TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#414: Enrolling in supplementary lessons of library

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Enrolling in supplementary lessons of Chapter 414 library 第414章图书馆的补习 Wednesday Private Toyogasaki Academy. 周三的私立丰之崎学园 Although the games ended, but worked had not actually finished, even was becomes more. 运动会虽然结束了,可是工作却没有结束,甚至是变得更多。 Because must conduct the voting choice for next year games project, therefore the student association will be quite arduous in the second week work. 因为要为来年的运动会项目进行投票选择,所以学生会在第二周的工作会比较繁重。 The people all are busy continuous. 众人皆是忙碌不休。 For example, the student association besides must count the voting investigation, which projects but must be responsible for examining at this games to be easy injured, and excludes these projects from the next games. 举例来说,学生会除了要统计投票调查以外,还要负责审查本次运动会上有哪些项目容易受伤,并把这些项目排除在下一届的运动会之外。 This is one tests the work of coordination ability. 这是一件非常考验协调能力的工作。 Especially in the students knew next year when is going to cancel obstacle race this project, was is noisy quarrelled one for this matter all day, did not agree in any case. 特别是在学生们得知明年将要取消障碍赛跑这一项目时,便是闹闹哄哄地为这件事情吵了一整天,反正就是不同意。 Katou Yusuke has not said anything, but placed the interior to discuss, the object of main inquiry was Eriri. 加藤悠介对此也没说什么,只是放在内部重新讨论了一下,主要询问的对象是英梨梨 Although Eriri expressed that on the same day was injured is because were impatient, but he after considering one next to make the decision. 虽然英梨梨表示当天受伤是由于自己心急,不过他还是在考虑了一下后做出了决定。 The final outcome is to retain the project of obstacle race, but actually cancelled the part of single-plank bridge. 最终结果是保留障碍赛跑的项目,不过却取消了独木桥的部分。 Saw that does not cancel the entire project directly, the students also cease all activities in abundance, is no longer restless. 见到不是直接取消整个项目,学生们也纷纷偃旗息鼓,不再闹腾。 After all after witnesses with own eyes in the school the most lovable girl was therefore injured, who can be cruel enough again to make this matter happen? 毕竟在亲眼见证了学校里最可爱的女孩子因此受伤以后,又有谁能忍心再让这种事情发生呢? Therefore this plan obtained the school quickly high and low adopts unanimously. 于是这项方案很快获得了全校上下的一致通过。 Then is the equitation war of two person group. 然后是双人组的骑马战。 Under somebody's will, next year equitation war turned into traditional four people of one group, and wants the men and women to separate. 在某人的意志下,明年的骑马战变成了传统的四人一组,并且要男女分开。 The reason to the outside declaring was equitation of two people group fights was not only easy injured, the way that but also the men and women mixed was very unfriendly to the female student. 对外宣称的理由是两人组的骑马战不仅容易受伤,而且男女混合的方式对女生也十分不友好。 Although the male students somewhat regretted, but this decision earned the support of most female students actually. 虽然男生们对此有些惋惜,不过这一决定倒是获得了绝大多数女生们的支持。 Therefore the advancement of this resolution also has no quick passing of mighty waves. 因此这一项决议的推进也没什么波澜的很快通过。 In the final analysis, the games must grasp " safety first throughout, friendship second, 3 rd in the match " principle, therefore must be headed by are safe. 归根究底,运动会始终还是要秉持着「安全第一,友谊第二,比赛第三」的原则,所以一切都要以安全为首。 Fights including next year equitation before participation, will confirm whether well the participant has the acrophobia and so on condition, only then allows to participate without issue. 包括来年的骑马战在参加之前,也会好好确认参加者是否有恐高症之类的状况,只有在没有问题的情况下才准许参赛。 But in the student association busiest week, very reliable vice-chairman has actually asked for leave suddenly, the impact that from this has although cannot say that is badly battered, but is thrown into confusion or has. 可就在学生会最忙的这一周里,一直都很可靠的副会长却是突然请假了,由此所带来的影响虽然称不上是令人焦头烂额,但手忙脚乱还是有的。 To Katou Yusuke, this feeling especially is at least obvious. 至少对加藤悠介而言,这种感觉尤为明显。 The two person student associations of the beginning only have the opposite party, to joined Utaha, Eriri and new strip fragrance afterward one after another...... 两个人从一开始的学生会只有对方,到后来相继加入了诗羽英梨梨、新条香…… In this process, he has been used to have her assistance, but the benefit has also stood in him silently behind, is so simple actually helps him do work carefully. 在这个过程中,他早就习惯了有她的辅佐,而惠也一直默默站在他身后,就这么简单却又细致地帮他做着一项项工作。 In that two weeks that even he is not , the opposite party also maintained the operation of student association well, and is processing in the school for him all big or small matters concerned, moreover did very well. 甚至连他不在的那两周里,对方也好好维持住了学生会的运转,并代他处理着校内一切大小事宜,而且做得很好。 By after lacked the assistance of young girl suddenly, Katou Yusuke all of a sudden becomes is not familiar with. 是以在突然缺少了少女的辅佐以后,加藤悠介一下子就变得很不习惯。 Investigates this matter with the project of games simply for example, if has in the benefit situation on the scene, generally hands over in his hand can be after the document that the induction reorganizes. 就简单拿运动会的项目调查这件事举例来说,如果是有惠在场的情况下,一般交到他手上的会是一份经过归纳整理的文件。 He needs to do only, is the inspection whether has the careless mistake with not the right place, then signed the name to be OK. 他唯一需要做的,就是检查其中是否存在纰漏与不合适的地方,然后再签上名字就可以了。 But now, he not only need collecting the survey form is listed as respectively, but must begin the findings to count the form. 而现在,他不仅要把收集起来的调查表分别列项,还需自行动手将调查结果统计成表格。 Although is only some minor matters, however processes also to spend some hands and feet and time. 虽然都只是一些小事,然而处理起来也要花费一些手脚与时间。 At the matter in this aspect, careless Eriri cannot help, the new strip fragrance is although wants to help actually be rejected by him. 在这方面的事情上,粗心大意的英梨梨是帮不上忙,新条香是虽然想要帮忙却被他拒绝。 Perhaps considering that later will have similar condition, Katou Yusuke felt oneself are the custom as soon as possible good...... 考虑到以后或许还会出现类似的状况,加藤悠介觉得自己还是尽早习惯的好…… Why does that Katou Fellow student association ask for leave? 为什么那个加藤同学会请假? After Utaha asked that Katou Yusuke was silent a while, then did not bring with one clearly in the past. 诗羽这么问了以后,加藤悠介便是沉默了一会儿,然后用一句不清楚带了过去。 On his mouth is saying, in the brain appears is actually the matter that Monday afternoon has, is that day that red ban vermilion sound walks. 他嘴上这么说着,脑中浮现出来的却是周一下午所发生的事情,也就是红坂朱音找上门来的那天。 After the same day finished eating that mysteriously tomato sirloin, the benefit then proposed saying goodbye quickly, red ban vermilion sound is early a while to leave compared with her. 在当天吃完那顿“神奇”的番茄牛腩之后,惠很快便提出了告辞,红坂朱音则是比她早一会儿离开。 Katou Yusuke did not determine that the young girl detected what unusuality, but the opposite party was angry this matter he to be well aware, but has not explained anything on own initiative. 加藤悠介不确定少女是不是察觉到了什么异常,不过对方生气了这件事他还是心知肚明的,但也没有主动解释什么。 Therefore to the next day, the benefit had not come the student association. 于是到了第二天,惠就没有来学生会了。 Moreover, after is on vacation from school, will pack own thing in a hurry, and set out to leave the classroom since the conclusion of evening class meeting rapidly, probably is avoiding him to be the same. 不仅如此,就连放学后也会匆匆收拾好自己的东西,并随着晚班会的结束迅速起身离开教室,像是在回避着他一样。 Such behavior sent out not to hope that explicitly the disturbed aura, did not have not to go forward to disturb by Katou Yusuke tactfully. 这样的行为明确散发出了不希望被打扰的气息,是以加藤悠介也没有不知趣地上前打扰。 But the explanation that gives the benefit of does not come regarding him, people's response is also various. 而对于他所给出的惠不来的解释,众人的反应也各不相同。 Eriri inquires the litigant in the contact crowd of student association directly, but has not received the reply. 英梨梨是直接在学生会的联络群询问起了当事人,但未收到回复。 The new strip fragrance is the vision twinkle lowers the head, the matter that although in the heart has to the class is clear, knows that he is lying, actually does not expose. 新条香是目光闪烁地低着头,虽然心中对班上所发生的事情一清二楚,也知道他在说谎,却不点破。 Utaha is a face suspected looks at him, is guessing this back truth secretly. 诗羽则是一脸猜疑地看着他,暗自猜测着这背后的真相。 Katou Yusuke has not managed their responses, but brought the survey form that is reorganizing to arrive at the library alone, prepared to use here computer print form. 加藤悠介没管她们的反应,只是带着整理出来的调查表独自来到了图书馆,准备利用这里的电脑打印表格。 Although the library after being on vacation from school prohibits the student from entering, but is relying on the privilege of student association president, he received the key smoothly. 虽然放学后的图书馆禁止学生进入,不过凭借着学生会长的特权,他还是顺利拿到了钥匙。 Arrives in the hall along rows of big bookshelves the position of corner, sits down before a computer area machine, bends down to press down the engine case power source under table. 沿着一排排高大的书架来到馆内角落的位置,在电脑区最里面的一台机器前坐下,俯身按下桌下的机箱电源。 Humming sound- 嗡嗡- The machine exuded the loud breathing. 机器发出了粗重的呼吸声。 Waited for slightly for more than ten seconds, the computer screen that shines entered the system desktop. 稍微等待了十几秒钟,亮起的电脑萤幕进入了系统桌面。 Katou Yusuke puts out a hand to grasp the mouse, moves to the Excel icon on, double-clicks left key. 加藤悠介伸手握上鼠标,挪动至Excel的图标上面,双击左键。 The computer disposition of library is ordinary, approximately spent for six and seven seconds successfully to open the procedure/program. 图书馆的电脑配置一般,大约花了六、七秒钟才顺利打开程序。 This speed is not obviously suitable to play the game, but is only is used for the work the words, furthermore the computer in school will not install the game...... 这种速度明显不适合玩游戏,不过仅是用来办公的话还是可以的,再者学校里的电脑也不会安装游戏…… In the process of waiting, put out the cell phone to look at a LINE group while convenient. 等待的过程中,顺便拿出手机看了一眼LINE的群组。 Student association contact group ( 5 )】 【学生会联络群】 Eriri: Didn't the Megumi why benefit come the student association for successive two days? Is the body has where is not uncomfortable?】( Has read 4) 英梨梨:Megumi为什么惠连续两天都不来学生会呢?难道是身体有哪里不舒服吗?】(已读四) Following naturally unmanned response. 下面自然无人回应。 The members of student association altogether are five people, looks at this news population is four people. 学生会的成员一共是五人,看过这条消息的人数是四人。 According to the situation analyzes, that person who has not read basically was a litigant. 根据情况来分析,未读的那个人基本就是当事人了。 Katou Yusuke places the one side the cell phone, then took up the statistical result of paper version, starts the above content input to the computer. 加藤悠介将手机放在一旁,转而拿起了纸质版的统计结果,开始将上面的内容录入到电脑里面。 …… 啪嗒、啪嗒、啪嗒、啪嗒…… The slender finger raps on the keyboard, the sound is reverberating in the empty library quietly. 修长的手指在键盘上敲击,声音在空荡荡的图书馆静谧地回响着。 Association president ~ “会长~” Girl's gentle fragrance passed from the back suddenly, elongated both hands held in the arms his neck intimately. 女孩子轻柔的香味突然从背后传了过来,伸长的双手亲密地搂住了他的脖子。 „......” “……” Movement slightly on Yusuke, new strip fragrance grinning sound sound. 悠介手上的动作微微一顿,新条香笑嘻嘻的声音响了起来。 „Can I sit by you?” “我可以坐在你旁边吗?” Katou Yusuke nods slightly , indicating to permit, sat, read to me the content on paper.” 加藤悠介微微颔首,表示允许,“坐吧,把纸上的内容给我念出来。” Good ~ ~ ~ “好~~~” The new strip fragrance jumps for joy complies saying that a seat sat down by him from side drawing, and stretches out these survey forms that both hands received him to hand over, looks down. 新条香雀跃地答应道,从旁边拉了一张座椅挨着他坐下,并伸出双手接过了他递来的那些调查表,低头看去。 I have a look ~, the character of this person is quite ugly, Yusuke quite writes the character to be attractive yeah ~ “我看看~哇,这个人的字好丑,还是悠介写得字比较好看哎~” Katou Yusuke that was preparing to type puts down the hand, has turned head, unemotional say/way: Do not call me with that name.” 原本正准备打字的加藤悠介放下手,回过头,面无表情道:“别用那个名字来叫我。” Is cracking a joke ~ Association president.” The new strip fragrance puts out the candy cane in mouth, spat a small tongue, changed the normal name. “只是在开玩笑啦~会长。”新条香拿出嘴巴里的棒棒糖,吐了一下小舌头,又改回了正常的称呼。 Un ~ first is first, some people proposed that will hold the carp flag to dance at next year opening ceremony.” “嗯~首先是第一项,有人提议在明年的开幕仪式举行鲤鱼旗舞蹈。” That I have recorded, jumps to the part of project directly.” “那个我录过了,直接跳到项目的部分。” „, Spicy is not......, some people want to take the group as the unit, holds to lend assistance about the war.” “唔唔,辣么是……呀,有人想要以团体为单位,举行应援合战。” . 啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒。 Katou Yusuke raps the keyboard, while says: Delivered clearly the words, or finished eating your sugar a bit faster.” 加藤悠介一边敲击键盘,一边开口说道:“把话讲清楚,或者快点吃完你的糖。” Heard this saying the new strip fragrance to take own candy cane, then provoked laughter delivering to his mouth. 听到这话的新条香又将自己的棒棒糖取了出来,然后逗趣似的送向他嘴边。 But this also many, otherwise does the association president help me eat?” “可是这个还有好多耶,不然会长帮我吃掉吧?” I am not interested in the sweets.” “我对甜食不感兴趣。” That said ~ ~, but when sad, the sweets can improve the mood?” “话是这么说~~可是在心情不好的时候,甜食可以改善心情的喔?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looked back looked at her one eyes, to convenient returned to a smile of acme of beauty and deportment to him, fresh-faced lip seemingly clear bright and beautiful, does not know that spread sleek/moist lipstick by the relations that the tongue soaked, there is a honey same luster. 加藤悠介回眸看了她一眼,对方便给他回了一个千娇百媚的笑容,粉嫩的嘴唇看上去晶莹亮丽,也不知是涂了润唇膏还是被舌头濡湿的关系,有一种蜜一样的光泽感。 Association president ~?” “会长~?” New strip fragrance slightly incline head, proceeded to deliver a point the candy cane in hand, resembled to bump the non- earth fault by his lip, and was seeing that he opened mouth the next second of eating to beam with joy. 新条香略微倾斜脑袋,又把手中的棒棒糖往前送了一点,似碰非碰地挨着他的嘴唇,并在看到他张开嘴吃进去的下一秒眉开眼笑了起来。 Continue.” Katou Yusuke remains silent saying that candy cane in mouth sweet greasy Milk Ichigo flavor. “继续。”加藤悠介闷声说道,嘴巴里的棒棒糖化出甜腻的草莓牛奶味道。 Compliant ~ then some people proposed hold the group resistance project between mass organizations.” “遵命~接着是有人提议举行社团之间的团体对抗项目。” . 啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒。 Next is the culture is the mass organization and relay race of department of physical education mass organization. Participants besides baton, but must carry goods that symbolizes the mass organization......, the baseball section must put on the entire backstop equipment maintenance unexpectedly, ha, this quite interesting ~ ~ ~!” “下一项是文化系社团和体育系社团的接力赛。参赛者除了接力棒以外,还要携带一项象征自己社团的物品……呜哇,棒球部居然要穿整套捕手护具,哈哈哈,这个好有趣~~~!” . 啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒。 After without candy cane of being in the way, the new strip fragrant efficiency was also much quicker than before. 没了碍事的棒棒糖以后,新条香的效率也比之前快了不少。 Two people of read aloud a typing, the coordination was also but actually good, except for new strip fragrant idle talk too many this point. 二人一个念诵一个打字,配合倒也算不错,除了新条香的闲话太多这一点。 Crossed for ten minutes. 就这么过了十分钟。 All contents input completely, remaining, so long as adjusts to be able according to the form the form. 所有的内容就全部录入完毕,剩下的只要将表格按照格式调整一下便可。 Therefore Katou Yusuke says: Remaining I come, you can go back.” 于是加藤悠介开口说道:“剩下的我自己来,你可以回去了。” Does not want.” The new strip fragrance shook the head again and again, speaks in a coaxing voice said: I am waiting for the association president here, no?” “才不要呢。”新条香对此连连摇头,嗲声嗲气地说:“我就在这里等着会长,不行吗?” Sees her to insist, Yusuke then also along with her. 见她坚持,悠介便也随她。 Ka . 咔哒咔哒,啪嗒啪嗒。 The sound of mouse and keyboard continuously. 鼠标与键盘的声音此起彼伏。 The new strip fragrance looks at him to work a while, lost the interest quickly, starts to size up all around bored, and puts in the hand the pocket of skirt, wants to take out a thing to eat from inside again. 新条香看着他工作了一会儿,很快失去了兴趣,开始无聊地打量起四周,并将手伸进裙子的口袋里,想要从里面再取出一点东西来吃。 A final candy cane has given to the raising officer, but jumps the sugar the words also to have two bags actually, happen to can one person of one bag. 最后的一根棒棒糖已经献给了饲养官,不过跳跳糖的话倒是还有两袋,正好可以一人一袋。 Therefore she then prepares one bag to apportion raising officer. 于是她便准备将其中的一袋分给身旁的饲养官。 But when she prepares to open the mouth, in the mind is actually the sudden miraculous glow flashes, thought of one day unexpectedly with thousand generations with in fragrant dialogue. 可就在她准备开口的时候,脑海中却是突然灵光一闪,蓦地想到了某一日与千代和里香的对话。 The content of dialogue has nothing worthwhile, is in the fragrance was basically complaining own boyfriend incorrect cliche, but mentioned some detailed work that is very actually interesting. 对话的内容乏善可陈,基本都是里香在抱怨自己男朋友不行的陈腔滥调,不过其中提到的某一个花活倒是挺有趣的。 The new strip fragrance thinks that here stopped, first has a look at jumping in palm the sugar, then takes a look around raising officer. 新条香想到这里停了下来,先是看看掌心里的跳跳糖,接着又瞅瞅一旁的饲养官。 The look glittered slightly...... 眼神微微闪烁了起来…… The computer area of library is located in the hall the position of most corner, and has the big bookshelf to cover, just situated in the monitoring blind spot, is a quite covert position. 图书馆的电脑区位于馆内最角落的位置,并有着高大的书架所遮挡,刚好处于监控的盲区,是一个相当隐蔽的位置。 The advantageous geographical advantage, will attract the student who plays truant to run to come to here frequently to sleep, to avoid teacher does an inspection...... 得天独厚的地理优势,经常会吸引翘课的学生跑来这里睡觉,以躲避老师的巡查…… Ka . 咔哒咔哒,啪嗒啪嗒。 The sound of mouse and keyboard continues to make a sound. 鼠标与键盘的声音持续响着。 xi xi su su...... 窸窸窣窣…… The girl sends out the light thin sound, hid under the table secretly. 女孩子发出轻细的动静,偷偷躲进了桌子下面。 Is reorganizing the Excel form the Katou Yusuke movement to stagnate suddenly, hangs the pupil to look under a table. 正在整理Excel表格的加藤悠介动作忽地一滞,垂眸看了一眼桌下。 ~ “嘘~” The new strip fragrance raises up a finger to place the lip front, said low voice: Association president ~ I asked you to eat the sugar ~ ~ ~ 新条香竖起一根手指放在嘴唇前方,小声说道:“会长~我请伱吃糖喔~~~” This person of brain has the issue. 这人脑子有问题。 Katou Yusuke thinks like this, but after several seconds, he bends/bow the body immediately, starts to process the work with single-hearted devotion. 加藤悠介不禁这样想到,但在几秒钟以后,他就立刻弓起了身体,开始专心处理起工作。 Said...... the association president?” “说起来嗷……会长?” The new strip fragrant sound goes up and down abruptly: „The matter about vice-chairman......, can be what to do good?” 新条香的声音忽高忽低:“关于副会长的事情……嗯,要怎么办才好呢?” „...... You refer to anything.” “……你指什么。” I want to ask, if the association president wants, I can try to come back the vice-chairman oh......” “我只是想问一下,如果会长愿意的话,我可以试着去把副会长请回来喔……” bi. 哔哩啪啦。 Katou Yusuke gets hold of the fist slowly, deeply shouted the one breath, felt oneself are experiencing sandstorm, then the sinking sound said: „...... Completes your duty-bound matter, other has no need for the manages.” 加藤悠介慢慢握紧拳头,深呼了一口气,觉得自己在经历一场沙漠风暴,然后沉声说道:“……做好你份内的事情,其他的用不着去管。” Uh-huh, this.” “嗯哼,这样喔。” The new strip fragrance ignites the head again and again, speaks to mix with the nasal sound, hee hee, then I know that chirp ni ~ 新条香连连点着脑袋,说起话来夹杂着鼻音,“嘻嘻,那么我知道啦,啾咪~” Said that then no longer talks too much. 说完便不再多言。 Katou Yusuke is controlling the mouse and keyboard scared witless, in the brain remembered in the afternoon the day before yesterday matter. 加藤悠介魂不守舍地操控着鼠标与键盘,脑中又想起了前天下午的事情。 He thinks, if the benefit in asked about and red ban vermilion sound matter to him at that time, actually he can give the reply truthfully. 他不禁思索起来,如果惠在当时对他询问与红坂朱音的事情,他究竟会不会如实地给出回答。 This issue had the answer after dozens seconds. 这个问题在数十秒钟以后有了答案。 He is thinking that pair such as the fall nighttime sky show pupil, is really hard to imagine itself in the appearance that in front of the opposite party lies, looks like the innermost feelings to have an instinct to resist such does. 他想着那双如秋日夜空般的秀眸,实在难以想象自己在对方面前说谎的样子,就像是内心有一种本能在抗拒那样去做。 If the young girl will ask, he will say. 如果少女会问,他就会说。 Katou Yusuke thought so subconsciously, the eyes lose the focal distance gradually, the pitch-black pupil starts to enlarge slowly. 加藤悠介下意识地这么觉得,双眼渐渐失去焦距,乌黑的瞳孔开始慢慢放大。 Thunderclap, bi. 霹雳吧啦,哔哩啪啦。 Jumps sound that the sugar jumps just like just iced soft drink of decap, has the fresh/live air bubble sound to wave near the ear gently. 跳跳糖跳跃的声音宛如刚刚开瓶的冰镇汽水,有鲜活的气泡声在耳边轻轻舞动。 He stares at the present computer screen lost, the unconsciousness is moving the mouse, to type on the keyboard, actually quite a while cannot make an effective operation. 他出神地盯着眼前的电脑萤幕,无意识地挪动着鼠标、敲动键盘,却半天做不出一项有效的操作。 The train of thought fluttered uncontrolled beyond the highest heavens. 思绪不受控制地飘到了九霄云外。 Meanwhile...... 与此同时…… The front door of library was also opened quietly, a foot searched gently. 图书馆的大门也被悄无声息地打开,一只脚轻轻探了进来。 ...... …… Thank Pero reads today, Person under Chinese parasol tree, Reads novel to chop hand again Hitting enjoys. 感谢【Pero今天看书了吗】、【人在梧桐下】、【再看小说剁手】的打赏。
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