TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#416: Student association

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Chapter 416 student association 第416章学生会 After the library event next day midday rest. 图书馆事件发生后的隔天午休。 The Katou Yusuke following arundinaria japonicum brothers move toward the student cafeteria together. 加藤悠介跟着山竹兄弟一起走向学生食堂。 Because Yamaguchi also called Yoshiko, therefore benefit naturally also by drawing. 因为山口还叫上了佳子,于是惠自然也被拉了过来。 This is two people later first gathering together from Monday, actually displays lightly, had not asked about certain things very tacitly. 这是两人自周一后的首次聚首,却都表现得十分平淡,默契地没有对某些事情进行询问。 Probably Katou Yusuke and red ban vermilion sound matter, why seems like Kato Megumi not to come the student association, does not return to Line the group news matter. 像是加藤悠介与红坂朱音的事情,又像是加藤惠为什么既不来学生会,也不回Line内群组消息的事情。 The group arrived at the cafeteria. 一行人来到了食堂。 Quarrelled in the mixed environment, everywhere was the forms of students. 吵杂的环境之中,到处都是学生们的身影。 Although they in classroom, as soon as finished left the classroom, but the cafeteria of this little while basically was actually filled, such scene makes people somewhat dumbfounded. 虽然他们在课堂一结束就离开了教室,但这会儿的食堂却基本都坐满了,这样的场面不禁让人有些傻眼。 „, Weren't this person many? Also can find the position?” Takei of elongated neck is looking all around all around, tries to seek for the vacancy. “唔哇,这人也太多了吧?还能找到位置吗?”伸长脖子的竹井环顾着四周,试图寻找空位。 Yamaguchi does intentionally reluctantly two one, teased to nearby Ji Sichuan Yoshiko: Really was Yoshiko your movement was too slow, should you exercise well?” 山口故作无奈地两手一摊,对旁边的姬川佳子调侃起来:“果然是佳子你的动作太慢了,你该好好锻炼身体咯?” Excessively! I have am exercising, but the girl walks slowly is not normal, are you bent on having to take the female student to make a comparison with the strength of legs of male student?” “过分!我是有在锻炼啦,不过女孩子走得慢不是很正常的嘛,你偏要拿女生跟男生的脚力做对比吗?” Schoolmate Katou is she quicker than you than?” “加藤同学她可是比伱快多咯?” This and this were the issue of individual physique...... such a saying, Megumi-chan the performance in physical education were truly better than before recently, was difficult to be inadequate the recent body growth acceleration? Oh, Megumi-chan! Let me inspect the chest!” “这、这是个人体质的问题……不过这么一说,小惠最近在体育课上的表现确实比以前要好,难不成最近身体成长加速了吗?嗳,小惠!让我检查一下胸部!” „......, Un...... Yoshiko, this little did not force someone to do something against his will even, we find the seat to sit down.” “啊……不,嗯……就算是佳子,这个也有点强人所难了,我们还是找位子坐下吧。” „„ „ Had the seat!?” ” ” “““有位子了吗!?””” Yamaguchi, Takei and Yoshiko asked with one voice. 山口竹井佳子异口同声地问道。 „......? Is inferior to you first calm......?” Facing three people that encircles all of a sudden, the benefit blinks, making the vision sweep from somebody lightly. “……呃?不如你们先冷静一下……?”面对一下子围上来的三人,惠不由眨了眨眼睛,让目光从某人身上轻扫而过。 „The student association president, sits the position of student association to be able in any case here?” “反正学生会长在这里啊,坐学生会的位置应该可以的吧?” A language awakens the dreamboat. 一语惊醒梦中人。 After her such reminder, that vacancy of three people of then innermost North Korea looks neatly, this remembers in the school as if indeed has such giving favored treatment, with can the use library after being on vacation from school same...... 经她这么一提醒,三人便齐刷刷地朝最里面的那张空位看去,这才想起校内似乎的确是有着这样的优待,就跟能在放学后使用图书馆一样…… Because somebody usually does not come to the cafeteria basically, even occasionally came still with Yamaguchi and Takei sits together, will not sit that position specially. 由于某人平时基本不怎么来食堂,就算偶尔来了也是跟山口竹井坐在一起,不会特意去坐那个位置。 Gradually got down, making them also neglect this subconsciously...... 久而久之下来,让他们也下意识地忽略了这点…… Thinks that here three people have turned head, look to Katou Yusuke, the line of sight fall, in he overpowers that golden rope in neckband to play the part of above, the eye shone in abundance. 想到这里的三人又一齐回过头,看向加藤悠介,视线落在他制服领口上的那根金色绳饰上面,眼睛纷纷亮了起来。 How cough cough...... do this matter you see? Takei.” Yamaguchi clears throat artificially, the prime minister who is imitating the ancient costume soap opera, asked with the dignified stance. 咳咳……此事你怎么看?竹井。”山口做作地清了清嗓子,模仿着古装电视剧的宰相,以威严的姿态问道。 I also want to work as powerful official dog a time...... the powerful official class! This master.” A Takei face coordination replied, the burden met the incomparable nature. “俺也想当一次权贵狗……权贵阶层!这位老爷。”竹井一脸配合地答道,包袱接得无比自然。 Really cannot bear, are you harmony stars?” “真受不了,你们两个是谐星吗?” Looks Ji Sichuan Yoshiko that they responded first complained one, immediately another an arm that grasped the benefit, jumped for joy saying: Good ~! I want first sitting! Vice-chairman Megumi-chan ~!” 看着他们反应的姬川佳子先是吐槽了一句,随即又一把抱住了惠的胳膊,雀跃道:“好~!那我要第一个坐!小惠副会长~!” ......? Generally at this kind of time, the person who must ask should be the student association president is right?” “唔……?一般在这种时候,要问的人应该是学生会长才对吧?” Katou Yusuke naturally cannot have what issue. 加藤悠介自然不会有什么问题。 The group arrive at the innermost vacancy, sat above gracefully. 一行人来到最里面的空位,落落大方地在上面坐了下来。 Looks that they sit down in the specific seat, the surrounding student threw the line of sight of observation, after seeing the forms of two student association presidents relaxed. 看着他们在特定的席位上坐下,周围的学生不由投来了观察的视线,不过在看到两位学生会长的身影以后又放松了下来。 „, Takei, did you feel?” “呐,竹井,你感觉到了吗?” „! Clear.” “啊!一清二楚。” Yamaguchi and Takei looked at each other one, in the eye is glittering the stimulated ray of attracting each other, then simultaneously numerous places under one. 山口竹井对视了一眼,眼中闪烁着惺惺相惜的亢奋光芒,然后同时重重地点了一下头。 Yamaguchi: This is-!” 山口:“这就是-!” Takei: Presently sufficient life-!” 竹井:“现充的生活-!” Ji Sichuan Yoshiko both hands are covering the face, the whole face is ashamed. 啪,姬川佳子双手捂着脸,满脸羞耻。 ......! Asked you to stop quickly! Asked not to attract more attention again!” “唔……!求你们快住手吧!拜托别再吸引更多的视线了!” Several people created a disturbance a while, then travels to purchase the meal ticket. 几人打闹了一会儿,然后动身前去购买餐券。 Words said that what everyone does want to eat? I naturally am the suckling pig bone ramen of main point large bowl!” “话说大家要吃什么?我当然是要点大碗的豚骨拉面!” Was saying Takei as always place ramen, Yamaguchi also chose the ramen. 这么说着的竹井一如既往地点了拉面,山口也同样选择了拉面。 Ji Sichuan Yoshiko selected the chum salmon meal, Hui selected China was grim. 姬川佳子点了鲑鱼套餐,惠选了中华冷面。 Is one's turn Katou Yusuke time, he chose the meal of patty matching shaddock vinegar radish mud. 轮到加藤悠介的时候,他选了汉堡排搭配柚子醋萝卜泥的套餐。 In taking meal these days, benefit five cup that packs the water places on the tray, divided one cup to everyone. 在取餐的这段时间里,惠把五个装满水的杯子放在托盘上,给每人分了一杯。 Water thank you! Schoolmate Katou.” Said Takei of thanking looks at left side Katou Yusuke, a face asks regrettably: On the other hand Yusuke, you how not with our same ramen?” “谢谢你的水!加藤同学。”道了一声谢的竹井将目光转向左侧的加藤悠介,一脸遗憾地问道:“话说回来悠介,你怎么不跟我们一样点拉面?” Some people submitted the opinion to the student association, hopes that can change in the cafeteria meal the allocated proportion of salad and capacity for food, must investigate.” “有人向学生会提交了意见,希望能改变食堂套餐里沙拉和饭量的配比,要调查一下。” Component?” Hears this saying Yoshiko unable to bear stunned, also some people gave this comment?” “份量?”听到这话的佳子忍不住错愕,“还有人提出这种意见的吗?” Katou Yusuke then yes un: Female student wants to increase the salad the component, the reduced capacity for food. The male students want to reduce the salad the component, increases the capacity for food.” 加藤悠介便是嗯了一声:“女生希望加大沙拉的份量,减少饭量。男生希望减少沙拉的份量,增加饭量。” „? Didn't that contradict completely? How can like this change to be appropriate?” “呃?那不就完全相悖了吗?这样子要怎么改才合适啊?” „Isn't this simple?” Sucked in air through the teeth ramen Yamaguchi to raise the head, said: Defers to everyone liked to bring something from the kitchen to the table does not become?” “这还不简单吗?”吸溜了一口拉面的山口抬起头来,说道:“就按照每个人的喜好来打饭不就成了吗?” So is really simple? Can inside have what fiscal issue and so on, I do not understand......” “真的有那么简单吗?里面会不会有什么财政问题之类的,我是不太懂啦……” Ji Chuan Yoshiko was saying was saying then could not bear look to good friend, inquired: Should not be such that Yamaguchi he said? Megumi-chan.” 姬川佳子说着说着便忍不住望向了身旁的好友,询问道:“不过应该不是山口他说的那样吧?小惠。” „...... “啊……嗯。” Suddenly asked Hui Ying, keeps off the hand before the face, chewed carefully swallows the cold noddles of mouth, the response said: This, is not such that Schoolmate Yamaguchi thinks.” 突然被问到的惠应了一声,将手挡在脸前,细嚼慢咽地咽下嘴里的冷面,回应说:“这个,不是山口同学想的那样的。” Well? Not!” “咦?不是吗!” Un, but is not the fiscal issue that Yoshiko you said that matching of cafeteria meal is actually the nutritionist in school has custom-made. Therefore based on the healthy consideration, hopes that the capacity for food increases the opinion that the vegetables reduce, I want not to realize probably.” “嗯,不过也不是佳子你说的财政问题,食堂套餐的搭配其实是学校的营养师定制的。所以基于健康的考量,希望饭量增加蔬菜减少的意见,我想大概是不会实现的。” Originally is this! However why Megumi-chan will you know these?” “原来是这样!不过为什么小惠你会知道这些?” Was only some last month also students proposed exactly the opinion in this aspect, in addition Yusuke was not also, therefore I processed.” “只是上月恰好也有学生提出这方面的意见,再加上悠介君又不在,所以我就处理了一下。” „......” “……” „......” “……” „......” “……” On table suddenly peaceful. 桌上忽地安静了一下。 „„ „ Yusuke?” ” ” “““悠介君?””” The arundinaria japonicum, Takei and Yoshiko three people exchanged a look. 山竹、竹井佳子三人交换了一个眼神。 „, Schoolmate Katou, is Megumi-chan, difficult to be inadequate you still to quarrel?” “呐,加藤同学,小惠,难不成你们还在吵架吗?” After Ji Sichuan Yoshiko asked cautiously, two litigants then showed simultaneously condition. 当姬川佳子小心翼翼地这么问了以后,两名当事人便是同时表起了态。 No.” “没有。” Without that matter.” “没有那种事。” Yusuke and benefit did not divide said, two people sounds connected in one, fell into peacefully in the next second. 悠介和惠不分先后地说道,两人的声音交汇在了一起,又在下一秒陷入安静。 Silent. 沉默之中。 Katou Yusuke thought that then lowered the head to have own patty meal...... 加藤悠介思索了一下,然后又低头吃起了自己的汉堡排套餐…… ...... …… Arrived being on vacation from school. 到了放学。 Today's student association again are few one. 今天的学生会成员人数再次少一。 In the name of that having the matter must process, Utaha in the contact group of student association asks for leave. 以有事要处理的名义,诗羽在学生会的联络群内请了假。 Actually as for this reason is the pretence under pretext or the truth, Katou Yusuke not to go to think. 至于这一理由究竟是托词还是真相,加藤悠介没有去想。 Comes to the student association room normally, normal work. 正常的来到学生会室,正常的工作。 That, Association president?” “那个,会长?” What.” “什么。” The new strip fragrance kneels on the sofa, the arm supports on the seat back cushion, is sizing up his look cautiously, then said: Thank you delivered my beauty cream yesterday, that quite fierce ~ 新条香跪在沙发上,胳膊撑在靠背上面,小心翼翼地打量着他的神色,然后说道:“谢谢你昨天送我的美容霜,那个好厉害呀~” Un.” “嗯。” I scratched a point, yesterday's trace disappeared completely, moreover even the dermal sensation improved, the friend of mine is asking my matter today ~ “我只是擦了一点,昨天的痕迹就完全消下去了,而且连皮肤感觉都变好了,我的朋友今天都在问我这件事情~” Un.” “嗯。” Katou Yusuke bends over one's desk before the table, the pen will keep the book calculating various mass organization's recent operating expenses, and is conducting ranking and statistics according to the result. 加藤悠介伏案在桌前,笔不停书地核算着各社团近期的活动经费,并根据成绩做着排名和统计。 Benefits from his own behavior, now is not only the vice-chairman, needed him to process including the accountant work voluntarily. 得益于他自己的行为,现在不仅是副会长,包括会计的工作也需要他自行处理了。 The new strip fragrance continues to ask: Said on that beauty cream completely does not have any marking, does not seem like has in the appearance of selling, why will the association president have that?” 新条香继续问道:“说起来那个美容霜上面完全没有任何标识,也不像是有在卖的样子,会长为什么会有那个呀?” Had not replied, resembling has no intention to pay attention. 没有回答,似是无意理会。 Therefore she fishes out guy lollipop from the pocket slowly, tears away the packing, changed a topic. 于是她慢悠悠地从口袋里摸出一支棒棒糖,撕去包装,又换了一个话题。 „The Kasumigaoka study elder sister will she, certainly be repugnant I from now on? After all I snatch the person who she liked, was in front of her to eat and ~ 霞之丘学姐她,今后一定会非常讨厌我吧?毕竟我抢了她喜欢的人,而且还当着她的面吃掉了耶~” The tone ponders very much, brings little self-satisfied. 语气很是玩味,也带着一点点得意。 However so long as she does not make what petty action in the back, the Yusuke not accountant compares with her some words, but returned to you is not unqualified lightly. 不过只要她不在背后搞什么小动作,悠介也不会计较她的一些只言片语,只是平淡地回了一句你还不够格。 Hears this saying the new strip fragrance to be silent, spiteful as bites the candy cane in mouth giggle makes noise, playing musical instruments the cheeks that may break roused slightly. 听到这话的新条香沉默不语,赌气似的将口中的棒棒糖咬得咯咯作响,吹弹可破的脸颊微微鼓了起来。 She knows what he said is the truth, knows that elegantly beautiful sex appeal study the elder sister by has never been seeing her, because if not for in involved her contract object, perhaps two people will never have happening together. 她知道他说的是真话,也知道那位冷艳性感的学姐从未以正眼看过她,若不是因为里面涉及到了她的契约对象,两个人恐怕永远也不会产生交集。 But what's the big deal? 只不过那又怎么样呢? At least the anger of that person real, sad also real, moreover personally is detonated by her. 至少那个人的愤怒是真的,伤心也是真的,而且是由她亲手所引爆的。 Even if only the pillow business, the distance of I and association president isn't much nearer than you?’ ‘就算只是枕营业,我和会长的距离不也比你近得多吗?’ The new strip fragrance the chin pillow on the arm, is thinking calmly secretly. 新条香把下巴枕在胳膊上,不动声色地暗暗想着。 In is unable also by the foundation of retaliation, there is this cognition to make her many chat actually to console. 在无法还以报复的基础上,有这一点认知倒是能让她多少聊以慰藉。 In fact, if was not warned by somebody. 事实上,如果不是被某个人警告。 After suffering that palm of the hand, she already among popular method many female students, completely in mind. 在挨了那一个巴掌以后,她已经把许多女生间流行的手段,完整地在脑海中过了一遍了。 Even if cannot have what substantive injury, at least adds to stop up can achieve. 就算不能产生什么实质性的伤害,至少添添堵还是能够做到的。 Pitifully actually cannot only use now...... 只可惜现在却是用不上了…… The unusual look in new strip fragrant eye desalinated slowly, goes through the body to sit down, face upwards lying down in the sofa, rubs to twist the bangs before volume backward bored. 新条香眼中的异色慢慢淡化了下来,辗转着身体坐下,向后仰躺在沙发,无聊地搓捻起额前的刘海。 How if trades to do is that Kato Megumi can? 假如换作是那个加藤惠的话会怎么样呢? She somewhat wants to remain in limelight thinks, and made the imagination in the mind. 她有些不甘寂寞地想到,并在脑海中做出了假想。 If that Kato Megumi first associates with the association president, Kasumigaoka Utaha can also keep aloof, not false word usage? 如果是那个加藤惠先和会长交往的话,霞之丘诗羽还能那么高高在上,不假辞色吗? Thinks, then could not bear smile. 想着想着,便忍不住笑了起来。 At this moment, the door of room was opened by ka one, walked like the doll young girl fine. 就在这时,房间的门被“咔哒”一声打开,精致如洋娃娃般的少女走了进来。 Sorry, I came late.” “抱歉,我来晚了。” " The Private Toyogasaki Academy sentiment's first beautiful young girl " - in new strip fragrant brain flashes through opposite party label, then greets in a friendly way. 私立丰之崎学园的人气第一美少女」-新条香脑中闪过对方身上的标签,然后友好地打起了招呼。 Hi Sawamura-san.” “嗨~泽村同学。” Un, good afternoon, new strip schoolmate.” “嗯,下午好,新条同学。” Eriri nodded, subsequently looked after the desk, acted with constraint said: „...... Also has is good in the afternoon, Yusuke.” 英梨梨点头回了一句,继而望向办公桌后,矜持地说道:“……还有下午好,悠介。” Good afternoon.” Katou Yusuke nods, the vision the document from table has not actually left. “下午好。”加藤悠介点点头,目光却未从桌上的文件离开。 What today has to be busy?” “今天有什么要忙的吗?” Handles the matter that you like on the line.” “做你喜欢的事情就行。” What, why spoke me seems like that holding a job without doing any work meter/rice insect? I am also the student association secretary , can help!” “什么嘛,干吗把我讲得好像那种尸位素餐的米虫?我也是学生会书记,也可以帮上忙的!” Was saying Eriri lifts the foot to walk up, a hand according to table, supplemented one: Furthermore now the benefit and that abdomen black females are not, can add on your not only then I......” 这么说着的英梨梨抬脚走上前来,将一只手按在桌上,又补充了一句:“再者现在惠和那个腹黑女都不在,能帮上你的不就只有我了嘛……” Sand- 沙- Katou Yusuke stops the pen in hand, making transfer in the fingertip, then raised the head, the end measured that to congeal the earnest fine small face, did not speak. 加藤悠介停下手中的笔,让笔在指尖转了一圈,然后抬起头,端量着那张凝着认真的精致小脸,却不说话。 Today's young girl is still sharp attractive. The hair is tying the arms two black ribbons, symbolized double ponytail throws over to hang mild-mannered from the both sides, is sparkling like the brocade gloss. 今天的少女依旧光鲜亮丽。头发上绑着两条黑色的丝带,标志的双马尾柔顺地从两侧披垂下来,闪耀着如锦缎般的光泽。 A pair of deep blue eye pupil is equally pure just like the gem, under the excellent nose is embellishing a cherry small mouth, in the coordination the snow white translucent flesh, there is a beautiful snow red makeup unique flavor. 一双湛蓝的眼眸宛如宝石一样纯净,秀挺的鼻子下点缀着一张樱桃似的小口,配合上雪白透亮的肌肤,有一种丽雪红妆的别致味道。 But is thought so by him, Eriri also from starting calm becomes has doubts, then becomes from the doubts is at a loss, the look vacillates. 而被他这么看着,英梨梨也从开始的淡定变得疑惑,接着又从疑惑变得无所适从,眼神动摇。 How and? What strange thing on my face...... has?” She cannot help but the face to the one side, the look somewhat does not be on nettles. “怎、怎么了?我脸上……有什么奇怪的东西吗?”她不由自主地把脸别向一旁,神色有些惴惴不安。 Thanks, but does not use.” “谢谢,不过不用了。” „?” “诶?” Worked I basically to manage similarly, only remained extracurricular teaching one.” “工作我已经基本办得差不多了,只剩校外教学一项。” Extracurricular teaching?” Eriri is blinking, turns head. “校外教学?”英梨梨眨着眼睛,回过头来。 Katou Yusuke un: Was the midterm examination ended the later matter, was not anxious.” 加藤悠介嗯了一声:“是期中考试结束之后的事情,还不急。” Time and midterm examination......!” Eriri is trembling, probably realizes something. “期、期中考试……!”英梨梨战战兢兢,像是才意识到某件事情。 Such response made Yusuke frown, looks at her to ask: „Haven't you reviewed?” 这样的反应令悠介不禁皱了一下眉头,看着她问道:“你没复习?” Turned round and reviews......” the Eriri sound to move fast, a face is dodging his vision afraid, later clears throat, tries to shift the topic. “复、复习了……”英梨梨的声音飘忽,一脸心虚地闪躲着他的目光,随后又清了清喉咙,试图转移话题。 Words, on the other hand, I was on vacation from school to go a art room, when passed by two years of D class saw that Kasumigaoka Utaha slept in the classroom, said that what had the matter to ask for leave, I thought that she is loaf radically?” “话、话说回来,我放学前去了一趟美术教室,路过二年D班时见到那个霞之丘诗羽在教室睡觉,说什么有事请假的,我看她根本就是在偷懒吧?” Katou Yusuke looks at her, has no comment to this shoddy dealing, said straightforwardly: Aunt Sayuri has said that if your test English does not pass an examination, cannot participate in the year-end activity.” 加藤悠介看着她,对这拙劣的应对不予置评,直截了当地说道:“小百合阿姨说过了,如果你这次考试英文还是不及格,就不能参加年底的活动。” When matter that is! Why won't know this matter to...... you??” “那是什么时候的事情!不对……为什么你会知道这种事情??” Because I received the mail.” “因为我收到了邮件。” Eriri is somewhat looking at him dumbfounded, two curved delicate eyebrows wrinkle immediately, is staring saying: You had no need to contact closely with others' family member! Yusuke this anomaly.” 英梨梨不禁有些傻眼地望着他,紧接着两弯秀眉立刻皱了起来,瞪着眼睛说道:“你用不着跟别人的家人联络得这么密切了啦!悠介这个变态。” Katou Yusuke looked at sofa there, has not said too, but said one simply: In brief is this, you must first focus on the review recently, there are the place that anything does not understand to ask me.” 加藤悠介看了一眼沙发那里,没有说太多,只是简单说了一句:“总之就是这样,你最近要先把心思放在复习上,有什么不懂的地方就来问我。” Then no longer talks too much. 而后便不再多言。 The new strip fragrance hides behind the sofa, inclines the head and listens attentively silently, in the eye the look is inexplicable. 新条香躲在沙发后面,默默侧耳倾听,眼中神色莫名。 ...... ……
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