TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#417: Short takes to be long

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Chapter 417 short takes to be long 第417章短中取长 Brief and disturbance unceasing one week quick in the past. 简短而又风波不断的一周很快过去。 «Power saw Person» the heat degree in market is also fermenting continually, the readers are all waiting for the release of next issue of weekly. 《电锯人》在市面上的热度亦在持续发酵,读者们皆在翘首以盼着下一期周刊的发行。 The recent «Youngster Undead» editorial department busy and joyful. 最近的《少年Undead》编辑部忙且快乐着。 After several days , " Power saw Person » reader findings were also counted smoothly. 经过几天的时间,《电锯人》的读者调查结果也被顺利统计了出来。 Not only in unexpected, and is reasonable. 既在意料之外,又在情理之中的。 «Power saw Person» position ranking did not have the dispute ranks first. 《电锯人》的顺位排名毫无争议地位居第一。 Even if puts at present, only then a volume, was actually delivered this throne by these to the readers of work love at first sight. 即便目前放出来的只有一集,却还是被那些对作品一见倾心的读者们送上了这一宝座。 But on SNS, regarding the related topic of work, " electricity time " and " bo Chitta " and " the woman of circle circle eye " and other keywords, by a viral speed dissemination. 而在SNS上面,围绕着作品的相关话题,「电次」、「啵奇塔」、「圈圈眼的女人」等关键词,也在以一种病毒般的速度传播。 Compares the traditional hot blooded cartoon. 相比起传统的热血漫画而言。 «Power saw Person» ultra launches to be more interesting and humorous. 《电锯人》的超展开要更为有趣、幽默。 Its sketch style is solid and brief, picture rich shocking. 它的速写画风扎实、简约,画面富有冲击性。 The plot is simple sprightly and is easy to understand, even has no specially complex lines, in addition throws the quick and accurate humorous burden. 剧情非常简单明快并易于理解,甚至都没有什么特别复杂的台词,再加上丢得又快又准的幽默包袱。 Such cartoon narrative technique perfectly conforms to the current dissemination thought that making one wish one could to see the next volume quickly. 这样的漫画叙事手法是非常符合当下的传播思维的,令人恨不得赶快看到下一集。 But this result response truthfully on the sales volume of comic magazine. 而这一结果又如实的反应在了漫画杂志的销量上面。 Through the internal computation of not dead Sichuan cartoon section, the current period «Youngster Undead» sales volume altogether is 650,000 volume! 通过不死川漫画部的内部计算,本期《少年Undead》的销量一共是六十五万册! This number was very difficult saying that from now on can also enhance again, but at least to not the dead Sichuan cartoon section, this is about seven and eight years have not had the excellent result. 这个数字很难说今后还会不会再提高,但至少对不死川漫画部来说,这已经是近七、八年都不曾有过的优异成绩了。 The Suzuki senior editors-in-chief were happy recently, moreover very good. 铃木老主编最近心情很好,而且是非常的好。 According to him inquired news that as a comic magazine governing three Shogakukan, affiliated «Youngster Sunday» this sales volume is only 700,000 volume. 根据他所打听到的消息,身为漫画杂志御三家之一的小学馆,旗下的《少年Sunday》本次销量只有七十万册。 According to such a contrast, 650,000 volume of sales volumes rounds up again slightly to oneself, isn't the difference are not quite many? 按照这么一对比,再给自家六十五万册的销量稍微那么四舍五入一下,不也是差不太多吗? Everyone original disparity has a time of time, you taunted me in that side heartily, but I stand on tiptoes the standing on tiptoes tip of the toe to touch to you now slightly, asked that you were hurried? 大家原来差距有一倍的时候,你在那边尽情地嘲讽我,而我现在稍稍踮踮脚尖就能摸到你了,就问你慌不慌? The Suzuki senior editors-in-chief more want to be cheerful, takes own insulated cup to arrive at the window, puts out a hand on folding the curtain lifts a slit, observed outside situation. 铃木老主编越想越是乐呵,拿着自己的保温杯来到窗边,伸手在折帘上掀开一条缝隙,观察起了外面的情况。 In office school of busy. 办公室里一派忙碌。 Telephoning of telephoning, the edit of edit, revises the revision rough draft of rough draft, everyone is working earnestly. 打电话的打电话,审稿的审稿,修改草稿的修改草稿,每个人都在认真工作。 Such manner light/only looks that makes people think has the vigor head very much, thought that this company is good. 这样的派势光看着就让人觉得很有活力头,觉得这公司不错。 Not like the small company that idling catches a fish by hand, lethargic, the feeling of soon going out of business. 不像那种闲得摸鱼的小公司,给人一种暮气沉沉,快要倒闭的感觉。 Saw that this senior editor-in-chief happily nods, puts down the curtain screen, before returning to the desk sits down, after drinking bitter buckwheat tea thump put toward the table on insulated cup, hehe smiled. 看到这一幕的老主编欣慰地点了点头,放下帘子,回到办公桌前坐下,又在喝了一口苦荞茶以后把保温杯“咚”地那么往桌上一放,嘿嘿一声笑了。 Happy! 舒畅! How some few words saying is coming? 有一句话怎么说的来着? Probably gets a new lease on life, does the old tree blossom? 好像是枯木逢春,老树开花? Cannot think own this retiring age, but can also meet one to could become work that explodes the funds. 想不到自己这一把快要退休的年纪,还能遇上一个有望成为爆款的作品。 Thinks of here, he cannot bear to that the little miss gratitude of writing the light novel. 想到这里,他就忍不住对那个写轻小说的小姑娘一阵感激。 According to Tamura knew with the situation that he told in detail afterward that " liana tree " teacher seemed like wants to go to «Youngster Jump» at first submits a piece of writing, afterward " rosy cloud poem " teacher kept him. 根据小木村后来跟他详细讲述的情况得知,那位「藤本树」老师最初似乎是想去《少年Jump》投稿来着,后来还是「霞诗子」老师将他留了下来。 Such circumstances make people somewhat helpless, but also is the way things should be. 这样的境遇让人有些无奈,但也是人之常情。 After all two mass on the swayed there, in which disparity may incessantly be tiny bit. 毕竟两家的体量就摆在那里,其中的差距可不止是一星半点。 «Youngster Jump» as dragon's head, rich of its resources, the broadness of channel, really with 1 + 1 that cannot describe simply. 身为业内龙头的《少年Jump》,其资源之丰富,渠道之广阔,真不是用1+1那么简单就能形容的。 Therefore so long as to the rookie cartoonist of oneself confidence, basically is a little willing to submit a piece of writing to give Shueisha is cartoon governing three of head. 因此只要是对自己有点信心的新人漫画家,基本都更愿意投稿给以集英社为首的漫画御三家。 Also because of this, " Youngster Jump » editorial department will basically receive over 100 cartoon contributions every month, has sufficiently may supply the leeway of choice. 也正因为此,《少年Jump》的编辑部每月基本都会收到100份以上的漫画投稿,有着非常充足的可供挑选的余地。 From this has higher certification standards, builds the good market reputation and echo because of the high standard, emerges to explode the funds work continuously, thus established itself in industry in lead! 由此才有着更高的审核标准,又因为高的标准而营造出好的市场口碑与反响,源源不断地涌现出爆款作品,从而奠定了自己在业内的龙头地位! This is the benign ecological cycles of a series of layer upon layer increasing! And was short of any link not to have the means to bring this effect. 这是一系列层层递增的良性生态循环!其中少了任何一个环节都没办法带来这种效果。 The work is the foundation that a comic magazine livelihood, is the most basic vitality. 作品是一本漫画杂志赖以为生的基础,也是最基本的生命力。 The good work was deciding an upper limit of comic magazine society, but the quantity of work is deciding the lower limit. 好的作品决定着一家漫画杂志社的上限,而旗下作品的数量则决定着下限。 Different from «Youngster Jump», the cartoon contribution that not the dead Sichuan cartoon editorial department can receive every month, almost is also less than 50 reluctantly. 不同于《少年Jump》,不死川漫画编辑部每月所能收到的漫画投稿,差不多也就勉勉强强不到50份。 Based on this must guarantee that sometimes the enrichment of content, has to put some barely satisfactory works to go , but how can compete with governing three like this? 在此基础上又要保证内容的充实,有时候不得不放一些差强人意的作品进去,可这样子又怎么能与御三家竞争呢? In the long career, the Suzuki senior editors-in-chief had seen clearly this point, has no alternative. 在漫长的职业生涯中,铃木老主编早就看清了这一点,却也无可奈何。 After all these outstanding cartoon authors were overtaken by other, divide to arrive at itself also to remain two, third-class cartoon authors. 毕竟那些优秀的漫画作者都被别家抢了过去,分到自家这边的也就剩一些二、三流的漫画作者了。 Even if this also becomes a treasure appropriately, pure is in the dwarf General pull- short takes to be long! 即使这样还得当成个宝,纯纯就是矮子里面拔将军-短中取长! However powerhouse permanent strong and weak is permanent, the society is such realistic. 然而强者恒强弱者恒弱,社会就是这么现实。 With «Power saw Person» this work, what if Katou Yusuke at first contribution is «Youngster Jump». 就拿《电锯人》这部作品来说,如果加藤悠介最初投稿的是《少年Jump》。 Even by its each phase of basic quantity issued computation, still has 2 million volume, this can also be seen as well as paid attention by more people on the representative work. 即使是按照其每一期的基本发行量计算,也有着200万册,这也就代表作品能被更多的人所看到以及关注。 This is not «Youngster Undead» can compare. 这远不是《少年Undead》所能比拟的。 Because of this, is demoralized. 正因为如此,才叫人意志消沉。 The Suzuki senior editors-in-chief think that here sighed however sighs, the passing bitter and astringent recollection cannot help but well uped. 铃木老主编想到这里不禁喟然一叹,过往的苦涩回忆不由自主地涌上心头。 Of one's youth he had also once had the ideal and aspiration, is once high-spirited. 年轻时的他也曾有过理想与抱负,也曾意气风发过。 Afterward was smoothed by grinding the edges and corners by the ice-cold reality, has to become Buddha is. 只是后来被冰冷的现实磨平了棱角,才不得不变得佛系起来。 But now, the situation is actually different! 可现在,情况却是有所不同! He saw a good-looking dark horse! 他看到了一匹俊俏的黑马! Own! Domestic! The pure blood plants! 自家的!家养的!纯血种! Un, since is rosy cloud poem child teacher brings, that is own blood and sweat BMW! 嗯,既然是霞诗子老师带过来的,那就是自家的汗血宝马! As for what governing three, what Shueisha( this strip erases), Kodansha and Shogakukan, sooner or later according to rubs on the ground you! 至于什么御三家,什么集英社(此条删掉)、讲谈社、小学馆,迟早把伱们按在地上摩擦! Read reaches to this, the senior editor-in-chief then stared immediately, lifts the hand on the table „!” Made an effort a racket, the complexion flushed shouts one- 念及于此,老主编当即便是一瞪眼,抬手在桌上“啪!”地用力一拍,面色潮红地喊出了一句- Other type with the ei person, everyone is the partner to be defeated roadless!”( That useless fellow, everyone beats them together!) “彼种无路用欸人,大家来做伙来打败!”(那种没用的家伙,大家一起来击败他们!) In his wind has the Fukui cavity of native place excited...... 就在他激动不已地飙出老家的福井腔时…… . 吱呀。 In the hand took a Tamura of document happen to push the door to walk, and complete did not fall saw his all behaviors. 手中拿着一份文件的木村正好推门走了进来,并完整不落的看到了他所有的行为。 Tamura: ( lll ) ,-!?” 木村:“(lll),-!?” Suzuki: ( A ) ,-!” 铃木:“(A),-!” At this moment, the air as if solidifies suddenly...... 这一刻,空气仿佛突然凝固…… Two people eyes are staring the small eye, approximately refused to compromise such more than ten seconds. 两人大眼瞪着小眼,大约僵持了那么十几秒钟。 The Suzuki senior editors-in-chief coughed lightly, puts out a hand to fish own insulated cup, lowered the head su su to blow two, sipped to change the cool bitter buckwheat tea, carried the tune to ask: 铃木老主编轻咳了一声,伸手捞起自己的保温杯,低头噗簌噗簌地吹了两下,啜饮一口变凉的苦荞茶,端着腔调问道: How...... comes not to knock on a door?” “……进来怎么不敲门?” Tamura opens mouth close to, " has knocked that in throat, you have not heard " swallow back, then lowers the head to bow. 木村张了张嘴巴,将嗓子里的那句「敲过了,您没听到」咽了回去,然后低头鞠了一躬。 Yes! Really sorry, Editor-in-chief, because the matter needs you to glance, I really worried, please forgive!” “是!实在抱歉,主编,因为有一件事情需要您过目,我实在太着急了,请恕罪!” His tone respectful and is full of the apology, made the senior editor-in-chief looks slightly slow, no mood un. 他的语气恭敬而又充满歉意,令老主编容色稍缓,没什么情绪地嗯了一声。 Said that has anything.” “说吧,有什么事。” Sets up teacher work sorting about that liana the matter.” “是关于那位藤本树老师作品排序的事情。” Un? This matter had said in the conference, defers to the result of questionnaire survey, to «Power saw Person» first.” “嗯?这件事已经在会议上说过了吧,就按照问卷调查的结果,给《电锯人》首位。” Actually I have a matter to forget that said to you, Editor-in-chief.” Tamura is straight the body, explained. “其实我有件事情忘记对您说了,主编。”木村直起身体,解释了起来。 The issue of first place that on Monday must distribute naturally is «Power saw Person», printed society there also to arrange, the issue was the next phase of arrangement, had another work just to serialize the first anniversary.” “周一要发行的这一期首位自然是《电锯人》的,印刷社那里也已经安排好了,问题是下一期的安排,有另一部作品刚好连载一周年。” Heard this saying, the Suzuki senior editors-in-chief also thought that said suddenly: Oh! What you said is that different world the toe of «this Sir's, but Saint sword? Already first anniversary?” 听到这话,铃木老主编也想了起来,恍然道:“噢!你说的是那部异世界的《本大爷的脚趾可是圣剑!》吧?已经一周年了吗?” Yes, the next issue just arrives at the first anniversary.” “是的,下一期刚好到一周年。” Then defers to comes normally, the next issue of first place gives «Toe Sword Saint».” “那么就按照正常来,下一期的首位给《脚趾剑圣》。” Was saying the Suzuki senior editors-in-chief carry the insulated cup, prepares to drink tea again, finally after sucking close to a lower jaw, put, always felt like smelled foot taste. 这么说着的铃木老主编端起保温杯,准备再喝一口茶,结果咂巴了一下嘴以后又放了下来,总觉得好像闻到了一股脚丫子味。 But Tamura is asking of confirmation: Such arrangement really? Editor-in-chief.” 而木村则是确认似的问道:“那样安排真的可以吗?主编。” Un-??” “嗯-??” Welcomes intonation that the senior editor-in-chief is raising, Tamura said heavyheartedly: 迎着老主编微扬的语调,木村忧心忡忡地说道: Perhaps although was I considers thoroughly was uncertain, but that liana set up the teacher after all is an rookie, was young, I was worried to arrange to cause his disaffection like this, had what opinion to our editorial department......” “虽然也许是我多虑了也不一定,不过那位藤本树老师毕竟是新人,又那么年轻,我担心这样安排会不会引起他的不满,对我们编辑部有什么意见……” He, then continued at this point: Naturally, the above these are also only my supposition, all by editing you are decided that if you thought that I arrange immediately.” 他说到这里顿了顿,然后继续说了下去:“当然,以上那些也只是我个人的假设,一切都由主编您说了算,如果您觉得可以的话我马上就去安排。” No, first waits.” “不,先等一下。” Editor-in-chief?” “主编?” „Does liana set up the teacher not to know our customs?” “藤本树老师是不是不知道我们的规矩?” This I not am quite clear, but thought that will have such possibility.” “这个我也不太清楚,只是觉得会有这样的可能。” This.” “这样么。” After his such reminder, the senior editor-in-chief who also thought little of also responded, starts to ponder. 经他这么一提醒,原本还不以为意的老主编也反应了过来,不由开始思考。 According to their internal systems, although each phase of work sorting will decide according to the data, but the first position will retain only frequently to the principal player, or is in the special period the work. 按照他们内部的制度,虽然每一期的作品排序都会根据数据来决定,但唯独第一的位置会经常保留给台柱,或是处于特殊时期的作品。 Although only had/left issue of «Power saw Person» has not called the principal player, but relies on is pulling 30% the magnificent feat the magazine sales volume, the senior editor-in-chief decided wants the strength to hold, and set its resolution of being the first. 虽然只出了一期的《电锯人》还称不上台柱,不过凭借着将杂志销量拉高30%的这一壮举,老主编还是决定了要力捧,并定下了将其排在首位的决议。 But «This Sir's Toe that mentioned a moment ago But Saint Sword», the situation of this serializing anniversary commemorating, was the work of special period, usually, when the time enjoyed the treatment of being the first. 而刚才提到的《本大爷的脚趾可是圣剑》,这种连载周年纪念的情况,就是特殊时期的作品了,通常会在当期享受到排在首位的待遇。 Must say that trades in usually, this minor matter was not worth bringing to say especially, officially informs author one at most, but placed on that new blood and sweat BMW, being beyond control senior editor-in-chief did not attach great importance. 要说换在平时,这点小事也不值得特地拿来去说,顶多是知会作者一声,不过放在那位新的汗血宝马身上,就由不得老主编不重视了。 He is frowning to ponder a while, then said: This matter I knew, you under and others set up the teacher to relate with the liana, explained to the opposite party our here situations.” 他皱着眉头思考了一会儿,然后说道:“这件事情我知道了,你等下跟藤本树老师联系一下,向对方解释一下我们这边的情况。” Edits you to mean......?” “主编您的意思是说……?” «Toe Sword Saint» fans, although are not many, but anniversary this period should enjoy the first treatment, the liana sets up the teacher that side arrangement in second, then, when the magazine cover of time also gives him.” “《脚趾剑圣》的粉丝虽然不多,但是周年庆这种时期还是应该享有首位待遇的,藤本树老师那边安排在第二位,然后把当期的杂志封面也给他。” I understood.” Tamura understands clearly in chest/heart immediately, I under and others relate the liana to set up the teacher, to him explained that edits your heart of loving care.” “我明白了。”木村顿时了然于胸,“那么我等下就去联系藤本树老师,向他说明主编您的爱护之心。” Un, remembers the attitude well.” The Suzuki senior editors-in-chief commended nod, told one. “嗯,记得态度好一点。”铃木老主编赞许地点了点头,吩咐了一句。 Yes! Please feel relieved!” Tamura first guaranteed, then also said: In addition matter, sets up the teacher about the liana.” “是!请您放心!”木村先是做出了保证,接着又道:“另外还有一件事情,也是关于藤本树老师的。” Said.” “说。” Yes! Actually I in want whether should arrange a docking person for that teacher.” “是!其实我在想是否应该为那位老师安排一个对接人。” Un? Docking person?” The Suzuki senior editors-in-chief took a look at his one eyes, is pondering over asking: „...... The liana sets up the teacher to have the situation of dragging the manuscript?” “嗯?对接人?”铃木老主编瞅了他一眼,琢磨着问道:“……藤本树老师有拖稿的情况吗?” This does not have actually, but provides against contingencies, after all that teacher is an rookie, but our magazine is the weekly, does not have that enough setup time like the monthly publication, therefore in quality and speed......” “这倒是没有,只是以防万一,毕竟那位老师是新人,而我们杂志又是周刊,不像月刊有那么充足的准备时间,所以在质量和速度上……” Tamura's words have not said that but the Suzuki senior editors-in-chief have understood him the meaning that wants to express. 木村的话没有说完,但铃木老主编已经听懂了他想要表达的意思。 Must say what situation in the cartoonist is most common, then answer, only then- drags! 要说在漫画家里什么情况最为常见,那么答案只有一个-拖更! But drags reason is all kinds of! Many and varied! 而拖更的理由更是五花八门!多种多样! The grade lowers points slightly has to go out to select material, mediocre has no interest in renew continuously rainingly, high point has me to play Galgame! 段位稍微低一点的有外出取材,中不溜的有阴雨连绵无心更新,高一点的有我要去玩Galgame! In addition is more crazed, for example I must play mahjong! Catches cold for a year...... 此外还有更加丧心病狂的,比如我要打麻将!或者感冒一年…… More is the famous expert more likes dragging! This was the editorial department already the truth that summarized! 越是名家就越爱拖更!这是编辑部早就总结出来的道理! Perhaps was money gains, the person could not bear start to catch a fish by hand...... 也许是钱赚多了,人就忍不住开始摸鱼了…… But in view of these towed the situation that the big shot did not hand in a writing on time, the editorial department to urge at the same time, similarly under cannot empty the content blank. 而针对那些拖更大佬不按时交稿的情况,编辑部一方面催更不了,同样也不能空下内容留白。 Therefore had that type " plug-in card belt/bring " tactic! 于是才有了那种「插卡带」的战术! In addition, has towed the famous expert who becomes addicted to view of these, the editorial department except for " plug-in card belt/bring " beyond contingency plan, but also has another special arrangement. 除此之外,针对那些已经拖更成瘾的名家,编辑部除了「插卡带」的应急预案之外,还有着另一项特别的安排。 That is arranges the specialist to give these family belongings chief-editors! 那便是安排专人给那些名家当责任编辑! Said that is the chief-editor, actually urges the manuscript person( life assistant). 说是责任编辑,其实就是催稿人(生活助理)。 Usually the editorial department will arrange the rookie to hold the post of this responsibility. 通常编辑部会安排新人来担任这一职责。 On the one hand can urge the manuscript, on the one hand can be the life of rookie to whet, it can be said that kills two birds with one stone! 一方面可以催稿,一方面又可以作为新人的人生磨砺,可以说是一举两得! After all to these famous experts, you not only cannot hit, cannot scold, can only do also coaxes the opposite party to go to the picture well. 毕竟对那些名家来说,你既不能打,又不能骂,唯一能做的也只是好好哄着对方去画。 If by some chance what to do otherwise stirs up the big shot to stop publication sadly should? Therefore is the work that quite compels painstakingly. 不然万一惹得大佬心情不好又要休刊该怎么办?所以是一份相当苦逼的工作。 The senior editor-in-chief thinks that here is also the heart has the fright, although that liana sets up the teacher not to have similar situation temporarily, but said like Tamura, anything fears the eventuality! 老主编想到这里也是心有惴惴,虽然那位藤本树老师暂时还没出现过类似的情况,不过就像木村说的一样,什么事都怕万一! The idle talk opposite party is like that rosy cloud poem child teacher, was still in the high-school student of reading! Increased inside uncertainty! 更遑论对方还跟那个霞诗子老师一样,尚还是个在读的高中生!就更增加了里面的不确定性! „...... About this aspect, you have the candidate who what recommends? Tamura.” “……关于这方面,你有什么推荐的人选吗?木村。” This did not have actually, if you also think if necessary, I pay attention to the matter in this aspect immediately and ensure found the right person as soon as possible!” “这个倒是还没有,不过如果您也认为有必要的话,我马上就去留意这方面的事,保证尽快找到合适的人!” Tamura is striking one's chest saying that on the face wrote all over the firmness of overcoming all difficulties. 木村拍着胸脯说道,脸上写满了排除万难的坚定。 The Suzuki senior editor-in-chief unusual look is taking a look at him wear a look, suddenly detected the middle-aged man who this love catches a fish by hand was somewhat different. 铃木老主编面带异色地打量着他,突然发觉这个爱摸鱼的中年男人有些不一样了。 This discovery makes him somewhat surprised, some old bosoms console greatly, then commended nods, on the face appeared the satisfactory smile, said good. 这一发现让他有些惊奇,也有些老怀大慰,遂赞许地点了点头,脸上浮现出满意的微笑,道了一声不错。 Then was laborious you, first looks to look.” “那么就辛苦你了,先找找看吧。” Matter decided...... 事情就这么定了下来…… ............ ………… ( Owes manuscript progress 8 / 10, behind calculates in addition .........) (欠稿进度8/10,后面另算………) Thank Mighty waves are many, Jet black roaring flame causes Hitting enjoys. 感谢【波澜多】、【漆黑之烈焰使】的打赏。
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