TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#405: Ending

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Chapter 405 ends 第405章落幕 Megumi-chan ~ ~ ~! Schoolmate Katou ~ ~ ~! You were too fierce!” 小惠~~~!加藤同学~~~!你们太厉害了!” Ji Sichuan Yoshiko slightly runs is arriving at side two people, a hand that pulled the benefit, blew the rainbow fart incessantly. 姬川佳子小跑着来到两人身边,一把牵起了惠的手,滔滔不绝地吹起了彩虹屁。 Never expected that we really can win!! You simply are the big heroes, was too cool!” “没想到我们真的可以赢!!你们简直就是大英雄,太酷了!” Starts to reverse time, everyone is visiting you!!” “开始逆转的时候,大家都在看着你们呢!!” Looks at my heart thump thump to jump!! The stick was dull!!” “看得我心脏怦怦跳呢!!棒呆了!!” What to do, I must cry-!” “怎么办,我要哭出来了-!” At this time, others also walked. 这时,其他人也走了过来。 „The skill that never expected that you do not flatter is really not ordinary, Yoshiko.” Yamaguchi seems somewhat expresses admiration dumbfounded, and trades one of the opposite party to counterattack from this. “唔哇,没想到你拍马屁的本事还真不一般啊,佳子。”山口像是有些傻眼地啧啧称奇,并由此换来对方的一句还击。 Yourself were not shouted a moment ago that loudly! Wū wū......” “你自己刚才不也是喊得那么大声吗!呜呜……” Hey, did you also really cry? The woman is troublesome.” “喂喂,你还真哭了啊?啧,女人就是麻烦。” Wants you to manage, fool!” “要你管,笨蛋!” „Is, right that you said.” “是是,你说的对。” Yamaguchi shrugs with something else in mind, then hammered a shoulder of Yusuke with the fist, said one: Was too graceful! Savior ~ 山口不以为然地一耸肩,接着又用拳头锤了一下悠介的肩膀,说了一句:“太帅了!救世主~” „...... Do not call.” “……别那么叫。” What ~? Rare I am the sincerity praise your, your bastard actually also takes Qiao! Exasperating, looks to incur to me! Hateful ~ hateful ~ “啥~?难得我可是真心夸赞你一下,你这混蛋竟然还拿乔!气死人了,给我看招!可恶~可恶~” With Takei pū pū is smiling, opens the mouth to remind: Almost this/should can get the position flag also to have the promulgation? Everyone!” 跟过来的竹井噗噗笑着,开口提醒道:“差不多该要去领名次旗还有颁奖了哦?大家!” Oh ~ ~ ~!!” “喔~~~!!” „, Then I must take flag ~!” “啊,那么我要去拿旗~!” Yamaguchi and Yoshiko gave had the response of spirit very much. 山口佳子给出了很有精神的回应。 Before several people then the direction toward chairman's podium walk together. 几人便一同朝着主席台前的方向走去。 Yoshiko draws the benefit to take the lead together. 佳子拉着惠一起走在前面。 Yamaguchi and Takei put up the arm of Yusuke to walk in behind. 山口竹井则是架着悠介的手臂走在后面。 3 : 00 pm time, the closing ceremony starts on time. 下午3点的时候,闭幕式准时开始。 The red, white and blue three groups send out one person respectively, held up the flag that represents the position, passes through the flow under the school the testimony of teacher and student and guardian. 红、白、蓝三个团体各自派出一人,举起了代表名次的旗帜,在全校师生和家长的见证下走过流程。 cough cough, then that ~ ended the ninth chapter of Private Toyogasaki Academy games, thank fellow guardians participates ~! Then is the group photo link, asking various groups to start to gather.” “-咳咳,那么那么~第九回私立丰之崎学园运动会到此结束,感谢各位家长的参加~!接下来是合照环节,请各团体开始集合。” According to the instruction of host, the students with the respective group set, prepare to photograph with the team together. 依照主持人的指示,学生们纷纷与各自的团体集合,跟着队伍一起准备拍照。 The one who is the photographer is Ogasawara and Qingmu of information department. 担任摄影师的是新闻部的小笠原和青木。 Is one's turn blue group here time. 轮到蓝团这里的时候。 Two people run Yusuke one group, first and benefit has given regards to him in a friendly way, then said a hello with student association's new propaganda committee member. 两人跑来悠介一行人这边,先是向他和惠友好地问过好,接着又与学生会新任的宣传委员打了一个招呼。 After all in some sense, the latter future must become the higher authority managers of information department, ahead of time hits to relate always does not have the fault. 毕竟从某种意义上来说,后者今后就要成为新闻部的上级主管了,提前打好关系总没有坏处。 But the new strip fragrance was also accepts good advice readily responded to them, on the face brought to make one unable to see the mood the friendly smile, the attitude was not near. 而新条香也是从善如流地回应了他们,脸上带着令人看不出情绪的友善笑容,态度不远不近。 Ogasawara and Qingmu have not detected anything, returns to the crowd front again. Be responsible for instructing the people position, is responsible for manipulating the camera. 小笠原和青木没有察觉到什么,再次返回人群前方。一个负责指导众人站位,一个负责摆弄相机。 According to the stature from short ones to tall ones, the way that the men and women mix arranges. 按照个子从矮到高,男女混合的方式排列。 The front student or sits on the ground or bows partly to squat, the middle student slightly stooping bodies and both hands of support the knee, the following students stand normally. 前排的学生或坐在地上或屈膝半蹲,中间的学生稍微弯下身体并双手撑膝,后面的学生们则是正常站立。 The people shoulder by the shoulder, the tip of the toe is touching the tip of the toe, suspends the modeling. 众人肩膀挨着肩膀,脚尖碰着脚尖,纷纷摆起造型。 Some people proposed that must make the turtle to send the Qigong, everyone then accepts with pleasure, and closes up the wrist/skill of both hands, is promoting to the lens of camera. 有人提议要做龟派气功,大家便欣然接受,并将双手的手腕合拢起来,对着相机的镜头推出。 Katou Yusuke does not want to participate, but stood in same place waiting group photo peacefully finished. 加藤悠介不想参与,只是安静站在原地等待合影结束。 Stands in right side Yamaguchi discovered that his behavior, starts to intend to disturb. 站在右侧的山口发现他的行为,开始出手捣乱。 Un? How can you steal act slippery deceitfully? Hey! Takei, worked, we help his one together ~!” “嗯?你怎么可以偷奸耍滑呢?喂!竹井,干活了,我们一起帮他一把~!” Understanding-!” Left Takei salutes, puts out a hand to grasp the hand of Yusuke. “了解-!”左侧的竹井唰地敬了一个礼,伸手去抓悠介的手。 Two people are coordinating one on the left and other on the right, put up the Yusuke left and right hands, gathers in the middle forcefully in the same place, exhibited one ugly squish the turtle to send the Qigong movement. 两人就这么一左一右地配合着,将悠介的左右手架了起来,强行在中间合在一起,摆出一个丑了吧唧的龟派气功动作。 Condition was broken from peaceful handsome man, Katou Yusuke knits the brows slightly, tries to stop doing. 被从“安静的美男子”状态打破,加藤悠介不由微微皱眉,试图抽手。 ! This bastard also wants to revolt unexpectedly! Makes an effort again, Takei! Waits to ask you to eat the ramen.” “唔哇!这混蛋竟然还想反抗!再用力一点,竹井!等下请你吃拉面。” Really!? oh oh oh oh oh-! The strength, welled up!!” “真的!?唔噢噢噢噢噢-!力量,涌出来了!!” Good! Is this imposing manner! Fights with me together! Brothers!” “好!就是这种气势!跟我一起战斗吧!兄弟!” Tatakau! tatakau-!” “tatakau!tatakau-!” As if injected some mysterious strength to be the same, the arundinaria japonicum brothers just like hit in the chicken blood common hand the blue vein to stick out suddenly, the card both hands of Yusuke, are not making him pull out stubbornly leave. 仿佛是注入了某种神秘力量一样的,山竹兄弟犹如打了鸡血一般手上青筋暴起,死死卡着悠介的双手,不让他抽离。 Two people such face is making an effort, while puffs and blows to shout Thatta opens, Eads Thatta opens, causes many people to look askance. 两人就这么一边努着脸使劲,一边吭哧吭哧地喊着“塔塔开,伊兹莫塔塔开”,引得不少人纷纷侧目。 Stands is then taking a look at them in Yusuke left front Yoshiko, said dumbfounded: Really can shout such two lines thanks to you yeah, Yamaguchi, Takei.” 站在悠介左前方的佳子回头瞅着他们,傻眼道:“真亏你们能喊出这么中二的台词哎,山口,竹井。” What! This is the romantic of man, the woman will not understand!” “什么!这可是男子汉的浪漫,女人是不会懂的!” Oh! The romantic of man!” “噢!男子汉的浪漫!” „Is is ~ the romantic of man, then you continue maintain, the supplementary raises, this behavior is welcome by the female student completely?” “是是是~男子汉的浪漫是吧,那么你们就继续保持吧,附带一提,这种行为是完全不受女生欢迎的哦?” „, That matter has no need for you minding others' business ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” The Yamaguchi small brother expression despises, on the mouth the wind is approving the smooth ball lingual certainly. “啧,那种事才用不着你多管闲事~~~~~哩!”山口小老弟表情蔑视,嘴上飙着一口绝赞流畅的弹舌音。 „, In addition bad cavity, un, now has turned into the death penalty.” Ji Chuan Yoshiko said. “啊,再加上不良腔,嗯,现在已经变成死刑了。”姬川佳子如是说。 Stood is reviews in her right benefit looked at Yusuke one, in the tranquil show pupil contains the smile of teasing slightly. 站在她右边的惠则是回眸看了悠介一眼,宁静的秀眸里微微蕴藏着打趣的微笑。 Several people encircle lively side Katou Yusuke, exchanges flattery and favors and creates a disturbance, brings the steaming hot atmosphere to him, calmly supports him to proceed. 几人就这么热热闹闹地围在加藤悠介身边,拉拉扯扯又打打闹闹,给他带来热气腾腾的氛围,又若无其事的拥着他往前走。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke thought that no longer continues to insist finally, goes to them. 加藤悠介思索了一下,终不再继续坚持,任由他们而去。 Finally, the arundinaria japonicum brothers put out a hand to make contact with his neck, grabbed his hand to exhibit pose, and gave the euphemistic name of this is to strengthen the turtle of version to send the Qigong. 最后,山竹兄弟伸手搭上了他的脖子,就这么抓着他的手摆出pose,并美其名曰这是加强版的龟派气功。 Started to pat-!” Qingmu that is responsible for photographing reminded loudly. “开始拍了哦-!”负责拍摄的青木高声提醒道。 Everyone said together, cheese cake ~ ~ ~!” Nearby Ogasawara holds up a finger with a face all smiles. “大家一起说,芝士蛋糕~~~!”旁边的小笠原笑容满面地举起一根手指。 „„ „ „ „ Cheese cake ~ ~ ~ ” ” ” ” “““““芝士蛋糕~~~””””” -! 咔嚓-! In the shutter sound of camera, youth immature face were framed in this flash, condenses the happy fragment in high school life, after to supply students, recalls. 在照相机的快门声中,一张张青春稚嫩的脸庞被定格在了这一瞬间,凝聚成高中生活中的美好片段,以供学生们以后回忆。 Ok ~ ~! Everyone is laborious! After wanting the person of electronic version to be able, information department copy ~ Ogasawara announced that then walked toward the next group with Qingmu together. “好了~~!大家辛苦啦!想要电子版的人可以之后来新闻部拷贝~”小笠原如此宣布道,然后与青木一同朝下一个团体走去。 The students who pat the group photo start the friend group photo that looks for the relations to be better respectively. 拍完合影的学生们各自开始找关系要好的朋友合照。 Katou Yusuke is lending a hand the wrap-up work that conducts the games, besides injured Eriri, the others of student association also followed to help together. 加藤悠介则是去帮衬着进行运动会的收尾工作,除了受伤的英梨梨以外,学生会的其他人也跟着一起帮忙了。 The item that will use up collects in together, returns the sports warehouse. 将用完的道具收集在一起,放回体育仓库。 Also receives and thing the furniture and tent turns over to the original position. 把桌椅和帐篷也收起来并物归原处。 The cleaning up trash, the demolition arranges the atmosphere the item, puts in order the curtain outside classroom building...... 清理垃圾,拆除布置气氛的道具,收整教学楼外的帷幕…… The people cooperate based on division of labor, conducts various types to work methodically secretly. 众人分工协作,有条不紊地进行着各种幕后工作。 The entire process approximately spent for one hour. 整个过程大约花了一小时。 In student association and apparatus group students , the scene was tidied up together diligently slowly, making the campus restore to the original condition. 在学生会与用具组学生们的一同努力下,场面慢慢被收拾完毕,使校园恢复原貌。 After all finished, is 4 : 00 pm more than half. 一切都结束之后,已经是下午 4 点过半。 Besides personnel who being responsible for concluding, in the campus has not remained many students basically. 除了负责收尾的人员之外,校园内已基本不剩多少学生。 Everyone photographs together. 大家一起来拍照吧。 When Katou Yusuke plans to go home directly, beautiful natural Mrs. Sawamura suddenly ran, and smiles the proposition to a student association all racket group photo. 加藤悠介打算就这么直接回家的时候,美丽大方的泽村太太忽然跑了出来,并微笑着提议要给学生会全体拍个合照。 Her side also follows the blond diplomat husband, as well as face proud tender has not proposed the daughter of opposition. 她的身边还跟着金发碧眼的外交官丈夫,以及一脸傲娇却未提出反对的女儿。 This proposition obtained the consistent approval of young girls, has not refuted including unhappy lively Utaha-senpai, but wrests away the position that some people leaned with no trace. 这个提议得到了少女们的一致认可,包括不喜热闹的诗羽学姐也未曾反驳,只是不着痕迹地霸占了某人身侧的位置。 Katou Yusuke sees this also no longer to talk too much, the coordination listens to by the young girls and Sawamura Sayuri arranges. 加藤悠介见此也不再多言,配合地听由少女们与泽村小百合安排。 After a discussion. 经过一番商议以后。 Katou Yusuke stood in the middle, his left was both hands holds Utaha of chest, the right carries the benefit of both hands. 加藤悠介站在了中间,他的左边是双手抱胸的诗羽,右边是背着双手的惠。 Stature petite Eriri and new strip fragrance, then stood in three people of front. 个子娇小的英梨梨与新条香,则是站在了三人前方。 Saw that seizes Utaha that some people leaned, Eriri is some were not quite happy, but has not said anything in such situation. 看到抢占了某人身侧的诗羽,英梨梨似是有些不太高兴,但在这样的场合下也没说什么。 But Utaha rare has not stimulated her, seems like cares about his parents to present. 诗羽也难得没有去刺激她,似乎是顾及到其父母在场。 As for new new strip fragrance, then displays exceptionally peacefully clever, similarly has not proposed any comment, crouches/submits Di makes the small feeling. 至于新加入的新条香,则表现得异常安静乖巧,同样没有提出任何意见,一副伏低做小的感觉。 Sawamura Sayuri is with smile on the face, in these tiny change income eyes, has then taken the camera from the husband hand, said must pat ~?” 泽村小百合面带微笑,将这些细小的变化收入眼中,然后从丈夫手中拿过相机,笑着说了一句“要拍了喔~?” The people then coordinate to stand, the vision looks to the lens. 众人便纷纷配合地站好,目光看向镜头。 The heavy/thick nimbus clouds lithe float in bringing to be wiping in the orange yellow blue sky, just like the child on the pitch street the chalk drawing with the dinosaur doodle that comes out. 厚重的积雨云轻盈漂浮在带着一抹橙黄的蓝天中,宛如孩童在柏油马路上用粉笔画出来的恐龙涂鸦。 . 喀嚓。 Shutter sound. 快门声响。 On October 2, on Friday. 10月2号,周五。 In the afternoon 4 0.4 15. 下午四点四十五分。 The last act of 9 th grade was caught in the picture, distinctively preserved. 高中一年级的尾声被捕捉在照片里,鲜明地保存了下来。 Like some elapsing remote summer. 有如某个逝去的遥远夏日。 Midsummer, the smoke and fire, the plum liquor, the miso, was nipped a watermelon, in addition composed a flavor of person. 仲夏,烟火,梅子酒,味噌汤,被咬了一口的西瓜,加起来组成一个人的味道。 Once the photo fell on white moonlight, nowadays had turned into a red birthmark that congealed in the heart. 曾经照落在身上的白月光,现今已变成了一颗凝在心头的朱砂痣。 If can avoid violent liking, will not naturally have sorrowful Attack Katou Yusuke is thinking silently, if there is obtained. 若能避开猛烈的欢喜,自然就不会有悲痛的来袭-加藤悠介默默想着,若有所得。 ...... …… After the games ended, last two-day weekend, altogether three days of relaxation times. 运动会结束之后,连带上双休日在内,一共会有三天的休息时间。 Katou Yusuke is travelling by the cable car, returned to the apartment alone. 加藤悠介搭乘着电车,独自回到了公寓。 Today's benefit has not come to his here, the family member but who with coming to watch the games goes home together. 今天的惠没有来他这里,而是与前来观看运动会的家人一起回家。 He takes off to hang coat on the wall. 他将身上的外套脱下挂在墙上。 First small opened a cat canned food that looked after the house alone as the reward black, then started to begin to clean up the cat sand. 先是给独自看家的小黑开了一个猫罐头作为奖励,接着开始动手清理猫砂。 Later crossed a room with the vacuum cleaner, will fall in the cat wool cleaning of ground is clean, sticks the cat wool on bed with the drum label again. 之后用吸尘器过了一遍房间,将掉落在地上的猫毛清扫干净,再用滚筒贴纸粘去床铺上的猫毛。 After completing these things, the black cat also just finished eating the canned food. 等到做完这些事情以后,黑猫也刚好吃完了罐头。 Squatting down body of Katou Yusuke by it, putting out a hand flexure two chins. 加藤悠介在它旁边蹲下身体,伸手挠了两下下巴。 Meow meow ~ “喵喵~” The black cat then narrows the eye comfortably, brought the small powder tongue of hangnail to lick his finger with oneself. 黑猫便舒服地眯起眼睛,用自己带着倒刺的小粉舌舔了舔他的手指。 Rustle and rustle. 沙沙、沙沙。 The frosting touch has delimited the fingertip, making Yusuke also feel somewhat comfortably. 磨砂般的触感划过指尖,让悠介也觉得有些舒服。 He relaxes slightly, plays with putting out a hand pinches its tongue lightly. 他微微放松下来,作弄似的伸手轻捏它的舌头。 Meow!” “呜喵!” The black cat issues the warning gently, is holding his hand before the claw, bit two. 黑猫轻轻发出警告,用前爪抱着他的手,啊呜啊呜地咬了两下。 The strength is actually not big, is more like making to counterattack to he not polite behavior. 力气倒是不大,更像是在对他不礼貌的行为做出还击。 Katou Yusuke smiles, holds it simply on the leg, and brings the steel to comb to it cards wool. 加藤悠介笑了笑,索性将它一把抱在腿上,并取来钢梳给它梳毛。 And. 唰唰、唰唰。 Some black cat resistances, four claw claws keep struggling want to run away, actually held down by him the body, cannot move. 黑猫对此有些抗拒,四只爪爪不停挣扎地想要逃走,却被他按住了身子,动弹不得。 Katou Yusuke is pressing it, takes the comb single-handedly, according to a bottom-up way one after next is combing, cleans up the hair that these soon fall off. 加藤悠介一手按着它,一手拿着梳子,按照从上到下的方式一下下地梳着,将那些快要脱落的毛发清理下来。 The back has ended is the neck, the neck has ended is the belly, finally also brushed two on the pitch-black glossy tail. 后背过完是脖子,脖子过完是肚子,最后在乌黑油亮的尾巴上也刷了两下。 Meow meow!” “呜喵喵!” Suddenly was bumped into the sensitive tail, honest a point black cat struggled fiercely, and after he lets go escaped. 突然被碰到敏感的尾巴,原本老实了一点的黑猫又剧烈挣扎了起来,并在他一松手后就逃了出去。 Katou Yusuke puts out a hand to take down bunches of hair from the comb, rubs one group it, throws into the trash can. 加藤悠介伸手从梳子上取下一簇簇毛发,将其揉成一团,丢进垃圾桶。 The black cat tidies up, is one's turn itself. 黑猫收拾完毕,接下来轮到自己。 Attended an all day games, body many had/left some perspiration, the dust that in addition on the drill ground flies upwards, has cleaned up urgently needed. 参加了一整天的运动会,身上多少出了一些汗,再加上操场上飞扬的尘土,早已急需清理。 Therefore he lifts the foot to move toward the closet, took a clean home clothing/taking from inside, subsequently takes the clothes and movement backpack arrives at the washroom. 于是他抬脚走向衣柜,从里面取了一身干净的家居服,继而拿着衣服与运动背包来到洗手间。 Took out from the backpack wore a day of gym suit, threw into the washer it, then also takes off uniform/subdue, and flat angle trousers put in the washer continually together. 从背包里取出穿了一天的运动服,将其丢进洗衣机,接着又把身上的制服也脱了下来,并连平角裤一起放入洗衣机。 Bang closes the cabinet door, pours into the little liquid detergents in the rinse bath, turns on the power source and rotates the knob. “砰”地一声关上柜门,在清洗槽内倒入少许洗衣液,开启电源并转动旋钮。 In machine ka in operation sound. 在机器“咔嗒咔嗒”的运作声中。 Katou Yusuke lifts the foot to enter the bathroom, puts out a hand to close to push the sliding door, subsequently turns on the switch that showers. 加藤悠介抬脚走进浴室,伸手关上推拉门,继而打开淋浴的开关。 - 哗哗- Cool water current from seed case of lotus flower. 清凉的水流从莲蓬头里唰唰而出。 Waited for a while slightly, the water temperature then rises gradually. 稍微等待了一会儿,水温便渐渐升高。 The youngster walk into under the transparent limpid water curtain, whatever the water current moistens his hair, has dripped freely skin on the every inchs his body. 少年走入透明清澈的水幕之下,任由水流打湿他的头发,自由地淌过他身体上的每一寸皮肤。 Puts out a hand the frame from wall to take up the two-in- one shampoo and gel, pushes in the palm, starts to rub the hair. 伸手从墙上的框架拿起二合一的洗发水兼沐浴露,挤在手心,开始揉搓头发。 Rustle rustle sand...... 沙沙沙沙沙…… The finger rubs in the hair repeatedly, the cool flavor of peppermint starts to spread in the bathroom. 手指在头发之间反复摩擦,薄荷的清凉味道开始在浴室蔓延。 The free train of thought also follows to spread. 自由的思绪也跟着蔓延。 In the brain flashes through the voice and appearance of young girl off and on, as if suddenly places oneself the bright lake under fall nighttime sky, the broad moonlight jumps in the lake surface. 脑中断断续续地闪过少女的声音与容貌,仿佛忽然置身于秋日夜空下的明净湖泊,溶溶的月色在湖面上跳跃。 Engages in self-examination to engage in introspection, he felt before oneself, seems like some to be impulsive, or hot blooded. 扪心自省,他觉得自己之前似乎有些过于冲动,或者说热血了。 However that is actually not his character. 然而那却并非他的性格。 Accurate, looks like deathly stillness innermost feelings to give full play to a vitality suddenly, will therefore show perceptual side in that equitation war. 确切来说,就像是死寂一片的内心蓦然焕发出一丝生机,所以才会在那场骑马战中展现出感性的一面。 Such mood comes quickly, goes also quickly. 这样的情绪来得快,去得也快。 After impulsive retrogression, as if left behind anything, as if anything does not have. 冲动消退之后,似乎留下了什么,又似乎什么都没有。 The free sound of water reverberates in the bathroom monotonously. 自由的水声在浴室里单调地回响。 If the soul can also be equally free like the water current were good, the freedom to can fly to Hokuriku, passes through the time, flies to start the beforehand that night. 如果灵魂也能如水流一样自由就好了,自由到可以飞向北陆,穿越光阴,飞去一切开始之前的那个夜晚。 Does not take the shackles because of the reality, to not run ideally...... 不因现实带上镣铐,也不为理想奔跑…… Thinks of here, the train of thought then stops suddenly. 想到这里,思绪便戛然而止。 The reason starts to get the winning side. 理智开始重新占据上风。 ...... 呼…… Katou Yusuke exhales the one breath, aims at oneself seed case of lotus flower, is clean head bubble flushing, then takes up the gel again, starts the clean body...... 加藤悠介呼出一口气,将莲蓬头对准自己,把头上的泡沫冲洗干净,然后再次拿起沐浴露,开始清洁身体…… And...... 啪唰、啪唰…… The sound of water whips the sound of floor to reverberate in the bathroom continually...... 水声拍打地板的声音在浴室里持续回荡…… Thank Tired heart sauce Hitting enjoys. 感谢【累心酱】的打赏。
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