TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#410: Dispute in secret

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Chapter 410 dispute in secret 第410章暗中的争执 One hour quick in the past. 一小时很快过去。 Felt that time similar Hui Fangxia read 1/3 novels, hugs gently from oneself the black cat, and returns the kitchen after washing the hands. 感觉时间差不多的惠放下读了三分之一的小说,将黑猫温柔地从自己身上抱下来,并在洗过手之后重新回到厨房。 Removed the cover to observe put into the pot the beef, poked gently with chopsticks, the touch of meat has a point elasticity in soft, but also needed some time. 揭开盖子观察了一下锅中的牛肉,用一根筷子轻轻戳了一下,肉的触感在软中带着一点弹性,还需要一段时间。 Places the one side the pot cover, starts to begin to process the garnishing the potato. 将锅盖放在一旁,开始动手处理配菜的土豆。 When she carries out the peeling work to the potato...... 就在她对土豆进行削皮工作的时候…… Ding-dong ~, ding-dong ~ 叮咚~,叮咚~ The threshold to buddhism heard the dings suddenly. 玄关突然传来了门铃声。 I open the door.” Katou Yusuke puts down several pens, sets out to move toward the threshold to buddhism, door ka opens. “我去开门。”加藤悠介放下数位笔,起身走向玄关,将门“咔哒”一声打开。 Appears at present, is one wears the black suit, wears the woman of black soft hat. 出现在眼前的,是一名身穿黑色西装,头戴黑色软帽的女人。 Under pulled down hat brim, on a Zhang Meili's oval face is embellishing red lips, above is scratching the red lipstick, the corners of the mouth that rises slightly bring , if there is happy expression that resembles not to have. 压低的帽檐之下,一张美丽的瓜子脸上点缀着一张朱唇,上面擦着红色的口红,微微上扬的嘴角带着若有似无的笑意。 Probably is throwing over a veil, seems somewhat mysterious. 像是披着一层面纱,显得有些神秘。 Yo! Good afternoon.” “哟!下午好啊。” The women lift the hand gently, tucks in the hat brim, looked by a pair of wine red eye pupil, announced: I came to see you, boy.” 女人轻轻抬起手,撩起帽檐,以一双酒红色的眼眸望了过来,宣布道:“我来看你了,小子。” The language finishes, she then puts out a hand to seize the Yusuke collar directly, with seem to probably do a same stance to collect the face, licked the lip to ask: Told me, that «Power saw Person» was you draws?” 语毕,她便直接伸手揪住悠介的衣领,用像是要干架一样的架势把脸凑了上来,舔了舔嘴唇问道:“告诉我,那个《电锯人》是你画的?” The warm spitting breath blows on the face, wine perfume heads on. 温热的吐息吹在脸上,一股酒香型的香水味扑面而来。 Looks nearly in the face of late ruler, Katou Yusuke cannot help but startled slightly, will start talking, the opposite party the face to one side, be not actually pasting his ear the mouth with a smile, blew the one breath. 看着近在迟尺的这张脸,加藤悠介不由得微微一怔,正要开口说话,对方却笑着把脸别向一边,将嘴巴贴着他的耳朵,吹了一口气。 Unexpectedly puts out such marvelous thing not making a sound, harming me also followed to be excited, satisfies my appetite, boy.” “居然不声不响地拿出这么奇妙的东西,害得我也跟着兴奋起来了,来满足我的胃口吧,小子。” Two people paste by a very ambiguous posture in the same place, seemed like side Zhudong to draw close to a side bosom, seems flirting general. 两人以一种十分暧昧的姿势贴在一起,看起来就像是一方主动贴近了一方怀里,仿佛在调情一般。 At this moment- 就在这时- Yusuke......?” 悠介……?” Meow!” “呜喵!” The warning of inquiry sound and cat of young girl transmits from the rear area suddenly. 少女的询问声与猫的警告声忽然从后方传来。 Just like having startling thunderclap together in brain crack. 宛如有着一道惊雷在脑中炸响。 The Katou Yusuke complexion slightly changes, both hands build the red ban vermilion sound shoulder, the under foot are retroceding one step, making two people spread out. 加藤悠介面色微微一变,双手搭着红坂朱音的肩膀,脚下后退一步,让两人拉开距离。 „...... Afternoon is good, Gaoban young lady.” He first said in a low voice, then has turned left the body, looks to the room. “……下午好,高坂小姐。”他先是低声说了一句,然后才向左转过身体,看向房间。 Sees Hui Zhengzhan who wears the apron on several far corridors, flickers to look at his expression is seeming like somewhat wonders, seems like other anything. 就见穿着围裙的惠正站在几步远的走廊上,一瞬不瞬望着他的表情像是有些纳闷,又像是别的一些什么。 But the black cat stands in her, sends out the low roar of warning to the stranger. 而黑猫则是站在她脚下,对陌生人发出警告的低吼。 When Katou Yusuke also in organizing the words is preparing to make the introduction, red ban vermilion Yinxian place asked. 加藤悠介还在组织着话语准备做出介绍的时候,红坂朱音先一步地问了起来。 Oh ~? Have you lived together with your little girlfriend? Boys.” “喔~?你已经和你的小女友同居了吗?小子。” Follows. 紧随其后的。 „...... That, I remember that you are Gaoban young lady is right? Why do you just want to hold Yusuke?” Makes the inquiry the benefit to lift the foot to walk in a soft voice to go forward step by step, the expression on face is very light. “……那个,我记得你是高坂小姐对吧?你刚刚为什么要抱着悠介呢?”轻声做出询问的惠一步一步地抬脚走上前,脸上的表情很是平淡。 About this, you might as well ask your young boyfriend?” “关于这个,你不如去问问你的小男友?” „-?” “-喔?” Two people vision gather simultaneously, a side is to ponder, a side is unemotional. 两人的目光同时聚集过来,一方是玩味不已,一方是面无表情。 Katou Yusuke thinks, is asking to that side of pondering: What matter do you ask me to have? Gaoban young lady.” 加藤悠介想了想,对着玩味的那方问道:“你找我有什么事吗?高坂小姐。” What's wrong? I had just said the words you have forgotten?” Red ban vermilion sound holds both hands, is leaning against the doorframe, the faint smile: I come to here am for the satisfied appetite, boy.” “怎么?我刚刚说过的话你已经忘了吗?”红坂朱音抱起双手,斜倚着门框,似笑非笑道:“我来这里是为了满足胃口的,小子。” Heard this saying the benefit first to look at her one eyes, was also rapid to transfer the vision, looks that the Yusuke expression did seem like in inquiring " what meaning Gaoban young lady these words is? " . 听到这话的惠先是看了她一眼,接着又迅速将目光转了回来,看着悠介的表情像是在询问「高坂小姐这句话是什么意思呢?」。 Katou Yusuke has not answered immediately, but looked eyes were red in the ban vermilion sound hand that curled up «Youngster Undead», asked: For the matter of cartoon?” 加藤悠介没有立刻作答,而是看了一眼红坂朱音手中那本被卷起的《少年Undead》,问道:“为了漫画的事情?” Bingo, the brain is not stupid.” Red ban vermilion Yinpa hit a sound to refer, and a face ridiculing was straight the body, walked toward the room in naturally. “bingo,脑子还不算笨。”红坂朱音啪地打了一个响指,并一脸戏谑地直起身体,大大方方地朝房间里走去。 Therefore is this, first processes your little girlfriend, I am waiting for you.” “所以就是这样,先把你的小女友处理好吧,我等着你。” Meow!” Visits her from own process, the black cat bow the body, strikes an attitude to throw, was actually hugged in the next second. “呜喵!”看着她从自己的身旁经过,黑猫不由弓起身体,作势欲扑,却在下一秒被人抱了起来。 The person who it hugs is the benefit. 把它抱起来的人是惠。 Not Ok, small black.” She first comforted one to the black cat in a soft voice, then looked up to somebody who by the threshold to buddhism stood still. “不可以喔,小黑。”她先是轻声对黑猫安抚了一句,然后才抬头看向在玄关旁静立的某人。 „Don't you close? Yusuke.” “你不关门吗?悠介。” Response extraordinarily light. 反应出奇地平淡。 „...... On pass/test.” Katou Yusuke nods, door „, when closes. “……就关。”加藤悠介点点头,将门“啪当”一声关上。 Sees him to walk side, the black cat instinct wants to jump up his shoulder, however the young girl actually does not let loose it, but said like this: 见他走来身边,黑猫本能地想跳上他的肩膀,然而少女却不放开它,只是这样说道: Yusuke currently has the work to do, we first do not disturb them.” 悠介现在有工作要做,我们先不要打扰他们。” Said that is hugging the cat, entered the living room. 说完便抱着猫,啪哒啪哒地走进了起居室。 „......” “……” The lip of Katou Yusuke moves, has not said anything, follows to return to the living room. 加藤悠介的嘴唇动了动,没说什么,也跟着回到起居室。 On work table that in he previously sat, takes off the hat and red ban vermilion Yinzheng of jacket sits there, and original manuscripts in several screen carefully is studying to the table on. 在他先前所坐的工作台上,脱掉帽子与西装外套的红坂朱音正坐在那里,并对着桌上数位屏里的原稿仔细研究。 Hears their sounds of footsteps, she then made noise to urge. 听到他们的脚步声,她便出声催促了起来。 What kind of? Did you handle matters? The finishing up words came a bit faster here! Boys.” “怎么样?你们办完事了没有?完事的话就快点过来这里!小子。” Her tone is very impolite, originally low and deep voice because of stimulated, but slightly is usually higher. 她的语气十分不客气,原本低沉的嗓音因为亢奋而比平时略高。 Katou Yusuke has not responded, but looked to the benefit. 加藤悠介没有回应,而是看向了惠。 Young girl little while just returned the cat to grow up a trellis the black cat, and turns around looks like. 少女这会儿刚把黑猫放回猫爬架,并转身看来。 Right, the dinner was again good after a while, will Gaoban young lady also eat meal here? Yusuke.” “对了,晚饭再过一会儿就好了,高坂小姐也会在这里吃饭吗?悠介。” " Cannot. " Shakes the head, will reply, red ban vermilion sound actually took the lead to say. 「不会。」-加藤悠介摇了摇头,正要这么回答,红坂朱音却率先说了起来。 „-, Said is also, then I stay behind while convenient have a plain meal, good work, Youngest sister.” “-嗯,说的也是,那么我就顺带留下吃个便饭吧,辛苦了,小妹妹。” During the spoken languages does not have the smalltalk, is here master is seem like same. 言语间丝毫没有客套,倒像是自己才是这里的主人一样。 The brow of Katou Yusuke wrinkled the wrinkle, but the benefit is only gazing at him peacefully, the waiting replied. 加藤悠介的眉头皱了皱,而惠仅是安静地注视着他,等待回答。 Short silence. 短暂的沉默。 Can trouble you? Benefit.” “可以麻烦你吗?惠。” , is Gaoban young lady will remain right ~?” “唔,也就是高坂小姐会留下来对吧~?” The young girls are tilting the head slightly, said: Un ~ I understood, then I continued to prepare.” 少女稍微歪着头,说道:“嗯~我明白了,那么我继续去准备了。” Said that does not need he to respond, returns to the kitchen without consulting anybody, then the previous progress continued to bustle about. 说完也不待他回应,就这么径自回到厨房,接着先前的进度继续忙碌了起来。 Katou Yusuke is staring at her back, for a while cannot guess correctly her mood, then takes back the vision, moves toward the desk. 加藤悠介凝望着她的背影,一时猜不出她的情绪,遂又收回目光,走向办公桌。 What do you want to know? Gaoban young lady.” “你想知道什么?高坂小姐。” Red ban vermilion sound listened to faintness in his tone, has turned away to cast a sidelong glance slightly his eyes, the lip angle brings back the meaningful smile. 红坂朱音听出了他语气中的淡漠,微微转过脸睨他一眼,唇角勾起意味深长的笑容。 What's wrong? Do you fear me very much?” “怎么?你很怕我?” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Otherwise why doesn't the beforehand pen name dare to use? Also traded " liana tree " covertly this pen name, did not fear that I do do you?” “不然为什么连以前的笔名都不敢用?还偷偷摸摸地换了「藤本树」这个笔名,不是怕我搞你吗?” Correct does the matter.” Katou Yusuke corrected her view, the sinking sound said: Your character is too insane, I want to avoid troubling.” “正确来说是搞事。”加藤悠介纠正了她的说法,沉声道:“你的性格太疯,我只是想避免麻烦。” Red ban vermilion sound laughs at one: Said over and over again, had not feared that I did you?” 红坂朱音嗤笑一声:“说来说去,还不是怕我搞・你・吗?” Thump! 咚! The depressed chopping case sound resounds in the room suddenly. 沉闷的剁案声骤然在房间里响起。 Excuse me, two.” “不好意思喔,两位。” The voice of young girl passed from the kitchen: I want to ask you said what does is what meaning?” 少女的声音从厨房里传了过来:“我想问一下你们说的搞什么是什么意思?” The Katou Yusuke eyelid jumps slightly. 加藤悠介眼皮微微一跳。 That is very gentle and clear voice, the delightful degree of sound like the summer the wind chimes that recited under the eaves gallery, was very of pleasant to hear. 那是十分柔和且澄澈的嗓音,声音的悦耳程度就像夏天在檐廊下吟唱的风铃,十分好听。 However coordinates front that sound, trembling feelings. 然而配合上前面那个动静,就有一种让人战战兢兢的感觉了。 Katou Yusuke looks back to look, to the profound vision on young girl, just like a profound quiet deep deep pool, is happen to producing an inverted image his appearance. 加藤悠介回首望去,正好对上少女的幽深目光,宛如一口深邃静谧的深潭,倒映着他的模样。 Just arrived at the words of mouth cannot help but to stagnate, after crossing for one second, said smoothly. 刚到嘴边的话不由得一滞,过了一秒以后才顺利说出。 Some things that works, I somewhat misunderstand with Gaoban young lady.” “只是工作上的一些事情,我与高坂小姐有些误会。” Nearby red ban vermilion sound continued. 一旁的红坂朱音接过了话题。 Little deceived here, boy. I have said that the mediocre person cannot mix in this line, is rare your also a little skill, makes me press out completely them.” “少在这里糊弄了,小子。我早就说过了,庸才在这一行是混不下去的,难得你还有点本事,就让我把它们全部榨出来吧。” In the words of keeping aloof was full of the domineering with self-, making the benefit hear to knit the brows slightly, but the anxiety in heart desalinated actually temporarily some. 高高在上的话语中充满了强势与自我,令惠听得微微皱眉,不过心中的疑虑倒是暂时淡化了些许。 Her some do not like this person, but will not overstep one's authority appraises anything, but looked at Katou Yusuke one looking pensive, said this, then continues to start to cut the potato. 她有些不喜欢这个人,但也不会僭越地评价什么,只是若有所思地看了加藤悠介一眼,说了一句这样,然后便继续开始切土豆。 Thump thump, takes away the buckle, gurgle gurgle. 咚咚、扣扣、咕嘟咕嘟。 The going to the kitchen rhythm becomes gentle, one such as the atmosphere in room. 下厨的节奏重新变得平缓,一如房间里的气氛。 Katou Yusuke returns to the face, looked that becomes to the look of person of side deep. 加藤悠介回正脸,看向身旁之人的眼神变得深沉。 Is welcoming his look, red ban vermilion sound is only rests one's chin in one's hands single-handed, snorting contemptuously of face, is taunting probably. 迎着他的眼神,红坂朱音只是单手托着腮,一脸的嗤之以鼻,像是在嘲讽。 Ok, we said the proper business, your two volumes of original manuscripts I have looked, looked in also a little share of meaning, you violated the agreement the matter I to put down temporarily.” “好了,我们还是说正事吧,你这两集的原稿我看过了,看在还有点意思的份上,你违背约定的事情我可以暂时放下。” Was saying she has tipped over the swivel chair toward left, lifted the right leg, binds the foot of black silk from the sky to draw an arc sharp, resembles has swept from the Yusuke dantian place unknowingly, on left leg. 这么说着的她向左侧转过转椅,将右腿抬了起来,裹着黑丝的足尖在空中画出一条弧线,似不经意地从悠介的丹田处扫过,架在了左腿上面。 Now, speaks your story program to me.” “现在,给我讲一下你的故事大纲。” Katou Yusuke does not know that she is intends or has no intention, but the attitude of this order still made him feel unhappy, but restrained the pressed, did not speak. 加藤悠介不知道她是有意还是无意,但这种命令的态度仍让他感到不快,只是克制地压了下去,却不吭声。 Sees him to pick the discharge resistance, red ban vermilion Yindao is not angry, the vision is to first cross him looks at the likes and dislikes to here young girl, subsequently throws on his face, in the eye appears for several points to ponder. 见他采取冷对抗,红坂朱音倒也不生气,目光先是越过他看向背对着这里的少女,继而又投在他脸上,眼中浮现出几分玩味。 " Like this? You do not think that your little girlfriend does know our things? " 「这样好吗?你也不想你的小女友知道我们的事情吧?」 The look transmits similar meaning faintly. 眼神隐隐传达出类似的意思。 Katou Yusuke narrows the eye slightly, returning to one " was casual you " look. Although the expression on face is a little cold, does not have afraid and compromises a kind of mood. 加藤悠介微微眯起眼睛,回了一个「随便你」的眼神。脸上的表情虽然有点冷,却没有心虚和妥协一类的情绪。 Red ban vermilion sound sees this to knit the brows slightly, felt perhaps oneself misunderstood anything. 红坂朱音见此微微皱眉,觉得自己或许误会了什么。 She makes the thinking slightly, then lifted the foot to kick his calf, traded a tone: If this you do not want to say that said that your arrangement to this work, I can give you to suggest.” 她稍作思索,然后抬脚踢了一下他的小腿,换了一种口吻:“要是这个你不想讲的话,就说说你对这部作品的安排吧,我可以给你一些建议。” Was separated for probably three seconds. 间隔了大概三秒。 Katou Yusuke asked one neither arrogant nor servile: What arranges?” 加藤悠介才不卑不亢地问了一句:“什么安排?” „The length of this cartoon, some probably how many collections?” “这部漫画的长度,大概有多少集?” Is less than 100.” “不到一百。” Red ban vermilion sound estimated that calculates according to the pamphlet, is probably about 10 volumes?” 红坂朱音估量了一下,“按照单行本来计算,也就是大概十卷左右么?” Is 11 volumes.” “是11卷。” „This good, present reader was also affected by the new thing actually, durable is not high. The medium-length cartoon becomes the mainstream gradually, if you dare to draw greatly lengthy court death.” “这样倒是还不错,现在的读者受到新事物影响,耐长性不高。中篇漫画渐渐成为了主流,要是你敢画大长篇就是找死。” She stopped at this point, then a words revolution, acts according to your present plot, 11 volumes of words lengths somewhat seem insufficient, if in 25 volumes perhaps also almost.” 她说到这里停了下来,接着又话语一转,“不过根据你现在的剧情来看,11卷的话篇幅似乎有些不够,如果是25卷以内或许还差不多。” No.” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, 11 volumes.” “不。”加藤悠介摇了摇头,“就11卷。” Un?” “嗯?” Red ban vermilion sound is frowning, said: „ Must know that a work the length is to receive the character number, the plot structure, the main line story length and other aspects affects, 红坂朱音皱着眉头,说道:“要知道一部作品的篇幅是受到人物数量、情节结构、主线故事长度等多个方面影响的, Sometimes the author is also hard to assert why your tone can be so assured? ” 有时候就连作者也难以断言,为什么你的语气可以这么笃定?” Speaking of finally, her tone in had taken the suspicion. 说到最后,她的语气里已是带上了怀疑。 Makes a debut as cartoonist as one, and until now as before is one of the cartoonist ceilings, no one will understand the aspects of cartoon compared with her. 身为一个以漫画家身份出道,并直到现在依旧是漫画家的天花板之一,没有人会比她更了解漫画的方方面面。 Although starts had not felt, after Yusuke continues to state decisively 11 volumes of this numbers, many makes her feel somewhat strange. 虽然开始的时候还不觉得,不过当悠介持续咬定11卷这个数字以后,就多少让她觉得有些奇怪了。 But facing her doubts, the meaning that Katou Yusuke do not explain, but simple this enough has told a complete story to respond by one, many no longer raises. 而面对她的疑惑,加藤悠介也没有要解释的意思,只是简单以一句“这样已经足够讲一个完整的故事”做出回应,多的就不再提。 Red ban vermilion sound sees this also no longer to closely examine, guessed faintly he should have the complete plot development and vein, therefore the plot is also discussing other issues with him. 红坂朱音见此也不再追问,隐隐猜测他应该已经有了完整的剧情发展和脉络,于是又就着剧情与他讨论起了其他一些问题。 Neglects that bad character, as cartoonist's first person of she indeed experiences richly, Katou Yusuke also in has harvested. 忽略掉那糟糕的性格,身为漫画家第一人的她的确经验丰富,加藤悠介也在其中有所收获。 But regarding red ban vermilion sound, in few words that also similarly pleasantly surprised establishes regarding the plot and character from him, obtained many inspirational and brain hole, from this becomes even more stimulated, looked that seems like to his look must him, as soon as stuttered. 而对于红坂朱音来说,也同样惊喜地从他对于剧情和人物设定的只言片语中,得到了许多灵感和脑洞,由此变得愈加亢奋,看向他的眼神像是要把他一口吃下去。 Two people chatted give-and-take, the atmosphere gradually became hearty. 两人聊得有来有往,气氛渐渐变得酣畅。 The benefit in kitchen was gradually changed the high sound to attract by them, occasionally will then wait and see, in the hand is doing the work of blending flavors silently. 厨房里的惠被他们逐渐变高的声音所吸引,偶尔会回头观望一下,手上则是默默做着调味的工作。 Almost after waiting for the potato to stew for a half hour . 差不多等土豆炖煮半小时以后。 She opened the mouth to interrupt two people dialogue, said: That, the dinner has completed, Yusuke.” 她才开口打断了两人的对话,说道:“那个,晚饭已经做好了喔,悠介。” As the sound spreads in the room, Katou Yusuke also stopped the exchange with red ban vermilion sound, starts to arrive at the kitchen to help. 随着声音在房间里传开,加藤悠介也停止了与红坂朱音的交流,开始走到厨房帮忙。 After busy, the meal was carried the table quickly. 经过一番忙碌,饭菜很快被端上桌。 Cooks 1 hour of tomato sirloin color to be bright after the soft fire, the thick soft rotten tomato are wrapping the dark brown bulk sirloin evenly, looks that made the person index finger move greatly. 经过文火慢炖一个多小时的番茄牛腩色彩鲜艳,浓稠软烂的番茄均匀地包裹着深褐色的大块牛腩,看着就令人食指大动。 Steam that indistinct indistinct from the pot raises along with rich food fragrance, continuously is stimulating the appetite in within the body. 从锅中缈缈升起的热气伴随着浓郁的食物香气,不断刺激着体内的食欲。 When red ban vermilion sound picks together the sirloin with the chopsticks hopefully, and sends in the mouth time...... 然而当红坂朱音满怀期待地用筷子夹起一块牛腩,并送入口中的时候…… „......!” “……!” Her expression suddenly changed, from smilingly becomes serious, if subsequently had the profound meaning to look at one toward opposite young girl, and put down the chopsticks silently, looked to nearby somebody. 她的表情忽然变了,从笑盈盈变得面色凝重,继而若有深意地朝对面的少女望了一眼,并默默放下了筷子,向一旁的某人看去。 Katou Yusuke has not noticed her expression, added sirloin to feed in the mouth, tasted slightly...... 加藤悠介没注意到她的表情,也加了一块牛腩送进了嘴里,稍一品尝…… One type kills to sell the salt probably, in the mouth spreads salty to the flavor that making the tongue tingles with numbness. 一种像是打死卖盐的,咸到令舌头发麻的味道就在嘴巴里面扩散开来。 Delicious? Boys.” Red ban vermilion sound smiles asks leisurely, in the sound full is mischievous. “好吃吗?小子。”红坂朱音笑悠悠地问道,声音里满是促狭。 The benefit has not spoken, but is having the rice silently, only has the rice. 惠没有说话,只是默默吃着米饭,只吃米饭。 The atmosphere suddenly becomes somewhat strange. 气氛忽然变得有些诡异。 The Katou Yusuke movement stopped for one second, won't look up with anybody looks at each other, but dug up to draw two rice, then clamped sirloin, such complexion ate as usual. 加藤悠介的动作停顿了一秒,也不抬头与任何人对视,只是扒拉了两口米饭,然后又夹了一块牛腩,就这么面色如常地吃了起来。 I feel good.” “我觉得不错。” He said in the tranquil tone. 他以平静的语气这么说道。 ...... …… ( Owes manuscript progress 7 / 10, following in addition calculates......) (欠稿进度7/10,后面的另算……)
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