TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#409: Walking in

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Chapter 409 walks in 第409章找上门来 The matter happening in not dead Sichuan cartoon section, Katou Yusuke is unknown. 发生在不死川漫画部的事情,加藤悠介不得而知。 However he found time a gate, bought «Youngster Undead» conveniently, went home to read at will, later placed the one side it conveniently. 不过他还是抽空出了一趟门,顺手买了一本《少年Undead》,回家随意翻看了一下,之后就随手将其放在一旁。 Then takes up " Love Metronome » vol. 4 that the day before yesterday bought, the place that then yesterday read continued to look. 转而拿起了前天买回来的《恋爱节拍器》第四卷,接着昨天所读到的地方继续看了起来。 The book struggle of first female lord already thoroughly superheating. 书内的第一女主之争已经彻底白热化。 By the present, even if Katou Yusuke this enrolling adviser, is unable to know in advance that final result, but Utaha has not told him, or is Utaha has not even thought. 到了现在,即使是加藤悠介这个挂名顾问,也无法预知最后的结果,而诗羽也没有告诉他,又或者是连诗羽自己也未曾想好。 Started to go study five secure Yilun vol. 4, wanted to exchange the feelings with him, for this reason also initiated a series of bombing to him. 将第四卷一入手就读了五遍的安艺伦也,十分想要与他交流感想,为此还对他发起了一连串的轰炸。 Way including LINE, mails and telephone three types, degree of perseverance nearly in harassment. 方式包括LINE、邮件、电话三种,锲而不舍的程度近于骚扰。 Katou Yusuke finally directly his blacklisted. 加藤悠介最后直接将他拉黑。 Indirect a phone call that was made by the benefit, the opposite party said that in afternoon him, the reason had the issues on some studies to ask him. 中间接了一通由惠所打来的电话,对方说会在下午的时候来他这边,理由是有一些学习上的问题想要问他。 Why as for is not approximately outside library, but must at home. 至于为什么不是约在外面的图书馆而要在家里。 After he proposed such question, the young girl also very natural gave the response. 当他提出这样的疑问以后,少女也很自然地给出了回应。 " I feel compared with outside, present should Yusuke be familiar with treat at home? Happen to I was also used to it, at the appointed time can bring the food to go to the kitchen in the past, was helps with the homework thanks lo. " 「我觉得比起外面来说,现在的悠介应该更习惯待在家里吧?正好我也习惯了,到时会带食材过去下厨,算是辅导作业的感谢囖。」 Therefore Katou Yusuke also no longer talks too much, said good to finish the telephone. 于是加藤悠介也不再多言,说了一声好就结束了电话。 Inexplicable, person as if regarded in that family/home to squat him faintly. 莫名之中,身边的人似乎隐隐把他当成了那种家里蹲。 However if only said he himself, besides in situation, also indeed rarely goes out. 不过如果只说他自己,除了在需要的情况以外,也的确很少出门。 Therefore will cause the misunderstanding of surrounding person, was not such a unreadable matter. 因此会造成周围人的误解,也就不是那么一件难以理解的事情了。 At noon is leaving home to have Chinese Restaurants of several streets to solve the lunch, ordered the Mapo bean curd and fried rice. 中午在离家有几条街的中华料理店解决了午餐,点了麻婆豆腐和炒饭。 The boss is a couple from Sichuan, ten years come Japan to seek the development, later settled down, Mapo bean curd did very typically. 老板是一对来自四川的夫妇,十年前来日本谋求发展,之后就定居下来了,一手麻婆豆腐做得十分地道。 If according to China slightly manages a household inside view. 若是按照中华小当家里面的说法来说。 The hemp, spicy, hot, fragrant, crisp, tender and fresh, lives. 麻、辣、烫、香、酥、嫩、鲜、活。 The caret-shaped admonition of this Mapo bean curd, almost manifested in the flavor. 这一麻婆豆腐的八字箴言,在味道上差不多是都体现出来了。 Katou Yusuke eats very well, thought that later can come again several times, the situation of but later by the shop in being been fully occupied cancelled the thought. 加藤悠介吃得很好,觉得以后可以再来几次,不过随后又被店里人满为患的情况打消了念头。 Goes home. 回到家中。 Using feeding the cat eats the time of canned food, inspected a system store of this month. 利用喂猫吃罐头的时间,察看了一下本月的系统商店。 【The Item: small fish does the scarf ( 3000 ), vitality medicine of ( 10 ), wind chimes ( 10 ), USB ( 100 ), tracker ( 1000 ), beauty cream ( 1500 ), Dongyun family/home ( 30000 )】 商品:小鱼干、风铃、U盘、追踪器、美容霜、东云家的围巾、气血药】 ( Explanation: new may purchase goods every month.) (说明:每月新增一项可购买物品。) 【The scarf of Dongyun family/home: Scarf that is studied by Dr. Dongyun of Dongyun Research institute, puts on its animal with human to establish the communication.】 【东云家的围巾:由东云研究所的东云博士所研究的围巾,戴上它的动物可以与人类建立沟通。】 Looks at a little meaning initially, but revolves the new commodity that fears extremely. 一个初看有点意思,但又细思极恐的新商品。 Katou Yusuke looked at a foot black cat, thinks the scene that it starts talking, does not want to make the daily life strange, therefore does not plan to trade. 加藤悠介看了一眼脚边的黑猫,想了一下它开口讲话的场面,并没有想让日常生活变得离奇,所以不打算换。 Then is the skill. 接下来是技能。 Skill: Basic Level hypnosis ( 100 ), Familiar Level chess sign ( 1000 ), Proficient Level camps out ( 10000 ), Master Level drawing ( 100000 )】 【技能:入门级催眠、熟练级棋牌、精通级露营、大师级绘画】 This time has not appeared prompt that may the 20% discount exchange the step skill. 这一次没有出现可八折兑换进阶技能的提示。 He has nothing hesitant, exchanged the Master Level drawing directly, as well as feeling perhaps useful Proficient Level camping. 他没什么犹豫,直接兑换了大师级的绘画,以及感觉也许会有用的精通级露营。 Ding, deducts 10,000 overalls, the host obtains the Proficient Level camping.” “叮,扣除一万积分,宿主获得精通级露营。” Ding, deducts 100,000 overalls, the host obtains the Master Level drawing.” “叮,扣除十万积分,宿主获得大师级绘画。” The most profound feeling well ups, in the mind as if were many certain things, but is unable to touch, just like not the tangibly data stream. 一种玄之又玄的感觉涌上心头,脑海中似乎多了某些东西,但又无法触及,犹如不可触摸的数据流。 With the exchange success of skill, his individual panel also changed. 随着技能的兑换成功,他的个人面板也发生了改变。 Character: Katou Yusuke( space and time randomly entering)】 【人物:加藤悠介(时空的乱入者)】 ( The Explanation: time left trace on you, your life was deducted probably for ten years, and follows has certain negative impact.) (说明:时光在你身上留下了痕迹,你的人生大概被扣除了十年的时间,并伴随有一定的负面影响。) Age: 16 years old】 【年龄:16岁】 Physical strength: 8 【体力:八】 Intelligence: 8 【智力:八】 Charisma: 7 魅力:七】 Goods: USB and vitality medicine( 22 grains)】 【物品:U盘、气血药(22粒)】 Skill: Dodges( Basic Level), fire( Familiar Level), wrestle( Proficient Level), camping( Proficient Level), drawing( Master Level)】 【技能:闪避(入门级)、射击(熟练级)、格斗(精通级)、露营(精通级)、绘画(大师级)】 Points: 847680 积分:847680】 Money: 68000 【金钱:68000】 Debt of Sawamura: 19.5 million. 泽村家的欠款:1950万。 Exchanged the skill, Katou Yusuke withdrew from the system panel. 兑换完技能,加藤悠介退出了系统面板。 ...... …… Approximately in 3 : 00 pm, doorbell by ding-dong one according to sound. 大约在下午 3 点的时候,门铃被“叮咚”一声按响。 Ka. 咔嗒。 Katou Yusuke sets out to arrive at the threshold to buddhism, the gate of apartment then opens. 加藤悠介起身走到玄关,公寓的门便自行开启。 ~ good afternoon, Yusuke.” “啊~下午好,悠介。” In the hand raised the benefit of supermarket shopping bag to say a hello, the false key in the canvas backpack that installed on the shoulder to carry, very natural lifted the foot to walk. 手中提着超市购物袋的惠打了一个招呼,将备用钥匙装回肩上背着的帆布背包里,很是自然地抬脚走了进来。 Today's young girl wears a white cotton fabric skirt, outside is building a dark blue open-fronted sweater or knitted shirt of gentle breeze, is that type seemingly simple, very worth looking at style. 今天的少女穿着一身白色的棉布裙,外面搭着一件和风的深蓝开衫,是那种看起来简简单单,又十分耐看的风格。 The compatible feelings of neighbor female students. 有一种邻家女生的亲和感。 Good afternoon.” The Katou Yusuke nod said a hello, extends a hand, thing gives me.” “下午好。”加藤悠介点头打了一个招呼,伸出一只手,“东西给我吧。” Un ~ ~, then asked you to attain the kitchen it.” Was saying the benefit raised the plastic bag in hand gently, handed over in his hand, prepared to change the shoes. “嗯~~那么拜托你把它拿到厨房吧。”这么说着的惠轻轻提起手中的塑料袋,交到他手中,准备换鞋。 The thing how much money of today buying? I take to you.” “今天买的东西多少钱?我拿给你。” „, Today is I must ask you to help, therefore doesn't matter.” “啊,今天是我要来找你帮忙的,所以没关系。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke opens the plastic bag in hand, looked down an inside food, after estimating one next, took out the wallet, discovered two thousand Yuan paper money to hand over. 加藤悠介打开手中的塑料袋,低头看了一眼里面的食材,估算了一下以后取出钱包,找出两张千元纸钞递了过去。 Thanks, but these also you, I have am working.” “谢谢,不过这些还你,我有在打工。” ~ like this oh......” “唔~这样喔……” Sees him to insist, just took off/escaped Hui Zhishi who puts one's foot down the walking shoe to consider, complies very much simply. 见他坚持,刚刚脱下脚上休闲鞋的惠只是考虑了一下,就很干脆地答应下来。 Un, then I understood, thank you.” “嗯,那么我明白了,谢谢你。” Cannot.” “不会。” Two people entering living rooms in tandem. 两人一前一后的走进起居室。 Meow ~ ~ “喵~~” The black cat raised the head to cry out, no longer felt about the benefit vigilant, probably is greeting. 黑猫抬头叫唤了一声,已不再对惠感到警惕,像是在打着招呼。 Sees that the benefit then squatted gently, and probes is extending a hand before its face, spreads out upwardly. 见状,惠便轻轻蹲了下来,并试探着将一只手伸到它脸前,向上摊开。 Good afternoon, small black ~ “下午好,小黑~” Meow meow.” “喵喵。” The black cat lowered the head to smell her hand, then stretched out the tongue to lick gently two, expressed in a friendly way. 黑猫低头嗅了嗅她的手,然后伸出舌头轻轻舔了两下,表示友好。 But the benefit is also the show/unfolds face smiles, and studied the Yusuke usual appearance to use the flexure of finger on its chin two. 而惠也是展颜一笑,并学着悠介平时的样子用手指在它下巴上挠了两下。 A person of cat formally establishes diplomatic relations. 一人一猫正式建交。 Katou Yusuke is carrying the bag walking kitchen, places on the plastic bag the platform, then asked: Oolong tea and coffee, what do you want to drink?” 加藤悠介拎着袋子走去厨房,将塑料袋放在台子上,然后问道:“乌龙茶和咖啡,你要喝什么?” At this time, the benefit suddenly discovered the change in room. 这时,惠才忽然发现了房间里的变化。 „...... ~ ~ originally Yusuke did you buy the coffeemaker also to have the cat to grow up a trellis?” “……咦~~原来悠介你买了咖啡机还有猫爬架吗?” „It is not.” “不是。” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, said: These are the gifts that Utaha-senpai gives.” 加藤悠介摇了摇头,说道:“这些是诗羽学姐送的礼物。” Gift?” “礼物?” Un, the congratulation cartoon serializes.” “嗯,祝贺漫画连载的。” „......? That, in other words, was Yusuke your cartoon serialized?” “……?那个,也就是说,悠介你的漫画被连载了吗?” Yes, the magazine on the nightstand, you are interested to look.” “是,杂志在床头柜上,你有兴趣可以看。” Hey, is this......” “嘿诶,原来是这样啊……” The benefit has no mood to respond, takes up the magazine from the nightstand, by read in the bedside. 惠没什么情绪地回应着,从床头柜上拿起杂志,靠在床边翻看了起来。 Which also has no need to remind is, because Yusuke usually draws the original manuscript time has not been hiding the truth from her, therefore she deferred to the table of contents to find the number of pages of correspondence quickly, looked. 也用不着提醒是哪一篇,因为悠介平时画原稿的时候也未瞒着她,所以她很快就按照目录找到了对应的页数,看了起来。 Time that the young girl graceful posture, sits will depend on the knee slightly in the same place, two a section of calf skin color that reveals from the white skirt is fair like the milk, on the foot wears the white lace socks. 少女体态轻盈,坐下来的时候会把膝盖微微靠在一起,两条从白裙下露出的一截小腿肤色如牛奶般白皙,脚上穿着白色的花边短袜。 Sends out Wanqiu Shuyuan's writing Xiu makings. 身上散发出一种宛丘淑媛的文秀气质。 Katou Yusuke opens the mouth to ask again: What do you want to drink? Benefit.” 加藤悠介再次开口问道:“你想喝什么?惠。” Young girls un: Then I want black......, excuse me, was the coffee is good.” 少女嗯了一声:“那么我要乌……啊,不好意思,还是咖啡好了。” Knew.” “知道了。” Looks at these days of comic magazine in the benefit, he then begins to start to get ready. 在惠看漫画杂志的这段时间里,他便着手开始准备。 Takes out the whole milk from the refrigerator, takes out the mug that three hundred Yuan shop buys from the above cabinet again. 从冰箱里取出全脂牛奶,再从上方的柜子里取出三个百元店买来的马克杯。 Because catches up with the activity of promotion, such cup he altogether bought one group, is 6, the price is equivalent buys 4 to present as a gift 2, is very cost-effective. 因为赶上促销的活动,这样的杯子他一共买了一组,也就是六个,价格相当于买四赠二,十分划算。 Recently over the two days, Katou Yusuke basic every morning will make cup of coffee, was familiar with a point regarding the use of machine. 最近这两天,加藤悠介基本每天早上都会冲杯咖啡,对于机器的使用也熟悉了一点。 Rubs the bean, the press powder, the extraction. 磨豆,压粉,萃取。 One cup adds fully, one cup only met fully approximately 1/4. 一杯添满,一杯只接了约四分之一满。 Then pours into the spatial cup the milk, turns on the steam switch to put the cold water. 接着将牛奶倒入空杯,打开蒸汽开关放一下冷水。 - 呲呲- With resounding of steam sound, the air current starts steam from machine to gush out. 伴随着蒸汽声的响起,气流开始从机器旁的蒸汽头喷薄而出。 After the temperature changes the heat, switches off the switch, will be loaded with the cup of milk to place under steam, turns on the switch again, sends. 等到温度变热之后关掉开关,将装有牛奶的杯子放在蒸汽头下,再重新打开开关,进行打发。 The milk heats up under the function of steam slowly, sends, until the surface becomes looks like the cream silk to slide, switches off the steam. 牛奶就在蒸汽的作用下慢慢加热,打发,直至表面变得像奶油般丝滑,才关掉蒸汽。 Katou Yusuke will send the good whole milk to inject that cup of benefit slowly, lets inside coffee and milk fuses gradually in together, one cup of milk coffee completed. 加藤悠介将打发好的全脂牛奶缓慢注入惠的那杯,让里面的咖啡与牛奶渐渐融合在一起,一杯牛奶咖啡就做好了。 Your coffee.” “你的咖啡。” Un ~ ~ thanks.” “嗯~~谢谢。” He places on opposite party that cup of coffee the short table, returns the kitchen to carry out cleaning up and wrap-up work, then takes that cup of black coffee to move toward the desk, sat on the swivel chair. 他将对方那杯咖啡放在矮桌上,重新回到厨房进行清理和收尾工作,然后才拿着自己那杯黑咖啡走向办公桌,在转椅上面坐了下来。 The benefit also just watched the cartoon at this time, held the coffee cup with both hands, delivered to the mouth, was blowing gently two to the light brown coffee, later drank a small mouth. 惠在这时也刚好看完漫画,用双手捧起咖啡杯,送到嘴边,对着浅褐色的咖啡轻轻吹了两下,随后才喝了一小口。 „, This very Tasty Yusuke.” She licks milk stain on mouth, the intonation becomes flutters. “啊,这个很好喝~悠介。”她舔去嘴上的奶渍,语调变得轻扬。 Katou Yusuke nods, returning to a bean that was Utaha-senpai delivers was quite good, subsequently asked: „Does the work that you said where have not to understand?” 加藤悠介点点头,回了一句是诗羽学姐送的豆子比较好,继而问道:“你说的作业有哪里不懂?” Un, is the science subjects above issue, I take now.” Hui Ruci who puts down the cup said, and turns around from placing near leg the canvas backpack takes out the exercise book and stationery. “嗯,是理科上面的问题,我现在拿出来。”放下杯子的惠如此说道,并转身从放在腿边的帆布背包里取出习题册和文具。 Although after the games ended, has three days of vacation, midterm examination of mid this month, just like the sword of Dharma Kaess hangs in the top of the head, making one is unable to relax completely. 虽然运动会结束后有三天假期,不过本月中旬的期中考试,也宛如一把悬在头顶的达摩克斯之剑,令人无法完全放松。 Two people sit down regarding the short table, start to study. 两人围绕着矮桌坐下,开始学习。 Examined a topic, is together the big topic of chemistry, writing topic that no computation. 审查了一下题目,是一道化学的大题,文题的那种,没什么计算。 Automatic pencil borrows me.” Katou Yusuke puts out a hand, the benefit then places in own pen his hand. “自动铅笔借我一下。”加藤悠介伸出手,惠便将自己的笔放在他手中。 Un ~ gives you.” “嗯~给你。” Katou Yusuke takes to set pen to paper, drew on a scratch paper of blank, and is explaining simultaneously. 加藤悠介拿着笔,在一张空白的草稿纸上画了起来,并同时做着解释。 Adenine ( A ) and guanine ( G ) and cytosine ( C ) and thymidine ( T ) and uracil ( U ), this is five structures of basic groups, does this part know?” “腺嘌呤(A)、鸟嘌呤(G)、胞嘧啶(C)、胸腺嘧啶(T)和尿嘧啶(U),这是五种碱基的结构,这部分知道吗?” Un, knows.” Hui Qingqing selected a head, took an automatic pencil, is arriving at the lip with the back, looks that he comes out five basic group structure distinction pictures. “嗯,知道的。”惠轻轻点了一下脑袋,重新拿了一支自动铅笔,用背面抵着嘴唇,看着他将五种碱基结构分别画出来。 Then on the issue according to chart, here answer is Cytosine, cytosine.” “那么按照图上的问题,这里的答案就是Cytosine,胞嘧啶。” „...... That, you can explain more concrete?” The young girls gently are pressed the willow eyebrows, somewhat appears to understand but not really understand. “……那个,你可以解释的更加具体一点吗?”少女轻轻蹙着柳眉,有些似懂非懂。 Where has not to understand?” “有哪里不懂?” Words that......, do not speak, how can here be able to infer the cytosine?” “……唔,要说的话,这里要怎么样才能推导出胞嘧啶呢?” This.” “这样么。” Katou Yusuke understood, starts to start in detail the explanation...... 加藤悠介明白了过来,开始更详细地做起讲解…… Two people are studying earnestly, the black cat is a nest, in the cat grows up a trellis on cloth pouch to sleep. 两个人在认真念书,黑猫则是窝在猫爬架上的布兜里睡觉。 In the coffee that the time is tailing off gradually passes safely...... 时间就在渐渐变少的咖啡中安然流逝…… After one hour, the issue on learn/study was explained all. 一小时之后,学习上的问题被尽数解答完毕。 The time arrives at four points. 时间来到四点。 Such that one such as in the telephone said that receives the benefit of books and exercise book changes the apron, runs to go to that side the kitchen to go to the kitchen. 一如电话里所说的那样,收起书本和习题册的惠换上围裙,跑去厨房那边下厨。 Katou Yusuke continues the picture «Power saw Person» new original manuscript. 加藤悠介则是继续画《电锯人》的新原稿。 The benefit has not made him help, is preparing the tonight's ingredients confident. 惠也没让他帮忙,不疾不徐地准备着今晚的料理。 First is begins to cook in a covered vessel the meter/rice, perhaps considering some people will work as the breakfast next morning, therefore added two bowls of quantities. 先是动手焖米,考虑到有人也许会在第二天清早当早餐,所以多加了两碗的量。 Then starts to prepare tonight's main course- tomato cook the sirloin. 接着开始准备今晚的主菜-番茄炖牛腩。 Takes a pot off the fire boils water, the tomato after clean will admit in the boiling water to burn a while to bail out, pass/test fire, skins to the tomato. 起锅烧水,将清洗后的番茄放进沸水中烫一会儿捞出,关火,给番茄去皮。 Rested full the black cat arrived at her foot, patted her foot before the claw, was supine head meow to call one, licked two mouths. 睡饱了的黑猫走到她脚边,用前爪拍了拍她的脚,仰着脑袋“喵”地叫了一声,舔了两下嘴巴。 Saw that this benefit winked gently a eye, takes out a bamboo wheel to admit the paper bowl from the refrigerator, places the ground to eat. 见到这一幕的惠轻轻眨了一下眼睛,从冰箱里取出一个竹轮放进纸碗,放在地上给它吃。 Then continues busily. 而后又继续忙碌。 Grinds the tomato of skinning, admits in the sauce pan to stir-fry slightly two, transfers the flame slowly mulling. 把去皮的番茄碾碎,放进煮锅里稍微翻炒两下,转小火慢慢煨煮。 The sirloin cutting and slicing that will clean, under the cold water enters in another pot, puts in several pieces of gingers to go fishy smell, after the water boils, skims the blood froth, pass/test fire, bails out the sirloin is ready to be used. 将洗净的牛腩切块,冷水下入另一个锅中,放入几片生姜去腥,等到水烧开以后撇去血沫,关火,把牛腩捞出待用。 Is methodically clean the pot clean that does not use. 有条不紊地把不用的锅清洗干净。 The benefit put out a hand to open the mulling the pot cover of tomato pot. 惠伸手揭开了煨煮着番茄锅的锅盖。 Gurgle gurgle gurgle. 咕嘟咕嘟咕嘟。 The rich tomato flavor and white steam overflow immediately, the sour and sweet fragrance spreads in the room. 浓郁的番茄味道与白色的热气顿时四溢而出,酸酸甜甜的香味在房间里扩散开来。 The young girls see this to nod, sirloin completely but actually, added some water slightly, making the water surface just overflow the sirloin. 少女见此点了点头,将牛腩全部倒了进去,又稍微添了一些水,让水面刚好没过牛腩。 Snort song while with devil wood shovel stirring, making each sirloin wrap up the tomato, covers the pot cover to continue the flame to cook in a covered vessel again boils. 一边哼着歌一边用小木铲搅拌,让每一块牛腩都裹上番茄,再重新盖上锅盖继续小火焖煮。 This process takes one hour probably. 这一过程大概需要一个多小时。 Hui Huitou who temporarily is idle looked at a living room, makes the thinking slightly, then takes out one bottle of iced Oolong tea from the refrigerator, twists off the cover to pour into the drinking glass it. 暂时清闲下来的惠回头看了一眼起居室,稍作思索,然后从冰箱里取出一瓶冰镇的乌龙茶,将其拧开盖子倒进玻璃杯。 Why could not say, always thought that own strength seemed bigger than a point before, the things of some need physical strengths are done now become more relaxed. 说不出为什么,总觉得自己的力气似乎比以前大了一点,一些需要体力的事情现在做起来变得更轻松了。 Two the drinking glass that is loaded with the Oolong tea places on the tray, subsequently carries the tray to move toward the desk, places on which one cup the table. 将两个装有乌龙茶的玻璃杯放在托盘上,继而端起托盘走向办公桌,将其中的一杯放在桌上。 Drink I placed here, Yusuke.” “饮料我放在这里了喔,悠介。” Un, thanks.” Katou Yusuke stopped the penmanship to thank, took up the cup to drink one, continued to work earnestly, the distinctive profile had a dedicated flavor. “嗯,谢谢。”加藤悠介停笔道了一声谢,拿起杯子喝了一口,又继续埋头工作,棱角分明的侧脸有一种专注的味道。 So was peaceful stares at him to look at a while, the benefit arrived at short table here, placed on the tray the table, sat on the rug. 就这么安静得盯着他看了一会儿,惠才来到矮桌这里,将托盘放在桌上,在地毯上坐了下来。 About her looked all around around one, then put out a hand to take that from the nightstand, " Love Metronome » vol. 4 novel, turned the head to ask one. 她左右环顾了一下四周,然后伸手从床头柜上拿下了那本,《恋爱节拍器》的第四卷小说,转头问了一句。 That, Yusuke, Kasumigaoka study elder sister's novel can I look?” “那个呢,悠介,霞之丘学姐的这本小说我可以看吗?” Ok.” “可以。” Un ~ ~ thanks.” “嗯~~谢谢。” Therefore the benefit returns to the face, first takes down the number of pages that he saw, at once looks from the beginning. 于是惠又回正脸,先是记下了他所看到的页数,旋即才从头看了起来。 Meow ~ “喵呜~” Finished eating a bamboo round black cat to walk, jumped from the ground to her leg on, looked for a comfortable position to start to lick the wool. 吃完竹轮的黑猫走了过来,从地上跳到她腿上,找了一个舒服的位置开始舔毛。 Facing its action. 面对它的这一举动。 The benefit that bowed to sit also stretched out straight in front of oneself the both legs forward, put, enabling it to lie down comfortably, then continues to read the novel. 原本屈膝坐着的惠也把双腿向前平伸,放了下来,让它能躺得舒服一点,然后继续阅读小说。 ...... ……
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