TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#415: Dashing

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Chapter 415 dashes 第415章撞破 Then I first went back, Kasumigaoka study elder sister, Sawamura-san.” “那么我就先回去了,霞之丘学姐,泽村同学。” That is leaves soon matter in the new strip fragrance from the student association room. 那是在新条香从学生会室离开不久的事情。 Looks to stay in the room to draw book Eriri earnestly, Utaha is also having no intention the natural extremely bad object to treat with this, therefore also gave a pretext must go to the washroom, then set out to leave. 看着留在房间里埋头画着本子的英梨梨,诗羽也无意和这个相性极差的对象多待,于是也借口要去洗手间,然后便起身离开。 Strolls in the corridor of activity building, does not have really to go to the washroom, but is under to two buildings, is walking along even/including Lang slowly. 漫步在活动楼的走廊,却没有真的去洗手间,而是下到二楼,沿着连廊慢悠悠地走着。 In the brain emits two options. 脑中冒出两个选项。 First, goes to the play section of stadium, inspects «And Gathers rehearsal of Fantasy» living theater. 一、去体育馆的戏剧部,检查《和合狂想》舞台剧的排练情况。 Second, goes to the library in classroom building, with Yu-chan discussed that the official business of novel and cartoon( improves relationship). 二、去教学楼的图书馆,与悠酱讨论小说和漫画的公事(增进感情)。 Perhaps has not swung including one second, in the heart then has the answer. 也许连一秒也未曾摇摆,心中便已有了答案。 Must give priority to the enterprise.’ Utaha is thinking leisurely, the distance of direction and stadium that the under foot marches forward gradually becomes far. ‘要以事业为重。’诗羽悠哉悠哉地想着,脚下行进的方向与体育馆的距离逐渐变远。 Arrives at the washroom near library, enters. 就这么一路来到图书馆附近的洗手间,进入其中。 Was reorganizing a hair to the mirror slightly, and downwashed a hand in the faucet, dries with the facial tissues that carries along, then pushes 1 hand lotion, smudges evenly in the hand. 对着镜子稍微整理了一下头发,并在水龙头下洗了一遍手,用随身携带的面巾纸擦干,然后再挤上一点护手霜,均匀地在手上涂抹开来。 Originally the tender flesh under moistening of hand lotion, is appears rich and smooth to be fair, hand such as jade bamboo shoots. 本就柔嫩的肌肤在护手霜的滋润下,更是显得丰润白皙,手如玉笋。 Until after completing all these preparatory work, Utaha leaves from the washroom, before arriving at the front door of library . 直到做完这一切的准备工作以后,诗羽才从洗手间内离开,来到图书馆的大门前。 Lifts the hand to grasp the door knob, rotates to one side carefully. 抬手握上门把手,小心地向一侧转动。 „......” “……” Without making any sound, the front door was opened a small seam, turned in the next second space that tolerates person of passing. 没有发出任何的声响,大门就被打开了一条小缝,又在下一秒变成了能容一人通过的空间。 Utaha leaned the body, the chest is pasting the shutter to walk. 诗羽侧着身体,胸口贴着门板走了进去。 The orange-red setting sun shines from out of the window, the quiet library will dye is red and dreary. 橙红的落日从窗外照射进来,将静谧的图书馆染得通红而又萧瑟。 The door closes discretely. 谨慎地将门关上。 Takes a broad view to look toward the position of corner, the vision as if penetrated several rows of book shelves, fell in some position directly. 放眼朝着角落的位置望去,目光仿佛穿透了好几排的书柜,直接落在了某片位置上。 Near the ear transmits the slight sound indistinctly. 耳边隐隐约约地传来细微的动静。 Guesses the words that under must speak in the mind, while walks toward the computer area softly slowly. 一边在脑海中推想着等下要说的话,一边轻手轻脚地向着电脑区慢慢走去。 One and two and three steps, the under foot is peaceful throughout ; 一步、两步、三步,脚下始终安静; Four and five and six steps, the sound starts to increase. 四步、五步、六步,声音开始变大。 Ka and...... 咔哒、啪嗒…… Just likes the senior citizen general slow rhythm to hear floating, is also mixing with the fuzzy low sound of talking. 犹如老年人一般的迟钝节奏飘入耳中,其中还夹杂着模模糊糊的低语声。 The Utaha lip angle rises slightly, appears naturally several points of happy expression , to continue the footsteps to keep removing forward. 诗羽的唇角微微上扬,自然而然地浮现出几分笑意,继续脚步不停地向前移去。 Crosses bookshelf one after another, the shadow of under foot is also elongated in the change of angle slowly. 越过一排一排的书架,脚下的影子也在角度的变化中慢慢被拉长。 Side along with unceasing being close of distance, the biography hears the sound in gradually is also clear. 伴随着距离的不断接近,传入耳边的动静也在逐渐清晰。 Un. 嗯。 Together dark mute low roar loud proliferation. 一道暗哑的低吼声粗重的扩散开来。 Snort. 哼嗯。 What follows is together the soft glutinous sobbing sound. 紧随其后的是一道软糯的呜咽声。 Gurgle, bo ~ 咕嘟、咕唧、啵~ Probably has some type to swallow, with the sound that drew out from the glass jar passed on the embolus. 像是有着某种吞咽,与将栓子从玻璃瓶里拔出的声音传了过来。 The strange sound made Utaha cannot help but footsteps, frowned slightly. 奇怪的声音令诗羽不由得脚步一顿,微微蹙眉。 The doubts in heart made her slow down the footsteps subconsciously, then moved toward last row of bookshelf several meters away slowly. 心中的疑惑令她下意识地放慢了脚步,然后慢慢朝着几米以外的最后一排书架挪动。 Girl's charming laughter made a sound in the next second. 女孩子娇媚的笑声在下一秒响了起来。 ~ has cleaned up? Association president.” “诶嘿嘿~已经清理好了喔?会长。” This is the new strip fragrant sound! Utaha recognizes immediately. 这是新条香的声音!诗羽立刻就认了出来。 Then is another very familiar, low and deep, belongs masculinely un sound. 然后是另一道十分熟悉的、低沉的,属于男性的嗯声。 An ominous premonition raises from the heart suddenly. 一种不祥的预感骤然从心头升起。 Doesn't continue? Association president.” “不继续了吗?会长。” „.” “不了。” Oh ~ ~......” new strip fragrant sound brings some to have not given full expression. “喔~~……”新条香的声音带着些许意犹未尽。 A nondescriptive chill in the air climbs from the back quietly, and spreads rapidly the whole body, making the person hands and feet icy cold. 一股难以名状的寒意悄然从背脊爬升,并迅速蔓延全身,令人手脚冰凉。 The Utaha vision concentrates, then also no longer conceals own sound, half step meteor stand forth, later lifted the hand to build the book shelf to bend the corner, looked toward in side. 诗羽目光一凝,接着也不再掩饰自身的动静,快步流星地向前走去,随后抬手搭着书柜弯过了转角,向着里侧望去。 Before paving the computer table of orange-red sunlight, the figure slender youngster is sitting on the chair together, but a stature is petite, the stature has to exquisite the young girl was crawling from the table slowly. 铺就着橙红日光的电脑桌前,一道身形修长的少年正坐在椅子上,而一名个子娇小,身材却玲珑有致的少女正慢慢从桌下爬了出来。 Sees only the new strip fragrant hairstyle slightly chaotic, the flushed that the facial features including the spring, on the face also brings before that time when the class gate meets is exactly the same. 只见新条香发型微乱,眉眼含春,脸上还带着与之前那次在班级门前遇到时如出一辙的潮红。 When this reflects pleasant. 当这一幕映入眼中的时候。 Utaha first is startled palpitates the pupil to shrink, then under immediately is gloomy the face, bites the dentine to ask: You are making anything.” 诗羽先是惊悸地瞳孔一缩,接着立刻阴沉下脸,咬着牙质问道:“你们在做什么。” „!” The new strip fragrance that just stood up was frightened the body to tremble by her sound, at once opens the circle surprisedly the eyes. “呀!”刚刚站起身的新条香被她的声音吓得身体一颤,旋即惊讶地睁圆了双眼。 „......? Kasumigaoka...... study elder sister......?” She made excuses said, probably also had a scare by putting in an appearance at this moment. “……呃?霞之丘……学姐……?”她支支吾吾地说道,像是也被此刻的照面吓了一跳。 But Katou Yusuke also startled realize suddenly the turning around body, suddenly appeared here Utaha does the pupil fiercely to shrink. 加藤悠介亦是蓦然惊觉地转过了身体,被突然出现在此处的诗羽搞得瞳孔猛地一缩。 Utaha has not gone to manage his response, but is staring not silently in the new strip fragrance that astonished will be quick from now on becomes becomes accustomed , the sharp look same wants to penetrate her just like a sharp sword. 诗羽没去管他的反应,只是一言不发地瞪着在惊愕过后很快就变得习以为常的新条香,锐利的眼神宛如一把利剑一样欲将她穿透。 Then stand forth, arrives step by step is separated her distance the front, such vision ice-cold is watching intently her. 然后一步一步地向前走去,来到间隔她一步距离的面前,就这么目光冰冷地逼视着她。 „...... That Kasumigaoka study elder sister......?” “……那个~霞之丘学姐……?” Looks that at present the whole body lends the dark aura, filled dangerous and unclear Utaha, the new strip fragrance blinks, swallowed a saliva silently, is planning to say anything. 看着眼前浑身散发出黑暗气息的,充满了危险与不详的诗羽,新条香眨了眨眼睛,默默咽了口口水,正打算开口说些什么。 But in next second- 可就在下一秒- ! 啪! A clear slap in the face layer on layer/heavily fan on her face, making her face shift to the right side fiercely. 一个清脆的耳光就重重地扇在了她的脸上,使她的脸猛地转向了右侧。 The time as if solidifies suddenly. 时间仿佛突然凝固。 The sudden action made everyone's train of thought fall into the shutdown. 突如其来的举动令所有人的思绪都陷入了停摆。 „......” “……” The new strip fragrance covers the burning left face, in the eye is flashing through wipes swiftly and fiercely, but desalinated immediately, then raised the head slowly, looks to gives itself at present a palm of the hand study the elder sister, shallow however smiles. 新条香捂着火辣辣的左脸,眼中闪过一抹凌厉,但又马上淡化了下去,然后慢慢地抬起头,望向眼前给了自己一个巴掌的学姐,浅然一笑。 What...... does? This is very painful yeah, the Kasumigaoka study elder sister, why do you want to be angry?” “……搞什么?这样很痛哎,霞之丘学姐,为什么你要这么生气呢?” You plant very much, new strip schoolmate.” Utaha coldly said, the vision is looking disdainfully she, held both hands. “你很有种,新条同学。”诗羽冷冷地说道,目光睥睨着她,将双手抱了起来。 As if has irritating the nose smell of gunpowder to spread. 仿佛有着一股刺鼻的火药味蔓延开来。 Facing this saying, the smile on new strip fragrant face does not reduce , to continue to ask: Un ~ ~ ~ do the Kasumigaoka study elder sister's words make one somewhat unable to understand? Difficult to be inadequate you to envy?” 面对这话,新条香脸上的笑容不减,继续问道:“嗯~~~霞之丘学姐的话让人有些听不懂呢?难不成伱是在嫉妒吗?” Interesting.” Utaha said word for word: Just is one depends on the pillow business to try to please the male woman, even again how stupid, will still to own pitiful a little cognition?” “有意思。”诗羽逐字逐句地说:“只不过是一个靠着枕营业取悦男性的女人,就算再怎么愚蠢,也该对自己的可悲有点认知吧?” Un ~ , if only first I did not deny actually, indeed is such that the Kasumigaoka study elder sister said.” “嗯~如果只是第一句的话我倒是不否认,的确就是霞之丘学姐说的那样。” „......!” “……!” „- What's the big deal?” The new strip fragrance the head, a face was saying slightly purely: Association president he needs me, but I am also willing to follow he, this matter and Kasumigaoka study elder sister do you have the relations?” “-不过那又怎么样呢?”新条香微微偏着脑袋,一脸单纯道:“会长他需要我,而我也愿意跟着他,这件事与霞之丘学姐你有关系吗?” Regarding this...... 对此…… The words that yes, must speak indeed have nothing to do with me, but said like you, how has nothing to do with me? Since you happen to deliver, I teach your while convenient, discontented you can return.” “是呢,要说的话的确是与我无关,不过就像你说的一样,与我无关又怎么样呢?既然你正好送上门来,我就顺便教训你一下,不满的话你可以打回来啊。” Utaha is putting the aggressive statement calmly, a face is tyrannical, but hides in the bosom hand somewhat trembles slightly. 诗羽平心静气地放着狠话,一脸残虐,只是藏在怀里的手微微有些发抖。 The new strip fragrant vision glittered two, being equivocal under the intently watch of opposite party typical „the woman of envy was really fearful. 新条香目光闪烁了两下,在对方的逼视下闪烁其词地道了一句“嫉妒的女人真可怕”。 No matter then also her response, turns the head to look directly to behind, asked sweetly with a smile: Right ~? President Katou.” 而后也不管她的反应,直接转头看向身后,甜甜地笑着问道:“对吧~?加藤会长。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke was silent was looking at her one eyes, then no mood returned to one: „Outside goes to I.” 加藤悠介沉默着看了她一眼,然后没什么情绪地回了一句:“去外面等我。” The sound is very desolate. 声音很是冷淡。 The new strip fragrance is first startled, at once immediately selects under one, complied with one: „...... ~ I know.” 新条香先是一怔,旋即立刻点了一下头,应了一声:“……嗯~我知道啦。” Then steps the step to walk cleverly outward. 然后便乖巧地迈着步子向外走去。 But Utaha has not intended to stop, but shifts the vision to his face on, sipped to tighten the lip slightly. 诗羽也没有出手阻拦,只是将目光转移到他的脸上,微微抿紧了嘴唇。 Ka and works as. 咔哒、啪当。 Door opens and closes to resound from the distant place, then falls into peacefully. 门扉的开阖声从远处响起,而后陷入安静。 The Utaha long deep breath the one breath, adjusted the breath, is focusing on his look, lowers the sound to ask: Therefore, what you are relate with that new strip schoolmate? Yu-chan.” 诗羽长长地深呼吸了一口气,调整了呼吸,然后紧盯着他的神色,压低声音问道:“所以,你和那个新条同学到底是什么关系?悠酱。” After short silence . 短暂的沉默以后。 Katou Yusuke gave the response confidently: Is that relations that you think.” 加藤悠介坦然地给出了回应:“就是你想的那种关系。” „-!” “-!” In a flash, one type such as the feeling of falling ice cave then covers. 一瞬间,一种如坠冰窟的感觉便笼罩过来。 Utaha vision suddenly somewhat absent-minded, and remembered all of a sudden previous time in three buildings that meets, therefore fell into the silent condition. 诗羽的目光忽地有些恍惚,并一下子就想起了上次在三楼时的那场碰面,因此陷入了无声的状态。 Inenarrable mood oppressed in chest. 有一种难以描述的情绪憋闷在胸口。 Through with new strip fragrant confrontation, she had actually guessed correctly this moment ago basically, when really hears he acknowledged personally, in the heart actually cannot bear slightly one tightly. 通过刚才与新条香的对峙,她其实已经基本猜到了这一点,可真的听到他亲口承认时,心中却还是忍不住微微一紧。 From Hokkaidou to Tokyo, to was rejected from the own second confession...... 从北海道到东京,从自己的第二次告白到被拒绝…… The picture in brain such as the slide same flashes through fast, finally frames when she met his day, his heart such as in the appearance of dying embers. 脑中的画面如幻灯片一样地飞快闪过,最后定格在了她去接他的那一天时,他那副心如死灰的样子上。 Utaha swallows the throat heavily, the opening mouth lip, then bites the lower lip to ask tightly: Such ignores, making you feel a point......?” 诗羽沉重地吞咽一下嗓子,张了张嘴唇,然后紧咬着下唇问道:“这样子放任自己,让你觉得好一点了吗……?” Has not responded, probably is tacitly approving. 没有回应,像是在默认。 Therefore she raised the head to blink, deeply shouted the one breath, in the flood red eye socket the look became complex. 于是她又抬头眨了眨眼睛,深呼一口气,泛红的眼眶里眼神变得复杂。 Even if Katou Yusuke did not say, but intelligent such as the Utaha still flash thought through a lot, roughly understood his mentality. 即使加藤悠介不说,但聪慧如诗羽也一瞬间就想通了很多事情,也大致理解了他的心态。 Nothing but is looks for anything fill innermost feelings the void, but the new strip fragrance just on its meeting, happen to becomes the placebo that he licks the wound. 无非是找什么东西填补内心的空虚,而新条香刚好又恰逢其会,正好成为了他舔伤口的安慰剂。 Many details in brain link up. 脑中的诸多细节连贯起来。 Almost with is less than a half minute, her then 7788 places analyzed his innermost feelings, because the remaining that 2-3 tenths lacked the most essential place, therefore is unable to know that made him turn into such reason. 几乎用不到半分钟,她便七七八八地剖析出了他的内心,剩下的那2-3成因为缺乏最关键的地方,所以无法得知让他变成这样的原因。 Regarding this point. 对于这一点。 Although Utaha can understand in the rationality, but may not suppress felt that has little sad, looks like on the glazed surface the careful ice crack to be the same, covered entirely the innermost feelings instantaneously superficially. 诗羽虽然在理性上能够理解,但又不可抑制地感到有一点点难过,就像是釉面上细细的冰裂一样,瞬间就浅淡地布满了内心。 But facing her inquiry. 而面对她的询问。 Katou Yusuke selected under one until this time, returned to one, sound desolate like water. 加藤悠介直到这时才点了一下头,回了一声嗯,声音冷淡如水。 The Utaha look vacillated, did not grasp the arm voluntarily, the voice trembled lightly asks: „...... Does this, elect me is not good even?” 诗羽的眼神动摇了一下,不自觉抓紧了胳膊,话音轻颤地问道:“……就算是这样,难道选我就不行吗?” Hears to the voice that soon cries likely low and grating floating, as if delayed the time. 低哑到像快要哭出来的嗓音飘入耳内,仿佛延缓了时间。 Is welcoming that pair of slightly red wine red eye pupil, the Katou Yusuke vision slightly cannot observe shrinks, subsequently avoided the line of sight taking advantage of the movement of setting out, then the calm face lifts foot stand forth. 迎着那双微红的酒红色眼眸,加藤悠介目光微不可察地一缩,继而借着起身的动作避开了视线,然后沉着脸抬脚向前走去。 Sorry, studies the elder sister, such is not good.” “抱歉,学姐,那样不行。” The tranquil words spread to the ear bank in that moment of scraping past, just like has basin cold water to irrigate the sole from the beginning, making the body of Utaha tremble fiercely, looking at dumbly on the spot. 平静的话语在擦身而过的那一刻传入了耳畔,宛如是有着一盆冷水从头浇到了脚底,令诗羽的身子剧烈一颤,呆立在原地。 In the Katou Yusuke hand takes the document, the footsteps keep. 加藤悠介手中拿着文件,脚步不停。 Arrives at the gate, lifts the hand to grip the door knob, has not actually opened the door immediately, but turn head looked at one behind. 就这么一路走到门边,抬手握住门把手,却没有马上开门,而是回头看了一眼身后。 Sees only the young girl still to stand in same place, lowers the head to hold the appearance of both arms is seeming very frail, the body is shivering slightly. 只见少女依然站在原地,低头抱着双臂的样子显得十分单薄,身体在微微颤抖。 His footsteps stagnated, however boosting gate. 他的脚步凝滞了一下,然后推门而出。 Ka, works as. 咔哒,啪当。 Is closing along with the door behind, girl's voice passes on the hearing bank lithely. 伴随着门扉在身后关闭,女孩子的声音轻盈地传入耳畔。 Association president ~ “会长~” Katou Yusuke lifts the line of sight, the new strip fragrance is joining hands behind the back by the corridor wall, then after seeing he comes out, to welcome docilely, on the face has the smile that is asking for seems. 加藤悠介抬起视线,新条香正背手靠在走廊的墙壁上,见他出来以后便温顺地迎了上来,脸上带着讨好似的微笑。 Sorry, I just should not such speak, the Kasumigaoka study elder sister is she all right?” “对不起喔,我刚刚不该那样子讲话,霞之丘学姐她没事吧?” „......” “……” What words had not said, Katou Yusuke reaches her face the hand, touched on that bright red being in charge, asked unemotionally: „Very painful?” 什么话也没说,加藤悠介将手伸向她的脸,在那个鲜红的掌印上触碰了一下,面无表情地问道:“很痛?” The new strip fragrance is the show/unfolds face smiles, and lifted own small hand to grip his hand, said: Originally is very painful, but was touched is not painful by the association president ~ quite mysterious.” 新条香便是展颜一笑,并抬起自己的小手握住了他的手,说道:“本来很痛,不过被会长摸一下就不痛了~好神奇喔。” After saying, she opens the mouth slightly, contained the finger of Yusuke gently, teases is blinking the eye, said affectionately lovingly: Thank you, Association president ~ 这么说完以后,她又微微张开嘴巴,将悠介的手指轻轻含了进去,挑逗似的眨巴着眼睛,脉脉含情道:“谢谢你,会长~” Receives the words to record me.” “把我接下来说的话记好。” Well?” “咦?” Katou Yusuke is mixing the finger gently, said slowly: This pain, do not have any improper idea, if makes me know that you look for the trouble of Utaha-senpai at the back of me......” 加藤悠介轻轻搅动着手指,缓缓说道:“记好这个痛,不要有什么不该有的想法,如果让我知道你背着我去找诗羽学姐的麻烦……” He stops at this point for the time being, will be wet dá dá the finger to extract from her mouth, dries on her clothes, then made up the last few words. 他说到这里暂且停顿,将湿哒哒的手指从她嘴巴里面抽出,在她衣服上擦干,然后才补上了最后一句话。 You dare to do, the pain at the appointed time receiving will be only more intense than the present, got it?” “你敢那么做,到时受到的痛只会比现在还要强烈,明白了吗?” „......” “……” The new strip fragrance listens peacefully, lowered the head silent a while, at once raised the head again, answered cleverly: „......, I knew, I will be good the words of association president of pleasant to hear.” 新条香安静地听完,低着头沉默了一会儿,旋即再次抬起头来,乖巧地做出回答:“……嗯,我知道了,我会好好听会长的话的。” Katou Yusuke nods, puts in the trousers pocket the hand. 加藤悠介点点头,将手伸进长裤口袋。 Exchange beauty cream.’ ‘兑换美容霜。’ 【The success exchange beauty cream, deducts the overall 1500 points.】 【成功兑换美容霜,扣除积分1500点。】 Again when with making a move, in the hand were many a small black bottle. 再次拿出手时,手上便多了一个小黑瓶。 Katou Yusuke the small black bottle will hand over, goes back this belt/bring, scratches on the face, tomorrow should not have the silt mark.” 加藤悠介将小黑瓶递了过去,“把这个带回去,擦在脸上,明天应该不会有淤痕。” Then takes out the wallet from another side pocket, pulled out inside 15 Fukuzawa Yukichi completely, handed over. 接着又从另一边的口袋里取出钱包,将里面的十五张福泽谕吉全部抽了出来,递了过去。 These, receives.” “还有这些,也收好。” The new strip fragrant vision flashed slightly, nods the low eyebrow to receive the thing that he gave, the expression on face became very docile. 新条香的目光微微闪动,颔首低眉地将他所给的东西收了起来,脸上的表情变得十分服帖。 Thank you, Association president ~ she so said, the tone compared with was short for several points to provoke laughter a moment ago, were many several points of earnestness. “谢谢你,会长~”她这般说道,语气比起刚才少了几分逗趣,多了几分认真。 Katou Yusuke shakes the head, you go home today directly, did not need to go to the student association again.” 加藤悠介对此摇了摇头,“你今天直接回家,不用再去学生会了。” Un ~ ~ I knew, then association president you?” “嗯~~我知道了,那么会长你呢?” I reorganize the document.” “我去整理文件。” This, then I first did walk? Association president.” “这样呀,那么我就先走了喔?会长。” Goes back, remembers that buys a resolutive, moreover today and Utaha-senpai matter-” “回去的时候,记得买一点消肿药,另外今天和诗羽学姐的事情-” ~ this I know, will not affect the Kasumigaoka study elder sister.” “啊~这个我知道的啦,不会影响到霞之丘学姐的。” Un.” “嗯。” After discussing the matter, two people then lifted the foot to leave here. 商议完事情之后,两个人便抬脚离开了这里。 In the gate of library, the young girl is backing on the gate, listens to their sound of footsteps to go far away silently...... 图书馆的门内,少女背靠着门,默默听着他们的脚步声远去…… ...... ……
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