TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#418: Trivial daily

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Chapter 418 trivial daily 第418章琐碎的日常 7 : 00 pm times, Katou Yusuke received the call of not dead Sichuan cartoon section. 周五晚上七点的时候,加藤悠介接到了不死川漫画部的电话。 Tamura in telephone first was to considered a apology at the matter of evening's thank your for your hospitality, then revolves " Power saw Person » result flattered slightly, then entered the subject, discusses the matter of next time typesetting with him. 电话里的木村先是对在晚上叨扰的事情告了一声歉,接着又围绕着《电锯人》的成绩稍微吹捧了一番,然后才进入正题,与他商榷起下期排版的事情。 Entire telephoned altogether continued for 15 minutes, actually be only 3 minutes are speaking the proper business, if threw these tactful and useless pleasantries again, so long as basically 1 minute can end. 整通电话一共持续了15分钟,其中却只有三分钟在讲正事,若是再抛去那些委婉又没什么用的客套话,基本只要一分钟就能结束了。 Katou Yusuke to this speech way of having included the long upholstery does not like, but has not spoken to break, but listened to a completeness peacefully. 加藤悠介对这种含有过长铺垫的说话方式不太喜欢,但也没有出言打断,而是安静地听了一个完整。 Generally speaking. 总的来说。 He explained to the direction reason and reason that a «Toe Sword Saint» situation, as well as can join a production team next time, during the expressions is respectful. 对方向他解释了一下《脚趾剑圣》的情况,以及下期将会插队的原因和理由,言辞间非常恭敬。 Finally also mentioned Suzuki edits to his deep affection, making him prepare an illustration to send when the free time, treats as that issue of title page. 最后又提到了铃木老编辑对他的厚爱,让他在空闲时准备一张插画发过去,当作那一期的封面。 Other then had nothing. 其他便没有什么了。 Katou Yusuke of conclusion telephone conversation received the cell phone, turned around to enter behind fever bird shop, returned to some seat before bar. 结束通话的加藤悠介收起手机,转身走进身后的烧鸟店,回到了吧台前的某张座位上。 Tadashi Yoshida who wears the shirt sits here, saw him to come back then to ask one on own initiative: What's wrong? Is the telephone of family member?” 穿着衬衫的吉田正坐在这里,见他回来便是主动问了一句:“怎么了?是家人的电话吗?” „It is not, is the work.” “不是,是工作。” Work?” “工作?” Un.” “嗯。” Oh , said that your previous time had truly said are the student association president is coming.” “噢、哦,说起来你上次确实有说过自己是学生会长来着。” Katou Yusuke thinks, this understood some are not quite right, but gives the explanation words many to be a bit like here is showing off, therefore he has not corrected the opposite party. 加藤悠介想了想,这理解有些不太对,不过在这里做出解释的话多少有点像在炫耀,于是他也没有纠正对方。 The place that two people are is leaves home to have two street far chain fever bird shops. 两人所在的地方是离家有两条街远的连锁烧鸟店。 Why does not know, got off work later Yoshida to sound the gate on own initiative, inviting him to have the dinner together, in the reason that Yusuke of home has not rejected, therefore two people then arrived here together. 不知出于什么原因,下班之后的吉田主动敲响了门,邀请他一起吃晚饭,独自一人在家的悠介也没有拒绝的理由,于是二人便一同来到了这里。 A chest front uniform/subdue opens wide, the head entangled the sales man of kerchief to send the menu for two people, asked: What two do want?” 一位胸前制服敞开,头上缠着头巾的男店员为两人送来了菜单,问道:“请问两位要点什么?” „Do I take one cup of fresh beer, Brother Katou?” “我要一杯生啤,加藤小弟呢?” Oolong tea.” “乌龙茶。” Then eats?” “那么吃的呢?” Mr. Yoshida you decide well.” “吉田先生你决定就好。” That eight skewers of pig's intestines, eight bunches of earth chickens, eight skewers explode the beef, eight skewers of chicken green onions, eight skewers of five flowers, four skewers of salt cabbages and four skewers of meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce cabbages.” “那就八串肥肠,八串土鸡肉,八串炸牛肉,八串鸡肉大葱,八串五花,四串盐卷心菜和四串酱汁卷心菜。” Good-!” The sales clerks replied full of energy, reported the order to the bar baking master. “好嘞-!”店员精神抖擞地答道,向吧台后面的烧烤师傅报了订单。 Lived beer and Oolong tea also to have the cabbage to carry quickly. 生啤、乌龙茶还有卷心菜很快就端了上来。 Yoshida carries the large size the drinking glass, the one breath fills to get into the stomach half glass of beer with great interest, then sends out a sluggish cry, reaches the pants pocket the hand subconsciously, when extends to half of actually stops. 吉田端起大号的玻璃杯,津津有味地一口气把半杯啤酒灌下肚,然后发出“噗哈”一声的懒散叫声,下意识地将手伸向西裤口袋,不过伸到一半时却又停止。 You can pull out have not related.” Katou Yusuke opens the mouth to say at the right moment: I do not mind this, moreover some side people are also pulling out.” “你可以抽没关系。”加藤悠介适时开口道:“我不介意这个,而且旁边也有人在抽。” Yoshida took a look at a nearby office worker, has not traced the smoke in pocket, but took up one skewer of cabbages ka to incite ka to incite to eat. 吉田瞅了一眼旁边的上班族,还是没有把口袋里的烟摸出来,而是拿起一串卷心菜咔滋咔滋地吃了起来。 you recent condition probably compared with previously good point, worry solution? Brother Katou.” “伱最近的状态好像比先前好一点了,烦恼解决了吗?加藤小弟。” Katou Yusuke in the brain a recent matter, un, had been counted the response. 加藤悠介在脑中过了一遍最近的事情,嗯了一声,算作回应。 This, that is good.” Yoshida relaxes probably saying. “这样啊,那就好。”吉田像是松了一口气似的说道。 „- Made two wait for a long time!” “-让两位久等了!” The sales clerks walked, roasts the skewer also to deliver other that two people select, then places in front of the dipping sauce of matching them. 店员走了过来,将两人所点的其他烤串也送了过来,接着又把搭配的蘸酱放在他们面前。 Dipping the sauce altogether is three types, is dips the sauce and yellow black mustard also to have the specially-made taste to increase respectively specially-made. 蘸酱一共是三种,分别是特制蘸酱、黄芥末还有特制味增。 Katou Yusuke took one skewer of pig's intestines, stains the crushed garlic grease dips the sauce specially-made, ate one. 加藤悠介拿了一串肥肠,沾上加有蒜泥油膏的特制蘸酱,吃了一口。 The taste of large intestine is soft, eats not fishy smell, is freely spoken. 大肠的口感非常柔软,吃起来没有一点腥味,非常顺口。 About previous time you to these things that I said......” “关于上次你跟我说的那些事情……” Previous time?” “上次?” and .” Yoshida coughed unclearly, said: Is Miss Goto's that matter, she asked me to ask a working condition in Shimomishima yesterday.” “唔、唔。”吉田含糊不清地咳嗽了一声,说道:“就是后藤小姐的那件事,她昨天找我问了一下三岛的工作情况。” Today what must therefore discuss is the admiring object of concerned Mr. Yoshida?” “所以今天要谈的是有关吉田先生的心仪对象吗?” „...... Not, but said casually, sorry, words that you do not want to listen to even.” Yoshida was saying took up one skewer of range chicken skewers, stains the yellow black mustard, conceals ate. “……不,只是随便说说,抱歉,你不想听的话就算了。”吉田说着拿起了一串土鸡串,沾上黄芥末,掩饰似的吃了起来。 Katou Yusuke also takes up one skewer of chicken scallion skewers, eats while asked: What does that Miss Goto have is not right?” 加藤悠介也拿起一串鸡肉葱串,边吃边问:“那位后藤小姐有什么不对吗?” „...... Should say that what has is not right what, according to your previous time view, I recently became to the instruction number of times of three islands a lot a point, finally did Miss Goto she also very care about the conditions in three islands probably?” “……该说是有什么不对吗还是什么,就是按照你上次的说法,我最近对三岛的指导次数变得多了一点,结果后藤小姐她好像也挺关心三岛的状况的?” Why is the interrogative sentence?” “为什么是疑问句?” Perhaps...... was I misunderstands was uncertain, but thought that Miss Goto's appearance was a little strange, probably solely was not cared that the work of three islands were so simple.” “嘛……或许是我误会了也不一定,只是觉得后藤小姐的样子有点奇怪,好像不单单是关心三岛的工作那么简单。” Therefore Mr. Yoshida thought that Miss Goto was jealous.” “所以吉田先生是觉得那位后藤小姐吃醋了。” cough cough and cough cough...... I said you-” “噗咳咳咳咳……我说你啊-” Yoshida seems like by his words choking, rushed to fish beer on hand to fill several fiercely, is blushing to say. 吉田像是被他的话给呛到,赶忙捞起手边的啤酒猛灌了几口,然后红着脸说了起来。 Is because said with you a while ago strange words, I will unable to bear toward...... will be careful think, Miss Goto who that aspect will think she really should also care about the work, un un.” “都是因为前阵子和你说了奇怪的话,我才忍不住会往那方面想的……不过仔细一想,后藤小姐她果然应该也只是关心工作吧,嗯嗯。” Said that and continued to eat to roast the skewer, probably is convincing itself. 说罢又继续吃起了烤串,像是在说服自己。 Katou Yusuke looked at his one eyes, is hesitating asking: Mr. Yoshida, what are you make to work?” 加藤悠介看了他一眼,沉吟着问道:“吉田先生,你是做什么工作的?” „......? My words are responsible for programming and software development, why asked suddenly?” “……呃?我的话是负责编程和软件开发,为什么突然这么问?” It‘s nothing, but understood suddenly.” “没什么,只是突然理解了。” Ha? What understood?” “哈?理解了什么?” Matter that Mr. Yoshida possibly does not understand the female student.” “吉田先生可能不太懂女生的事情。” „- What?” Yoshida's brow wrinkled obviously, is not convinced saying: Why will you draw this conclusion? Furthermore Miss Goto she is the mature female, female student word uses is not right.” “-啥?”吉田的眉头显而易见地皱了起来,不服气道:“为啥你会得出这种结论啊?再者后藤小姐她是成熟的女性,女生这个词用的不对。” The issue is here...... 问题是在这里吗…… Katou Yusuke enhanced silently to the straight male degree of this neighbor, said: About the issue that Mr. Yoshida said a moment ago, if indefinite, might as well try approximately one Miss Goto to eat meal to have a look.” 加藤悠介默默提高了对这个邻居的直男程度,说道:“关于吉田先生刚才说的问题,如果不确定的话,不如试着约一下后藤小姐吃饭看看吧。” Said, supplemented one: Right, I referred to you two independent that.” 说完之后又补充了一句:“对了,我指的是你们两个单独的那种。” Un? Why can emphasize specially? It is not right, if such invited Miss Goto not to turn into the appointment!?” “嗯?为什么要特意强调?不对,如果那样子邀请后藤小姐不就变成约会了吗!?” „...... Is this worth lets you such surprised matter?” “……这是值得让你这么惊讶的事情吗?” Unexpectedly said that surprised......” Yoshida some are opening the eye startled, at once seemed like becomes angry out of shame to be the same, grasps one skewer to explode the beef to eat, ate also while mumbled. “居然说惊讶……”吉田有些愕然地睁着眼睛,旋即又像是恼羞成怒一样,抓起一串炸牛肉吃了起来,一边吃还一边嘟哝。 Obviously is a student, said very much seems you to understand......” “明明还是个学生,说得好像你很懂似的……” Is only Mr. Yoshida understands.” “只是比吉田先生懂一点吧。” Creak, Yoshida is eating the skewer silently, was done somewhat puzzled by his superficial words, could not bear ask one: Issue is, how can send out the invitation?” 咯吱咯吱,吉田默默吃着串,被他轻描淡写的话语搞得有些纠结,忍不住问了一句:“问题是,要怎么发出邀请?” „...... Basically I usually am a invited side, but you asked that is a little......” “……基本我平时属于被邀请的一方,不过你这么问出来还是有点……” Katou Yusuke some do not know how should open the mouth, thinks saying: „Did the words that must speak, invite me to invite the opposite party like you not on the line?” 加藤悠介有些不知该怎么开口,想了想说道:“要说的话,就像你邀请我一样邀请对方不就行了吗?” „It is not right. These two things are different!” “不对。这两种事情才不一样咧!” Yoshida is scratching with the finger artificially the cheeks, probably somewhat carries the beer embarrassedly, said one low voice: Basically, a male invited the female to eat meal alone, this is clear was expressing that I was interesting about you......?” 吉田不自然地搔着脸颊,像是有些难为情地端起啤酒,小声说了一句:“基本上,一个男性单独邀请女性吃饭,这已经是明确在表示我对你有意思了吧……?” „...... Ate meal makes you so anxious, then ran into the following delivering opposite party to go home, as well as went upstairs to drink the coffee, Mr. Yoshida you really does not have the issue?” “……只是吃饭就让你这么紧张了,那么遇到后面的送对方回家,以及上楼喝咖啡,吉田先生你真的没问题吗?” Drinks and drinks coffee-!?” “喝、喝咖啡-!?” Un...... gives you facial tissues, first scratches.” Katou Yusuke pulls out facial tissues from the table, hints him to scratch, because the hand shakes beer that splashes. “嗯……给你面巾纸,先擦一下吧。”加藤悠介从桌上抽出一张面巾纸,示意他擦一下因为手抖而溅出来的一点啤酒。 Hugged and was sorry!” Yoshida put out a hand to receive the paper, was thrown into confusion to clean on the pants. “抱、抱歉!”吉田伸手接过纸,手忙脚乱地在裤子上擦拭了起来。 After tidying up one next,...... 收拾了一下以后…… Excuse me, to here additional four skewers of lion Tang green peppers, four skewers roast the dried bean curd with the radish mud, roasts onigiri also one cup of fresh beer.” “不好意思,请给这里加四串狮子唐青椒,四串烤豆皮配萝卜泥,一份烤饭团还有一杯生啤。” Does not have issue-!” “没问题-!” Yoshida supplemented food to the sales clerk, seems like concealing just now awkwardness. 吉田又向店员追加了食物,似乎是在借此掩饰方才的尴尬。 So many ending of eating?” Katou Yusuke asked one. “点这么多吃的完吗?”加藤悠介开口问了一句。 Un? Shouldn't the appetite of male high-school student be quite exuberant?” “嗯?男子高中生的食欲不该比较旺盛吗?” Then we under and others AA system.” “那么我们等下AA制。” Has no need, do not despise the single society livestock! My savings is also insufficient please a little devil to eat meal unable to eat continually!” “用不着,别小看单身社畜啊!我的积蓄还不至于连请一个小鬼头吃饭都吃不起!” Yoshida rejected his proposition rashly, is speaking haltingly the lip, installs to say calmly: Was just topic, went to Miss Goto the family/home to drink the coffee...... you to think that might arrive at that?” 吉田不由分说地驳回了他的提议,然后又嗫嚅着嘴唇,强装镇定地说道:“还有就是刚刚的话题,去后藤小姐家喝咖啡……你觉得会有可能到那一步吗?” „- Is impossible.” “-不可能。” „Did you deny are also too quick??” “你否定得也太快了吧??” Mr. Yoshida your words, I thought that first from having the courage invited Gotou young lady to eat meal to start.” “吉田先生你的话,我觉得还是先从有勇气邀请后藤小姐吃饭做起吧。” „...... Really.” “……果然么。” Un.” “嗯。” Looked that he somewhat is for a while depressed and indecisive, Katou Yusuke thought. 看他一时有些沮丧和犹豫不决,加藤悠介又思索了一下。 Mr. Yoshida you make the programming right?” “吉田先生你是做编程的对吗?” Well? And, What's wrong?” “咦?啊、嗯,怎么了?” Perhaps then you can change a mentality to think.” “那么或许你可以换个思路去想。” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” With bug in procedure/program, if you have been putting it no matter, the procedure/program doesn't have the means successfully to operate?” “就拿程序中的bug来说,如果你一直放着它不管,程序就没办法成功运行吧?” „? This is not natural?” “啊?这不是当然的吗?” Therefore Miss Goto is also the same, if you, because the fear is lovelorn, but does not strive, that will not have a day that enjoys the love.” “所以后藤小姐也是一样的,如果你因为害怕失恋,而不去争取,那就不会有享受爱情的一天。” „......!” “……!” Yoshida in same place, subsequently is frowning to be lost in thought that probably tasted the love pure cream taste. 吉田不由愣在了原地,继而皱着眉头陷入沉思,像是尝到了恋爱的醍醐味。 After that two people talked about some topics at will, then drank in the shop the red taste of signboard to increase the soup, returned to the old apartment after eating to the heart's content together. 那之后,两人随意聊了一些话题,然后喝了店内招牌的红味增汤,在酒足饭饱以后一同返回了老公寓。 Two people come back, happen to runs into numb beautiful who just about to goes out, therefore then chatted two simply. 两人回来的时候,正好遇到了刚要出门的麻美,于是便简单地聊了两句。 The person of speech is Yoshida and numb beautiful, Katou Yusuke are mainly more is auditing. 说话的人主要是吉田和麻美,加藤悠介更多是在一旁听着。 After previous time paying a visit, numb beautiful of character extroversion also knew Yoshida, because has Yusuke this common tie, was also familiar. 经过上次的登门拜访,性格外向的麻美也算是认识了吉田,并因为有着悠介这一共同的纽带,彼此之间也算是熟悉了起来。 On the face of young girl wears the eyeglasses, spoke is managing that spice girl cavity as before, but were many refined makings. 少女的脸上戴着眼镜,讲起话来依旧操持着那一口辣妹腔,不过却多了一点斯文的气质。 Said, numb beautiful was also about to take a test? Has the university elected?” “说起来,麻美也快考试了吧?大学已经选好了吗?” After Yoshida asked this topic, to convenient cracks a joke carelessly. 当吉田问起这一话题以后,对方便是大大咧咧地开起了玩笑。 Question that Tianzi asked also antique early! That matter has certainly decided.” “吉田仔问的问题也太古早了!那种事情当然早就决定下来了啦。” Is , said is also, sorry.” “是、是吗,说的也是,抱歉。” Ha, pours also has no need to apologize, after all Tianzi is an uncle, can not remember that the matter of high school is also normal.” “哈哈哈哈哈,倒也用不着道歉啦,毕竟吉田仔已经是个大叔了,会不记得高中的事情也正常。” Was saying hemp beautiful raises up three fingers, said naturally: Tokyo University, early on the university and Qingshan Institute, my wish is these three ~ ~ ~ 这么说着的麻美竖起三根手指,大大方方地说道:“东京大学、早应大学、青山学院,我的志愿是这三个~~~” Whish, that is not some quite the well-known colleges and universities that is difficult to test! Doesn't have the issue?” “哗,那不都是些相当难考的名校吗!没问题吗?” „, Tianzi aren't you looking down on me? This also went too far!” “唔哇,吉田仔你根本是在小瞧我吧?这也太过分了!” „, Sorry, Yoshida somewhat embarrassed flexure that but unconscious on......” for a while made an indiscreet remark back of the head. “呃,抱歉,只是不自觉就……”一时失言的吉田有些不好意思地挠了挠后脑。 But numb beautiful beckons with the hand , to continue saying: ~ do not look at my, in the deviation amount of school is also over 70? Knew?” 而麻美则是摆了摆手,继续说道:“嘛~别看我这样,在学校的偏差值也是70以上喔?知道了吗?” Unexpectedly is the top student!” “竟然是优等生!” Therefore that ‚’ is unexpectedly unnecessary! However is this OK pasture ~!” “所以说那句‘竟然’是多余的!不过就是这样子啦OK牧场~!” This and this, un, then must review well, wish university that you are admitted to admire.” “这、这样啊,嗯,那么要好好复习啊,祝你考上心仪的大学。” Also said with you ~ cracks a joke, thanks. It is not good, I must go to the convenience store to go shopping, first did not tell you, next time will see, Tianzi, Katou young.” “还用你说~开玩笑,谢啦。啊,不好,我还要去便利店买东西,就先不跟你们讲了,下次见,吉田仔,加藤仔。” Looked at numb beautiful of watch and they have greeted, slightly is running departure. 看了一眼手表的麻美与他们打过招呼,小跑着离去。 Katou Yusuke turns the head to look to nearby Yoshida, says: „...... I also went back, Mr. Yoshida.” 加藤悠介转头看向一旁的吉田,开口说道:“……那么我也回去了,吉田先生。” Un, you first come up, I smoke outside.” Yoshida nods to say. “嗯,你先上去吧,我在外面抽根烟。”吉田点了点头说道。 Good.” “好。” Therefore he then returned to the room in advance. 于是他便先行返回了房间。 After returning to the room, first gives the cat to add the water and grain as usual, cleaned up a cat sand. 回到房间以后,照例先给猫添上水和粮,清理了一下猫砂。 Then before arriving at the desk sits down, opens several screens. 然后来到办公桌前坐下,打开数位屏。 Katou Yusuke is pondering the matter of not dead Sichuan, while starts to begin the title page illustration that will draw up the next next time to use. 加藤悠介一边思考着不死川的事情,一边开始动手绘制起下下期要用到的封面插图。 Previous time «Power saw Person» 2 and 3 volumes of original manuscripts that submit to not dead Sichuan altogether are 47 pages, the payment for published piece of succeeding in obtaining altogether is 564000. 上次提交给不死川的《电锯人》二、三集的原稿一共是47页,到手的稿费一共是564000。 In which 150,000 gave the new strip fragrance, 400,000 also debt of Eriri, remaining keeps the daily expenses. 其中的15万给了新条香,40万还了英梨梨家的欠款,剩下的则留作日常开销。 But according to at present calculates, without the use system overall changing money, he wants to pay off the debt perhaps also to be very long completely. 而按照目前计算,在不动用系统积分换钱的情况下,他想要完全还清欠款恐怕还要很久。 Although Mrs. Sawamura had not urged, but Katou Yusuke decides to pick up the speed, so that soon discharge. 虽然泽村太太并未催促,不过加藤悠介还是决定加快速度,以便早日清偿债务。 Is broadly well-respected at " Power saw Person » cartoon, and in the situation of That side red ban vermilion sound not disturbing, he did not have extra worries, can let loose the hands and feet picture to get down. 在《电锯人》的漫画广受好评,且红坂朱音那边也不干扰的情况下,他也没了后顾之忧,可以放开手脚画下去。 Different from the common cartoon author. 不同于一般的漫画作者。 In the brain has him of complete resources not to need to try hard to ponder the plot, discussed with the edition as well as revises repeatedly divides the mirror. 脑中有着完整资源的他不需要努力思考剧情,与编辑讨论以及反复地修改分镜。 He needs to do comes out the thing picture in head, therefore naturally cannot receive in this aspect too pulls the system, the speed is not others can compare. 他需要做的只是把脑袋里的东西画出来,所以在这方面自然不会受到太多掣制,速度远不是其他人所能比拟的。 Issue that perhaps needs to consider only, was not dead Sichuan there is willing to accept a lot of original manuscripts one time. 或许唯一需要考虑的问题,就是不死川那里愿不愿意一次性接受大量的原稿了。 Katou Yusuke decides to find time not a dead Sichuan, discussed with the cartoon section that side this issue. 加藤悠介决定抽空去一趟不死川,与漫画部那边商量一下这个问题。 But what he has not to know is. 而他有所不知的是。 Because is worried about his response, therefore Tamura not wanting to give him to arrange a matter that urges the manuscript person informs with him, is only thinking after found the concrete candidate, discussed. 因为担心他的反应,所以木村并未把想要给他安排一位催稿人的事情告知与他,只想着等找到具体人选之后再进行商榷。 Therefore inside then had a wonderful misunderstanding...... 于是里面便有了一个美妙的误会…… ...... …… Thank Hitting of jj50311 enjoys. 感谢【jj50311的打赏】。
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