TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#411: Worthily is the person of rosy cloud poem child teacher

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Chapter 411 worthily is the person of rosy cloud poem child teacher 第411章不愧是霞诗子老师的人 Tuesday is on vacation from school, Katou Yusuke was called not the dead Sichuan editorial department, peer also has Utaha. 周二放学的时候,加藤悠介被叫来了不死川编辑部,同行的还有诗羽 Basically, actually an echo about work how, the second day that the magazine sells, will have the reader of part to investigate to mail a letter, two people are for this reason. 基本上,关于一部作品的反响究竟如何,在杂志发售的第二天,就会有部分的读者调查寄信过来,两人正是为此而来。 Utaha does not play Twitter, does not play the tribe standard. 诗羽不玩推特,也不玩部落格。 Katou Yusuke actually useful Twitter, but also when helping the Eriri management community account number will use, usually will not observe specially. 加藤悠介倒是有用推特,不过也只是在帮英梨梨管理社团账号时才会使用,平时也不会特意察看。 Therefore looked that the letter to the editor becomes the understanding work situation first choice, will also obtain from editorial department here compared with the online more accurate data. 因此看读者来信就成为了了解作品情况的首选,而且从编辑部这里也会得到比网上更加准确的数据。 When two people arrive at not dead Sichuan again, when arrives at the cartoon section editorial department for the first time, receives their except for subeditor Tamura, in addition gray-haired, seemingly benign countenance old man. 当两人再次来到不死川,并第一次来到漫画部编辑部时,接待他们的除了副主编木村,另外还有一位头发灰白的,看上去慈眉善目的老头。 The opposite party wear ancient early a stand up collar polo garment, outside is also wrapping a stripe sweater, position Tamura who stands by the first half step. 对方穿着一件古早的立领polo衫,外面还套着一件条纹毛线衫,所站的位置比木村靠前半步。 Suzuki edits, I help you introduce.” “铃木主编,我来帮您介绍。” Sees them to walk, falls behind half step Tamura to open the mouth to introduce, but the old man actually beckons with the hand with a laugh, said that has no need that troublesome. 看到他们找上门来,落后半步的木村正想要开口介绍,可老头却是笑呵呵地摆了摆手,说了一句用不着那么麻烦。 This little miss is " rosy cloud poem " teacher, I know.” “这个小姑娘是「霞诗子」老师,我知道。” His vision first looked that to Utaha that the figure selects high, then shifts to nearby physique tall Yusuke, in the eye appears the appreciation and acclaiming, said again and again several good, extended a hand subsequently on own initiative. 他的目光先是看向身形高挑的诗羽,接着又转向一旁身姿颀长的悠介,眼中浮现出欣赏与赞叹,连连道了几声不错,继而主动伸出了一只手。 This " was liana tree " teacher? Your work is good, hopes that we can disseminate this cartoon to many attention together, creates a better result, later also please look.” “这位就是「藤本树」老师了吧?你的作品非常不错,希望我们能一起把这部漫画传播给更多的人关注,创造出更好的成绩,以后还请多关照了。” Therefore Katou Yusuke also puts out a hand on own initiative, according to the formality of later generation grasped with both hands and opposite party, is calm: Thank you, Suzuki edits, from now on also please look.” 于是加藤悠介也主动伸出手来,按照后辈的礼节用双手与对方握了一下,沉稳道:“谢谢您,铃木主编,今后还请多关照。” The smile on Suzuki senior editor-in-chief face is even more kind, was very good to he amiable courteous attitude impression, said. 铃木老主编脸上的笑容愈加亲切,对他谦和有礼的态度印象很好,笑着说了起来。 Teacher has no need such politely, you want to come to see the reader to investigate? Below makes Tamura Monarch lead you to go, later has what issue also to tell us momentarily, our «Undead» editorial department will assist you to do well the work.” “老师用不着这么客气,你们是想来看读者调查的吧?下面就让木村君带你们去吧,之后有什么问题也请随时告诉我们,我们《Undead》编辑部都会协助你把作品做得更好的。” After exchanging greetings finished, the senior editor-in-chief quickly leaves, but Yusuke and Utaha under the influence of subeditor Tamura, go to observe the letter to the editor. 寒暄结束之后,老主编很快离开,而悠介诗羽则是在副主编木村的引领下,前往察看读者来信。 Perhaps came under immediate superior's influence, compared with previous meeting, opposite party time attitude becomes time very warm. 或许是受到了顶头上司的影响,比起上一次的见面,对方此次的态度变得十分热情。 When heard the Utaha inquiry saying that whether letter to the editor, when the light novel editorial department in taking away building looked, Tamura complies immediately without delay. 当听到诗羽询问说能否把读者来信,带去楼上的轻小说编辑部看时,木村立刻就二话不说地答应了下来。 Then indicated oneself under and others will arrange the person to reorganize to send to the building, enabling them first to come up, serves that to call a thoroughness. 接着又表明自己等下会安排人整理好送去楼上,让他们可以先上去,服务那叫一个周到。 Two people arrive at the light novel editorial department after expression of gratitude, and chatted a while with Machida park in the second conference room. 两人在道过谢以后来到轻小说编辑部,并在第二会议室里跟町田苑子闲聊了一会儿。 Compares " Youngster Undead » editorial department, Utaha obviously likes here, the expression that relaxes a little returns to the feeling of second family/home faintly. 相比起《少年Undead》的编辑部来说,诗羽明显更喜欢这里,放松下来的表情隐隐有点回到第二个家的感觉。 Katou Yusuke looks on them to chat, has a sleep/felt to the relational heart of two people also master also friend. 加藤悠介旁观着她们聊天,对两人亦师亦友的关系心有所觉。 After listening to the matter of cartoon section, Machida park extended the congratulation to Katou Yusuke, but he also returned by thanks politely. 在听过漫画部的事情以后,町田苑子对加藤悠介表示了祝贺,而他也礼貌地回以了感谢。 Waited for approximately half quarter in the second conference room, the reader investigates...... not, hugged a Tamura of cardboard box to come. 在第二会议室等了约半刻钟,读者调查来……不,是抱着一个纸箱的木村来了。 „Are these that editor-in-chief Tamura, you takes?” Machida park somewhat looks to pack the box of envelope dumbfounded. “呃,木村主编,你拿的这些是?”町田苑子有些傻眼地看着装满信封的箱子。 Is " Power saw Person » letter to the editor.” Tamura thump one places on the box the desk, uppermost letter like snowflake rustle under. “是《电锯人》的读者来信。”木村咚地一下把箱子放在办公桌上,最上面的信件就如雪花般簌簌而下。 He scratched the sweating between volumes, supplemented one: Liana sets up the teacher is first making a debut, I want perhaps to read and compare the letter/believes link to be interested very much, brought completely.” 他擦了擦额间的虚汗,又补充了一句:“藤本树老师是第一次出道,我想也许会对读信环节很感兴趣,就全部拿过来了。” Machida park: Completely? Your magazine was not distributed yesterday?” 町田苑子:“全部?你们杂志不是昨天才发行的吗?” Mentioned this, Tamura could not bear nods the name radiantly again and again is, and clears throat, coughs. 一提到这个,木村就忍不住眉开眼笑地连连颔首称是,并清了清喉咙,咳嗽一声。 cough cough...... sets up teacher's relations thanks to the liana, this issue of magazine sales volume grew quickly compared with before 30%, here is " Power saw Person » letter to the editor.” 咳咳……多亏藤本树老师的关系,这一期的杂志销量比之前增长了快30%,这里都是《电锯人》的读者来信。” The language finishes, he will look in Yusuke that the one side sits peacefully, in the eye took earnest. 语毕,他又将目光投向在一旁安静坐着的悠介,眼睛里带上了一丝热切。 Has " would-be 1 million writer rosy cloud poem " the strength holds, although he has to have a premonition that " Power saw Person » first period data should not be bad, has not actually expected the meeting fire to this situation- 有着「准百万作家霞诗子」的力捧,虽然他有预感《电锯人》首期的数据应该不会太差,却也未曾预料到会火到这种地步- Raised 30% the sales volume of magazine unexpectedly! 竟然生生将杂志的销量拉高了30%! Thinks of this point, can only sigh one secretly worthily is the person who rosy cloud poem child teacher regards as important, as well as sighs with emotion 12 about the change of present reader taste. 想到这一点,只能暗叹一句不愧是霞诗子老师看重的人,以及对现在读者口味的变化感慨一二。 Tidies up many distracting thoughts, starts duty that handles the senior editor-in-chief to assign. 收拾好些许杂念,开始办理老主编所交代下来的任务。 That, does the liana set up the teacher?” On Tamura face stacks the smile, is rubbing both hands while asked. “那个,藤本树老师?”木村脸上堆起笑容,一边搓着双手一边问了起来。 „Did your 2nd volume of original manuscript prepare? If no, whether to trouble to inform one after next volume of estimate number of pages? Like this us also good to prepare ahead of time.” “请问您第二集的原稿准备好了吗?若是没有的话,能否麻烦告知一下下一集的预计页数呢?这样子我们这边也好提前做准备。” Hears that in his expression to think highly, face desolate Utaha both hands hold the chest, slightly cannot observe curls the lip, subsequently swept a youngster with the split vision secretly...... 听到他言辞里的那份恭维,一脸冷淡的诗羽双手抱胸,微不可察地撇了撇嘴,继而又用余光偷偷扫了一眼身旁的少年…… The beautiful corners of the mouth may not suppress raise several points of curve, the movement that but was used to lower the head by her concealed. 美丽的嘴角就不可抑制地扬起几分弧度,不过被她用低头的动作掩饰过去了。 But to Tamura of being haughty at first but respectful later, does not blame his attitude to have such big change. 而对前倨后恭的木村来说,也不怪他的态度会产生这么大的改变。 After all to the entire «Youngster Undead» editorial department, so long as " Power saw Person » following plot does not present the collapse, this result obviously has to become the potential of principal player! 毕竟对整个《少年Undead》编辑部而言,只要《电锯人》后面的剧情不出现崩坏,这个成绩就明显有着成为台柱的潜力! Katou Yusuke has not gone to care about the change of Tamura attitude, but selected under one, made the response gentle. 加藤悠介没去在意木村态度的变化,只是点了一下头,平和地做出了回应。 2nd volume and the 3rd volume of original manuscript I brought, now takes to you glances, editor-in-chief Tamura.” “第二集和第三集的原稿我带来了,现在就拿给你过目,木村主编。” The language finishes, he then opened oneself list to shoulder the package, took out one to model a folder from inside, its junction. 语毕,他便打开了自己的单肩背包,从里面取出一个塑封文件夹,将其交了过去。 That is before the original manuscript that not dead Sichuan prints ahead of time. 那是在来不死川之前提前打印出来的原稿。 Unexpectedly has two volumes! This is really , the liana set up the teacher you is really assiduous!” A Tamura face was overjoyed received the folder, somewhat was obviously unexpected. “居然有两集!这真是、哎呀,藤本树老师您真是太勤勉了!”木村一脸大喜过望地接过文件夹,明显有些出乎预料。 Katou Yusuke shakes the head, said one not, „, if editor-in-chief Tamura thought that has place that anything needs to revise, can tell me at any time.” 加藤悠介对此摇了摇头,说了一句不会,“如果木村主编觉得有什么需要修改的地方,也可以随时告诉我。” Teacher you were too polite, I read the original manuscript, you looked after letter to the editor, placed here to be good, at the appointed time I will arrange the person to take, I first said goodbye.” “老师您太客气了,那我就去看原稿了,您看完读者来信以后放在这里就好,到时我会安排人上来取的,恕我先告辞了。” Good, thanks.” “好的,谢谢。” Attained the new original manuscript, Tamura also had no interest in hate to leave the stable, has greeted after three people departed quickly. 拿到了新原稿,木村也无心恋栈,与三人打过招呼以后很快离去。 Machida young lady.” “町田小姐。” Silent Utaha has started talking a moment ago at this time, why does that person want to ask...... Schoolmate Katou long-drawn-out the matter of number of pages?” 刚才一直沉默不语的诗羽这时才开口说话,“为什么那个人要问悠……加藤同学页数的事情?” Un ~ how will you care about this suddenly?” “嗯~你怎么会突然关心这个?” It‘s nothing, but felt that in that subeditor quite makes sense has the words, I do not like him.” “没什么,只是感觉那位副主编好像话里有话,我不喜欢他。” hears word, Machida park cannot help but smiles, looks at the author and some arch cabbage that most loved respectively. 闻言,町田苑子不由得莞尔一笑,分别看了一眼自己最宠爱的作者与某个拱白菜的。 This ~ ~ you know so-called plug-in card belt/bring policy? Verset.” “这个嘛~~你知道所谓的‘插卡带’方针吗?小诗。” „...... Had reached adulthood obviously, at this time don't keep guessing?” Utaha sighs gently, a face you came expression. “……明明都老大不小了,这种时候你就别卖关子了吧?”诗羽轻轻叹了一口气,一脸‘你又来了’的表情。 Un ~? Whom had reached adulthood is saying? Possibly is I have not listened clearly, can you say one again? Verset.” “嗯~?请问老大不小是在说谁呢?可能是我没听清楚,你可以再说一遍吗?小诗。” Facing Machida park kind inquiry, Utaha has not said that but shifts to the one side the face at will, avoided her look, the expression on face was saying probably. 面对町田苑子的“亲切”询问,诗羽没有接话,只是随意地把脸转向一旁,避开了她的眼神,脸上的表情好像在说。 " Doesn't your hear clear? " 「你这不是听得一清二楚吗?」 " Really is an irritable child. " Is guessing the Machida park expression. 「真是一个别扭的孩子。」-加藤悠介猜测着町田苑子的表情。 In brief, the comic magazine and our light novel some are not quite same.” The ripe female editor places to intersect the chin on the together back of the hand, explained at a moderate pace. “总之呢,漫画杂志和我们轻小说有些不太一样。”熟女编辑将下巴放在交叉在一起的手背上,不紧不慢地解释了起来。 So-called plug-in card belt/bring is one type to prevent to present the content blank, but formulation alternative tactic, it can be said that gives these to tow the counter measures that the author prepares specially.” “所谓‘插卡带’是一种为了防止出现内容留白,而制定出来的备选战术,也可以说是专门给那些拖更作者准备的应对措施。” Gives an example with Brother Katou, after he sets the number of pages that each issue of work needs, the cartoon section will transmit this number to the rookie cartoonist, making them prepare the similar number of pages the work as the reserve.” “就拿加藤小弟来举例,在他定下每期作品需要的页数后,漫画部就会将这个数字传达给新人漫画家,让他们准备同样页数的作品作为储备。” Once he cannot hand in a writing on time, will use plug-in card belt/bring the tactic, fills the blank content the cartoon of rookie directly.” “一旦他不能按时交稿,就会采用‘插卡带’的战术,将新人的漫画直接填补到空白内容。” This will not only not have the vacancy, sometimes some rookie works will also obtain the effect, if the accident/surprise is lucky, then can continue to serialize.” “这样不仅不会出现空缺,有时一些新人作品也会取得奇效,如果一旦意外走红,那么就能继续连载下去啦。” This is very reasonable policy, the Katou Yusuke approval nods slightly, thinks secretly. 这是很合理的方针,加藤悠介认同地微微颔首,暗自想到。 But Utaha, the aloof said one: Forces the author to pursue the progress constantly, will basically only accelerate to strangle the work the life span, only then gives the author enough freedom, can create the outstanding work.” 诗羽则是呵了一声,高冷地说了一句:“一味地逼迫作者追赶进度,基本只会加速扼杀作品的寿命,只有给予作者足够的自由,才能创造出优秀的作品。” Un ~ ~ has the speech of verset style very much.” Machida park makes the review with a laugh, then a thread of conversation revolution. “嗯~~是很有小诗风格的发言呢。”町田苑子笑呵呵地做出点评,然后话锋一转。 ~, if you do dare with such excuse as dragging the reason of manuscript, on my your family will visit at the appointed time one week ahead of schedule personally your? Verset.” “不过呢~如果你敢用这样的借口来作为拖稿的理由,到时我会提前一周上你家亲自拜访你的喔?小诗。” „......” “……” The eyelid of Utaha jumped jumping, resembled remembered what not good recollection, mumbled: „...... You now is a subeditor, asking many to pay attention to a point own status, Machida young lady.” 诗羽的眼皮跳了跳,似是想起了什么不好的回忆,嘟哝道:“……你现在已经是副主编了,请多少注意一点自己的身份,町田小姐。” Stopped slightly for two seconds, then supplemented one: Moreover «Love Metronome» has only remained the last volume, issue that nothing needs to be worried about.” 稍微停顿了两秒钟,然后又补充了一句:“而且《恋爱节拍器》已经只剩最后一卷了,没什么需要担心的问题。” Hey-” the Machida park child is drawing the major tone, pursues asks: Then you told me, about the last volume of leading ladies, actually you to decide?” “嘿诶-”町田苑子拉着长音,追问道:“那么你告诉我,关于最后一卷的女主角,你究竟有没有决定下来?” „...... This, I had am considering.” “……这个,我有在考虑了。” Un ~ ~ is also " , although I have not thought that but first dealt with temporarily like this " , meaning?” “嗯~~也就是「虽然我没有想好,不过暂时就先这样应付过去好了」,的意思吧?” „...... The writer needs to be free.” Utaha is digging the mouth slightly, disputes low voice. “……作家需要自由。”诗羽微微撅着嘴巴,小声辩驳。 Understanding ~ ~ the present is " actually I absolutely does not have the means to make the decision, moreover does not want to think this matter " , meaning?” Machida park aggravated the intonation slightly. “懂了~~现在就是「其实我完全没办法做出决定,而且一点也不想去想这件事」,的意思吧?”町田苑子略微加重了语调。 ............ “…………” The young girls bow the head to hang the eyebrow, the casting down one's eyes nose view heart, silent by right. 少女低首垂眉,眼观鼻鼻观心,沉默以对。 In the conference room had the peace of moment. 会议室里有了片刻的安静。 „- Machida young lady.” “-町田小姐。” Katou Yusuke opened the mouth to break the deadlock, asked: If you do not mind, I can read the letter to the editor.” 加藤悠介开口打破了僵局,问道:“如果你们不介意的话,我可以看一下读者来信吗。” I said that Brother Katou ~?” The Machida park child is smiling turning away, „can I propose my presumptuous request to you?” “我说,加藤小弟~?”町田苑子微笑着转过脸,“我可以对你提个不情之请吗?” What is?” “是什么?” Actually my side has a child, obviously is an author who writes the love theme, oneself have not also absolutely had the relevant experience, only excels also only then on the mouth shows off power, “其实我身边有个孩子呀,明明是个写恋爱题材的作者,自己又完全没有过相关经验,唯一擅长的也只有嘴上逞强, In fact has been in secret terrified for some result, really makes one be in suspense very much, therefore you are willing to construct to her...... ” 事实上私下里一直为某件事情的结果惶恐不安呢,实在让人很放心不下,所以你愿意给她一些建……” Thump. 啪咚。 A pair of fair palm clapped on the table, broke the words of ripe female editor forcefully. 一双白皙的手掌拍在了桌子上,强行打断了熟女编辑的话语。 Machida young lady? I remember that you don't have the matter? Almost should also go busily?” Utaha said every single word or phrase, there is a clenching jaws flavor. “町田小姐?我记得你不是还有事吗?差不多也该去忙了吧?”诗羽一字一句地说道,有一种咬牙切齿的味道。 Well ~, but do I have the illustration request to want with Brother Katou to discuss?” “咦~但我还有插画师的委托想要和加藤小弟谈呀?” That matter looked after letter to the editor, is not late.” “那件事等看完读者来信以后也不迟。” An inherently active subeditor face laughs secretly, but also wants to say anything again, was invited the conference room by her rashly. 生性好动的副主编一脸窃笑,还想再说什么,却被她不由分说地请出了会议室。 With works as a glottis sound, in the room then is only left over two people. 伴随着“啪当”一声门响,房间里便只剩下两个人。 ...... 呼…… Closing the door Utaha implored the one breath gently, then seemed somewhat feels sorry has transferred the body, to do not say the face at the same time: 关上门的诗羽轻轻吁出一口气,然后又像是有些过意不去地转过身体,把脸别向一边说道: Embarrassed Schoolmate Katou, Machida young lady her person is such weak, therefore...... about her nonsense, you definitely does not need to care.” “不好意思加藤同学,町田小姐她人就是这么幼稚,所以……关于她刚才的胡言乱语,你完全没有必要放在心上。” Said the young girl of these words to play with is sending the tree top, in the eye that looked at included a faint trace to be anxious. 说出这番话的少女玩弄着发梢,望过来的眼睛里含有一丝丝不安。 That is very fresh , very cute expression, exposing to be different one side the past strong young girl. 那是很新鲜,也很可爱的表情,展露出了不同于往日强硬的少女一面。 Katou Yusuke nods, said that will not care. 加藤悠介点了点头,说了一句不会放在心上。 The opposite party then felt relieved, and returns his nearby seat to sit down, is calm and composed even in press of work reaches the cardboard box on table the hand, took two letters. 对方这才放下心来,并重新回到他旁边的位子坐下,好整以暇地将手伸向桌上的纸箱,取了两封信件。 Gives you, Schoolmate Katou, we looks together.” “给你,加藤同学,我们一起看吧。” Un, thanks.” “嗯,谢谢。” Two people then moved to be opened only by the letter to the editor in the conference room together. 两人便一同在会议室里动手拆起了读者来信。 Hiss , hiss . 嘶啦、唰啦,嘶啦、唰啦。 Un?” Opens a letter to the editor Utaha, a face wondered to read the above content, „...... tearful, woof?” “嗯?”打开一封读者来信的诗羽,一脸纳闷地将上面的内容念了出来,“……汪汪,汪?” Nearby Katou Yusuke turned the head to look at her one eyes, the expression had the subtlety of flash, asked: Studies the elder sister?” 一旁的加藤悠介转头看了她一眼,表情有一瞬间的微妙,问道:“学姐?” Person who...... no, writes this letter/believes probably in intentionally spoof.” The Utaha brow explained one lightly pressed, took a letter/believes, disassembles it, read inside content. “……没什么,写这封信的人好像在故意恶搞。”诗羽眉头轻蹙地解释了一句,又重新拿了一封信,将其拆开,把里面的内容念了出来。 „- I am willing to make the dog, woof!......” “-我愿意做狗,汪!……” Spreads along with the chilly voice...... 伴随着清冷的嗓音扩散开来…… Leaping all of a sudden, the young girl fair face on the by visible speed red. “腾”地一下子,少女白皙的脸庞就以肉眼可见的速度红了起来。 The atmosphere in conference room suddenly becomes somewhat strange. 会议室里的气氛突然变得有些诡异。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke mouth stretch/open He, explained one on own initiative: Also is the spoof, does not need to care.” 加藤悠介的嘴巴张阖,主动解释了一句:“也是恶搞的吧,不用在意。” He was saying puts down the envelope in hand, kept off a face with the hand slightly, levelled corners of the mouth that weak curve. 他说着放下手中的信封,稍微用手挡了一下脸,抹平了嘴角那丝微弱的弧度。 A foot stepped on his shoes gently. 一只脚轻轻踩了一下他的鞋子。 „...... Yu-chan.” “……悠酱。” Utaha detected very sensitively anything, muttered: „...... You just, are laughing at me.” 诗羽十分敏感地察觉到了什么,喃喃道:“……你刚刚,在笑我吧。” „, Will not continue to look.” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, denied. “不会,继续看吧。”加藤悠介摇了摇头,予以否认。 „......” “……” Therefore two people continued to open the new letter. 于是两人又继续拆起了新的信件。
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