TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#408: Echo

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Chapter 408 echo 第408章反响 The unique minute/share of mirror technique brings the unique effect, produced just like the chemical action response, there is an indescribable attraction and an unusual charm. 独特的分镜手法带来独特的效果,产生了犹如化学作用般的反应,有一种难以言喻的吸引力和奇特魅力。 Some devils can attach the body of deceased person to come up. 有些恶魔可以附到死人的身体上去。 At point of death bo Chitta remembered two people agreement, changed into the heart to integrate electricity time within the body, smooth made him bring back to life. 弥留之际的啵奇塔想起了两人的约定,化为心脏融入了电次的体内,顺利使他起死回生。 The electricity times chest front after resurrecting were many a suspension link, that is with the bo Chitta's tail that he fuses together. 复活之后的电次胸前多了一个拉环,那是与他融为一体的啵奇塔的尾巴。 Happy really by tying tight small face, is sipping the lip, the expression is very earnest. 相乐真由紧绷着小脸,抿着嘴唇,表情很是认真。 Obviously is an evil way cartoon, as if contains some charm to be the same, letting her to continue to look. 明明是一本邪道漫画,却仿佛蕴含着某种魔力一样,让她能继续看下去。 Solely depends upon the picture, can take to the reader the immersive experience, was led into the sad and happy mood change. 仅仅依靠画面,就能带给读者沉浸式的体验,被带入到悲与喜的情绪变化中。 Facing mourning corpse devil and his subordinate, the electricity after resurrecting time a matter that has no time to lose bo Chitta sadly, lagged behind the suspension link of chest angrily. 面对丧尸恶魔和他的手下,复活之后的电次无暇为失去啵奇塔的事情悲伤,愤怒地拉下了胸口的拉环。 With on behalf of the special effect character that the power saw engine noise starts, the collection pencil in picture toward the middle gathers in abundance. 伴随着代表电锯引擎声启动的特效字,画面中的集束线纷纷朝中间集合。 Loses in the corpse group. 丧尸群中。 Wears the helmet, the tooth assumes the monster sharp spinous, the heads and both arms are growing the power saw blade monster- braved from the mourning corpse group! 一名头戴钢盔,牙齿呈怪物般尖刺状的,头上和两臂都长着电锯刀刃的“怪物”-就这么从丧尸群中冒了出来! The next quarter, changes an electricity that becomes the power saw person time starts to kill the four directions in the mourning corpse pile greatly. 下一刻,变身成电锯人的电次开始在丧尸堆里大杀四方。 The flesh and blood flying in all directions in picture, shows one type like the cult picture tensity. 画面中的血肉横飞,展现出一种有如cult片般的画面张力。 Although is the black and white cartoon, as if there is full smell of blood store front to come, to stimulate the sense. 虽然是黑白漫画,却仿佛有着满满的血腥味铺面而来,刺激着感官。 Looks that steps on laughs wildly the electricity time incessantly in the mourning corpse group top of the head, happy really by the temples jump, the eyelid winked extremely quickly. 看着踩在丧尸群头顶上狂笑不止的电次,相乐真由的太阳穴不由地一跳,眼皮极快地眨动了起来。 Evil way......” she muttered dumbfoundedly, crossed this page fast. “邪道……”她瞠目结舌地喃喃道,快速翻过了这一页。 In next page of pictures, three combination that wears the black suit windproof coat appeared in the warehouse entrance. 下一页的画面中,三名身穿黑色西装风衣的组合出现在了仓库入口。 Looks in the field an only living creature, stands lifts the foot to go forward in the central female in an unhurried manner, to incarnation for the electricity time of monster not slightly frightened. 看着场中唯一的一名活物,站在中央的女性从容不迫地抬脚上前,对化身为怪物的电次没有丝毫恐惧。 " You, the body has a strange flavor, does not seem like human, does not seem like the devil. " 「你,身上有种奇怪的味道啊,既不像是人类,也不像是恶魔。」 The females have a mild-mannered long hair, after the brain, is tying up the bread twist pigtail, a reflection image is the samsara eye same circle circle eye, sizes up with the present electricity next bests in the surrounding corpse mountain blood sea, the corners of the mouth raise send out the inquiry. 女性留着一头柔顺的中长发,脑后绑着麻花辫,一双像是轮回眼一样的圈圈眼,在周围的尸山血海与眼前的电次之间打量,嘴角微扬地发出询问。 " Are these, you do? " 「这些,是你做的?」 The bright sunlight hits after behind, is describing her gentle outline, illuminated dazzlingly in the electricity time that in the darkness is scarred. 灿烂的阳光打在身后,描绘着她柔和的轮廓,耀眼地照亮了在黑暗中伤痕累累的电次。 Katou Yusuke put thoughts here, in the overall style invariable situation, portrayed Madge Ma's appearance emphatically. 加藤悠介在这里花了点心思,在整体风格不变的情况下,着重刻画了玛奇玛的外貌。 If there is a smile that resembles not to have, gentle exquisite face outline, mild-mannered slender sending silk. 若有似无的微笑,柔和细腻的脸部轮廓,柔顺纤细的发丝。 In natural desolate capable smooth line Jane/simple has god, numerous has thin, sends out like the lily taboo delicate fragrance, is charming. 性冷淡般干练的流畅线条简中有神,繁中有细,散发出如百合般的禁忌清香,魅力十足。 „! Good attractive......!” Happy really by eyes instantaneous one bright, stretches out the finger to outline according to the character line gently, probably practices in tracing. “哇!好好看……!”相乐真由双眼瞬间一亮,轻轻伸出手指照着人物线条勾勒,像是在临摹练习。 Facing suddenly appears in the present woman, the electricity time said the hope of innermost feelings unrestrainedly. 面对突然出现在眼前的女人,电次情不自禁地说出了内心的渴望。 " Hugs...... holds my one...... " 「抱……抱我一下……」 The females looked at his one eyes, even his semblance is equally fierce just like the devil fearsome, still gave him without hesitation a big warm hug. 女性看了他一眼,即使他的外表宛如恶魔一样狰狞可怖,也毫不犹豫地给了他一个大大的温暖拥抱。 The tender feelings in picture on the paper, previous constraining with gloomy will clear off vividly strangely. 画面中的柔情跃然于纸上,将先前的压抑与阴森诡异一扫而光。 The helmet on electricity times head melts like the mud, power saw also received, changed the original appearance. 电次脑袋上的钢盔像泥一样地消融,身上的电锯也收了回去,重新变回了原本的模样。 " Is the person...... " 「是人……」 Looks that restores the human form under own hug the electricity time, as the female of public security devil hunter hugs him gently on the leg, gave two choices. 看着在自己的拥抱下恢复人形的电次,身为公安恶魔猎人的女性温柔地将他抱在腿上,给出了两个选择。 First, was massacred by her by the status of devil, 一是以恶魔的身份被她杀掉, Second, makes her dog by the status of human. 二是以人类的身份做她的狗。 " If makes my dog, I will feed your feed well. " 「如果做我的狗的话,我会好好喂你饲料的。」 Looks that is smiling at present indifferently the female, the electricity time after staring one next has asked. 看着在眼前淡然微笑着的女性,电次在愣过一下以后问道。 " Can the feed that you said what...... the morning eat? " 「伱说的饲料……早上能吃到什么?」 To convenient thinks is giving the response. 对方便是思索着给出回应。 " Un ~ ~ ~...... wiped the bread of butter and jam...... the salad, the coffee, dessert...... " 「嗯~~~……抹了黄油和果酱的面包……沙拉,咖啡,还有甜点吧……」 Heard this saying the electricity time to voice the moan feeling. 听到这话的电次发出了呻吟般的感慨。 " Simply invincible...... " 「简直无敌了啊……」 Saw here happy really by not being able to bear be tittered one to smile, then began to turn to the next page. 看到这里的相乐真由忍不住噗嗤一声笑了,然后动手翻到下一页。 In the tail page of blank, on the face bo Chitta of power saw is waving to say goodbye steadily cute, is making clear to the cartoon ended. 空白的尾页上,脸上长着电锯的啵奇塔正在可爱地挥手道别,昭示着漫画的到此结束。 Well? Has ended......” her to sigh the sound said unrestrainedly, somewhat puts down the cartoon moved. “咦?已经完了呀……”她情不自禁地叹声道,有些怅然若失地放下漫画。 You? Really by.” “你怎么了?真由。” Nearby Le Wenxiong hears her sigh, turns the head looks like, the vision fell on small table that «Youngster Undead» on above. 一旁的相乐文雄听到她的叹息,不由转头看来,目光落在了小桌上的那本《少年Undead》上面。 Un? Isn't that the youngster cartoon? Were you just looking at that unexpectedly??” “嗯?那不是少年漫画么?你刚刚居然在看那个??” Was saying the Elder Brother walks up curiously, takes up the comic magazine on small table, a face is sizing up strangely younger sister who sits on the ground. 这么说着的哥哥好奇地走上前来,将小桌上的漫画杂志拿起,一脸奇怪地打量着坐在地上的妹妹。 When were you interested in the youngster cartoon? Can tomorrow's Sun come out from the south side?” “你什么时候对少年漫画感兴趣了?明天的太阳要从南边出来了吗?” You are quite bothersome the elder brother, I do not want to speak now.” “你好烦啊哥,我现在不想说话。” Hey, did your mood become worse suddenly? A moment ago was not fortunately good?” “喂,你怎么心情突然变差了?刚才不是还好好的吗?” Did not become worse, but just watched a special cartoon, a little has mixed feelings.” “不是变差了,只是刚刚看完一部特别的漫画,心情有点复杂。” Special cartoon?” Le Wenxiong blinks, asks: How was special?” “特别的漫画?”相乐文雄眨了眨眼,问道:“怎么个特别了?” Happy is really nodded by un one, such both hands are holding the knee, hesitates saying: How should say that...... is a bit like that dark heroic story probably, a little seeks novelty.” 相乐真由嗯地一声点点头,就这么双手抱着膝盖,犹疑着说道:“该怎么说呢……好像有点像是那种黑暗英雄物语,又有点猎奇吧。” „? Was said that this didn't avoid your fondness completely? Why can also look?” “啊?是说这不是完全避开你的喜好了吗?为什么还要看?” , because this is that rosy cloud poem child teacher recommends, moreover...... is very indeed interesting.” “唔,因为这是那个霞诗子老师推荐的,而且……的确很有趣。” hears word, Le Wenxiong came interest immediately. 闻言,相乐文雄顿时来了兴趣。 Oh, unexpectedly can hear the appraisal excluding cute from my younger sister here, what you said is which in this?” “哎哟,居然能从我妹妹这里听到除可爱以外的评价,你说的是这本里面的哪一篇?” Middle that «Power saw Person».” “中间那篇,《电锯人》。” After the Elder Brother points out the direction, happy really by putting out a hand from the table to take up the milk pudding, hiss modelling to seal/confer Mo who tears down the surface, ate. 为哥哥指明方向以后,相乐真由伸手从桌上拿起牛奶布丁,“嘶啦”一声撕下表面的塑封膜,吃了起来。 The delicious pudding melts in the mouth slowly, the rich milk flavor is mixing the honey same sweet taste, making the mood become joyful. 香甜可口的布丁在嘴巴里慢慢化开,浓郁的牛奶味道混合着蜜一样的甜味,令心情变得愉悦。 Un ~ ~ ~ “嗯~~~” The younger sister enjoys narrowed the eye, the Elder Brother called a lying trough suddenly. 妹妹享受似的眯起眼睛,哥哥却忽然叫了一声卧槽。 Tomato devil? What ghost thing is this??” “番茄恶魔?这是什么鬼东西??” You peacefully, Elder Brother.” Le true by saying one, then played the cell phone idly. “你安静一点啦,哥。”相乐真由说了一句,然后无所事事地玩起了手机。 Is pondering the impressions of after-reading of cartoon, while opened Twitter naturally, prepares to access the net to examine the situation. 一边思考着漫画的读后感,一边自然而然地打开了推特,准备上网察看一下情况。 When she inputs " «Power saw Person» " after the search column keyword, the discovery some people had established the related entry. 当她在搜索栏中输入「《电锯人》」的关键词以后,才发现已经有人建立了相关词条。 Moreover, after selecting, the related topic has over a hundred, and is still increasing progressively continually. 不仅如此,点进去以后,相关话题更是已经有了上百条,并且还在持续递增。 The topic speed of unceasingly renovating, the obvious heat degree is extremely high, the people are all discussing the work of this counter- repertoire, school of warm. 从不断刷新出来的话题速度来看,明显热度极高,众人皆在讨论着这部反套路的作品,一派热烈。 Happy really by reading a while online commentary, begins with Sagano Wenxiong's account number, edited a condition under the related entry. 相乐真由翻看了一会儿网上的评论,动手用嵯峨野文雄的账号,在相关词条下编辑了一条状态。 " Had just looked at «Power saw Person», is really a unique interesting work, unexpected expansion, the special minute/share of mirror expression means that this author is quite fierce! " 「刚刚看过了《电锯人》,真是一部独特的有趣作品,意料之外的展开,特别的分镜表现手法,这个作者好厉害!」 After end of transmission, the topic in most above stayed for one second, was brushed by the issues of others. 发送完毕以后,话题在最上方停留了一秒钟,又被其他人的发布刷了下去。 At this time- 这时- Crisp-!” “爽啊-!” Nearby Le Wenxiong pats the thigh fiercely, said excitedly: Really by, this cartoon really draws satisfies a craving, makes the person adrenalin rise dramatically simply!” 一旁的相乐文雄猛地一拍大腿,兴奋道:“真由,这漫画画得真过瘾,简直让人肾上腺激素飙升!” Has not waited for the younger sister to speak, he continued. 还不等妹妹说话,他又继续说了起来。 On the other hand is this really the youngster hot blooded cartoon? In this criterion should place the youth to seek novelty is quite appropriate?” “话说回来这真的是少年热血漫画吗?这种尺度应该放在青年猎奇里才比较恰当吧?” „The woman of that Ministry of Public Security draws finally really good! Conforms to my appetite very much, withstood/top!” “还有最后那个公安部的女人画得真棒!很符合我的胃口,太顶了!” I thought that this cartoon can be hot probably, otherwise you consider, how unfolds her same person to remember in the next same person?” “我觉得这本漫画大概会火,不然你考虑一下,在下次的同人展上出她的同人志怎么样?” Le Wenxiong a face is full, Sba Russey unceasingly in Kou in mouth. 相乐文雄一脸酣畅淋漓,嘴巴里的斯巴拉西不绝于口。 Happy really by shooting a look at oneself Elder Brother one eyes, has not responded him to want the request of seizing the chance satisfied selfishness, but is brushing the cell phone. 相乐真由瞥了自己哥哥一眼,没有搭理他想要趁机满足私心的请求,只是刷着手机。 Meets the forecast of fire as for the cartoon that its said that usually did not look basically youngster cartoon by was not too really understood, therefore is unable to estimate fire that” the Elder Brother said is what degree. 至于其所说的这部漫画会火的预测,平时基本不看少年漫画的真由也不太了解,因此无法估算出哥哥所说的“火”到底是什么程度。 She regarding the author of this cartoon, that " liana tree " teacher slightly somewhat is sigh with emotion, thought that the opposite party worthily is the person who rosy cloud poem child teacher regards as important. 她只是对于这部漫画的作者,那位「藤本树」老师稍稍有些感慨,觉得对方不愧是霞诗子老师所看重的人。 Although she is not clear, in the interior of not dead Sichuan cartoon section, was actually the direct feel the change. 而虽然她不清楚,不过在不死川漫画部的内部,却是直观感受到了变化。 That is when the editorial department holds the morning meeting conference matter normally. 那是在编辑部正常召开上午的碰头会议时的事情。 This is the daily regular meeting of editorial department, the participated person has the editor-in-chief, Subeditor, 3 team leaders. 这是编辑部的日常例会,参加的人有主编,副主编,还有三名组长。 Matter of discussion from the excavation of rookie, to the popularity investigation of serial publication, again to the discussion of controversial work, as well as end of the subsequent arrangements of work to these, to mention just a few. 商讨的事情从新人的挖掘,到连载作品的人气调查,再到对一些争议性作品的探讨,以及对那些末尾作品的后续安排,不一而足。 However compares contribution «Youngster Jump» continuously, the work of «Youngster Undead» editorial department wanted to be idly a lot, simultaneously will examine the threshold slightly is also low. 不过相比起投稿源源不绝的《少年Jump》来说,《少年Undead》编辑部的工作就要清闲不少了,同时审查门槛也会稍微低一点。 So long as the contribution work has own highlight, the style is insufficient is too bad, finally basically can through serializing. 只要投稿作品有着自己的亮点,画风又不至于太差,最后基本都能通过连载。 After all if the most basic 24 work standards are unable to be achieved continually, then was also far from the matter that published. 毕竟若是连最基本的24部作品标准都无法达到,那么也谈不上出刊的事情了。 Different in this aspect each standard, what for example «Youngster Jump» carries out is the edition with the author one-to-one elite standard, each work quantity that the time serializes in 20. 在这方面每家的标准都不一样,例如《少年Jump》奉行的是编辑与作者一对一的精英标准,每期连载的作品数量在20部。 But " Youngster Magazine » standard is 28. 而《少年Magazine》的标准则是28部。 However just like most comic magazine societies, " Youngster Undead » editorial department is abiding by the questionnaire survey conciliarism similarly. 不过与大部分的漫画杂志社一样,《少年Undead》编辑部同样遵循着问卷调查至上主义。 The questionnaire result has nothing to do with the author beforehand result and experience, is all suitable. 问卷结果与作者之前的成绩、经历无关,一律适用。 Work and author who even if was fashionable for a time, if the questionnaire result is not good, may still stop serializing. 即使是风靡一时的作品、作者,如果调查问卷结果不好,也有可能停止连载。 In such a case. 在这样的情况下。 If a popularity of work ranks the terminal continually, will then decide that cuts in two at the waist and yields to the new serial publication, from this created only had 10 to 20 issues of short-term serial publications, this in cartoon was really a commonly seen matter. 若是一部作品的人气指数持续排名末端,则会决定腰斩并让位给新的连载作品,由此造成了许多只有十至20期的短期连载作品,这在漫画界实在是一件司空见惯的事情。 The standard of «Youngster Undead» editorial department, is to make the serial publication the quantity maintain at 24. 《少年Undead》编辑部的标准,是让连载作品的数量维持在24部。 The synthesis is the last two works to be included the ranks that the consideration cuts in two at the waist, but arranges may classify at ten about several works is middle and lower reaches. 综合排名在最后两位的作品会被列入考虑腰斩的行列,而排在十数位左右的作品则可归类为中下游。 Discussed each time when cuts in two at the waist this topic, the atmosphere in conference room can become somewhat dignified. 每次讨论到腰斩这个话题时,会议室内的气氛都会变得有些凝重。 To usually also no one meet to disturbs not tactful at this time, however is actually different today...... 是以平常也没有人会不识趣到在这个时候来打扰,然而今天却是有所不同…… Bell ~ 叮铃铃铃~ Bell ~ 叮铃铃铃~ The rapid ringtone resounds in the editorial department continuously. 急促的电话铃声在编辑部内接连不断地响起。 Sits is holding own insulated cup in first senior editor-in-chief Suzuki, sipped bitter buckwheat tea, thinks deeply about the words that under must deliver, while waits for outside telephone sound to stop. 坐在首位的老主编铃木抱着自己的保温杯,呷了一口苦荞茶,一边思索着等下要讲的话,一边等着外面的电话声停下。 But he did not speak, others naturally do not dare to open the mouth. 而他不说话,其他人自然也不敢开口。 Sits patrols in his below Tamura both eyes, has swept on opposite expression bitter and astringent group long face, thinks slightly an opposite party the cut in two at the waist work, then thinks that liana sets up the teacher. 坐在他下方的木村双目神游,在对面一名表情苦涩的小组长脸上扫过,稍微想了一下对方将被腰斩的作品,接着又想到了那位藤本树老师。 Unavoidably speculated the opposite party in the heart secretly in next phase of ranking. 不免在心中暗暗推测起了对方在下一期的排名。 Different from also in three editors who in the position of team leader struggle, his mentality puts very well. 不同于还在组长的位置上挣扎的三名编辑,他的心态放得很好。 After all rosy cloud poem public paves the way for somebody in own novel, this matter in not dead Sichuan is well-known. 毕竟霞诗子公开在自己的小说里为某人铺路,这件事情在不死川内部已是人尽皆知。 In such a case, even the work final popularity is low, he will not receive too big involvement. 在这样的情况下,即使是作品最后的人气低迷,他也不会受到太大的牵连。 After all he is only a pursuer. 毕竟他只是个实行者而已。 Became, naturally must have his merit, inadequate, that is also the rosy cloud poem willful unseemly behavior, the primary responsibility cannot fall his head. 成了,自然少不了他的那份功劳,不成,那也是霞诗子的任性妄为,主要责任落不到他的头上。 So long as his Tamura sits pretty, calmly waits for the result on the line. 他木村只要稳坐钓鱼台,静静等待结果就行。 Many also has the summons of rosy cloud poem, the popularity of first week should not be bad, how also did not know the present sales volume......’ when he is thinking these careless...... ‘不过多少也有着霞诗子的号召,首周的人气应该也不会太差吧,也不知道现在的销量怎么样了……’就在他漫不经心想着这些的时候…… Knocks on. 叩叩。 Was disrespectful!” “失礼了!” With loud and clear apology, the door of conference room was opened by ka one suddenly. 伴随着一声洪亮的致歉,会议室的门突然被“咔哒”一声推开。 An editor walked. 一名编辑就这么走了进来。 Saw that this Suzuki senior editor-in-chief is frowning, the sinking sound asked: What matter?” 看到这一幕的铃木老主编不由皱着眉头,沉声问道:“什么事?” This boy must have bad luck. 这小子要倒霉了。 At this moment, Tamura and three team leaders cannot bear want to say simultaneously. 这一刻,木村和三名组长忍不住同时想道。 But the young edition as if knows nothing about own situation, instead excited says: 而年轻的编辑似乎对自己的处境一无所知,反而一脸兴奋地开口说道: Editor-in-chief! Just many bookstores made the phone call, supplemented the order quantity of this issue of comic magazine to us!” “主编!刚刚有许多家书店打来电话,向我们追加了这一期漫画杂志的订购数量!” Suzuki that hears this saying edits the brow to wrinkle deeply, in the tone took for several points to reprove: Supplements to supplement, rash what nervous flusters? Does not know that now is meeting?” 听到这话的铃木主编眉头皱得更深,语气里带上了几分训斥:“追加就追加,毛毛躁躁的慌什么慌?不知道现在正在开会吗?” But......” young editor tries to open the mouth to explain, was actually broken by him. “可是……”年轻的编辑试图开口解释,却是被他打断。 I remember that you have worked for two years? Encounters this situation first to send the reserve, insufficiently orders to printing shop there again, did you do?” “我记得你已经工作两年了吧?遇到这种情况优先发储备,再不够就向印刷厂那里下单,你都做了吗?” „...... Is, really was extremely sorry-!” “……是,实在是万分抱歉-!” Was taught right in the face, the young edition is a depth bows immediately, is straight the body, replied: 被这么劈头盖脸地一训,年轻的编辑立刻就是一个深鞠躬,然后才直起身体,答道: „The cargo of reserve has sent completely, that side the printing shop also had the colleague to contact, disturbs!” “储备的货物已经全部发完了,印刷厂那边也有同事在联络,打扰了!” The language finishes, he then turns around to walk cautiously outward. 语毕,他便小心翼翼地转身向外走去。 The Suzuki senior editors-in-chief have nod dignifiedly, un, took up own insulated cup subsequently calmly, delivers to the mouth, spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. 铃木老主编颇具威严地点了点头,嗯了一声,继而从容地拿起自己的保温杯,送到嘴边,随口问了一句。 „Did these bookstores that right, you said that the orders of how many book altogether make?” “对了,你说的那些书店,一共下了多少册的订单啊?” Will go out of the young editor in room to stop the footsteps unexpectedly, has transferred the body again, and answers in very respectful tone in a soft voice: Probably is 100,000 volume, Editor-in-chief.” 正要走出房间的年轻编辑蓦地停下脚步,再次转过身体,并以十分恭敬的语气轻声做出回答:“大概是10万册,主编。” Un-? 嗯-? The Suzuki senior editors take the hand of insulated cup to shake suddenly, inside hot tea scattered little, sprinkled on the pants. 铃木老编辑拿着保温杯的手忽地一抖,里面的热茶撒出了少许,洒在了裤子上。 However he actually cannot attend to these temporarily, but the calm face puts down the cup, the flashing eyes look to that editor, asked: How many...... did you just say?” 不过他却暂时顾不上这些,而是沉着脸放下杯子,目光炯炯地看向那名编辑,问道:“……你刚刚说多少?” Under everyone's gaze, the young edition enhances the volume slightly, repeated. 在所有人的注视下,年轻的编辑稍微提高音量,又重复了一遍。 Before my coming in conference room, altogether is 100,000 volume, but behind also has the colleague to answer the telephone, perhaps the quantity also has the change, Editor-in-chief.” “在我进来会议室之前,一共是十万册,不过后面还有同事在接听电话,也许数量还有变化,主编。” In an instant, strange silent fills the air in the conference room. 刹那间,诡异的寂静在会议室弥漫开来。 ...... ……
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