Is yourbeforehandbehavior, intentionally?”
“你之前的行为,是故意的?”„Ido not have......”
“我没有……”„Youmaybe really easy to understand.”
轰隆。Outside the roomtransmits a stuffythunderagain.
屋外再次传来一声闷雷。„Outside...... is raining.”
The lotusseesgoodischildis touchinghisauriclegently, said: „Probablyfor a short timecannot stop.”
“也许吧。”„Suchweathergoes back is very difficult.”
“嗯。”Din-dong, the raindropbeatsonoutsidemetalwater pipe.
叮叮咚咚,雨点在外面的金属水管上跳动。„...... Youtoday, mustconsiderto remain......”
The raindroprapsonoutsidewindowglass.
啪嗒啪嗒,雨点在外面的窗户玻璃上敲击。Katou Yusukeraised the head, asks: „...... Youknow that what you are saying?”加藤悠介抬起头,问道:“……你知道自己在说什么吗?”„...... Iknow,youdo know?” The lotusseesgoodischilddoes intentionallyreturnscalmlysaid.
“就因为新条香?”„This...... do youguess?”
“这个嘛……你猜?”„Please excuse my inability to comply.”
The lotusseesgoodischildlets gohimlets loose, is gazing athimbypair of clearbrightautumn waters, slightlyexecutes the appearancecheeks of cosmeticsslightlyfloodred, appearsunder the lighteven moretender and beautifulmoving.
莲见佳乃子松手将他放开,就这么以一双晶莹明亮的秋水注视着他,略施粉黛的容颜脸颊微微泛红,在灯光下显得愈加娇艳动人。„Ithought that Ishouldnot compare the newstripschoolmateto miss, do youfeel?”
“我觉得我应该不比新条同学差,你觉得呢?”Katou Yusukebreaks awaygentlyherwhite delicate arms, will drawthisanddips the pento receiveearnestly, returnssaid: „Issuehere, youwere not confusedby the atmosphere.”加藤悠介轻轻挣开她的玉臂,将画图本和蘸水笔认真收好,回道:“问题不在这里,你只是被气氛所迷惑了。”Hepreparesto pack the thingto go home.
他准备收拾东西回家。Shelooks athisresponse, the eyepupilflashedone after several other, somethoughtsbrave the heart, at oncelifts the footto go forwardwithout hesitation, invadeshisspace.
她看着他的反应,眼眸接连闪了几下,些许心思冒上心头,旋即不假思索地抬脚上前,侵入他的空间。Hisshouldertoboosting, whileseparatestwolegsto step up to the sofa, kneelsto sitonhim.
The lotusseesgoodischildlotus rootarmlightstretch/leisurely, naturallybuildsonhisshoulder, thentied up itself the sendingcircleafterbrainto pullconveniently.
莲见佳乃子藕臂轻舒,自然地搭在他肩上,然后随手把自己绑在脑后的发圈扯了下来。All of a sudden, fluffymild-manneredbeautiful hairspreads the powderto flow out, is coveringhertwoshouldersandchestsdensely, andhangsbeforehisface.
唰地一下子,一头蓬松柔顺的秀发就铺散流泻开来,密密地盖着她的两肩、胸脯,并垂到他脸前。„Youngbastard, youhavemyflavorbyme, what to do is thismustletme?”
“小坏蛋,你带着一身我的味道在我旁边,这是要让我怎么办?”Recited the commonwordsto lingerin the earbank, makingKatou Yusukenarrow the eyeslightly, thensaid: „Has been advancinghere the mattercalmly, isn'tyourself?”
啪嗒啪嗒……Outside the room the night rainknocks the window, sets off the room on the contraryeven morequietlyeasy and comfortable.
The lotusseesgoodis the childeverywherepeach-color, did not refute, butis caressinghisfaceby the pupillightlightly.
莲见佳乃子满目桃色,也不反驳,只是以眸光轻抚着他的脸庞。On the youngsterwears the T-shirt and shorts that shebuys, is sending outwithherexactly the same the fragrance of shampooandgel, all thesedeeplyare scratchingherheart.
少年身上穿着她买来的T恤和短裤,散发着与她一模一样的洗发水与沐浴露的香味,这一切都在深深地抓挠着她的心。Shelowers the headunrestrainedly, the cherry lipsopen, such asjust scratched the surfacekissedhisbulgeAdam's apple, thenraised the head, smiledshyly.
她情不自禁地低下头,樱唇微启,如蜻蜓点水般的吻了一下他凸起的喉结,然后抬起头,羞涩一笑。„Isyou is too arbitrarily pure, I who Ithinkam the adult female, the normalimpulsion...... will have, isyouturns intothisme.”
“是你擅自把我想的太单纯,我是成年女性,正常的冲动……也会有的,是你把我变成这样的。”Katou Yusukeis looking atherbeautifulfacial features, onetype the ripeimmaturecharmingcharacter and stylewill hide , the pupillightbecomesprofound.加藤悠介望着她绮丽的面容,有一种将熟未熟的妩媚风情藏匿于其中,眸光不由变得幽深。Probablyfelthiseyegroundto change, the lotussawgoodis the childbright eyesis slightly curved, byhalf real , half fake , very shyargumentaskedlow voice:
像是感受到了他眼底变化,莲见佳乃子明眸稍弯,以一种半真半假,却又十分羞涩的调调小声问道:„Extracurricularcounselling, should the boyexpectthismatter?”
The Katou Yusukepupilselects, asks: „...... Iwill leavetomorrow morning, youdid not fear that was seen?”加藤悠介眸子微挑,问道:“……我明早离开,你不怕被人看到?”„Ifyouworried that canwalkearlier, will not be discovered.”
“如果你担心的话可以早点走,就不会被发现了。”„Thiswas very difficultto say.”
“这很难说。”„Thisapartmentexcept forme, inabundantZakionly thenTeacherMaria a person, butshehere, youdid not have no needto be worriedrecently.”
The lotusseesgoodischildlowers the headat this point, arrives at the headonhisforehead, withhisrelative, breathes as when warming the handssuch asasksorchid: „Now, are youwillingto graspme?”
The atmosphereis ambiguousalmostsuffocatingly.
The risenbody temperaturebecomes the fragranceeven morerich.
升高的体温将香味变得愈加浓郁。Looks atthiscloseface, Katou Yusukealsono longertalks too muchat present, naturallylifts the handto climb upherwaist, whileis taking advantage of opportunityto kisstothatpair of cherry lips.
看着眼前这张近在咫尺的脸,加藤悠介也不再多言,一边自然地抬手攀上她的腰,一边对着那双樱唇顺势吻了下去。That moment of lipcontact.
The lotussawgoodischildyingwarnsone, the heartbeatacceleratedsuddenlysome.
The hot and dampbreathspurtsonherface, the intensehormoneinvaded the sense, making the train of thought of brainall of a suddenslow.
湿热的鼻息喷到她脸上,强烈的荷尔蒙侵入了感官,令大脑的思绪一下子迟钝下来。But, taboopalpitationwell ups, makingherheartthump thumpjump, the breathbecomesrapid.
但紧接着,一种禁忌般的悸动就涌上了心头,让她的心脏怦怦直跳,呼吸变得急促。Shecloses the eyesunrestrainedly, to the throat the chin, is startingto follow the instinctto returnjerkilyis kissinghim, onlythought that eachboyrubsfillswonderfullywithpalpitating, making the personcheekboiling hot.
The breath of twopeoplekiss, the showdivergesonher, the fragrancelingersinhistip of the nose.
The white and tenderneckfleshis partly visiblein the neckband of one-piece dress, aboveis exudingpalepowder.
白嫩的颈部肌肤在连衣裙的领口若隐若现,上面泛着一层淡粉。Katou Yusukeis embracingherwaist, soughtalong the one-piece dressdownward, seizedthatsnow whitebarefoot.加藤悠介一手揽着她的腰,一手沿着连衣裙向下求索,捉住了那一只雪白的裸足。
The lotusseesgoodis the childbodyjumps, wants the retractingfootsubconsciously, was actually pursuedbyhimis not putting, thenbit his lipgently, muttered: „Do youdo? Thisis quite itchy.”
莲见佳乃子身子一跳,下意识地想要缩回脚,却被他追着不放,遂轻轻咬了一下他的嘴唇,喃喃道:“你干嘛?这样好痒。”Katou Yusukedid not respond, the left handmade an effortto enclaspherslightly, the right handcontinuedto play with that onlysoftwarmsmall feet.加藤悠介不予回应,左手稍微用力抱紧了她,右手继续玩弄着那只绵软温热的小脚。
The slenderfingeralong the tracedescription of sole, outlined the exquisitearchcurve, thenpressed firmly between the fingers the cleartoe, held appreciativelycarefully, the touchwas mildandexquisite.
The lotusseesgoodis the childbodyshiverssuch as the bolter, cannot help butchuckled, onerebuked saying: „What are youmaking? Don'tagainthis.”
The languagefinishes, thenbackwardretreat.
语毕,便向后退去。Withherretreat, a transparentwater linealsodoesafter the lipslightlyextendsinstantlyseparates, appearanceveryfluttering flags.
The moistlipis exuding the lightglossundershine of light, seeminglysoft, letting the personwantsto slidefromabovewith the thumbgently, quitesexyattractive.
The idea of Katou Yusukehas not put into practicewith enough time, the opposite partyhisplacehad first reacted.加藤悠介的想法没来得及实现,对方就已先他一步地做出了反应。„...... Really is, skilled did such appearance, how manygirlskiss?”
“……真是的,这么熟练的样子,到底是吻了多少个女孩子啊?”Was saying the lotusseesgoodischildis digging the mouth, is stroking gentlyhislipwith a fingergently, wipes the abovesleek/moistlipsticklittle.
这么说着的莲见佳乃子撅着嘴巴,用一根手指轻轻摩挲着他的嘴唇,将上面的润唇膏一点点擦去。Butfacingthisissue, the quizzerhad not continuedby the quizzers.
而面对这一问题,不论是提问者还是被提问者都没有继续下去。Slightlysilenta while, the lotussawgoodischildplacesonhisshoulder the lower jaw, the mouthcollectstohisneck, retaliationbitone.
嗯唧-„What...... are youmaking?”
“……你在做什么?”„Keeps the symbol.”
“留记号。”„Only the animallikesbiting.”
“只有动物才喜欢咬人。”„Human is also only the high-levelanimal, moreoveryoulikemyfootprobablyvery much......”
The soundbecomessmaller, followingalmostweakinaudible.
声音越变越小,后面的几乎弱不可闻。„Likesbitingso much, gets down.”
“这么喜欢咬,就下去。”„......? Were youangry?”
“……嗯?你生气了吗?”„Could not understandeven.”
“听不懂就算了。”Katou Yusukefeelsherhairat will, said: „Ifwantsto stop, youcurrently have the opportunity, smallgoodis.”加藤悠介随意地摸着她的头发,说道:“如果想停下来,你现在还有机会,小佳乃。”„......”
The lotusseesgoodischildsitsslowlysets out, will pasteafter the sendingsilk on cheeksallocates for the ear, looks athim saying:
莲见佳乃子缓缓坐起身,将贴在脸颊上的发丝拨到耳后,望着他说道:„...... Youdo not needto confirmtomeover and over, the words of thispuzzledcharacter and style, rather...... youwere ready?”
“……你没有必要再三向我确认,与其说这种不解风情的话,不如说……你做好准备了吗?”„Is this provocation?” The Katou Yusukeintonationraisesasks.
The lotussawgoodischildanythingdid not say,set outto move towardownbedroomsilently.
莲见佳乃子对此什么也不说,默默起身走向自己的卧室。Whenshecomes backagain, a silversmallsquare shapemodelled a packingto force in hishand.
当她再次回来的时候,一只银色的小方形塑封包装就被塞进了他手中。„...... This, thisgivesyou.”
“……这、这个给你。”„Youshouldnot haveto go shoppingin the convenience store.”
“你应该没有在便利店买东西吧。”„...... Thisis, the teachingitem that in the school healthclassuses, oncedid not have the attentionto bring......”
The lotusseesgoodischildgrabsanother sidearmsingle-handed, the speechsoundmoves fast, the visionis looking around ground, does not dareto look at each otherwithhim.
莲见佳乃子单手抓着另一边的手臂,讲起话来声音飘忽,目光望着一旁的地面,不敢与他对视。Katou YusukedisappearinginfantQiju in handbefore the face, the visionunceasinglyandherswitches overbetweenabove, does not know how shouldopen the mouth.加藤悠介将手中的消婴器举在脸前,目光不断在上面与她之间切换,不知道该怎么开口。
The lotus that liked a cat on hot bricksseesgoodischildis lookedanxiouslybyhim, the whole bodyhas the antto crawlprobably, is somewhat restless.
本就局促不安的莲见佳乃子被他看得紧张起来,浑身像是有蚂蚁在爬,有些坐立不安。Was at this time-
正在这时-Drop, dropanddrop~
The washroombroadcast the sound of washer, is making clear to the dryingconclusion of clothing.
洗手间传来了洗衣机的声音,昭示着衣物的烘干结束。„IandIlook at......!”
“我、我去看一下……!”Shewas sayingthenrunsflusteredoutward.
她说着便慌慌张张地向外跑去。Alsodoes not know that thisisbraveortimid......
也不知道这到底算是胆大还是胆小……Katou Yusukealsosets outto walkat a moderate paceoutward.加藤悠介也不紧不慢地起身向外走去。Whenhearrives at the washroom, sees the lotusto seegoodischildis holdinghisshirtto look at carefully, a facewith a worried look.
当他来到洗手间时,就见莲见佳乃子正抱着他的衬衫端详,一脸愁眉不展。„What's wrong.”
“怎么了吗。”„The fruit juicetrace on sleeve, has not washed offcompletely.”
“袖子上的果汁痕迹,没有完全洗掉。”„Igo back myselfto process.”
“我回去自己处理吧。”„Does not use, Itook the scented soap and detergentrubto be good, youfirstwent to...... outsideI.”
The lotusseesgoodischildtakes the shirtto move toward the washing the handspond, ingathering the waterbasinsoaks the sleeves of shirt, thenpushedtowardabove the littledetergent, took the scented soapto lower the headto rub.
莲见佳乃子拿着衬衫走向洗手池,将衬衫的衣袖在蓄好水的水池里浸湿,然后往上面挤了一点点去污剂,就这么拿着香皂低头揉搓了起来。Katou Yusukeboth handshold the chest, slantinglybyneargate. Is looking at carefullyhergently beautifulbodycurve, whileopened the mouthto callone.加藤悠介双手抱胸,斜靠在门边。一边端详着她柔美的身体曲线,一边开口唤了一声。„Smallgoodis.”
“小佳乃。”„, Is!”
“啊、是!”„The thing that yougive, Ihave more than enough.”
“唔、唔??”„Sizedoes not gather, you are not quite possibly clear.”
The lotussawgoodis the childmovementstopped, saidlow voice: „...... In the healthcareclasssends, is notL?”
莲见佳乃子的动作停了下来,小声说道:“……保健课上发的,不都是L的吗?”„Un, thisis not good.”
“嗯,这个不行。”„...... That,...... wantsme...... to go out...... to buy......”herto askoff and on, soundlightsuch asmosquitoblack fly.
“……那、那么……要我……出去……买吗……”她断断续续地问道,声音轻如蚊蚋。„Outsideis raining.”
“外面在下雨。”„Oh......”lotussawgoodischildcomplied withone, somewhatlowers the headwitheringly, thencontinuedto rub the shirtsilently.
短暂的沉默。„That, will you...... also cometomorrow?”
“那,你明天……还会来吗?”„...... Youalso are really dedicated.”
“……你还真是执着。”Katou Yusuketakes a stepto arrive atherbehind, supportsboth handsin the basinedge, puts one's mouth close to another's earsaidin a low voice: „" Sumata " has thistype of thing, heard?”加藤悠介迈步走到她身后,将双手撑在水池边缘,附耳低声道:“「sumata」这种东西,听说过吗?”„IandIdo not understand......”
“我、我不懂……”„Does not understandalsoindifferently, Iteachyou......”
After dirtcleaning on shirt .
等到把衬衫上的污渍洗净以后。Consideringmany inconveniences.
考虑到诸多不便。Even the currentweatheris late, outsideis also raining hard, buthesawgoodto the lotusischildproposedsaying goodbye.
即使当下的天色已晚,外面还下着大雨,但他还是向莲见佳乃子提出了告辞。Laterreturned to the homealone......
之后就独自返回了家中……Another side.
另一边。„- Chirp.”
The newstripfragrancesuddenlydid not have the indicationto sneeze, thenpulled outtwopaper goodsto come outfrom the face-clothpaper bag on table, sincecleaningnose.
新条香突然毫无征兆地打了一个喷嚏,然后从桌上的面巾纸袋里抽了两张纸巾出来,擦拭起鼻子。Downstairshear the loud noise that the man and womanexchange toasts, the heavy downpour of out of the windowis unable to coveritcompletely, hearsin the personheartagitated.
楼下传来男人与女人推杯换盏的喧闹声,就连窗外的滂沱大雨都无法完全将其掩盖,听得人心中烦躁不已。Sheturnedin the televisioncabinetlooked fora while, discoveredonetransparent tapesfrominside, subsequentlytook the adhesive tapeto set outto arrive at the gate, moved in a chairto step on.
她在电视柜里翻找了一会儿,从里面找出一卷透明胶带,继而拿着胶带起身走到门边,搬来一张椅子踩了上去。„Zī-”tears off the adhesive tape, cuts by bitingwith the tooth, thenbeginsitsposton the crack in a door.
“滋啦-”一声扯下胶带,用牙齿咬断,然后动手将其贴在门缝上面。Sorepeatedly, untilpastescompletelyfullyallslits.
The newstripfragranceinclined the head and listened attentivelya while, the originaldisturbance has almost lowerednowinaudible, thisnodssatisfied, returns the bedsideto sit down, puts out a handto take up a documentfrom the table, glances through.
新条香侧耳倾听了一会儿,原本的吵杂声现在几乎已经低不可闻,这才满意地点点头,重新回到床边坐下,伸手从桌上拿起一份文件,翻阅起来。«IngredientInspection reportAnalysis»
《成分鉴定报告分析》【Essential component: Unclear】
【主要成分:不明】【Oil materialraw material: Unclear】
【油质原料:不明】【Gummed paperraw material: Unclear】
【胶纸原料:不明】【Plantraw material: Unclear】
【植物原料:不明】【Auxiliaryraw material: Unclear】
【辅助原料:不明】【Analysis: Are goodto the skinaffinity, permeabilityanddiffusibility, lubricating the flexibilityis good, by the skin absorption, safesmoothwas stirred upto the skineasily............】
唰啦……Paperturnspage of soundsto reverberatein the room.
After severalminutes, sheput the inspection report in hand.
The visionshifts to the toilet table, fallsonthatbottle of blacksmall bottle.
“……”Silentsilentspreadsin the room.
The newstripfragrancetakes outguylollipopfrom the shorts, rips open the packingit, admitsin the mouth, after the whole person, face upwardslying downon the bed, stares at the ceilingaimless, in the eyeis glittering the inexplicableray.
新条香从短裤里取出一支棒棒糖,将其撕开包装,放进嘴巴里面,整个人后仰躺在床上,就这么漫无目的地盯着天花板,眼睛里闪烁着莫名的光芒。„The body of association president, is also hidingmanysecrets~ ~ ~”
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