TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#420: Why can she kiss you?

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Can Chapter 420 why she kiss you? 第420章为什么她要亲你? After the dinner prepares . 晚餐准备好以后。 Before two people arrive at the table, sits down. 两人来到餐桌前坐下。 In front of Katou Yusuke is suspending plate of curried rice, above is also spreading the golden pork chops. 加藤悠介面前摆着一盘咖喱饭,上面还铺着金黄色的炸猪排。 If the short weight remembers that told me, in the curry or the meter/rice rice cooker have.” The lotus sees good is child to be worried the tone that he cannot eat to the full said. “如果份量不够的话记得跟我说,不论是咖喱还是米饭锅里都还有很多。”莲见佳乃子以担心他吃不饱的口吻如是说。 „, It is not enough, I started.” “不会,已经足够了,我开动了。” Un ~ does not use politely.” “嗯~不用客气。” Under the gaze of opposite party, Yusuke scooped up a fish cake in the curry of ladle in plate, then feeds in the mouth. 在对方的注视下,悠介用勺子在盘中的咖喱里舀了一块鱼糕,然后送进嘴里。 The taste of fish cake is mediocre, eats the Q ball, the curry is the Japanese curry of unusual foundation, the flavor also calculates mellow delicious, the overall is the delicious daily family activity rank. 鱼糕的口感不好不坏,吃起来十分Q弹,咖喱是非常基础的日本咖喱,味道也还算香醇可口,总体属于好吃的家常等级。 How...... does Katou-kun feel? Flavor.” “……加藤君觉得怎么样呢?味道。” Un, good.” “嗯,挺好的。” This, un ~ that is good.” The lotus sees good is child said slightly, takes up the ladle to start. “这样啊,嗯~那就好。”莲见佳乃子微微笑着说,也拿起勺子开动起来。 Saw only her to use the ladle to scoop up rice that is mixing the curry, delivered to the mouth, first blew gently two, then opened the mouth to eat, chewed carefully. 只见她用勺子舀了一点混合着咖喱的米饭,送到嘴边,先是轻轻吹了两下,然后才张开嘴巴吃了进去,细嚼慢咽起来。 That, about Schoolmate Kasumigaoka matter that just mentioned, what on her recently had?” “那么,关于刚刚提到的霞之丘同学的事情,她身上最近是发生了什么吗?” Katou Yusuke stopped, asked: What...... do you refer to?” 加藤悠介停顿了一下,问道:“……您指什么?” Because I have the Chinese class of belt/bring two years of D class, last week and she chatted, felt that Schoolmate Kasumigaoka the recent condition was somewhat strange, therefore wanted to ask you.” “因为我也有带二年D班的国语课,上周和她聊天的时候,感觉霞之丘同学最近的状态有些奇怪,所以想要问问你。” „The condition that you said is strange, how concrete is.” “您说的状态奇怪,具体是怎样的。” The lotus sees good is child un hesitates, recalls saying: Words specifically speaking, Schoolmate Kasumigaoka felt recently is a little negative, the whole person seems like also no spirit, frequently sleeps in the classroom and so on......” 莲见佳乃子嗯地沉吟起来,回想道:“具体来说的话,霞之丘同学最近给人的感觉有点消极,整个人看上去也没什么精神,经常在课堂上睡觉之类的吧……” According to...... these that you said should be normal state of Utaha-senpai in campus.” “按照您说的……这些应该是诗羽学姐在校园里的正常状态。” Not. Although before that Schoolmate Kasumigaoka, similar, that time that but such negative appearance...... just started except for the summer, this is the second time.” “不是的。虽然那个霞之丘同学以前也差不多,不过这么消极的样子……除了夏天刚开始的那一次,这还是第二次。” In the summer just started......” Katou Yusuke to frown puzzled. “夏天刚开始……”加藤悠介不解地皱起眉头。 Right, in the summer.” The lotus sees good is child first is affirmed that place under one, immediately somewhat smiled worriedly. “对,夏天。”莲见佳乃子先是肯定地点了一下头,随即又有些苦恼地笑了起来。 At that time I want to ask her to discuss the attending class attitude issue, finally Schoolmate Kasumigaoka delivered impressive words.” “那个时候我本来是想找她谈一下上课态度的问题,结果霞之丘同学却讲了一番让人印象深刻的话。” Utaha-senpai she said anything.” 诗羽学姐她说了什么。” Result actually failed a grade outstandingly, if can in abundant Zaki Academy historical leaves behind such a , was very interesting...... she to say.” “成绩优秀却留级了,如果能在丰之崎学园的历史上留下这样一笔,也很有趣呢……她是这么说的。” Katou Yusuke pondered, remembers indistinctly that seems like the time of «Love Metronome» at first selling, except for this then knows nothing. 加藤悠介思考了一下,隐约记得那好像是《恋爱节拍器》最初发售的时间,除此以外便一无所知。 But the lotus saw good is child cannot bear sigh a voice, then continued to ask: „...... This feeling also follows time almost, what clue if you have, can tell me?” 而莲见佳乃子则是忍不住叹了一声气,然后又继续问道:“……这一次的感觉也跟上次差不多,所以如果你有什么头绪的话,可以告诉我吗?” The Katou Yusuke silent did not answer, a face made every effort to keep secret. 加藤悠介闭口不答,一脸讳莫如深。 That had anything about the young girl in the summer time, he is unknown, after all that time he has not known Utaha-senpai. 关于少女在夏天那一次发生了什么,他不得而知,毕竟那时的他还不认识诗羽学姐 However must say that this words...... basically are time he create single-handedly. 不过要说这一次的话……基本算是他一手造成的。 In the room is filling the air silent. 房间里弥漫着沉默。 The lotus sees good is child looks at his response, in the eye gradually becomes looking pensive, therefore is lowering the head to eat the thing the gap to ask one in a soft voice: „...... Is Schoolmate Kasumigaoka matter, related with you?” 莲见佳乃子看着他的反应,眼中渐渐变得若有所思,于是就着低头吃东西的间隙轻声问了一句:“……霞之丘同学的事情,和你有关?” Also not definitely not negative, resembles is tacitly approving. 既不肯定也不否定,似是在默认。 She thought slightly, is hesitating asking: „Was the matter that...... you and new strip schoolmate associate, known by Schoolmate Kasumigaoka?” 她稍微思索了一下,犹豫着问道:“……伱和新条同学交往的事情,被霞之丘同学知道了?” Katou Yusuke frowns slightly the brow, the voice is low and deep, I do not have to associate.” 加藤悠介微微颦起眉头,嗓音低沉,“我没在和人交往。” Well? 咦? The lotus sees good is child is first startled , the conditioned reflex is on the rise general fiercely, asked without hesitation: That why games can she kiss you on that day??” 莲见佳乃子先是一怔,又条件反射一般猛地抬起头,不假思索地问道:“那为什么运动会那天她要亲你??” She is voluntary.” “她自愿的。” But you have not rejected!” “可你没拒绝!” Yes.” “是。” Prosperous! 咯隆! The lotus saw good is child stood from the seat quickly, somewhat asked excitedly: „- Why!?” 莲见佳乃子倏地从座椅上站了起来,有些激动地问道:“-为什么!?” Thump. 咣咚、啪唰。 The table was touched crosswise by her leg moved several cuns (2.5 cm), the household utensils on table are also following to sway, was loaded with the drinking glass of orange juice is entire reversed. 餐桌被她的腿碰得横向挪动了几寸,连带着桌上的器皿也跟着摇晃,装有橙汁的玻璃杯更是整个翻倒了下来。 Inside fruit juice falls in torrents, sprinkled on the Yusuke pants completely, rapid wet a piece. 里面的果汁倾泻而出,完全洒在了悠介的裤子上面,迅速就湿了一片。 The brow of Katou Yusuke deeply wrinkled. 加藤悠介的眉头深深地皱了起来。 But the lotus saw good is child is „” called out in alarm one low voice, immediately takes up one box to pull out the paper, ran up to side him around the table, squatted. 而莲见佳乃子则是“啊”地小声惊叫了一声,立刻拿起一盒抽纸,绕着桌子跑到他身边,蹲了下来。 „- To, sorry! My this helps you scratch!” “-对、对不起!我这就帮你擦!” Was saying then „” pulls out several facial tissues, reaches inside the hand his thigh flustered, took the paper goods to clean. 说着便“唰唰”抽出几张面巾纸,慌慌张张地把手伸向他大腿内侧,拿着纸巾擦拭了起来。 Just now scratches two...... 才刚擦了两下…… . 啪。 Katou Yusuke held her wrist/skill, subsequently opens the mouth to ask: What are you making?” 加藤悠介就抓住了她的手腕,继而开口问道:“您在做什么?” The low and deep voice hears floating, probably is questioning. 低沉的嗓音飘入耳中,像是在诘问。 The lotus sees good is child first is impressively one startled, subsequently responded, the face to one side, complexion „” all of a sudden should not be quickly red. 莲见佳乃子先是赫然一惊,继而才反应过来,急忙把脸别向一边,脸色“唰”地一下子红了。 Compared with iron also hard compared with steel also strong- is 18 -year-old youngster...... 比铁还硬比钢还强的-是十八岁少年的…… „...... To, does not sorry......” “唔……对、对不起……” Gives me the paper.” “把纸给我。” „...... Good.” “……好。” The paper goods box tremble was handed over. 纸巾盒被哆哆嗦嗦地递了过来。 Katou Yusuke received in it the hand, pulls out the paper to start to clean. 加藤悠介一把将其接过手中,抽出纸开始擦拭起来。 The fruit juice infiltrates the trousers, not only got wet the flat angle trousers, on the thigh is also wet cold one piece, mounts the letting person is not very uncomfortable. 果汁渗透进长裤,不仅弄湿了平角裤,就连大腿上也是湿冷一片,黏答答的让人很不舒服。 The lotus sees good is child is peeping at his movement with the split vision, slightly the deep breath the one breath, did intentionally says calmly: „...... You take off the trousers, I go to wash to you.” 莲见佳乃子用余光窥视着他的动作,小小地深呼吸了一口气,故作镇定地开口说道:“……你把长裤脱下来吧,我去给你洗一下。” Katou Yusuke swept her one eyes, this time opposite party kneels to squat by the posture of knees place as before on the ground, show white both hands places among the knees crampedly, closely is gripping the balled paper in hand. 加藤悠介扫了她一眼,此时的对方依旧以双膝点地的姿势跪蹲在地上,秀白的双手局促地放在双膝间,紧紧攥着手中的纸团。 What were you just making?” “您刚刚是在做什么?” „...... Was sorry, I do hear you and new strip schoolmate's matter a little am excited...... you not to associate?” “……抱歉,我只是听到你和新条同学的事情有点激动……你们没有在交往吗?” This matter and you have what relations.” “这件事和您有什么关系吗。” The lotus sees good is child has transferred the head, is sipping the lip slightly, among the looks seems somewhat miserable. 莲见佳乃子转过脑袋,微微抿着嘴唇,神色间显得有些楚楚可怜。 „...... Such is incorrect.” “……那样是不对的。” What is not right.” “什么不对。” That day you and new strip schoolmate, at the matter of sports warehouse......” “你和新条同学那天,在体育仓库的事情……” Then brings back to the student the family/home?” “那么把学生带回家里呢?” „......” “……” The lotus sees good is child does not speak immediately, the appearance of lowering the head seems somewhat suffering. 莲见佳乃子顿时不说话了,低着头的样子像是有些委屈。 The atmosphere becomes somewhat stiff. 气氛变得有些僵硬。 Made such a , had no way to eat meal again. 闹了这么一出,也没法再吃饭了。 Katou Yusuke stared at her to watch a meeting, the anxiety in heart eliminated gradually, the opens the mouth said one: I borrow the washroom.” 加藤悠介盯着她看了一会,心中的疑虑渐渐消除,张口说了一句:“我借一下洗手间。” Said that then sets out to move toward the corridor. 说完便起身走向走廊。 The washroom in this apartment is the design that in the bathrooms separates. 这间公寓的洗手间是卫浴间分离的设计。 Katou Yusuke looked entered the washroom twice, subsequently started to wash the hands before the washing the hands pond. 加藤悠介找了两次才进入洗手间,继而开始在洗手池前洗手。 Just now fruit juice not only sprinkled on the trousers, the sleeves including the hand and shirt also splashed some. 适才的果汁不仅洒到了长裤上,包括手上和衬衫的衣袖也溅到了些许。 Although touched and went with the facial tissues as far as possible, sticky may bring by the syrup is actually not able easily to eliminate. 虽然尽量用面巾纸擦过了,可由糖浆所带来的黏腻却是无法轻易消除的。 In he hits the scented soap is washing the hands, the lotus sees is child also walked. 就在他打着香皂洗手时,莲见加乃子也走了进来。 „...... Katou-kun you take a bath, this will be very uncomfortable. I took the clothes and towel of changing and washing to you, the clothes of taking off I help you wash to dry.” “……加藤君你还是洗个澡吧,这样会很不舒服。我给你拿了换洗的衣服和毛巾,脱下来的衣服我帮你洗一下烘干。” Was saying the lotus sees good is child extends both hands, will be holding the clothing and towel handed over together. 这么说着的莲见佳乃子伸出双手,将抱着的衣物和毛巾一起递了过来。 Katou Yusuke looked at thing on her hand, on the soft large size towel is putting a black T-shirt and shorts, is of male. 加藤悠介看了一眼她手上的东西,柔软的大号毛巾上放着一件黑色的T恤与短裤,是男性的那种。 Therefore has not put out a hand to meet, but returned to one not to need lightly. 于是没有伸手去接,只是淡淡地回了一句不必了。 He has not put on the custom of stranger clothes, idle talk his master is a male. 他没有穿陌生人衣服的习惯,更遑论其主人还是一名男性。 This clothes no one passes through.” The lotus sees good is child guesses correctly in his heart to think probably, explained on own initiative. “这套衣服没有人穿过的。”莲见佳乃子像是猜到他心中所想,主动解释了起来。 This is I, for the security buys, dries in the sun intentionally outside men's wear, you can feel relieved that puts on not to have the relations......” “这是我为了安全才买回来,故意晾在外面的男装,你可以放心穿没关系……” In her tone was full of the apology, looked that has seven points to rebuke oneself with three points to feel sorry to his look. 她的语气里充满了歉意,看向他的眼神里带着七分自责与三分过意不去。 Said no matter also he did agree, forces in his arms the thing rashly, then escaped quickly, took the gate while convenient. 说完也不管他同不同意,就这么不由分说地将东西塞进他怀里,然后便快步逃了出去,顺便还带上了门。 Works as. 啪当。 Door closed sound reverberation near ear. 门扉闭合的声音回荡在耳边。 Katou Yusuke looks down to the thing in hand, is lost in thought. 加藤悠介低头看向手中的东西,陷入沉思。 ...... …… Finally, he takes a bath sketchily. 最终,他还是粗略洗了个澡。 When his head is building the towel, when puts on that black home clothing/taking comes out, time already over the past 20 minutes. 当他头上搭着毛巾,穿着那身黑色的家居服出来时,时间已经过去20分钟。 On before table the aftermath had been tidied up. 餐桌上之前的残局已被收拾好。 Only ate several curries happen to be placed on the table well, above is also scattering the steam. 只吃了几口的咖喱正好好摆在桌上,上面还飘散着热气。 Curry I am hot, you continue to eat, I tidy up the clothes.” The lotus saw good is child swept one on him in a hurry, then lowered the head slightly runs in the bathroom. “咖喱我重新热过了,你继续吃吧,我去收拾衣服。”莲见佳乃子匆匆在他身上扫了一眼,然后低着头小跑进浴室。 Katou Yusuke is scratching the wet hair, while sat on the table , to continue to eat the hot curry. 加藤悠介一边擦着湿漉漉的头发,一边在餐桌上坐了下来,继续吃起热腾腾的咖喱。 Ka and bang, drop drop ~ 咔哒、砰、滴滴~ Buzz- 嗡- The revolution sound of washer transmits from the washroom. 洗衣机的运转声从洗手间里传来。 After five minutes, the lotus sees good is child returns the living room. 五分钟以后,莲见佳乃子重新回到客厅。 But Katou Yusuke also finished eating the curry, the water trough of this little while correct use kitchen is cleaning the tableware. 加藤悠介也吃完了咖喱,这会儿正用厨房的水槽清洗着餐具。 Witnessed that this lotus sees good is child stares slightly, never expected that he will eat the speed of thing so to be quick, quickly walked. 目睹这一幕的莲见佳乃子微微一愣,没想到他吃东西的速度会这么快,急忙走了上来。 Katou-kun you put down well, I who remain process.” 加藤君你放下就好,剩下来的我来处理。” I have washed.” “我已经洗好了。” Really is, you obviously is a guest, why can do this matter?” “真是的,你明明是客人,为什么要做这种事?” It‘s nothing, how long does my uniform/subdue need?” “没什么,请问我的制服需要多久?” I established the clean to add drying, was almost one hour.” “我设置了清洗加烘干,差不多是一小时。” Knew.” “知道了。” Otherwise......” “要不然……” The lotus sees good is child ten fingers of both hands about in the chest front, composes a triangle the structure, said: You watch the television, I make the coffee to drink to you.” 莲见佳乃子将双手的十指合在胸前,组成一个三角形的结构,说道:“你去看电视吧,我来泡咖啡给你喝。” Katou Yusuke dries the hand with the dry/does towel of kitchen, the vision sweeps from her face, the tranquil place a lower jaw, then moved toward the sofa. 加藤悠介用厨房的干毛巾擦干手,目光从她脸上一扫而过,平静地点了一下下颌,然后走向沙发。 Waiting period. 等待的期间。 He according to such has not watched the television that the opposite party said that but took out own cartoon coverall from the book bag- drew this, dips the pen and cartoon ink. 他没有按照对方说的那样看电视,而是从书包里取出了自己的漫画套装-画图本、蘸水笔、漫画墨水。 In order to speed up «Power saw Person» cartoon progress, when he goes out now will also carry these tools along, so long as has the free time to begin the picture. 为了加快《电锯人》的漫画进度,他现在出门时也会随身携带这些工具,只要一有空闲就会动手画一点。 Places by the ink sofa small table, Katou Yusuke grasps the G pen, continued to draw the original manuscript. 将墨水放在沙发旁的小台子上,加藤悠介手持G笔,继续画起了原稿。 „The Katou-kun coffee, do I place here?” 加藤君的咖啡,我放在这里可以吗?” Good, thanks.” “好,谢谢。” The agreed lotus sees good is child places by the ink a mug, is carrying that cup of nests on another side single-seat sofa. 得到首肯的莲见佳乃子将一个马克杯放在墨水旁边,然后端着自己那杯窝在了另一边的单人沙发上。 She holds the cup with both hands, while asked curiously: What is Katou-kun drawing?” 她一边用双手捧起杯子,一边好奇地问道:“加藤君在画什么?” Cartoon.” “漫画。” Originally do you have such interest?” “原来你还有这样的兴趣吗?” Is the work.” “算是工作。” Work?” “工作?” Un.” “嗯。” The lotus saw good is child appears to understand but not really understand nods, drank small coffee, did the vision wink stares at him not to put. 莲见佳乃子似懂非懂地点点头,喝了一小口咖啡,目光一眨不眨地盯着他不放。 At once thinks such approach some are flagrant, therefore also took a book to look. 旋即又觉得这样的做法有些过于明目张胆,于是也拿了一本书看了起来。 Rustle, rustle. 沙沙,沙沙。 . 唰啦,唰啦。 The pen tip has delimited the sound and books of paper turns page of sounds continuously, reverberates quietly in the room. 笔尖划过纸张的动静与书本的翻页声此起彼伏,在房间里静谧地回荡开来。 The lotus sees good is child is reading with pauses, the eye always cannot bear toward his face on glances. 莲见佳乃子有一搭没一搭地看着书,眼睛总忍不住往他脸上瞟。 The warm light lamp in room hits ambiguous, falls on them. 屋内的暖光灯打得暧昧,落在他们身上。 She looks at his slightly wet silver white hair silk, the low and deep pitch-black eye pupil, light lip that sips, seems is appreciating one black and white usually to draw. 她看着他微湿的银白发丝,幽沉的乌黑眼眸,微抿的薄薄嘴唇,好似在欣赏着一幅黑白素描画。 Katou Yusuke drew a while, raised the head unknowingly, with her to line of sight. 加藤悠介画了一会儿,不经意抬头,与她对上了视线。 The time stagnated shortly for one second. 时间短暂地停滞了一秒。 The lotus sees good is child lowers the head instantly, reads wholly absorbed. 莲见佳乃子即刻低下头,专心致志地看书。 The light shook the eye, she has not looked at any character in book. 灯光晃了眼,她没看进去书里的任何一个字。 What are you looking at?” “您在看什么?” „......?” “……诶?” Her heartbeat leaked a racket slightly, thought that he discovered certainly oneself peeping in secret, an innermost feelings disturbance. 她的心跳稍稍漏了一拍,觉得他一定发现了自己的暗中窥视,内心一阵忐忑。 „Are you reading?” Katou Yusuke repeated. “您在看什么书?”加藤悠介又重复了一遍。 «How the lotus sees good is child puts down in the hand that Goes out of Being lovelorn Shadow Fast», the vision falls on he solemn chilly face, gives the answer as if for real. 莲见佳乃子放下手中的那本《如何快速走出失恋阴影》,目光落在他冷峻料峭的脸上,半真半假地给出答案。 „...... Who asked me to meet an excessive person? Lets my heart movement unceasingly, while rejects me unceasingly, must find the way to elucidate oneself.” “……谁叫我遇上一个过分的人呢?一边不断让我心动,一边又不断拒绝我,总要想办法开解自己吧。” „...... That type of book, but is trading anxiously.” “……那种书,只是在贩卖焦虑。” Short silence. 短暂的沉默。 Then......” lotus sees good is child pretends that acts with constraint tucks in the hair, asked one spookily: What means Katou-kun you have, can help me go out is lovelorn?” “那么……”莲见佳乃子假装矜持地撩起头发,幽幽地反问一句:“加藤君你又有什么办法,能帮我走出失恋吗?” Katou Yusuke has no mood looks at her one eyes, understanding selected under one lightly, then starts to continue the picture original manuscript. 加藤悠介没什么情绪的看她一眼,理解般的轻点了一下头,接着又开始继续画原稿。 Rustle, rustle. 沙沙,沙沙。 The calm brushwork sound is making a sound peacefully. 沉稳的笔触声安静地响着。 The lotus sees good is child curls the lip, places the one side the book in hand, took up the coffee to drink. 莲见佳乃子撇了撇嘴,将手中的书放在一旁,拿起咖啡喝了起来。 What...... you and new strip schoolmate is relates about the beforehand topic?” “关于之前的话题……你和新条同学是什么关系?” This is must reply?” “这是必须要回答的吗?” „......, although cannot, but I want to know.” “……虽然不是必须,可是我想知道。” „The high-school student will not deliver such willful words.” “就连高中生也不会讲这么任性的话。” I guess.” “那我自己猜。” Along with you.” “随您。” If I said right, do not deceive me.” “如果我说对的话,你不要骗我。” Katou Yusuke did not agree, does not reject, but is doing the work on hand. 加藤悠介既不同意,也不拒绝,只是做着手上的工作。 The lotus sees good is the child pursing the lips lip, hesitant over and over, then clenches teeth saying: You are...... are......, is......” 莲见佳乃子抿了抿嘴唇,犹豫再三,然后一咬牙说道:“你们是……是……嗯,就是……” Made excuses good long while, actually still said. 就这么支支吾吾了好半天,却仍旧说不出口。 Her low head, somewhat said one dejected worriedly low voice: I know in any case.” 她不禁颓然地低下脑袋,有些烦闷地小声说了一句:“反正我知道。” Katou Yusuke did not respond, face ancient well without ripples. 加藤悠介不予回应,一脸古井不波。 Bang. 轰隆。 Outside the room transmits together the remote stuffy thunder suddenly. 屋外突然传来一道遥远的闷雷。 The weather gets dark unknowingly...... 天色不知不觉黑了下来…… ...... ……
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