TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#419: Invitation that the lotus sees

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Invitation that Chapter 419 lotus sees 第419章莲见的邀约 The time blinks. 时间眨眼而过。 October 12 Monday, " Power saw Person » 2nd volume emitted with new issue of «Youngster Undead» officially. 10月12日的周一,《电锯人》的第二集随着新一期的《少年Undead》正式放出。 On this day, the readers knew Madge Ma's name finally. 这一天,读者们终于知晓了玛奇玛的名字。 Benefits adds the questionnaire survey's first effect from first sorting of comic magazine. 得益于漫画杂志的首位排序加问卷调查第一的效果。 " Makima " this entry replaced instantaneously originally " the woman of circle circle eye " , spreads rapidly on Twitter. 「Makima」这一词条瞬间就取代了原本的「圈圈眼的女人」,在推特上迅速流传开来。 Also on the same day. 也是在同一天。 Private Toyogasaki Academy welcomed the second semester's midterm examination. 私立丰之崎学园迎来了第二学期的期中考试。 The test starting from October 12, ended by October 15. 考试从10月12日开始,到10月15日结束。 Altogether lasted three days. 一共为期三天。 The private Lifeng Zaki is not the higher education high school, will not request the students the week before the time neutralization terminal examinations week, stops all community activities. 私立丰之崎不是升学高中,不会要求学生们在期中和期末考试周的前一周,停止所有的社团活动。 The only request only suspends the activity during the test. 唯一的要求仅是在考试期间暂停活动。 Although does not contain the student association, but Katou Yusuke ahead of time in contacting the group issued the notice, suspended these three days of work, letting the person can with single-hearted devotion on reviewing the schoolwork. 虽然其中不包含学生会,不过加藤悠介还是提前在联络群组内发了通知,暂停了这三天的工作,让人能专心于复习功课上面。 Eriri felt oneself as if received the special reminder, but also does not have the evidence to prove this point. 英梨梨觉得自己似乎受到了特别的提醒,但又没有证据证明这一点。 However in order to participates in winter COMI of December smoothly, in order to avoid being ordered to forbid by mother, she also has to study hard well for several days. 不过为了能够顺利参加12月的冬COMI,以免被妈妈勒令禁止,她也不得不好好用功了几天。 The daughter who comes Diplomat in Yingguo the family, actually does not pass an examination in the English score on the test of Japanese High school. 出身于英国外交官家庭的女儿,在日本高中的英文考试成绩却是不及格。 Although is unreadable, but in fact is this. 虽然难以理解,不过事实上就是这样。 Katou Yusuke after experiencing initial obscure, gradually accepted this point. 加藤悠介在经历过最初的费解以后,也逐渐接受了这一点。 The midterm examination conducts methodically. 期中考试有条不紊地进行。 Relaxed or anxious, the students endured these three days. 或轻松或紧张的,学生们熬过了这三天。 By afternoon that the last test finished, is a general cleaning of school, everyone must participate. 到了最后一门考试结束的下午,是一场全校的大扫除,每个人都要参与。 After cleaning the classroom, Katou Yusuke is carrying the iron bucket that is loaded with the cleaning rag, has not informed with anybody, came to the student association room in activity building alone. 等到打扫完教室以后,加藤悠介拎着装有抹布的铁桶,没有告知与任何人,独自来到了活动楼的学生会室。 Opens the door lock with the key, pushes the door to enter the room. 用钥匙打开门锁,推门走进房间。 Will overpower the coat to take off to place on the sofa, then carries the bucket to arrive at the washroom in three buildings, cleaned a cleaning rag, gets the clean running water to the barrel. 将制服外套脱下放在沙发上,然后拎着水桶来到三楼的洗手间,清洗了一下抹布,给桶内打上干净的自来水。 Returns to the student association room again. 再次回到学生会室。 Katou Yusuke pulls the sleeve of shirt, began to clean up. 加藤悠介挽起衬衫的袖子,动手打扫起了卫生。 First starts to clean from the desk, from the desktop to the table foot, scratches to try each place earnestly, does not drop any corner. 先从办公桌开始擦拭,从桌面到桌脚,认真擦试着每一块地方,不落下任何一个角落。 Then is the cabinet, tea table and window...... 然后是柜子、茶几、窗台…… squeak squeak and chirp, 吱吱、唧唧, The sound of cleaning rag is reverberating quietly. 抹布的声音静谧地回响着。 The running water in iron bucket also from starting clear enough to see bottom, becomes the pollution unable to withstand gradually. 铁桶里的自来水也从开始的清澈见底,渐渐变得浑浊不堪。 With it relative, the furniture in room is becomes changed beyond recognition. 与之相对的,房间里的家具则是变得焕然一新。 In the air is filling the light running water flavor. 空气里弥漫着淡淡的自来水味道。 The fall cool wind injects the room from out of the window, is swaying light the window curtains. 秋日凉爽的风从窗外吹入房间,轻飘飘地拂动着窗帘。 The lively drill ground also gradually was peaceful in the process of cleaning. 原本热闹的操场也在打扫的过程中渐渐安静下来。 Because today does not need to participate in the community activities. 由于今天不需要参加社团活动。 Aims at six points the time in the clock and watch hand, almost without many student associations stops over in the school, is the exceptional case like him. 在钟表时针指向六点的这个时刻,几乎没有多少学生会在学校里逗留,像他这样的才属于特例。 Yusuke that cleans dumps the water, tidies up the iron bucket and cleaning rag. 打扫完毕的悠介倒掉水,收拾好铁桶和抹布。 When he wears the coat is about to go home, the door suddenly ka is actually opened, together mature delightful female throat sound. 就在他穿好外套准备回家的时候,身后的门却忽然被人“咔哒”一声打开,一道成熟悦耳的女性嗓音响了起来。 „...... Schoolmate Katou?” “……加藤同学?” Looks back to look, the lotus sees good is child is being astonished stands there, probably will be quite surprised here about him. 回首看去,莲见佳乃子正讶异地站在那里,像是对他会在这里感到十分意外。 Lotus sees the teacher.” The Katou Yusuke nod expressed best wishes, took advantage of opportunity to transfer the body. “莲见老师。”加藤悠介点头致意道,顺势转过身体。 Today's teacher wears a white practicing moral culture/slim fit one-piece dress, outside built a lotus root responsibility color open-fronted sweater or knitted shirt, on the foot is pair of white loafers. 今天的老师穿着一条白色的修身连衣裙,外面搭了一件藕荷色的开衫,脚上是一双白色的乐福鞋。 „...... Afternoon is good.” “……下午好。” The lotus saw the teacher to take brown handbag of a below on shoulder upwardly, inquired: So was late, how haven't you gone home?” 莲见老师向上提了一下背在肩上的棕色皮包,询问道:“都这么晚了,你怎么还没有回家?” Just cleaned a student association room, this prepares.” “刚刚打扫了一下学生会室,这就准备回。” Cleans? Your one person?” “打扫?你一个人?” Katou Yusuke un, asked: How you will come to here.” 加藤悠介嗯了一声,问道:“您怎么会来这边。” I just saw here window to open in downstairs, therefore on a situation......” “我刚刚在楼下看见这里的窗户开着,所以就上来看一下情况……” The lotus saw good is child first is says, then looks like the proposition that remembered anything to resemble: Said, since you have not gone back now, otherwise the teacher asked you to eat meal.” 莲见佳乃子先是解释说,接着又像想起了什么似的提议道:“说起来,既然你现在还没回去,不然老师请伱吃饭好了。” Does not use that......” “不用那……” „- Happen to the matter about that Schoolmate Kasumigaoka, I also has the matter to want with you to understand, Ok?” “-正好关于那个霞之丘同学的事情,我也有事想要跟你了解一下,可以吗?” „...... What meaning?” “……什么意思?” Concrete when chatted at meal time again?” “具体的就等到吃饭时再聊吧?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke thought deeply about the moment slightly, then complies. 加藤悠介稍微思索了片刻,然后答应下来。 Thereupon. 于是乎。 In the lotus sees good is under the child leadership, two people then arrived at Shangdian Street near abundant Zaki station together. 在莲见佳乃子的带领下,两人便一同来到了丰之崎车站附近的商店街。 What does Schoolmate Katou want to eat?” “加藤同学想吃什么?” Ok.” “都可以。” Then curry how?” “那么咖喱怎么样?” Good.” “好。” „Do you like eating the chicken and pork, the beef?” “你喜欢吃鸡肉、猪肉、还是牛肉?” What is good.” “什么都行。” Pork chops? Should the boys like this?” “炸猪排呢?男孩子应该都喜欢这个吧?” You decide well.” “您决定就好。” Dark brown beautiful hair throws over gathers together in the back , a white large intestine is sending the circle in position pierced of nape of the neck, rocks in Katou Yusuke lithely at present. 深棕色的秀发披拢在后背,又在脖颈的位置上扎着一个白色的大肠发圈,轻盈地在加藤悠介眼前晃动。 Two people before a store that sells the meat stops the footsteps. 两人在一家卖肉的商店前停下脚步。 Welcome visits ~ ~ ~ is the fresh meat, ready to order?” The pierced the middle-aged aunt face of kerchief is greeting warmly. “欢迎光临~~~都是新鲜的肉哦,请问要点什么?”头上扎着头巾的中年大婶一脸热情地招呼道。 Excuse me, please give me two chicken breasts, two pig fillets.” “不好意思,请给我两块鸡胸,两块猪里脊。” Good ~!” “好嘞~!” „...... Does the lotus see the teacher?” “……莲见老师?” What's wrong? Schoolmate Katou.” Is taking out the lotus of wallet to see good from the package package is child raised the head, asks. “怎么了吗?加藤同学。”正从包包里取出钱包的莲见佳乃子抬起头,问道。 What is your is making?” “您这是在做什么?” Buys the dinner the food, understood at a glance?” “买晚餐的食材,一看就知道了吧?” Doesn't eat outside?” “不是在外面吃吗?” Doesn't have the confidence to my cook? This you have no need to worry, the teacher usually has is going to the kitchen.” “对我的厨艺没有信心吗?这个你用不着担心,老师平时有在下厨。” Ok, little miss ~ this is your meat, welcome will come next time again ~!” “好了,小姑娘~这是你的肉,欢迎下次再来~!” Un, thanks, good work.” The lotus saw good is child has paid money, received the plastic bag that the shop owner handed over, “嗯,谢谢,辛苦了。”莲见佳乃子付过钱,接过店主递过来的塑料袋, Katou Yusuke sees this to knit the brows, the lip moved, but has not opened the mouth immediately. 加藤悠介见此不由皱了皱眉,嘴唇动了一下,但没有马上开口。 When two people leave the butcher shop, when continues stand forth, he arrives at the lotus to see quickly good is child side, asked obscurely: „Are you plan go to the kitchen at home?” 等到两人离开肉店,继续向前走去时,他才快步走到莲见佳乃子旁边,费解地问道:“您是打算在家里下厨吗?” Un ~ is this.” “嗯~就是这样。” This is not convenient.” “这样不方便。” Where doesn't facilitate...... Schoolmate Katou to refer to?” The females cross the head slightly with a smile. “不方便……加藤同学是指哪里呢?”女子微微笑着偏过脑袋。 I go to the teacher home.” “我去老师家。” „...... Has food, moreover hasn't your previous time come?” “……只是吃一顿饭而已,而且你上次不是也来过了吗?” Can these two's difference be the same? 这两者的区别能一样吗? Katou Yusuke knits the brows does not speak, but the lotus saw good is child then said. 加藤悠介皱眉不语,而莲见佳乃子则是接着说了下去。 „...... The income of teacher is not after all high, eats at home compared with outside will be materially beneficial, puts in great inconvenience to you today?” “……毕竟老师的收入不高,比起外面还是在家吃会实惠一点,今天就委屈一下你吧?” „...... It is not the suffering issue, if you are not convenient, can pay money by me.” “……也不是委屈的问题,如果您不方便,可以由我来付钱。” Thanks, but after that matter waited for you to graduate , said that today is the teacher has the matter to look for you . Moreover the food has bought, therefore this.” “谢谢,不过那种事还是等你毕业以后再说吧,今天是老师有事找你,而且食材都已经买好了,所以就这样吧。” Expression that the person of front spoke although temperate tactful, but had also insisted. 面前之人说话的语气虽然温和委婉,但也有所坚持。 Therefore Katou Yusuke also no longer talks too much. 于是加藤悠介也不再多言。 After that they bought the potato, carrot, onion and fish cake one after another and so on food. 那之后,他们又相继买了土豆、胡萝卜、洋葱、鱼糕之类的食材。 Afterward two people then left Shangdian Street together, before arriving at a nearby medium apartment . 随后两人便一起离开了商店街,来到了附近的一栋中型公寓前。 Katou Yusuke stops the footsteps in front of the building, said: You first come up, I under and others on again.” 加藤悠介在楼前停下脚步,说道:“您先上去吧,我等下再上。” The lotus saw good is child looked at his one eyes, has not rejected, but asked one: „Does door plate still remember?” 莲见佳乃子看了他一眼,也没拒绝,只是问了一句:“门牌号还记得吗?” Remembers.” “记得。” Un, that is good, that under saw.” “嗯,那就好,那等下见。” Katou Yusuke nods, looks that her form disappears in the cage of elevator, waited for probably five minutes in downstairs, walks along the staircase slowly upwardly. 加藤悠介点点头,看着她的身影消失在电梯的轿厢,在楼下等了大概五分钟,才沿着楼梯慢慢向上走去。 Spent for about five minutes to step onto four corridors, before arriving at the gate of end third apartment from the bottom . 花了五分钟左右走上四层走廊,一路来到尽头倒数第三间公寓的门前。 In the hand raises the lotus of shopping bag to see good is child is backing on before the gate, after seeing him walks, is then gentle smiles, played a joke as if for real: Good, I also think that Katou-kun could not meet.” 手中提着购物袋的莲见佳乃子正背靠在门前,见他走来以后便温婉一笑,半真半假地开了一句玩笑:“太好了,我还以为加藤君会不来了呢。” Traded a name calmly. 若无其事地就换了一个称呼。 Katou Yusuke shakes the head, returns to one unable. 加藤悠介摇了摇头,回了一句不会。 The lotus sees good is child has then transferred the body, carries with the hand the plastic bag only, while reaches the waist side satchel the right hand, tries to find out the main house gate key in inside. 莲见佳乃子遂转过身体,一边单手提着塑料袋,一边将右手伸向腰侧的挎包,在里面摸索起家门钥匙。 Tinkles to work as lang ! 丁零当啷,啪嗒! The key fell from the package package incautiously on the ground. 钥匙一不小心从包包里掉在了地上。 The lotus saw good is, immediately bends the waist to pick. 莲见佳乃子啊了一声,立刻弯腰去捡。 Ties up the long hair after brain to take advantage of opportunity toward one side shoulder falls, reveals the slender neck. The one-piece dress of soft material quality raises slightly upward, shows a small section of skin color transparent white slender calf. 绑在脑后的长发顺势朝一侧肩膀滑落,露出纤细的颈项。柔软材质的连衣裙稍微往上掀,展现出一小截肤色亮白的苗条小腿。 Such movement highlighted the exquisite curve of female body unknowingly, not pornography, was only very happy. 这样的动作在不经意间就突显出了女性身体的优美曲线,并不色情,只是十分美好。 Katou Yusuke looks that she picks up the key by the clumsy posture, before no origin thought that when six Pegasuses, that in changing room situated in " Beams " . 加藤悠介看着她以笨拙的姿势捡起钥匙,没由来想到了之前在六天马时,位于「Beams」更衣室里的那一幕。 Because the key falls in another side relations, he has not helped pick, but the opposite party also drew out the body in this time again. 因为钥匙掉在另一边的关系,他没有帮忙去捡,而对方也在此时重新直起了身体。 „...... Embarrassed, I open the door now.” The lotus saw good is child somewhat said embarrassed, then the key insertion door lock, rotated to one side. “……不好意思,我现在开门。”莲见佳乃子有些不好意思地说了一句,然后将钥匙插入门锁,向一侧转动。 With ka a sound, the metal door then opens accordingly. 伴随着“咔哒”一声响,金属门便应声而开。 Ok, came.” “好了,进来吧。” Disturbed.” “打扰了。” Katou Yusuke follows to enter the threshold to buddhism in the opposite party behind. 加藤悠介跟在对方身后走进玄关。 The lotus sees good is child holds the shoes cabinet single-handed, the both feet is stepping on slightly is taking off loafers, exchanges to be placed in the entrance slippers, then took a bilinear slipper from the shoes cabinet, places the ground. 莲见佳乃子单手扶着鞋柜,双脚轻微踩着脱下乐福鞋,换上摆在门口的家居拖鞋,然后从鞋柜里取了一双一次性拖鞋,放在地上。 Katou-kun, you put on this pair.” 加藤君,你穿这双吧。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” After changing the slipper, two people in tandem enter the living room. 换好拖鞋以后,两人一前一后的进入客厅。 In the air is scattering the light orchid fragrance. 空气里飘散着淡淡的兰花香气。 You first rest on the sofa, I give you to pour the fruit juice.” “你先在沙发上休息一下,我去给你倒果汁。” Good.” “好。” Katou Yusuke arrives at sofa here to sit down, the vision sizes up the room aimless. 加藤悠介来到沙发这里坐下,目光漫无目的地打量起房间。 The room was tidied up very neatly. 屋子被收拾得十分整洁。 Compares his apartment, the lotus sees good is child here wants on big many. 相比起他的公寓,莲见佳乃子这里要大上许多。 Natural lighting of living room is good, the kitchen is that open style adds the design of island stage, the gas-cooker and food processing area mutual independent, by island stage is putting four people of a table of using. 客厅的采光性良好,厨房是那种开放式加岛台的设计,燃气灶与食材处理区相互独立,岛台旁边放着一张四人用的餐桌。 Although the living room and kitchen coexist in the same space, but actually made through placing of furniture very well divided. 虽然客厅与厨房共处于同一空间,不过却通过家具的摆放很好地做出了划分。 In addition has an independent bedroom, the relations that because is closing therefore cannot see inside. 另外还带有一间独立的卧室,不过因为关着门的关系所以看不到里面。 The color whole of room is the bright color. 房间的颜色整体呈亮色。 The warm orange arrange/cloth skill sofa, the green grass color rug, the television cabinet also selected that type to seem like very comfortable bright orange color. 暖橙色的布艺沙发,青草色的地毯,电视柜也选用了那种看起来十分舒服的亮橘色。 Shows the female fineness and exquisiteness in many aspects, obviously undergoes a careful arrangement. 在许多方面都彰显出女性的精致与细腻,明显是经过一番精心布置的。 „- Waited for a long time.” “-久等了。” The lotus saw good is child will be loaded with the drinking glass of orange juice to deliver, then said: Then I prepare the dinner, you watch the little while television just wait, remote control by you.” 莲见佳乃子将装有橙汁的玻璃杯送了过来,然后说道:“那么我去准备晚餐,你就看会儿电视等着吧,遥控器在你旁边。” Katou Yusuke said thanked, asks: This apartment is you buy?” 加藤悠介道了一声谢,问道:“这间公寓是您买的吗?” „?” “诶?” Because arranges very well.” “因为布置得很好。” Praise thank you ~ “谢谢你的夸奖~” The lotus sees good is child hehe smiles happily, shakes the head very much subsequently, is not buys, this apartment is the general contractor, I also rent at present here.” 莲见佳乃子呵呵笑得很开心,继而摇了摇头,“不过不是买的,这间公寓属于建筑公司,我目前还只是租住在这里。” This.” “这样么。” Un, is this, although I also want to buy here, but that wants a lot of money, after all is Chiyoda City, therefore can only think ~ “嗯,就是这样,虽然我也想把这里买下来,不过那要很多钱,毕竟是千代田区呢,所以只能想想而已~” Katou Yusuke nods gently shows the understanding, after all the port district that he lives is also good, is abundant Zaki Academy Chiyoda City is also good, belongs to the rich neighbourhood of Japan, the house price naturally is not the average person can undertake. 加藤悠介对此轻轻颔首表示理解,毕竟不论是他所居住的港区也好,还是丰之崎学园所处的千代田区也好,都属于日本的富人区,房价自然也不是一般人能承担得起的。 Even if his old apartment, if really must sell, can still exchange a lot of money, but he naturally cannot do that. 就算是他的那间老公寓,如果真要卖出去的话,也能换上不少钱,只是他自然不会那样做而已。 After all that apartment is not only the old gentleman to the thing that he leaves behind , the carrying/sustaining with Sayu has lived together the recollection. 毕竟那间公寓不仅是老爷子给他留下的东西,同时也承载了许多与沙优一起生活过的回忆。 Even if something can eliminate the trace from the physics, but will always actually remember at heart...... 纵使有些东西可以从物理上消除痕迹,但心里却会始终铭记…… Katou Yusuke thinks that here somewhat is silent, the mood suddenly becomes depressed, then puts out a hand to take up the remote control to turn on the television, switches over the channel at will. 加藤悠介想到这里不禁有些默然,心情忽然变得沉闷,遂伸手拿起遥控器打开电视,随意切换起频道。 Finally stopped on some variety show, those who hold the post of the management is by the Japanese media evaluate „the beautiful young girl of chance of a lifetime Hashimoto link. 最后在某个综艺节目上面停了下来,担任主持的是被日媒评为“千年一遇的美少女”的桥本环奈。 Saw program that he watches, is cleaning the food the lotus that to see good in kitchen island stage there is child well. 见到他所看的节目,正在厨房岛台那里清洗食材的莲见佳乃子不由咦了一声。 „Is this Hashimoto link? Katou-kun do you also like her?” “这是桥本环奈吧?加藤君你也喜欢她吗?” Because the island stage faces the living room directly, therefore she can see content on the television screen. 因为岛台是正面朝向客厅的,因此她可以看到电视荧幕上的内容。 Facing this inquiry, Yusuke shakes the head to indicate to deny, returned to one to trade casually. 面对这一询问,悠介摇了摇头表示否认,回了一句只是随便换的。 At least from his perspective, inside girl, although is also very attractive, but being far makes him shocking. 至少从他个人的角度来看,里面的女孩子虽然也很好看,不过却谈不上让他惊艳。 Only by appearance. 单以容貌来说。 The opposite party in may fall in love with Sayu, shocking on worth looking is less than the benefit, on fine is less than Eriri, on beautiful is less than Utaha-senpai...... 对方在可爱上不及沙优,惊艳耐看上不及惠,精致上不及英梨梨,美丽上又不及诗羽学姐…… Katou Yusuke thinks that here stopped suddenly, at once will look at that side the kitchen, called a lotus to see the teacher. 加藤悠介想到这里忽然停了下来,旋即将目光转向厨房那边,唤了一句莲见老师。 To convenient raised the head again, un: What's wrong? Katou-kun.” 对方便是再次抬起头,嗯了一声:“怎么了吗?加藤君。” You in the school said that what the matter about Utaha-senpai is?” “您在学校说的,关于诗羽学姐的事情是什么?” About this......” “关于这个嘛……” The lotus sees good is the movement on child hand for it, thinks saying: Actually besides Schoolmate Kasumigaoka, I also has other matters to ask you, we and others made the food to discuss together.” 莲见佳乃子手上的动作为之一顿,想了想说道:“其实除了霞之丘同学以外,我还有其他事想要问你,我们等做好饭一起谈吧。” „...... Knew.” “……知道了。” Un ~ said that Katou-kun you do like in the curry Riga fish cake? “嗯~说起来加藤君你喜欢在咖喱里加鱼糕吗? Fish cake......?” “鱼糕……?” Right ~ before here also has, buys fish cake that ends uselessly, is that Ogiwara food, if you did not mind my in addition.” “对对~我这里还有之前买来没用完的鱼糕,就是那家荻原食品的,如果你不介意的话我就加进去了。” ............ “…………” Katou Yusuke silent, then returns in a low voice said: „...... You decide well.” 加藤悠介沉默了一下,而后才低声回道:“……您决定就好。” Then my in addition.” “那么我就加进去了。” Un.” “嗯。” ...... ……
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