TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#406: Coffeemaker and cat

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Chapter 406 coffeemaker and cat 第406章咖啡机与猫 Crash-bang crash-bang. 哗啦哗啦。 And. 啪唰、啪唰。 Katou Yusuke whips the running water on the face, lets the icy cold fluent permeating pore, washes off the clean surface breast on face, washes off the last sleepiness. 加藤悠介将自来水拍打在脸上,让冰凉的水流渗入毛孔,洗去脸上的洁面乳,也洗去最后一丝睡意。 The time is Saturday morning 7:15. 时间是周六早上7点15分。 Generally still when sound rests in the students greatly, enjoys the happiness of the holiday bringing satisfied, he has gotten out of bed. 在学生们普遍都还在酣然大睡,惬意享受着休息日所带来的幸福时,他已经起床了。 Was not awakened by the alarm clock, but naturally awakes. 不是被闹钟叫醒,而是自然醒。 Although also has no special arrangement, but he also has no intention in also with the bed and quilt continues to pull after opening eyes, then goes to the washroom to wash simply. 虽然也没什么特别的安排,但他也无意于在睁眼后还与床和被子继续拉扯,便干脆地前往洗手间洗漱。 Has washed the face, cleans the teeth, returns the living room. 洗过脸,刷完牙,重新回到起居室。 Takes out one bottle of iced Oolong tea from the refrigerator of kitchen, rumble drank several, making the body also follow to regain consciousness. 从厨房的冰箱里取出一瓶冰镇的乌龙茶,咕噜咕噜地喝了几口,让身体也跟着苏醒。 Then starts to prepare the breakfast. 然后开始准备早饭。 Takes out the bag packing in the cabinet, named " glistening " the variety rice, scooped up two cups of components to pour into the inner container of electric cooking pot, met the water to wash rice under the faucet. 在橱柜里取出中袋包装的,名为「绢光」的品种大米,舀了两杯的份量倒入电饭煲的内胆,在水龙头下接水淘米。 This is mountain Mui Ne from the native place to one of special products he mails. 这是本山美奈从老家给他寄来的特产之一。 Different mounts glutinous fragrant " light meter/rice that " is rich from the Fukui prefecture and Niigata prefecture, " glistening " is one rice variety that the Saitama prefecture produces. 不同于福井县和新潟县所盛产的黏糯香甜的「越光米」,「绢光」是埼玉县所产的一种大米品种。 Because of its characteristics with mild remarks carrying harsh implications, therefore was often used to make the sushi. Although compares not going forward in the fame, but the taste actually compares " light meter/rice " neatly. 因为其软中带硬的特点,所以常被用来制作寿司。虽然在名气上比不上前者,不过口感却比「越光米」清爽。 Reason that must cook a meal with this type of meter/rice is not he plans to make the sushi, but in the pure family/home has anything to eat anything, that is all. 之所以要用这种米来煮饭倒并不是他打算做寿司,而是纯粹家里有什么就吃什么,仅此而已。 Katou Yusuke elutriates cleanly the meter/rice, joins the right amount of water, puts to recook the inner container of electric cooking pot, presses down the cooking a meal button. 加藤悠介将米淘洗干净,重新接上适量的水,把电饭煲的内胆放回锅中,按下煮饭按钮。 This time indoor is peaceful, therefore then turns on the television conveniently, optional switch over to a channel of music program. 此时的室内过于安静,于是便顺手打开电视,随意切换到一个音乐节目的频道。 As the beautiful music melody resounds in the room. 随着优美的音乐旋律在房间里响起。 Meow...... ~ “喵……~” Is sprawled to lie down the black cat on bed by the sound of television is awakened by noise, turned over/stood up to have a yawn, partly narrowed the eye to size up all around. 正四仰八叉躺在床上的黑猫被电视的声音吵醒,不由翻身起来打了一个哈欠,半眯着眼睛打量起四周。 Katou Yusuke stands before the kitchen again, puts out the small-sized pan, prepares to fry the egg. 加藤悠介再次站在厨房前,拿出小号的煎锅,准备煎鸡蛋。 Saw this black cat squish two lower mandibles, could not resist the curiosity in heart eventually, then stood up from the bed, from beginning to end shook the body, then ran the kitchen. 见到这一幕的黑猫吧唧了两下嘴,终究抵不住心中的好奇,遂从床上站起身,从头到尾地抖了抖身体,然后一路小跑到厨房。 First is the jumping up cabinet stage, then jumps up the Yusuke shoulder. 先是跳上橱台,接着又跳上悠介肩膀。 Meow meow?” “喵喵?” The black cat is crying out gently, extends the neck to look at bowl on the gas-cooker, in the eye immense interest. 黑猫轻轻叫唤着,伸着脖子望着燃气灶上的锅子,眼中兴趣盎然。 After all arrives at the home to start from it, somebody has also never gone to the kitchen basically alone, generally does not come back anything to be delicious from the outside belt/bring, will be bamboo round of eating human will go to the kitchen to it by that. 毕竟从它来到这个家开始,某人基本还从未独自下过厨,一般不是从外面带回来什么好吃的,就是由那个会给它竹轮吃的人类下厨。 Therefore is beyond control it not to feel curious. 因此由不得它不感到好奇。 But was stepped on by it on the shoulder, Katou Yusuke is only movement slightly, behavior that after seeing it has not disturbed, then no longer pays attention , to continue the start omelette. 而被它踩在肩上,加藤悠介只是动作微微一顿,不过在见到它也没有捣乱的行为后,便不再理会,继续着手煎蛋。 Pours into the little cooking oil in the pan, opens the fire, after waiting for the oil temperature to rise slowly, brings an egg, ka knocks in the cabinet stage edge, infiltrates in it the pot. 在煎锅里倒入少许食用油,打开火,等油温慢慢升高以后取来一颗鸡蛋,“咔”地在橱台边缘一敲,将其打入锅中。 , bi. 呲啦,哔哩啪哩。 When the after part of protein blows up slightly, turned surface it with the shovel. 等到蛋白的部分微微鼓起以后,用铲子将其翻了一个面。 Waited for a small meeting. 等待了一小会。 Katou Yusuke took a dish, shifted the past from the pot the omelette. 加藤悠介拿了一个碟子,将煎蛋从锅里转移过去。 From the refrigerator Mei does/works who takes out salt stain, put two by the omelette, looked for a dried laver casually, prepares to bring on the rice to eat later. 从冰箱里取出腌渍的梅干,在煎蛋旁边放了两颗,又随便找了点海苔,准备待会儿拿来就米饭吃。 Although most people will match with the natto, because he does not like, will not naturally buy. 虽然多数人会用纳豆来搭配,不过因为他不喜欢,自然也不会买。 After crossing for dozen minutes, the rice in electric cooking pot was also good. 过了十几分钟以后,电饭煲里的大米也好了。 Katou Yusuke abundant a dinner, is matching Mei does/works, dried laver as well as fries the egg to eat. 加藤悠介盛了一晚饭,就这么配着梅干、海苔以及煎鸡蛋吃了起来。 He wants to make that half ripe the soft egg-yolk taste, but the time and crucial moment as if slightly some, having made the egg-yolk a little old, absolutely does not have Sayu had once made that flavor and taste. 他想要做出那种半熟的软蛋黄口感,不过时间和火候似乎稍微有些过,使得蛋黄有一点老,完全没有沙优曾做过的那种风味与口感。 However egg's flavor is good, in addition matching of Mei does/works and dried laver, the rice is eating do not miss compared with the sandwich of convenience store, can treat as the adjustment. 不过鸡蛋本身的味道就不错,再加上梅干和海苔的搭配,就着米饭吃起来也不比便利店的三明治要差,可以当作调剂。 The black cat looks at him to be popular, meow meow cried out two to denounce wants food. 黑猫看他吃得香,也喵喵叫唤了两声讨要食物。 Katou Yusuke then began to give it to make a bamboo wheel to match the cat canned food. 加藤悠介便动手给它弄了一点竹轮配猫罐头。 A person of cat has the breakfast watches the television, passed one also to calculate the leisurely and carefree time. 一人一猫边吃早餐边看电视,度过了一段还算悠闲的时间。 After that Katou Yusuke starts to do the wrap-up work of cartoon's 2nd volume of original manuscript, the black cat takes a stroll in the room. 那之后,加藤悠介开始做漫画第二集原稿的收尾工作,黑猫则是在房间里溜达。 Such approximately to about 10 : 00 am, doorbell by person ding-dong according to sound. 就这么大约到了上午 10 点左右,门铃被人“叮咚”一声按响。 Yusuke travels to open the door, an age seems like not the big youth to stand outside. 悠介动身前去开门,一名年龄看上去不大的青年正站在外面。 Hello, I am the staff in post office, here has your express, please receive and sign.” “您好,我是邮局的员工,这里有您的快递,请签收。” Wears the youth of work uniform/subdue to hold the box in hand, and hands over a pen. 身穿工作制服的青年抱起手中的箱子,并递来一支笔。 Katou Yusuke feels the doubts, said: I have not gone shopping, you made a mistake.” 加藤悠介不禁感到疑惑,说道:“我没有买过东西,你搞错了。” Well?” The opposite party lowered the head to check an address, confirmed: „Aren't you Mr. Katou Yusuke of Room 201?” “咦?”对方低头核对了一下地址,确认道:“你不是201室的加藤悠介先生吗?” Is I.” “是我。” Then right, above wrote is this address.” The youth definitely nod, hemp requests to sign here.” “那么就没错了,上面写的就是这个地址。”青年肯定地点了点头,“麻烦请在这里签名。” In address and name correct situation, although Katou Yusuke still deeply felt the doubts, but took the pen to sign the name. 在地址与姓名都正确的情况下,虽然加藤悠介仍深深感到疑惑,不过还是接过笔签下了名字。 After express will bring in the threshold to buddhism, the youth leaves quickly. 将快递搬进玄关以后,青年很快离开。 But he is studying to two boxes. 而他则是对着两个箱子研究。 Pondered, begins to disassemble two boxes. 思考了一下,还是把两个箱子动手拆开。 Inside is a coffeemaker as well as one group of cats grows up a trellis. 里面是一台咖啡机以及一组猫爬架。 Therefore, the possibility that delivers the wrong package became smaller. 由此看来,送错包裹的可能性就变得更小了。 Meow ~?” “呜喵~?” The vigilant black cat walked to this time slowly, stands sizes up curiously by the box. 性格警惕的黑猫一直到这时才慢慢走了过来,站在箱子旁边好奇地打量起来。 When a person of cat is thinking to these two things, the ting of telephone suddenly resounds. 就在一人一猫对着这两个东西思索的时候,电话的铃声突然响起。 ~ 叮铃铃~ " Utaha-senpai " 诗羽学姐 Pressed down to answer the button, the lazy voice of young girl somewhat distortion passed on. 按下接听按钮,少女有些失真的慵懒嗓音就传了过来。 Good morning, thing ~ received?” “上午好,东西~收到了吗?” „...... Utaha-senpai.” Katou Yusuke looked at a cargo of ground, wanting to climb the cat in box to allocate one side with the foot gently, asked: Coffeemaker and cat grow up a trellis, is you buy?” “……诗羽学姐。”加藤悠介看了一眼地上的货物,用脚把想要爬进箱子里的猫轻轻拨到一边,问道:“咖啡机和猫爬架,是你买的吗?” Uh-huh ~ looked like should receive?” “嗯哼~这么看来应该是收到了吧?” How much money, I forward to you.” “多少钱,我转给你。” That is to give your gift, otherwise did I deliver your coffee bean not to have the means to drink?” “那个是送你的礼物,不然我送你的咖啡豆不就没办法喝了吗?” Gift?” “礼物?” Right.” In the Utaha careless words has several points of happy expression: „The new issue of «Undead» magazine do not sell? Congratulates you becomes serializes the cartoonist ~ Yu-chan.” “对。”诗羽漫不经心的话语里带着几分笑意:“新一期《Undead》的杂志不是就要发售了吗?恭喜你成为连载漫画家~悠酱。” Thanks.” Katou Yusuke is slightly silent, „does Utaha-senpai, have the gift that what wants?” “谢谢。”加藤悠介稍稍沉默,“诗羽学姐,有什么想要的礼物吗?” Oh? The meaning of this saying, you must deliver me in other words ~?” “喔?这话的意思,也就是说你要送我吗~?” Pays a man back in his own coin.” “礼尚往来。” Hehe ~ the words that although must speak have, but ~ ~ ~ young girl is drawing the major tone, said by a very joyful tune. “呵呵~虽然要说的话也不是没有,不过~~~”少女拉着长音,以一种很是愉悦的腔调说了起来。 I firmly has thinks that wants east, may for example freshly the person and strong male high-school student, but you have the courage to deliver ~ ~ ~?” “我・的・确・有・想・要・的・东・西,比如说新鲜可人、身体强壮的男子高中生,只是你有胆子送吗~~~?” „...... The population trades is illegal, studies the elder sister.” Katou Yusuke stopped, the belt/bring crossed the topic, I referred to likely the commodity and so on thing, for example cosmetics.” “……人口贩卖是违法的,学姐。”加藤悠介停顿了一下,带过了话题,“我指的是像商品之类的东西,比如化妆品。” Utaha first was peaceful, subsequently chuckle: ~ you said that regards these not to put on make-up not to have the means me to see the ugly girl of person, or BBA?” 诗羽先是安静了一下,继而又轻笑了起来:“呵~你这么说是把我当成那些不化妆就没办法见人的丑女,或者BBA了吗?” „It is not.” “不是。” Hey, what meaning that is ~? Schoolmate Katou.” “嘿诶,那是什么意思呢~?加藤同学。” „To return a courtesy purely.” “只是单纯想要回礼。” Snort ~ returns a courtesy with the cosmetics? I am not cannot buy ~ “哼嗯~用化妆品来回礼?我又不是不能自己买~” Katou Yusuke thinks, eventually not matter with the beauty cream of system, because in opposite party words is not on this with emphasis, both sides are well aware. 加藤悠介想了想,终究没有拿系统的美容霜来说事,因为对方话语里的重点也不在这上面,双方对此都心知肚明。 Therefore also said: Incessantly is the gift, if studies the elder sister to have what difficulty, I will also help.” 于是又道:“不止是礼物,如果学姐有什么困难,我也会帮忙。” Un ~ these words compared with must have a sincerity point a moment ago, but also is only little, words that described specifically, probably was the inexpensive instant coffee and slightly expensive/noble point instant coffee.” “嗯~这句话比刚才要有诚意一点,但也只是一点点,具体形容的话,大概是廉价的速溶咖啡和稍微贵一点的速溶咖啡吧。” Utaha made a marvelous analogy, then said: Then was like this good, if you really have this intention, treats as to owe me a condition.” 诗羽做了一个奇妙的比喻,然后说:“那么这样好了,如果你真的有这份心意的话,就当作欠我一个条件吧。” What condition?” “什么条件?” „Don't I mean? Is owing my condition, in other words I have not thought, what kind of?” “我不是说了吗?是‘欠’我一个条件,也就是说我还没想好,怎么样?” „...... Very will be difficult?” “……会很难吗?” This, basically everyone regarding difficult the definition and are the view inconsistent? Was inferior that you first said looked what your difficult to refer to?” “这个嘛,基本上大家对于‘难’的定义和看法都不一致吧?不如你先说说看你的‘难’是指什么?” The voice of young girl smiles long, even if away from the cell phone, as if can still see the slender beautiful leg that pair curls upwards in the same place, as well as binds the black silk to reveal the tip of the toe of sparkling stone foot to swing faintly. 少女的声音笑悠悠的,即使是隔着手机,仿佛也能看到那双翘在一起的修长美腿,以及裹着黑丝又隐隐露出莹趾的脚尖在一荡一荡。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke falls into the ponder, but the opposite party did not urge, inundates waits for him to reply unknowingly, among the calm attitudes filled ample. 加藤悠介陷入思考,而对方也不催促,就这么漫不经意地等着他回答,从容的态度间充满了余裕。 After crossing probably for seven and eight seconds, he gives the response. 大概过了七、八秒钟以后,他才给出回应。 „......, if I can achieve.” “……如果我能做到的话。” Un ~ ~? How to think that you were warning probably I can't put forward the excessive request?” “嗯~~?怎么觉得你好像在警告我不能提过分的要求呢?” The Utaha faint smile said: „ You have no need to worry so much, this matter is heavy in the intention, finally is actually not important. 诗羽似笑非笑地说:“不过你用不着这么担心,这种事情重在心意,结果其实并没有那么重要。 Even if you after hearing the condition are not willing to do not so-called, in any case is only your intention, I will not force you, after all is only the intention, is right? ” 就算你在听到条件以后不愿做也没所谓,反正只是你的心意而已,我也不会强迫你,毕竟只是心意呢,对不对?” By the indifferent argument, resembled emphasized unknowingly several times. 就这么以淡然的调调,似不经意地强调了好几次。 ......... “………” Katou Yusuke rubbed the forehead, will want to sneak in the black cat in box to advance the nearby with the foot again, returned to one to know in a low voice. 加藤悠介揉了揉眉心,再次将想要钻进箱子里的黑猫用脚推到边上,低声回了一句知道了。 Later, two people chatted a while on the matter of novel and cartoon, when the matter almost finishes talking, the Yusuke preparation said said goodbye and ended the dialogue. 之后,两人又就小说和漫画的事情闲聊了一会儿,等事情差不多都谈完时,悠介准备说出再见并结束对话。 But Utaha looks like and thinks that anything resembles, raised a matter. 诗羽就像是又想起来什么似的,提起一件事情。 Right ~ forgot that told you, " Love Metronome » vol. 4 sells today, the words that you are interested in can buy one to have a look, without the interest words does not use.” “对了~忘记跟你说了,《恋爱节拍器》的第四卷今天发售了,你感兴趣的话可以买一本看看,没兴趣的话就不用。” The person who although spoke said at will, the person who listened to actually cannot at will. 虽然讲的人说得随意,不过听的人却不能随意。 Knew.” Katou Yusuke un: I will look.” “知道了。”加藤悠介嗯了一声:“我会去看的。” Un, then this, bye-bye, Yu-chan ~ “嗯,那么就这样吧,拜拜,悠酱~” Bye, Utaha-senpai.” “再见,诗羽学姐。” Honk. 嘟。 Two people who have said goodbye mutually ended the telephone conversation. 互相道过别的两人结束了通话。 Katou Yusuke receives the cell phone, the black cat that with is hugging his foot retaliation is nipping lightly to look at each other one, clutches the neck to carry to place the one side it, then holds the box to walk toward the room. 加藤悠介收起手机,与正抱着他的脚报复似的轻咬的黑猫对视一眼,将它揪着脖子拎起放在一旁,然后抱着箱子朝屋内走去。 First sets aside the corner/horn of cabinet to put above the coffeemaker, then observed a situation in living room. 首先腾出橱柜的一角把咖啡机放到上面,接着又观察了一下起居室的情况。 After pondering one . 思考一番之后。 Katou Yusuke decides to grow up a trellis the cat establishes to balcony there corner, like this gets Sun to come to be quite comfortable. 加藤悠介决定将猫爬架设置在通往阳台那里的转角,这样晒起太阳来应该比较舒服。 Thinks that does. 想到就做。 Reorganizes the components that the cat grows up a trellis, combines in together, many each part assembling a little plays to reach as high as the feeling of model or assembly battleship unexpectedly...... 将猫爬架的零件整理出来,把各个部件拼装组合在一起,居然多少有点玩高达模型或者组装战舰的感觉…… What Utaha buys is that type may rise and fall the tree cat to grow up a trellis freely highly, platform that the intermediate zone several can adjust, is the quite luxurious edition, the whole assembles in the weight to be together heavy. 诗羽买的是那种可自由升降高度的树状猫爬架,中间带着几个能自行调节的平台,也就是比较豪华的版本,整体组装在一起重量不轻。 Sets the good chassis in the rightful position. 在合适的位置上设置好底盘。 Katou Yusuke draws the swivel chair, steps on above, is rotating the screw with the tool, making the sucker of peak bridge the ceiling. Then easily will not have the accident/surprise that reverses. 加藤悠介拉来转椅,踩在上面,用工具转动着螺丝,使顶端的吸盘支住天花板。如此一来就不会轻易出现翻倒的意外。 When installs to retrocede to the one side. 待安装完毕以后退至一旁。 The dark brown cat grows up a trellis seems like not quite many with the landing clothes rack difference, brings a warm light under shining of sunlight, creates the feeling in the vision suiting the midday nap. 深棕色的猫爬架看起来与落地衣架差不太多,在阳光的照耀下带着一层暖洋洋的光,于视觉上创造出一种适合午睡的感觉。 Meow ~ ~ “喵呜~~” In nearby observed a long time black cat to turn the buttocks, the four limbs is jumping, is self-taught on the platform around trunk to climb upwardly, finally lay in the cloth pouch bag of uppermost layer, is narrowing the eye to out of the window, suns. 在旁边观察了老半天的黑猫扭着屁股,四肢一蹦,无师自通地绕着主干上的平台向上攀登,最后趴在了最上层的布兜袋里,对着窗外眯起眼睛,晒起了太阳。 Katou Yusuke has not gone to manage it again, turns around to move toward the kitchen, starts to study that set of coffeemaker. 加藤悠介没再去管它,转身走向厨房,开始研究那套咖啡机。 The coffeemaker comprised of two parts ; first, machine main body ; first, tool that one group is used for the press powder. 咖啡机由两部分组成,一是机器本体,一是一组用来压粉的工具。 Was studying a while to the instruction booklet. 对着说明书研究了一会儿。 Discovers the coffee bean that the young girl previously delivered from the cabinet, opens to open the mouth to pour into rubs the bean the bean warehouse. 从橱柜里找出少女先前所送的咖啡豆,拆开口倒入磨豆的豆仓。 Katou Yusuke joins the power source the machine, turns on the switch of attrition. 加藤悠介将机器接上电源,打开研磨的开关。 Buzz. 嗡。 Ka grand Kalong, ka ka. 咔隆咖隆,咔哩咔啦。 In machine buzz in whining noise, just put in coffee bean quickly by mill to become pink/powder. 在机器的嗡鸣声中,刚刚被放入的咖啡豆很快被碾磨成粉。 Following the step of instruction booklet. 遵照说明书的步骤。 Covers the section dusting equipment on being loaded with the stainless steel filter of coffee powder, revolves several to flatten the powder, again using press powder hammer powder compaction. 把部粉器盖在装有咖啡粉的不锈钢过滤器上面,旋转几圈将粉末铺平,再利用压粉锤将粉末压实。 Added the pure water to the water tank of machine , the opening extraction key puts several seconds of water to make the clean house, then closed. 给机器的水箱内加入纯净水,开启萃取按键放了几秒钟水以做内部清洗,然后关闭。 Katou Yusuke grabs the handle, the filter card on the machine, put a cup to, starts to extract officially. 加藤悠介抓着手柄,将过滤器卡在机器上,给下方放了一个杯子,开始正式萃取。 After pressing down the button, the tiny water current pours into the filter, extracts the fluid the coffee powder at the slow uniform speed gradually. 按下按钮之后,细小的水流注入过滤器,以缓慢的匀速将咖啡粉渐渐萃取成液。 Is the fragrance of coffee to fill the air slowly. 属于咖啡的香味就慢慢弥漫开来。 The entire process spent about two minutes over. 整个过程花费了大约有两分钟出头。 When met an approximately seven points of full degree the cup, Katou Yusuke stopped the machine. 直到将杯子接了约七分满的程度时,加藤悠介才停止了机器。 The coffee in cup is the black, brings little dark brown, superficial slightly a little fat feeling. 杯子里的咖啡呈黑色,其中带着一点点深褐,表面略微有一点油脂感。 Begins to switch off the machine power source, the cup in the hand, delivers to the mouth. 动手关掉机器电源,将杯子拿在手中,送到嘴边。 Inundated into the noses compared with richer coffee fragrance a moment ago. 一股比刚才更加浓郁的咖啡香气就漫入了鼻间。 Drank one slightly. 稍微喝了一口。 The strong thick bitter and astringent flavor then overflows to disperse in the mouth, in the taste also brings after being little , the bitterness of taste, is stimulating the brain slightly. 浓烈厚实的苦涩风味便在口腔内溢散开来,口感中又带着一点点后味的酸涩,微微刺激着大脑。 Drinking is the traditional black coffee, besides does not have other flavors painstakingly, is that the young girl likes. 喝起来就是传统的黑咖啡,除了苦以外没有其他的味道,也是少女所喜欢的那种。 Canned coffee that sells compared with outside, the hand makes the coffee the strength to fully. 比起外面卖的罐装咖啡来说,手冲咖啡的劲头要更足一点。 Said honestly, is not very tasty, but the black coffee is this. 坦白说,不是很好喝,不过黑咖啡本身就是这样。 Katou Yusuke has transferred the body, is backing on the counter edge, the single-handed brace in the floor, drank slowly. 加藤悠介转过身体,背靠着柜台边缘,将单手撑在台面上,就这么慢慢喝了起来。 After initial does not adapt, the bitter and astringent taste starts the earth-shaking transformation to be slowly light, as well as gentle. 经过最初的不适应之后,苦涩的滋味开始慢慢地变淡,以及柔和。 The complex process will make the coffee the delicacy, because inside increased own effort, has the cost effect, therefore in subconscious its beautification. 复杂的过程会让咖啡变得美味,因为里面添加了自己的努力,具备成本效应,所以会在潜意识中将其美化。 Is drinking the coffee while sizes up the cat to grow up a trellis. 一边喝着咖啡一边打量着猫爬架。 Looks that the black cat is dozing off under the sunlight comfortably, a face is satisfied. 看着黑猫在阳光下舒服地打着瞌睡,一脸惬意。 Katou Yusuke thought aimless. 加藤悠介不由漫无目的地想了起来。 The relations with cat is not obviously good, said no that on likes the cat, but sent the cat to grow up a trellis, this slight sympathizing also had the style of opposite party very much. 明明跟猫的关系并不好,也说不上喜欢猫,但还是送来了猫爬架,这种细微的体贴也很有对方的风格。 Read reaches to this, in the profound black pupil exuded complex some. 念及于此,深邃的黑眸中又泛起些许复杂。 Regard......” “心意么……” Low and deep muttering reverberates in the room...... 低沉的喃喃在房间回荡开来…… Thank 【In is busy the harvester( king Hasang)】 The second hegemon of big shot! 感谢【忙内收割机(王哈桑)】大佬的第二个盟主! Thank According to the article world first, Fait accompli in the sky bright moon, Tired heart Hitting enjoys! 感谢【依文世界第一】、【木已成舟当空皓月】、【累心】的打赏!
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