TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#407: The cartoon sells

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Chapter 407 cartoon sells 第407章漫画发售 Monday on this day. 周一这天。 The new issue of comic magazine starts to sell one after another. 新一期的漫画杂志开始陆陆续续发售。 And «Weekly Youngster Jump» that Shueisha publishes, is in the middle of numerous comic magazine being the acknowledged leader. 其中集英社所出版的《周刊少年Jump》,便是一众漫画杂志当中的执牛耳者。 As one of the well-known comic magazines. 作为家喻户晓的漫画杂志之一。 In Japan, in every 20 people, at least 1 person is " Youngster Jump » reader. 在日本,每20个人中,至少就有一人是《少年Jump》的读者。 As accompanying countless person youth «Youngster Jump», it serializes in the 90's- 身为陪伴无数人青春的《少年Jump》,其在90年代连载的- By «Dragonball», «Slamdunk», as well as in the time of «Wave Guest Sword Heart» that batch of works, 以《Dragonball》、《Slamdunk》,以及《浪客剑心》那批作品的时代里, Once set the record for a week to distribute 6.53 million volume, this unprecedented terrifying record. 更是曾创下了一周发行653万册,这一史无前例的恐怖记录。 Looks over entire weekly and even in Japanese magazine history, this sales record is also without parallel in history. 纵观整个周刊杂志乃至日本杂志史上,这个销售记录也是空前绝后的。 Although non-stop withering in that later market, but to the present, the quantity issued of each time also about 2 million volume, ranks the heads of three big weekly youngster comic magazines. 虽然在那之后市场就不停萎缩,但到现在,每期的发行量也在200万册左右,稳居三大周刊少年漫画杂志之首。 Ranked the second is Kodansha «Weekly Youngster Magazine», as well as third Shogakukan «Weekly Youngster Sunday». 排在第二名的是讲谈社的《周刊少年Magazine》,以及第三名的小学馆的《周刊少年Sunday》。 The two sell on Wednesday, the quantity issued of each time about 1 million volume. 二者均是在周三发售,每期的发行量在100万册左右。 The three constituted a Japanese comic magazine dragon's head, is called the Japan's top three weekly youngster comic magazines. 三者构成了日本漫画杂志届的龙头,被称为日本三大周刊少年漫画杂志。 Under this, is many middle and lower reaches comic magazines. 在这之下,则是许多中下游的漫画杂志。 But regarding three " Japan three big " this reputation/honorary, not the dead Sichuan cartoon section heart has had discontented, thinks that should " in a big way change to Japan four " to be right. 而对于三家的「日本三大」这一名誉,不死川漫画部一直心有不满,认为应该改成「日本四大」才对。 After all must say that their «Youngster Undead» comic magazine, the quantity issued of each time also about 500,000, are worthy of the reputation Japan fourth, but was not acknowledged by above three. 毕竟要说自家的《少年Undead》漫画杂志,每期的发行量也有50万左右,是名副其实的日本第四,只是却一直不被上面三家承认。 Often when mentioned this matter, in that one second also with a laugh, likely the neighbor old man's common not dead Sichuan cartoon section editor-in-chief, becomes in the next second serious in speech and manner, the complexion was gloomy. 每每提及这件事情时,那位上一秒还笑呵呵的,像个邻家老头一般的不死川漫画部主编,在下一秒就会变得不苟言笑,面色阴沉。 Small Eight Trigrams (gossip) so forth, happy really by fully did not understand, but she catches up with family/home nearby bookstore today as before early. 诸如此类的小八卦,相乐真由完全不怎么了解,不过她今天依旧还是早早赶来了家附近的书店。 Buys the magazine, the comic magazine, the youngster comic magazine. 来买杂志,漫画杂志,少年漫画杂志。 Goal: «Youngster Undead». 目标:《少年Undead》。 After paying 280 yuan, she also achieved wishes to buy at all not marketable «Youngster Undead». 在付出280円以后,她也如愿买到了根本不怎么抢手的《少年Undead》。 Later spent 510 yuan, helping her resentment Elder Brother take along «Youngster Jump» and «Youngster Magazine», then took the shopping bag to return to the home. 之后又花了510円,帮她的怨种哥哥捎带了一本《少年Jump》和《少年Magazine》,然后才提着购物袋返回家中。 The reason that will do this is not because she will be prompted by a sudden impulse, will not be because she will like the youngster cartoon. 会这样做的原因并不是因为她心血来潮,也不是因为她喜欢少年漫画。 The fact is photogenic happily really by the taste has been very stable, that then likes the cute thing. 事实上相乐真由的口味一直都很稳定,那便是喜欢可爱的事物。 This point is also good from the work of her own writing, in the circle that pursues other wives' works are also good, can be telling. 这一点不论是从她自己笔下的作品也好,还是所追逐的圈内其他太太的作品也好,都能够说明问题。 According to normalcy, although happy really by liking being watched the cartoon, but usually looks is the young girl cartoon, youngster cartoon type of thing is almost misses with her. 按照正常来说,虽然相乐真由喜欢看漫画,但通常看的都是少女漫画,少年漫画这种东西是几乎与她无缘的。 After all these hit all day, the male character that can also perspire, where has soft, fragrant, moe dá dá the girl fragrance? 毕竟那些整天打来打去的,又会流汗的男性角色,哪里有软软的、香香的,又萌哒哒的女孩子香呢? However today is actually different, she purchased a youngster comic magazine stemming from oneself will, the reason is related with " Love Metronome » vol. 4 that the day before yesterday sells. 然而今天却是有所不同,她出于自己的意志购买了一本少年漫画杂志,原因与前天发售的《恋爱节拍器》第四卷有关。 Specifically speaking, " rosy cloud poem " teacher writes with that in the words expressing feelings of prehensile tail is related. 更具体来说,是与那位「霞诗子」老师写在卷尾的感言有关。 Except that these regarding work related worker's formulation thanks beyond, inside had a few words to cause happily really by intense curious. 除去那些对于作品相关工作者的公式化感谢以外,里面有一段话引起了相乐真由的强烈好奇。 The words saying like this: 话是这样说的: " In creating the process of this novel, to me in various significances calculates that important person, he not only provided many suggestions and help for me, now also enters this line as cartoonist. " 「在创作这本小说的过程中,有一个对我在各种意义上都算重要的人,他不仅为我提供了许多的建议与帮助,现在也以漫画家的身份进入了这一行。」 " His work «Power saw Person» , «Youngster Undead» that this month Monday ( October 5 ) distributed on that day on starts to serialize. " 「他的作品《电锯人》,将会在本月周一(十月 5 日)那天所发行的,《少年Undead》上开始连载。」 " Although is also only an rookie, but hopes that everyone can witness his growth with me. Here to sincere thanks, making our vol. 5 meet again! " 「虽然还只是个新人,不过希望大家都能和我一起见证他的成长。在这里致上真挚的感谢,让我们第五卷再会!」 These words evoke a discussion in " Love Metronome » circle, stemming from the rosy cloud poem child teacher's trust, the bibliophiles indicated that can buy this issue of «Youngster Undead» comes to see. 这段话在《恋爱节拍器》的圈子里引起一番讨论,出于对霞诗子老师的信任,书迷们纷纷表示会买这一期的《少年Undead》来看。 But the origin said regarding Le true, she besides is curious to the cartoon that rosy cloud poem child teacher mentioned, but also smelled a flavor of Eight Trigrams (gossip) from inside. 而对于相乐真由来说,她除了对霞诗子老师所提到的这部漫画感到好奇之外,还从里面闻到了一种八卦的味道。 ‚Is the author of this cartoon, the person who that rosy cloud poem child teacher likes? What kind of person can be ~?’ ‘这部漫画的作者,难道是那位霞诗子老师喜欢的人吗?会是怎么样的人呢~?’ She cannot bear think, and thinks before , that meeting on summer COMI, as well as that looks like the beautiful young girl of sand by good. 她忍不住浮想联翩,并想到了之前在夏COMI上的那场会面,以及那位长得像沙由佳一样的美丽少女。 Does not know that rosy cloud poem child teacher can also participate in this year's winter COMI, if can have an exchange novel feelings opportunity to be good.’ ‘不知道霞诗子老师还会不会参加今年的冬COMI,如果能够有一个交流小说感想的机会就好了。’ Pitifully the opposite party completely has not only started Twitter and so on account number, the letter to the editor does not return basically, making people feel not only aloof and mysterious, is actually out of control to have the strong interest. 只可惜对方完全没有建立推特之类的账号,就连读者来信也基本不回,让人感觉既高冷又神秘,却也禁不住产生了更加浓厚的兴趣。 Is holding such idea, happy really by stepping footsteps of jumping for joy, holds the shopping bag in hand in the chest front, picked up the speed to run back family's apartment. 抱着这样的想法,相乐真由迈着雀跃的脚步,将手中的购物袋抱在胸前,加快速度跑回了家里的公寓。 I came back ~ ~!” “我回来了~~!” Takes off the brown red Martin boots on foot in the threshold to buddhism, is stepping the small feet that wears the white lace sock, treads the tread tread slightly to run to approach own room. 将脚上的棕红色马丁靴脱在玄关,迈着穿有白色花边袜的小脚,蹬蹬蹬地小跑向自己房间。 Door ka opens. 将门“咔哒”一声打开。 „- Oh ~ welcome to come back, really by.” “-噢~欢迎回来,真由。” Happy really by: „......?” 相乐真由:“……?” Sees own ruffian brother to sit before her desk and desk, and carelessly is drinking the Cola, while is reading the cartoon, the appearance looks somewhat bored. 就见自家的痞子老哥正坐在她的书桌兼办公桌前,并大大咧咧地一边喝着可乐,一边翻看着漫画,样子看上去有些无聊。 Happy was really solidified for one second by the happy expression, transfers in the next second shuts out, digs the mouth to complain. 相乐真由开心的表情凝固了一秒钟,又在下一秒转为嫌弃,撅着嘴巴抱怨起来。 „Were you too also disappointing? Elder Brother, how can in situation that in the master is not, enters the opposite sex room casually??” “你也太差劲了吧?哥,怎么可以在主人不在的情况下,随便进入异性的房间嗳??” Un? Opposite sex?” “嗯?异性?” Le Wenxiong incline head, puzzled sized up her slightly toward left from top to bottom, then two one, sends out a sigh reluctantly. 相乐文雄微微向左倾斜脑袋,一脸不解地从上到下打量了她一番,然后无奈地两手一摊,发出一声叹息。 Opposite sex word also too, really by, said to you early again I enter younger sister's room, why did you loudly respond?” “异性这个词对你来说还太早了,真由,再说我只是进妹妹的房间而已,你为什么这么大反应?” Because the flavor will unable to clean up.” “因为味道会清理不掉啦。” Ha?? Flavor? What flavor?” Le Wenxiong lifts the arm to smell itself, only smells liquid detergent the flavor. “哈??味道?什么味道?”相乐文雄抬起胳膊闻了闻自己,只闻到一股洗衣液的味道。 Then says: What does? Isn't this very normal?” 遂开口说道:“搞什么?这不是很正常吗?” Do not use energy.” “别费劲了。” Happy really by slanting his one eyes, lifts the foot to walk up, two comic magazines in the shopping bag will give him, said: 相乐真由斜了他一眼,抬脚走上前来,将购物袋里的两本漫画杂志递给他,说道: To, the comic magazine that you want, what I just said is the dregs male flavor, female public enemy.” “给,你要的漫画杂志,还有我刚刚说的是渣男的味道,女性公敌。” What, is only the joke, harmed me almost to take seriously.” Le Wenxiong is backing on the chairback carelessly, turns upwards one leg on the other, a face looks down on the world. “什么啊,原来只是玩笑么,害我差点当真了。”相乐文雄吊儿郎当地背靠着椅背,翘起二郎腿,一脸玩世不恭。 Cartoon thank you ~ really by.” “谢谢你的漫画~真由。” Oh.” “喔。” Happy by has not been really paid attention to his being smiling, is holding that «Youngster Undead» arrives at the bedside, the plump lay, prepares to watch the cartoon. 相乐真由没有理会他的嬉皮笑脸,抱着那本《少年Undead》来到床边,扑通一声趴了上去,准备观看漫画。 But, she thought that was short of a point anything. 可紧接着,她又觉得少了一点什么。 Gurgle, gurgle ~ 咕嘟,咕嘟~ And. 唰唰、唰唰。 Took a look at one to the new cartoon tons brother, was really realized suddenly the crux is , the cheeks roused immediately. 瞅了一眼正对着新漫画吨吨吨的自家老哥,真由忽然意识到了症结所在,脸颊顿时鼓了起来。 Elder Brother! I am also fun, the milk pudding in refrigerator also helps me take.” “哥!我也要可乐,还有冰箱里的牛奶布丁也帮我拿一下。” But facing request that her younger sister set, although Le Wenxiong was plays with the female dregs male, but grew up together to this, provided to him knew the two circle female student convenient younger sisters, looked after actually. 而面对自家妹妹所提出的要求,虽然相乐文雄是个玩弄女性的渣男,不过对这个从小一起长大的,又给他提供了认识二次元圈女生便利的妹妹,倒是十分关照。 Therefore has not shirked to dodge, immediately puts down the cartoon in hand, sets out to walk toward the room outside. 所以也没有推脱搪塞,当即就放下手中的漫画,起身朝房间外走去。 Saw he responded happy is really nodded satisfied, took a fresh look to the comic magazine in hand. 见到他反应的相乐真由满意地点点头,重新看向手中的漫画杂志。 In the title page, a right eye wears the blonde youngster of black eye-shade, the bosom is holding a contour to be similar to the puppy, on the face actually grows the power saw blade pet to stand there. 封面上,一名右眼戴着黑色眼罩的金发少年,怀里正抱着一只外形类似于小狗,脸上却长着电锯刀刃的宠物站在那里。 The above is " Undead » magazine title, the right side is " ChainsawMan » cartoon title of overstriking typeface. 上方是《Undead》的杂志标题,右侧是加粗字体的《ChainsawMan》漫画标题。 Here considered reader's response, after discussing of editorial department, Katou Yusuke made certain revision, using the quite temperate illustration to take the title page, therefore seemingly made people easier to accept. 这里考虑到读者的反应,经过与编辑部的商量之后,加藤悠介做出了一定修改,用了较为温和的插画作为封面,因此看上去让人更容易接受。 Good cute puppy ~ ~ happy really by eye slightly one bright, starts to turn the page. “好可爱的小狗~~”相乐真由眼睛微微一亮,开始唰唰翻页。 In this process, she notices an issue. 在这一过程中,她不由注意到一个问题。 That is mounts the current period title page «Power saw Person» this work, is actually in the order of typesetting puts in order this magazine middle part. 那便是登上本期封面的《电锯人》这部作品,在排版的顺序上却是处于整本杂志中间的部分。 According to generally speaking, these popularity high works will usually be arranged at front. If sorts more goes lower, ranking of representative work is lower, unvalued. 按照一般来说,那些人气较高的作品通常都会被排在前面。如果排序越是靠后,则代表作品的排名越低,越不受重视。 However an unvalued work, should not be arranged to the title page recommendation reasonably, had this phenomenon in «Power saw Person», many are somewhat strange. 然而一部不受重视的作品,按理也不应该会被安排到封面推荐,偏偏在《电锯人》身上却是出现了这种现象,多少有些奇怪。 However thinks rookie king who that light novel domain- rosy cloud poem, as well as between two people the mysterious relations, such situation as if can explain that must pass...... 不过一想到那位轻小说领域的新人王-霞诗子,以及两人之间的神秘关系,这样的情况似乎又能解释得通了…… Aiyu, was this relationship through female relatives ~?” Happy was really thought aloud excitedly, on the face appears to eat the melon ambiguous smile. “哎呦,这算不算是裙带关系了呀~?”相乐真由兴奋地自言自语,脸上浮现出吃瓜般的暧昧笑容。 Such idea was confirmed in the next second. 这样的想法在下一秒得到了证实。 When the fingertip turns to that page of «Power saw Person» openings, a colorful color page, then towering presents in an numerous black and white picture at present. 当指尖翻到那页《电锯人》的开头时,一张色彩鲜艳的彩页,便是在一众黑白的画面中突兀地呈现在眼前。 But in comic magazine. 而在漫画杂志里。 Can have the central color page, then expressed that behind has certainly the support of editorial department, this act will cause the work generally situated in compared with the actual popularity slightly high position. 能够拥有中央彩页,则表示背后一定有着编辑部的支持,此举一般会使作品处于比实际人气稍高的位置。 In the color page picture is a youth who wears the shirt suit, on the head long has the power saw with the both arms, at this moment steps on just as the mountaineering same single foot on several human form monsters. 彩页画面中是一名身穿衬衫西装的青年,脑袋上和双臂都长有电锯,此刻正像登山一样的单脚踩在几个人形怪物身上。 The style fused the wild and crazy attitude and succinct, and is full of the tensity. 画风融合了狂气与简洁,并且充满张力。 „......?” Happy really by the smile stopped on the face, knits the brows subconsciously, spits the mortise: Good ugly......” “……呃?”相乐真由的笑容停在了脸上,下意识地皱了皱眉,吐槽道:“好丑……” Said the picture actually not not well, but such picture does not conform to her fondness, making her some not like, to satisfy oneself curiosity, she continued to look. 倒不是说画得不好,只是这样的画面并不符合她的喜好,让她有些不太喜欢,不过为了满足自己的好奇心,她还是继续看了下去。 After crossing this page, the picture restored the familiar black and white page. 翻过这一页以后,画面又恢复成了熟悉的黑白页。 That short hair youngster and puppy on title page also appear again at present. 封面上的那名短发少年与小狗也再次出现在眼前。 " Cuts a wood/blockhead, one month can gain 60,000 ~ ~ " 「砍点木头,一个月能赚6万吧~~」 " The kidney that before sold out was...... 1.2 million. " 「之前卖掉的肾是……120万。」 " Right eye is...... 300,000. " 「右眼是……30万。」 " How many did fruit sell...... sold to come? Probably is also less than 100,000? " 「一个蛋蛋卖了……卖了多少来着?好像还不到10万?」 " Then also owes others...... 38.04 million. " 「然后还欠别人……3804万。」 ????? ????? A string of question marks, from happy really by the head braved. 一连串问号,从相乐真由的脑袋上冒了出来。 Un-?? 嗯-?? Well, what is this?? 咦咦,这是什么?? Looks at the male lord and that only named bo Chitta's the lines of pet, happy by cannot help but somewhat is really dumbstruck. 看着男主与自己那只名为啵奇塔的宠物的台词,相乐真由不由得有些发懵。 " Gets rid of a devil, has 300,000. Really the devil hunter most makes money. " 「干掉一只恶魔,就有30万。果然还是恶魔猎人最赚钱啊。」 " woof. " 「汪。」 In the male lord and in the bo Chitta's dialogue, she continues to the next page looks. 在男主与啵奇塔的对话中,她又继续向下一页看去。 Heaves in sight, is on a head steadily many eyes, under the body many hands, are letting the devil that the person san value falls crazily steadily. 映入眼帘的,是一只脑袋上长着许多只眼睛的,身子下长着许多只手的,让人san值狂掉的恶魔。 What...... is this......?” Happy really by muttering say/way, an incredible and strange mood floated off from the heart, making her for a while in same place, and to the author of this cartoon formed a big question mark in the heart. “……这是……什么?”相乐真由喃喃着道,一种荒诞和诡异的情绪从心头浮起,令她一时愣在了原地,并在心中对这部漫画的作者打了一个大大的问号。 Must say that the opposite party is the earnest picture, really pulls very much, but must say that the opposite party is the blind picture, some not like. 要说对方是认真画的,实在很扯,可要说对方是瞎画的,又有些不像。 Being suspended in midair, incredible incomparable feeling...... 给人一种不上不下,又荒诞无比的感觉…… Happy really by falling into confusedly. 相乐真由陷入了迷茫。 In this time, Le Wenxiong is pushing the gate to walk. 正在这时,相乐文雄推门走了进来。 „- The Cola and do the pudding that you want, put on the small table to you?” “-喏,你要的可乐和布丁,给你放小桌上吗?” ............ “…………” Really by?” “真由?” Elder brother's voice makes the younger sister recover. 哥哥的声音让妹妹回过神来。 „......, Thanks.” Happy was really replied by the slow racket, backed off the cartoon in hand, got out of bed to drink the Cola. “……啊,谢谢。”相乐真由慢一拍地答道,将手中的漫画倒扣过来,下床喝起了可乐。 Le Wenxiong has helped her pour into the cup the Cola ahead of time, even also added the ice piece intimately, before this little while then returns to the desk, watches own cartoon. 相乐文雄已经提前帮她将可乐倒进了杯子里,甚至还贴心地加了冰块,这会儿便又回到书桌前看自己的漫画。 Happy was really drunk two Cola absent-mindedly, the vision cannot help but glances to the bed, the mood in wants to look that with does not want to look jumps repeatedly horizontally. 相乐真由心不在焉地喝了两口可乐,目光不由自主地瞟向床上,心情在想看与不想看之间反复横跳。 After being separated several patted, she eventually cannot repress the intellectual curiosity in heart, puts out a hand to bring in the hand the cartoon. 间隔了几拍以后,她终究还是按耐不住心中的求知欲,又伸手将漫画拿来手中。 After all is the person who that rosy cloud poem child teachers attach great importance, has a look again.’ ‘毕竟是那个霞诗子老师都重视的人,再看看吧。’ Is holding such idea, she continued to read. 抱着这样的想法,她又继续翻看了下去。 Brother and sister holds a cartoon, thinks so peacefully. 兄妹两人一人捧着一本漫画,就这么安静地看着。 The opening of story is not difficult to understand, is forced the male lord electricity time that betrays the organ to render back the money to work for the underworld gang, debt that but also cannot be paying off forever. 故事的开头并不难理解,被迫出卖器官来还钱的男主电次为黑道打工,还着永远也还不清的债务。 May work money big that attains to be taken away by the criminal syndicate each time, but devil bo Chitta who the electricity and he adopts, one day or three days of food only have a slice of bread. 可每次打工拿到的钱大头都被黑帮拿走,而电次和他收养的恶魔啵奇塔,一天或者三天的饭就只有一片面包。 But in his life, even has not tasted the jam flavor, can moisten the jam to eat the bread, to him looks like have a dream is unattainable. 而在他的人生中,甚至都没有尝过果酱的味道,能够沾着果酱吃面包,对他来说就像是做梦般遥不可及。 In order to makes 100 Japanese Yen, as the male Lord electricity time can eat up the boiling hot cigarette butt under teasing of criminal syndicate. But in his life the biggest desire, one day can on the ordinary life. 为了能够多挣100日元,身为男主的电次可以在黑帮的戏谑下吃下滚烫的烟蒂。而他人生中最大的愿望,就是有一天能够过上普通的生活。 This was also too miserable......” “这也太惨了吧……” Happy really by seeing here could not be borne mutter, in the tone took a sympathy unknowingly, were many to cherished of following development. 相乐真由看到这里忍不住咕哝了一句,语气里不知不觉带上了一丝同情,也多了一些对后续发展的心切。 Meanwhile, she also discovered a special matter. 与此同时,她也发现了一件特别的事情。 That is the minute/share of mirror of this cartoon work has the movie feeling , a weird and unique beautiful contains, as if really through the angle of view performance story of movie. 那便是这部漫画作品的分镜十分有电影感,有一种怪诞又独特的美蕴藏其中,仿佛真的在通过电影的视角演出故事。 Such style makes her feel novel, the mouth could not bear showed " cheerful , interested " smile slightly. 这样的风格让她觉得新奇,嘴边忍不住微微露出了兴致盎然的微笑。 But quick, she could not smile. 但很快的,她就笑不出来了。 When saw that the male lord electricity time was deceived the warehouse with his bo Chitta, under these criminal syndicate that turns into the mourning corpse have ganged up to surround and beaten up, was dismembered the block when throws into the trashcan. 当看到男主电次与他的啵奇塔被人骗到仓库,又在那些已经变成丧尸的黑帮围殴下,被分尸成块并且丢进垃圾箱时。 „-??!” “-—诶??!” Happy by cannot really be borne the brain finally, was in a state of down. 相乐真由终于忍不住大脑一空,陷入了宕机状态。 ......... ………
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