TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#412: The second rejection

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Chapter 412's second rejection 第412章第二次的拒绝 armor: " She is quite attractive! I quite like-!! " 甲:「她好漂亮!我好喜欢-!!」 B: " Dog that wants to be the elder sister, hiss hiss-! " 乙:「想做姐姐的狗,嘶哈嘶哈-!」 C: " Hehe, hehe, I can-! " 丙:「嘿嘿,嘿嘿,我可以-!」 Ding: " Woof woof tearful woof wwwww( smiles). " 丁:「汪汪汪汪汪wwwww(笑)。」 ............ “…………” The hand of Utaha cannot bear start to shiver, the ideal E cover cup also in high and low fluctuates slightly. 诗羽的手忍不住开始颤抖,理想的E罩杯亦在微微上下起伏。 Has never seen so consistent letter to the editor. 从未见过如此一致的读者来信。 Inside in revolving " Madge Ma " that role makes the discussion...... also or vindicating. 里面都是在围绕着「玛奇玛」那个角色做出探讨……亦或是表白。 Arrived behind, her had no longer read the content of letter/believes, incomparably will only shut out places the one side them. 到了后面,她已经不再念出来信的内容,只会无比嫌弃地将它们放在一旁。 The so-called three view following five senses walk, this response was manifests incisively in the letter to the editor. 所谓三观跟着五官走,这一反应在读者来信上算是体现得淋漓尽致了。 Even if current «Power saw Person» only emitted the 1st volume, even if Madge Ma this role only presented few pages, even this time readers have not known her name. 即使目前的《电锯人》只放出了第一集,即使玛奇玛这个角色只出现了寥寥几页,甚至于此时的读者都还不知道她的名字。 However holds in the Katou Yusuke picture merit in addition, that brief the popularity that but the shocking semblance brings, can only describe with the astonishment. 然而在加藤悠介的画功加持下,那简约但又惊艳的外表所带来的人气,只能用惊人来形容。 That unexpected lines design, the effect simply is in addition outstanding. 再加上那种出人意料的台词设计,效果简直拔群。 Four rooms steam the goose heart. 四斋蒸鹅心。 Utaha cannot bear so comments, harms the letter that oneself lose face to be very angry to these. 诗羽忍不住如此评价道,对这些害自己丢脸的来信十分气恼。 Katou Yusuke looked that her mood surges, then outside went to the vending machine to buy two cans of MAX coffee to come back, and stopped her to open again. 加藤悠介看她情绪激荡,便去外面的自动贩卖机买了两罐MAX咖啡回来,并制止了她再拆下去。 But he himself does not have the mighty waves to continue to read the letter/believes. 而他自己则是毫无波澜地继续读信。 Utaha rested slightly a small little while, relaxed a mood, cannot bear begins to open mail again. 诗羽稍微休息了一小会儿,缓和了一下情绪,又忍不住再度动起手来拆信。 The reason does not have him, she wants to participate in his work, once participated in her work like him. 理由无他,她只是想要参与到他的作品里,就像他曾经参与到她的作品中一样。 Shares the world that are creating together, shares the honor and joy, every day crosses very substantially, and has been approved in this process. 一起共享着自己所创作的世界,分享荣誉与喜悦,每天都过得很充实,并在这个过程中得到认同。 That is all. 仅此而已。 ...... …… " Has the charm! " , " Evil way cartoon! " , " Do you manage this to call the hot blooded cartoon? Seeks novelty simply! " , " Departing from the classics and betraying principle " and " incredible strange " ...... 「有魔力!」、「邪道漫画!」、「你管这叫热血漫画?简直猎奇!」、「离经叛道」、「荒诞离奇」…… Except for extraordinary consistent to Madge Ma's praise outside, the reader has wide divided opinions regarding the appraisal of cartoon, has well also to have the badness. 除了出奇一致的对玛奇玛的追捧以外,读者对于漫画的评价众说纷纭,有好也有坏。 The young girls showed the accidental/surprised perception in this aspect, saw that the letter of praise work with will look to him joyfully, saw to be relentless will launch the venomous tongue that the work railed. 少女在这方面展现出了意外的感性,看到夸赞作品的来信会愉悦地拿给他看,看到对作品谩骂的又会毫不留情地展开毒舌。 Appearance actually compared with his inverse image author. 样子倒是比他本人更像原作者。 But the so sentimental behavior is the matter that consumes the mental effort. 而如此情绪化的行为又是一件非常消耗心力的事情。 Almost when the letter opens to 1/3, Utaha could not bear „......” one have a yawn, only felt the feeling of weariness that last night stayed up late also welled up together. 差不多在信件拆到三分之一的时候,诗羽忍不住“呼啊……”一声打了一个哈欠,只觉得昨晚熬夜的倦意也一起涌了上来。 Saw that her face is weary, Katou Yusuke is says: You, if tired can rest, Utaha-senpai.” 见到她一脸疲倦,加藤悠介便是开口说道:“你要是累了可以去休息,诗羽学姐。” „?” Hears this saying Utaha to stare, said subconsciously: But letter to the editor......” “诶?”听到这话的诗羽不由一愣,下意识地说道:“但是读者来信……” I looked on the line.” Katou Yusuke interrupted her words, you go to that side sofa rest.” “我自己看就行了。”加藤悠介打断了她的话,“你去那边的沙发休息吧。” „......?” Utaha blinks, innermost the couch toward conference room looked at one, then looks at him saying: “……是吗?”诗羽眨了眨眼睛,朝会议室最里侧的长沙发看了一眼,接着又看着他说: Since you said that then I rested immodestly.” “既然你这么说了,那么我就不客气地休息了。” Un.” “嗯。” Prosperous prosperous. 咯隆咯隆。 The young girls move the steel pipe chair to set out from the seat backward, step the lithe footsteps to move toward the sofa, sat above. 少女向后挪动着钢管椅从座位上起身,迈着轻盈的脚步走向沙发,在上面坐了下来。 Squeak giggle...... 吱咯咯…… Soft cotton fabric sofa carrying/sustaining the body of young girl, slightly downward hollow. 松软的棉布沙发承载着少女的身子,微微向下凹陷。 „......” “……” The body of Utaha relaxes slowly, subsequently looks to that form on board, in the wine red eye pupil surges for several points to think. 诗羽的身体慢慢放松下来,继而又望向会议桌上的那道身影,酒红色的眼眸里涌起几分思索。 „, Schoolmate Katou.” “呐,加藤同学。” Un?” “嗯?” I really want to continue to read the letter/believes with you together.” “我果然还是想继续跟你一起读信。” Supports the left hand on sofa to grasp gently, the young girl said in tone calmly: „...... Can trouble you to here?” 撑在沙发上的左手轻轻抓紧,少女以若无其事的语气如此说道:“……可以麻烦你到这边来吗?” „......?” “……?” Katou Yusuke stops the movement on hand unexpectedly, turns away to look following her sound. 加藤悠介蓦地停下手上的动作,循着她的声音转脸望去。 Heaves in sight, is one by the abundant tender body that the dark blue autumn uniform/subdue packages. 映入眼帘的,是一具被深蓝色的秋季制服所包裹的丰盈娇躯。 Glossy black black hair just like black waterfall general letting fall, the head wears simple and elegant white to send the band. 一头乌亮的青丝宛如黑瀑一般的垂落,头上戴着一个素雅的白色发箍。 The hemisphere E cover cup by the woolen sweater lacing, was emphasized the exquisite charming curve. 半球型的E罩杯被毛衣束紧,强调了优美迷人的曲线。 The light and lively sailor skirt skirt tail is tracing thick thin two white lines, covers on the perfectly round plentiful thigh. The profound black pantyhose is exuding a white light under shining of light continually. 轻灵的水手裙裙尾描着一粗一细的两条白线,覆盖在浑圆丰满的大腿上面。深邃的黑色连裤袜在灯光的照耀下泛着一层白光。 „...... Arrives at that side?” “……到那边?” Un, sits looks on the sofa.” “嗯,坐在沙发上看。” Pondered for several seconds. 思考了几秒钟。 Katou Yusuke thought that but actually might also as well, then nodded good, then held the box to set out from the seat, arrives at the sofa. 加藤悠介觉得倒也无妨,便点头回了一声好,然后抱着箱子从座位上起身,来到沙发这边。 Sits here.” “坐这里。” Good.” “好。” Utaha moves the body to give away the position toward side to him, he took advantage of opportunity to sit in the left side of sofa, and placed on the box the arm rest. 诗羽挪动着身体往旁边给他让出位置,他顺势在沙发的左侧坐了下来,并把箱子放在了扶手上面。 Just put down the box, even has not turned around...... 才刚刚将箱子放下,甚至还未转身…… , xi xi su su. 啪哒、窸窸窣窣。 With the light thin sound that the clothing rubs, on the thigh had/left a weight suddenly. 伴随着衣物摩擦的轻细响动,大腿上就突然多出了一点重量。 Katou Yusuke body for it one stiff. 加藤悠介身体为之一僵。 „............ I am quite tired, makes me lie down like this.” Takes off Utaha that the shoes lie down to rest the head on his thigh, somewhat said exhaustedly. “……呼啊……我好累,就这样让我躺一下。”脱掉鞋子躺下来的诗羽枕着他的大腿,有些疲惫地说道。 The shampoo fragrance of herbaceous series sifts in the nose spookily, and is doping the spicy suitable flameray gerbera flower fragrance, greets the nostrils fragrantly. 草本系列的洗发水香气幽幽地飘入鼻中,并掺杂着香浓适宜的非洲菊花香,芬芳扑鼻。 „...... Utaha-senpai.” “……诗羽学姐。” The Katou Yusuke sound read one low and deep, the vision fell on face that in she was covered up by the hair, silent such two and three seconds, has not said anything eventually. 加藤悠介声音低沉地念了一句,目光落在她被头发所遮掩的脸庞上面,沉默了那么两、三秒钟,终究没开口说什么。 He puts out a hand to take bearing to place the left cardboard box, prepared to take out the new letter from inside, the young girl actually opens the mouth suddenly. 他伸手探向放在左边的纸箱,准备从里面取出新的信件,少女却忽然开口了。 „...... Said why you can draw such a work? Yu-chan.” “……说起来,为什么你会画这样一部作品呢?悠酱。” Katou Yusuke does not know her intention, but gave the answer truthfully, to make money.” 加藤悠介不知她的用意,不过还是如实给出了答案,“为了赚钱。” You light/only depend on this face also to make the girl obviously support you willingly ~?” “明明你光靠这张脸也能让女孩子心甘情愿地包养你~?” Utaha first teased one, then also asked: I thought that your work is very special, can tell me?” 诗羽先是调笑了一句,接着又问:“我觉得你的作品很特别,能跟我说说吗?” Sees her do not read the meaning of letter/believes, Yusuke two letters that will prepare to take will then reduce one, will open mail while speaks thoughtlessly to ask: What studying the elder sister wants to know?” 见她没有要读信的意思,悠介便将原本准备要拿的两封信减成了一封,一边拆信一边随口问道:“学姐想知道什么?” Generally speaking, will the leads of this heroic story have a goal? Probably strength, money and reputation/honorary and so on.” “一般来说,这种英雄故事的主角都会有一个目标吧?像是实力、金钱、名誉之类的。” Un.” “嗯。” Sets an anticipated target to the reader, and develops methodically, satisfies the expectation of audience gradually, this is the traditional story design concept.” “给读者设置一个预期目标,并循序渐进地发展下去,逐步满足观众的预期,这是传统的故事设计理念。” Yes.” “是。” Therefore Utaha also said: But you probably not such plan, without giving the lead designs a concrete goal, why?” 于是诗羽又道:“但你好像并没有那样的打算,也没有给主角设计一个具体的目标,为什么?” The letter that Katou Yusuke will read places the one side, took one, said: 加藤悠介将读完的来信放在一旁,又重新取了一封,解释说: What «Power saw Person» shows is one drifts with the current, with the change of environment lead, but constantly changes, he does not have that concrete goal.” “《电锯人》展现的是一个随波逐流,随环境的变化而不断变化的主角,他没有那么具体的目标。” „...... Not concrete goal.” The Utaha repetition his words, are smiling were saying: How to feel, has a point image with present you?” “……没有具体的目标。”诗羽复诵着他的话语,微笑着说:“怎么感觉,跟现在的你有一点像呢?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke is completely quiet, neither admits nor denies. 加藤悠介默然无声,既不承认也不否认。 Rustle and rustle...... 沙沙、沙沙…… The soft body is moving carefully, is rubbing his trousers. 柔软的身躯小心挪动着,摩擦着他的长裤。 Utaha changed a comfortable posture , to continue to ask: „ That in this foundation, what story you wants to display? 诗羽换了一个舒服的姿势,继续问道:“那么在这个基础上,你又想表现一个什么样的故事呢? Exposes the humane wickedness taking advantage of the theme of devil? Unimportant person under a fantasy world outlook, struggling in despair? ” 是借着恶魔的题材来揭露人性的恶?还是一个在奇幻世界观下的小人物,在绝望中的挣扎?” „It is not.” “都不是。” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, hesitates is responding. 加藤悠介摇了摇头,沉吟着做出回应。 «Power saw Person» must display, throws over in a temperature under darkness and thorn semblance, but under the desperate environment is easier to display the ultimate good of person and to wicked.” “《电锯人》要表现的,是披在黑暗与荆棘外表之下的一点温度,而绝望的环境下更容易表现出人的至善和至恶。” In the world does not have the absolute black, does not have absolute white, each living soul cruel or ugly person.” “世界上没有绝对的黑,也没有绝对的白,每个活着的灵魂都半人半鬼。” In this work does not have the doctrine and formula, is only pure at the role angle of view, told that a person achieves the process of self-realization from the physiological drive, that is all.” “这部作品里不存在教条与公式,只是单纯以角色的视角,去讲述一个人从生理需求达到自我实现的过程,仅此而已。” His sound spreads steadily, in the conference room suddenly had a peace. 他的声音平稳地扩散开来,会议室里忽然有了一阵安静。 „, Yu-chan.” “呐,悠酱。” Utaha is going through the body, looks face up to him, on face that feels hot slightly, the ray in eye crashes in the star of seabed probably, is dense and radiant. 诗羽辗转着身体,仰面望向他,微微发烫的脸上,眼里的光芒像是坠落在海底的星星,氤氲而又璀璨。 „...... Knows? On you especially most lets my heart movement the place.” “……知道吗?你身上的这份特别是最让我心动的地方。” In discussion work, nothing special.” Katou Yusuke said lightly. “只是在讨论作品而已,没什么特别的。”加藤悠介平淡地说道。 „- It is not this.” “-不是这样的。” Utaha shakes the head gently, traces his edges and corners to have the lower jaw line by the vision, tall very/straight the bridge of the nose, profound eye pupil as well as long eyelash...... 诗羽轻轻摇了摇头,以目光临摹着他棱角有型的下颚线,高挺的鼻梁,深邃的眼眸以及长长的睫毛…… The time as if stagnates quietly. 时间仿佛悄然凝滞。 Her look is gradually blurred, the eyes between hearts ripple to make her put out a hand unrestrainedly, climbs up his cheeks gently, then said in a soft voice: Even the work, is still the work that you create.” 她的眼神渐渐迷离,心间的秋波荡漾令她情不自禁地伸出手,温柔地攀上他的脸颊,然后轻声说道:“就算是作品,也是你创造出来的作品。” As the icy cold sprout/slender white hand touches the cheeks, the Katou Yusuke breath cannot help but stopped, immediately lifts the hand to shove open the hand of young girl, hangs down the line of sight. 随着冰凉的柔荑触碰脸颊,加藤悠介呼吸不由得停了一下,随即抬手推开少女的手,将视线低垂下来。 Is staring at that such as the appearance of jade. 凝望着那张如玉的容颜。 Wipes complex disappears from his eyeground deep place, subsequently becomes gloomy unclear. 一抹复杂从他眼底深处转瞬即逝,继而又变得晦暗不明。 Believed me to look similarly, can go home, studied the elder sister.” “信我看得差不多了,可以回家了,学姐。” Goes home...... because of Schoolmate Katou in you?” “回家……因为加藤同学在等你?” The Utaha sound moved fast asked that has not waited for him to reply, took advantage of opportunity to grip his hand, is not able to distinguish clearly was the joke is the earnest voice said. 诗羽声音飘忽地问了一句,没有等他回答,又顺势握住他的手,以分不清是玩笑还是认真的嗓音说了起来。 I know that she has is taking care of you, although I do not have the means to go to the kitchen like her, the matter that but I can handle are also many, for example raises your anything......” “我知道她有在照顾你,虽然我没办法像她那样下厨,但我能做的事情也不少,比如养你什么的……” The sound changes speaking of behind is gradually small. 声音说到后面渐渐变小。 Time of blank covered two people. 一阵空白的时间笼罩了两人。 The young girls are sipping the lower lip slightly, makes an effort to grab his hand, the slender fingertip turns white slightly. 少女微微抿着下唇,用力抓着他的手,纤细的指尖微微发白。 „......” “……” Welcomes wine red eye pupil that pair is shivering gently. 迎着那双轻轻颤抖的酒红色眼眸。 Katou Yusuke silent a while, then puts down the hand slowly, tucks up the hair of screen eyes for her, said one by the gentle also firm intonation. 加藤悠介沉默了一会儿,然后慢慢放下手,替她撩开挡住眼睛的头发,以平缓也坚定的语调说了一句。 You have a better choice, Utaha-senpai.” “你有更好的选择的,诗羽学姐。” „......” “……” Utaha is silent the rotation body, the surface toward him this side, lowers the head to make one unable to see clearly the expression on face, the voice slightly is mute: „Is this...... the second rejection?” 诗羽沉默着转动身体,面朝他这一边,低着头令人看不清脸上的表情,嗓音微哑着:“这算是……第二次的拒绝?” Has not heard any reply, is default. 没有听到任何回答,算是默认。 The young girls loosen his hand quickly, gathers both hands places by the head, probably is resting. 少女倏地松开他的手,将双手并拢放在脑袋旁边,像是在休息。 After a while, her body started to shiver slightly. 过了一会儿,她的身子开始微微颤抖了起来。 Katou Yusuke perceived this point sensitively, actually silent by right. 加藤悠介敏感地觉察到了这一点,却沉默以对。 Some things he is unable to give, because he himself is also incomplete. 有些东西他无法给予,因为他自己也同样残缺不全。 From losing that moment of important person, he thought that oneself also lost lover's ability. 从失去重要之人的那一刻起,他觉得自己也失去了爱人的能力。 By temperature is warm, will more remind him of once with the warmth of Sayu. 靠在身上的温度越是温暖,就越会让他想起曾经与沙优的温馨。 Accepts a new sentiment with a torn to pieces mentality, making others the Sayu substitute, he does not have such plan. 以一种支离破碎的心态去接受一份新的感情,让其他人成为沙优的替代品,他没有那样的打算。 The benefit is also good, is Utaha-senpai is also good. 不论是惠也好,还是诗羽学姐也好。 Two people are not three views are fixed, will hard such as iron red ban vermilion sound, is not the hope obtains the value from him the new strip fragrance. 两个人既不是三观固定、意志坚硬如铁的红坂朱音,也不是希望从他身上获得价值的新条香。 Facing them, he cannot achieve like confident making a move to that two person. 面对她们,他做不到像对那两个人一样的坦然出手。 Between these two is the completely different concepts. 这两者之间是完全不同的概念。 Katou Yusuke levels some fluctuations of innermost feelings quietly, the expression on face becomes the ancient well without ripples. 加藤悠介悄无声息地抹平内心的些许波动,脸上的表情重新变得古井无波。 Looks that lies down shivers on oneself gently, as if in is weeping the young girl. 看着躺在自己身上轻轻颤抖的,仿佛在“啜泣着”的少女。 He could not bear move the lip, the preparation says anything. 他忍不住动了动嘴唇,准备说些什么。 However opposite party actually in next second of driving opens the mouth. 然而对方却在下一秒主动开口了。 „......, Yu-chan.” “……呐,悠酱。” Utaha lowers the voice, deeply inspires, asked by the playful intonation: We now this...... looks like from some angle, doesn't look like me to bury the face in your stocks?” 诗羽压低嗓音,深吸了一口气,以玩笑般的语调问道:“我们现在这样……从某种角度看来,不就像是我把脸埋在你的股间吗?” The sudden transition makes his ponder stop temporarily. 突如其来的转折让他的思考暂时停止。 A string of question marks, then braved from the head of Katou Yusuke. 一连串问号,便是从加藤悠介的脑袋上冒了出来。 In the time of his train of thought shutdown, the opposite party also supported his leg to sit slowly. 在他思绪停摆的时间里,对方也撑着他的腿慢慢坐了起来。 The mild-mannered beautiful hair obviously disorderly, snow white cheeks slightly somewhat are slightly ruddy, the exquisite lip seems the thoroughly ripe cherry. 柔顺的秀发稍显凌乱,雪白的脸颊微微有些红润,小巧的嘴唇好似熟透的樱桃。 Un ~ ~ ~ almost rested.” “嗯~~~差不多休息好了呢。” The young girls both hands overlap, the backhand stretched gently forward, the appearance that stretches oneself just like the flower of the Chinese flowering crabapple that just regained consciousness, gorgeous moving. 少女轻轻将双手交迭,反手向前拉伸了一下,伸懒腰的样子宛如一朵刚刚苏醒的海棠花,艳丽动人。 Recovering Katou Yusuke thinks so her to stoop, and is calm and composed even in press of work the small leather shoes of both feet hedging ground, raised the shoe heel gently. 回过神来的加藤悠介就这么看着她弯下身,并好整以暇地将双脚套进地上的小皮鞋里,轻轻提起鞋跟。 Because of the previous rejection, he does not know for a while should say anything. 因为先前的拒绝,他一时不知该说些什么。 Is Utaha oneself seems like has not cared on the contrary, but said that must go to the washroom, later on left the room. 反倒是诗羽本人像是没有放在心上,只是说了一句要去洗手间,之后就啪哒啪哒地离开了房间。 Was closed by ka one along with the gate of conference room gently, the indoor then restored peacefully. 伴随着会议室的门被“咔哒”一声轻轻关上,室内便又恢复了安静。 Katou Yusuke sat a while on the sofa, depends on the body backward but actually, lifts an arm to keep off above the eye, calmly is looking at the ceiling. 加藤悠介在沙发上坐了一会儿,将身体向后靠倒,抬起一条手臂挡在眼睛上方,静静望着天花板。 The bright incandescent lamp shines in the top of the head, broken in his eyes, the look of dark ink serious wound is somewhat absent-minded. 明亮的白炽灯照耀在头顶,碎在他的眼睛里,浓墨重彩的眼神有些恍惚。 After that has not waited for the young girl to come back from the washroom. 那之后,没有等少女从洗手间回来。 Tidies up Katou Yusuke that the reader investigates to hold the cardboard box, said a hello with Machida park, left not the dead Sichuan building. 收拾好读者调查的加藤悠介抱起纸箱,与町田苑子打了一个招呼,自行离开了不死川大楼。 ...... …… Travels by the cable car from Jinbouchou, sits goes home nearby station, then toward the direction vanguard of apartment. 从神保町搭乘电车,一路坐回家附近的车站,然后向着公寓的方向前行。 The dark blue sky arrived at the night entrance, the sparse star hangs in the top of the head, is illuminating the road of under foot weakly. 深蓝色的天空来到了夜晚的入口,稀稀疏疏的星星挂在头顶,微弱地照亮着脚下的路。 Katou Yusuke thinks Sayu had once mentioned, can see all over the sky the stars park by that hemp beautiful takes away it is said that the mood becomes somewhat heavy. 加藤悠介想到了沙优曾提到过的,被麻美带去的那个据说能看到满天繁星的公园,心情变得有些沉重。 Perhaps if Sayu, in they will still eat meal this time at home together, perhaps will take a walk in the street near apartment together, or purely at home greasy in the same place. 如果沙优还在的话,这个时间里的他们也许会在家里一起吃饭,也许会在公寓附近的街头一起遛弯,又或者只是单纯地在家里腻在一起。 Two clearly opposite mood emerge in the innermost feelings simultaneously. 两种截然相反的情绪同时在内心涌现。 The mood of missing starts to be insanely long quietly, making him unable to bear wants to fly to go to Hokkaidou immediately, looks person who that wants to see. 有一种思念的情绪悄悄开始疯长,让他忍不住立刻想要飞去北海道,看一看那个想见的人。 But also has another absolute calmness and sane, is preventing him. 但又有另一种绝对的冷静与理智,在阻止着他。 Katou Yusuke stops the footsteps unexpectedly, look on face fluctuates, restores after several minutes as usual. 加藤悠介蓦地停下脚步,脸上的神色一阵变幻,又在几分钟以后恢复如常。 Steps the heavy not heavy footsteps to return to the apartment of nobody left. 迈着不轻也不重的脚步回到空无一人的公寓。 A person eats meal, a person takes a bath. 一个人吃饭,一个人洗澡。 Is usually turning off the lights to go to bed to sleep compared with a earlier time. 在比平时更早的时间熄灯上床睡觉。 Is staring at the ceiling in darkness, while is holding the nest in the black cat of chest. 一边凝望着黑暗中的天花板,一边抱着窝在胸口的黑猫。 The eyelid closes with the consciousness gradually. 眼皮随着意识渐渐阖上。 ...... ……
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