TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#413: The table of Ogiwara family/home

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The table of Chapter 413 Ogiwara family/home 第413章荻原家的餐桌 " That is some night of Tokyo, the youngster and young girl met with...... " 「那是东京的某个夜晚,少年和少女邂逅了……」 " Has depended on you to protect her with it alone, did not think that helps her establish the confidence like, is the environmental enhancement the proper way? " 「与其一直靠你独自保护她,不觉得像这样帮她建立起信心,改善环境才是正途吗?」 " If you really must thank me, can kiss me one to regard the thank-you gift. " 「如果你真的要谢我,可以亲我一下当成谢礼喔。」 ...... …… Un......” “嗯……” The light hum/snort of moan reverberates quietly. 呻吟似的轻哼声静谧地回荡开来。 The eyelash of Sayu shivered gently two, opened the eyes slowly. 沙优的睫毛轻轻颤动了两下,徐徐地睁开了双眼。 The fuzzy field of vision slowly becomes clear. 模糊的视野慢慢变得清晰。 What reflects pleasant is the familiar room. 映入眼中的是熟悉的房间。 Alarm clock on the nightstand clearly pointed out time at this moment- morning 7:05. 床头柜上的闹钟清楚地指出了此刻的时间-早上7点05分。 To going to school also period of enough time, narrows a small little while again ample also has. 离上学还有一段充足的时间,就连再眯一小会儿的余裕也是有的。 Un ......” “嗯唔……” Sayu sits slowly sets out, is covering the forehead single-handed, silent pondered. 沙优缓缓坐起身,单手捂着额头,无声地思考。 She thought that she had a dream probably, a very real dream. 她觉得自己好像做了一个梦,一个十分真实的梦。 Once thinks, to recall carefully, actually anything cannot recall. 然而一旦仔细去想、去回忆,却又什么都回想不起来。 Everyone had once had such experience, looks like, in half dream partly awakes opens the eyes, the consciousness actually still also stays in the aftertaste of dreamland. 每个人都曾有过这样的经历,就像是在半梦半醒之间睁开双眼,意识却依然还停留在梦境的余韵之中。 After racks brains, that dream is still one group of chaos. 一阵苦思冥想之后,那场梦依然是一团混沌。 Tokyo......” “东京……” Sayu slightly is pressed the brow, muttered, subsequently falls into again peacefully. 沙优微微蹙起眉头,喃喃自语了一句,继而再次陷入安静。 Lifts the hand to press down the chest, feels inexplicably deserted, moved feelings. 抬手按上胸口,莫名觉得心里空落落的,有一种怅然若失的感觉。 Ka thump...... 咔咚…… The small circle bead in cinnabar bottle made noise gently, interrupted her ponder, making her recover from the confusedness. 朱砂瓶内的小圆珠轻轻作响,打断了她的冥思,让她从迷茫中回过神来。 Hears the sound Sayu to be relieved, places one side the matter of dreamland, only has the Tokyo two characters to be even more clear in the mind. 听到声响的沙优不由安下心来,将梦境的事情放在一边,唯有东京两个字在脑海中愈加清晰。 Refuels......!” “加油……!” Made an effort to pat a double cheek to inflate to oneself slightly. 稍微用力拍了一下双颊给自己打气。 Under gets out of bed, wears the slipper of bedside. 就这么起床下地,穿上床边的拖鞋。 Sayu takes up the Vitamin the bottle, pours a grain of medicine in the palm, the water gurgle gurgle is taking together. 沙优拿起维生素的瓶子,在手心倒出一粒药,就着水一起咕嘟咕嘟地服了下去。 Afterward then sets out to go to the bathroom to take a bath, before starting to do to go to school the preparation...... 随后便起身前往浴室洗澡,开始做上学前的准备…… ...... …… Asahikawa No. 6 College, three years 3 classes. 旭川第六高等学校,三年三班。 With approaching of nationwide examination date, the atmosphere on class also becomes more and more intense. 伴随着统考日期的临近,班上的氛围也变得越来越紧张。 The students all are the hand hold the reference book and red book, studies assiduously earnestly. Even in time of class recess rest, still during attending class is in no way different. 学生们皆是手捧着参考书与红皮书,埋头苦读。即使是在课间休息的时间里,也跟上课期间并无二致。 Had decided except for these outside lucky fellow who other outlets, or a few have been recommended the admittance qualifications, everyone must be ready in full battle array for the university that to be accepted to admire, goes all out. 除了那些已经决定好其他的出路,抑或是少数得到推荐入学资格的幸运儿以外,每个人都要为考上心仪的大学严阵以待,发奋图强。 Also is these days. 也是在这段时期里。 Is the teacher, student and guardian's tripartite summit, the frequency also becomes higher and higher. 属于老师、学生、家长的三方会谈,频率也变得越来越高。 Regarding these deviation amount and goal university disparity big student, the teacher during the discussion will suggest that truthfully they lower the goal, do not aim too high. 对于那些偏差值与目标大学差距较大的学生,老师会在会谈中如实地建议他们放低目标,不要好高骛远。 It is not big regarding these disparities, will offer the pointed suggestion in accordance with the situation, observes some time again. 对于那些差距不大的,也会视情况给出针对性的建议,再观察一段时间。 This is a quite careful work, because needs to care that the situation of each student, led the teachers of graduating class also to cross recently very busily by these. 这是一份相当细致的工作,因为需要关心每一位学生的情况,是以那些带领毕业班的老师最近也过得十分忙碌。 beautiful xiao teachers of 3 classes of teachers in charge as three years are no exception. 身为三年三班班主任的美咲老师也不例外。 That was ended the later matter in the morning fourth class. 那是在上午的第四节课结束以后的事情。 In she is reorganizing the recent result of courseware materials and students, is in the class the most special that student actually suddenly to look. 正在她整理着课件资料和学生们的近期成绩时,属于班里最特别的那名学生却忽然找了过来。 beautiful xiao teacher, do you have free time?” “美咲老师,请问您有空吗?” What matter has? Schoolmate Ogiwara.” “有什么事情吗?荻原同学。” Some things about university, I wants to chat with you.” “是关于大学的一些事情,我想和您谈谈。” hears word, beautiful xiao teacher cannot bear a face surprise ask: University?” 闻言,美咲老师忍不住一脸诧异地问道:“大学?” Un, university.” “嗯,大学。” Sayu nods tranquilly, redundant say/way. 沙优平静地点点头,重复道。 „...... This, then you come with me, we rest area there.” “……这样啊,那么你跟我来吧,我们去休息区那里。” Good.” “好的。” Two people arrive at the rest area of office corner together, when is previously that eight god writers came to the schools, once with Sayu has sat the position. 两人一起来到办公室角落的休息区,就是先前那位八神撰稿人来学校时,曾与沙优坐过的位置。 Here has a screen, although is less than the independent student to instruct the room in the privacy, but also is half private space. 这里有着一道屏风,虽然在私密性上不及独立的学生指导室,不过也属于半私密的空间。 In addition this little while is to happen to eat the time of lunch, other teachers also left the office in abundance, therefore is very suitable to talk. 再加上这会儿正好是吃午饭的时间,其他老师们也纷纷离开了办公室,因此很适合谈话。 When sits down after the sofa. 等到在沙发上坐下以后。 beautiful xiao teacher has not beaten around the bush, immediately then asked directly: Therefore? What issue has?” 美咲老师也没有绕弯子,当下便是直接问道:“所以呢?到底是有什么问题?” beautiful xiao teacher.” The Sayu deep breath the one breath, then said: „The matter about university, I decided that must test the school in Tokyo.” “美咲老师。”沙优深呼吸了一口气,然后说道:“关于大学的事情,我决定要考东京的学校。” „- Tokyo??” The voice of beautiful xiao teacher raised twice, is for a while somewhat done the head to get muddled by the reply that this is unexpected. “-东京??”美咲老师的声音拔高了两度,被这始料未及的回答搞得脑袋一时有些发蒙。 Yes, Tokyo.” The Sayu numerous places , the cute small face tightened slightly. “是的,东京。”沙优重重地点了下头,可爱的小脸微微绷紧。 Compares the opposite party, although her sound is light, contains one type inexplicably earnest with boldness, probably after informing this decision result careful and deep consideration. 相比起对方来说,她的声音虽轻,却蕴含着一种莫名的认真与魄力,像是在告知着这一决定是经过深思熟虑后的结果。 beautiful xiao teacher listened to this point, deeply frowns, said: „...... Really is a sudden news, in brief, why can first tell me you to have this idea?” 美咲老师听出了这一点,不由深深地皱起了眉头,说道:“……真是一个突然的消息啊,总之,能先告诉我你为什么会有这个想法吗?” Sayu un, did not grasp the skirt on thigh voluntarily, the response said: Sorry, actually I had similar idea before...... am only the present set firm resolve finally.” 沙优嗯了一声,不自觉地抓紧了大腿上的裙子,回应说:“对不起,其实我之前就有类似的想法……只是现在终于下定决心了。” Set firm resolve......” “下定决心了么……” Is......!” “是的……!” Short silence. 短暂的沉默。 beautiful xiao teacher is leaning slightly the head, rubbed slightly the temples of beat with the thumb of right hand, is puzzling. 美咲老师略微侧着脑袋,用右手的大拇指揉了揉微微跳动的太阳穴,百思莫解。 Roughly after crossing for more than ten seconds, she considers the words to ask: Even if you said that...... that recommendation qualifications of Hokkaido University, what to do you do plan?” 约莫过了十几秒以后,她才斟酌着话语问道:“就算你这么说……那么北海道大学的推荐资格,你打算怎么办?” Sayu nods, responds: Because that side Hokkaido University does not need the entrance examination, I after the nationwide examination ended goes to Tokyo, takes the entrance examinations of other schools.” 沙优对此点点头,做出回应:“因为北海道大学那边不需要入学考试,我会在统考结束后去东京,参加其他学校的入学考试。” „...... So that's how it is, don't you give up Hokkaido University in other words?” “……原来如此,也就是说你并不是完全放弃了北海道大学吧?” Like this yes, I think......” “是的,我是这样想的……” beautiful xiao teacher hears here heart a loosen, breathes a sigh of relief, then also asked: If that side Tokyo result at the appointed time not too smooth......” 美咲老师听到这里心中一松,舒了一口气,然后又问:“那么如果东京那边的结果到时不太顺利……” Such words...... I will read Hokkaido University.” Sayu lowers the head at this point, small sound said a apology. “那样的话……我会去读北海道大学。”沙优说到这里低下头来,小声道了一句歉。 Has no need to apologize, leaves a leeway to oneself is very mature idea, you can want good...... also to have are, this matter have you said to the family member?” “用不着道歉,给自己留一条后路是很成熟的想法,你能这么想就好了……还有就是,这件事你对家人讲过了吗?” „...... Did not have.” “……还没有。” This......” looks at the young girl who shakes the head gently, beautiful xiao teacher a little puzzles, but said: No matter how said, this matter must discuss with the family member?” “这样么……”看着轻轻摇头的少女,美咲老师不禁有点困扰,但还是说道:“不管怎么说,这件事还是要和家人商量的哦?” „......, My meeting.” “……嗯,我会的。” Felt that the atmosphere becomes somewhat heavy, beautiful xiao teacher shifted the topic quickly. 感到气氛变得有些沉重,美咲老师很快转移了话题。 That side the university about Tokyo, you have chosen the goal?” “关于东京那边的大学,你已经选好目标了吗?” Un, elected.” Sayu raised the head saying: „, Also has guaranteeing a minimum not dead Sichuan University...... I to think on the university and Qingshan Institute early temporarily, but must look at the duration of the examination.” “嗯,选好了。”沙优抬起头说道:“早应大学、青山学院、还有保底的不死川大学……我暂时是这么想的,不过还要看考试时间。” Un, should with azure study first not say that early...... by your result is not the matter that cannot accomplish, as for not dead Sichuan University......” “嗯,早应和青学先不说……以你的成绩来说也不是办不到的事情,至于不死川大学……” beautiful xiao teacher stopped at this point, the look becomes somewhat helpless, then continued. 美咲老师说到这里停了下来,眼神变得有些无奈,然后继续说了下去。 „Is that the second-class university? Difficult to be inadequate you rather to go to a second-class university to go study, isn't willing to choose Hokkaido University this type of first-class school?” “那已经是二流大学了吧?难不成你宁愿去一所二流大学就读,也不愿意选择北海道大学这种一流学府吗?” „? Also is not this......” Sayu blinks, nearby the line of sight deviation, in the brain did not have the origin and thinks that dream of morning, looked like has a sound to summon her to go to Tokyo same...... “诶?也不是这样……”沙优眨了眨眼睛,将视线偏向一旁,脑中没由来的又想到了早上的那个梦,就像是有个声音一直在呼唤她要去东京一样…… Saw that this has no performance of persuasive power, beautiful xiao teacher grows very much worriedly sighs. 看到她这没什么说服力的表现,美咲老师很是苦恼地长叹了一口气。 No matter how what she goes to think again, has not thought that originally most should not the student of having problems, actually have problems. 任她再如何去想,也万万没想到本来最不该出问题的学生,却是偏偏出了问题。 Finally also can only put the blame on the young people yearned that the hope, with tracking down to vainly hope for a kind of reason. 最后也只能归咎于年轻人向往外界的渴望,与追寻梦想一类的理由。 Although thought that some is unconsidered, but this after all is the student own matter, she will only offer the suggestion, but will not do to butt. 虽然觉得这样有些欠考虑,不过这毕竟是学生自己的事情,她仅会给出建议,而不会多做置喙。 Read reaches to this, was the hesitation moment. 念及于此,便是沉吟片刻。 Since you have the idea in this aspect, my there has should early with the red book of azure study, you under and others took to look.” “既然你有这方面的想法,我那里有早应和青学的红皮书,你等下拿回去看吧。” „? That, this how, I bought well.” Sayu is beckoning with the hand to say again and again. “诶?那个,这怎么可以,我自己买就好了的。”沙优连连摆着手说道。 However beautiful xiao teacher actually insisted very, and leads her to return to desk there, gave her all previous examination question sets of two schools. 不过美咲老师却十分坚持,并带着她回到办公桌那里,将两所学校的历代考题集合送给了她。 As for the red book of not dead Sichuan University......, because extremely relational she of unexpected winner has therefore not bought. 至于不死川大学的红皮书……因为太过冷门的关系所以她也没买过。 In brief, you, so long as completed should be good with the reference appendix of azure study early, not dead Sichuan University had no need to prepare specially, after having what issue, can ask me at any time.” “总而言之,你只要做好早应和青学的备考就行了,不死川大学用不着特意准备,有什么问题之后可以随时来问我。” beautiful xiao teacher said that and supplemented one: Remembers that told your family member this matter as soon as possible, we need to arrange a tripartite summit, knew?” 美咲老师说完又补充了一句:“还有就是记得把这件事尽早告诉你的家人,我们需要重新安排一场三方会谈,知道了吗?” Hugs Sayu that writes books silent a while, at once deeply bows, thank you, my meeting, beautiful xiao teacher.” 抱着书的沙优沉默了一会儿,旋即深深地鞠了一躬,“谢谢您,我会的,美咲老师。” Un, then this, you also go back to eat meal a bit faster.” “嗯,那么就这样吧,你也快点回去吃饭吧。” Un, I knew, the teacher said goodbye.” “嗯,我知道了,老师再见。” Sayu has greeted respectfully, then left the teacher office. 沙优恭恭敬敬地打过招呼,而后便离开了教师办公室。 Strolls among the corridor at midday rests, the sunlight shines from out of the window, the leaf rustle makes noise in the breeze. 漫步在午休间的走廊,阳光从窗外照射进来,树叶在微风中簌簌作响。 The big trees stand upright the corner outside classroom building. 高大的树木挺立在教学楼外侧的转角。 Unknowingly, the emerald green leaf blade has become deep yellow. 不知不觉中,原本翠绿的叶片已变得深黄。 Has the student to sit under the tree is having the lunch, the clean white shirt looks very neat, sets off very agily. 有学生正坐在树下吃着午饭,干净的白色衬衫看上去很是整洁,将人衬得十分利落。 Sayu cannot help but stops the footsteps, stands looks downward near the window, suddenly thought that this picture is very good. 沙优不由自主地停下脚步,站在窗边向下望去,忽然觉得这一幕的画面很好。 If were the summer is good...... 如果是夏天就好了…… Youngster under sunlight, trees and tree. 阳光、树木、树下的少年。 Has the feeling of movie very much. 很有电影的感觉。 „......” “……” Is recalling and beautiful xiao teacher's talk. 回想着与美咲老师的谈话。 She slightly hesitant, put out the cell phone, dialed some telephone number. 她稍微犹豫了一下,还是拿出了手机,拨通了某个电话号码。 Hey? Mom? Un...... I had a matter to want with you and Elder Brother said, three of us can discuss in the evening......” “喂?妈妈吗?嗯……我有件事情想和你与哥哥说,我们三人晚上可以谈一下吗……” ...... …… Like this to evening. 就这样到了晚上。 The restaurant of Ogiwara family/home, family's members gathered at one rarely. 荻原家的餐厅,家里的成员罕见地聚集在了一起。 Always including Elder Brother who bustles about at the company affairs, today also returns to the home early, prepares to listen to the younger sister at important matter that” in the telephone said. 包括总是忙碌于公司事务的哥哥,今天也早早返回了家中,准备听取妹妹在电话中所说的“重要的事情”。 On the table chocked up made the sumptuous food that the person index finger moved greatly, that was the young girl prepares for evening's meeting especially, works hard very much. 餐桌上摆满了令人食指大动的丰盛菜肴,那是少女为了晚上的聚会特地准备的,很是下了一番功夫。 Then in such situation, blows up the courage Sayu today with the matter that the teacher discussed that informed truthfully to own two family members. 便是在这样的场合下,鼓起勇气的沙优就把今天与老师所谈论的事情,如实告知给了自己的两名亲人。 After hearing the content that she said...... 当听到她所说的内容以后…… „- Tokyo??” “-东京??” Does not leave accidentally/surprisingly, Mrs. Ogiwara stared in a big way the eye surprised, the train of thought for it. 不出意外的,荻原太太惊愕不已地瞪大了眼睛,思绪为之一顿。 Nearby Ogiwara one is also dumbfounded, has not thought that will meet such a. 一旁的荻原一飒亦是目瞪口呆,万万没想到会遇上这么一出。 After some time relaxing. 经过一段时间的缓和。 Mrs. Ogiwara of recovering expresses oneself opinion immediately, why can go to Tokyo?? Hokkaido University what to do? I did not agree.” 回过神来的荻原太太立刻表达了自己的意见,“为什么要去东京??北海道大学怎么办?我不同意。” Sayu is not accidental/surprised, but said own idea calmly, and expressed oneself will not give up the recommendation qualifications of Hokkaido University, is only tries to test other schools based on this, finally will not affect the higher education. 沙优对此也不意外,只是冷静地把自己的想法说了一遍,并表示自己不会放弃北海道大学的推荐资格,仅是在此基础上试着去考其他学校,最后并不会影响到升学。 In order to let mother is easier to accept, she hidden went to the matter about not dead Sichuan University. 为了让母亲更容易接受,她隐去了关于不死川大学的事情。 Mrs. Ogiwara's complexion then good a point, but still some are unacceptable, then starts to expostulate. 荻原太太的脸色这才好了一点,但却依旧有些不能接受,遂开始进行劝诫。 Even this, the media study and aren't the educational psychology of Hokkaido University bad? Why must run to go to Tokyo especially.” “就算是这样,北海道大学的传媒学和教育心理学也不差吧?为什么要特地跑去东京。” " Because I want to go. " 「因为我想去。」 Sayu was clear that this pure reason is unable to will do, will therefore then prepare the good pretence under pretext to say ahead of time. 沙优清楚这种单纯的理由无法行得通,于是便将提前准备好的托辞说了出来。 Because compares Hokkaidou, that side Tokyo employment opportunity are more, the related enterprise and organization are also more perfect. “因为相比起北海道来说,东京那边的就业机会更多,相关企业和机构也更加完善。 After although the university graduates, works, but goes to that side familiar situation ahead of schedule the words, can have more practice opportunities. ” 虽然等到大学毕业后再去工作也可以,不过提早去那边熟悉情况的话,能有更多的实习机会。” This is very reasonable reason, Ogiwara one nods gently approves. 这是很合理的理由,荻原一飒轻轻颔首表示认可。 But Mrs. Ogiwara actually does not think like this, and gave own idea. 可荻原太太却不这样想,并提出了自己的想法。 Although Tokyo really has a lot of jobs, but you have thought that side competition is also brutal? The university is not an end point, but is a beginning, later also has more realistic employment problem.” “虽然东京确实有很多的工作机会,可是你有想过那边的竞争也非常残酷吗?大学并不是终点,而是一个起点,之后还有更加现实的就业问题。” Perhaps you are yearning now the outside liveliness of metropolis, wants to go to track down the dream, but in this is full of the innumerable risks and prices.” “也许你现在向往着都市的繁华,想要去外面追寻梦想,可这里面是充满无数风险与代价的。” I also knew in this year of PTA work many guardians, and understand many examples. These were fantasizing can rush out a child of result outside is not a case, but you know how many finally can have his person of realization?” “我在PTA工作的这一年里也认识了许多家长,并了解到不少的例子。那些幻想着能在外面闯出一番成绩的孩子并不是个例,可你知道最终能将其实现的人有多少吗?” Perhaps thought own tone some are extremely strong, she stops at this point for the time being, changes to slightly temperate point tone to continue. 也许是觉得自己的语气有些太过强硬,她说到这里暂且停顿,改用稍微温和一点的口吻继续说了下去。 Successful population is the one in a hundred cream of the crop, what are more ends up place chicken feather, such probability is not worth taking risk . Moreover the small place also has the advantage.” “成功的人数是百里挑一,更多的只是落得一地鸡毛,这样的概率根本不值得冒险,况且小地方也不是没有好处。” „At least in Hokkaidou, regardless of what happened has us. According to your result, no matter tests other official anything, will not be difficult.” “至少在北海道,不论发生什么事都有我们在。按照你的成绩不管是考公务员还是别的什么,都不会太难。” „Such calm and steady life, runs into a reliable person to form the family in the future, lives the simple happy life is not good?” “就这样安稳的生活下去,在将来遇到一个可靠的人组建家庭,过着简单幸福的生活不好吗?” Mrs. Ogiwara's voice spreads slowly, making the restaurant fall into the deep peace. 荻原太太的声音慢慢扩散开来,令餐厅陷入了深深的安静。 Compared formerly. 相比起从前。 At this moment although her words are severe, actually does not want to fetter selfishly the daughter, but is practical was considering how to help the child cross happily, this absolutely is not the lie. 此刻她的话语虽然严厉,却不是自私地想要将女儿束缚起来,而是切切实实在考虑着怎样让孩子过得幸福,这绝对不是谎言。 Also because listened to this point, Sayu and one becomes incomparably peaceful. 也正是因为听出了这一点,沙优和一飒才会变得无比安静。 The time changed many people, changed many matters. 时间改变了很多人,也改变了许多事。 Even if were once selfish to Mrs. Ogiwara who does not match to be called mother, after experiencing something, still shouldered mother's responsibility truly, in conscientiously is doing the plan for the child. 即使是曾经自私到不配称为母亲的荻原太太,在经历过一些事情以后,也真正担负起了母亲的职责,在认真为孩子做着打算。 Sayu cannot bear rub the eyes, felt that the eyeground deep place somewhat gives off heat slightly, even thought that compared with idea that oneself that starts for a while, obeys mother's words, lives routinely is not a misdemeanor...... 沙优忍不住揉了揉眼睛,感到眼底深处微微有些发热,甚至觉得比起自己那一时兴起的想法,就这么听从母亲的话,按部就班地生活下去也不是一件坏事…… But at this moment, the strange sound was actually made a sound in the mind deep place together suddenly. 可就在这时,一道陌生的声音却是骤然在脑海深处响了起来。 " - Saves her, do not fear. " 「-去救她,别怕。」 The sound is calm and resolute, actually transmits from the incomparably remote place probably, such as mirage general illusory...... 声音沉稳而又果决,却像是从无比遥远的地方传来,如海市蜃楼一般的虚幻…… „?” “诶?” Sayu has a scare, glances right and left subconsciously, tries to seek for the origin of that sound, however in big restaurant actually only then their family of three, do not have the fourth person's shadow again. 沙优不由吓了一跳,下意识地左顾右盼起来,试图寻找那声音的来源,然而偌大的餐厅里却只有他们这一家三口,再没有第四个人影。 What's wrong? Sayu.” Saw Ogiwara who she responded one asked strangely, pulls back her consciousness. “怎么了?沙优。”看到她反应的荻原一飒奇怪地问道,将她的意识拉了回来。 „...... Not, no.” Sayu shakes the head at a loss, then lifts the hand to press down the chest, is away from the clothes to press firmly between the fingers the cinnabar bottle on neck, slowly relaxes. “……不,没什么。”沙优茫然地摇了摇头,然后抬手按上胸口,隔着衣服捏住脖子上的朱砂瓶,慢慢放松下来。 Tokyo......” she muttered was saying, thinks that dream of early morning, some innermost feelings of vacillation slowly became firm, as if has some strength to promote her in the back. “东京……”她喃喃着说道,又想到了清早的那个梦,原本有些动摇的内心慢慢变得坚决,仿佛有着某种力量在背后推动着她。 Is welcoming mother and elder brother's vision. 迎着母亲与哥哥的目光。 Sayu lifts the line of sight slowly, looks by the pure brightness and firm vision to the former, then the deep breath the one breath, said: 沙优慢慢抬起视线,以清明而又坚定的目光望向前者,然后深呼吸了一口气,如此说道: Sorry! Mom, but I must go to Tokyo is not possible, asked you-!” “对不起!妈妈,但我必须要去东京不可,拜托您了-!” Decides along with falling of voice, in the restaurant had a long silence. 伴随着话音的落定,餐厅里有了一阵漫长的沉默。 The attitude of young girl is sincere, is actually also mixing with a steadfast boldness. 少女的态度诚恳无比,却也夹杂着一种坚定不移的魄力。 Sees the present daughter, Ogiwara Ms.'s mouth stretch/open He, has a mind to say anything, finally closes slowly. 看着眼前的女儿,荻原太太的嘴巴张阖,有心想要说出什么,最终又慢慢闭上。 Her complexion transformation non-stop. 她的面色一阵变换不停。 Can go to Tokyo......?” “必须要去东京么……?” „...... Is, sorry.” “……是,对不起。” Also is a silence. 又是一阵沉默。 After so hesitated long time, Mrs. Ogiwara long sighs. 就这么犹豫了良久之后,荻原太太才长长地叹了一口气。 „...... So that's how it is, if this is your will, then this.” “……原来如此,如果这就是你的意志的话,那么就这样吧。” Although somewhat reluctantly, but complied. 虽然有些勉强,不过还是答应了下来。 Sayu first stares, the eyes shine immediately, the mood that simultaneously one type wants to cry spreads in the chest. 沙优先是一愣,紧接着双眼立刻亮了起来,同时又有一种想哭的情绪在胸口蔓延。 Mother......” she is red the eye to mutter, and said by some voices of sobbing: Thank you forgives my willful.” “妈妈……”她红着眼睛喃喃着,并以有些哽咽的嗓音说道:“谢谢您原谅我的任性。” „...... Was good, do not cry.” “……好了,别哭了。” Mrs. Ogiwara avoided her vision, probably some not too custom stance, looked subsequently to the one side is smiling son, thinks saying: 荻原太太避开了她的目光,像是有些不太习惯这种架势,继而又看向一旁微笑着的儿子,想了想说道: One is also, since she is determined to go to Tokyo to go to school, on the economy must look after by you.” “还有一飒也是,既然她执意要去东京上学,经济上面就要靠你多照料了。” Ogiwara one smiled, to comply without hesitation. 荻原一飒对此爽朗一笑,毫不犹豫地答应了下来。 Please feel relieved, mother, the money of our family/home is also insufficient even Sayu to go to college unable to supply.” “请您放心,妈,我们家的钱还不至于连沙优上大学都供不起的。” The Elder Brother of this saying looked to opposite was red the younger sister of eye, warm sound was saying: Ok, since mother also agreed that do not cry again, Sayu, we continue to eat meal.” 说完这话的哥哥看向了对面红着眼睛的妹妹,温声说道:“好了,既然妈妈也同意了,你也不要再哭了,沙优,我们继续吃饭吧。” Sayu pulls out facial tissues, wipes the tears in eye, subsequently numerous places under. 沙优抽出一张面巾纸,擦去眼中的泪水,继而重重地点了下头。 Un-!” “嗯-!” ...... …… Thank Li Murong sns, Rinne cold, Qi Feilan, Cool thin Hitting enjoys. 感谢【李慕容sns】、【Rinne凛】、【祈菲岚】、【凉薄】的打赏。
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